912 resultados para Chromatin assembly
La division cellulaire est un processus fondamental des êtres vivants. À chaque division cellulaire, le matériel génétique d'une cellule mère est dupliqué et ségrégé pour produire deux cellules filles identiques; un processus nommé la mitose. Tout d'abord, la cellule doit condenser le matériel génétique pour être en mesure de séparer mécaniquement et également le matériel génétique. Une erreur dans le niveau de compaction ou dans la dynamique de la mitose occasionne une transmission inégale du matériel génétique. Il est suggéré dans la littérature que ces phénomènes pourraient causé la transformation des cellules cancéreuses. Par contre, le mécanisme moléculaire générant la coordination des changements de haut niveau de la condensation des chromosomes est encore incompris. Dans les dernières décennies, plusieurs approches expérimentales ont identifié quelques protéines conservées dans ce processus. Pour déterminer le rôle de ces facteurs dans la compaction des chromosomes, j'ai effectué un criblage par ARNi couplé à de l'imagerie à haute-résolution en temps réel chez l'embryon de C. elegans. Grâce à cette technique, j'ai découvert sept nouvelles protéines requises pour l'assemblage des chromosomes mitotiques, incluant la Ribonucléotide réductase (RNR) et Topoisomérase II (topo-II). Dans cette thèse, je décrirai le rôle structural de topo-II dans l'assemblage des chromosomes mitotiques et ces mécanismes moléculaires. Lors de la condensation des chromosomes, topo-II agit indépendamment comme un facteur d'assemblage local menant par la suite à la formation d'un axe de condensation tout au long du chromosome. Cette localisation est à l'opposé de la position des autres facteurs connus qui sont impliqués dans la condensation des chromosomes. Ceci représente un nouveau mécanisme pour l'assemblage des chromosomes chez C. elegans. De plus, j'ai découvert un rôle non-enzymatique à la protéine RNR lors de l'assemblage des chromosomes. Lors de ce processus, RNR est impliqué dans la stabilité des nucléosomes et alors, permet la compaction de haut niveau de la chromatine. Dans cette thèse, je rapporte également des résultats préliminaires concernant d'autres nouveaux facteurs découverts lors du criblage ARNi. Le plus important est que mon analyse révèle que la déplétion des nouvelles protéines montre des phénotypes distincts, indiquant la fonction de celles-ci lors de l'assemblage des chromosomes. Somme toute, je conclus que les chromosomes en métaphase sont assemblés par trois protéines ayant des activités différentes d'échafaudage: topoisomérase II, les complexes condensines et les protéines centromériques. En conclusion, ces études prouvent le mécanisme moléculaire de certaines protéines qui contribuent à la formation des chromosomes mitotiques.
Les histones sont des protéines nucléaires hautement conservées chez les cellules des eucaryotes. Elles permettent d’organiser et de compacter l’ADN sous la forme de nucléosomes, ceux-ci representant les sous unités de base de la chromatine. Les histones peuvent être modifiées par de nombreuses modifications post-traductionnelles (PTMs) telles que l’acétylation, la méthylation et la phosphorylation. Ces modifications jouent un rôle essentiel dans la réplication de l’ADN, la transcription et l’assemblage de la chromatine. L’abondance de ces modifications peut varier de facon significative lors du developpement des maladies incluant plusieurs types de cancer. Par exemple, la perte totale de la triméthylation sur H4K20 ainsi que l’acétylation sur H4K16 sont des marqueurs tumoraux spécifiques a certains types de cancer chez l’humain. Par conséquent, l’étude de ces modifications et des événements determinant la dynamique des leurs changements d’abondance sont des atouts importants pour mieux comprendre les fonctions cellulaires et moléculaires lors du développement de la maladie. De manière générale, les modifications des histones sont étudiées par des approches biochimiques telles que les immuno-buvardage de type Western ou les méthodes d’immunoprécipitation de la chromatine (ChIP). Cependant, ces approches présentent plusieurs inconvénients telles que le manque de spécificité ou la disponibilité des anticorps, leur coût ou encore la difficulté de les produire et de les valider. Au cours des dernières décennies, la spectrométrie de masse (MS) s’est avérée être une méthode performante pour la caractérisation et la quantification des modifications d’histones. La MS offre de nombreux avantages par