908 resultados para Cellular Cholesterol


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ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 mediates the export of excess cholesterol from macrophages, contributing to the prevention of atherosclerosis. Advanced glycated albumin (AGE-alb) is prevalent in diabetes mellitus and is associated with the development of atherosclerosis. Independently of changes in ABCA-1 mRNA levels, AGE-alb induces oxidative stress and reduces ABCA-1 protein levels, which leads to macrophage lipid accumulation. These metabolic conditions are known to elicit endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. We sought to determine if AGE-alb induces ER stress and unfolded protein response (UPR) in macrophages and how disturbances to the ER could affect ABCA-1 content and cholesterol efflux in macrophages. AGE-alb induced a time-dependent increase in ER stress and UPR markers. ABCA-1 content and cellular cholesterol efflux were reduced by 33% and 47%, respectively, in macrophages treated with AGE-alb, and both were restored by treatment with 4-phenyl butyric acid (a chemical chaperone that alleviates ER stress), but not MG132 (a proteasome inhibitor). Tunicamycin, a classical ER stress inductor, also impaired ABCA-1 expression and cholesterol efflux (showing a decrease of 61% and 82%, respectively), confirming the deleterious effect of ER stress in macrophage cholesterol accumulation. Glycoxidation induces macrophage ER stress, which relates to the reduction in ABCA-1 and in reverse cholesterol transport, endorsing the adverse effect of macrophage ER stress in atherosclerosis. Thus, chemical chaperones that alleviate ER stress may represent a useful tool for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis in diabetes. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Die Alterung stellt den größten Risikofaktor für die Entwicklung der Alzheimer Krankheit dar, wobei die biochemische Basis dieser Korrelation bisher nicht bekannt ist. Ein möglicherweise zentraler Mechanismus der Alzheimer Pathologie wird durch die Prozessierung von APP repräsentiert, die in der Synthese von Aβ resultiert. Der Einfluss zellulärer Alterung auf die Biochemie der APP-Prozessierung ist bislang weitestgehend ungeklärt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass die Prozessierung von endogenem APP im Verlauf der Zellalterung humaner Fibroblasten progressiv verringert wird. Die Bildung der intrazellulären APP-Spaltfragmente (C99, C83 und AICD) nahm mit zunehmender Lebensspanne ab und war gleichfalls mit einer reduzierten Synthese von extrazellulären APP-Fragmenten (sAPP, sAPPα) verbunden. Weiterhin wurde nachgewiesen, dass die Reifung von APP in seneszenten Zellen selektiv reduziert war, und dass dies durch altersabhängig erhöhte zelluläre Cholesterolspiegel vermittelt wurde. Von den APP-prozessierenden Sekretasen waren die Proteinspiegel von Presenilin-1 und Nicastrin, beides Komponenten der γ-Sekretase, im Verlauf der Zellalterung graduell verringert. Dies hatte einen progressiven Rückgang der enzymatischen Aktivität der γ-Sekretase zur Folge, wodurch die Prozessierung von APP unmittelbar reduziert wurde. Die Proteinspiegel von ADAM10, einer α-Sekretase, sowie der β-Sekretase, BACE, wiesen keine Altersregulation auf, aber interessanterweise wurde eine erhöhte enzymatische Aktivität der β-Sekretase in seneszenten Zellen nachgewiesen. Die γ-Sekretase sowie BACE sind in Lipid Rafts lokalisiert, geordneten Membransubdomänen, die hohe Cholesterol- und Caveolin-1-Spiegel aufweisen. Obwohl das Gesamtniveau dieser strukturellen Komponenten von Lipid Rafts in seneszenten Zellen erhöht war, war die Assoziation beider Moleküle mit Lipid Rafts reduziert und sie akkumulierten in speziellen Organellen, die höchstwahrscheinlich Lipidkörper darstellen. Somit wurde gezeigt, dass Lipid Rafts im Zuge der Zellalterung disintegrieren beziehungsweise in ihrem Gesamtspiegel reduziert waren. Diese altersabhängige Membranmodifikation war mit einer veränderten Verteilung von Presenilin-1 und BACE zwischen der Lipid Raft und der Nicht Raft Fraktion der Membran verbunden, die möglicherweise das Potential dieser Enzyme zur Prozessierung von APP reduzierte. In einem zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurden transgene C. elegans konstruiert, die humanes APP exprimieren, das C-terminal an GFP gekoppelt war. Diese Würmer wiesen eine reduzierte Fertilität, Eilegedefekte und eine verzögerte post-embryonale Entwicklung auf, die möglicherweise auf eine Transgen-vermittelte Neurodegeneration zurückgeführt werden können. Durch erste Untersuchungen der Prozessierung des Transgens konnten Spaltfragmente nachgewiesen werden, die potentiell auf eine spezifische Spaltung von APP durch die endogenen Sekretasen schließen lassen. Somit werden die Prozessierung sowie die Reifung von APP durch die altersabhängige Modifikationen zellulärer Biochemie nachhaltig beeinflusst. Zukünftige Studien sollen zeigen, ob sich diese zellulären Zusammenhänge in den Gesamtorganismus C. elegans übertragen lassen. Des Weiteren sollen die altersabhängigen zellulären Veränderungen, insbesondere des Cholesterol-Metabolismus und der Sekretaseaktivitäten, weitergehend analysiert werden, um zusätzliche Erkenntnisse über altersassoziierte Regulationen möglicher therapeutischer Ziele der Alzheimer Erkrankung zu gewinnen.


