35 resultados para Centenarians


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Sociedad Española de Cardiología. Proyecto de Registro Clínico de la Sección de Cardiología Clínica 2013


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Myostatin (MSTN) and α-actinin-3 (ACTN3) genes are potentially associated with preservation of muscle mass and oxidative capacity, respectively. To explore the possible role of these genes in exceptional longevity (EL), the allele/genotype frequency distribution of two polymorphisms in MSTN (rs1805086, K153R) and ACTN3 (rs1815739, R577X) was studied in Japanese centenarians of both sexes (n = 742) and healthy controls (n = 814). The rs1805086 R-allele (theoretically associated with muscle mass preservation at the expense of oxidative capacity) was virtually absent in the two groups, where genotype distributions were virtually identical. Likewise, no differences in allele (p = 0.838 (women); p = 0.193 (men); p = 0.587 (both sexes)) or genotype distribution were found between groups for ACTN3 rs1815739 (p = 0.975 (women), p = 0.136 (men), p = 0.752 (both sexes)). Of note, however, the frequency of the rs1805086 R-allele observed here is the lowest been reported to date whereas that of the 'highly oxidative/efficient' rs1815739 XX genotype in Japanese male centenarians (33.3%) or supercentenarians of both sexes (≥110 years) are the highest (32.6%), for a non-American population. No definite conclusions can be inferred in relation to EL owing to its lack of association with both rs1815739 and rs1805086. However, it cannot be excluded that these gene variants could eventually be related to a "healthy" metabolic phenotype in the Japanese population. Further research might determine if such metabolic profile is among the factors that can potentially predispose these individuals to live longer than Caucasians and what genetic variants might be actually involved.


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Reductions in DNA integrity, genome stability, and telomere length are strongly associated with the aging process, age-related diseases as well as the age-related loss of muscle mass. However, in people reaching an age far beyond their statistical life expectancy the prevalence of diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes or dementia, is much lower compared to “averagely” aged humans. These inverse observations in nonagenarians (90–99 years), centenarians (100–109 years) and super-centenarians (110 years and older) require a closer look into dynamics underlying DNA damage within the oldest old of our society. Available data indicate improved DNA repair and antioxidant defense mechanisms in “super old” humans, which are comparable with much younger cohorts. Partly as a result of these enhanced endogenous repair and protective mechanisms, the oldest old humans appear to cope better with risk factors for DNA damage over their lifetime compared to subjects whose lifespan coincides with the statistical life expectancy. This model is supported by study results demonstrating superior chromosomal stability, telomere dynamics and DNA integrity in “successful agers”. There is also compelling evidence suggesting that life-style related factors including regular physical activity, a well-balanced diet and minimized psycho-social stress can reduce DNA damage and improve chromosomal stability. The most conclusive picture that emerges from reviewing the literature is that reaching “super old” age appears to be primarily determined by hereditary/genetic factors, while a healthy lifestyle additionally contributes to achieving the individual maximum lifespan in humans. More research is required in this rapidly growing population of super old people. In particular, there is need for more comprehensive investigations including short- and long-term lifestyle interventions as well as investigations focusing on the mechanisms causing DNA damage, mutations, and telomere shortening.


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The Australian veteran population can be loosely grouped into the younger veterans that are currently serving in, or returned from recent conflicts, to the ‘young elderly’ (65 to 74 years of age) from the Cold War era, to the near centenarians and centenarians from the earlier conflicts of World War 1 and 2. In 2013, 58.2% of veterans receiving medical treatment under the Gold or White cards were males being on average 71.3 years of age, while the average age of females was 83.4 years. Overall, 51.5% were 80+ years of age (ranging from <30, to 90+ years of age)...


