759 resultados para Cerebellar ataxia


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OBJECTIVE: To identify the genetic causes underlying autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa (arRP) and to describe the associated phenotype. DESIGN: Case series. PARTICIPANTS: Three hundred forty-seven unrelated families affected by arRP and 33 unrelated families affected by retinitis pigmentosa (RP) plus noncongenital and progressive hearing loss, ataxia, or both, respectively. METHODS: A whole exome sequencing (WES) analysis was performed in 2 families segregating arRP. A mutational screening was performed in 378 additional unrelated families for the exon-intron boundaries of the ABHD12 gene. To establish a genotype-phenotype correlation, individuals who were homozygous or compound heterozygotes of mutations in ABHD12 underwent exhaustive clinical examinations by ophthalmologists, neurologists, and otologists. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: DNA sequence variants, best-corrected visual acuity, visual field assessments, electroretinogram responses, magnetic resonance imaging, and audiography. RESULTS: After a WES analysis, we identified 4 new mutations (p.Arg107Glufs*8, p.Trp159*, p.Arg186Pro, and p.Thr202Ile) in ABHD12 in 2 families (RP-1292 and W08-1833) previously diagnosed with nonsyndromic arRP, which cosegregated with the disease among the family members. Another homozygous mutation (p.His372Gln) was detected in 1 affected individual (RP-1487) from a cohort of 378 unrelated arRP and syndromic RP patients. After exhaustive clinical examinations by neurologists and otologists, the 4 affected members of the RP-1292 had no polyneuropathy or ataxia, and the sensorineural hearing loss and cataract were attributed to age or the normal course of the RP, whereas the affected members of the families W08-1833 and RP-1487 showed clearly symptoms associated with polyneuropathy, hearing loss, cerebellar ataxia, RP, and early-onset cataract (PHARC) syndrome. CONCLUSIONS: Null mutations in the ABHD12 gene lead to PHARC syndrome, a neurodegenerative disease including polyneuropathy, hearing loss, cerebellar ataxia, RP, and early-onset cataract. Our study allowed us to report 5 new mutations in ABHD12. This is the first time missense mutations have been described for this gene. Furthermore, these findings are expanding the spectrum of phenotypes associated with ABHD12 mutations ranging from PHARC syndrome to a nonsyndromic form of retinal degeneration.


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BACKGROUND: Male carriers of the FMR1 premutation are at risk of developing the fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS), a newly recognised and largely under-diagnosed late onset neurodegenerative disorder. Patients affected with FXTAS primarily present with cerebellar ataxia and intention tremor. Cognitive decline has also been associated with the premutation, but the lack of data on its penetrance is a growing concern for clinicians who provide genetic counselling. METHODS: The Mattis Dementia Rating Scale (MDRS) was administered in a double blind fashion to 74 men aged 50 years or more recruited from fragile X families (35 premutation carriers and 39 intrafamilial controls) regardless of their clinical manifestation. Based on previous publications, marked cognitive impairment was defined by a score <or=123 on the MDRS. RESULTS: Both logistic and survival models confirmed that in addition to age and education level, premutation size plays a significant (p<0.01 and p<0.03 for logistic and survival model, respectively) role in cognitive impairment. The estimated penetrance of marked cognitive impairment in our sample (adjusted for the mean age 63.4 years and mean education level 9.7 years) for midsize/large (70-200 CGG) and small (55-69 CGG) premutation alleles was 33.3% (relative risk (RR) 6.5; p = 0.01) and 5.9% (RR 1.15; p = 0.9) respectively. Penetrance in the control group was 5.1%. CONCLUSIONS: Male carriers of midsize to large premutation alleles had a sixfold increased risk of developing cognitive decline and the risk increases with allele size. In addition, it was observed that cognitive impairment may precede motor symptoms. These data provide guidance for genetic counselling although larger samples are required to refine these estimates.