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Der geschwindigkeitsbestimmende Schritt bei der Biosynthese von Steroidhormonen ist der Transport von Cholesterin von der äußeren zur inneren Mitochondrienmembran, wo es zu dem Steroid Pregnenolon umgewandelt wird. Für diesen Transport ist das StAR-Protein (Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory Protein) notwendig. Ein weiteres an der Bildung von Steroidhormonen beteiligtes Protein ist das MLN64-Protein. Beide Proteine besitzen so genannte START-Domänen (StAR related Lipid Transfer-Domänen), die Cholesterin binden können. In dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass die START-Domänen von StAR und MLN64 Cholesterin auf unterschiedliche Weise binden. Es ist noch nicht geklärt, auf welche Weise das StAR-Protein den Cholesterintransport in die Mitochondrien bewirkt. Das StAR-Protein könnte Cholesterin binden und als Cholesterintransporter zwischen äußerer und innerer Mitochondrienmembran fungieren. Nach einer anderen Hypothese wirkt das StAR-Protein ausschließlich an der äußeren Mitochondrienmembran. Es wird auch postuliert, dass das StAR-Protein in einem teilweise entfalteten Zustand vorliegen muss, um seine Funktion erfüllen zu können. In dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass StAR ein fotoreaktives Cholesterinderivat bindet. Die Cholesterinbindungsstelle des StAR-Proteins konnte eingegrenzt werden. Es wurden Experimente durchgeführt, um zu überprüfen, ob das Protein tatsächlich nur in teilweise entfaltetem Zustand aktiv ist. Die Cholesterinbindung des MLN64-Proteins wurde ebenfalls mit dem fotoreaktiven Cholesterinderivat untersucht. Dabei zeigte sich, dass MLN64 offenbar mehrere Bindungsstellen für Cholesterin besitzt. Weitere Experimente beschäftigten sich mit der Charakterisierung der Cholesterinbindungsstelle des humanen Oxytocinrezeptors, eines G-Protein gekoppelten Hormonrezeptors, der durch Cholesterin reguliert wird. Dabei kam auch wieder das fotoreaktive Cholesterinderivat zum Einsatz. Außerdem wurden in dieser Arbeit Experimente durchgeführt, die sich mit der Regulation der Cholesterinbiosynthese befassten. Die Biosynthese des Cholesterins wird reguliert, indem in der Membran des Endoplasmatischen Retikulums verankerte Transkriptionsfaktoren proteolytisch freigesetzt werden. Das passiert nur dann, wenn der zelluläre Cholesterinspiegel niedrig ist. Bei diesem Regulationsmechanismus spielt das Protein SCAP eine zentrale Rolle (Sterol responsive element binding protein Cleavage Activating Protein). SCAP bindet Cholesterin spezifisch und wird dadurch reguliert. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte der Bereich von SCAP eingegrenzt werden, der Cholesterin bindet. Ebenso konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Interaktion von SCAP mit einem anderen, als Insig bezeichneten Protein indirekt durch das Cholesterinderivat 25-Hydroxycholesterin reguliert wird.


