999 resultados para Cicer-arietinum-l
Although cytokinins (CKs) are widely thought to have a role in promoting shoot branching, there is little data supporting a causative or even a correlative relationship between endogenous CKs and timing of bud outgrowth. We previously showed that lateral bud CK content increased rapidly following shoot decapitation. However, it is not known whether roots are the source of this CK. Here, we have used shoot decapitation to instantaneously induce lateral bud release in chickpea seedlings. This treatment rapidly alters rate and direction of solvent and solute (including CK) trafficking, which may be a passive signalling mechanism central to initiation of lateral bud release. To evaluate changes in xylem transport, intact and decapitated plants were infiltrated with [H-3]zeatin riboside ([H-3]ZR), a water-soluble blue dye or [H-3]H2O by injection into the hypocotyl. All three tracers were recovered in virtually all parts of the shoot within I h of injection. In intact plants, solute accumulation in the lateral bud at node 1 was significantly less than in the adjacent stipule and nodal tissue. In decapitated plants, accumulation of [H-3]ZR and of blue dye in the same bud position was increased 3- to 10-fold relative to intact plants, whereas content of [H-3]H2O was greatly reduced indicating an increased solvent throughput. The stipule and cut stem, predicted to have high evapotranspiration rates, also showed increased solute content accompanied by enhanced depletion of [H-3]H2O. To assess whether metabolism modifies quantities of active CK reaching the buds, we followed the metabolic fate of [H-3]ZR injected at physiological concentrations. Within 1 h, 80-95% of [H-3]ZR was converted to other active CKs (mainly zeatin riboside-5'phosphate (ZRMP) and zeatin (Z)), other significant, but unconfirmed metabolites some of which may be active (O-acetylZR, O-acetylZRMP and a compound correlated with sites of high CK-concentrations) and inactive catabolites (adenosine, adenine, 5'AMP and water). Despite rapid metabolic degradation, the total active label, which was indicative of CK concentration in buds, increased rapidly following decapitation. It can be inferred that xylem sap CKs represent one source of active CKs appearing in lateral buds after shoot decapitation.
The soybean-derived protease inhibitor, Bowman-Birk inhibitor (BBI), is currently showing great promise as a novel cancer chemopreventive agent. In contrast to the wealth of research conducted on this compound, the anticancer effects of protease inhibitors isolated from other leguminous sources have received limited attention. In the current study, 7 protease inhibitor concentrates (PICs) were isolated from various leguminous sources (including soybean) and characterized. The effects of PICs on the proliferation of breast and prostate cancer cells were investigated in vitro. Chickpea PIC significantly inhibited the viability of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer and PC-3 and LNCaP prostate cancer cells at all concentrations tested (25-400 μg/ml). In addition, kidney bean (200, 400 μg/ml), soybean (50, 100 μg/ml), and mungbean (100, 200 μg/ml) PICs inhibited LNCaP cell viability. These findings suggest that leguminous PICs may possess similar anticancer properties to that of soybean BBI and deserve further study as possible chemopreventive agents.
Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR
En Argentina se están desarrollando genotipos de garbanzo (Cicer arietinum L.) para adecuarlos a las distintas zonas de producción. Estos presentan diferentes fenotipos lo que podría afectar las preferencias de oviposición de los insectos herbívoros de hábito minador. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron: 1) determinar si las hembras del género Liriomyza spp. muestran preferencia por algún genotipo de garbanzo, y 2) evaluar el efecto del extracto de Melia azedarach sobre las líneas de garbanzo que resultaran susceptibles. Se sembraron dos líneas selectas y dos cultivares de C. arietinum que presentan hojas unifoliadas enteras o compuestas, en el Campo Experimental de la Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, en bloques al azar con tres repeticiones. Para analizar la preferencia, mediante censos semanales se evaluó la presencia de las larvas de las moscas en el período julio-septiembre. Los dípteros eligieron de manera significativa los genotipos de hoja entera y grande. Posteriormente, las plantas con hojas minadas de las variedades preferidas fueron sometidas a tratamiento con el extracto botánico. Para ello se marcaron cinco plantas de cada bloque: a 15 se les aplicó extracto (10%) y a las otras 15 agua (control). Se observó que el número de hojas minadas, de pupas y adultos emergidos disminuyeron en los tratamientos con el extracto. Estudios complementarios serán necesarios para poder considerar este compuesto natural en un plan de manejo del herbívoro.
