982 resultados para Cellular factors


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The study of RNA and DNA oncogenic viruses has proved invaluable in the discovery of key cellular pathways that are rendered dysfunctional during cancer progression. An example is high risk human papillomavirus (HPV), the etiological agent of cervical cancer. The role of HPV oncogenes in cellular immortalization and transformation has been extensively investigated. We reported the differential expression of a family of human mitochondrial non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) between normal and cancer cells. Normal cells express a sense mitochondrial ncRNA (SncmtRNA) that seems to be required for cell proliferation and two antisense transcripts (ASncmtRNAs). In contrast, the ASncmtRNAs are down-regulated in cancer cells. To shed some light on the mechanisms that trigger down-regulation of the ASncmtRNAs, we studied human keratinocytes (HFK) immortalized with HPV. Here we show that immortalization of HFK with HPV-16 or 18 causes down-regulation of the ASncmtRNAs and induces the expression of a new sense transcript named SncmtRNA-2. Transduction of HFK with both E6 and E7 is sufficient to induce expression of SncmtRNA-2. Moreover, E2 oncogene is involved in down-regulation of the ASncmtRNAs. Knockdown of E2 in immortalized cells reestablishes in a reversible manner the expression of the ASncmtRNAs, suggesting that endogenous cellular factors(s) could play functions analogous to E2 during non-HPV-induced oncogenesis.


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Das minore Kapsidprotein L2 humaner Papillomviren wird im Laufe des HPV-Lebenszyklus zweimal in den Zellkern importiert und akkumuliert dort an den Nukleären Domänen 10 (ND10). Der erste Kernimport erfolgt in der frühen Phase der Infektion zusammen mit der Virus-DNA. Für den Zusammenbau von Virionen wird neu synthetisiertes L2-Protein ein weiteres Mal in den Kern transportiert. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte die Domäne von L2 identifiziert werden, die für den Kernimport von HPV16 L2 absolut notwendig ist. Dabei gelang es diesen Bereich auf 25 Aminosäuren einzuengen. Sowohl während der frühen Phase der Infektion als auch während der Morphogenese scheint die zentrale, basische Aminosäureregion 291-315 (mNLS) hauptverantwortlich für die Interaktion mit Kernimportrezeptoren zu sein. Möglicherweise leisten dabei flankierende Sequenzen einen Beitrag zur Stabilisierung der notwendigen Konformation. Des Weiteren gelang die Identifizierung der Aminosäuren, die für die Funktionalität des mNLS essentiell sind. Hierbei handelt es sich um ein zentrales Arginin-Motiv, bestehend aus vier dicht beieinander liegenden Argininen, dessen Mutation den Kernimport von L2 während Infektion und Morphogenese verhindert. Untersuchungen mit HPV16 und HPV18 L2-Proteinen verdeutlichten, dass es möglicherweise ein universelles Motiv zu sein scheint und in verschiedenen HPV-Typen konserviert ist. Flankiert wird dieses Arginin-Motiv von konservierten Serinen und Threoninen. Wie die Analyse von Punktmutationen zeigte, sind diese Aminosäuren für den Kernimport von L2 ohne Bedeutung. Interessanterweise verhinderte aber die Mutation TS295/6A die Kolokalisation von L2 mit ND10 im Zellkern. L2wt rekrutiert den transkriptionellen Regulator Daxx. Auch diese Funktion ging bei der Mutante TS295/6A verloren. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass nicht nur die ND10-Lokalisationsdomäne (AS 390-420) in L2 sondern auch weitere Aminosäuren oder Domänen für die Assoziation mit ND10 und die Rekrutierung von Daxx verantwortlich sein könnten. Auf der Suche nach zellulären Faktoren, die eine Rolle im mNLS-vermittelten Kernimport spielen, wurde zunächst die Bedeutung von Hsc70 untersucht. Während der Morphogenese maskiert Hsc70 den C-Terminus von L2 und verhindert damit unerwünschte Interaktionen mit Mikrotubuli im Zytoplasma. Es existieren aber weitere noch unbekannte Hsc70-Bindedomänen in L2, die möglicherweise den Kernimport ebenfalls beeinflussen können. Wie die Untersuchungen deutlich machten, ist der zentrale, basische Bereich von L2 aber nicht mit Hsc70 assoziiert und der mNLS-vermittelte Kernimport findet unabhängig von Hsc70 statt. In einem siRNA-Screen wurde anschließend die Rolle von Karyopherinen während der Infektion untersucht. Sowohl Kapß2-siRNA als auch Kapß3-siRNA waren in der Lage unabhängig voneinander die Infektion von HPV16-Pseudovirionen zu reduzieren. Für beide Karyopherine konnte in der Vergangenheit in vitro die Interaktion mit HPV16 L2 nachgewiesen werden. Das L2-Protein ist das einzige virale Protein, das während der Infektion die Virus-DNA in den Kern begleitet (Day et al., 2004). Demzufolge ist es auch das einzige virale Protein, das mit Importinen während der Infektion interagiert. Möglicherweise sind also beide Karyopherine in der Lage sein L2 während der Infektion in den Kern zu importieren. Abschließend wurden Präzipitationsversuche durchgeführt, die zur Identifizierung möglicher Bindungspartner des mNLS führen sollten. In diesen Versuchen konnte eine erhöhte Bindungsaffiniät zu den beiden Importinen Kapß1 und Kapß2 festgestellt werden. Möglicherweise ist das L2-Protein mit seiner mNLS in der Lage mehrere Importrezeptoren zu binden und für den Kernimport zu nutzen. Eines dieser Importine ist Kapß2. Dieser Importrezeptor scheint sowohl bei der Infektion als auch während der Morphogenese den Kernimport von L2 durch die Bindung an das mNLS zu vermitteln.