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Die massive Bildung und Ablagerung von aggregiertem Amyloid Beta-Peptid im Gehirn wird allgemein als zentrales Ereignis im Rahmen des Neurodegenerationsprozesses der Alzheimer Demenz betrachtet. Als einer der ursächlichen Risikofaktoren gilt das Vorliegen des ε4-Allels des Apolipoprotein E. Die Alzheimer´sche Krankheit ist dabei in sehr vielfältige Weise mit Apolipoprotein E verknüpft. ApoE begünstigt isoformenabhängig Aβ-Ablagerungen, ApoE-Fragmente kommen im Gehirn und der Cerebrospinalflüssigkeit von Alzheimer Patienten vor und ApoE ist darüber hinaus als Cholesterintransportprotein über den zellulären Cholesterinstoffwechsel mit der Amyloidbildung verknüpft. Mit Hilfe einer Doppeltransfektion von ApoE und ADAM10 in HEK-Zellen und durch Studien mit Inhibitoren der ADAM-Familie an HepG-2-Zellen wurde in vitro gezeigt, dass ApoE nicht durch α-Sekretasen der ADAM-Familie gespalten wird. Weiterhin konnte bewiesen werden, dass ApoE in Astrogliomazellen keinen Einfluss auf die APP-Prozessierung ausübt. Durch in vitro Modulation des Cholesteringehaltes an Astrogliomazellen mit MβCD und seine Cholesterin-Komplexverbindungen ist gezeigt worden, dass die ApoE-Sekretion durch abnehmenden Cholesteringehalt gesenkt wird. Indem Statine alleine oder in Kombination mit Isoprenylierungssubstraten eingesetzt wurden ist der Beweis erbracht worden, dass Statine in vitro die ApoE-Sekretionsinhibition alleine durch Hemmung der Cholesterinbiosynthese bewirken. Bestätigt wurde dies weiterhin durch Experimente mit Isoprenylierungsinhibitoren. Aus dem Wirkmechanismus von Statinen auf die ApoE-Sekretionssenkung leitet sich womöglich der für bestimmte Statine berichtete neuroprotektive Effekt bei Morbus Alzheimer in retrospektiven Humanstudien ab, der sich durch reine Cholesterinsenkung nicht erklären lässt. Im Zusammenhang mit der Cholesterinhomöostase und dem gesteigerten 24(S)-Hydroxycholesterinspiegel bei Morbus Alzheimer, haben die Ergebnisse gezeigt, dass 24(S)-Hydroxycholesterin [24(S)-OH-chol] zur ApoE-Sekretions- und Expressionssteigerung führt. In dieser Arbeit konnte erstmals der Nachweis erbracht werden, dass der stimulatorische Effekt von 24(S)-OH-Chol durch gleichzeitige Lovastatingabe reduziert werden kann. Dies stellt einen möglichen Ansatz im Kampf gegen die Alzheimer Demenz dar. Weiterführend müssen diese Ergebnisse noch in vivo beispielsweise durch Versuche an ApoE-transgenen Mäusen bestätigt werden. Darüber hinaus könnte nach einer Statintherapie der ApoE-Gehalt in humaner, cerebrospinaler Flüssigkeit ermittelt werden.


