354 resultados para Chlamydia-trachomatis
El estudio de los epitopes de los antígenos permitirá no sólo la diferenciación de cepas sino también la interpretación correcta de la respuesta inmune. Modelo1: Rubeola es una enfermedad infecciosa caracterizada por una erupción localizada, fiebre y adenopatías, que por lo general se produce en niños de edad escolar o preescolar. El virus de la rubeola es el único miembro del género ribivirus en la familia de los Togavirus. Se sabe que es una partícula esférica que mide 60-90 nm y lleva la información genética en una sola cadena de RNA de polaridad positiva formando una cápside icosahédrica. Estructuralmente está compuesto por tres proteínas, una no glicosilada, asociada al RNA en la nucleocápside, llamada C, y dos glicoproteínas E1 y E2 que se encuentran en la envoltura del virus donde se presentan formando complejos por dímeros E1-E1 y E1-E2. Uno de los motivos por los que se realizan estudios comparativos entre diferentes cepas de virus rubeola radica en la observación de que la respuesta inmune frente a la infección con la cepa salvaje es más eficiente y duradera que la inducida por la cepa vacunal y que no se conocen fehacientemente si la capacidad teratogénica del virus depende de la cepa viral o del tipo de infección que se produce en la placenta y en el feto. La disminución o desaparición de la respuesta inmune específica puede posibilitar la reinfección de una persona vacunada, lo que adquiere particular importancia en el caso de las embarazadas. Es por ello que este estudio se centra en el análisis comparativo de las propiedades biológicas y estructurales de la cepa de virus rubeola de circulación local (cepa Córdoba y sus clones) frente a las cepas Glichrist (prototipo) y RA 27/3 (vacunal). Esta parte del trabajo contribuye al proyecto mundial de obtención de una vacuna sintética o infectiva para controlar la infección por el virus rubeola. Objetivos: 1. Estudiar la cinética de aparición de los epitopes en citoplasma y membrana celular con una técnica de inmunofuorescencia indirecta de células infectadas y bloquear a distintos pasos la vía de síntesis de proteínas en las células infectadas para producir el camino de síntesis del complejo E1-E1 hasta su aparición en membrana. 2. Realizar la técnica de mapeo peptídico para la proteína E2 en diferentes cepas. Modelo 2: Chlamydia trachomatis es una bacteria intracelular obligada de un ciclo de vida dimórfico, con una fase extracelular llamada Cuerpo Elemental (CE), que es la forma infectiva y metabólicamente inactiva y una fase intracelular llamada Cuerpo Reticular que es la forma replicada y metabólicamente activa de la bacteria. Es el agente etiológico de Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual (ETS) más comunmente aislado en poblaciones de riesgo, además de ser la primera causa de ceguera prevenible a nivel mundial. El resultado de la infección con C. trachomatis puede terminar en inmunidad o enfermedad dependiendo de la interacción del sistema inmune del huésped con los antígenos chlamydiales específicos. El estudio de los antígenos que generan la respuesta inmune humoral como los tipos e isotipos de inmunoglobulinas producidas en esta respuesta, en las poblaciones con diferentes manifestaciones de la infección por C. trachomatis , podrían asociarse a un tipo de perfil de respuesta de linfocitos TH y dar un valor pronóstico de la evolución de la infección. Objetivo: 1. Separar y estudiar algunos de los más importantes antígenos de la bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis .
Here we present a one-tube nested PCR test, which allows the detection of minimal quantities of Chlamydia trachomatis in human fluids. This assay includes the use of an internal control to avoid false negative results due to the presence of inhibitors. The results obtained show that this assay is robust enough to be used for clinical diagnosis.
