387 resultados para Chromonephthea braziliensis


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The antigenicity of promastigotes of Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis (L. b.braziliensis) treated with 1% sodium desoxycholate in 10 mM Tris-Hcl pH 8.2 was analysed by immunoblot using as probes sera from American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL), American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL), schistosomiasis, malaria and Chagas' disease. The ACL sera reacted constantly with a 60 kD band. No reactivity to this protein was observed with sera from the other diseases above mentioned indicating that the 60 kD protein may be used in serodiagnosis for ACL.


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A evidência da transmissão extraflorestal da leishmaniose cutâneo-mucosa na região do Vale do Ribeira ensejou o presente estudo epidemiológico prospectivo, visando avaliar a atividade enzoótica de L. (V.) braziliensis. A pesquisa paratisológica da infecção natural em pequenos mamíferos e população canina foi complementada com o teste de imunofluorescência indireta (IFI) para cães e captura de flebotomíneos em ambiente florestal e peridomiciliar. A positividade para o teste sorológico e exame parasitológico somente foi observada para cães residentes e com taxas de 5,6 e 2,4%, respectivamente. Entre animais silvestres e sinantrópicos capturados, destacam-se os pertencentes a Oryzomys (Oligoryzomys) e Rattus rattus, ambos assinalados em proporções equivalentes (29,3%), em ambiente peridomiciliar. Foram capturados apenas 166 exemplares femininos de Lutzomyia intermedia, fato atribuído à borrifação das habitações humanas e anexos com DDT. No contexto epidemiológico mais amplo, discute-se a fragilidade do ciclo extraflorestal da L. (V.) braziliensis; o papel do cão e de pequenos mamíferos, como fonte de infecção domiciliar, além de analisar o potencial deles na dispersão do parasita na área estudada.


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Estudaram-se os aspectos histopatológicos relativos à evolução da infecção experimental produzida em Cebus apella (Primates: Cebidae) por Leishmania (V.) lainsoni, L. (V.) braziliensis e L. (L.) amazonensis. O exame microscópico de biópsias seqüênciais, obtidas dos animais a intervalos definidos de tempo (a primeira, às 48 ou 72 horas após a inoculação, e as seguintes, a cada 30 dias), mostrou que o desenvolvimento das lesões, independentemente da espécie de Leishmania inoculada, passa por uma seqüência de etapas a nível tecidual - 1) infiltrado inespecífico crônico; 2) nódulo macrofágico (com numerosos parasitas); 3) necrose das células parasitadas; 4) granuloma epitelióide; 5) absorção da área necrosada (às vezes formando granuloma de corpo estranho); 6) infiltrado inespecífico crônico residual); e 7) cicatrização - que representaria a formação e a resolução das lesões. Discutiram-se também os prováveis mecanismos imunopatológicos que determinam esta seqüência de eventos e sua possível semelhança com a evolução das lesões na leishmaniose tegumentar humana.


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Three isolates over 5 years from a patient with persistent relapsing mucosal leishmaniasis due to Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis and 7 clones from one of these isolates were studied by zymodemes and scrodemes analysis. Results showed evidences of clonal phenotypic variation. Eight isoenzymes markers demonstrated clear differences on Cellulose Acetate (CA) and thin starch gel electrophoresis. Also a panel of specific monoclonal antibodies showed such differences. Our observations provide additional evidence that Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis is composed by subpopulations of parasites with peculiar biochemical and antigenic characteristics.


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The performance of an antigen of L. major-like promastigotes for the serological diagnosis of mucocutaneous leishmaniasis in the IgG-immunofluorescent test was compared to that of an antigen of L. braziliensis braziliensis. Each antigen was used to test two hundred and twenty-four sera of etiologies such as mucocutaneous leishmaniasis, deep mycoses, toxoplasmosis, malaria, Chagas' disease, visceral leishmaniasis, anti-nuclear factor, schistosomaiasis, rheumatoid factor and normal controls. Agreement between responses to each antigen was high: 77.2% of leishmaniases sera agreed on a positive or a negative result to both antigens and 91.1 % of control sera. Cross reactivity was restricted to Chagas' disease sera, visceral leishmaniasis, anti-nuclear factor and paracoccidiodomycosis. The quantitative response of leishmaniasis and Chagas' disease sera to both antigens was evaluated by a linear regression; although the y-intercept and the slope were different for each antigen, neither was better than the other in the disclosure of anti-Leishmania antibodies. In the case of Chagas' disease sera the L. major-like antigen was better than L. b. braziliensis' to disclose cross-reacting antibodies.


