947 resultados para Centre Tecnològic de Manresa


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la University of Sussex, Gran Bretanya, entre març i juliol del 2008. L’estada ha estat centrada en obtenir fonts documentals primàries, per avançar en el projecte d’investigació sobre la transferència de tecnologia entre Catalunya i Anglaterra durant la Segona Revolució Industrial. Això ha estat possible gràcies a la consulta de les patents britàniques (Business & Intellectual Property Centre at the British Library). Així mateix, l’obtenció dels recursos documentals especialitzats de diverses biblioteques de referència situades al campus de la University of Sussex (Keith Pavitt Libray (SPRU), Library of Sussex, British Library of Development Studies) i a Ruddignton Framework Knitters’ Library a Nottingham han estat fonamentals, tal i com es pot veure en la relació detallada que es presenta.


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Aproximadament deu anys enrere, es va començar a desenvolupar un nou procés industrial de deformació de xapa anomenat conformació incremental de xapa, Incremental Sheet Forming (ISF) en anglès. En aquest procés, una làmina de xapa és subjectada per un suport i conformada per una eina que normalment és un punxó amb punta semiesfèrica que es mou segons les directrius d’un software de control numèric. Aquest moviment de l’eina es fa en el pla, i un cop ja s’ha realitzat un contorn, l’eina baixa per realitzar-ne un altre i així successivament fins a la realització de la peça desitjada. Aquest procés de conformat de xapa està considerat com una alternativa al procés d’embotició, i la seva principal avantatge és que es pot considerar una gran alternativa al procés d’embotició per a la fabricació de petits lots de producte. La diferència més destacable és que en el procés de conformació incremental de xapa no es necessiten grans matrius ni punxons, que són molt costosos ja que han de garantir unes precisions molt elevades. A l’actualitat, aquest sistema encara es troba en fase d’investigació, no hi ha estudis definitius que aportin resultats fiables sobre la viabilitat del procés en aplicacions industrials, però cada vegada hi ha més equips de treball universitaris que es dediquen a estudiar-lo i més empreses que l’estan introduint en els seus departaments de I+D per tal d’adaptar els seus processos de fabricació a aquesta nova tecnologia. Un dels equips de treball que estan investigant aquest procés es el Grup de Recerca d’Enginyeria de Producte, Procés i Producció (GREP) situat al parc científic i tecnològic de l’Universitat de Girona. Disposen d’un centre de mecanitzat CNC de la marca Kondia model HS1000 que actualment es troba en període d’adaptació per tal de desenvolupar una màquina híbrida en la qual es duran a terme processos de conformació de xapa i sinterització per làser. Per tal d’adaptar la màquina, una part dels estudis que s’han de realitzar és la investigació sobre el consum i emissions de CO2 generades durant el procés de fabricació. Així doncs, aquest projecte final de carrera és aquest estudi de forma experimental i teòrica sobre el consum energètic del centre de mecanitzat, quan s’utilitza amb la tècnica de Incremental Sheet Forming (ISF). Es pretén estudiar el consum energètic de la tecnologia tenint en compte paràmetres de procés com ara el material, geometries, energia elèctrica consumida i programació de la trajectòria de l’eina, paràmetres relacionats amb l’origen de l’energia i aspectes relacionats amb els costos de producció


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Els stents són unes pròtesis endovasculars. L’objectiu del projecte és el disseny i desenvolupament d’un utillatge que permeti la seva fabricació per tall làser. S’utilitzarà el làser del GREP (Grup de Recerca en Enginyeria de Producte, Procés i Producció) de la Universitat de Girona, el qual està instal•lat sobre el capçal d’un centre de mecanitzat convencional


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INTRODUCTION: Data is scarce regarding adverse events (AE) of biological therapy used in the management of Crohn's Disease (CD) among Brazilian patients. OBJECTIVES: To analyse AE prevalence and profile in patients with CD treated with Infliximab (IFX) or Adalimumab (ADA) and to verify whether there are differences between the two drugs. METHOD: Retrospective observational single-centre study of CD patients on biological therapy. Variables analysed: Demographic data, Montreal classification, biological agent administered, treatment duration, presence and type of AE and the need for treatment interruption. RESULTS: Forty-nine patients were analysed, 25 treated with ADA and 24 with IFX. The groups were homogeneous in relation to the variables studied. The average follow-up period for the group treated with ADA was 19.3 months and 21.8 months for the IFX group (p = 0.585). Overall, 40% (n = 10) of patients taking ADA had AE compared with 50% (n = 12) of IFX users (p = 0.571). There was a tendency towards higher incidence of cutaneous and infusion reactions in the IFX group and higher incidence of infections in the ADA treated group, although without significant difference. CONCLUSIONS: No difference was found in the AE prevalence and profile between ADA and IFX CD patients in the population studied.