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Immune modulation by herpesviruses, such as cytomegalovirus, is critical for the establishment of acute and persistent infection confronting a vigorous antiviral immune response of the host. Therefore, the action of immune-modulatory proteins has long been the subject of research, with the final goal to identify new strategies for antiviral therapy.rnIn the case of murine cytomegalovirus (mCMV), the viral m152 protein has been identified to play a major role in targeting components of both the innate and the adaptive immune system in terms of infected host-cell recognition in the effector phase of the antiviral immune response. On the one hand, it inhibits cell surface expression of RAE-1 and thereby prevents ligation of the activating natural killer (NK)-cell receptor NKG2D. On the other hand, it decreases cell surface expression of peptide-loaded MHC class I molecules thereby preventing antigen presentation to CD8 T cells. Ultimately, the outcome of CMV infection is determined by the interplay between viral and cellular factors.rnIn this context, the work presented here has revealed a novel and intriguing connection between viral m152 and cellular interferon (IFN), a key cytokine of the immune system: rnthe m152 promoter region contains an interferon regulatory factor element (IRFE) perfectly matching the consensus sequence of cellular IRFEs.rnThe biological relevance of this regulatory element was first suggested by sequence comparisons revealing its evolutionary conservation among various established laboratory strains of mCMV and more recent low-passage wild-derived virus isolates. Moreover, search of the mCMV genome revealed only three IRFE sites in the complete sequence. Importantly, the functionality of the IRFE in the m152 promoter was confirmed with the use of a mutant virus, representing a functional deletion of the IRFE, and its corresponding revertant virus. In particular, m152 gene expression was found to be inhibited in an IRFE-dependent manner in infected cells. Essentially, this inhibition proved to have a severe impact on the immune-modulatory function of m152, first demonstrated by a restored direct antigen presentation on infected cells for CD8 T-cell activation. Even more importantly, this effect of IRFE-mediated IFN signaling was validated in vivo by showing that the protective antiviral capacity of adoptively-transferred, antigen-specific CD8 T cells is also significantly restored by the IRFE-dependent inhibition of m152. Somewhat curious and surprising, the decrease in m152 protein simultaneously prevented an enhanced activation of NK cells in acute-infected mice, apparently independent of the RAE-1/NKG2D ligand/receptor interaction but rather due to reduced ‘missing-self’ recognition.rnTaken together, this work presents a so far unknown mechanism of IFN signaling to control mCMV immune modulation in acute infection.rnrn


