992 resultados para Cell hypoxia
The objective of the study was to evaluate the tissue oxygenation and hemodynamic effects of NOS inhibition in clinical severe septic shock. Eight patients with septic shock refractory to volume loading and high level of adrenergic support were prospectively enrolled in the study. Increasing doses of NOS inhibitors [N(G)-nitro-L-arginine-methyl ester (L-NAME) or N(G)-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA)] were administered as i.v. bolus until a peak effect = 10 mmHg on mean blood pressure was obtained or until side effects occurred. If deemed clinically appropriate, a continuous infusion of L-NAME was instituted and adrenergic support weaning attempted. The bolus administration of NOS inhibitors transiently increased mean blood pressure by 10 mm Hg in all patients. Seven out of eight patients received an L-NAME infusion, associated over 24 h with a progressive decline in cardiac index (P < 0.001) and an increase in systemic vascular resistance (P < 0.01). Partial or total adrenergic support weaning was rapidly possible in 6/8 patients. Oxygen transport decreased (P < 0.001), but oxygen consumption remained unchanged in those patients in whom it could be measured by indirect calorimetry (5/8). Blood lactate and the difference between tonometric gastric and arterial PCO2 remained unchanged. There were 4/8 ICU survivors. We conclude that nitric oxide synthase inhibition in severe septic shock was followed with a progressive correction of the vasoplegic hemodynamic disturbances with finally normalization of cardiac output and systemic vascular resistances without any demonstrable deterioration in tissue oxygenation.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is an inflammatory process of the lung inducing persistent airflow limitation. Extensive systemic effects, such as skeletal muscle dysfunction, often characterize these patients and severely limit life expectancy. Despite considerable research efforts, the molecular basis of muscle degeneration in COPD is still a matter of intense debate. In this study, we have applied a network biology approach to model the relationship between muscle molecular and physiological response to training and systemic inflammatory mediators. Our model shows that failure to co- ordinately activate expression of several tissue remodelling and bioenergetics pathways is a specific landmark of COPD diseased muscles. Our findings also suggest that this phenomenon may be linked to an abnormal expression of a number of histone modifiers, which we discovered correlate with oxygen utilization. These observations raised the interesting possibility that cell hypoxia may be a key factor driving skeletal muscle degeneration in COPD patients.
Homens com síndrome da apneia obstrutiva do sono (SAOS) podem apresentar diminuição dos níveis de testosterona devido à hipóxia. OBJETIVOS: Relacionar os níveis séricos da testosterona, em pacientes com SAOS, com parâmetros clínico-laboratoriais. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foram revisados 103 prontuários de pacientes com SAOS, entre os anos de 2002 e 2009, e coletados os seguintes dados: idade à época da realização da polissonografia, valores do Hematócrito e Hemoglobina, nível sérico da testosterona total, IMC, índice de apneia/hipopneia(IAH) e SatO2. FORMA do ESTUDO: Estudo de casos retrospectivo em corte transversal. RESULTADOS: 79 pacientes (77%) não apresentaram alteração hormonal e 24 (23%) apresentaram níveis séricos inferiores. Dos pacientes com testosterona normal 70% estavam com sobrepeso, enquanto que 63% com testosterona alterada apresentaram obesidade grau I (p<0,05). Os pacientes com testosterona alterada apresentaram as dosagens médias do Ht e da Hb e dos níveis médios do andrógeno significantemente inferiores aos dos pacientes sem alteração androgênica. A média do IMC dos pacientes com alteração hormonal foi significativamente maior que a média daqueles sem alteração. CONCLUSÃO: A relação entre o perfil sérico da testosterona matinal e a obesidade e, em menor grau, a idade, o IAH e a hipóxia, podem ser responsáveis pela supressão central da testosterona nesses pacientes. A queda dos valores hematimétricos pode ser relacionada aos baixos níveis circulantes da testosterona.
Pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto em portadores de claudicação intermitente de membros inferiores
INTRODUÇÃO: Pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto (PCIR) é o fenômeno pelo qual curtos períodos de isquemia sub-letal sobre um órgão ou tecido, intercalados com reperfusão do mesmo, conferem a outros órgãos ou tecidos distantes deste, um aumento na capacidade da resistir a episódios subsequentes de isquemia, a qual os mesmos possam ser expostos. Com base nesse fato, testamos a hipótese de que o pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto em pacientes portadores de claudicação intermitente de membros inferiores poderia aumentar a capacidade de deambulação desses pacientes, extrapolando o conceito do PCIR de aumento da capacidade de preservação da integridade celular frente à isquemia, para a manutenção da função celular, tornando a célula mais apta ao trabalho em situações de privação de oxigênio, geradas pela restrição do fluxo sanguíneo, como ocorre nos pacientes com claudicação intermitente de membros inferiores, durante o exercício. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar se o PCIR aumenta a distância de início de claudicação e/ou a distância total de claudicação em pacientes com doença arterial obstrutiva periférica. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 52 pacientes ambulatoriais que apresentavam queixa de claudicação intermitente dos membros inferiores, associada a um pulso arterial ausente ou reduzido no membro sintomático e/ou um índice tornozelo-braço <0,90. Estes pacientes foram randomizados em três grupos (A, B e C). Todos os pacientes foram submetidos a dois testes de caminhada em esteira de acordo com o protocolo de Gardner. O grupo A fez o primeiro teste de esteira sem o pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto e, após 7 dias, foi submetido a um novo teste de esteira, agora precedido pelo pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto. O grupo B foi submetido ao pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto antes do primeiro teste de esteira e, após 7 dias, realizou novo teste de esteira, agora sem o pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto. Já no Grupo C (grupo controle), ambos os testes de esteira foram realizados sem pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto, também com 7 dias de intervalo. RESULTADOS: Os grupos A e C mostraram um aumento na distância de início de claudicação, no segundo teste, em comparação com o primeiro teste. O grupo A teve um aumento estatisticamente significativo, em relação ao grupo C (grupo controle). Com relação à distância total de claudicação, todos os grupos (A, B e C), mostraram um aumento estatisticamente significativo a favor do segundo teste, porém não foi observada diferença entre os grupos (A, B e C). CONCLUSÕES: O pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto aumentou a distância inicial de claudicação em pacientes com claudicação intermitente, no entanto, ele não afetou a distância total de claudicação dos pacientes portadores de claudicação intermitente de membros inferiores
Inadequate blood flow to an organ, ischaemia, may lead to both local and remote tissue injury characterized by oedema, increased microvascular permeability to protein and degradation of connective tissue components. This damage is probably caused by the accumulation and inappropriate activation of neutrophils which occurs when the tissue is reperfused. To test this hypothesis a number of in vitro models of the sequential stages of ischaemia/reperfusion injury were examined. Methods were initially developed to examine the adhesion of neutrophils to monolayers of a cultured endothelial cell line (ECV304) after periods of hypoxia and reoxygenation. Neutrophil migration in response to factors secreted by the treated endothelial cells was then assessed. The genesis of an inappropriate oxidative burst by the neutrophil upon exposure to endothelial chemoattractants and adhesion molecules was also measured. Finally to appraise how tissue function might be affected by endothelial cell hypoxia the contractility of vascular smooth muscle was examined. Neutrophil adhesion to ECV304 cells, which had been hypoxic for 4 hours and then reoxygenated for 30 minutes, was significantly increased. This response was probably initiated by reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by the endothelial cells. Blockage of their production by allopurinol reduced the heightened adhesion. Similarly removal of ROS by superoxide dismutase or catalase also attenuated adhesion. ROS generation in turn caused the release of a soluble factor (s) which induced a conformational change on the neutrophil surface allowing it to bind to the intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) on the endothelial cell. Soluble factor (s) from hypoxia/reoxygenated endothelial cells also had a powerful neutrophil chemoattractant ability. When neutrophils were exposed to both hypoxic/reoxygenated endothelial cells and the soluble factor (s) released by them a large oxidative burst was elicited. This response was greatest immediately after reoxygenation and one hour later was diminishing suggesting at least one of the components involved was labile. Analysis of the supernatant from hypoxic/reoxygenated endothelial cell cultures and studies using inhibitors of secretion suggested platelet activating factor (PAF) may be a major component in this overall sequence of events. Lesser roles for IL-8, TNF and LTB4 were also suggested. The secretory products from hypoxia/reoxygenated endothelial cells also affected smooth muscle contractility having an anti-vasoconstrictor or relaxation property, similar to that exerted by PAF.
The carotid body (CB) is a major arterial chemoreceptor containing glomus cells that are activated by changes in arterial blood contents including oxygen. Despite significant advancement in the characterization of their physiological properties, our understanding on the underlying molecular machinery and signaling pathway in CB glomus cells is still limited.