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Three classes of evidence demonstrate the existence of life scripts, or culturally shared representations of the timing of major transitional life events. First, a reanalysis of earlier studies on age norms shows an increase in the number of transitional events between the ages of 15 and 30 years, and these events are associated with narrower age ranges and more positive emotion than events outside this period. Second, 1,485 Danes estimated how old hypothetical centenarians were when they had been happiest, saddest, most afraid, most in love, and had their most important and most traumatic experiences. Only the number of positive events showed an increase between the ages of 15 and 30 years. Third, undergraduates generated seven important events that were likely to occur in the life of a newborn. Pleasantness and whether events were expected to occur between the ages of 15 and 30 years predicted how frequently events were recorded. Life scripts provide an alternative explanation of the reminiscence bump. Emphasis is on culture, not individuals.


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Several studies have assessed changes in frequency of -174 interleukin (IL)-6 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) with age. If IL-6 tracks with disability and age-related diseases, then there should be reduction, in the oldest old, of the frequency of homozgyous GG subjects, who produce higher IL-6 levels. However, discordant results have been obtained. To explore the relationship between this polymorphism and longevity, we analyzed individual data on long-living subjects and controls from eight case-control studies conducted in Europeans, using meta-analysis. There was no significant difference in the IL-6 genotype between the oldest old and controls (Odds Ratio [OR]=0.96; 95% C.I.: 0.77-1.20; p=0.71), but there was significant between-study heterogeneity (I(2)=55.5%). In a subgroup analyses when male centenarians from the three Italian studies were included, the frequency of the IL-6 -174 GG genotype was significantly lower than the other genotypes (OR=0.49; 95% C.I.: 0.31-0.80; p=0.004), with no evidence of heterogeneity (I(2)=0%). Our data supports a negative association between the GG genotype of IL-6 SNP and longevity in Italian centenarians, with males who carry the genotype being two times less likely to reach extreme old age compared with subjects carrying CC or CG genotypes. These findings were not replicated in other European groups suggesting a possible interaction between genetics, sex and environment in reaching longevity.


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Mitochondria produce cellular energy but also free-radicals, which damage cells despite an array of endogenous anti-oxidants. In Northern Europe, the mitochondrial haplogroup J has been related to longevity in nonagenarians and centenarians but also with age-related disease. Hypertension is an important contributor to atherosclerotic-related diseases and its pathogenesis is associated with increased oxidative stress. In this study, we questioned whether J haplogroup octo/nonagenarians from the Belfast Elderly Longitudinal Free-living Elderly STudy (BELFAST) study showed evidence of protective blood pressure or anti-oxidant profile which might explain their longevity advantage. Briefly, in a cross-sectional study, community-living, mentally alert (Folstein >25/30), octo/nonagenarian subjects, recruited for good health, were enlisted and consented as part of the BELFAST study, for blood pressure, anthropometric measurements and blood sampling. DNA typing for mitochondrial haplotypes was carried out with measurements for enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants. J haplogroup carriers showed lower systolic blood pressure and glutathione peroxidase activity (Gpx) with higher folate measurements. There was no change in urate, bilirubin, albumin or nutrition-related antioxidants-selenium or vitamins A, C and a and ß carotene. BELFAST study mtDNA J haplogroup octo/nonagenarians showed lower blood pressure and reduced glutathione peroxidase activity and higher folate, but no change for other antioxidants. These findings are of interest in view of mtDNA J haplogroup's association with increased age in some previous studies.


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Several studies have assessed changes in frequency of -174 interleukin (IL)-6 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) with age. If IL-6 tracks with disability and age-related diseases, then there should be reduction, in the oldest old, of the frequency of homozygous GG subjects, who produce higher IL-6 levels. However, discordant results have been obtained. To explore the relationship between this polymorphism and longevity, we analyzed individual data on long-living subjects and controls from eight case-control studies conducted in Europeans, using meta-analysis. There was no significant difference in the IL-6 genotype between the oldest old and controls (Odds Ratio [OR]=0.96; 95% C.I.: 0.77-1.20; p=0.71), but there was significant between-study heterogeneity (I2=55.5%). In a subgroup analyses when male centenarians from the three Italian studies were included, the frequency of the IL-6 -174 GG genotype was significantly lower than the other genotypes (OR=0.49; 95% C.I.: 0.31-0.80; p=0.004), with no evidence of heterogeneity (I2=0%). Our data supports a negative association between the GG genotype of IL-6 SNP and longevity in Italian centenarians, with males who carry the genotype being two times less likely to reach extreme old age compared with subjects carrying CC or CG genotypes. These findings were not replicated in other European groups suggesting a possible interaction between genetics, sex and environment in reaching longevity.