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ATP-binding-cassette-transporter-A1 (ABCA1) plays a pivotal role in intracellular cholesterol removal, exerting a protective effect against atherosclerosis. ABCA1 gene severe mutations underlie Tangier disease, a rare Mendelian disorder that can lead to premature coronary artery disease (CAD), with age of CAD onset being two decades earlier in mutant homozygotes and one decade earlier in heterozygotes than in mutation non-carriers. It is unknown whether common polymorphisms in ABCA1 could influence age of symptom onset of CAD in the general population. We examined common promoter and non-synonymous coding polymorphisms in relation to age of symptom onset in a group of CAD patients (n = 1164), and also carried out in vitro assays to test effects of the promoter variations on ABCA1 promoter transcriptional activity and effects of the coding variations on ABCA1 function in mediating cellular cholesterol efflux. Age of symptom onset was found to be associated with the promoter - 407G > C polymorphism, being 2.82 years higher in C allele homozygotes than in G allele homozygotes and intermediate in heterozygotes (61.54, 59.79 and 58.72 years, respectively; P = 0.002). In agreement, patients carrying ABCA1 haplotypes containing the -407C allele had higher age of symptom onset. Patients of the G/G or G/C genotype of the -407G > C polymorphism had significant coronary artery stenosis (>75%) at a younger age than those of the C/C genotype (P = 0.003). Reporter gene assays showed that ABCA1 haplotypes bearing the -407C allele had higher promoter activity than haplotypes with the -407G allele. Functional analyses of the coding polymorphisms showed an effect of the V825I substitution on ABCA1 function, with the 825I variant having higher activity in mediating cholesterol efflux than the wild-type (825V). A trend towards higher symptom onset age in 825I allele carriers was observed. The data indicate an influence of common ABCA1 functional polymorphisms on age of symptom onset in CAD patients.


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The ATP binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) mediates cellular cholesterol and phospholipid efflux, and is implicated in phosphatidylserine translocation and apoptosis. Loss of functional ABCA1 in null mice results in severe placental malformation. This study aimed to establish the placental localisation of ABCA1 and to investigate whether ABCA1 expression is altered in placentas from pregnancies complicated by pre-eclampsia and antiphospholipid syndrome. ABCA1 mRNA and protein localisation studies were carried out using in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. Comparisons of gene expression were performed using real-time PCR and immunoblotting. ABCA1 mRNA and protein was localised to the apical syncytium of placental villi and endothelia of fetal blood vessels within the villi. ABCA1 mRNA expression was reduced in placentas from women with APS when compared to controls (p<0.001), and this was paralleled by reductions in ABCA1 protein expression. There were no differences in ABCA1 expression between placentas from pre-eclamptic pregnancies and controls. The localisation of ABCA1 in human placenta is consistent with a role in cholesterol and phospholipid transport. The decrease in ABCA1 protein in APS may reflect reduced cholesterol transport to the fetus affecting the formation of cell membranes and decreasing the level of substrate available for steroidogenesis.


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The transport of lipids across mammary gland epithelial cells (MEC) determines milk lipid content and composition. We investigated the expression of lipid transporters and their regulators in comparison to blood metabolites during lactation and dry period (DP) in dairy cows. Repeated mammary gland biopsies and blood samples were taken from 10 animals at 7 stages of the pregnancy-lactation cycle. Expression levels of the specific mRNAs were determined by quantitative reverse transcription-PCR, whereas ABCA1 was localized by immunohistochemistry. Blood serum metabolites were determined by common enzymatic chemistries. Elevated mRNA profiles of ABCA1 and ABCA7 were found during DP as compared with lactation and were inversely associated with blood cholesterol levels. Elevated levels of ABCG2, NPC1, SREBP1, SREBP2, LXR alpha, and PPAR gamma were found postpartum, whereas ABCG1 did not differ between the functional stages of the mammary gland. The ABCA1 protein was localized in MEC and showed differential activity between DP and lactation suggesting a role of ABCA1 in the removal of excess cellular cholesterol from MEC during the DP. The expression profiles of ABCA7 and NPC1 may reflect a role of these transporters in the clearance of apoptotic cells and the intracellular redistribution of cholesterol, respectively. Regulation of lipid transporters in the mammary gland is partially associated with transcription factors that control lipid homeostasis.