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Introduction: The Fragile X - associated Tremor Ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS) is a recently described, and under-diagnosed, late onset (≈ 60y) neurodegenerative disorder affecting male carriers of a premutation in the Fragile X Mental Retardation 1 (FMR1) gene. The premutation is an CGG (Cytosine-Guanine-Guanine) expansion (55 to 200 CGG repeats) in the proximal region of the FMR1 gene. Patients with FXTAS primarily present with cerebellar ataxia and intention tremor. Neuroradiological features of FXTAS include prominent white matter disease in the periventricular, subcortical, middle cerebellar peduncles and deep white matter of the cerebellum on T2-weighted or FLAIR MR imaging (Jacquemmont 2007, Loesch 2007, Brunberg 2002, Cohen 2006). We hypothesize that a significant white matter alteration is present in younger individuals many years prior to clinical symptoms and/or the presence of visible lesions on conventional MR sequences and might be detectable by magnetization transfer (MT) imaging. Methods: Eleven asymptomatic premutation carriers (mean age = 55 years) and seven intra-familial controls participated to the study. A standardized neurological examination was performed on all participants and a neuropsychological evaluation was carried out before MR scanning performed on a 3T Siemens Trio. The protocol included a sagittal T1-weighted 3D gradient-echo sequence (MPRAGE, 160 slices, 1 mm^3 isotropic voxels) and a gradient-echo MTI (FA 30, TE 15, matrix size 256*256, pixel size 1*1 mm, 36 slices (thickness 2mm), MT pulse duration 7.68 ms, FA 500, frequency offset 1.5 kHz). MTI was performed by acquiring consecutively two set of images; first with and then without the MT saturation pulse. MT images were coregistered to the T1 acquisition. The MTR for every intracranial voxel was calculated as follows: MTR = (M0 - MS)/M0*100%, creating a MTR map for each subject. As first analysis, the whole white matter (WM) was used to mask the MTR image in order to create an histogram of the MTR distribution in the whole tissue class over the two groups examined. Then, for each subject, we performed a segmentation and parcellation of the brain by means of Freesurfer software, starting from the high resolution T1-weighted anatomical acquisition. Cortical parcellations was used to assign a label to the underlying white matter by the construction of a Voronoi diagram in the WM voxels of the MR volume based on distance to the nearest cortical parcellation label. This procedure allowed us to subdivide the cerebral WM in 78 ROIs according to the cortical parcellation (see example in Fig 1). The cerebellum, by the same procedure, was subdivided in 5 ROIs (2 per each hemisphere and one corresponding to the brainstem). For each subject, we calculated the mean value of MTR within each ROI and averaged over controls and patients. Significant differences between the two groups were tested using a two sample T-test (p<0.01). Results: Neurological examination showed that no patient met the clinical criteria of Fragile X Tremor and Ataxia Syndrome yet. Nonetheless, premutation carriers showed some subtle neurological signs of the disorder. In fact, premutation carriers showed a significant increase of tremor (CRST, T-test p=0.007) and increase of ataxia (ICARS, p=0.004) when compared to controls. The neuropsychological evaluation was normal in both groups. To obtain general characterizations of myelination for each subject and premutation carriers, we first computed the distribution of MTR values across the total white matter volume and averaged for each group. We tested the equality of the two distributions with the non parametric Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and we rejected the null-hypothesis at a p=0.03 (fig. 2). As expected, when comparing the asymptomatic permutation carriers with control subjects, the peak value and peak position of the MTR values within the whole WM were decreased and the width of the distribution curve was increased (p<0.01). These three changes point to an alteration of the global myelin status of the premutation carriers. Subsequently, to analyze the regional myelination and white matter integrity of the same group, we performed a ROI analysis of MTR data. The ROI-based analysis showed a decrease of mean MTR value in premutation carriers compared to controls in bilateral orbito-frontal and inferior frontal WM, entorhinal and cingulum regions and cerebellum (Fig 3). The detection of these differences in these regions failed with other conventional MR techniques. Conclusions: These preliminary data confirm that in premutation carriers, there are indeed alterations in "normal appearing white matter" (NAWM) and these alterations are visible with the MT technique. These results indicate that MT imaging may be a relevant approach to detect both global and local alterations within NAWM in "asymptomatic" carriers of premutations in the Fragile X Mental Retardation 1 (FMR1) gene. The sensitivity of MT in the detection of these alterations might point towards a specific physiopathological mechanism linked to an underlying myelin disorder. ROI-based analyses show that the frontal, parahippocampal and cerebellar regions are already significantly affected before the onset of symptoms. A larger sample will allow us to determine the minimum CGG expansion and age associated with these subclinical white matter alterations.