Abstract In Turkey and several Middle East countries' people consume “leblebi” which is a traditional snack food made from chickpeas (Cicer arietinum L.). Chickpea products are highly nutritive and a cheap food for human consumption and have become an essential part of daily diets in the world. The present study aims to determine the chemical, nutritional and dietary composition of fifty leblebi samples marketed in Turkey. Protein values of the leblebi ranged from 19.4 to 23.9% dehulled and 20.3 to 20.8% for nondehulled leblebi while a value of 19.1% was recorded for chickpeas. Mineral results showed that Potassium (K) was the most abundant element in leblebi ranging from 6514 to 14431 mg/kg. The amount of dietary components neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL) and cellulose did not vary much between the samples analyzed.
réalisé en cotutelle avec la Faculté des Sciences de Tunis, Université Tunis El Manar.
Background Polygalacturonase-inhibiting proteins (PGIPs) are leucine-rich repeat (LRR) plant cell wall glycoproteins involved in plant immunity. They are typically encoded by gene families with a small number of gene copies whose evolutionary origin has been poorly investigated. Here we report the complete characterization of the full complement of the pgip family in soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) and the characterization of the genomic region surrounding the pgip family in four legume species. Results BAC clone and genome sequence analyses showed that the soybean genome contains two pgip loci. Each locus is composed of three clustered genes that are induced following infection with the fungal pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary, and remnant sequences of pgip genes. The analyzed homeologous soybean genomic regions (about 126 Kb) that include the pgip loci are strongly conserved and this conservation extends also to the genomes of the legume species Phaseolus vulgaris L., Medicago truncatula Gaertn. and Cicer arietinum L., each containing a single pgip locus. Maximum likelihood-based gene trees suggest that the genes within the pgip clusters have independently undergone tandem duplication in each species. Conclusions The paleopolyploid soybean genome contains two pgip loci comprised in large and highly conserved duplicated regions, which are also conserved in bean, M. truncatula and C. arietinum. The genomic features of these legume pgip families suggest that the forces driving the evolution of pgip genes follow the birth-and-death model, similar to that proposed for the evolution of resistance (R) genes of NBS-LRR-type.
The chickpea seed germination was carried out in 6 days. During the period it was observed a little variation on total nitrogen contents, however the non protein nitrogen was double. A decrease of 19.1 and 20.6% in relation to total nitrogen was observed to the total globulin and albumin fractions, respectively. The gel filtration chromatography on Sepharose CL-6B and SDS-PAGE demonstrated alterations on the distribution patterns of the albumin and total globulin fractions between the initial and the sixth day of germination suggesting the occurrence of protein degradation in the germination process.The assay for acid protease only appeared in the albumin fraction with casein and chickpea total globulin as substrates, whereas the former was more degradated than the latter, however the transformations detected in the protein fractions apppear indicated that others enzymes could be acting during the process. The trypsin inhibitor activity had a little drop after six day of germination indicating a possible increase on the digestibility of the proteins.
Purpose – This paper aims to determine the effects of 11S globulin isolated from Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) on lipid metabolism in animals subjected to a hypercholesterolemic and hyperlipidemic diet and compared to the drug simvastatin. Design/methodology/approach – Thirty-six male Wistar rats, kept in individual cages and under appropriate conditions, were separated into groups that were fed a normal diet (STD) containing casein as protein source and according to AIN-93G; a high-cholesterol diet (HC), normal diet plus 1 per cent cholesterol and 0.5 per cent cholic acid and 20 per cent coconut oil; HC diet plus the isolated 11S globulin (300 mg/kg/day); and HC diet plus the simvastatin (50 mg/kg/day), both dissolved in saline and administered by gavage for 28 days. After this time, the animals were killed. Findings – The results indicated that the addition of 1 per cent cholesterol and 0.5 per cent cholic acid induced hypercholesterolemia in the animals without interfering with their weight gain. Analyses of total cholesterol (TC), HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) and triglycerides (TG) in the plasma, and TC and TG in the liver were made. The results show that the protein isolated from chickpea, and given as a single daily dose, did not affect the levels of plasma TC and its fractions, although decreasing the TG levels. Unlike the simvastatin, the chickpea protein significantly reduced TC and TG in the liver relative to HC group. Originality/value – A single daily dose of 11S globulin from chickpea contributed as only as additional 2.8 per cent of dietary protein intake. These findings demonstrate that 11S chickpea protein acts as a functional agent in the lipid metabolism in addition to its nutritional properties.