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The current studies explore the mechanism by which the sphingomyelin content of mammalian cells regulates transcription of genes encoding enzymes of cholesterol synthesis. Previous studies by others have shown that depletion of sphingomyelin by treatment with neutral sphingomyelinase causes a fraction of cellular cholesterol to translocate from the plasma membrane to the endoplasmic reticulum where it expands a regulatory pool that leads to down-regulation of cholesterol synthesis and up-regulation of cholesterol esterification. Here we show that sphingomyelinase treatment of cultured Chinese hamster ovary cells prevents the nuclear entry of sterol regulatory element binding protein-2 (SREBP-2), a membrane-bound transcription factor required for transcription of several genes involved in the biosynthesis and uptake of cholesterol. Nuclear entry is blocked because sphingomyelinase treatment inhibits the proteolytic cleavage of SREBP-2 at site 1, thereby preventing release of the active NH2-terminal fragments from cell membranes. Sphingomyelinase treatment thus mimics the inhibitory effect on SREBP processing that occurs when exogenous sterols are added to cells. Sphingomyelinase treatment did not block site 1 proteolysis of SREBP-2 in 25-RA cells, a line of Chinese hamster ovary cells that is resistant to the suppressive effects of sterols, owing to an activating point mutation in the gene encoding SREBP cleavage-activating protein. In 25-RA cells, sphingomyelinase treatment also failed to down-regulate the mRNA for 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA synthase, a cholesterol biosynthetic enzyme whose transcription depends on the cleavage of SREBPs. Considered together with previous data, the current results indicate that cells regulate the balance between cholesterol and sphingomyelin content by regulating the proteolytic cleavage of SREBPs.


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Vitamin E (α-tocopherol) is a fat-soluble antioxidant that is transported by plasma lipoproteins in the body. α-Tocopherol taken up by the liver with lipoprotein is thought to be resecreted into the plasma in very low density lipoprotein (VLDL). α-Tocopherol transfer protein (αTTP), which was recently identified as a product of the causative gene for familial isolated vitamin E deficiency, is a cytosolic liver protein and plays an important role in the efficient recycling of plasma vitamin E. To throw light on the mechanism of αTTP-mediated α-tocopherol transfer in the liver cell, we devised an assay system using the hepatoma cell line McARH7777. Using this system, we found that the secretion of α-tocopherol was more efficient in cells expressing αTTP than in matched cells lacking αTTP. Brefeldin A, which effectively inhibits VLDL secretion by disrupting the Golgi apparatus, had no effect on α-tocopherol secretion, indicating that αTTP-mediated α-tocopherol secretion is not coupled to VLDL secretion. Among other agents tested, only 25-hydroxycholesterol, a modulator of cholesterol metabolism, inhibited α-tocopherol secretion. This inhibition is most likely mediated by oxysterol-binding protein. These results suggest that αTTP present in the liver cytosol functions to stimulate secretion of cellular α-tocopherol into the extracellular medium and that the reaction utilizes a novel non-Golgi-mediated pathway that may be linked to cellular cholesterol metabolism and/or transport.


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Lipid rafts are microdomains present within membranes of most cell types. These membrane microdomains, which are enriched in cholesterol and glycosphingolipids, have been implicated in the regulation of certain signal transduction and membrane traffic pathways. To investigate the possibility that lipid rafts organize exocytotic pathways in neuroendocrine cells, we examined the association of proteins of the exocytotic machinery with rafts purified from PC12 cells. The target soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (tSNARE) proteins syntaxin 1A and synaptosomal-associated protein of 25 kDa (SNAP-25) were both found to be highly enriched in lipid rafts (≈25-fold). The vesicle SNARE vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP)2 was also present in raft fractions, but the extent of this recovery was variable. However, further analysis revealed that the majority of VAMP2 was associated with a distinct class of raft with different detergent solubility characteristics to the rafts containing syntaxin 1A and SNAP-25. Interestingly, no other studied secretory proteins were significantly associated with lipid rafts, including SNARE effector proteins such as nSec1. Chemical crosslinking experiments showed that syntaxin1A/SNAP-25 heterodimers were equally present in raft and nonraft fractions, whereas syntaxin1A/nSec1 complexes were detected only in nonraft fractions. SDS-resistance assays revealed that raft-associated syntaxin1A/SNAP-25 heterodimers were able to interact with VAMP2. Finally, reduction of cellular cholesterol levels decreased the extent of regulated exocytosis of dopamine from PC12 cells. The results described suggest that the interaction of SNARE proteins with lipid rafts is important for exocytosis and may allow structural and spatial organization of the secretory machinery.


