1000 resultados para Chronic Wounds
Les ferides cròniques, especialment les de lenta curació, suposen una carga important pels pacients i pels sistemes de salut. És imprescindible investigar en nous tractaments que redueixin el temps de curació d‟aquestes ferides. L‟objectiu d‟aquest projecte, és avaluar l‟eficàcia dels factors de creixement, obtinguts de plasma ric en plaquetes, en la curació o millora de les ferides cròniques. El projecte s‟ha dissenyat com un estudi d‟una sèrie de casos que compara el tractament convencional amb el tractament amb factors de creixement. La variable resultats és la curació o la disminució del àrea de l‟úlcera. El projecte pretén avaluar uns quants pacients consecutius atesos en l‟ unitat de ferides cròniques del nostre hospital. Els subjectes del estudi han de presentar una ferida de més de 3 mesos d‟evolució nul·la o escassa resposta als tractaments habituals. La tècnica de obtenció dels factors de creixement plaquetar no és complexa i es pot realitzar en l‟entorn d‟un hospital de dia. No s‟han comunicat en la literatura efectes secundaris majors de l‟aplicació dels factors de creixement en ferides cròniques.
Vernonia scorpioides has been widely used in Brazil to treat skin problems and chronic wounds, such as ulcers of the lower limbs and diabetic lesions. In the present study, we investigated the effect of a dichloromethane (DCM) fraction of V. scorpioides leaf extract on Ehrlich ascitic and solid tumor-bearing mice. The animals were treated once a day with the DCM fraction at a concentration of 5 mg/kg, administered ip during and after the development of the tumor. The lifespan, weight, number and type of leukocytes, number of tumor cells, volume of solid and ascitic tumors were measured. The development of the tumor with pre-treated tumor cells in vitro with the DCM fraction (5 mg/kg) was analyzed and the animals were sacrificed after 7 days. The DCM fraction (5 mg/kg) totally inhibited tumor development when in direct contact with tumor cells, and also ascitic tumor development with in vitro treatment or when administered ip, in loco (after 7 days). Animals treated with the DCM fraction increased their lifespan ca. 2 weeks and maintained their body weight for 30 days. When applied immediately after the inoculation of the tumor cells in vivo, it totally abolished tumor development, with tumor development only decreasing when treatment was started 3 days after the tumor challenge. These data suggest an antineoplastic activity of the fraction. Oral or ip administration of DCM fraction (5 mg/kg) for 7 days did not reduce the solid tumor volume. The cytotoxic activity described here differs from the conventional immune suppressing profile of standard chemotherapy because it increases neutrophil influx to the peritoneal cavity. These results show that, besides exhibiting a tumoricidal activity, the DCM fraction also exhibits inflammatory activity.
La úlcera venosa es una revelación clínica severa de la insuficiencia venosa crónica. Es la causa del 54-76% de las úlceras venosas de miembros inferiores. La ciencia médica ha generado diversos procedimientos en el manejo de esta patología, es así como a partir de conocimientos en fisiopatología de la ulceración venosa, se han aplicado procedimientos como opción de tratamiento. Objetivos: Valorar si el uso de rutina de la oclusión endoluminal con espuma guiada por ecografía del sistema venoso superficial insuficiente, en adicción al manejo convencional de la ulcera venosa (vendaje no compresivo, gasa vaselinada y curaciones) podría mejorar la tasa de curación a las 24 semanas de tratamiento. Diseño: Estudio clínico aleatorizado prospectivo de pacientes de la consulta externa de cirugía vascular del Hospital Occidente de Kennedy-Bogotá, durante el 01 de junio del 2011 hasta el 30 junio del 2012. Métodos: Un total de 44 pacientes con ulcera activa que cumplieron criterios de selección ingresaron al estudio, correspondientes a 48 extremidades con clasificación CEAP (C6), los pacientes fueron a aleatorizados a manejo convencional (control) o con manejo adicional de oclusión endoluminal con espuma eco-guiada. El objetivo principal fue el cierre de la ulcera a las 24 semanas. Resultados: La Curación de la ulcera a las 24 semanas de la aleatorización fue de 20 (83.3%) extremidades del grupo de oclusión endoluminal con espuma eco-guiada Vs 3(12.5%) para el grupo de control P: 0.0005 Discusión: Las tasas de curación de la ulcera luego de la oclusión endoluminal con espuma eco-guiada es muy superior al manejo convencional con curaciones y vendaje no compresivo, las tasa de curación son tan altas como las reportadas con sistemas de alta compresión y cirugía a las 24 semanas. La oclusión endoluminal eco-guiada es segura, mínimamente invasiva y clínicamente efectiva.