To overcome these limitations, in chapter 1, I demonstrated the first transcriptome profile of CB glomus cells using single cell sequencing technology, which allowed us to uncover a set of abundantly expressed genes, including novel glomus cell-specific transcripts. These results revealed involvement of G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling pathway, various types of ion channels, as well as atypical mitochondrial subunits in CB function. I also identified ligands for the mostly highly expressed GPCR (Olfr78) in CB glomus cells and examined this receptor’s role in CB mediated hypoxic ventilatory response.
Current knowledge of CB suggest glomus cells rely on unusual mitochondria for their sensitivity to hypoxia. I previously identified the atypical mitochondrial subunit Ndufa4l2 as a highly over-represented gene in CB glomus cells. In chapter 2, to investigate the functional significance of Ndufa4l2 in CB function, I phenotyped both Ndufa4l2 knockout mice and mice with conditional Ndufa4l2 deletion in CB glomus cells. I found that Ndufa4l2 is essential to the establishment of regular breathing after birth. Ablating Ndufa4l2 in postnatal CB glomus cells resulted in defective CB sensitivity to hypoxia as well as CB mediated hypoxic ventilatory response. Together, our data showed that Ndufa4l2 is critical to respiratory control and the oxygen sensitivity of CB glomus cells.
It is becoming increasingly apparent that epigenetics plays a crucial role in the cellular response to hypoxia. Such epigenetic regulation may work hand in hand with the hypoxia-induced transcription factor (HIF) family or may contribute in a more substantial way to the maintenance of a hypoxia-adapted cellular phenotype long after HIF has initiated the immediate response pathways. In this article we discuss the current research implicating epigenetic mechanisms in the cellular response to hypoxic environments. This includes; the role of epigenetics in both the stabilization and binding of HIF to its transcriptional targets, the role of histone demethylase enzymes following direct HIF transactivation, and finally, the impact of hypoxic environments on global patterns of histone modifications and DNA methylation.
A long-standing controversy is whether autophagy is a bona fide cause of mammalian cell death. We used a cell-penetrating autophagy-inducing peptide, Tat-Beclin 1, derived from the autophagy protein Beclin 1, to investigate whether high levels of autophagy result in cell death by autophagy. Here we show that Tat-Beclin 1 induces dose-dependent death that is blocked by pharmacological or genetic inhibition of autophagy, but not of apoptosis or necroptosis. This death, termed "autosis," has unique morphological features, including increased autophagosomes/autolysosomes and nuclear convolution at early stages, and focal swelling of the perinuclear space at late stages. We also observed autotic death in cells during stress conditions, including in a subpopulation of nutrient-starved cells in vitro and in hippocampal neurons of neonatal rats subjected to cerebral hypoxia-ischemia in vivo. A chemical screen of ~5,000 known bioactive compounds revealed that cardiac glycosides, antagonists of Na(+),K(+)-ATPase, inhibit autotic cell death in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, genetic knockdown of the Na(+),K(+)-ATPase α1 subunit blocks peptide and starvation-induced autosis in vitro. Thus, we have identified a unique form of autophagy-dependent cell death, a Food and Drug Administration-approved class of compounds that inhibit such death, and a crucial role for Na(+),K(+)-ATPase in its regulation. These findings have implications for understanding how cells die during certain stress conditions and how such cell death might be prevented.
Hypoxia is an essential component of tumor microenvironment. In this study, we investigated the influence of hypoxia (1% PO(2)) on CTL-mediated tumor cell lysis. We demonstrate that exposure of target tumor cells to hypoxia has an inhibitory effect on the CTL clone (Heu171)-induced autologous target cell lysis. Such inhibition correlates with hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha (HIF-1alpha) induction but is not associated with an alteration of CTL reactivity as revealed by granzyme B polarization or morphological change. Western blot analysis indicates that although hypoxia had no effect on p53 accumulation, it induced the phosphorylation of STAT3 in tumor cells by a mechanism at least in part involving vascular endothelial growth factor secretion. We additionally show that a simultaneous nuclear translocation of HIF-1alpha and phospho-STAT3 was observed. Interestingly, gene silencing of STAT3 by small interfering RNA resulted in HIF-1alpha inhibition and a significant restoration of target cell susceptibility to CTL-induced killing under hypoxic conditions by a mechanism involving at least in part down-regulation of AKT phosphorylation. Moreover, knockdown of HIF-1alpha resulted in the restoration of target cell lysis under hypoxic conditions. This was further supported by DNA microarray analysis where STAT3 inhibition resulted in a partly reversal of the hypoxia-induced gene expression profile. The present study demonstrates that the concomitant hypoxic induction of phospho-STAT3 and HIF-1alpha are functionally linked to the alteration of non-small cell lung carcinoma target susceptibility to CTL-mediated killing. Considering the eminent functions of STAT3 and HIF-1alpha in the tumor microenvironment, their targeting may represent novel strategies for immunotherapeutic intervention.