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Nas últimas décadas, diversos estudos têm demonstrado os efeitos nocivos dos ácidos graxos trans à saúde. Consequentemente, diversas agências reguladoras de saúde e sociedades responsáveis pela elaboração de diretrizes nutricionais recomendaram a redução do consumo desses ácidos graxos. Deste modo, a indústria de alimentos vem adequando seus produtos a fim de substituir os ácidos graxos trans por gorduras interesterificadas, porém seus efeitos sobre o desenvolvimento da aterosclerose não foram ainda totalmente elucidados. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de gorduras interesterificadas contendo principalmente ácido graxo palmítico ou esteárico sobre o desenvolvimento da aterosclerose. Desta forma, camundongos knockout para o receptor de LDL (LDLr-KO) recém-desmamados foram alimentados por 16 semanas com dietas hiperlipídicas (40% do valor calórico total sob forma de gordura) contendo principalmente ácidos graxos poli-insaturados (POLI), trans (TRANS), palmítico (PALM), palmítico interesterificado (PALM INTER), esteárico (ESTEAR) ou esteárico interesterificado (ESTEAR INTER) para determinação de concentrações plasmáticas de colesterol total e triglicérides; perfil de lipoproteínas; conteúdo de lípides (Oil Red O) e colágeno (Picrosirius Red) e infiltrado de macrófagos (imuno-histoquímica) na área de lesão aterosclerótica; expressão e conteúdo proteico de citocinas na aorta; dosagem das citocinas secretadas por macrófagos de peritônio estimulados ou não com lipopolissacarídeo (LPS); efluxo celular de colesterol mediado pela apo-AI e HDL2. Os resultados mostraram que os animais que consumiram a gordura interesterificada contendo ácido palmítico (PALM INTER) desenvolveram importante lesão aterosclerótica em comparação aos grupos PALM, ESTEAR, ESTEAR INTER e POLI, resultados confirmados pelo conteúdo de colágeno na lesão. Apesar do processo de interesterificação não ter alterado as concentrações plasmáticas de lípides, conforme verificado entre os grupos PALM vs PALM INTER e ESTEAR vs ESTEAR INTER, o acúmulo de colesterol na partícula de LDL foi similar entre os grupos PALM INTER e TRANS. Além desse efeito sobre o perfil de lipoproteínas, macrófagos do peritônio de camundongos que consumiram PALM INTER secretaram significativamente mais IL-1beta, IL-6 e MCP-1 em comparação aos demais grupos. Esse efeito pró-inflamatório foi confirmado na aorta, onde se observou maior expressão de TNF-alfa e IL-1beta para o grupo PALM INTER em comparação a PALM. Tal insulto inflamatório foi similar ao provocado por TRANS. Esses efeitos deletérios do PALM INTER podem ser parcialmente atribuídos ao acúmulo de colesterol nos macrófagos, promovido pelo prejuízo no efluxo de colesterol mediado pela apo-AI e HDL2, bem como aumento da expressão de receptores envolvidos na captação de LDL modificada (Olr-1) e diminuição daqueles envolvidos na remoção intracelular de colesterol (Abca1 e Nr1h3) na parede arterial. Como conclusão, as gorduras interesterificadas contendo ácido palmítico favorecem o acúmulo de colesterol nas partículas de LDL e em macrófagos, ativando o processo inflamatório, o que conjuntamente contribuiu para maior desenvolvimento de lesão aterosclerótica


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Cholesterol is a major component of atherosclerotic plaques. Cholesterol accumulation within the arterial intima and atherosclerotic plaques is determined by the difference of cellular cholesterol synthesis and/or influx from apo B-containing lipoproteins and cholesterol efflux. In humans, apo A-I Milano infusion has led to rapid regression of atherosclerosis in coronary arteries. We hypothesised that a multifunctional plasma delipidation process (PDP) would lead to rapid regression of experimental atherosclerosis and probably impact on adipose tissue lipids. In hyperlipidemic animals, the plasma concentrations of cholesterol, triglyceride and phospholipid were, respectively, 6-, 157-, and 18-fold higher than control animals, which consequently resulted in atherosclerosis. PDP consisted of delipidation of plasma with a mixture of butanol-diisopropyl ether (DIPE). PDP removed considerably more lipid from the hyperlipidemic animals than in normolipidemic animals. PDP treatment of hyperlipidemic animals markedly reduced intensity of lipid staining materials in the arterial wall and led to dramatic reduction of lipid in the adipose tissue. Five PDP treatments increased apolipoprotein A1 concentrations in all animals. Biochemical and hematological parameters were unaffected during PDP treatment. These results show that five PDP treatments led to marked reduction in avian atherosclerosis and removal of lipid from adipose tissue. PDP is a highly effective method for rapid regression of atherosclerosis.


