1000 resultados para Chromosome dynamics
Mitochondrial function and dynamics are essential for neurotransmission, neural function and neuronal viability. Recently, we showed that the eutherian-specific Armcx gene cluster (Armcx1-6 genes), located in the X chromosome, encodes for a new family of proteins that localise to mitochondria, regulating mitochondrial trafficking. The Armcx gene cluster evolved by retrotransposition of the Armc10 gene mRNA, which is present in all vertebrates and is considered to be the ancestor gene. Here we investigate the genomic organisation, mitochondrial functions and putative neuroprotective role of the Armc10 ancestor gene. The genomic context of the Armc10 locus shows considerable syntenic conservation among vertebrates, and sequence comparisons and CHIP-data suggest the presence of at least three conserved enhancers. We also show that the Armc10 protein localises to mitochondria and that it is highly expressed in the brain. Furthermore, we show that Armc10 levels regulate mitochondrial trafficking in neurons, but not mitochondrial aggregation, by controlling the number of moving mitochondria. We further demonstrate that the Armc10 protein interacts with the KIF5/Miro1-2/Trak2 trafficking complex. Finally, we show that overexpression of Armc10 in neurons prevents A beta-induced mitochondrial fission and neuronal death. Our data suggest both conserved and differential roles of the Armc10/Armcx gene family in regulating mitochondrial dynamics in neurons, and underscore a protective effect of the Armc10 gene against A beta-induced toxicity. Overall, our findings support a further degree of regulation of mitochondrial dynamics in the brain of more evolved mammals.
Mitochondrial function and dynamics are essential for neurotransmission, neural function and neuronal viability. Recently, we showed that the eutherian-specific Armcx gene cluster (Armcx1-6 genes), located in the X chromosome, encodes for a new family of proteins that localise to mitochondria, regulating mitochondrial trafficking. The Armcx gene cluster evolved by retrotransposition of the Armc10 gene mRNA, which is present in all vertebrates and is considered to be the ancestor gene. Here we investigate the genomic organisation, mitochondrial functions and putative neuroprotective role of the Armc10 ancestor gene. The genomic context of the Armc10 locus shows considerable syntenic conservation among vertebrates, and sequence comparisons and CHIP-data suggest the presence of at least three conserved enhancers. We also show that the Armc10 protein localises to mitochondria and that it is highly expressed in the brain. Furthermore, we show that Armc10 levels regulate mitochondrial trafficking in neurons, but not mitochondrial aggregation, by controlling the number of moving mitochondria. We further demonstrate that the Armc10 protein interacts with the KIF5/Miro1-2/Trak2 trafficking complex. Finally, we show that overexpression of Armc10 in neurons prevents A beta-induced mitochondrial fission and neuronal death. Our data suggest both conserved and differential roles of the Armc10/Armcx gene family in regulating mitochondrial dynamics in neurons, and underscore a protective effect of the Armc10 gene against A beta-induced toxicity. Overall, our findings support a further degree of regulation of mitochondrial dynamics in the brain of more evolved mammals.