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Objective: to explore the reasons why women with previous hospital experience seek care at a birth centre, and their perceptions related to the care received in both settings. Design, setting and participants in-depth interviews focusing on the care experiences of 18 women who received birth care in a birth centre of the Brazilian public health system. Findings: three key themes emerged from the analysis: ‘Confrontation with strong problems in the hospital setting’, ‘Reasons to seek the birth centre’ and ‘Satisfaction related to birth centre care’. The main aspects that the mothers mentioned in the first and third themes were related to the institutional structure and system of care. Key conclusions and implications for practice mothers’ narratives suggested that their previous experience of problems in the hospital setting was the main motive for seeking care at the birth centre. The most important components of birth care were attention, meeting personal care demands and establishment of an adequate interpersonal relationship. More sensitive birthing care in the hospital setting is necessary, and this can be promoted through continuing professional education


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Context. X-ray data analysis have found that fairly complex structures at cluster centres are more common than expected. Many of these structures have similar morphologies, which exhibit spiral-like substructure. Aims. It is not yet well known how these structures are formed or maintained. Understanding the origin of these spiral-like features at the centre of some clusters is the major motivation behind this work. Methods. We analyse deep Chandra observations of 15 nearby galaxy clusters ( 0.01 < z < 0.06), and use X-ray temperature and substructure maps to detect small features at the cores of the clusters. Results. We detect spiral-like features at the centre of 7 clusters: A85, A426, A496, Hydra A cluster, Centaurus, Ophiuchus, and A4059. These patterns are similar to those found in numerical hydrodynamic simulations of cluster mergers with non-zero impact parameter. In some clusters of our sample, a strong radio source also occupies the inner region of the cluster, which indicates a possible connection between the two. Our investigation implies that these spiral-like structures may be caused by off-axis minor mergers. Since these features occur in regions of high density, they may confine radio emission from the central galaxy producing, in some cases, unusual radio morphology.


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Objective: to identify risk factors associated with neonatal transfers from a free-standing birth centre to a hospital. Design: epidemiological case-control study. Setting: midwifery-led free-standing birth centre in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Participants: 96 newborns were selected from 2840 births between September 1998 and August 2005. Cases were defined as all new borns transferred from the birth centre to a hospital (n = 32), and controls were defined as new borns delivered at the same birth centre, during the same time period, and who had not been transferred to a hospital (n = 64). Measurements and findings: data were collected from medical records available at the birth centre. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed using logistic regression. The multivariate analysis included outcomes with p<0.25, specifically: smoking during pregnancy, prenatal care appointments, labour complications, weight in relation to gestational age, and one-minute Apgar score. Of the foregoing outcomes, those that remained in the full regression model as a risk factor associated with neonatal transfer were: smoking during pregnancy [p = 0.009, odds ratio (OR) = 4.1,95% confidence interval (CI) 1.03-16.33], labour complications (p<0.001, OR = 5.5, 95% CI 1.06-28.26) and one-minute Apgar score <= 7 (p<0.001, OR = 7.8,95% CI 1.62-37.03). Key conclusions and implications for practice: smoking during pregnancy, labour complications and one-minute Apgar score <= 7 were confirmed as risk factors for neonatal transfer from the birth centre to a hospital. The identified risk factors can help to improve institutional protocols and formulate hypotheses for other studies. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The study on the thermal performance of the air-conditioned buildings of the new research centre of the Brazilian Petroleum Company, in the tropical climate of Rio de Janeiro, was part of a bigger research and consultancy, project involving environmental issues. The architectural design was the subject of a national competition in 2004, encompassing over 100,000 m(2). According to the design brief, out of the 10 buildings of the new research centre, 7 have to be either completely or partially air-conditioned, due to specific occupation requirements. The challenge for better thermal performance was related to systems` energy efficiency, to the introduction of natural ventilation and to the notion of adaptive comfort, which were verified with the support of thermal dynamic simulations. At the early stages of the assessments, the potential for natural ventilation in the working spaces considering the mixed-mode strategy achieved 30% of occupation hours. However, the development of the design project led to fully air-conditioned working spaces, due to users` references regarding the conventional culture of the office environment. Nevertheless, the overall architectural approach in accordance to the climatic conditions still showed a contribution to the buildings` energy efficiency. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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View to service centre during Expo 1988.