To determine the prevalence rates and serovar distribution of Chlamydia trachomatis cervical infections in Cuban women, two different groups were selected. Group I consisted of 60 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) seropositive women from different regions of Cuba and group II of 60 randomly selected women HIV seronegative and apparently healthy. C. trachomatis was detected in cervical scrapes by mean of nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) specific for major out membrane protein. The overall prevalence rate of C. trachomatis in cervical scrapes determined by nested PCR was 10% in group I and the estimated prevalence was 6.6% for group II; 83.3% of HIV seropositive women with C. trachomatis infection reported history of pelvic inflammatory disease followed by cervicitis (50%). The control group C. trachomatis-infected women referred a history of cervicitis in 75% of cases. Other reports in the latter group included infertility and pelvic inflamatory disease in 50%. The present study is the first report of C. trachomatis prevalence in Cuba. It showed that there was not significantly difference in the prevalence rate of C. trachomatis between both groups.
INTRODUCTION Sexually transmitted infections (STI) like Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) have been associated with increased risk of HIV acquisition (1). It has been also described as a high prevalence of asymptomatic CT and NG infections in men who have sex with men (MSM) (2). The aim of this study was to know the prevalence of CT and/or NG infections in asymptomatic HIV-MSM and the related factors. MATERIALS AND METHODS Prospective study of a cohort of asymptomatic HIV-MSM with follow-up in Malaga (southern Spain) during October 2012-May 2014. Patients with an opportunistic event or who received active antibiotic therapy for CT and/or NG in the previous month were excluded. All of them completed a questionnaire about sexual behaviour, barrier methods and recreational drugs use. Demographical, epidemiological, clinical, analytical and therapeutic data were also collected. Pharyngeal and rectal swabs, and urine samples were collected to be tested for CT and NG by nucleic acid amplification test (c4800 CT/NG. Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany) (3). STATISTICS ANALYSIS SPSS 17.0. RESULTS 255 patients were asked to participate and 248 of them accepted. Median age was 37.7 (30.6-46.3) years, median time since HIV diagnosis was 47.7 (10.5-104.1) months, and median CD4 cells count was 607 (440-824) cell/µL. There were 195 (78.6%) patients on antiretroviral therapy; 81.5% of them had undetectable viral load. 80.5% of the patients had a past history of STI. Infection by CT and/or NG was diagnosed in 24 (9.7%) patients. Overall four urine samples, two pharyngeal, and 15 rectal ones were positive for CT, and five pharyngeal and five rectal swabs were positive for NG. Two patients were co-infected by CT and NG: one with CT in urine and both in rectum, another with CT in urine and rectum and NG in pharynx. One patient presented CT in pharynx and rectum, and two patients NG in pharynx and rectum. Positive CT and/or NG tests were only related with detectable HIV viral load (OR 3.08, 95% CI 1.2-7.4; p=0.01). It was not related with sexual behaviour, nor with alcohol or recreational drugs use. CONCLUSIONS STI screening had a great acceptance in this population. There was a high prevalence of asymptomatic CT and/or NG infections. Rectum sample was the most effective one. Viral suppression could protect from these STI. Screening should be recommended in HIV-MSM.
The influence of different infectious agents and their association with human papillomavirus (HPV) in cervical carcinogenesis have not been completely elucidated. This study describes the association between cytological changes in cervical epithelium and the detection of the most relevant aetiological agents of sexually transmitted diseases. Samples collected from 169 patients were evaluated by conventional cytology followed by molecular analysis to detect HPV DNA, Chlamydia trachomatis, herpes simplex virus 1 and 2,Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Mycoplasma genitalium, Trichomonas vaginalis, andTreponema pallidum, besides genotyping for most common high-risk HPV. An association between cytological lesions and different behavioural habits such as smoking and sedentariness was observed. Intraepithelial lesions were also associated with HPV and C. trachomatis detection. An association was also found between both simple and multiple genotype infection and cytological changes. The investigation of HPV and C. trachomatisproved its importance and may be considered in the future for including in screening programs, since these factors are linked to the early diagnosis of patients with precursor lesions of cervical cancer.