Trans-isomers of cytokinins (CK) are thought to predominate and have greater biological activity than corresponding cis-isomers in higher plants. However, this study demonstrates a system within which the predominant CK are cis-isomers. CK were measured at four developmental stages in developing chickpea (Cicer arietinum L. cultivar Kaniva) seeds by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Concentrations were highest at an early endospermic fluid stage and fell considerably when the cotyledons expanded. The cis-isomers of zeatin nucleotide ([9R-MP]Z), zeatin riboside ([9R]Z), and zeatin (Z) were present in greater concentrations than those of corresponding trans-isomers: (trans)[9R-MP]Z, (trans)[9R]Z, (trans)Z, or dihydrozeatin riboside. Dihydrozeatin, dihydrozeatin nucleotide, and the isopentenyl-type CK concentrations were either low or not detectable. Root xylem exudates also contained predominantly cis-isomers of [9R-MP]Z and [9R]Z. Identities of (cis)[9R]Z and (cis)Z were confirmed by comparison of ion ratios and retention indices, and a full spectrum was obtained for (cis)[9R]Z. Tissues were extracted under conditions that minimized the possibility of RNase hydrolysis of tRNA following tissue disruption, being a significant source of the cis-CK. Since no isomerization of (trans)[2H]CK internal standards occurred, it is unlikely that the cis-CK resulted from enzymic or nonenzymic isomerization during extraction. Although quantities of total CK varied, similar CK profiles were found among three different chickpea cultivars and between adequately watered and water-stressed plants. Developing chickpea seeds will be a useful system for investigating the activity of cis-CK or determining the origin and metabolism of free CK.
Developing chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) seeds 12 to 60 d after flowering (DAF) were analyzed for proteinase inhibitor (Pi) activity. In addition, the electrophoretic profiles of trypsin inhibitor (Ti) accumulation were determined using a gel-radiographic film-contact print method. There was a progressive increase in Pi activity throughout seed development, whereas the synthesis of other proteins was low from 12 to 36 DAF and increased from 36 to 60 DAF. Seven different Ti bands were present in seeds at 36 DAF, the time of maximum podborer (Helicoverpa armigera) attack. Chickpea Pis showed differential inhibitory activity against trypsin, chymotrypsin, H. armigera gut proteinases, and bacterial proteinase(s). In vitro proteolysis of chickpea Ti-1 with various proteinases generated Ti-5 as the major fragment, whereas Ti-6 and -7 were not produced. The amount of Pi activity increased severalfold when seeds were injured by H. armigera feeding. In vitro and in vivo proteolysis of the early- and late-stage-specific Tis indicated that the chickpea Pis were prone to proteolytic digestion by H. armigera gut proteinases. These data suggest that survival of H. armigera on chickpea may result from the production of inhibitor-insensitive proteinases and by secretion of proteinases that digest chickpea Pis.
A rotação de culturas é uma prática agronómica importante em todos os sistemas de agricultura. A alternância de culturas de espécies com características distintas ao nível morfológico (sistema radical), ciclo vegetativo (épocas distintas de sementeira e colheita) e ao nível da sua resistência a pragas e doenças, contribui para o aumento da melhoria das características físicas, químicas e biológicas dos solos. A rotação de culturas pode melhorar a estrutura do solo, quer pela introdução de matéria orgânica, quer pela porosidade biológica criada pelas raízes das culturas. O aumento da porosidade biológica conduzirá a uma maior infiltração da água no solo com consequência na redução do escoamento superficial e portanto, da erosão hídrica. O acréscimo da porosidade biológica no solo pelas raízes é de extrema importância, principalmente em sistemas de mobilização nula (sementeira directa). A utilização de plantas leguminosas, como por exemplo a Vicia sativa L. (vicia ou ervilhaca) a Lupinus luteus L.(tremocilha), o Cicer arietinum L. (grão-de-bico) a Pisum sativum L. (ervilha), etc., na rotação, favorecerá o incremento de azoto no solo, o qual será favorável ao crescimento das gramíneas com redução dos seus custos de produção. Outro aspecto extremamente importante da rotação de culturas prende-se com a melhor distribuição do parque de máquinas e da mão-de-obra ao longo do ano, fazendo-se alternar culturas com épocas de sementeira e de colheita diferentes, como por exemplo o Helianthus annuus L. (girassol) que é uma cultura de primavera-verão, o trigo mole (Triticum aestivum L.) e a cevada dística (Hordeum distichum L.) que são culturas de outono-inverno, etc.