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den Dunnen et al. [den Dunnen, W.F.A., Brouwer, W.H., Bijlard, E., Kamphuis, J., van Linschoten, K., Eggens-Meijer, E., Holstege, G., 2008. No disease in the brain of a 115-year-old woman. Neurobiol. Aging] had the opportunity to follow up the cognitive functioning of one of the world's oldest woman during the last 3 years of her life. They performed two neuropsychological evaluations at age 112 and 115 that revealed a striking preservation of immediate recall abilities and orientation. In contrast, working memory, retrieval from semantic memory and mental arithmetic performances declined after age 112. Overall, only a one-point decrease of MMSE score occurred (from 27 to 26) reflecting the remarkable preservation of cognitive abilities. The neuropathological assessment showed few neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) in the hippocampal formation compatible with Braak staging II, absence of amyloid deposits and other types of neurodegenerative lesions as well as preservation of neuron numbers in locus coeruleus. This finding was related to a striking paucity of Alzheimer disease (AD)-related lesions in the hippocampal formation. The present report parallels the early descriptions of rare "supernormal" centenarians supporting the dissociation between brain aging and AD processes. In conjunction with recent stereological analyses in cases aged from 90 to 102 years, it also points to the marked resistance of the hippocampal formation to the degenerative process in this age group and possible dissociation between the occurrence of slight cognitive deficits and development of AD-related pathologic changes in neocortical areas. This work is discussed in the context of current efforts to identify the biological and genetic parameters of human longevity.


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L’explosion récente du nombre de centenaires dans les pays à faible mortalité n’est pas étrangère à la multiplication des études portant sur la longévité, et plus spécifiquement sur ses déterminants et ses répercussions. Alors que certains tentent de découvrir les gènes pouvant être responsables de la longévité extrême, d’autres s’interrogent sur l’impact social, économique et politique du vieillissement de la population et de l’augmentation de l’espérance de vie ou encore, sur l’existence d’une limite biologique à la vie humaine. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous analysons la situation démographique des centenaires québécois depuis le début du 20e siècle à partir de données agrégées (données de recensement, statistiques de l’état civil, estimations de population). Dans un deuxième temps, nous évaluons la qualité des données québécoises aux grands âges à partir d’une liste nominative des décès de centenaires des générations 1870-1894. Nous nous intéressons entre autres aux trajectoires de mortalité au-delà de cent ans. Finalement, nous analysons la survie des frères, sœurs et parents d’un échantillon de semi-supercentenaires (105 ans et plus) nés entre 1890 et 1900 afin de se prononcer sur la composante familiale de la longévité. Cette thèse se compose de trois articles. Dans le cadre du premier, nous traitons de l’évolution du nombre de centenaires au Québec depuis les années 1920. Sur la base d’indicateurs démographiques tels le ratio de centenaires, les probabilités de survie et l’âge maximal moyen au décès, nous mettons en lumière les progrès remarquables qui ont été réalisés en matière de survie aux grands âges. Nous procédons également à la décomposition des facteurs responsables de l’augmentation du nombre de centenaires au Québec. Ainsi, au sein des facteurs identifiés, l’augmentation de la probabilité de survie de 80 à 100 ans s’inscrit comme principal déterminant de l’accroissement du nombre de centenaires québécois. Le deuxième article traite de la validation des âges au décès des centenaires des générations 1870-1894 d’origine canadienne-française et de confession catholique nés et décédés au Québec. Au terme de ce processus de validation, nous pouvons affirmer que les données québécoises aux grands âges sont d’excellente qualité. Les trajectoires de mortalité des centenaires basées sur les données brutes s’avèrent donc représentatives de la réalité. L’évolution des quotients de mortalité à partir de 100 ans témoigne de la décélération de la mortalité. Autant chez les hommes que chez les femmes, les quotients de mortalité plafonnent aux alentours de 45%. Finalement, dans le cadre du troisième article, nous nous intéressons à la composante familiale de la longévité. Nous comparons la survie des frères, sœurs et parents des semi-supercentenaires décédés entre 1995 et 2004 à celle de leurs cohortes de naissance respectives. Les différences de survie entre les frères, sœurs et parents des semi-supercentenaires sous observation et leur génération « contrôle » s’avèrent statistiquement significatives à un seuil de 0,01%. De plus, les frères, sœurs, pères et mères des semi-supercentenaires ont entre 1,7 (sœurs) et 3 fois (mères) plus de chance d’atteindre 90 ans que les membres de leur cohorte de naissance correspondante. Ainsi, au terme de ces analyses, il ne fait nul doute que la longévité se concentre au sein de certaines familles.


