938 resultados para Charge injection


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An investigation has been undertaken into the effects of various radiations on commercially made Al-SiO2-Si Capacitors (MOSCs). Detailed studies of the electrical and physical nature of such devices have been used to characterise both virgin and irradiated devices. In particular, an investigation of the nature and causes of dielectric breakdown in MOSCs has revealed that intrinsic breakdown is a two-stage process dominated by charge injection in a pre-breakdown stage; this is associated with localised high-field injection of carriers from the semiconductor substrate to interfacial and bulk charge traps which, it is proposed, leads to the formation of conducting channels through the dielectric with breakdown occurring as a result of the dissipation of the conduction band energy. A study of radiation-induced dielectric breakdown has revealed the possibility of anomalous hot-electron injection to an excess of bulk oxide traps in the ionization channel produced by very heavily ionizing radiation, which leads to intrinsic breakdown in high-field stressed devices. These findings are interpreted in terms of a modification to the model for radiation-induced dielectric breakdown based upon the primary dependence of breakdown on charge injection rather than high-field mechanisms. The results of a detailed investigation of charge trapping and interface state generation in such MOSCs due to various radiations has revealed evidence of neutron induced interface states, and of the generation of positive oxide charge in devices due to all of the radiations tested. In particular, the greater the linear energy transfer of the radiation, the greater the magnitude of charge trapped in the oxide and the greater the number of interface states generated. These findings are interpreted in terms of Si-H and Si-OH bond-breaking at the Si-SiO2 interface which is enhanced by charge carrier transfer to the interface and by anomalous charge injection to compensate for the excess of charge carriers created by the radiation.


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In this thesis, a TCAD approach for the investigation of charge transport in amorphous silicon dioxide is presented for the first time. The proposed approach is used to investigate high-voltage silicon oxide thick TEOS capacitors embedded in the back-end inter-level dielectric layers for galvanic insulation applications. In the first part of this thesis, a detailed review of the main physical and chemical properties of silicon dioxide and the main physical models for the description of charge transport in insulators are presented. In the second part, the characterization of high-voltage MIM structures at different high-field stress conditions up to the breakdown is presented. The main physical mechanisms responsible of the observed results are then discussed in details. The third part is dedicated to the implementation of a TCAD approach capable of describing charge transport in silicon dioxide layers in order to gain insight into the microscopic physical mechanisms responsible of the leakage current in MIM structures. In particular, I investigated and modeled the role of charge injection at contacts and charge build-up due to trapping and de-trapping mechanisms in the oxide layer to the purpose of understanding its behavior under DC and AC stress conditions. In addition, oxide breakdown due to impact-ionization of carriers has been taken into account in order to have a complete representation of the oxide behavior at very high fields. Numerical simulations have been compared against experiments to quantitatively validate the proposed approach. In the last part of the thesis, the proposed approach has been applied to simulate the breakdown in realistic structures under different stress conditions. The TCAD tool has been used to carry out a detailed analysis of the most relevant physical quantities, in order to gain a detailed understanding on the main mechanisms responsible for breakdown and guide design optimization.


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OBJECTIVE: There is currently no guideline regarding the management of neurogenic detrusor overactivity (NDO) refractory to intra-detrusor botulinum toxin injections. The primary objective of the present study was to find a consensus definition of failure of botulinum toxin intra-detrusor injections for NDO. The secondary objective was to report current trends in the managment of NDO refractory to botulinum toxin. METHODS: A survey was created, based on data drawn from current literature, and sent via e-mail to all the experts form the Group for research in neurourology in french language (GENULF) and from the comittee of neurourology of the French urological association (AFU). The experts who did not answer to the first e-mail were contacted again twice. Main results from the survey are presented and expressed as numbers and proportions. RESULTS: Out of the 42 experts contacted, 21 responded to the survey. Nineteen participants considered that the definition of failure should be a combination of clinical and urodynamics criteria. Among the urodynamics criteria, the persistence of a maximum detrusor pressure>40cm H2O was the most supported by the experts (18/21, 85%). According to the vast majority of participants (19/21, 90.5%), the impact of injections on urinary incontinence should be included in the definition of failure. Regarding the management, most experts considered that the first line treatment in case of failure of a first intra-detrusor injection of Botox(®) 200 U should be a repeat injection of Botox(®) at a higher dosage (300 U) (15/20, 75%), regardless of the presence or not of urodynamics risk factors of upper tract damage (16/20, 80%). CONCLUSION: This work has provided a first overview of the definition of failure of intra-detrusor injections of botulinum toxin in the management of NDO. For 90.5% of the experts involved, the definition of failure should be clinical and urodynamic and most participants (75%) considered that, in case of failure of a first injection of Botox(®) 200 U, repeat injection of Botox(®) 300 U should be the first line treatment. Level of proof 4.