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Machado-Joseph disease or spinocerebellar ataxia type 3, the most common dominantly-inherited spinocerebellar ataxia, results from translation of the polyglutamine-expanded and aggregation prone ataxin 3 protein. Clinical manifestations include cerebellar ataxia and pyramidal signs and there is no therapy to delay disease progression. Beclin 1, an autophagy-related protein and essential gene for cell survival, is decreased in several neurodegenerative disorders. This study aimed at evaluating if lentiviral-mediated beclin 1 overexpression would rescue motor and neuropathological impairments when administered to pre- and post-symptomatic lentiviral-based and transgenic mouse models of Machado-Joseph disease. Beclin 1-mediated significant improvements in motor coordination, balance and gait with beclin 1-treated mice equilibrating longer periods in the Rotarod and presenting longer and narrower footprints. Furthermore, in agreement with the improvements observed in motor function beclin 1 overexpression prevented neuronal dysfunction and neurodegeneration, decreasing formation of polyglutamine-expanded aggregates, preserving Purkinje cell arborization and immunoreactivity for neuronal markers. These data show that overexpression of beclin 1 in the mouse cerebellum is able to rescue and hinder the progression of motor deficits when administered to pre- and post-symptomatic stages of the disease.


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Machado-Joseph disease is the most frequently found dominantly-inherited cerebellar ataxia. Over-repetition of a CAG trinucleotide in the MJD1 gene translates into a polyglutamine tract within the ataxin 3 protein, which upon proteolysis may trigger Machado-Joseph disease. We investigated the role of calpains in the generation of toxic ataxin 3 fragments and pathogenesis of Machado-Joseph disease. For this purpose, we inhibited calpain activity in mouse models of Machado-Joseph disease by overexpressing the endogenous calpain-inhibitor calpastatin. Calpain blockage reduced the size and number of mutant ataxin 3 inclusions, neuronal dysfunction and neurodegeneration. By reducing fragmentation of ataxin 3, calpastatin overexpression modified the subcellular localization of mutant ataxin 3 restraining the protein in the cytoplasm, reducing aggregation and nuclear toxicity and overcoming calpastatin depletion observed upon mutant ataxin 3 expression. Our findings are the first in vivo proof that mutant ataxin 3 proteolysis by calpains mediates its translocation to the nucleus, aggregation and toxicity and that inhibition of calpains may provide an effective therapy for Machado-Joseph disease.


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L-2-Hydroxyglutaric aciduria (L2HGA) is a rare, neurometabolic disorder with an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. Affected individuals only have neurological manifestations, including psychomotor retardation, cerebellar ataxia, and more variably macrocephaly, or epilepsy. The diagnosis of L2HGA can be made based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), biochemical analysis, and mutational analysis of L2HGDH. About 200 patients with elevated concentrations of 2-hydroxyglutarate (2HG) in the urine were referred for chiral determination of 2HG and L2HGDH mutational analysis. All patients with increased L2HG (n=106; 83 families) were included. Clinical information on 61 patients was obtained via questionnaires. In 82 families the mutations were detected by direct sequence analysis and/or multiplex ligation dependent probe amplification (MLPA), including one case where MLPA was essential to detect the second allele. In another case RT-PCR followed by deep intronic sequencing was needed to detect the mutation. Thirty-five novel mutations as well as 35 reported mutations and 14 nondisease-related variants are reviewed and included in a novel Leiden Open source Variation Database (LOVD) for L2HGDH variants (http://www.LOVD.nl/L2HGDH). Every user can access the database and submit variants/patients. Furthermore, we report on the phenotype, including neurological manifestations and urinary levels of L2HG, and we evaluate the phenotype-genotype relationship.


