41 resultados para Casuistry.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to retrospectively evaluate in the casuistry on class and systems frequently diagnosed in wild animals that were sent to the FMVZ–UNESP-Botucatu diagnostic imaging service. The class of birds was the most referred to the centers, followed by the mammals and reptiles. The majority of the requested tests were the radiographs and in a minor scale the tomography and ultrasound. Although the birds were the greatest number of animals sent to the service, mammals were the most radiographed for wound control. The most frequently observed system was the musculoskeletal caused by trauma, especially in birds. The radiograph was the most exam initially indicated, then the animal could be forwarded to other imaging modalities, which in wild animals medicine is still limited to research.


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“Difetto di Informazione e danno da prodotto” è un tema di grande interesse ed attualità, in un momento storico in cui si è riacceso il dibattito sulla disciplina della responsabilità per danni da prodotto difettoso. Complice è “il difetto di informazione”, da sempre rimasto ai margini della casistica giurisprudenziale, ma che improvvisamente “ruba la scena” imponendosi all'attenzione della Cassazione (nn. 6007/2007 e 20985/2007) e rivelando nodi interpretativi di forte impatto pratico nelle cause di responsabilità del produttore. Di qui l’esigenza di approfondire la complessa tematica degli information defects, sotto il profilo della nozione di “difetto” e della sua prova, nonché dell’incidenza di eventuali carenze informative sulla responsabilità del produttore. Muovendo dall’analisi della Direttiva e della sua attuazione italiana, il lavoro individua i punti nodali di tale disciplina ed i vari limiti posti – sia a livello interpretativo che applicativo - alla tutela del danneggiato, suscettibili di renderla meno “appetibile” di quanto potrebbe sembrare. Affronta, quindi, criticamente le questioni trattate nelle due sentenze di legittimità del 2007 in ordine sia alla distribuzione tra le parti dell'onere probatorio, sia alla rilevanza delle informazioni fornite dal produttore. Peculiare interrogativo cui si cerca di dare risposta è se, ed in che misura, l’“informazione” consenta al produttore di andare esente da responsabilità. Il lavoro passa ad esplorare i nuovi scenari offerti dalla interazione tra la disciplina della responsabilità del produttore e quella sulla sicurezza generale dei prodotti, la cui coesistenza all’interno del medesimo corpo di norme pone nuovi interrogativi, quali la sussistenza della responsabilità del produttore di un bene “conforme” ed il ruolo dell’informazione nell’ipotesi di prodotti non difettosi e/o “conformi”. La ricerca affronta tali interrogativi con sguardo critico e provocatorio sollevando il dubbio se la “conformità alle norme armonizzate” non rischi di diventare una “nuova” clausola di esonero della responsabilità del produttore.


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The Toledoth Yeshu, the “Generation,” or “Life of Jesus,” have been described as an anti-Gospel, or a parody of the Gospel. This protean tradition, witnessed in more than hundred manuscripts and printed editions, offers a “counter-history” of the life of Jesus and the origins of Christianity. According to this mischievous narrative Jesus was an illegitimate child turned charlatan, and his disciples a bunch of violent and senseless rogues who continued to stir up trouble in Israel even following their leader’s shameful hanging. The Toledoth Yeshu is the story of an anomaly (Jesus and the birth of Christianity). It is also a story about confusion: marital confusion, social confusion, and religious confusion. As an exercise in “historical imagination,” the Toledoth Yeshu offers a narrative of religions compared, and a reflection on social and religious borders, on their instability and fragility, and ultimately on their necessity. The present paper will explore the normative dimension of the Toledoth Yeshu tradition: the way the “disorder of things” the narrative relates also conveys a powerful discourse on social and religious norms. We will also seek to map this tradition in the broader context of medieval Jewish discussions on Jesus (particularly Maimonides) as a “case” in the religious history of mankind, addressing issues of false prophecy, religious deviation, transgression, and heresy.


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This contribution is part of a research on guidance and employment in La Plata , province of Buenos Aires (Argentina) undertaken jointly by the Chairs of Preventive Psychology and Vocational Guidance, both pertaining to the course of studies for Psychology at the National University of La Plata. This research is based on four axes, namely, education-work-social policies-health. This paper shall focus around the health axis, which is not provided with placement and employment services. Some unsystematical guidance experiences from the services of Adolescence and Mental Health are currently under way in the area. Research points to the existence of new demands of psychological treatment from a population ("the new poor") afraid of losing their jobs -or even unemployed- who was not in the habit of going to the public hospital. In the casuistry explored here, people afraid of losing their jobs present more psychosomatic complexities. Local population is also analysed and the said analysis is linked with several national and international research projects.


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This contribution is part of a research on guidance and employment in La Plata , province of Buenos Aires (Argentina) undertaken jointly by the Chairs of Preventive Psychology and Vocational Guidance, both pertaining to the course of studies for Psychology at the National University of La Plata. This research is based on four axes, namely, education-work-social policies-health. This paper shall focus around the health axis, which is not provided with placement and employment services. Some unsystematical guidance experiences from the services of Adolescence and Mental Health are currently under way in the area. Research points to the existence of new demands of psychological treatment from a population ("the new poor") afraid of losing their jobs -or even unemployed- who was not in the habit of going to the public hospital. In the casuistry explored here, people afraid of losing their jobs present more psychosomatic complexities. Local population is also analysed and the said analysis is linked with several national and international research projects.