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La recherche des facteurs de longévité gagne en intérêt dans le contexte actuel du vieillissement de la population. De la littérature portant sur la longévité et la mortalité aux grands âges, un constat émerge : bien que les déterminants associés à la survie humaine soient multiples, l'environnement familial aurait un rôle déterminant sur la mortalité et sur l'atteinte des âges avancés. Dès lors, l'objectif de cette thèse est d'évaluer les déterminants de la survie exceptionnelle et d'examiner le rôle des aspects familiaux, en début de vie et à l'âge adulte, dans les différentiels de durée de vie. Plus spécifiquement, elle vise à : (1) examiner la similarité des âges au décès entre frères, soeurs et conjoints afin d'apprécier l'ampleur de la composante familiale de la longévité; (2) explorer, d'un point de vue intrafamilial, les conséquences à long terme sur la survie des variables non partagées issues de la petite enfance tels l'âge maternel à la reproduction, le rang de naissance et la saison de naissance; et (3) s'interroger sur le rôle protecteur ou délétère de l’environnement et du milieu familial d'origine dans l’enfance sur l'atteinte des grands âges et dans quelle mesure le statut socioéconomique parvient à médiatiser la relation. Cette analyse s'appuie sur le jumelage des recensements canadiens et des actes de décès de l’état civil québécois et emploie des données québécoises du 20e siècle issues de deux échantillons distincts : un échantillon aléatoire représentatif de la population provenant du recensement canadien de 1901 ainsi qu’un échantillon de frères et soeurs de centenaires québécois appartenant à la même cohorte. Les résultats, présentés sous forme d'articles scientifiques, ont montré, en outre, que les frères et soeurs de centenaires vivent plus longtemps que les individus appartenant aux mêmes cohortes de naissance, reflétant la contribution d'une robustesse commune, mais également celle de l'environnement partagé durant la petite enfance. Ces analyses ont également témoigné d'un avantage de survie des conjoints des centenaires, soulignant l'importance d'un même environnement à l'âge adulte (1er article). De plus, nos travaux ont mis de l'avant la contribution aux inégalités de longévité des variables biodémographiques issues de l'environnement non partagé telles que l'âge maternel à la reproduction, le rang de naissance et la saison de naissance, qui agissent et interagissent entre elles pour créer des vulnérabilités et influer sur l'atteinte des âges exceptionnels (2e article). Enfin, une approche longitudinale a permis de souligner la contribution du milieu social d'origine sur la longévité, alors que les individus issus d’un milieu socioéconomique défavorisé pour l'époque (milieu urbain, père ouvrier) vivent moins longtemps que ceux ayant vécu dans un environnement socioéconomique favorable (milieu rural, fermier), résultat d'une potentielle accumulation des avantages liée à la reproduction du statut social ou d'une programmation précoce des trajectoires de santé. L’influence est toutefois moindre pour les femmes et pour les frères de centenaires et s'exprime, dans ce cas, en partie par l'effet de la profession à l'âge adulte (3e article).