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Endocrine therapies target the activation of the oestrogen receptor alpha (ERα) via distinct mechanisms, but it is not clear whether breast cancer cells can adapt to treatment using drug-specific mechanisms. Here we demonstrate that resistance emerges via drug-specific epigenetic reprogramming. Resistant cells display a spectrum of phenotypical changes with invasive phenotypes evolving in lines resistant to the aromatase inhibitor (AI). Orthogonal genomics analysis of reprogrammed regulatory regions identifies individual drug-induced epigenetic states involving large topologically associating domains (TADs) and the activation of super-enhancers. AI-resistant cells activate endogenous cholesterol biosynthesis (CB) through stable epigenetic activation in vitro and in vivo. Mechanistically, CB sparks the constitutive activation of oestrogen receptors alpha (ERα) in AI-resistant cells, partly via the biosynthesis of 27-hydroxycholesterol. By targeting CB using statins, ERα binding is reduced and cell invasion is prevented. Epigenomic-led stratification can predict resistance to AI in a subset of ERα-positive patients


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Aim of the study This study sought to evaluate the effect of nLDL concentrations on monocyte adhesion molecule expression in hypercholesterolemic patients with stable corollary artery disease (CAD) and to determine whether lipid-lowering therapy with simvastatin Would change this effect. Methods Blood samples from patients with hypercholesterolemia (mean LDL 152 mg/dL) and CAD (HC, n = 23) were collected before and after a 12-week treatment with 40 mg of simvastatin. Healthy individuals (mean LDL 111 mg/dL) were used as controls (CT, n = 15). Isolated nLDL, at a fixed concentration of 100 mg/dL, was added to monocyte suspensions obtained before and after the simvastatin treatment. Monocyte activation was determined by changes in cellular adhesion molecule expression. Results In response to nLDL, CD11b and CD14 adhesion molecule expression was higher in HC patients than in CT patients before treatment (174.2+/-8.4 vs 102.2+/-6.3, P<0.03 and 140.4+/-5.0 vs 90.4+/-6.7, P<0.04). After simvastatin treatment, CD11b expression decreased to 116.9+/-12.5 (P< 0.03) and CD14 expression to 107.5+/-6.2 (P<0.04). Alternatively, L-selectin expression was lower in HC patients than in CT patients before therapy (46.0+/-3.5 vs 62.1+/-5.5, P<0.04), and it increased markedly after lipid reduction to 58.7+/-5.0 (P<0.04 vs baseline). After simvastatin treatment, LDL was reduced to mean 101.5 mg/dL. Conclusions These data demonstrate that monocytes from HC patients are more prone to marked nLDL-mediated changes of adhesion molecule expression than monocytes from controls. Simvastatin is capable of inhibiting such nLDL effects. This proinflammatory response to nLDL may have a role in the early onset of atherosclerosis.


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The T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) exists in monomeric and nanoclustered forms independently of antigen binding. Although the clustering is involved in the regulation of T-cell sensitivity, it is unknown how the TCR nanoclusters form. We show that cholesterol is required for TCR nanoclustering in T cells and that this clustering enhances the avidity but not the affinity of the TCR-antigen interaction. Investigating the mechanism of the nanoclustering, we found that radioactive photocholesterol specifically binds to the TCRβ chain in vivo. In order to reduce the complexity of cellular membranes, we used a synthetic biology approach and reconstituted the TCR in liposomes of defined lipid composition. Both cholesterol and sphingomyelin were required for the formation of TCR dimers in phosphatidylcholine-containing large unilamellar vesicles. Further, the TCR was localized in the liquid disordered phase in giant unilamellar vesicles. We propose a model in which cholesterol and sphingomyelin binding to the TCRβ chain causes TCR dimerization. The lipid-induced TCR nanoclustering enhances the avidity to antigen and thus might be involved in enhanced sensitivity of memory compared with naive T cells. Our work contributes to the understanding of the function of specific nonannular lipid-membrane protein interactions.