Le centromère est le site chromosomal où le kinetochore se forme, afin d’assurer une ségrégation fidèles des chromosomes et ainsi maintenir la ploïdie appropriée lors de la mitose. L’identité du centromere est héritée par un mécanisme épigénétique impliquant une variante de l’histone H3 nommée centromere protein-A (CENP-A), qui remplace l’histone H3 au niveau de la chromatine du centromère. Des erreurs de propagation de la chromatine du centromère peuvent mener à des problèmes de ségrégation des chromosomes, pouvant entraîner l’aneuploïdie, un phénomène fréquemment observé dans le cancer. De plus, une expression non-régulée de CENP-A a aussi été rapportée dans différentes tumeurs humaines. Ainsi, plusieurs études ont cherchées à élucider la structure et le rôle de la chromatine contenant CENP-A dans des cellules en prolifération. Toutefois, la nature moléculaire de CENP-A en tant que marqueur épigénétique ainsi que ces dynamiques à l'extérieur du cycle cellulaire demeurent des sujets débat. Dans cette thèse, une nouvelle méthode de comptage de molécules uniques à l'aide de la microscopie à réflexion totale interne de la fluorescence (TIRF) sera décrite, puis exploitée afin d'élucider la composition moléculaire des nucléosomes contenant CENP-A, extraits de cellules en prolifération. Nous démontrons que les nucléosomes contenant CENP-A marquent les centromères humains de façon épigénétique à travers le cycle cellulaire. De plus, nos données démontrent que la forme prénucléosomale de CENP-A, en association avec la protéine chaperon HJURP existe sous forme de monomère et de dimère, ce qui reflète une étape intermédiaire de l'assemblage de nucléosomes contenant CENP-A. Ensuite, des analyses quantitatives de centromères lors de différenciation myogénique, et dans différents tissus adultes révèlent des changements globaux qui maintiennent la marque épigénétique dans une forme inactive suite à la différentiation terminale. Ces changements incluent une réduction du nombre de points focaux de CENP-A, un réarrangement des points dans le noyau, ainsi qu'une réduction importante de la quantité de CENP-A. De plus, nous démontrons que lorsqu'une dédifférenciation cellulaire est induite puis le cycle cellulaire ré-entamé, le phénotype "différencié" décrit ci-haut est récupéré, et les centromères reprennent leur phénotype "prolifératif". En somme, cet oeuvre décrit la composition structurale sous-jacente à l'identité épigénétique des centromères de cellules humaines lors du cycle cellulaire, et met en lumière le rôle de CENP-A à l'extérieur du cycle cellulaire.
The circumsporozoite protein (CSP) of Plasmodium vivax, a major target for malaria vaccine development, has immunodominant B-cell epitopes mapped to central nonapeptide repeat arrays. To determine whether rearrangements of repeat motifs during mitotic DNA replication of parasites create significant CSP diversity under conditions of low effective meiotic recombination rates, we examined csp alleles from sympatric P. vivax isolates systematically sampled from an area of low malaria endemicity in Brazil over a period of 14 months. Nine unique csp types, comprising six different nona peptide repeats, were observed in 45 isolates analyzed. Identical or nearly identical repeats predominated in most arrays, consistent with their recent expansion. We found strong linkage disequilibrium at sites across the chromosome 8 segment flanking the csp locus, consistent with rare meiotic recombination in this region. We conclude that CSP repeat diversity may not be severely constrained by rare meiotic recombination in areas of low malaria endemicity. New repeat variants may be readily created by nonhomologous recombination even when meiotic recombination is rare, with potential implications for CSP-based vaccine development. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We analyze the chromosomal location of 5S rDNA clusters in 29 species of grasshoppers belonging to the family Acrididae. There was extensive variation among species for the number and location of 5S rDNA sites. Out of 148 sites detected, 75% were proximally located, 21.6% were interstitial, and only 3.4% were distal. The number of 5S rDNA sites per species varied from a single chromosome pair (in six species) to all chromosome pairs (in five species), with a range of intermediate situations. Thirteen chromosomes from eight species carried two 5S rDNA clusters. At intraspecific level, differences among populations were detected in Eyprepocnemis plorans, and some heteromorphisms have also been observed in some species. Double FISH for 5S rDNA and H3 histone gene DNA, performed on 17 of these 29 species, revealed that both markers are sometimes placed in a same chromosome but at different location, whereas they appeared to co-localize in five species (Calliptamus barbarus, Heteracris adpersa, Aiolopus strepens, Oedipoda charpentieri and O. coerulescens). Double fiber-FISH in A. strepens and O. coerulescens showed that the two DNAs are closely interspersed with variable relative amounts of both classes of DNA. Finally, no correlation was observed between the number of 5S and 45S rDNA clusters in 23 species where this information was available. These results are discussed in the light of possible mechanisms of spread that led to the extensive variation in the number of clusters observed for both rDNA types in acridid grasshoppers. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