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With respect to liposomes as delivery vehicles and adjuvants for vaccine antigens, the role of vesicle surface charge remains disputed. In the present study we investigate the influence of liposome surface charge and antigen-liposome interaction on the antigen depot effect at the site of injection (SOI). The presence of liposome and antigen in tissue at the SOI as well as the draining lymphatic tissue was quantified to analyse the lymphatic draining of the vaccine components. Furthermore investigations detailing cytokine production and T-cell antigen specificity were undertaken to investigate the relationship between depot effect and the ability of the vaccine to induce an immune response. Our results suggest that cationic charge is an important factor for the retention of the liposomal component at the SOI, and a moderate to high (>50%) level of antigen adsorption to the cationic vesicle surface was required for efficient antigen retention in the same tissue. Furthermore, neutral liposomes expressing poor levels of antigen retention were limited in their ability to mediate long term (14 days) antigen presentation to circulating antigen specific T-cells and to induce the Th1 and Th17 arms of the immune system, as compared to antigen adsorbing cationic liposomes. The neutral liposomes did however induce the production of IL-5 at levels comparable to those induced by cationic liposomes, indicating that neutral liposomes can induce a weak Th2 response.


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Les enquêtes menées auprès des officines vaudoises en 1994 et 2003 avaient montré que les pharmacies étaient des partenaires importants dans le réseau de prise en charge des usagers de drogue par injection (UDI), en particulier en ce qui concerne la dispensation et le suivi des cures de méthadone. Elles avaient aussi mis en évidence les besoins de formation/information des pharmaciens et de leur personnel. La troisième vague de l'enquête pharmacie 2011 avait pour objectif : o de mesurer l'évolution de la remise de seringues par les pharmacies aux UDI o de repérer les lacunes éventuelles dans l'accès au matériel stérile du point de vue géographique o d'apprécier le rôle des pharmacies dans la remise de traitements de méthadone o d'identifier d'éventuels problèmes rencontrés dans ces deux activités (vente de seringues et dispensation de méthadone) o d'identifier les besoins en formation des pharmaciens et du personnel des pharmacies o d'identifier les actions qui favoriseraient une meilleure intégration des pharmacies dans le dispositif de prise en charge des personnes toxicodépendantes o de recueillir l'avis des pharmaciens sur la pose d'automates de distribution de seringues et sur la nécessité d'une extension de la remise de matériel stérile. Méthode L'enquête pharmacie 2011 comprend deux volets. Un premier volet quantitatif, sous la forme d'un questionnaire adressé à toutes les pharmacies du canton (n=248). Le taux de participation de 92% (n=227) est remarquable. Les analyses portent sur 220 questionnaires valides. Un second volet, qualitatif, permet de compléter les données statistiques. Parmi les pharmaciens disposés à s'exprimer dans le cadre d'un entretien (n=90), nous en avons échantillonné [...] [Auteurs, p. 5]


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La collaboration CLIC (Compact LInear Collider, collisionneur linéaire compact) étudie la possibilité de réaliser un collisionneur électron-positon linéaire à haute énergie (3 TeV dans le centre de masse) et haute luminosité (1034 cm-2s-1), pour la recherche en physique des particules. Le projet CLIC se fonde sur l'utilisation de cavités accélératrices à haute fréquence (30 GHz). La puissance nécessaire à ces cavités est fournie par un faisceau d'électrons de basse énergie et de haute intensité, appelé faisceau de puissance, circulant parallèlement à l'accélérateur linéaire principal (procédé appelé « Accélération