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Adaptive immune responses are characterized by substantial restructuring of secondary lymphoid organs. The molecular and cellular factors responsible for virus-induced lymphoid remodeling are not well known to date. Here we applied optical projection tomography, a mesoscopic imaging technique, for a global analysis of the entire 3-dimensional structure of mouse peripheral lymph nodes (PLNs), focusing on B-cell areas and high endothelial venule (HEV) networks. Structural homeostasis of PLNs was characterized by a strict correlation between total PLN volume, B-cell volume, B-cell follicle number, and HEV length. After infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, we observed a substantial, lymphotoxin (LT) beta-receptor-dependent reorganization of the PLN microarchitecture, in which an initial B-cell influx was followed by 3-fold increases in PLN volume and HEV network length on day 8 after infection. Adoptive transfer experiments revealed that virus-induced PLN and HEV network remodeling required LTalpha(1)beta(2)-expressing B cells, whereas the inhibition of vascular endothelial growth factor-A signaling pathways had no significant effect on PLN expansion. In summary, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus-induced PLN growth depends on a vascular endothelial growth factor-A-independent, LT- and B cell-dependent morphogenic pathway, as revealed by an in-depth mesoscopic analysis of the global PLN structure.


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Yeast prions are a group of non-Mendelian genetic elements transmitted as altered and self-propagating conformations. Extensive studies in the last decade have provided valuable information on the mechanisms responsible for yeast prion propagation. How yeast prions are formed de novo and what cellular factors are required for determining prion "strains" or variants--a single polypeptide capable of existing in multiple conformations to result in distinct heritable phenotypes--continue to defy our understanding. We report here that Sse1, the yeast ortholog of the mammalian heat-shock protein 110 (Hsp110) and a nucleotide exchange factor for Hsp70 proteins, plays an important role in regulating [PSI+] de novo formation and variant determination. Overproduction of the Sse1 chaperone dramatically enhanced [PSI+] formation whereas deletion of SSE1 severely inhibited it. Only an unstable weak [PSI+] variant was formed in SSE1 disrupted cells whereas [PSI+] variants ranging from very strong to very weak were formed in isogenic wild-type cells under identical conditions. Thus, Sse1 is essential for the generation of multiple [PSI+] variants. Mutational analysis further demonstrated that the physical association of Sse1 with Hsp70 but not the ATP hydrolysis activity of Sse1 is required for the formation of multiple [PSI+] variants. Our findings establish a novel role for Sse1 in [PSI+] de novo formation and variant determination, implying that the mammalian Hsp110 may likewise be involved in the etiology of protein-folding diseases.


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The tumor-suppressing function of p53 can be affected in a variety of manners. Here, we describe a novel mechanism of transformation by mutant p53. Previously, it had been believed that mutant p53 molecules transform cells by oligomerizing with wild-type p53 and inactivating it. However, we demonstrated that there exists an additional mechanism of inactivation of p53 available to p53 mutants. It involves sequestration of cofactors necessary to p53, and subsequent interruption of its transactivation and tumor suppression functions. The p53 amino or carboxyl termini, known to interact with a large number of cellular factors, can affect wild-type p53 in this manner. Although they are unable to oligomerize with wild-type p53, they transform cells containing p53, and inhibit its transactivation ability. In addition, they interrupt growth suppression by p53, but not RB, confirming that they specifically affect p53 function, rather than having a general growth-stimulatory phenomenon. Also, we have cloned a p53 tumor mutation which results in expression of the amino terminus of p53. This provides a means to study the factor-sequestration transforming mechanism in vivo. Additionally, we found that the published sequence of the mdm2 gene is in error. mdm2 is a gene intimately involved with p53, blocking its ability to transform cells. Finally, previous data had established the influence of cell-cycle status on p53 function. In growth-arrested cells, wild-type p53 expressed by a transgene cannot activate transcription, but if these cells are forced to cycle by addition of cyclin E, p53 once again becomes functional. In this study, we extend these findings by examining only those cells successfully transfected, using fluorescence-activated cell sorting. Our results support the previous data, that cyclin E pushes growth-arrested cells back into the cell cycle. In summary, we have demonstrated the potential importance of cofactor association and protein modification to the abilities of p53 to cause transcription activation and repression, inhibition of DNA replication and induction of DNA repair, and initiation of cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis. Further elucidation of these processes and their roles in tumor suppression will prove fascinating indeed. ^


