974 resultados para Cervical smear


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Aim Performance measures for Australian laboratories reporting cervical cytology are a set of quantifiable measures relating to the profile and accuracy of reporting. This study reviews aggregate data collected over the ten years in which participation in the performance measures has been mandatory. Methods Laboratories submit annual data on performance measures relating to the profile of reporting, including reporting rates for technically unsatisfactory specimens, high grade or possible high grade abnormalities and abnormal reports. Cytology-histology correlation data and review findings of negative smears reported from women with histological high grade disease are also collected. Suggested acceptable standards are set for each measure. This study reviews the aggregate data submitted by all laboratories for the years 1998-2008 and examines trends in reporting and the performance of laboratories against the suggested standards. Results The performance of Australian laboratories has shown continued improvement over the study period. There has been a fall in the proportion of laboratories with data outside the acceptable standard range in all performance measures. Laboratories are reporting a greater proportion of specimens as definite or possible high grade abnormality. This is partly attributable to an increase in the proportion of abnormal results classified as high grade or possible high grade abnormality. Despite this, the positive predictive value for high grade and possible high grade abnormalities has continued to rise. Conclusion Performance measures for cervical cytology have provided a valuable addition to external quality assurance procedures in Australia. They have documented continued improvements in the aggregate performance, as well as providing benchmarking data and goals for acceptable performance for individual laboratories.


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This thesis investigated and compared barriers and facilitators of cervical screening among African-born refugee and non-refugee women living in Brisbane. Refugee women were more likely to have limited or no knowledge about cervical cancer and the screening test and also less likely to use Pap smear services than non-refugee women. The analysis identified belief systems, lack of knowledge about cervical cancer and screening practices, and lack of culturally appropriate screening programs as major barriers. In the context of health promotion interventions, these findings will contribute to addressing major differential screening needs among African immigrant refugee and non-refugee women.


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El cáncer de cuello uterino y su mortalidad en Colombia ha permanecido constantes pese a los esfuerzos institucionales, distritales y nacionales que han buscado fortalecer los programas de prevención; sin embargo las estrategias actuales hacen énfasis en la toma de citología y no en la solicitud oportuna del resultado y el tratamiento de la usuaria en caso de anormalidad. METODOLOGIA: Se realizó un estudio en dos fases, un análisis descriptivo se analizaron 12875 y una segunda que involucro 257 pacientes en un análisis de casos y controles de una muestra aleatoria. RESULTADOS: Se utiliza para análisis bivariado la prueba de Chi cuadrado y regresión logística que muestran diferencias significativas en los siguientes variables: la explicación sobre la importancia del examen (p= 0.0060), importancia de la solicitud de resultado (p= 0.003), explicación sobre cuando reclamarlo (p=0.030), distancia entre residencia y centro de salud (p=0.065) DISCUSIÓN: En nuestro estudio se identificó que los factores como el acceso de la paciente al centro de salud, el tiempo del cual dispone para solicitar el resultado, si el dinero con el que cuenta la paciente para desplazarse al hospital, si es la primera vez que se realiza la citología, si le explicaron la importancia de reclamar el resultado y en que lapso de tiempo debía hacerlo, la información que tiene acerca de la importancia de realizarse la citología contribuyen en el hecho de que una paciente de esta población de un hospital público reclame o no su resultado de su citología


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This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of SmearClear (SybronEndo, Orange, CA) and EDTA for smear layer removal from root canals of permanent teeth after instrumentation. Thirty extracted human permanent teeth (n = 10) were randomly assigned to the following groups: group 1 = 14.3% EDTA, group 2 = SmearClear, and group 3 = no smear layer removal procedure was undertaken (control). The specimens were submitted to scanning electron microscopy analysis. Magnifications of 200x and 750x were used to evaluate cleaning at the apical, middle, and cervical thirds according to a three-point scoring system. Data were analyzed statistically by the Mann-Whitney U test (5% significance level). Groups 1 and 2 differed significantly from group 3 (p < 0.01). However, there was no statistically significant difference (p > 0.05) between groups 1 and 2. In conclusion, SmearClear was able to remove the smear layer from the root canals of permanent teeth similarly as 14.3% EDTA, suggesting that both solutions may be indicated for such purpose. (J Endod 2008,34:1541-1544)