Introducción: En la actualidad se están implementando nuevas técnicas, para el tratamiento de líneas de expresión facial. El Plasma Rico en Plaquetas (PRP) utiliza factores de crecimiento humano autólogos con fines médicos estéticos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el tratamiento con plasma rico en plaquetas en el manejo del rejuvenecimiento periocular. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo en una cohorte de 27 pacientes entre 30 a 70 años de ambos sexos,tratados con PRP sin tratamientos médicos estéticos previos . Se compararon fotografías del sistema VISIA®, previo y posterior el PRP, para determinar los cambios del área periocular. Con análisis comparativo de medias utilizando pruebas t de student. Resultados: De 27 historias clínicas revisadas 96,3% eran mujeres, la edad promedio fue de 52.67 años. Se observaron cambios clínicos satisfactorios en el manejo del foto envejecimiento periocular con mejoría estadísticamente significativa entre el promedio inicial y el post tratamiento en arrugas, textura y porfirinas (p: 0.000). No se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos de edad (p = 0,62). Los pacientes analizados posterior al tratamiento se encuentran en mejor estado que el 63,78% de la población de su mismo sexo, edad y fototipo de piel. Los eventos adversos fueron disminuyendo en su frecuencia en cada una de las sesiones siguientes. Discusión: El PRP proporciona una mejoría global en los parámetros de envejecimiento periocular lo cual se correlaciono con los estudios previos in vitro. Conclusiones: El PRP es seguro y eficaz en contorno de ojos.
Introducción: Lucilia sericata es una especie de importancia médica y forense, utilizada en terapialarval para curar heridas crónicas y en estudios médico-legales empleada en la estimacióndel intervalo post mórtem y el traslado de cadáveres. No existen registros de las característicascitogenéticas de esta mosca en el neotrópico. El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue identificarlas características morfométricas cromosómicas y las estructuras primarias del cariotipo, a partirde especímenes de L. sericata de la cepa Bogotá, Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Se tomaronhuevos embrionados, que fueron previamente esterilizados en su superficie, se maceraron y luegofueron sembrados en el medio de cultivo L-15, suplementado con 20% de sfb, e incubados auna temperatura de 28 ºC, sin atmosfera de C02. La preparación de los cromosomas se obtuvo demonocapas celulares semiconfluentes, empleando diversas soluciones: antimitótica (Colchicina),hipotónica (KCl 0,075 M) y fijadora (Carnoy: metanol y ácido acético; 3:1). Se llevó a cabo la técnicade bandeo C para la identificación de regiones cromosómicas de heterocromatina constitutiva.Resultados: Se obtuvieron parámetros morfométricos de cada par cromosómico. El número diploidedel cariotipo obtenido de los cultivos celulares fue 2n = 12; éstos se clasificaron morfológicamente,de acuerdo con patrones previamente establecidos, así: los pares I, II, IV y V fueronmetacéntricos, y el par III fue submetacéntrico. A su vez, el par sexual fue heteromórfico, siendoel cromosoma X metacéntrico y el cromosoma Y submetacéntrico. El bandeo C fue positivo paratodos los pares cromosómicos. Conclusiones: Se establecieron las características citogenéticas deL. sericata, cepa Bogotá, Colombia, relacionadas con número, forma, tamaño, posición del centrómeroy regiones heterocromáticas de los cromosomas.