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Nous présentons ici la description clinique et génétique d’un syndrome neurocutané unique. Le laboratoire du Dr Cossette a entrepris la caractérisation clinique et génétique d'une famille canadienne-française qui a été identifiée par les Drs Giroux et Barbeau en 1972 et qui comprend plus de 100 personnes sur six générations. Les membres atteints de cette famille présentent des lésions typiques d'érythrokératodermie (EK) (OMIM 133190, EKV1 et EKV2), associées à une ataxie spinocérébelleuse pure. Dans cette famille, l'ataxie est caractérisée par des troubles de la coordination et de la démarche causés par une dégénérescence du cervelet et de la moelle épinière. Cette ataxie est transmise selon un mode autosomique dominant. Une étude antérieure de cette variante d'EK avec ataxie avait suggéré une liaison sur le chromosome 1p34-p35, soit la même région que les formes EKV de type 1 et 2, causées respectivement par des mutations dans les gènes connexin-31 (GJB3; OMIM 603324) et connexin-30.3 (GJB4; OMIM 605425). Cependant, aucune mutation n'a été retrouvée dans ces gènes pour la famille canadienne-française. Nous avons récemment recontacté la famille et effectué des examens détaillés, incluant une imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) et un électromyogramme (EMG). Les manifestations neurologiques des individus atteints sont compatibles avec une nouvelle forme d’ataxie cérébelleuse pure à transmission autosomique dominante (ADCA de type III dans la classification de Harding) que nous avons appelée SCA34. Une cartographie complète du génome nous a permis de localiser le gène SCA34 sur le chromosome 6p12.3-q16.2. Également, en collaboration avec les Drs Alexis Brice (Hôpital Pitié-La Salpêtrière, Paris) et Alfredo Brusco (Hôpital San Giovanni Battista di Torino, Italie), nous avons confirmé que trois autres familles européennes avec SCA inexpliquée étaient également liées au locus SCA34. Notre laboratoire a récemment entrepris la recherche des mutations responsables de SCA34. Les résultats de ce criblage de gènes candidats sont présentés dans le chapitre 3 de cette thèse.


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Au cours des dernières années, la génétique a subi une progression phénoménale suite au développement de nouvelles technologies de séquençage. En effet, le séquençage de l’exome entier chez des familles a permis l’identification de nouveaux gènes impliqués pour plusieurs maladies. La neurologie a d’ailleurs bénéficié de ces avancées et plusieurs gènes ont été mis en évidence comme causatifs pour différents désordres neurologiques. Dans ce travail il sera question de deux désordres du mouvement pour lequel nous avons utilisés des technologies de séquençage traditionnelles, en l’occurrence le séquençage par Sanger, ainsi que de nouvelles technologies pour le séquençage de l’exome entier afin d’identifier de nouveaux gènes causatifs. Le premier désordre du mouvement qui sera décrit est l’ataxie, où ne seront abordées que les ataxies de cause génétiques, à transmission récessive. Le premier chapitre relatera les nouvelles mutations qui ont été trouvées chez des canadiens-français souffrant de l’ataxie de Beauce. Il sera aussi question de nouvelles mutations retrouvées dans deux autres populations, confirmant l’implication du gène SYNE1 dans les cas d’ataxie cérébelleuse à travers le monde. Le second chapitre fera la démonstration qu’il est souhaitable d’utiliser le séquençage de l’exome entier dans le but de poser un diagnostic clinique. En effet, il a été possible de trouver la cause génétique d’une famille comportant deux membres atteints d’atrophie congénitale du cervelet, où le symptôme prédominant est l’ataxie. Le séquençage de l’exome a permis la mise en évidence de mutations dans le gène PMM2, déjà connues pour cause le syndrome des glycoprotéines déficientes en hydrates de carbone. Dans un second temps, il sera question d’un autre désordre du mouvement la paraplégie spastique familiale (PSF). Le chapitre 3 relatera les mutations trouvées dans le gène CYP7B1 dans notre cohorte de patients PSF.


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Uniform conduction slowing has been considered a characteristic of inherited demyelinating neuropathies. We present an 18-year-old girl, born from first cousins, that presented a late motor and psychological development, cerebellar ataxia, facial diplegia, abnormal eye movement, scoliosis, and corpus callosum agenesis, whose compound muscle action potentials were slowed and dispersed. A mutation was found on KCC3 gene, confirming Andermann syndrome, a disease that must be included in the differential diagnosis of inherited neuropathies with non-uniform conduction slowing.


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Introduction and Background: Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a sporadic, adult-onset, progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized clinically by parkinsonism, cerebellar ataxia, and autonomic failure. We investigated cognitive functions longitudinally in a group of probable MSA patients, matching data with sleep parameters. Patients and Methods: 10 patients (7m/3f) underwent a detailed interview, a general and neurological examination, laboratory exams, MRI scans, a cardiovascular reflexes study, a battery of neuropsychological tests, and video-polysomnographic recording (VPSG). Patients were revaluated (T1) a mean of 16±5 (range: 12-28) months after the initial evaluation (T0). At T1, the neuropsychological assessment and VPSG were repeated. Results: The mean patient age was 57.8±6.4 years (range: 47-64) with a mean age at disease onset of 53.2±7.1 years (range: 43-61) and symptoms duration at T0 of 60±48 months (range: 12-144). At T0, 7 patients showed no cognitive deficits while 3 patients showed isolated cognitive deficits. At T1, 1 patient worsened developing multiple cognitive deficits from a normal condition. At T0 and T1, sleep efficiency was reduced, REM latency increased, NREM sleep stages 1-2 slightly increased. Comparisons between T1 and T0 showed a significant worsening in two tests of attention and no significant differences of VPSG parameters. No correlation was found between neuropsychological results and VPSG findings or RBD duration. Discussion and Conclusions: The majority of our patients do not show any cognitive deficits at T0 and T1, while isolated cognitive deficits are present in the remaining patients. Attention is the cognitive function which significantly worsened. Our data confirm the previous findings concerning the prevalence, type and the evolution of cognitive deficits in MSA. Regarding the developing of a condition of dementia, our data did not show a clear-cut diagnosis of dementia. We confirm a mild alteration of sleep structure. RBD duration does not correlate with neuropsychological findings.


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We report on clinicopathological findings in two cases of rosette-forming glioneuronal tumor of the fourth ventricle (RGNT) occurring in females aged 16 years (Case 1) and 30 years (Case 2). Symptoms included vertigo, nausea, cerebellar ataxia, as well as headaches, and had been present for 4-months and 1 week, respectively. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) indicated a cerebellar-based tumor of 1.8cm (Case 1) and 5cm (Case 2) diameter each, bulging into the fourth ventricle. Case 2 involved a cyst-mural-nodule configuration. In both instances, the solid component appeared isointense on T(1) sequences, hyperintense in the T(2) mode, and enhanced moderately. Gross total resection was achieved via suboccipital craniotomy. However, functional recovery was disappointing in Case 1. On microscopy, both tumors comprised an admixture of low-grade astrocytoma interspersed with circular aggregates of synaptophysin-expressing round cells harboring oligodendrocyte-like nuclei. The astrocytic moiety in Case 1 was nondescript, and overtly pilocytic in Case 2. The architecture of neuronal elements variously consisted of neurocytic rosettes, of pseudorosettes centered on a capillary core, as well as of concentric ribbons along irregular lumina. Gangliocytic maturation, especially "floating neurons", or a corresponding immunoreactivity for neurofilament protein was absent. Neither of these populations exhibited atypia, mitotic activity, or a significant labeling for MIB-1. Cerebellar parenchyma included in the surgical specimen did not reveal any preexisting malformative anomaly. Despite sharing some overlapping histologic traits with dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNT), the presentation of RGNT with respect to both patient age and location is consistent enough for this lesion to be singled out as an autonomous entity.


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Inherited neurodegenerative disorders are debilitating diseases that occur across different species. We have performed clinical, pathological and genetic studies to characterize a novel canine neurodegenerative disease present in the Lagotto Romagnolo dog breed. Affected dogs suffer from progressive cerebellar ataxia, sometimes accompanied by episodic nystagmus and behavioral changes. Histological examination revealed unique pathological changes, including profound neuronal cytoplasmic vacuolization in the nervous system, as well as spheroid formation and cytoplasmic aggregation of vacuoles in secretory epithelial tissues and mesenchymal cells. Genetic analyses uncovered a missense change, c.1288G>A; p.A430T, in the autophagy-related ATG4D gene on canine chromosome 20 with a highly significant disease association (p = 3.8 x 10-136) in a cohort of more than 2300 Lagotto Romagnolo dogs. ATG4D encodes a poorly characterized cysteine protease belonging to the macroautophagy pathway. Accordingly, our histological analyses indicated altered autophagic flux in affected tissues. The knockdown of the zebrafish homologue atg4da resulted in a widespread developmental disturbance and neurodegeneration in the central nervous system. Our study describes a previously unknown canine neurological disease with particular pathological features and implicates the ATG4D protein as an important autophagy mediator in neuronal homeostasis. The canine phenotype serves as a model to delineate the disease-causing pathological mechanism(s) and ATG4D function, and can also be used to explore treatment options. Furthermore, our results reveal a novel candidate gene for human neurodegeneration and enable the development of a genetic test for veterinary diagnostic and breeding purposes.


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Ataxia telangiectasia (AT) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by growth retardation, cerebellar ataxia, oculocutaneous telangiectasias, and a high incidence of lymphomas and leukemias. In addition, AT patients are sensitive to ionizing radiation. Atm-deficient mice recapitulate most of the AT phenotype. p21cip1/waf1 (p21 hereafter), an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases, has been implicated in cellular senescence and response to γ-radiation-induced DNA damage. To study the role of p21 in ATM-mediated signal transduction pathways, we examined the combined effect of the genetic loss of atm and p21 on growth control, radiation sensitivity, and tumorigenesis. As might have been expected, our data provide evidence that p21 modifies the in vitro senescent response seen in AT fibroblasts. Further, it is a downstream effector of ATM-mediated growth control. In addition, however, we find that loss of p21 in the context of an atm-deficient mouse leads to a delay in thymic lymphomagenesis and an increase in acute radiation sensitivity in vivo (the latter principally because of effects on the gut epithelium). Modification of these two crucial aspects of the ATM phenotype can be related to an apparent increase in spontaneous apoptosis seen in tumor cells and in the irradiated intestinal epithelium of mice doubly null for atm and p21. Thus, loss of p21 seems to contribute to tumor suppression by a mechanism that operates via a sensitized apoptotic response. These results have implications for cancer therapy in general and AT patients in particular.


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Background: Clinical presentations of paraneoplastic syndromes in neuroblastoma may multiply. Review of the clinical data and the literature on this syndrome may help in the diagnosis of neuroblastoma. Objectives: In order to make more accurate diagnosis, we reviewed the clinical data and the literature on this syndrome. Patients and Methods: Between April 2007 and April 2012, 68 children were diagnosed with neuroblastoma or ganglioneuroblastoma in our institution, 9 of which presented exclusively with paraneoplastic syndromes and were not treated with chemotherapy prior to diagnosis. After the diagnosis, all patients received chemotherapy and operation on NB97 protocol. Results: Among 68 pediatric patients with neuroblastoma or ganglioneuroblastoma, 4 (5.9%) patients suffered from neurological complications at diagnosis, 2 (2.9%) patients had digestive tract disorders, 2 (2.9%) patients had immune diseases, and 1 (1.5%) suffered from hematological disorder (without bone marrow involvement). All paraneoplastic syndrome patients achieved complete remission on paraneoplastic syndrome before completion of chemotherapy. Conclusions: Neuroblastoma may present with a range of non-specific neurologic symptoms in addition to the well-known opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome and cerebellar ataxia. In any case, the presence of unexplained neurologic manifestations and other common clinical presentations such as rash, constipation, diarrhea, and especially immune disorders in an otherwise healthy child had raised the possibility of paraneoplastic syndrome due to the presence of an undiagnosed tumor.