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Objetivo: Avaliar a acurácia da colposcopia utilizando a Classificação Colposcópica Internacional de 2002. Métodos: 3040 pacientes de população geral foram rastreadas para patologia cervical através de exame citopatológico, captura híbrida para HPV de alto risco e inspeção cervical. As colposcopias que resultaram em biópsia (n=468) executadas no rastreamento e acompanhamento destas pacientes foram gravadas, revistas por dois colposcopistas cegados e incluídas para análise. Resultados: Os observadores apresentaram excelente concordância (Kappa=0.843) no relato dos achados pela nova nomenclatura. A colposcopia apresentou sensibilidade de 86% e especificidade de 30.3% em diferenciar colo normal de colo anormal (LSIL, HSIL ou carcinoma); quando a colposcopia objetivava diferenciar colo normal ou LSIL de HSIL ou carcinoma, apresentou sensibilidade de 61.1% e especificidade de 94.4%. Os achados colposcópicos classificados como “maiores” pela nova classificação apresentaram valores preditivos positivos elevados para HSIL. Presença do achado colposcópico na zona de transformação e tamanho da lesão estavam associados a HSIL. Bordas externas definidas, associação de múltiplos achados distintos e presença de zona iodo negativa não estavam relacionados à gravidade das lesões. Conclusão: A colposcopia utilizando a Classificação Internacional de 2002 mostra-se um bom método de rastreamento, mas como método diagnóstico apresenta falhas, não podendo substituir a avaliação histológica. A categorização em achados colposcópicos “maiores” e “menores” apresentada pela nova classificação é adequada. Na realização da colposcopia, é importante também que a lesão seja situada em relação à zona de transformação e que seu tamanho seja indicado, já que estes foram fatores associados a lesões de alto grau.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The purpose of this study was to carry out a scanning electron microscopic (SEM) analysis of the cleaning qualities and smear layer removal from root canal walls, instrumented and irrigated with 2.5% NaOCl, 2.0% chlorhexidine and saline solutions. Fifty extracted teeth were used in this study. All teeth were radiographed to determine the existence of a single canal. The crowns were cut at the cervical limit and the root canals were instrumented with K-type files up to size 45. During root canal preparation, irrigations were made with the different solutions being evaluated: Group 1: 2.5% NaOCl (10 roots); Group 2: 2.5% NaOCl and 17% EDTA for 2 minute (10 roots); Group 3: 2.0% chlorhexidine (10 roots); Group 4: 2.0% chlorhexidine and 17% EDTA for 2 minutes (10 roots); Group 5: saline solution (5 roots); Group 6: saline solution and 17% EDTA for 2 minutes (5 roots). After instrumentation, the canals were irrigated with each one of the solutions and the roots were cut in the buccolingual direction for SEM analysis, at the cervical, middle and apical thirds, to ascertain the presence or absence of smear layer and debris. SEM analysis was performed by three calibrated examiners and scores were submitted to Kruskal-Wallis test at the significance level of p = 5%. Results showed that the use of 17% EDTA decreased the smear layer significantly (p < 0.05) for all evaluated solutions in all thirds. When EDTA was not used, a significantly higher quantity of smear layer on the apical third was observed only in the NaOCl groups. The use of 17% EDTA was significant for debris removal except for the chlorhexidine groups. The following conclusion could be drawn: the use of 17% EDTA was necessary to enhance cleanness of the root canals.