BACKGROUND: Chlamydia trachomatis infection (CTI) is the most frequent sexual transmitted disease (STI) in Switzerland but its prevalence in undocumented migrants is unknown. We aimed to compare CTI prevalence among undocumented migrants undergoing termination of pregnancy (ToP) to the prevalence among women with residency permit. METHODS: This prospective cohort study included all pregnant, undocumented women presenting from March 2005 to October 2006 to the University hospital for ToP. The control group consisted of a systematic sample of pregnant women with legal residency permit coming to the same hospital during the same time period for ToP. RESULTS: One hundred seventy five undocumented women and 208 women with residency permit (controls) were included in the study. Mean ages were 28.0 y (SD 5.5) and 28.2 y (SD 7.5), respectively (p = 0.77). Undocumented women came primarily from Latin-America (78%). Frequently, they lacked contraception (23%, controls 15%, OR 1.8, 95% CI 1.04;2.9). Thirteen percent of undocumented migrants were found to have CTI (compared to 4.4% of controls; OR 3.2, 95% CI 1.4;7.3). CONCLUSION: This population of undocumented, pregnant migrants consisted primarily of young, Latino-American women. Compared to control women, undocumented migrants showed higher prevalence rates of genital CTI, which indicates that health professionals should consider systematic screening for STI in this population. There is a need to design programs providing better access to treatment and education and to increase migrants' awareness of the importance of contraception and transmission of STI.
The feasibility of opportunistic screening of urogenital infections with Chlamydia trachomatis was assessed in a cross-sectional study in 2012, in two cantons of south-western Switzerland: Vaud and Valais. Sexually active persons younger than 30 years, not tested for C. trachomatis in the last three months, were invited for free C. trachomatis testing by PCR in urine or self-applied vaginal swabs. Of 2,461 consenting participants, 1,899 (77%) were women and all but six (0.3%) submitted a sample. Forty-seven per cent of female and 25% of male participants were younger than 20 years. Overall, 134 (5.5%) of 2,455 tested participants had a positive result and were followed up. Seven per cent of all candidates for screening were not invited, 10% of invited candidates were not eligible, 15% of the eligible candidates declined participation, 5% of tested participants testing positive were not treated, 29% of those treated were not retested after six months and 9% of those retested were positive for C. trachomatis. Opportunistic C. trachomatis testing proved technically feasible and acceptable, at least if free of charge. Men and peripheral rural regions were more difficult to reach. Efforts to increase testing and decrease dropout at all stages of the screening procedure are necessary.
To determine the role of Chlamydia trachomatis in miscarriage, we prospectively collected serum, cervicovaginal swab specimens, and placental samples from 386 women with and without miscarriage. Prevalence of immunoglobulin G against C. trachomatis was higher in the miscarriage group than in the control group (15.2% vs. 7.3%; p = 0.018). Association between C. trachomatis-positive serologic results and miscarriage remained significant after adjustment for age, origin, education, and number of sex partners (odds ratio 2.3, 95% confidence interval 1.1-4.9). C. trachomatis DNA was more frequently amplified from products of conception or placenta from women who had a miscarriage (4%) than from controls (0.7%; p = 0.026). Immunohistochemical analysis confirmed C. trachomatis in placenta from 5 of 7 patients with positive PCR results, whereas results of immunohistochemical analysis were negative in placenta samples from all 8 negative controls tested. Associations between miscarriage and serologic/molecular evidence of C. trachomatis infection support its role in miscarriage.