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Theory of aging postulates that aging is a remodeling process where the body of survivors progressively adapts to internal and external damaging agents they are exposed to during several decades. Thus , stress response and adaptation mechanisms play a fundamental role in the aging process where the capability of adaptating effects, certainly, also is related the lifespan of each individual. A key gene linking aging to stress response is indeed p21, an induction of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor which triggers cell growth arrest associated with senescence and damage response and notably is involved in the up-regulation of multiple genes that have been associated with senescence or implicated in age-related . This PhD thesis project that has been performed in collaboration with the Roninson Lab at Ordway Research Institute in Albany, NY had two main aims: -the testing the hypothesis that p21 polymorphisms are involved in longevity -Evaluating age-associated differences in gene expression and transcriptional response to p21 and DNA damage In the first project, trough PCR-sequencing and Sequenom strategies, we we found out that there are about 30 polymorphic variants in the p21 gene. In addition, we found an haplotpype located in -5kb region of the p21 promoter whose frequency is ~ 2 fold higher in centenarians than in the general population (Large-scale analysis of haplotype frequencies is currently in progress). Functional studies I carried out on the promoter highilighted that the ―centenarian‖ haplotype doesn’t affect the basal p21 promoter activity or its response to p53. However, there are many other possible physiological conditions in which the centenarian allele of the p21 promoter may potentially show a different response (IL6, IFN,progesterone, vitamin E, Vitamin D etc). In the second part, project #2, trough Microarrays we seeked to evaluate the differences in gene expression between centenarians, elderly, young in dermal fibroblast cultures and their response to p21 and DNA damage. Microarray analysis of gene expression in dermal fibroblast cultures of individuals of different ages yielded a tentative "centenarian signature". A subset of genes that were up- or downregulated in centenarians showed the same response to ectopic expression of p21, yielding a putative "p21-centenarian" signature. Trough RQ-PCR (as well Microarrays studies whose analysis is in progress) we tested the DNA damage response of the p21-centenarian signature genes showing a correlation stress/aging in additional sets of young and old samples treated with p21-inducing drug doxorubicin thus finding for a subset of of them , a response to stress age-related.