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The cancer of the uterine cervix remains a serious public health problem in developing countries with low social-economic conditions. Papanicolaou smear has been used to screen women for cervical cancer since 1940, and it is widely recognized as an effective method for preventing cervical cancer. In Brazil, conventional Papanicolaou is the most common method used in diagnosis cytopathological routine, involving the morphological cell analysis by microscopic examination of cervical samples smeared on glass slides. On the other hand, the liquid cytology is an advantageous method whose specimen collected is put into a fluid alcohol based to guarantee the potential use of residual cellular material in cytobrush. Moreover, this method permits additional diagnostic studies, preserving the morphological cell features as the conventional one does. The aim of the present study was report the historical evolution of different cervical cytologic tests, emphasizing the advantages and disadvantages between conventional Papanicolaou method and new technologies in liquid based cytology.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of QMiX, SmearClear, and 17% EDTA for the debris and smear layer removal from the root canal and its effects on the push-out bond strength of an epoxy-based sealer by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Forty extracted human canines (n=10) were assigned to the following final rinse protocols: G1-distilled water (control), G2-17% EDTA, G3-SmearClear, and G4-QMiX. The specimens were submitted to a SEM analysis to evaluate the presence of debris and smear layer, respectively, in the apical or cervical segments. In sequence, forty extracted human maxillary canines with the root canals instrumented were divided into four groups (n=10) similar to the SEM analysis study. After the filling with AH Plus, the roots were transversally sectioned to obtain dentinal slices. The specimens were submitted to a push-out bond strength test using an electromechanical testing machine. The statistical analysis for the SEM and push-out bond strength studies were performed using the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests (α=5%). There was no difference among the G2, G3, and G4 efficacy in removing the debris and smear layer (P>0.05). The efficacy of these groups was superior to the control group. The push-out bond strength values of G2, G3, and G4 were superior to the control group. The ability to remove the debris and smear layer by SmearClear and QMiX was as effective as the 17% EDTA. The final rinse with these solutions promoted similar push-out bond strength values. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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O Papilomavírus humano infecta as células basais do epitélio estratificado, induzindo o desenvolvimento de lesões proliferativas benignas na pele ou mucosas. As infecções apresentam distribuição universal. Muitos estudos têm demonstrado a forte associação da infecção por espécies de alto risco com casos de câncer cervical. Sendo assim, o presente estudo visou determinar a prevalência da infecção pelo HPV em um grupo de mulheres investigadas para o câncer cervical. No período de janeiro de 2008 a dezembro de 2009 foram coletadas amostras cervicais de 180 mulheres atendidas no Laboratório de Citopatologia da UFPA, sendo 162 elegíveis para o estudo. De cada participante foi coletada duas amostras, uma destinada à confecção do esfregaço para posterior análise citológica, através do Método de Papanicolaou e a outra destinada à análise por biologia molecular a fim de se investigar a presença do HPV, na qual utilizou-se os iniciadores MY09 e MY11. As espécies de HPV foram identificadas através da técnica de seqüenciamento de bases nucelotídicas da ORF L1 do HPV. A análise do perfil epidemiológico do grupo estudado demonstrou que a média de idade correspondia a 37,5 anos. A maioria (49,38%) era casada, 37,65% havia iniciado a atividade sexual entre 13 e 17 anos de idade e 58,64% não usava preservativos durante as relações sexuais. A prevalência global do HPV encontrada foi de 18,52%. Treze espécies diferentes foram identificadas, sendo que a maioria (66,67%) pertencia ao grupo de baixo risco, no qual o HPV-11 foi mais freqüente. Dentre o grupo de alto risco (30%) o HPV-31 foi encontrado em quatro casos. A distribuição das espécies de HPV de acordo com o resultado citológico demonstrou que a ocorrência da infecção foi maior no grupo de mulheres cujo esfregaço era livre de alterações citológicas (43,33%). No grupo de mulheres com alterações pré-malignas só observou-se infecções por espécies de baixo risco (10%). A infecção pelo HPV mostrou associação estatisticamente significativa com a atividade sexual e com a freqüência na realização do exame preventivo. A prevalência encontrada no estudo corrobora com outros achados descritos na literatura. A predominância da infecção em mulheres com citologia normal reforça a idéia de que a infecção é, em sua maioria, assintomática e que o método de Papanicolaou é menos eficiente na detecção da infecção em relação às técnicas de biologia molecular. Entretanto, ao se tratar de detecção de doença pré-maligna ou maligna, a biologia molecular não se aplica e, portanto não deve substituir o PCCU.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The purpose was to investigate sociodemographic characteristics of women who underwent a Pap smear test in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, and identify the reasons why the women had the test. This exploratory study was performed with 281 women who had taken the Pap smear test within the last five years in Manaus. Most participants were between 18 to 34 years old (54%), had 5 to 11 years of education (54.4%), had a monthly income of less than three minimum wage salaries (84.3%) and were in a stable relationship (72.2%), with an onset of sexual activity between the ages of 15 to 19 years (69.4%). The reasons for their taking the Pap test were personal choice (66.2%), recommendation by a physician (23.5%) and gynecological symptoms (10.3%). Women who received information about the Pap test from health professionals had a greater chance of being tested within the last three years (p=0.008). Women choosing to have the exam (personal choice) are prevalent, and the opportunistic service is provided to younger women, thus not reaching the group at greater risk for cancer. It is necessary to implement active recruitment strategies to reach women in situations of socioeconomic disadvantage.