à Double Faisceau »). Dans ce schéma, un des principaux défis est la réalisation du faisceau de puissance, qui est d'abord généré dans un complexe accélérateur à basse fréquence, puis transformé pour obtenir une structure temporelle à haute fréquence nécessaire à l'alimentation des cavités accélératrices de l'accélérateur linéaire principal. La structure temporelle à haute fréquence des paquets d'électrons est obtenue par le procédé de multiplication de fréquence, dont la manipulation principale consiste à faire circuler le faisceau d'électrons dans un anneau isochrone en utilisant des déflecteurs radio-fréquence (déflecteurs RF) pour injecter et combiner les paquets d'électrons. Cependant, ce type de manipulation n'a jamais été réalisé auparavant et la première phase de la troisième installation de test pour CLIC (CLIC Test Facility 3 ou CTF3) a pour but la démonstration à faible charge du procédé de multiplication de fréquence par injection RF dans un anneau isochrone. Cette expérience, qui a été réalisée avec succès au CERN au cours de l'année 2002 en utilisant une version modifiée du pré-injecteur du grand collisionneur électron-positon LEP (Large Electron Positron), est le sujet central de ce rapport. L'expérience de combinaison des paquets d'électrons consiste à accélérer cinq impulsions dont les paquets d'électrons sont espacés de 10 cm, puis à les combiner dans un anneau isochrone pour obtenir une seule impulsion dont les paquets d'électrons sont espacés de 2 cm, multipliant ainsi la fréquence des paquets d'électrons, ainsi que la charge par impulsion, par cinq. Cette combinaison est réalisée au moyen de structures RF résonnantes sur un mode déflecteur, qui créent dans l'anneau une déformation locale et dépendante du temps de l'orbite du faisceau. Ce mécanisme impose plusieurs contraintes de dynamique de faisceau comme l'isochronicité, ainsi que des tolérances spécifiques sur les paquets d'électrons, qui sont définies dans ce rapport. Les études pour la conception de la Phase Préliminaire du CTF3 sont détaillées, en particulier le nouveau procédé d'injection avec les déflecteurs RF. Les tests de haute puissance réalisés sur ces cavités déflectrices avant leur installation dans l'anneau sont également décrits. L'activité de mise en fonctionnement de l'expérience est présentée en comparant les mesures faites avec le faisceau aux simulations et calculs théoriques. Finalement, les expériences de multiplication de fréquence des paquets d'électrons sont décrites et analysées. On montre qu'une très bonne efficacité de combinaison est possible après optimisation des paramètres de l'injection et des déflecteurs RF. En plus de l'expérience acquise sur l'utilisation de ces déflecteurs, des conclusions importantes pour les futures activités CTF3 et CLIC sont tirées de cette première démonstration de la multiplication de fréquence des paquets d'électrons par injection RF dans un anneau isochrone.<br/><br/>The Compact LInear Collider (CLIC) collaboration studies the possibility of building a multi-TeV (3 TeV centre-of-mass), high-luminosity (1034 cm-2s-1) electron-positron collider for particle physics. The CLIC scheme is based on high-frequency (30 GHz) linear accelerators powered by a low-energy, high-intensity drive beam running parallel to the main linear accelerators (Two-Beam Acceleration concept). One of the main challenges to realize this scheme is to generate the drive beam in a low-frequency accelerator and to achieve the required high-frequency bunch structure needed for the final acceleration. In order to provide bunch frequency multiplication, the main manipulation consists in sending the beam through an isochronous combiner ring using radio-frequency (RF) deflectors to inject and combine electron bunches. However, such a scheme has never been used before, and the first stage of the CLIC Test Facility 3 (CTF3) project aims at a low-charge demonstration of the bunch frequency multiplication by RF injection into an isochronous ring. This proof-of-principle experiment, which was successfully performed at CERN in 2002 using a modified version of the LEP (Large Electron Positron) pre-injector complex, is the central subject of this report. The bunch combination experiment consists in accelerating in a linear accelerator five pulses in which the electron bunches are spaced by 10 cm, and combining them in an isochronous ring to obtain one pulse in which the electron bunches are spaced by 2 cm, thus achieving a bunch frequency multiplication of a factor five, and increasing the charge per pulse by a factor five. The combination is done by means of RF deflecting cavities that create a time-dependent bump inside the ring, thus allowing the interleaving of the bunches of the five pulses. This process imposes several beam dynamics constraints, such as isochronicity, and specific tolerances on the electron bunches that are defined in this report. The design studies of the CTF3 Preliminary Phase are detailed, with emphasis on the novel injection process using RF deflectors. The high power tests performed on the RF deflectors prior to their installation in the ring are also reported. The commissioning activity is presented by comparing beam measurements to model simulations and theoretical expectations. Eventually, the bunch frequency multiplication experiments are described and analysed. It is shown that the process of bunch frequency multiplication is feasible with a very good efficiency after a careful optimisation of the injection and RF deflector parameters. In addition to the experience acquired in the operation of these RF deflectors, important conclusions for future CTF3 and CLIC activities are drawn from this first demonstration of the bunch frequency multiplication by RF injection into an isochronous ring.<br/><br/>La collaboration CLIC (Compact LInear Collider, collisionneur linéaire compact) étudie la possibilité de réaliser un collisionneur électron-positon linéaire à haute énergie (3 TeV) pour la recherche en physique des particules. Le projet CLIC se fonde sur l'utilisation de cavités accélératrices à haute fréquence (30 GHz). La puissance nécessaire à ces cavités est fournie par un faisceau d'électrons de basse énergie et de haut courant, appelé faisceau de puissance, circulant parallèlement à l'accélérateur linéaire principal (procédé appelé « Accélération à Double Faisceau »). Dans ce schéma, un des principaux défis est la réalisation du faisceau de puissance, qui est d'abord généré dans un complexe accélérateur à basse fréquence, puis transformé pour obtenir une structure temporelle à haute fréquence nécessaire à l'alimentation des cavités accélératrices de l'accélérateur linéaire principal. La structure temporelle à haute fréquence des paquets d'électrons est obtenue par le procédé de multiplication de fréquence, dont la manipulation principale consiste à faire circuler le faisceau d'électrons dans un anneau isochrone en utilisant des déflecteurs radio-fréquence (déflecteurs RF) pour injecter et combiner les paquets d'électrons. Cependant, ce type de manipulation n'a jamais été réalisé auparavant et la première phase de la troisième installation de test pour CLIC (CLIC Test Facility 3 ou CTF3) a pour but la démonstration à faible charge du procédé de multiplication de fréquence par injection RF dans un anneau isochrone. L'expérience consiste à accélérer cinq impulsions, puis à les combiner dans un anneau isochrone pour obtenir une seule impulsion dans laquelle la fréquence des paquets d'électrons et le courant sont multipliés par cinq. Cette combinaison est réalisée au moyen de structures déflectrices RF qui créent dans l'anneau une déformation locale et dépendante du temps de la trajectoire du faisceau. Les résultats de cette expérience, qui a été réalisée avec succès au CERN au cours de l?année 2002 en utilisant une version modifiée du pré-injecteur du grand collisionneur électron-positon LEP (Large Electron Positon), sont présentés en détail.


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A myotoxic phospholipase A2, named bothropstoxin II (BthTX-II), was isolated from the venom of the South American snake Bothrops jararacussu and the pathogenesis of myonecrosis induced by this toxin was studied in mice. BthTX-II induced a rapid increase in plasma creatine kinase levels. Histological and ultrastructural observations demonstrate that this toxin affects muscle fibers by first disrupting the integrity of plasma membrane, as delta lesions were the earliest morphological alteration and since the plasma membrane was interrupted or absent in many portions. In agreement with this hypothesis, BthTX-II released peroxidase entrapped in negatively charged multilamellar liposomes and behaved as an amphiphilic protein in charge shift electrophoresis, an indication that its mechanism of action might be based on the interaction and disorganization of plasma membrane phospholipids. Membrane damage was followed by a complex series of morphological alterations in intracellular structures, most of which are probably related to an increase in cytosolic calcium levels. Myofilaments became hypercontracted into dense clumps which alternated with cellular spaces devoid of myofibrillar material. Later on, myofilaments changed to a hyaline appearance with a more uniform distribution. Mitochondria were drastically affected, showing high amplitude swelling, vesiculation of cristae, formation of flocculent densities, and membrane disruption. By 24 hr, abundant polymorphonuclear leucocytes and macrophages were observed in the interstitial space as well as inside necrotic fibers. Muscle regeneration proceeded normally, as abundant myotubes and regenerating myofibers were observed 7 days after BthTX-II injection. By 28 days regenerating fibers had a diameter similar to that of adult muscle fibers, although they presented two distinctive features: central location of nuclei and some fiber splitting. This good regenerative response may be explained by the observation that BthTX-II does not affect blood vessels, nerves, or basal laminae. © 1991.


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Electrospinning has become a widely implemented technique for the generation of nonwoven mats that are useful in tissue engineering and filter applications. The overriding factor that has contributed to the popularity of this method is the ease with which fibers with submicron diameters can be produced. Fibers on that size scale are comparable to protein filaments that are observed in the extracellular matrix. The apparatus and procedures for conducting electrospinning experiments are ostensibly simple. While it is rarely reported in the literature on this topic, any experience with this method of fiber spinning reveals substantial ambiguities in how the process can be controlled to generate reproducible results. The simplicity of the procedure belies the complexity of the physical processes that determine the electrospinning process dynamics. In this article, three process domains and the physical domain of charge interaction are identified as important in electrospinning: (a) creation of charge carriers, (b) charge transport, (c) residual charge. The initial event that enables electrospinning is the generation of region of excess charge in the fluid that is to be electrospun. The electrostatic forces that develop on this region of charged fluid in the presence of a high potential result in the ejection of a fluid jet that solidifies into the resulting fiber. The transport of charge from the charge solution to the grounded collection device produces some of the current which is observed. That transport can occur by the fluid jet and through the atmosphere surrounding the electrospinning apparatus. Charges that are created in the fluid that are not dissipated remain in the solidified fiber as residual charges. The physics of each of these domains in the electrospinning process is summarized in terms of the current understanding, and possible sources of ambiguity in the implementation of this technique are indicated. Directions for future research to further articulate the behavior of the electrospinning process are suggested. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3682464]


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This thesis deals with the investigation of exciton and charge dynamics in hybrid solar cells by time-resolved optical spectroscopy. Quasi-steady-state and transient absorption spectroscopy, as well as time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy, were employed to study charge generation and recombination in solid-state organic dye-sensitized solar cells, where the commonly used liquid electrolyte is replaced by an organic solid hole transporter, namely 2,2′7,7′-tetrakis-(N,N-di-p-methoxyphenyl-amine)-9,9′-spirobifluorene (spiro-MeOTAD), and polymer-metal oxide bulk heterojunction solar cells, where the commonly used fullerene acceptor [6,6]-phenyl C61 butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) is replaced by zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles. By correlating the spectroscopic results with the photovoltaic performance, efficiency-limiting processes and processes leading to photocurrent generation in the investigated systems are revealed. rnIt is shown that the charge generation from several all-organic donor-π-bridge-acceptor dyes, specifically perylene monoimide derivatives, employed in solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells, is strongly dependent on the presence of a commonly used additive lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulphonyl)imide salt (Li-TFSI) at the interface. rnMoreover, it is shown that charges can not only be generated by electron injection from the excited dye into the TiO2 acceptor and subsequent regeneration of the dye cation by the hole transporter, but also by an alternative mechanism, called preceding hole transfer (or reductive quenching). Here, the excited dye is first reduced by the hole transporter and the thereby formed anion subsequently injects an electron into the titania. This additional charge generation process, which is only possible for solid hole transporters, helps to overcome injection problems. rnHowever, a severe disadvantage of solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells is re-vealed by monitoring the transient Stark effect on dye molecules at the inter-face induced by the electric field between electrons and holes. The attraction between the negative image charge present in TiO2, which is induced by the positive charge carrier in the hole transporter due to the dielectric contrast between the organic spiro-MeOTAD and inorganic titania, is sufficient to at-tract the hole back to the interface, thereby increasing recombination and suppressing the extraction of free charges.rnBy investigating the effect of different dye structures and physical properties on charge generation and recombination, design rules and guidelines for the further advancement of solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells are proposed.rnFinally, a spectroscopic study on polymer:ZnO bulk heterojunction hybrid solar cells, employing different surfactants attached to the metal oxide nanoparticles, was performed to understand the effect of surfactants upon photovoltaic behavior. By applying a parallel pool analysis on the transient absorption data, it is shown that suppressing fast recombination while simultaneously maintaining the exciton splitting efficiency by the right choice of surfactants leads to better photovoltaic performances. Suppressing the fast recombination completely, whilst maintaining the exciton splitting, could lead to a doubling of the power conversion efficiency of this type of solar cell.


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Diese Doktorarbeit befasst sich mit Ladungsgeneration und – rekombination in Feststoff-Farbstoffsolarzellen, die spiro-OMeTAD als Lochleiter verwenden. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist in drei Fallstudien unterteilt: i.) Kern-erweiterte Rylen-Farbstoffe, ii.) ein Perylenmonoimid-Farbstoff und iii.) Donor-π verbrückte (Cyclopentadithiophen)-Akzeptor-Farbstoffe. Trotz ihres hohen molaren Extinktionskoeffizienten und der hohen Absorbanz der sensibilisierten Filme, zeigen einige dieser Farbstoffmoleküle nur geringe photovoltaischen Effizienzen. Um den Ursprung des geringen Wirkungsgrades herauszufinden, wurde breitbandige, ultraschnelle transiente Absorptionsspektroskopie an Solarzellen durchgeführt.rnInsbesondere die Auswirkungen verschiedender Ankergruppen, Dipolmomente, Photolumineszenzlebenszeiten, Lithium-Kationensensitivität und Ladungsträgerdynamik, die alle einen großen Einfluss auf den Wirkungsgrad der Solarzelle besitzen, wurden untersucht. In der ersten Fallstudie zeigte ein kurzer Rylen-Farbstoff aufgrund deutlich verlängerter Lebenszeiten die beste Effizienz im Vergleich zu größeren Kern-erweiterten Rylen-Farbstoffen. Die Lebenszeit wurde weiter reduziert, wenn Maleinsäure als Ankergruppe unter einer Ringöffnungsreaktion an die mesoporöse Oberfläche des Metalloxid-Halbleiters adsorbierte. Dies konnte mit Hilfe von Berechnungen mittels der Dichtefunktionaltheorie (DFT, B3LYP) auf die Differenz des Dipolmoments zwischen Grundzustand und angeregtem Zustand zurückgeführt werden. Die Berechnungen bekräftigen die unvorteilhafte Injektion von Ladungen durch die Änderung der Richtung des Dipolmoments, wenn eine Ringöffnung der Anhydridgruppe stattfindet. In der zweiten Studie zeigte das Perylenmonoimid-Derivat ID889 einen Wirkungsgrad von 4.5% in Feststoff-Farbstoffsolarzellen, wobei ID889 sogar ohne Zuhilfenahme eines Additivs in der Lage ist langlebige Farbstoffkationen zu bilden. Die Verwendung von Lithium-Kationen stabilisiert jedoch sowohl den Prozess der Ladungsgeneration als auch den der Ladungsregeneration. Des Weiteren wurde in ID889-sensitivierten Bauteilen kein reduktives Löschen beobachtet. Dabei wurde die Dynamik der Exzitonen mittels einer soft-modelling Methode Kurvenanalyse aus den Daten der transienten Absorptionsspektroskopie gewonnen. Zuletzt wurden Strukturen mit Cyclopentadithiophen(CPDT)-Baustein untersucht, die eine typische D-π-A Molekülstruktur bilden. FPH224 und 233 zeigten dabei eine bessere Effizienz als FPH231 und 303 aufgrund einer großen Injektionseffizienz (IE) und längerer Lebenszeit der angeregten Zustände. Dies kann auf reduktives Löschen in FPH231 und 303 zurückgeführt werden, wohingegen FPH224 und 233 einen moderaten Zerfall des Spirokationensignals zeigten.


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The load-bearing biomechanical role of the intervertebral disc is governed by the composition and organization of its major macromolecular components, collagen and aggrecan. The major function of aggrecan is to maintain tissue hydration, and hence disc height, under the high loads imposed by muscle activity and body weight. Key to this role is the high negative fixed charge of its glycosaminoglycan side chains, which impart a high osmotic pressure to the tissue, thus regulating and maintaining tissue hydration and hence disc height under load. In degenerate discs, aggrecan degrades and is lost from the disc, particularly centrally from the nucleus pulposus. This loss of fixed charge results in reduced hydration and loss of disc height; such changes are closely associated with low back pain. The present authors developed biomimetic glycosaminoglycan analogues based on sulphonate-containing polymers. These biomimetics are deliverable via injection into the disc where they polymerize in situ, forming a non-degradable, nuclear "implant" aimed at restoring disc height to degenerate discs, thereby relieving back pain. In vitro, these glycosaminoglycan analogues possess appropriate fixed charge density, hydration and osmotic responsiveness, thereby displaying the capacity to restore disc height and function. Preliminary biomechanical tests using a degenerate explant model showed that the implant adapts to the space into which it is injected and restores stiffness. These hydrogels mimic the role taken by glycosaminoglycans in vivo and, unlike other hydrogels, provide an intrinsic swelling pressure, which can maintain disc hydration and height under the high and variable compressive loads encountered in vivo. © 2013 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Local parity-odd domains are theorized to form inside a quark-gluon plasma which has been produced in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. The local parity-odd domains manifest themselves as charge separation along the magnetic field axis via the chiral magnetic effect. The experimental observation of charge separation has previously been reported for heavy-ion collisions at the top RHIC energies. In this Letter, we present the results of the beam-energy dependence of the charge correlations in Au+Au collisions at midrapidity for center-of-mass energies of 7.7, 11.5, 19.6, 27, 39, and 62.4 GeV from the STAR experiment. After background subtraction, the signal gradually reduces with decreased beam energy and tends to vanish by 7.7 GeV. This implies the dominance of hadronic interactions over partonic ones at lower collision energies.


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Friction and triboelectrification of materials show a strong correlation during sliding contacts. Friction force fluctuations are always accompanied by two tribocharging events at metal-insulator [e.g., polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)] interfaces: injection of charged species from the metal into PTFE followed by the flow of charges from PTFE to the metal surface. Adhesion maps that were obtained by atomic force microscopy (AFM) show that the region of contact increases the pull-off force from 10 to 150 nN, reflecting on a resilient electrostatic adhesion between PTFE and the metallic surface. The reported results suggest that friction and triboelectrification have a common origin that must be associated with the occurrence of strong electrostatic interactions at the interface.