rapport aux techniques traditionnelles. Entre autre, elle permet d’effectuer des analyses reproductibles, spécifiques et facilite l’etude d’un large spectre de PTMs en une seule analyse. Dans cette thèse, nous présenterons le développement et l’application de nouveaux outils analytiques pour l’identification et à la quantification des PTMs modifiant les histones. Dans un premier temps, une méthode a été développée pour mesurer les changements d’acétylation spécifiques à certains sites des histones. Cette méthode combine l’analyse des histones intactes et les méthodes de séquençage peptidique afin de déterminer les changements d’acétylation suite à la réaction in vitro par l’histone acétyltransférase (HAT) de levure Rtt109 en présence de ses chaperonnes (Asf1 ou Vps75). Dans un second temps, nous avons développé une méthode d’analyse des peptides isomériques des histones. Cette méthode combine la LC-MS/MS à haute résolution et un nouvel outil informatique appelé Iso-PeptidAce qui permet de déconvoluer les spectres mixtes de peptides isomériques. Nous avons évalué Iso-PeptidAce avec un mélange de peptides synthétiques isomériques. Nous avons également validé les performances de cette approche avec des histones isolées de cellules humaines érythroleucémiques (K562) traitées avec des inhibiteurs d’histones désacétylases (HDACi) utilisés en clinique, et des histones de Saccharomyces cerevisiae liées au facteur d’assemblage de la chromatine (CAF-1) purifiées par chromatographie d’affinité. Enfin, en utilisant la méthode présentée précédemment, nous avons fait une analyse approfondie de la spécificité de plusieurs HATs et HDACs chez Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Nous avons donc déterminé les niveaux d’acétylation d’histones purifiées à partir de cellules contrôles ou de souches mutantes auxquelles il manque une HAT ou HDAC. Notre analyse nous a permis de valider plusieurs cibles connues des HATs et HDACs et d’en identifier de nouvelles. Nos données ont également permis de définir le rôle des différentes HATs et HDACs dans le maintien de l’équilibre d’acétylation des histones. Dans l’ensemble, nous anticipons que les méthodes décrites dans cette thèse permettront de résoudre certains défis rencontrés dans l’étude de la chromatine. De plus, ces données apportent de nouvelles connaissances pour l’élaboration d’études génétiques et biochimiques utilisant S. pombe.
Die Epigenetik repräsentiert einen Teilbereich der Genetik, der sich mit Regulationsmechanismen befasst, welche Einfluss auf die Genexpression nehmen und dabei nicht auf Veränderungen in der DNA-Sequenz beruhen. Ein verbreiteter Mechanismus beruht auf der Kontrolle des Kondensationsgrades der DNA durch posttranslationale Modifizierung von Proteinen. Die Proteine können ein struktureller Bestandteil des Chromatins oder aber an dessen Etablierung und Aufrechterhaltung beteiligt sein. Heterochromatin Protein 1 (HP1) ist ein Schlüsselprotein bei der Bildung und Aufrechterhaltung heterochromatischer Strukturen. Zudem erfüllt es eine Reihe weiterer Funktionen und interagiert mit einer Vielzahl von Proteinen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass die HP1-Homologe aus Dictyostelium discoideum umfangreich mit posttranslationalen Modifikationen versehen sind. Eine in der als Interaktionsdomäne bezeichneten Chromo-Shadow-Domäne gelegene Acetylierung steht zumindest in HcpB im Zusammenhang mit der Bildung von Heterochromatin. Darüber hinaus konnte gezeigt werden, dass HcpB physisch mit der Histonmethyltransferase SuvA interagiert. Der Einfluss der oben genannten Acetylierung auf die Bildung von Heterochromatin könnte dabei sowohl auf der Kontrolle der Homo- bzw. Heterodimerisierung als auch auf der Kontrolle der Interaktion mit SuvA beruhen. Die hohe Konservierung von HP1-Proteinen führt zu der Frage, ob das humane Homolog HP1α die endogenen HP1-Homologe in Dictyostelium discoideum kompensieren kann. Während humanes HP1α in der Lage ist im Einzel-Knockout mit heterochromatischen Strukturen zu assoziieren scheint der Knockout des zweiten Homologes letal zu sein. Dies legt nahe, dass HP1α nur einen Teil der Funktionen übernehmen kann. Um Interaktionspartner von HcpA und HcpB zu bestimmen wurden mit bioinformatischen Methoden drei Proteine aus Dictyostelium als potentielle Komponenten des Chromatin Assembly Factor 1 (CAF1) identifiziert und untersucht. Vorhergehende Experimente aus anderen Arbeiten stützen die Annahme, dass es sich hierbei um Komponenten des Chromatin Assembly Factor 1 handelt.