There is species divergence in control of DNA methylation during preimplantation development. The exact pattern of methylation in the bovine embryo has not been established nor has its regulation by gender or maternal signals that regulate development such as colony stimulating factor 2 (CSF2). Using immunofluorescent labeling with anti-5-methylcytosine and embryos produced with X-chromosome sorted sperm, it was demonstrated that methylation decreased from the 2-cell stage to the 6-8 cell stage and then increased thereafter up to the blastocyst stage. In a second experiment, embryos of specific genders were produced by fertilization with X- or Y-sorted sperm. The developmental pattern was similar to the first experiment, but there was stage × gender interaction. Methylation was greater for females at the 8-cell stage but greater for males at the blastocyst stage. Treatment with CSF2 had no effect on labeling for DNA methylation in blastocysts. Methylation was lower for inner cell mass cells (i.e., cells that did not label with anti-CDX2) than for trophectoderm (CDX2-positive). The possible role for DNMT3B in developmental changes in methylation was evaluated by determining gene expression and degree of methylation. Steady-state mRNA for DNMT3B decreased from the 2-cell stage to a nadir for D 5 embryos >16 cells and then increased at the blastocyst stage. High resolution melting analysis was used to assess methylation of a CpG rich region in an intronic region of DNMT3B. Methylation percent decreased between the 6-8 cell and the blastocyst stage but there was no difference in methylation between ICM and TE. Results indicate that DNA methylation undergoes dynamic changes during the preimplantation period in a manner that is dependent upon gender and cell lineage. Developmental changes in expression of DNMT3B are indicative of a possible role in changes in methylation. Moreover, DNMT3B itself appears to be under epigenetic control by methylation. © 2013 Dobbs et al.
Background: Transposable elements (TEs) have the potential to produce broad changes in the genomes of their hosts, acting as a type of evolutionary toolbox and generating a collection of new regulatory and coding sequences. Several TE classes have been studied in Neotropical cichlids; however, the information gained from these studies is restricted to the physical chromosome mapping, whereas the genetic diversity of the TEs remains unknown. Therefore, the genomic organization of the non-LTR retrotransposons Rex1, Rex3, and Rex6 in five Amazonian cichlid species was evaluated using physical chromosome mapping and DNA sequencing to provide information about the role of TEs in the evolution of cichlid genomes. Results: Physical mapping revealed abundant TE clusters dispersed throughout the chromosomes. Furthermore, several species showed conspicuous clusters accumulation in the centromeric and terminal portions of the chromosomes. These TE chromosomal sites are associated with both heterochromatic and euchromatic regions. A higher number of Rex1 clusters were observed among the derived species. The Rex1 and Rex3 nucleotide sequences were more conserved in the basal species than in the derived species; however, this pattern was not observed in Rex6. In addition, it was possible to observe conserved blocks corresponding to the reverse transcriptase fragment of the Rex1 and Rex3 clones and to the endonuclease of Rex6. Conclusion: Our data showed no congruence between the Bayesian trees generated for Rex1, Rex3 and Rex6 of cichlid species and phylogenetic hypothesis described for the group. Rex1 and Rex3 nucleotide sequences were more conserved in the basal species whereas Rex6 exhibited high substitution rates in both basal and derived species. The distribution of Rex elements in cichlid genomes suggests that such elements are under the action of evolutionary mechanisms that lead to their accumulation in particular chromosome regions, mostly in heterochromatins. © 2013 Schneider et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The genetic structure and dynamics of hybrid zones provide crucial information for understanding the processes and mechanisms of evolutionary divergence and speciation. In general, higher levels of evolutionary divergence between taxa are more likely to be associated with reproductive isolation and may result in suppressed or strongly restricted hybridization. In this study, we examined two secondary contact zones between three deep evolutionary lineages in the common vole (Microtus arvalis). Differences in divergence times between the lineages can shed light on different stages of reproductive isolation and thus provide information on the ongoing speciation process in M. arvalis. We examined more than 800 individuals for mitochondrial (mtDNA), Y-chromosome and autosomal markers and used assignment and cline analysis methods to characterize the extent and direction of gene flow in the contact zones. Introgression of both autosomal and mtDNA markers in a relatively broad area of admixture indicates selectively neutral hybridization between the least-divergent lineages (Central and Eastern) without evidence for partial reproductive isolation. In contrast, a very narrow area of hybridization, shifts in marker clines and the quasi-absence of Y-chromosome introgression support a moving hybrid zone and unidirectional selection against male hybrids between the lineages with older divergence (Central and Western). Data from a replicate transect further support non-neutral processes in this hybrid zone and also suggest a role for landscape history in the movement and shaping of geneflow profiles.