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The present study is part of the EU Integrated Project “GEHA – Genetics of Healthy Aging” (Franceschi C et al., Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1100: 21-45, 2007), whose aim is to identify genes involved in healthy aging and longevity, which allow individuals to survive to advanced age in good cognitive and physical function and in the absence of major age-related diseases. Aims The major aims of this thesis were the following: 1. to outline the recruitment procedure of 90+ Italian siblings performed by the recruiting units of the University of Bologna (UNIBO) and Rome (ISS). The procedures related to the following items necessary to perform the study were described and commented: identification of the eligible area for recruitment, demographic aspects related to the need of getting census lists of 90+siblings, mail and phone contact with 90+ subjects and their families, bioethics aspects of the whole procedure, standardization of the recruitment methodology and set-up of a detailed flow chart to be followed by the European recruitment centres (obtainment of the informed consent form, anonimization of data by using a special code, how to perform the interview, how to collect the blood, how to enter data in the GEHA Phenotypic Data Base hosted at Odense). 2. to provide an overview of the phenotypic characteristics of 90+ Italian siblings recruited by the recruiting units of the University of Bologna (UNIBO) and Rome (ISS). The following items were addressed: socio-demographic characteristics, health status, cognitive assessment, physical conditions (handgrip strength test, chair-stand test, physical ability including ADL, vision and hearing ability, movement ability and doing light housework), life-style information (smoking and drinking habits) and subjective well-being (attitude towards life). Moreover, haematological parameters collected in the 90+ sibpairs as optional parameters by the Bologna and Rome recruiting units were used for a more comprehensive evaluation of the results obtained using the above mentioned phenotypic characteristics reported in the GEHA questionnaire. 3. to assess 90+ Italian siblings as far as their health/functional status is concerned on the basis of three classification methods proposed in previous studies on centenarians, which are based on: • actual functional capabilities (ADL, SMMSE, visual and hearing abilities) (Gondo et al., J Gerontol. 61A (3): 305-310, 2006); • actual functional capabilities and morbidity (ADL, ability to walk, SMMSE, presence of cancer, ictus, renal failure, anaemia, and liver diseases) (Franceschi et al., Aging Clin Exp Res, 12:77-84, 2000); • retrospectively collected data about past history of morbidity and age of disease onset (hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, cancer, osteopororis, neurological diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and ocular diseases) (Evert et al., J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 58A (3): 232-237, 2003). Firstly these available models to define the health status of long-living subjects were applied to the sample and, since the classifications by Gondo and Franceschi are both based on the present functional status, they were compared in order to better recognize the healthy aging phenotype and to identify the best group of 90+ subjects out of the entire studied population. 4. to investigate the concordance of health and functional status among 90+ siblings in order to divide sibpairs in three categories: the best (both sibs are in good shape), the worst (both sibs are in bad shape) and an intermediate group (one sib is in good shape and the other is in bad shape). Moreover, the evaluation wanted to discover which variables are concordant among siblings; thus, concordant variables could be considered as familiar variables (determined by the environment or by genetics). 5. to perform a survival analysis by using mortality data at 1st January 2009 from the follow-up as the main outcome and selected functional and clinical parameters as explanatory variables. Methods A total of 765 90+ Italian subjects recruited by UNIBO (549 90+ siblings, belonging to 258 families) and ISS (216 90+ siblings, belonging to 106 families) recruiting units are included in the analysis. Each subject was interviewed according to a standardized questionnaire, comprising extensively utilized questions that have been validated in previous European studies on elderly subjects and covering demographic information, life style, living conditions, cognitive status (SMMSE), mood, health status and anthropometric measurements. Moreover, subjects were asked to perform some physical tests (Hand Grip Strength test and Chair Standing test) and a sample of about 24 mL of blood was collected and then processed according to a common protocol for the preparation and storage of DNA aliquots. Results From the analysis the main findings are the following: - a standardized protocol to assess cognitive status, physical performances and health status of European nonagenarian subjects was set up, in respect to ethical requirements, and it is available as a reference for other studies in this field; - GEHA families are enriched in long-living members and extreme survival, and represent an appropriate model for the identification of genes involved in healthy aging and longevity; - two simplified sets of criteria to classify 90+ sibling according to their health status were proposed, as operational tools for distinguishing healthy from non healthy subjects; - cognitive and functional parameters have a major role in categorizing 90+ siblings for the health status; - parameters such as education and good physical abilities (500 metres walking ability, going up and down the stairs ability, high scores at hand grip and chair stand tests) are associated with a good health status (defined as “cognitive unimpairment and absence of disability”); - male nonagenarians show a more homogeneous phenotype than females, and, though far fewer in number, tend to be healthier than females; - in males the good health status is not protective for survival, confirming the male-female health survival paradox; - survival after age 90 was dependent mainly on intact cognitive status and absence of functional disabilities; - haemoglobin and creatinine levels are both associated with longevity; - the most concordant items among 90+ siblings are related to the functional status, indicating that they contain a familiar component. It is still to be investigated at what level this familiar component is determined by genetics or by environment or by the interaction between genetics, environment and chance (and at what level). Conclusions In conclusion, we could state that this study, in accordance with the main objectives of the whole GEHA project, represents one of the first attempt to identify the biological and non biological determinants of successful/unsuccessful aging and longevity. Here, the analysis was performed on 90+ siblings recruited in Northern and Central Italy and it could be used as a reference for others studies in this field on Italian population. Moreover, it contributed to the definition of “successful” and “unsuccessful” aging and categorising a very large cohort of our most elderly subjects into “successful” and “unsuccessful” groups provided an unrivalled opportunity to detect some of the basic genetic/molecular mechanisms which underpin good health as opposed to chronic disability. Discoveries in the topic of the biological determinants of healthy aging represent a real possibility to identify new markers to be utilized for the identification of subgroups of old European citizens having a higher risk to develop age-related diseases and disabilities and to direct major preventive medicine strategies for the new epidemic of chronic disease in the 21st century.


