843 resultados para Child abuse allegations


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Child abuse violates the most basic rights of children and adolescents. As documented in the main article of this issue of Challenges, child abuse is a massive, daily and underreported problem that affects the population of Latin America and the Caribbean. It manifests itself in different forms, including physical and psychological aggression, rape and sexual abuse, and takes place in the home, in neighbourhoods, at school, at work and in legal and child protection institutions. Abuse tends to be transmitted from one generation to the next, and the individuals most often responsible are parents or other adult members of the household


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Con questo mio lavoro di tesi ho voluto esplorare il fenomeno del maltrattamento e dell’abuso sui minori delineandone, sulla base della letteratura scientifica nazionale ed internazionale, gli aspetti clinici, epidemiologici ed i fattori di rischio. Un breve excursus giuridico illustrerà, poi, gli articoli di legge relativi alla tutela dei minori; in particolare, ci si soffermerà ad illustrare quegli articoli che normano i doveri dei sanitari nei confronti dell’autorità giudiziaria nel caso si sospetti un abuso su minori. La conoscenza della semeiotica dell’abuso, il suo riconoscimento all’interno di una diagnostica differenziale clinico-forense, la corretta repertazione e la consapevolezza che, un approccio autenticamente tutelante verso la vittima, deve sempre realizzarsi all’interno di una cornice giuridica fanno si che, il ruolo della medicina legale, competente in tutti questi ambiti, diventi senza ombra di dubbio “primum inter pares” all’interno dei team multidisciplinari ed interistituzionali che si occupano di minori vitti. Il gruppo scientifico in cui sono stata inserita e con cui si è proceduto alla redazione del manuale è il Gruppo di lavoro per l’abuso e il maltrattamento dell’infanzia coordinato dalla dott.ssa Maria Rosa Giolito ed ha coinvolto professionisti italiani afferenti a tre differenti aree sanitarie: quella ginecologica, quella medico-legale e quella pediatrica. Il testo elaborato è stato immaginato come un aiuto ai professionisti medici che si trovano a valutare un soggetto prepubere con sospetto di abuso sessuale. Non costituisce una linea-guida per la diagnosi di abuso sessuale, ma definisce alcuni requisiti essenziali e diffonde alcune conoscenze per evitare errori che possano ripercuotersi negativamente sulla valutazione clinica e sull’eventuale conseguente iter giudiziario.


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Characteristics of child abuse cases are not well known. In this study I collected data on 70 child abuse cases that were reported to Children's Protective Services in Harris County in 1998. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors in Harris County that lead to the identification of physical and sexual abuse. In order to answer the questions of who, what, where and when relative to the discovery of abuse I applied the same questionnaire (see Appendix) to each of 35 Sexual Abuse case reports and to each of 35 Physical Abuse/Neglect case reports. Answers to the first four questions were arranged by frequency distribution to show the predominant reporter, the 10 most common indicators, the most common locale, and the most frequent timing. Tables of the age, sex, and ethnicity of the children indicate the identity of those whose victimization was most reported. In addition the relationship between the form questions and the characteristics of the children was explored. A comparison of Sexual Abuse cases with Physical Abuse/Neglect cases was conducted and the results were analyzed and recorded in the Tables. ^ Child maltreatment often has negative short and long term effects on children's mental health and development. Suicide, violence, delinquency, drug and alcohol abuse and other forms of criminality are frequently child abuse related. Early detection and treatment helps to alleviate the myriad mental and physical ailments that untreated victims present as adults. This translates into medical dollar savings. ^ The long term objectives of my research were to reduce the number of undetected and unreported child abuse cases in Harris County by formulating better educational programs and literature for medical professionals and other personnel who are in contact with children. ^


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Case control and retrospective studies have identified parental substance abuse as a risk factor for physical child abuse and neglect (Dore, Doris, & Wright, 1995, May; S. R. Dube et al., 2001; Guterman & Lee, 2005, May; Walsh, MacMillan, & Jamieson, 2003). The purpose of this paper is to present the findings of a systematic review of prospective studies from 1975 through 2005 that include parental substance abuse as a risk factor for physical child abuse or neglect. Characteristics of each study such as the research question, sample information, data collection methods and results, including the parent assessed and definitions of substance abuse and physical child abuse and neglect, are discussed. Five studies were identified that met the search criteria. Four of five studies found that parental substance abuse was a significant variable in predicting physical child abuse and neglect.^


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This study was a retrospective design and used secondary data from the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS), provided by the National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect Family Life Development Center administered by Cornell University. The dataset contained information for the year 2005 on children from birth to 18 years of age. Child abuse and neglect for disabled children, was evaluated in-depth in the present study. Descriptive and statistical analysis was performed using the children with and without disabilities. It was found that children with disabilities have a lower rate of substantiation that likely indicates the interference of reporting due to their handicap. The results of this research demonstrate the important need to teach professionals and laypersons alike on how to recognize and substantiate abuse among disabled children.^


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Twenty-three abusing couples were compared with a matched group of 23 non-abusing couples in terms of stress levels and family environment factors (cohesion, expressiveness, conflict, independence, achievement orientation, organization, control) which might mediate the response of abuse to stress. Parents who had physically abused their children were found to have significantly greater stress, conflict, and control and a significantly lower level of cohesion, independence, and achievement orientation than non-abusing parents. However, none of the mediating effects of the family environment factors reached the level of significance. ^


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September 1979.


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"January 1986."


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Previously issued as DHEW publication.


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WI docs. no.: Fam.1/2:4/1967-1977.