Venous ulcers (VU), recurrent chronic wounds resulting from Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI), affect different age groups and would severely affect ambulation of patients. The lesions require treatment lasting and complex and are responsible for significant morbidity and mortality. Thus, this study aims to identify the important aspects covered in the scientific literature protocol for assisting patients with venous ulcers, identifying the issues to be proposed by the judges of the study (nurses, doctors and physiotherapists) to the protocol of care provided to patients venous ulcers and present the structure of protocol proposed by the judges of the study to assist patients with venous ulcers treated at a referral hospital of Rio Grande do Norte. This is a descriptive study using a quantitative approach, carried out at the dressings, located in the outpatient surgical clinic of the Hospital University Onofre Lopes (HUOL), located in East Sanitary District, Natal-RN. The sample consisted of 39 professionals, 30 nurses, seven doctors and two physical therapists, team members HUOL surgical clinic and other public and private institutions of Rio Grande do Norte and Jequié/Bahia. These professionals were the judges responsible for selecting the guidelines already proposed in the literature on VU protocols. Approved by the Ethics in Research HUOL (Report n.o 081/07), began the first stage of the study which consisted of reviewing the scientific literature about the relevant aspects to be included in a protocol for assisting patients with VU. These aspects were organized into a proposed questionnaire to the judges of the study. Following examination, held on the content validation with application of the Kappa (K), accepting a score higher than 0.80 and the Likert Scale, whereas rates from 4.0 to 5.0. The data collected were organized in Microsoft Excel and exported into Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 15.0. The literature review included national and international scientific articles, thesis, dissertation and institutional protocols. Regarding the characterization of professional nurses predominated (76.1%), between 34 and 45 years (41.0%), female (79.5%), married/consensual union (46.2%), with specialization in VU care (61.5%), working in the hospital network (46.1%), with up to 5 years experience in VU (69.2%) and claiming to feel prepared to care for these injuries (92.3 %). With regard to aspects that had very good agreement (K ≥ 0.81), remained the items found in the literature with some modifications. In the analysis of the proposed evaluation items had very important, ranging from 4.1 (drug treatment) to 4.9 (patient assessment and care of the injury and the injured and perilesional skin). The proposition of the protocol is arranged in eleven items: A) Evaluation of patient and lesion, B) Registration and documentation, C) the wound and perilesional skin, D) an indication of coverage, E) Use of antibiotic and pain treatment, F) Surgical treatment of CVI, G) Drug treatment, H) Improving venous return and prevetion of recurrence, I) Referral of patients, J) Training and K) Reference and counter reference
Venous ulcer (VU) is a lower limbs injury resulting from inadequate return of venous blood in feet or legs. Although it is not a deadly disease, it causes chronic wounds, which seriously undermine patients´ quality of life (QOL) and sometimes leads to drastic family, social, economic and psychological changes. In this sense, there are several aspects that may influence the venous ulcers patients´ QOL. The study´s objective aimed on the association of socio-demographic and health, health care and clinical injury on UV patients‟ QOL. Analytical studies, which consider the complexity of factors involved in changes in UV patients‟ QOL has a cross-sectional and quantitative approach. The HUOL Ethics Committee approved this project (n.279/09). The collection of data lasted a period of 3 months in 2010 and it took place at the clinic of Angiology at Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes (HUOL). The data sample consisted of 60 patients treated by UV angiologists in the HUOL Surgical Clinic. The results were analyzed with SPSS 15.0 by descriptive and inferential statistics. The study was based on UV patients that were predominantly female, average age of 61.4 years, that had low education level and low family income, with occupations requiring long periods of standing or sitting, but mostly retired, unemployed or laid off due to the disease and/or due to chronic diseases associated with the UV. The study took also into consideration patients that used inappropriate products, that were improperly treated by a professional caregiver, that lacked of adequate guidance and compression therapy, that performed no lifting of the lower limbs and regular exercise, that the time of injury were greater than or equal to six months, that were missing specific laboratory tests. The study‟s reference were on recurrent lesions, medium to large lesions area, bed of the lesion (injuries) with fibrin and/or necrosis, with amount of exudate with medium to large, odorless and no signs of infection, with tissue loss between 1st and 2nd degree, without collecting swab or biopsy and with pain. In general, QOL of researched individuals were considered low, the maximum score was 69 points, which the areas that were mostly influenced were the total scores of QOL functional capacity (0.021), emotional (0.000) and social functioning (0.080). Of the 60 individuals, 53.3% had scores between 40 and 69 points in SF-36, and they had the best scores in sociodemographic and health variables (ρ = 0.049). In respect to the assistance and injury characteristics, patients who scored between 40 and 69 points in SF-36 had better scores on these characteristics. By combining the socio-demographic variables, health, and handling characteristics of the injury, we observed a significant difference (ρ = 0.032) when linking them with the QOL total scores. When analyzing separately