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Age-related physiological changes in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as modification in lifestyle, nutritional behaviour, and functionality of the host immune system, inevitably affect the gut microbiota. The study presented here is focused on the application and comparison of two different microarray approaches for the characterization of the human gut microbiota, the HITChip and the HTF-Microb.Array, with particular attention to the effects of the aging process on the composition of this ecosystem. By using the Human Intestinal Tract Chip (HITChip), recently developed at the Wageningen University, The Netherland, we explored the age-related changes of gut microbiota during the whole adult lifespan, from young adults, through elderly to centenarians. We observed that the microbial composition and diversity of the gut ecosystem of young adults and seventy-years old people is highly similar but differs significantly from that of the centenarians. After 100 years of symbiotic association with the human host, the microbiota is characterized by a rearrangement in the Firmicutes population and an enrichment of facultative anaerobes. The presence of such a compromised microbiota in the centenarians is associated with an increased inflammation status, also known as inflamm-aging, as determined by a range of peripheral blood inflammatory markers. In parallel, we overtook the development of our own phylogenetic microarray with a lower number of targets, aiming the description of the human gut microbiota structure at high taxonomic level. The resulting chip was called High Taxonomic level Fingerprinting Microbiota Array (HTF-Microb.Array), and was based on the Ligase Detection Reaction (LDR) technology, which allowed us to develop a fast and sensitive tool for the fingerprint of the human gut microbiota in terms of presence/absence of the principal groups. The validation on artificial DNA mixes, as well as the pilot study involving eight healthy young adults, demonstrated that the HTF-Microb.Array can be used to successfully characterize the human gut microbiota, allowing us to obtain results which are in approximate accordance with the most recent characterizations. Conversely, the evaluation of the relative abundance of the target groups on the bases of the relative fluorescence intensity probes response still has some hindrances, as demonstrated by comparing the HTF.Microb.Array and HITChip high taxonomic level fingerprints of the same centenarians.


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Co-evolving with the human host, gut microbiota establishes configurations, which vary under the pressure of inflammation, disease, ageing, diet and lifestyle. In order to describe the multi-stability of the microbiome-host relationship, we studied specific tracts of the bacterial trajectory during the human lifespan and we characterized peculiar deviations from the hypothetical development, caused by disease, using molecular techniques, such as phylogenetic microarray and next-generation sequencing. Firstly, we characterized the enterocyte-associated microbiota in breast-fed infants and adults, describing remarkable differences between the two groups of subjects. Successively, we investigated the impact of atopy on the development of the microbiome in Italian childrens, highlithing conspicuous deviations from the child-type microbiota of the Italian controls. To explore variation in the gut microbiota depending on geographical origins, which reflect different lifestyles, we compared the phylogenetic diversity of the intestinal microbiota of the Hadza hunter-gatherers of Tanzania and Italian adults. Additionally, we characterized the aged-type microbiome, describing the changes occurred in the metabolic potential of the gut microbiota of centenarians with respect to younger individuals, as a part of the pathophysiolology of the ageing process. Finally, we evaluated the impact of a probiotics intervention on the intestinal microbiota of elderly people, showing the repair of some age-related dysbioses. These studies contribute to elucidate several aspects of the intestinal microbiome development during the human lifespan, depicting the microbiota as an extremely plastic entity, capable of being reconfigured in response to different environmental factors and/or stressors of endogenous origin.