Summary Trichostatin A (TSA) is a histone deacetylase inhibitor that induces histone hyperacetylation and increases gene expression levels. The aim of the present study was to establish a suitable condition for the use of TSA in in vitro cultures of bovine embryos, and to determine whether TSA would increase blastocyst rates by improvement of chromatin remodelling during embryonic genome activation and by increasing the expression of crucial genes during early development. To test this hypothesis, 8-cell embryos were exposed to four concentrations of TSA for different periods of time to establish adequate protocols. In a second experiment, three experimental groups were selected for the evaluation of embryo quality based on the following parameters: apoptosis, total cell number and blastocyst hatching. TSA promoted embryonic arrest and degeneration at concentrations of 15, 25 and 50 nM. All treated groups presented lower blastocyst rates. Exposure of embryos to 5 nM for 144 h and to 15 nM for 48 h decreased blastocyst hatching. However, the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling assay (TUNEL) assay revealed similar apoptosis rates and total cell numbers in all groups studied. Although, in the present study, TSA treatment did not improve the parameters studied, the results provided background information on TSA supplementation during in vitro culture of bovine embryos and showed that embryo quality was apparently not affected, despite a decrease in blastocyst rate after exposure to TSA. © Cambridge University Press 2011.
Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) participates in diverse fibrotic processes including glomerulosclerosis. The adenylyl cyclase agonist forskolin inhibits CTGF expression in mesangial cells by unclear mechanisms. We recently reported that the histone H3K79 methyltransferase disruptor of telomeric silencing-1 (Dot1) suppresses CTGF gene expression in collecting duct cells (J Clin Invest 117: 773-783, 2007) and HEK 293 cells (J Biol Chem In press). In the present study, we characterized the involvement of Dot1 in mediating the inhibitory effect of forskolin on CTGF transcription in mouse mesangial cells. Overexpression of Dot1 or treatment with forskolin dramatically suppressed basal CTGF mRNA levels and CTGF promoter-luciferase activity, while hypermethylating H3K79 in chromatin associated with the CTGF promoter. siRNA knockdown of Dot1 abrogated the inhibitory effect of forskolin on CTGF mRNA expression. Analysis of the Dot1 promoter sequence identified a CREB response element (CRE) at -384/-380. Overexpression of CREB enhanced forskolin-stimulated Dot1 promoter activity. A constitutively active CREB mutant (CREB-VP16) strongly induced Dot1 promoter-luciferase activity, whereas overexpression of CREBdLZ-VP16, which lacks the CREB DNA-binding domain, abolished this activation. Mutation of the -384/-380 CRE resulted in 70% lower levels of Dot1 promoter activity. ChIP assays confirmed CREB binding to the Dot1 promoter in chromatin. We conclude that forskolin stimulates CREB-mediated trans-activation of the Dot1 gene, which leads to hypermethylation of histone H3K79 at the CTGF promoter, and inhibition of CTGF transcription. These data are the first to describe regulation of the Dot1 gene, and disclose a complex network of genetic and epigenetic controls on CTGF transcription.
Involvement of HMGB1 in the repair of DNA adducts and the responses to DNA damage in mammalian cells
High mobility group protein B1 (HMGB1) is a multifunctional protein with roles in chromatin structure, transcription, V(D)J recombination, and inflammation. HMGB1 also binds to and bends damaged DNA, but the biological consequence of this interaction is not clearly understood. We have shown previously that HMGB1 binds cooperatively with nucleotide excision repair (NER) damage recognition proteins XPA and RPA to triplex-directed psoralen DNA interstrand crosslinks (ICLs). Based on this we hypothesized that HMGB1 is enhancing the repair of DNA lesions, and through this role, is affecting DNA damage-induced mutagenesis and cell survival. Because HMGB1 is also a chromatin protein, we further hypothesized that it is acting to facilitate chromatin remodeling at the site of the DNA damage, to allow access of the repair machinery to the DNA lesion. We demonstrated here that HMGB1 could bind to triplex-directed psoralen ICLs in a complex with NER proteins XPC-RAD23B, XPA and RPA, which occurred in the presence or absence of DNA. Supporting these findings, we demonstrated that HMGB1 enhanced repair of triplex-directed psoralen ICLs (by nucleotide incorporation), as well as removal of UVC irradiation-induced DNA lesions from the genome (by radioimmunoassay). We also explored HMGB1's role in chromatin remodeling upon DNA damage. Immunoblotting demonstrated that, in contrast to HMGB1 proficient cells, cells lacking HMGB1 showed no increase in histone acetylation after UVC irradiation. Additionally, purified HMGB1 protein enhanced chromatin formation in an in vitro chromatin assembly system. However, HMGB1 also has a role in DNA repair in the absence of chromatin, as shown by measuring UVC-induced nucleotide incorporation on a naked substrate. Upon exploration of HMGB1's effect on several cellular outcomes of DNA damage, we found that mammalian cells lacking HMGB1 were hypersensitive to DNA damage induced by psoralen plus UVA irradiation or UVC radiation, showing less survival and increased mutagenesis. These results reveal a new role for HMGB1 in the error-free repair of DNA lesions in a chromosomal context. As strategies targeting HMGB1 are currently in development for treatment of sepsis and rheumatoid arthritis, our findings draw attention to potential adverse side effects of anti-HMGB1 therapy in patients with inflammatory diseases. ^
The general objective of this work is to analyze the regulatory processes underlying flowering transition and inflorescence and flower development in grapevine. Most of these crucial developmental events take place within buds growing during two seasons in two consecutive years. During the first season, the shoot apical meristem within the bud differentiates all the basic elements of the shoot including flowering transition in lateral primordia and development of inflorescence primordia. These events practically end with bud dormancy. The second season, buds resume shoot growth associated to flower formation and development. In grapevine, the lateral meristems can give rise either to tendril or inflorescence primordia that are homologous organs. With this purpose, we performed global transcriptome analyses along the bud annual cycle and during inflorescence and tendril development. In addition, we approach the genomic analysis of the MIKC type MADS-box gene family in grapevine to identify all its members and assign them putative biological functions. Regarding buds developmental cycle, the results indicate that the main factors explaining the global gene expression differences were the processes of bud dormancy and active growth as well as stress responses. Non dormant buds exhibited up-regulation in functional categories typical of actively proliferating and growing cells (photosynthesis, cell cycle regulation, chromatin assembly) whereas in dormant ones the main functional categories up-regulated were associated to stress response pathways together with transcripts related to starch catabolism. Major transcriptional changes during the dormancy period were associated to the para/endodormancy, endo/ecodormancy and ecodormancy/bud break transitions. Global transcriptional analyses along tendril and inflorescence development suggested that these two homologous organs share a common transcriptional program related to cell proliferation functions. Both structures showed a progressive decrease in the expression of categories such as cell-cycle, auxin metabolism/signaling, DNA metabolism, chromatin assembly and a cluster of five transcripts belonging to the GROWTH-REGULATING FACTOR (GRF) transcription factor family, that are known to control cell proliferation in other species and determine the size of lateral organs. However, they also showed organ specific transcriptional programs that can be related to their differential organ structure and function. Tendrils showed higher transcription of genes related to photosynthesis, hormone signaling and secondary metabolism than inflorescences, while inflorescences have higher transcriptional activity for genes encoding transcription factors (especially those belonging to the MADS-box gene family). Further analysis along inflorescence development evidenced the relevance of additional functions likely related to processes of flower development such as fatty acid and lipid metabolism, jasmonate signaling and oxylipin biosynthesis. The transcriptional analyses performed highlighted the relevance of several groups of transcriptional regulators in the developmental processes studied. The expression profiles along bud development revealed significant differences for some MADS-box subfamilies in relation to other plant species, like the members of the FLC and SVP subfamilies suggesting new roles for these groups in grapevine. In this way, it was found that VvFLC2 and VvAGL15.1 could participate, together with some members of the SPL-L family, in dormancy regulation, as was shown for some of them in other woody plants. Similarly, the expression patterns of the VvFLC1, VvFUL, VvSOC1.1 (together with VvFT, VvMFT1 and VFL) genes could indicate that they play a role in flowering transition in grapevine, in parallel to their roles in other plant systems. The expression levels of VFL, the grapevine LEAFY homolog, could be crucial to specify the development of inflorescence and flower meristems instead of tendril meristems. MADS-box genes VvAP3.1 and 2, VvPI, VvAG1 and 3, VvSEP1-4, as well as VvBS1 and 2 are likely associated with the events of flower meristems and flower organs differentiation, while VvAP1 and VvFUL-L (together with VvSOC1.1, VvAGL6.2) could be involved on tendril development given their expression patterns. In addition, the biological function ofVvAP1 and VvTFL1A was analyzed using a gene silencing approach in transgenic grapevine plants. Our preliminary results suggested a possible role for both genes in the initiation and differentiation of tendrils. Finally, the genomic analysis of the MADS-box gene family in grapevine revealed differential features regarding number and expression pattern of genes putatively involved in the flowering transition process as compared to those involved in the specification of flower and fruit organ identity. Altogether, the results obtained allow identifying putative candidate genes and pathways regulating grapevine reproductive developmental processes paving the way to future experiments demonstrating specific gene biological functions. RESUMEN El objetivo general de este trabajo es analizar los procesos regulatorios subyacentes a la inducción floral así como al desarrollo de la inflorescencia y la flor en la vid. La mayor parte de estos eventos cruciales tienen lugar en las yemas a lo largo de dos estaciones de crecimiento consecutivas. Durante la primera estación, el meristemo apical contenido en la yema diferencia los elementos básicos del pámpano, lo cual incluye la inducción de la floración en los meristemos laterales y el subsiguiente desarrollo de primordios de inflorescencia. Estos procesos prácticamente cesan con la entrada en dormición de la yema. En la segunda estación, se reanuda el crecimiento del pámpano acompañado por la formación y desarrollo de las flores. En la vid, los meristemos laterales pueden dar lugar a primordios de inflorescencia o de zarcillo que son considerados órganos homólogos. Con este objetivo llevamos a cabo un estudio a nivel del transcriptoma de la yema a lo largo de su ciclo anual, así como a lo largo del desarrollo de la inflorescencia y del zarcillo. Además realizamos un análisis genómico de la familia MADS de factores transcripcionales (concretamente aquellos del tipo MIKC) para identificar todos sus miembros y tratar de asignarles posibles funciones biológicas. En cuanto al ciclo de desarrollo de la yema, los resultados indican que los principales factores que explican las diferencias globales en la expresión génica fueron los procesos de dormición de la yema y el crecimiento activo junto con las respuestas a diversos tipos de estrés. Las yemas no durmientes mostraron un incremento en la expresión de genes contenidos en categorías funcionales típicas de células en proliferación y crecimiento activo (como fotosíntesis, regulación del ciclo celular, ensamblaje de cromatina), mientras que en las yemas durmientes, las principales categorías funcionales activadas estaban asociadas a respuestas a estrés, así como con el catabolismo de almidón. Los mayores cambios observados a nivel de transcriptoma en la yema coincidieron con las transiciones de para/endodormición, endo/ecodormición y ecodormición/brotación. Los análisis transcripcionales globales a lo largo del desarrollo del zarcillo y de la inflorescencia sugirieron que estos dos órganos homólogos comparten un programa transcripcional común, relacionado con funciones de proliferación celular. Ambas estructuras mostraron un descenso progresivo en la expresión de genes pertenecientes a categorías funcionales como regulación del ciclo celular, metabolismo/señalización por auxinas, metabolismo de ADN, ensamblaje de cromatina y un grupo de cinco tránscritos pertenecientes a la familia de factores transcripcionales GROWTH-REGULATING FACTOR (GRF), que han sido asociados con el control de la proliferación celular y en determinar el tamaño de los órganos laterales en otras especies. Sin embargo, también pusieron de manifiesto programas transcripcionales que podrían estar relacionados con la diferente estructura y función de dichos órganos. Los zarcillos mostraron mayor actividad transcripcional de genes relacionados con fotosíntesis, señalización hormonal y metabolismo secundario que las inflorescencias, mientras que éstas presentaron mayor actividad transcripcional de genes codificantes de factores de transcripción (especialmente los pertenecientes a la familia MADS-box). Análisis adicionales a lo largo del desarrollo de la inflorescencia evidenciaron la relevancia de otras funciones posiblemente relacionadas con el desarrollo floral, como el metabolismo de lípidos y ácidos grasos, la señalización mediada por jasmonato y la biosíntesis de oxilipinas. Los análisis transcripcionales llevados a cabo pusieron de manifiesto la relevancia de varios grupos de factores transcripcionales en los procesos estudiados. Los perfiles de expresión estudiados a lo largo del desarrollo de la yema mostraron diferencias significativas en algunas de las subfamilias de genes MADS con respecto a otras especies vegetales, como las observadas en los miembros de las subfamilias FLC y SVP, lo cual sugiere que podrían desempeñar nuevas funciones en la vid. En este sentido, se encontró que los genes VvFLC2 y VvAGL15.1 podrían participar, junto con algunos miembros de la familia SPL-L, en la regulación de la dormición. De un modo similar, los patrones de expresión de los genes VvFLC1, VvFUL, VvSOC1.1 (junto con VvFT, VvMFT1 y VFL) podría indicar que desempeñan un papel en la regulación de la inducción de la floración en la vid, como se ha observado en otros sistemas vegetales. Los niveles de expresión de VFL, el homólogo en vid del gen LEAFY de A. thaliana podrían ser cruciales para la especificación del desarrollo de meristemos de inflorescencia y flor en lugar de meristemos de zarcillo. Los genes VvAP3.1 y 2, VvPI, VvAG1 y 3, VvSEP1-4, así como VvBS1 y 2 parecen estar asociados con los eventos de diferenciación de meristemos y órganos florales, mientras que VvAP1 y VvFUL-L (junto con VvSOC1.1 y VvAGL6.2) podrían estar implicados en el desarrollo del zarcillo dados sus patrones de expresión. Adicionalmente, se analizó la función biológica de los genes VvAP1 y VvTFL1A por medio de una estrategia de silenciamiento génico. Los datos preliminares sugieren un posible papel para ambos genes en la iniciación y diferenciación de los zarcillos. Finalmente, el análisis genómico de la familia MADS en vid evidenció diferencias con respecto a otras especies vegetales en cuanto a número de miembros y patrón de expresión en genes supuestamente implicados en la inducción de la floración, en comparación con aquellos relacionados con la especificación de identidad de órganos florales y desarrollo del fruto. En conjunto, los resultados obtenidos han permitido identificar posibles rutas y genes candidatos a participar en la regulación de los procesos de desarrollo reproductivo de la vid, sentando las bases de futuros experimentos encaminados a conocer la funciones biológicas de genes específicos.
Average hepatic expression (mRNA per cell per gene) of a metallothionein-rat growth hormone (rGH) gene with its natural introns was about 15-fold higher than an intronless version when tested in transgenic mice. We examined the idea that intron removal leads to an alteration in chromatin structure that might be responsible for this effect. Using an in vitro chromatin assembly system, we observed that nucleosomes were aligned in a characteristic ordered array over the gene and promoter when all introns were present. Linker histones were necessary for this alignment to occur. In contrast, nucleosome alignment was perturbed in constructs lacking some or all of the introns. A similar disruption of nucleosome alignment was observed when comparing chromatin from livers of transgenic mice carrying rGH transgenes with or without introns. In vitro, sequences at the 3' end of the rGH gene position nucleosomes and facilitate nucleosome alignment upstream; however, nucleosome alignment does not occur on the approximately 3 kb of downstream flanking rat sequence. These observations suggest that signals present in genomic rGH DNA may serve to establish appropriate nucleosome alignment during development and, possibly, to restore nucleosome alignment to the transcribed region after disruption incurred by the passage of an RNA polymerase molecule, thereby facilitating subsequent rounds of transcription.
All living organisms require accurate mechanisms to faithfully inherit their genetic material during cell division. The centromere is a unique locus on each chromosome that supports a multiprotein structure called the kinetochore. During mitosis, the kinetochore is responsible for connecting chromosomes to spindle microtubules, allowing faithful segregation of the duplicated genome. In most organisms, centromere position and function is not defined by the local DNA sequence context but rather by an epigenetic chromatin-based mechanism. Centromere protein A (CENP-A) is central to this process, as chromatin assembled from this histone H3 variant is essential for assembly of the centromere complex, as well as for its epigenetic maintenance. As a major determinant of centromere function, CENP-A assembly requires tight control, both in its specificity for the centromere and in timing of assembly. In the last few years, there have been several new insights into the molecular mechanism that allow this process to occur. We will review these here and discuss the general implications of the mechanism of cell cycle coupling of centromere inheritance.
We have examined the behavior of demembranated sperm heads when injected into the germinal vesicle (GV) of amphibian oocytes. Xenopus sperm heads injected into Xenopus GVs swelled immediately and within hours began to stain with an antibody against RNA polymerase II (Pol II). Over time each sperm head became a loose mass of chromosome-like threads, which by 24–48 h resolved into individually recognizable lampbrush chromosomes (LBCs). Although LBCs derived from sperm are unreplicated single chromatids, their morphology and immunofluorescent staining properties were strikingly similar to those of the endogenous lampbrush bivalents. They displayed typical transcriptionally active loops extending from an axis of condensed chromomeres, as well as locus-specific “landmarks.” Experiments with [3H]GTP and actinomycin D demonstrated that transcription was not necessary for the initial swelling of the sperm heads and acquisition of Pol II but was required for maintenance of the lampbrush loops. Splicing was not required at any stage during formation of sperm LBCs. When Xenopus sperm heads were injected into GVs of the newt Notophthalmus, the resulting sperm LBCs displayed very long loops with pronounced Pol II axes, like those of the endogenous newt LBCs; as expected, they stained with antibodies against newt-specific proteins. Other heterologous injections, including sperm heads of the frog Rana pipiens and the zebrafish Danio rerio in Xenopus GVs, confirm that LBCs can be derived from taxonomically distant organisms. The GV system should help identify both cis- and trans-acting factors needed to convert condensed chromatin into transcriptionally active LBCs. It may also be useful in producing cytologically analyzable chromosomes from organisms whose oocytes do not go through a typical lampbrush phase or cannot be manipulated by current techniques.
Somatic histone H1 reduces both the rate and extent of DNA replication in Xenopus egg extract. We show here that H1 inhibits replication directly by reducing the number of replication forks, but not the rate of fork progression, in Xenopus sperm nuclei. Density substitution experiments demonstrate that those forks that are active in H1 nuclei elongate to form large tracts of fully replicated DNA, indicating that inhibition is due to a reduction in the frequency of initiation and not the rate or extent of elongation. The observation that H1 dramatically reduces the number of replication foci in sperm nuclei supports this view. The establishment of replication competent DNA in egg extract requires the assembly of prereplication complexes (pre-RCs) on sperm chromatin. H1 reduces binding of the pre-RC proteins, XOrc2, XCdc6, and XMcm3, to chromatin. Replication competence can be restored in these nuclei, however, only under conditions that promote the loss of H1 from chromatin and licensing of the DNA. Thus, H1 inhibits replication in egg extract by preventing the assembly of pre-RCs on sperm chromatin, thereby reducing the frequency of initiation. These data raise the interesting possibility that H1 plays a role in regulating replication origin use during Xenopus development.
Baculovirus-expressed recombinant Sir3p (rSir3p) has been purified to near homogeneity, and its binding to naked DNA, mononucleosomes, and nucleosomal arrays has been characterized in vitro. At stoichiometric levels rSir3p interacts with intact nucleosomal arrays, mononucleosomes, and naked DNA, as evidenced by formation of supershifted species on native agarose gels. Proteolytic removal of the core histone tail domains inhibits but does not completely abolish rSir3p binding to nucleosomal arrays. The linker DNA in the supershifted complexes remains freely accessible to restriction endonuclease digestion, suggesting that both the tail domains and nucleosomal DNA contribute to rSir3p–chromatin interactions. Together these data indicate that rSir3p cross-links individual nucleosomal arrays into supramolecular assemblies whose physical properties transcend those of typical 10-nm and 30-nm fibers. Based on these data we hypothesize that Sir3p functions, at least in part, by mediating reorganization of the canonical chromatin fiber into functionally specialized higher order chromosomal domains.
Stylonychia lemnae is a classical model single-celled eukaryote, and a quintessential ciliate typified by dimorphic nuclei: A small, germline micronucleus and a massive, vegetative macronucleus. The genome within Stylonychia's macronucleus has a very unusual architecture, comprised variably and highly amplified "nanochromosomes," each usually encoding a single gene with a minimal amount of surrounding noncoding DNA. As only a tiny fraction of the Stylonychia genes has been sequenced, and to promote research using this organism, we sequenced its macronuclear genome. We report the analysis of the 50.2-Mb draft S. lemnae macronuclear genome assembly, containing in excess of 16,000 complete nanochromosomes, assembled as less than 20,000 contigs. We found considerable conservation of fundamental genomic properties between S. lemnae and its close relative, Oxytricha trifallax, including nanochromosomal gene synteny, alternative fragmentation, and copy number. Protein domain searches in Stylonychia revealed two new telomere-binding protein homologs and the presence of linker histones. Among the diverse histone variants of S. lemnae and O. trifallax, we found divergent, coexpressed variants corresponding to four of the five core nucleosomal proteins (H1.2, H2A.6, H2B.4, and H3.7) suggesting that these ciliates may possess specialized nucleosomes involved in genome processing during nuclear differentiation. The assembly of the S. lemnae macronuclear genome demonstrates that largely complete, well-assembled highly fragmented genomes of similar size and complexity may be produced from one library and lane of Illumina HiSeq 2000 shotgun sequencing. The provision of the S. lemnae macronuclear genome sets the stage for future detailed experimental studies of chromatin-mediated, RNA-guided developmental genome rearrangements.
In response to tumor hypoxia, specific genes that promote angiogenesis, proliferation, and survival are induced. Globally, I find that hypoxia induces a mixed pattern of histone modifications that are typically associated with either transcriptional activation or repression. Furthermore, I find that selective activation of hypoxia-inducible genes occurs simultaneously with widespread repression of transcription. I analyzed histone modifications at the core promoters of hypoxia-repressed and -activated genes and find that distinct patterns of histone modifications correlate with transcriptional activity. Additionally, I discovered that trimethylated H3-K4, a modification generally associated with transcriptional activation, is induced at both hypoxia-activated and repressed genes, suggesting a novel pattern of histone modifications induced during hypoxia. ^ In order to determine the mechanism of hypoxia-induced widespread repression of transcription, I focused my studies on negative cofactor 2 (NC2). Previously, we found that hypoxia-induced repression of the alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) gene occurs during preinitiation complex (PIC) assembly, and I find that NC2, an inhibitor of PIC assembly, is induced during hypoxia. Moreover, I find that the beta subunit of NC2 is essential for hypoxia-mediated repression of AFP, as well as the widespread repression of transcription observed during hypoxia. Previous data in Drosophila and S. cerevisiae indicate that NC2 functions as either an activator or a repressor of transcription. The mechanism of NC2-mediated activation remains unclear; although, Drosophila NC2 function correlates with specific core promoter elements. I tested if NC2 activates transcription in mammalian cells using this core promoter-specific model as a guide. Utilizing site-specific mutagenesis, I find that NC2 function in mammalian cells is not dependent upon specific core promoter elements; however, I do find that mammalian NC2 does function in a gene-specific manner as either an activator or repressor of transcription during hypoxia. Furthermore, I find that binding of the alpha subunit of NC2 specifically correlates with NC2-mediated transcriptional activation. NC2α and NC2β are both required for NC2-mediated transcriptional activation; whereas, NC2β alone is required for hypoxia-induced transcriptional repression. Together, these data indicate that hypoxia mediates changes in gene expression through both chromatin modifications and NC2 function. ^
Extensive studies of the β-phaseolin (phas) gene in transgenic tobacco have shown that it is highly active during seed embryogenesis but is completely silent in leaf and other vegetative tissues. In vivo footprinting revealed that the lack of even basal transcriptional activity in vegetative tissues is associated with the presence of a nucleosome that is rotationally positioned with base pair precision over three phased TATA boxes present in the phas promoter. Positioning is sequence-dependent because an identical rotational setting is obtained upon nucleosome reconstitution in vitro. A comparison of DNase I and dimethyl sulfate footprints in vivo and in vitro strongly suggests that this repressive chromatin architecture is remodeled concomitant with gene activation in the developing seed. This leads to the disruption of histone-mediated DNA wrapping and the assembly of the TATA boxes into a transcriptionally competent nucleoprotein complex.