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Leishmania braziliensis is a causative agent of American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (ACL). The 034-JCG strain, isolated from a patient from the northern region of Paraná State, Brazil, was cultivated in Blood Agar Base medium, lyophilized and submitted to phenol-water extraction. The extract was treated with RNase I. The carbohydrate containing-antigen (Ag-CHO) was immunogenic to rabbits and showed at least a fraction with some negative charge at pH 8.2. This antigen showed cross-reactivity with the phenol-water extract of the growth medium used for the culture of promastigotes and with the surface antigens of promastigotes. Its composition is: 24.3% of total sugars, from which 11.2% of galactose, 7.5% of mannose and 5.6% of ribose. Protein content was 5.4% and phosphate 18.5%. The antigenic activity was maintained after: repeated freezing-thawing; lyophilization; heating at 100ºC for 30 minutes; treatment with RNase, trichloroacetic acid and sodium metaperiodate. The precipitin line obtained is Periodic Acid Schiff positive. The application of the Ag-CHO in counterimmunoelectrophoresis reaction for the immunodiagnosis of ACL showed 60% sensitivity, and no cross-reaction with the five sera of Chagas' disease patients tested. The use of this antigen in a more sensitive technique, with more samples of sera, may improve these results.


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We have detected antibodies, in the sera of Chagas disease, Kala-azar and Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis patients, that bind multiple antigens shared between the three causative agents. The Chagas disease sera showed 98 to 100% positive results by ELISA when the Leishmania braziliensis and Leishmania chagasi antigens were used, respectively. The Kala-azar sera showed 100% positive results with Trypanosoma cruzi or L. braziliensis antigens by immunofluorescence assays. The antibodies in the sera of Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis patients showed 100% positive results by ELISA assays with T. cruzi or L. chagasi antigens. Furthermore, the direct agglutination of L. chagasi promastigotes showed that 95% of Kala-azar and 35% of Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis sera agglutinated the parasite in dilutions above 1:512. In contrast, 15% of Chagas sera agglutinated the parasite in dilutions 1:16 and below. Western blot analysis showed that the Chagas sera that formed at least 24 bands with the T. cruzi also formed 13 bands with the L. chagasi and 17 bands with the L. braziliensis. The Kala-azar sera that recognized at least 29 bands with the homologous antigen also formed 14 bands with the T. cruzi and 10 bands with the L. braziliensis antigens. Finally, the Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis sera that formed at least 17 bands with the homologous antigen also formed 10 bands with the T. cruzi and four bands with the L. chagasi antigens. These results indicate the presence of common antigenic determinants in several protozoal proteins and, therefore, explain the serologic cross-reactions reported here.


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Diagnostic and parasite characterization and identification studies were carried out in human patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis lesions in Santiago del Estero, Northern Province of Argentina. Diagnostic procedures were biopsies of lesions for smears and inoculations in hamster, needle aspirations of material from ulcers for "in vitro" cultures. Immunodiagnostic techniques applied were IFAT-IgG and Montenegro skin test. Primary isolation of eight stocks of leishmanial parasites was achieved from patients with active lesions. All stocks were biologically characterized by their behaviour in hamster, measurements of amastigote and promastigotes and growth "in vitro". Eight stocks were characterized and identified at species level by their reactivity to a cross-panel of sub-genus and specie-specific Monoclonal Antibodies through an Indirect Immunofluorescence technique and a Dot-ELISA. We conclude from the serodeme analysis of Argentina stocks that: stocks MHOM/AR/92/SE-1; SE-2; SE-4; SE-8; SE-8-I; SE-30; SE-34 and SE-36 are Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis. Three Leishmania stocks (SE-1; SE-2 and SE-30) did not react with one highly specie-specific Monoclonal Antibody (Clone: B-18, Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis marker) disclosing two serodeme group patterns. Five out of eight soluble extracts of leishmanial promastigotes were electrophoresed on thin-layer starch gels and examined for the enzyme MPI, Mannose Phosphate Isomerase; MDH, Malate Dehydrogenase; 6PGD, 6 Phosphogluconate Dehydrogenase; NH, Nucleoside Hydrolase, 2-deoxyinosinc as substrate; SOD, Superoxide Dismutase; GPI, Glucose Phosphate Isomerase and ES, Esterase. From the isoenzyme studies we concluded that stocks: MHOM/AR/92/SE-1; SE-2; SE-4; SE-8 and SE-8-I are isoenzymatically Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis. We need to analyze more enzymes before assigning them to a braziliensis zymodeme.