the domains of the SF-36 scores on the quality of life, we find that the areas that showed statistical significance were functional ability (ρ = 0.035), appearance (ρ = 0.019), emotional (ρ = 0.000), and mental health (ρ = 0.050). Among the socio-demographic characteristics studied, gender and marital status contributed more to the reduction of QOL and among the variables of assistance and the injury, orientation, reference and area of UV contributed the most. By analyzing these five variables all together in accordance with the overall score obtained in the quality of life, we found a significant correlation (ρ = 0.002); with 6.23 times more chances of patients have better QOL in the presence of these five positive factors. By conducting the Mann Whitney U test between all the five demographic variables, health, and clinical care, we found that this combination also proved to be significant (ρ = 0.006). Therefore, patients with these five variables positive tend to have a better QOL. Based on these results, we reject the null hypothesis (H0) and accept the alternative hypothesis (H1) proposed in this study because we noted that the QOL of patients with UV is associated with sociodemographic and health, health care and clinical aspects of the injury
Platelet-derived growth factor-BB (PDGF-BB) stimulates repair of healing-impaired chronic wounds such as diabetic ulcers and periodontal lesions. However, limitations in predictability of tissue regeneration occur due, in part, to transient growth factor bioavailability in vivo. Here, we report that gene delivery of PDGF-B stimulates repair of oral implant extraction socket defects. Alveolar ridge defects were created in rats and were treated at the time of titanium implant installation with a collagen matrix containing an adenoviral (Ad) vector encoding PDGF-B (5.5 x 10(8) or 5.5 x 10(9) pfu ml (1)), Ad encoding luciferase (Ad-Luc; 5.5 x 10(9) pfu ml (1); control) or recombinant human PDGF-BB protein (rhPDGF-BB, 0.3 mg ml (1)). Bone repair and osseointegration were measured through backscattered scanning electron microscopy, histomorphometry, microcomputed tomography and biomechanical assessments. Furthermore, a panel of local and systemic safety assessments was performed. Results indicated that bone repair was accelerated by Ad-PDGF-B and rhPDGF-BB delivery compared with Ad-Luc, with the high dose of Ad-PDGF-B more effective than the low dose. No significant dissemination of the vector construct or alteration of systemic parameters was noted. In summary, gene delivery of Ad-PDGF-B shows regenerative and safety capabilities for bone tissue engineering and osseointegration in alveolar bone defects comparable with rhPDGF-BB protein delivery in vivo. Gene Therapy (2010) 17, 95-104; doi: 10.1038/gt.2009.117; published online 10 September 2009
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Biologia Geral e Aplicada - IBB
Úlcera neuropática é uma das sequei as mais estigmatizantes da hanseníase. Sua presença é bastante incapacitante para o indivíduo, podendo levar a deformação e/ou amputação do membro afetado. Diversas técnicas de tratamento têm sido utilizadas no manejo destas úlceras, no entanto, os resultados nem sempre são satisfatórios, ocasionando a existência de pessoas que convivem há vários anos com ferimentos crônicos. A laserterapia de baixa intensidade (LBI) tem sido utilizada em diversos países no tratamento de úlceras de difícil cicatrização, entretanto seus resultados são inconclusivos e muitos dos trabalhos publicados apresentam falhas metodológicas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da LBI sobre o processo de cicatrização de úlceras em pacientes hansenianos, em um teste clínico controlado e randomizado. O estudo foi realizado no ambulatório de curativos da Unidade de Referência Estadual em Dermatologia Sanitária do Pará - Marcello Candia, a partir de um levantamento clínico-epidemiológico para caracterização da população estudada, por meio de anamnese, identificação da localização das úlceras, registro fotográfico digital, avaliação da área das lesões utilizando o programa ImageTool 3.0, e medida da profundidade das úlceras de 51 pacientes, totalizando 97 lesões. A comorbidade mais frequente nesta população foi a hipertensão arterial sistêmica (13 casos). Em seguida, 25 sujeitos foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos de estudo. O grupo controle (GC), formado por 12 pacientes (14 Úlceras) permaneceu recebendo o tratamento de rotina, composto por curativos simples diários, uso de sulfadiazina de prata 1 %, e orientações para autocuidados e prevenção de incapacidades. O grupo experimental (GE), formado por 13 sujeitos (17 úlceras), permaneceu recebendo o mesmo tratamento de rotina do GC mais a aplicação de LBI três vezes por semana, durante um período de 12 semanas. A LBI foi aplicada com um equipamento de laser diodo A1GaInP (660 nm), na dose de 2 J/cm² com a técnica de varredura sem contato no leito da lesão, e 4 J/ponto nas bordas da lesão com aplicações pontuais com contato. A densidade de potência foi de 1 W/cm². As variáveis estudadas foram: área da lesão em cm², profundidade em milímetros e escore PUSH. No GC a média da área das úlceras foi de 5,3 (±9.2) antes e 4,4 (± 8,5) depois do tratamento, a profundidade foi de 6,3 (± 5,4) antes e 5,4 (± 5.7) depois, o escore PUSH foi 9,7 (± 3,4) antes e 8,4 (± 5.3) depois. No GE a média da área das Úlceras foi de 4,2 (± 5,9) antes e 3,8 (± 5,7) depois do tratamento, a profundidade foi de 6.2 (± 5.1) antes e 4,1 (± 3,9) depois, o escore PUSH foi 9,6 (± 3,3) antes e 7,9 (± 5,3) depois. A análise estatística não evidenciou diferença significativa (p > 0,05) em nenhuma das variáveis estudadas antes e depois do tratamento. A LBI, dentro dos parâmetros utilizados neste estudo, não demonstrou benefícios adicionais para a cicatrização de úlceras em hansenianos. A diminuição do peso exercido sobre a área da lesão e o controle da pressão arterial são medidas importantes no manejo destas úlceras.
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB