183 resultados para Chondrocyte


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Objective To investigate the role of matrix metalloproteinase 13 (MMP-13; collagenase 3) in osteoarthritis (OA). Methods OA was surgically induced in the knees of MMP-13-knockout mice and wild-type mice, and mice were compared. Histologic scoring of femoral and tibial cartilage aggrecan loss (0-3 scale), erosion (0-7 scale), and chondrocyte hypertrophy (0-1 scale), as well as osteophyte size (0-3 scale) and maturity (0-3 scale) was performed. Serial sections were stained for type X collagen and the MMP-generated aggrecan neoepitope DIPEN. Results Following surgery, aggrecan loss and cartilage erosion were more severe in the tibia than femur (P < 0.01) and tibial cartilage erosion increased with time (P < 0.05) in wild-type mice. Cartilaginous osteophytes were present at 4 weeks and underwent ossification, with size and maturity increasing by 8 weeks (P < 0.01). There was no difference between genotypes in aggrecan loss or cartilage erosion at 4 weeks. There was less tibial cartilage erosion in knockout mice than in wild-type mice at 8 weeks (P < 0.02). Cartilaginous osteophytes were larger in knockout mice at 4 weeks (P < 0.01), but by 8 weeks osteophyte maturity and size were no different from those in wild-type mice. Articular chondrocyte hypertrophy with positive type X collagen and DIPEN staining occurred in both wild-type and knockout mouse joints. Conclusion Our findings indicate that structural cartilage damage in a mouse model of OA is dependent on MMP-13 activity. Chondrocyte hypertrophy is not regulated by MMP-13 activity in this model and does not in itself lead to cartilage erosion. MMP-13 deficiency can inhibit cartilage erosion in the presence of aggrecan depletion, supporting the potential for therapeutic intervention in established OA with MMP-13 inhibitors.


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The aim of this paper is to utilize a poroviscohyperelastic (PVHE) model which is developed based on the porohyperelastic (PHE) model to explore the mechanical deformation properties of single chondrocytes. Both creep and relaxation responses are investigated by using FEM models of micropipette aspiration and AFM experiments, respectively. The newly developed PVHE model is compared thoroughly with the SnHS and PHE models. It has been found that the PVHE can accurately capture both creep and stress relaxation behaviors of chondrocytes better than other two models. Hence, the PVHE is a promising model to investigate mechanical properties of single chondrocytes.


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Hydrogels are promising materials for cartilage repair, but the properties required for optimal functional outcomes are not yet known. In this study, we functionalized four materials that are commonly used in cartilage tissue engineering and evaluated them using in vitro cultures. Gelatin, hyaluronic acid, polyethylene glycol, and alginate were functionalized with methacrylic anhydride to make them photocrosslinkable. We found that the responses of encapsulated human chondrocytes were highly dependent on hydrogel type. Gelatin hydrogels supported cell proliferation and the deposition of a glycosaminoglycan rich matrix with significant mechanical functionality. However, cells had a dedifferentiated phenotype, with high expression of collagen type I. Chondrocytes showed the best redifferentiation in hyaluronic acid hydrogels, but the newly formed matrix was highly localized to the pericellular regions, and these gels degraded rapidly. Polyethylene glycol hydrogels, as a bioinert control, did not promote any strong responses. Alginate hydrogels did not support the deposition of new matrix, and the stiffness decreased during culture. The markedly different response of chondrocytes to these four photocrosslinkable hydrogels demonstrates the importance of material properties for chondrogenesis and extracellular matrix production, which are critical for effective cartilage repair.


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Optical coherence tomography (OCT) has been applied for high resolution imaging of articular cartilage. However, the contribution of individual structural elements of cartilage on OCT signal has not been thoroughly studied. We hypothesize that both collagen and chondrocytes, essential structural components of cartilage, act as important light scatterers and that variation in their concentrations can be detected by OCT through changes in backscattering and attenuation. To evaluate this hypothesis, we established a controlled model system using agarose scaffolds embedded with variable collagen concentrations and chondrocyte densities. Using OCT, we measured the backscattering coefficient (µb) and total attenuation coefficient (µt) in these scaffolds. Along our hypothesis, light backscattering and attenuation in agarose were dependent on collagen concentration and chondrocyte density. Significant correlations were found between µt and chondrocyte density (ρ = 0.853, p < 0.001) and between µt and collagen concentration (ρ = 0.694, p < 0.001). µb correlated significantly with chondrocyte density (ρ = 0.504, p < 0.001) but not with collagen concentration (ρ = 0.103, p = 0.422) of the scaffold. Thus, quantitation of light backscattering and, especially, attenuation could be valuable when evaluating the integrity of soft tissues, such as articular cartilage with OCT.


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It has been demonstrated that most cells of the body respond to osmotic pressure in a systematic manner. The disruption of the collagen network in the early stages of osteoarthritis causes an increase in water content of cartilage which leads to a reduction of pericellular osmolality in chondrocytes distributed within the extracellular environment. It is therefore arguable that an insight into the mechanical properties of chondrocytes under varying osmotic pressure would provide a better understanding of chondrocyte mechanotransduction and potentially contribute to knowledge on cartilage degeneration. In this present study, the chondrocyte cells were exposed to solutions with different osmolality. Changes in their dimensions and mechanical properties were measured over time. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) was used to apply load at various strain-rates and the force-time curves were logged. The thin-layer elastic model was used to extract the elastic stiffness of chondrocytes at different strain-rates and at different solution osmolality. In addition, the porohyperelastic (PHE) model was used to investigate the strain-rate dependent responses under the loading and osmotic pressure conditions. The results revealed that the hypo-osmotic external environment increased chondrocyte dimensions and reduced Young’s modulus of the cells at all strain-rates tested. In contrast, the hyper-osmotic external environment reduced dimensions and increased Young’s modulus. Moreover, by using the PHE model coupled with inverse FEA simulation, we established that the hydraulic permeability of chondrocytes increased with decreasing extracellular osmolality which is consistent with previous work in the literature. This could be due to a higher intracellular fluid volume fraction with lower osmolality.


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ntroduction: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease affecting more than 8.5 million people in the UK. Disruption in the catabolic and anabolic balance, with the catabolic cytokine Interleukin 1 beta (IL-1β) being involved in the initiation and progression of OA (1). Melanocortin peptides (α-MSH and D[Trp8]-γ-MSH) exert their anti-inflammatory effects via activation of melanocortin receptors (MC), with both MC1 and MC3 being identified as promising candidates as novel targets for OA (2). This study aims to assess the chondroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects of the pan melanocortin receptor agonist α-MSH and MC3 agonist D[Trp8]-γ-MSH following IL-1β chondrocyte stimulation. Methods: RT-PCR/ Western Blot: Human C-20/A4 chondrocytic cell-line were cultured in 6 well plates (1x106 cells/well) and harvested to determine MC and IL-1β expression by RT-PCR, and Western Blot. Cell-Culture: Cells were cultured in 96 well plates (1x106 cells/well) and stimulated with H2O2 (0.3%), TNF-α (60 pg/ml) or IL-1β (0-5000pg/ml) for 0-72h and cell viability determined. Drug Treatment: In separate experiments cells were pre-treated with 3 μg/ml α-MSH (Sigma-Aldrich Inc. Poole, UK), or D[Trp8]-γ-MSH (Phoenix Pharmaceuticals, Karlsrhue, Germany) (all dissolved in PBS) for 30 minutes prior to IL-1β (5000pg/ml) stimulation for 6-24h. Analysis: Cell viability was determined by using the three cell viability assays; Alamar Blue, MTT and the Neutral Red (NR) assay. Cell-free supernatants were collected and analysed for Interleukin -6 (IL-6) and IL-8 release by ELISA. Data expressed as Mean ± SD of n=4-8 determination in quadruplicate. *p≤ 0.05 vs. control. Results: Both RT-PCR, and Western Blot showed MC1 and MC3 expression on C-20/A4 cells. Cell viability analysis: IL-1β stimulation led to a maximal cell death of 35% at 6h (Alamar Blue), and 40% and 75% with MTT and Neutral Red respectively at 24h compared to control. The three cell viability assays have different cellular uptake pathways, which accounts for the variations observed in cell viability in response to the concentration of IL-1β, and time. Cytokine analysis by ELISA: IL-1β (5000pg/ml) stimulation for 6 and 24h showed maximal IL-6 production 292.3 ±3.8 and 275.5 ±5.0 respectively, and IL-8 production 353.3 ±2.6 and 598.3 ±8.6 respectively. Pre-treatment of cells with α-MSH and D[Trp8]-γ-MSH caused significant reductions in both IL-6 and IL-8 respectively following IL-1β stimulation at 6h. Conclusion: MC1/3 are expressed on C-20/A4 cells, activation by melanocortin peptides led to an inhibition of IL-1β induced cell death and pro-inflammatory cytokine release.


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We investigated whether human articular chondrocytes can be labeled efficiently and for long-term with a green fluorescent protein (GFP) lentivirus and whether the viral transduction would influence cell proliferation and tissue-forming capacity. The method was then applied to track goat articular chondrocytes after autologous implantation in cartilage defects. Expression of GFP in transduced chondrocytes was detected cytofluorimetrically and immunohistochemically. Chondrogenic capacity of chondrocytes was assessed by Safranin-O staining, immunostaining for type II collagen, and glycosaminoglycan content. Human articular chondrocytes were efficiently transduced with GFP lentivirus (73.4 +/- 0.5% at passage 1) and maintained the expression of GFP up to 22 weeks of in vitro culture after transduction. Upon implantation in nude mice, 12 weeks after transduction, the percentage of labeled cells (73.6 +/- 3.3%) was similar to the initial one. Importantly, viral transduction of chondrocytes did not affect the cell proliferation rate, chondrogenic differentiation, or tissue-forming capacity, either in vitro or in vivo. Goat articular chondrocytes were also efficiently transduced with GFP lentivirus (78.3 +/- 3.2%) and maintained the expression of GFP in the reparative tissue after orthotopic implantation. This study demonstrates the feasibility of efficient and relatively long-term labeling of human chondrocytes for co-culture on integration studies, and indicates the potential of this stable labeling technique for tracking animal chondrocytes for in cartilage repair studies.


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An incongruity between instrument and articular surfaces in osteochondral transfer (OCT) results in unevenly distributed impact forces exerted on the cartilage which may cause a loss of functional chondrocytes. We tested whether a plane instead of a concave design of the punch of an osteotome can reduce these cartilage damages.


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To evaluate the feasibility of sodium 7-T magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in repaired tissue and native cartilage of patients after matrix-associated autologous chondrocyte transplantation (MACT) and compare results with delayed gadolinium-enhanced MR imaging of cartilage (dGEMRIC) at 3 T.


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In cartilage repair, bioregenerative approaches using tissue engineering techniques have tried to achieve a close resemblance to hyaline cartilage, which might be visualized using advanced magnetic resonance imaging.


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To use T2 and T2* mapping in patients after matrix-associated autologous chondrocyte transplantation (MACT) of the knee, and to compare and correlate both methodologies.


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To evaluate the use of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) for the assessment of cartilage maturation in patients after matrix-associated autologous chondrocyte transplantation (MACT).


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To assess repair tissue (RT) after the implantation of BioCartII, an autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) technique with a fibrin-hyaluronan polymer as scaffold. T2 mapping and delayed Gadolinium Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Cartilage (dGEMRIC) were used to gain first data on the biochemical properties of BioCartII RT in vivo.


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To demonstrate the feasibility of delayed gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of cartilage (dGEMRIC) in the ankle at 3 T and to obtain preliminary data on matrix associated autologous chondrocyte (MACI) repair tissue.