Deregulation of kinase activity is one example of how cells become cancerous by evading evolutionary constraints. The Tousled kinase (Tsl) was initially identified in Arabidopsis thaliana as a developmentally important kinase. There are two mammalian orthologues of Tsl and one orthologue in C. elegans, TLK-1, which is essential for embryonic viability and germ cell development. Depletion of TLK-1 leads to embryonic arrest large, distended nuclei, and ultimately embryonic lethality. Prior to terminal arrest, TLK-1-depleted embryos undergo aberrant mitoses characterized by poor metaphase chromosome alignment, delayed mitotic progression, lagging chromosomes, and supernumerary centrosomes. I discovered an unanticipated requirement for TLK-1 in mitotic spindle assembly and positioning. Normally, in the newly-fertilized zygote (P0) the maternal pronucleus migrates toward the paternal pronucleus at the posterior end of the embryo. After pronuclear meeting, the pronuclear-centrosome complex rotates 90° during centration to align on the anteroposterior axis followed by nuclear envelope breakdown (NEBD). However, in TLK-1-depleted P0 embryos, the centrosome-pronuclear complex rotation is significantly delayed with respect to NEBD and chromosome congression, Additionally, centrosome positions over time in tlk-1(RNAi) early embryos revealed a defect in posterior centrosome positioning during spindle-pronuclear centration, and 4D analysis of centrosome positions and movement in newly fertilized embryos showed aberrant centrosome dynamics in TLK-1-depleted embryos. Several mechanisms contribute to spindle rotation, one of which is the anchoring of astral microtubules to the cell cortex. Attachment of these microtubules to the cortices is thought to confer the necessary stability and forces in order to rotate the centrosome-pronuclear complex in a timely fashion. Analysis of a microtubule end-binding protein revealed that TLK-1-depleted embryos exhibit a more stochastic distribution of microtubule growth toward the cell cortices, and the types of microtubule attachments appear to differ from wild-type embryos. Additionally, fewer astral microtubules are in the vicinity of the cell cortex, thus suggesting that the delayed spindle rotation could be in part due to a lack of appropriate microtubule attachments to the cell cortex. Together with recently published biochemical data revealing the Tousled-like kinases associate with components of the dynein microtubule motor complex in humans, these data suggest that Tousled-like kinases play an important role in mitotic spindle assembly and positioning.
The cellular targets for estramustine, an antitumor drug used in the treatment of hormone-refractory prostate cancer, are believed to be the spindle microtubules responsible for chromosome separation at mitosis. Estramustine only weakly inhibits polymerization of purified tubulin into microtubules by binding to tubulin (Kd, ≈30 μM) at a site distinct from the colchicine or the vinblastine binding sites. However, by video microscopy, we find that estramustine strongly stabilizes growing and shortening dynamics at plus ends of bovine brain microtubules devoid of microtubule-associated proteins at concentrations substantially below those required to inhibit polymerization of the microtubules. Estramustine strongly reduced the rate and extent both of shortening and growing, increased the percentage of time the microtubules spent in an attenuated state, neither growing nor shortening detectably, and reduced the overall dynamicity of the microtubules. Significantly, the combined suppressive effects of vinblastine and estramustine on the rate and extent of shortening and dynamicity were additive. Thus, like the antimitotic mechanisms of action of the antitumor drugs vinblastine and taxol, the antimitotic mechanism of action of estramustine may be due to kinetic stabilization of spindle microtubule dynamics. The results may explain the mechanistic basis for the benefit derived from combined use of estramustine with vinblastine or taxol, two other drugs that target microtubules, in the treatment of hormone-refractory prostate cancer.
Microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) bind to and stabilize microtubules (MTs) both in vitro and in vivo and are thought to regulate MT dynamics during the cell cycle. It is known that p220, a major MAP of Xenopus, is phosphorylated by p34cdc2 kinase as well as MAP kinase in mitotic cells, and that the phosphorylated p220 loses its MT-binding and -stabilizing abilities in vitro. We cloned a full-length cDNA encoding p220, which identified p220 as a Xenopus homologue of MAP4 (XMAP4). To examine the physiological relevance of XMAP4 phosphorylation in vivo, Xenopus A6 cells were transfected with cDNAs encoding wild-type or various XMAP4 mutants fused with a green fluorescent protein. Mutations of serine and threonine residues at p34cdc2 kinase-specific phosphorylation sites to alanine interfered with mitosis-associated reduction in MT affinity of XMAP4, and their overexpression affected chromosome movement during anaphase A. These findings indicated that phosphorylation of XMAP4 (probably by p34cdc2 kinase) is responsible for the decrease in its MT-binding and -stabilizing abilities during mitosis, which are important for chromosome movement during anaphase A.
Microtubules are intrinsically dynamic polymers, and their dynamics play a crucial role in mitotic spindle assembly, the mitotic checkpoint, and chromosome movement. We hypothesized that, in living cells, suppression of microtubule dynamics is responsible for the ability of taxol to inhibit mitotic progression and cell proliferation. Using quantitative fluorescence video microscopy, we examined the effects of taxol (30–100 nM) on the dynamics of individual microtubules in two living human tumor cell lines: Caov-3 ovarian adenocarcinoma cells and A-498 kidney carcinoma cells. Taxol accumulated more in Caov-3 cells than in A-498 cells. At equivalent intracellular taxol concentrations, dynamic instability was inhibited similarly in the two cell lines. Microtubule shortening rates were inhibited in Caov-3 cells and in A-498 cells by 32 and 26%, growing rates were inhibited by 24 and 18%, and dynamicity was inhibited by 31 and 63%, respectively. All mitotic spindles were abnormal, and many interphase cells became multinucleate (Caov-3, 30%; A-498, 58%). Taxol blocked cell cycle progress at the metaphase/anaphase transition and inhibited cell proliferation. The results indicate that suppression of microtubule dynamics by taxol deleteriously affects the ability of cancer cells to properly assemble a mitotic spindle, pass the metaphase/anaphase checkpoint, and produce progeny.
Topoisomerase II is able to break and rejoin double-strand DNA. It controls the topological state and forms and resolves knots and catenanes. Not much is known about the relation between the chromosome segregation and condensation defects as found in yeast top2 mutants and the role of topoisomerase II in meiosis. We studied meiosis in a heat-sensitive top2 mutant of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Topoisomerase II is not required until shortly before meiosis I. The enzyme is necessary for condensation shortly before the first meiotic division but not for early meiotic prophase condensation. DNA replication, prophase morphology, and dynamics of the linear elements are normal in the top2 mutant. The top2 cells are not able to perform meiosis I. Arrested cells have four spindle pole bodies and two spindles but only one nucleus, suggesting that the arrest is nonregulatory. Finally, we show that the arrest is partly solved in a top2 rec7 double mutant, indicating that topoisomerase II functions in the segregation of recombined chromosomes. We suggest that the inability to decatenate the replicated DNA is the primary defect in top2. This leads to a loss of chromatin condensation shortly before meiosis I, failure of sister chromatid separation, and a nonregulatory arrest.