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The Retinoblastoma tumor suppressor gene (RB) plays a role in a variety of human cancers. Experimental analyses have indicated that the protein product of the RB gene (pRb) plays a role in cell cycle regulation, and that this protein is required in cellular differentiation, senescence, and cell survival. pRb function is dependent on its ability to bind to cellular factors. There are multiple protein binding domains within pRb. Mutations within these domains which eliminate the ability of pRb to bind its targets result in loss of function. Loss of pRb function leads to tumorigenesis, although uncontrolled cellular proliferation is not a universal response to pRb inactivation. The ultimate response to the loss of pRb is influenced by both the genetic and epigenetic environments. Targeted disruption of RB in mice results in embryonic lethality, demonstrating the requirement for functional pRb in development. Close examination of various tissues from the embryos which lack wildtype RB shows problems in differentiation as well as showing induction of apoptosis. Although disruption of RB has provided useful information, complete inactivation of a gene precludes the possibility of discovering the functions that separate domains may have within the system. Creation of a dominant negative mutant by domain deletion whose phenotype is expressed in the presence of the wildtype may provide information about the intermediate functions of the protein. In addition, tissue specific targeting of a dominant negative mutant of pRb allows for comprehensive analysis of pRb function in organogenesis. In this thesis, a series of RB deletion mutants were created and tested for dominant negative activity as well as cellular localization. A tissue culture assay for dominant negative activity was developed which screens for the phenotype of apoptosis due to loss of pRb function. Two mutants from this series scored positive for dominant negative activity in this assay. The effect of these mutants within the assay environment can be explained by a model in which pRb acts as a facilitator of cell fate pathway decisions. ^


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Viral systems have contributed tremendously to the understanding of eukaryotic molecular biology. The proportional pattern of retroviral RNA expression offers many clues into the alternative splicing of cellular transcripts. The MuSVts110 virus presents an unusual expression system, where the mechanistic combination of RNA splicing and cellular transformation can be physiologically manipulated. Splicing of MuSVts110 pre-mRNA occurs inefficiently (30%-50%) at 33$\sp\circ$C or below and is subdued at 39$\sp\circ$C ($<$5%). Like most alternatively spliced cellular and retroviral transcripts, the MuSVts110 pre-mRNA contains cis-acting intron and exon sequences that attenuate splicing. These include a splicing inhibitory sequence at the 3$\prime$ end of the MuSVts110 v-mos exon, called the E2 Distal Element (E2DE), and a sub-optimal 3$\prime$ splice site. The E2DE directly inhibits MuSVts110 RNA splicing in a sequence-specific fashion at 39$\sp\circ$C but not at 28$\sp\circ$C, potentially through the association of cellular factors. Inefficient MuSVts110 splicing is pre-dominantly attributed to the utilization of multiple weak branchpoint sequences located between $-113$ and $-34$ nucleotides upstream of the 3$\prime$ splice site. The molecular control of MuSVts110 splicing, represented primarily by scattered multiple inefficient branchpoint sequences that are conditionally modulated by the E2DE at higher growth temperatures, is discussed. ^


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Dictyostelium myosin II is activated by phosphorylation of its regulatory light chain by myosin light chain kinase A (MLCK-A), an unconventional MLCK that is not regulated by Ca2+/calmodulin. MLCK-A is activated by autophosphorylation of threonine-289 outside of the catalytic domain and by phosphorylation of threonine-166 in the activation loop by an unidentified kinase, but the signals controlling these phosphorylations are unknown. Treatment of cells with Con A results in quantitative phosphorylation of the regulatory light chain by MLCK-A, providing an opportunity to study MLCK-A’s activation mechanism. MLCK-A does not alter its cellular location upon treatment of cells with Con A, nor does it localize to the myosin-rich caps that form after treatment. However, MLCK-A activity rapidly increases 2- to 13-fold when Dictyostelium cells are exposed to Con A. This activation can occur in the absence of MLCK-A autophosphorylation. cGMP is a promising candidate for an intracellular messenger mediating Con A-triggered MLCK-A activation, as addition of cGMP to fresh Dictyostelium lysates increases MLCK-A activity 3- to 12-fold. The specific activity of MLCK-A in cGMP-treated lysates is 210-fold higher than that of recombinant MLCK-A, which is fully autophosphorylated, but lacks threonine-166 phosphorylation. Purified MLCK-A is not directly activated by cGMP, indicating that additional cellular factors, perhaps a kinase that phosphorylates threonine-166, are involved.