This research aimed to characterize the tolerance to flooding and alterations in pectic and hemicellulose fractions from mesocotyl of maize tolerant to flooding when submitted to hypoxia. In order to characterize tolerance seeds from maize cultivars Saracura BRS-4154 and BR 107 tolerant and sensitive to low oxygen levels, respectively, were set to germinate. Plantlet survival was evaluated during five days after having been submitted to hypoxia. After fractionation with ammonium oxalate 0.5% (w/v) and KOH 2M and 4M, Saracura BRS-4154 cell wall was obtained from mesocotyl segments with different damage intensities caused by oxygen deficiency exposure. The cell wall fractions were analyzed by gel filtration and gas chromatography, and also by Infrared Spectrum with Fourrier Transformation (FTIR). The hypoxia period lasting three days or longer caused cell lysis and in advanced stages plant death. The gelic profile from pectic, hemicellulose 2M and 4M fractions from samples with translucid and constriction zone showed the appearance of low molecular weight compounds, similar to glucose. The main neutral sugars in pectic and hemicellulose fractions were arabinose, xilose and mannose. The FTIR spectrum showed a gradual decrease in pectic substances from mesocotyl with normal to translucid and constriction appearance respectively.
Background: Our goal was to determine whether short-term intermittent hypoxia exposure, at a level well tolerated by healthy humans and previously shown by our group to increase EPO and erythropoiesis, could mobilizehematopoietic stem cells (HSC) and increase their presence in peripheral circulation. Methods: Four healthy male subjects were subjected to three different protocols: one with only a hypoxic stimulus (OH), another with a hypoxic stimulus plus muscle electrostimulation (HME) and the third with only muscle electrostimulation (OME). Intermittent hypobaric hypoxia exposureconsisted of only three sessions of three hours at barometric pressure 540 hPa (equivalent to an altitude of 5000 m) for three consecutive days, whereas muscular electrostimulation was performed in two separate periods of 25 min in each session. Blood samples were obtained from an antecubital vein on three consecutive days immediately before the experiment and 24 h, 48 h, 4 days and 7 days after the last day of hypoxic exposure. Results: There was a clear increase in the number of circulating CD34+ cells after combined hypobaric hypoxia and muscular electrostimulation. This response was not observed after the isolated application of the same stimuli. Conclusion: Our results open a new application field for hypobaric systems as a way to increase efficiency in peripheral HSC collection.
Background: Our goal was to determine whether short-term intermittent hypoxia exposure, at a level well tolerated by healthy humans and previously shown by our group to increase EPO and erythropoiesis, could mobilizehematopoietic stem cells (HSC) and increase their presence in peripheral circulation. Methods: Four healthy male subjects were subjected to three different protocols: one with only a hypoxic stimulus (OH), another with a hypoxic stimulus plus muscle electrostimulation (HME) and the third with only muscle electrostimulation (OME). Intermittent hypobaric hypoxia exposureconsisted of only three sessions of three hours at barometric pressure 540 hPa (equivalent to an altitude of 5000 m) for three consecutive days, whereas muscular electrostimulation was performed in two separate periods of 25 min in each session. Blood samples were obtained from an antecubital vein on three consecutive days immediately before the experiment and 24 h, 48 h, 4 days and 7 days after the last day of hypoxic exposure. Results: There was a clear increase in the number of circulating CD34+ cells after combined hypobaric hypoxia and muscular electrostimulation. This response was not observed after the isolated application of the same stimuli. Conclusion: Our results open a new application field for hypobaric systems as a way to increase efficiency in peripheral HSC collection.
Neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy is a critical cerebral event occurring around birth with high mortality and neurological morbidity associated with long-term invalidating sequelae. In view of the great clinical importance of this condition and the lack of very efficacious neuroprotective strategies, it is urgent to better understand the different cell death mechanisms involved with the ultimate aim of developing new therapeutic approaches. The morphological features of three different cell death types can be observed in models of perinatal cerebral hypoxia-ischemia: necrotic, apoptotic and autophagic cell death. They may be combined in the same dying neuron. In the present review, we discuss the different cell death mechanisms involved in neonatal cerebral hypoxia-ischemia with a special focus on how autophagy may be involved in neuronal death, based: (1) on experimental models of perinatal hypoxia-ischemia and stroke, and (2) on the brains of human neonates who suffered from neonatal hypoxia-ischemia.