BACKGROUND: Prevalence and risk factors for Chlamydia trachomatis infection among young men in Switzerland is still unknown. The objective of the present study was to assess prevalence and risk factors for C. trachomatis infection in young Swiss men. METHODS: 517 young Swiss men were enrolled in this cross-sectional study during their compulsory military recruitment. Participants completed a questionnaire and gave urine samples which were screened for C. trachomatis DNA by PCR. Genotyping of positive samples was done by amplification and sequencing the ompA gene. RESULTS: The prevalence of chlamydial infection among young Swiss male was 1.2% (95% confidence interval [95%CI], 0.4-2.5%). C. trachomatis infection was only identified among the 306 men having multiple sexual partner. Although frequent, neither unprotected sex (absence of condom use), nor alcohol and drug abuse were associated with chlamydial infection. Men living in cities were more frequently infected (2.9%, 95%CI 0.8-7.4%) than men living in rural areas (0.5%, 95%CI 0.1-1.9%, p = 0.046). Moreover, naturalised Swiss citizens were more often positive (4.9%, 95%CI 1.3-12.5%) than native-born Swiss men (0.5%, 95%CI 0.1-1.7%, p = 0.003). CONCLUSION: In comparison with other countries, the prevalence of chlamydial infection in men is extremely low in Switzerland, despite a significant prevalence of risky sexual behaviour. C. trachomatis infection was especially prevalent in men with multiple sexual partners. Further research is required (i) to define which subgroup of the general population should be routinely screened, and (ii) to test whether such a targeted screening strategy will be effective to reduce the prevalence of chlamydial infection among this population.
Chlamydia serology is indicated to investigate etiology of miscarriage, infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease, and ectopic pregnancy. Here, we assessed the reliability of a new automated-multiplex immunofluorescence assay (InoDiag test) to detect specific anti-C. trachomatis immunoglobulin G. Considering immunofluorescence assay (IF) as gold standard, InoDiag tests exhibited similar sensitivities (65.5%) but better specificities (95.1%-98%) than enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs). InoDiag tests demonstrated similar or lower cross-reactivity rates when compared to ELISA or IF.
Chlamydia trachomatis is the leading cause of bacterial sexually transmitted disease worldwide, and despite significant advances in chlamydial research, a prophylactic vaccine has yet to be developed. This Gram-negative obligate intracellular bacterium, which often causes asymptomatic infection, may cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), ectopic pregnancies, scarring of the fallopian tubes, miscarriage, and infertility when left untreated. In the genital tract, Chlamydia trachomatis infects primarily epithelial cells and requires Th1 immunity for optimal clearance. This review first focuses on the immune cells important in a chlamydial infection. Second, we summarize the research and challenges associated with developing a chlamydial vaccine that elicits a protective Th1-mediated immune response without inducing adverse immunopathologies.
Screening for Chlamydia trachomatis-specific antibodies is valuable in investigating recurrent miscarriage, tubal infertility and extrauterine pregnancy. We compared here the performance of immunofluorescence (IF) to four other commercial tests in detecting IgG antibodies directed against C. trachomatis: two enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) using the major outer membrane protein (MOMP) as the antigen, commercialised respectively by Medac and R-Biopharm (RB), one ELISA using the chlamydial heat shock protein 60 (cHSP60) as the antigen (Medac), as well as a new automated epifluorescence immunoassay (InoDiag). A total of 405 patients with (n = 251) and without (n = 154) miscarriages were tested by all five tests. The prevalence of C. trachomatis-specific IgG antibodies as determined by the IF, cHSP60-Medac, MOMP-Medac, MOMP-RB and InoDiag was 14.3, 23.2, 14.3, 11.9 and 26.2%, respectively. InoDiag exhibited the highest sensitivity, whereas MOMP-RB showed the best specificity. Cross-reactivity was observed with C. pneumoniae using IF, MOMP-RB and InoDiag, and Parachlamydia acanthamoebae using the cHSP60 ELISA test. No cross-reactivity was observed between C. trachomatis and the other Chlamydiales (Neochlamydia hartmannellae, Waddlia chondrophila and Simkania negevensis). Given its high sensitivity, the new automated epifluorescence immunoassay from InoDiag represents an interesting alternative. The MOMP-based ELISA of R-Biopharm should be preferred for large serological studies, given the high throughput of ELISA and its excellent specificity.