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HIV entry into human cells is mediated by CD4 acting in concert with one of several members of the chemokine receptor superfamily. The resistance to HIV infection observed in individuals with defective CCR5 alleles indicated that this particular chemokine receptor plays a crucial role in the initiation of in vivo HIV infection. Expression of human CD4 transgene does not render mice susceptible to HIV infection because of structural differences between human and mouse CCR5. To ascertain whether expression of human CD4 and CCR5 is sufficient to make murine T lymphocytes susceptible to HIV infection, the lck promoter was used to direct the T cell-specific expression of human CD4 and CCR5 in transgenic mice. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells and splenocytes isolated from these mice expressed human CD4 and CCR5 and were infectible with selected M-tropic HIV isolates. After in vivo inoculation, HIV-infected cells were detected by DNA PCR in the spleen and lymph nodes of these transgenic mice, but HIV could not be cultured from these cells. This indicated that although transgenic expression of human CD4 and CCR5 permitted entry of HIV into the mouse cells, significant HIV infection was prevented by other blocks to HIV replication present in mouse cells. In addition to providing in vivo verification for the important role of CCR5 in T lymphocyte HIV infection, these transgenic mice represent a new in vivo model for understanding HIV pathogenesis by delineating species-specific cellular factors required for productive in vivo HIV infection. These mice should also prove useful for the assessment of potential therapeutic and preventative modalities, particularly vaccines.


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Δ9-Desaturase is a key enzyme in the synthesis of desaturated fatty acyl-CoAs. Desaturase is an integral membrane protein induced in the endoplasmic reticulum by dietary manipulations and then rapidly degraded. The proteolytic machinery that specifically degrades desaturase and other short-lived proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum has not been identified. As the first step in identifying cellular factors involved in the degradation of desaturase, liver subcellular fractions of rats that had undergone induction of this enzyme were examined. In livers from induced animals, desaturase was present in the microsomal, nuclear (P-1), and subcellular fractions (P-2). Incubation of desaturase containing fractions at physiological pH and temperature led to the complete disappearance of the enzyme. Washing microsomes with a buffer containing high salt decreased desaturase degradation activity. N-terminal sequence analysis of desaturase freshly isolated from the P-1 fraction without incubation indicated the absence of three residues from the N terminus, but the mobility of this desaturase preparation on SDS-PAGE was identical to the microsomal desaturase, which contains a masked N terminus under similar purification procedures. Addition of concentrated cytosol or the high-salt wash fraction did not enhance the desaturase degradation in the washed microsomes. Extensive degradation of desaturase in the high-salt washed microsomes could be restored by supplementation of the membranes with the lipid and protein components essential for the reconstituted desaturase catalytic activity. Lysosomotrophic agents leupeptin and pepstatin A were ineffective in inhibiting desaturase degradation. The calpain inhibitor, N-acetyl-leucyl-leucyl-methional, or the proteosome inhibitor, Streptomyces metabolite, lactacystin, did not inhibit the degradation of desaturase in the microsomal or the P-1 and P-2 fractions. These results show that the selective degradation of desaturase is likely to be independent of the lysosomal and the proteosome systems. The reconstitution of complete degradation of desaturase in the high-salt–washed microsomes by the components essential for its catalytic activity reflects that the degradation of this enzyme may depend on a specific orientation of desaturase and intramembranous interactions between desaturase and the responsible protease.


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Replication of the single-stranded linear DNA genome of parvovirus minute virus of mice (MVM) starts with complementary strand synthesis from the 3′-terminal snap-back telomere, which serves as a primer for the formation of double-stranded replicative form (RF) DNA. This DNA elongation reaction, designated conversion, is exclusively dependent on cellular factors. In cell extracts, we found that complementary strand synthesis was inhibited by the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21WAF1/CIP1 and rescued by the addition of proliferating cell nuclear antigen, arguing for the involvement of DNA polymerase (Pol) δ in the conversion reaction. In vivo time course analyses using synchronized MVM-infected A9 cells allowed initial detection of MVM RF DNA at the G1/S phase transition, coinciding with the onset of cyclin A expression and cyclin A-associated kinase activity. Under in vitro conditions, formation of RF DNA was efficiently supported by A9 S cell extracts, but only marginally by G1 cell extracts. Addition of recombinant cyclin A stimulated DNA conversion in G1 cell extracts, and correlated with a concomitant increase in cyclin A-associated kinase activity. Conversely, a specific antibody neutralizing cyclin A-dependent kinase activity, abolished the capacity of S cell extracts for DNA conversion. We found no evidence for the involvement of cyclin E in the regulation of the conversion reaction. We conclude that cyclin A is necessary for activation of complementary strand synthesis, which we propose as a model reaction to study the cell cycle regulation of the Pol δ-dependent elongation machinery.