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Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra and X-ray absorption (EXAFS and XANES) data have been recorded for the manganese enzyme aminopeptidase P (AMPP, PepP protein) from Escherichia coli. The biological function of the protein, a tetramer of 50-kDa subunits, is the hydrolysis of N-terminal Xaa-Pro peptide bonds. Activity assays confirm that the enzyme is activated by treatment with Mn2+. The EPR spectrum of Mn2+-activated AMPP at liquid-He temperature is characteristic of an exchange-coupled dinuclear Mn(II) site, the Mn-Mn separation calculated from the zero-field splitting D of the quintet state being 3.5 (+/- 0.1) Angstrom. In the X-ray absorption spectrum of Mn2+-activated AMPP at the Mn K edge, the near-edge features are consistent with octahedrally coordinated Mn atoms in oxidation state +2. EXAFS data, limited to k less than or equal to 12 Angstrom(-1) by traces of Fe in the protein, are consistent with a single coordination shell occupied predominantly by O donor atoms at an average Mn-ligand distance of 2.15 Angstrom, but the possibility of a mixture of O and N donor atoms is not excluded. The Mn-Mn interaction at 3.5 Angstrom, is not detected in the EXAFS, probably due to destructive interference from light outer-shell atoms. The biological function, amino acid sequence and metal-ion dependence of E. coli AMPP are closely related to those of human prolidase, an enzyme that specifically cleaves Xaa-Pro dipeptides. Mutations that lead to human prolidase deficiency and clinical symptoms have been identified. Several known inhibitors of prolidase also inhibit AMPP. When these inhibitors are added to Mn2+-activated AMPP, the EPR spectrum and EXAFS remain unchanged. It can be inferred that the inhibitors either do not bind directly to the Mn centres, or substitute for existing Mn ligands without a significant change in donor atoms or coordination geometry. The conclusions from the spectroscopic measurements on AMPP have been verified by, and complement, a recent crystal structure analysis.


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Three new species of Anacroneuria are described herein: A. otafroehlichi sp. n., A. terere sp. n. and A. singularis sp. n. In addition, we report the presence of A. atrifrons Klapalek and A. pastaza Stark for the first time in Mato Grosso do Sul State. The reported distributions of A. payagua Froehlich and A. ofaye Froehlich are expanded into Mato Grosso do Sul State.


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Multislice computed tomography (MSCT) for the noninvasive detection of coronary artery stenoses is a promising candidate for widespread clinical application because of its non-invasive nature and high sensitivity and negative predictive value as found in several previous studies using 16 to 64 simultaneous detector rows. A multi-centre study of CT coronary angiography using 16 simultaneous detector rows has shown that 16-slice CT is limited by a high number of nondiagnostic cases and a high false-positive rate. A recent meta-analysis indicated a significant interaction between the size of the study sample and the diagnostic odds ratios suggestive of small study bias, highlighting the importance of evaluating MSCT using 64 simultaneous detector rows in a multi-centre approach with a larger sample size. In this manuscript we detail the objectives and methods of the prospective ""CORE-64"" trial (""Coronary Evaluation Using Multidetector Spiral Computed Tomography Angiography using 64 Detectors""). This multi-centre trial was unique in that it assessed the diagnostic performance of 64-slice CT coronary angiography in nine centres worldwide in comparison to conventional coronary angiography. In conclusion, the multi-centre, multi-institutional and multi-continental trial CORE-64 has great potential to ultimately assess the per-patient diagnostic performance of coronary CT angiography using 64 simultaneous detector rows.


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Increased Kt concentration in seawater induces metamorphosis in the ascidian Herdmania momus. Larvae cultivated at 24 degrees C exhibit highest rates of metamorphosis when treated with 40 mM KCl-elevated seawater at 21 degrees C. At 24 degrees C, H. momus larvae develop competence to respond to KCl-seawater and initiate metamorphosis approximately 3 h after hatching. Larval trunks and tails separated from the anterior papillae region, but maintained in a common tunic at a distance of greater than 60 mu m, do not undergo metamorphosis when treated with KCl-seawater; normal muscle degradation does not occur in separated tails while ampullae develop from papillae-containing anterior fragments. Normal programmed degradation of myofibrils occurs when posterior fragments are fused to papillae-containing anterior fragments. These data indicate that H. momus settlement and metamorphosis only occurs when larvae have attained competence, and suggest that an anterior signalling centre is stimulated to release a factor that induces metamorphosis.