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This paper deals with the analysis of 10 batches of L.major-like and L.(V.) braziliensis antigens added or not of a proteases inhibitor evaluated by means of an IgG-ELISA on three consecutive days using positive standard sera from patients with diagnosis of American Leishmaniasis previously tested for the presence of IgG antibodies by means of ELISA. The statistical analysis showed that for L. (V.) braziliensis the PMSF-containing antigen did not show any difference among batches or days of testing; the L.(V.) braziliensis antigen without PMSF showed statistical significance for differences among batches and a two-way ANOVA showed significant differences between antigens. L.major-like antigen prepared with or without PMSF showed differences among batches; all 3 days of testing displayed differences for the PMSF antigen but only for days 1 and 2 for the antigen without inhibitor. A two-way ANOVA showed differences among batches of the antigens but not for antigens with and without the protein inhibitor. According to the statistical analysis the L.major-like antigen added or not of PMSF has shown that it is the choice antigen for mucocutaneous leishmaniasis serology.


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In this present study, preliminary data was obtained regarding the mortality rate of the Amazonian anophelines, Anopheles nuneztovari, Anopheles darlingi and Anopheles braziliensis when subjected to treatment with Bacillus sphaericus strain 2362, the WHO standard strain. Initially, experiments were conducted to test the mortality rate of the three species of anopheline larvae. The third larval instar of An. nuneztovari and the second and third larval instars of An. darlingi proved to be the least susceptible. In other experiments, the same three mosquito species were tested with the standard strain 2362, An. nuneztovari was the least susceptible to this insect pathogen, while An. braziliensis was the most susceptible. This latter species showed a difference in the level of LC50 concentration, when compared to the former, of 2.4, 2.5 and 1.8 in readings taken 24, 48 and 72 hours after exposure to the bacillus.


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The current article reports the case of a 19-month-old-girl, from the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, with visceral leishmaniasis, by Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis, and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) co-infection. The child's mother and father, aged 22 and 27 years old, respectively, were both HIV positive. The child was admitted to the General Pediatric Center, in Belo Horizonte, presenting high fever, fatigue, weight loss and enlargement of liver and spleen. Indirect immunofluorescent test revealed a titer of 1:320 for Leishmania. Such result was confirmed by the presence of amastigotes in bone marrow aspirate samples and culture of promastigote forms. Parasites were identified as being Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis through PCR, using a L. braziliensis complex primer and a generic primer, followed by hibridization. Specific leishmaniasis therapy (GlucantimeÒ antimonial) was intravenously administered.


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Introduction:American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL) can be caused by Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis complex. The evolution of ATL initially results in lesions and can develop into disseminated or diffuse forms. The genetic diversity of L. (V.) braziliensis in some endemic areas of Brazil has been poorly studied, such as in the state of São Paulo. This study analyzed the genetic diversity of L. (V.) braziliensis isolates collected from patients and dogs with LTA from the state of São Paulo.Methods:Leishmaniasis diagnosis was determined by PCR. The 132 biopsies were collected in different regions of Sao Paulo State, Brazil (36 municipalities). The genetic characterization of L. (V.) braziliensis isolates was tested by RFLP-PCR using DNA extracted from biopsies. The primer set amplified a specific region of Leishmania internal transcribed spacers of the ribosomal DNA locus.Results:Of the 132 samples, 52 (40%) were completely genotyped by RFLP-PCR (44 from human patients and eight from dogs). The results showed nine distinct patterns. The majority of the genotyped samples were from Sorocaba (30), and the others were distributed among 14 other municipalities. The first pattern was more frequent (29 samples), followed by pattern 2 (nine samples) and pattern 3 (three samples). Patterns 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 were composed of two samples each and pattern 5 of one sample.Conclusion:These results suggest that polymorphic strains of L. (V.) braziliensis circulate in the state of São Paulo. These data agree with studies from other regions of Brazil, showing great variability among the natural populations of endemic foci.


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The use of cryotherapy as an adjunct to systemic antimonial therapy (Clucantime) was studied in 17 patients with a total of23 skin lesions of leishmaniasis in an area where L. braziliensis braziliensis is the species in circulation. Cryotherapy did not speed healing and has been discarded as an auxiliary therapeutic measure in our practice. However this technique may be suitable for species o/Leishmania causing more limited superficial lesions in man without the danger of metastasis.