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The 5′-untranslated region of hepatitis C virus (HCV) is highly conserved, folds into a complex secondary structure, and functions as an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) to initiate translation of HCV proteins. We have developed a selection system based on a randomized hairpin ribozyme gene library to identify cellular factors involved in HCV IRES function. A retroviral vector ribozyme library with randomized target recognition sequences was introduced into HeLa cells, stably expressing a bicistronic construct encoding the hygromycin B phosphotransferase gene and the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene (HSV-tk). Translation of the HSV-tk gene was mediated by the HCV IRES. Cells expressing ribozymes that inhibit HCV IRES-mediated translation of HSV-tk were selected via their resistance to both ganciclovir and hygromycin B. Two ribozymes reproducibly conferred the ganciclovir-resistant phenotype and were shown to inhibit IRES-mediated translation of HCV core protein but did not inhibit cap-dependent protein translation or cell growth. The functional targets of these ribozymes were identified as the gamma subunits of human eukaryotic initiation factors 2B (eIF2Bγ) and 2 (eIF2γ), respectively. The involvement of eIF2Bγ and eIF2γ in HCV IRES-mediated translation was further validated by ribozymes directed against additional sites within the mRNAs of these genes. In addition to leading to the identification of cellular IRES cofactors, ribozymes obtained from this cellular selection system could be directly used to specifically inhibit HCV viral translation, thereby facilitating the development of new antiviral strategies for HCV infection.


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V(D)J recombination generates a remarkably diverse repertoire of antigen receptors through the rearrangement of germline DNA. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT), a polymerase that adds random nucleotides (N regions) to recombination junctions, is a key enzyme contributing to this diversity. The current model is that TdT adds N regions during V(D)J recombination by random collision with the DNA ends, without a dependence on other cellular factors. We previously demonstrated, however, that V(D)J junctions from Ku80-deficient mice unexpectedly lack N regions, although the mechanism responsible for this effect remains undefined in the mouse system. One possibility is that junctions are formed in these mice during a stage in development when TdT is not expressed. Alternatively, Ku80 may be required for the expression, nuclear localization or enzymatic activity of TdT. Here we show that V(D)J junctions isolated from Ku80-deficient fibroblasts are devoid of N regions, as were junctions in Ku80-deficient mice. In these cells TdT protein is abundant at the time of recombination, localizes properly to the nucleus and is enzymatically active. Based on these data, we propose that TdT does not add to recombination junctions through random collision but is actively recruited to the V(D)J recombinase complex by Ku80.


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Correct folding of newly synthesized proteins is proposed to be assisted by molecular chaperones and folding catalysts. To identify cellular factors involved in the initial stages of this process we searched for proteins associated with nascent polypeptide chains. In an Escherichia coli transcription/translation system synthesizing beta-galactosidase we identified a 58-kDa protein which associated with translating ribosomes but dissociated from these ribosomes upon release of nascent beta-galactosidase. N-terminal sequencing identified it as trigger factor, previously implicated in protein secretion. Direct evidence for association of trigger factor with nascent polypeptide chains was obtained by crosslinking. In a wheat germ translation system complemented with E. coli lysates, epsilon-4-(3-trifluoromethyldiazirino)benzoic acid-lysine residues were incorporated into nascent secretory preprolactin and a nonsecretory preprolactin mutant. Trigger factor crosslinked to both types of nascent chains, provided they were ribosome bound. Trigger factor contains key residues of the substrate-binding pocket of FK506-binding protein-type peptidyl-prolyl-cis/trans-isomerases and has prolyl isomerase activity in vitro. We propose that trigger factor is a folding catalyst acting cotranslationally.