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This contribution is part of a research on guidance and employment in La Plata , province of Buenos Aires (Argentina) undertaken jointly by the Chairs of Preventive Psychology and Vocational Guidance, both pertaining to the course of studies for Psychology at the National University of La Plata. This research is based on four axes, namely, education-work-social policies-health. This paper shall focus around the health axis, which is not provided with placement and employment services. Some unsystematical guidance experiences from the services of Adolescence and Mental Health are currently under way in the area. Research points to the existence of new demands of psychological treatment from a population ("the new poor") afraid of losing their jobs -or even unemployed- who was not in the habit of going to the public hospital. In the casuistry explored here, people afraid of losing their jobs present more psychosomatic complexities. Local population is also analysed and the said analysis is linked with several national and international research projects.


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Se aborda en este trabajo el marco jurídico de las indemnizaciones que corresponden a los titulares de bienes y derechos distintos del suelo, para revisar a continuación la casuística que la jurisprudencia ha desarrollado sobre el resarcimiento de los daños y perjuicios ocasionados a los titulares de actividades económicas cuando éstas deben trasladarse por resultar incompatibles con la ejecución del planeamiento. Bajo la rúbrica de «traslado de industria», la jurisprudencia ha reconocido distintos supuestos indemnizatorios que, sin constituir un catálogo cerrado, permiten la identificación de los elementos comunes a la mayor parte de las situaciones juzgadas. The legal context of the compensations that holders of properties, and different rights are entitled, is approached in this work, revising next the casuistry that jurisprudence has developed about compensation of damages caused to holders of financial activities when these turned out incompatible with the execution of plans and must be moved. Jurisprudence has admitted different data of compensation under the round off «moving industry», which enable to identify the common interests of the most part of the judged situations


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El incremento de la esperanza de vida en los países desarrollados (más de 80 años en 2013), está suponiendo un crecimiento considerable en la incidencia y prevalencia de enfermedades discapacitantes, que si bien pueden aparecer a edades tempranas, son más frecuentes en la tercera edad, o en sus inmediaciones. Enfermedades neuro-degenerativas que suponen un gran hándicap funcional, pues algunas de ellas están asociadas a movimientos involuntarios de determinadas partes del cuerpo, sobre todo de las extremidades. Tareas cotidianas como la ingesta de alimento, vestirse, escribir, interactuar con el ordenador, etc… pueden llegar a ser grandes retos para las personas que las padecen. El diagnóstico precoz y certero resulta fundamental para la prescripción de la terapia o tratamiento óptimo. Teniendo en cuenta incluso que en muchos casos, por desgracia la mayoría, sólo se puede actuar para mitigar los síntomas, y no para sanarlos, al menos de momento. Aun así, acertar de manera temprana en el diagnóstico supone proporcionar al enfermo una mayor calidad de vida durante mucho más tiempo, por lo cual el esfuerzo merece, y mucho, la pena. Los enfermos de Párkinson y de temblor esencial suponen un porcentaje importante de la casuística clínica en los trastornos del movimiento que impiden llevar una vida normal, que producen una discapacidad física y una no menos importante exclusión social. Las vías de tratamiento son dispares de ahí que sea crítico acertar en el diagnóstico lo antes posible. Hasta la actualidad, los profesionales y expertos en medicina, utilizan unas escalas cualitativas para diferenciar la patología y su grado de afectación. Dichas escalas también se utilizan para efectuar un seguimiento clínico y registrar la historia del paciente. En esta tesis se propone una serie de métodos de análisis y de identificación/clasificación de los tipos de temblor asociados a la enfermedad de Párkinson y el temblor esencial. Empleando técnicas de inteligencia artificial basadas en clasificadores inteligentes: redes neuronales (MLP y LVQ) y máquinas de soporte vectorial (SVM), a partir del desarrollo e implantación de un sistema para la medida y análisis objetiva del temblor: DIMETER. Dicho sistema además de ser una herramienta eficaz para la ayuda al diagnóstico, presenta también las capacidades necesarias para proporcionar un seguimiento riguroso y fiable de la evolución de cada paciente. ABSTRACT The increase in life expectancy in developed countries in more than 80 years (data belongs to 2013), is assuming considerable growth in the incidence and prevalence of disabling diseases. Although they may appear at an early age, they are more common in the elderly ages or in its vicinity. Nuero-degenerative diseases that are a major functional handicap, as some of them are associated with involuntary movements of certain body parts, especially of the limbs. Everyday tasks such as food intake, dressing, writing, interact with the computer, etc ... can become large debris for people who suffer. Early and accurate diagnosis is crucial for prescribing optimal therapy or treatment. Even taking into account that in many cases, unfortunately the majority, can only act to mitigate the symptoms, not to cure them, at least for now. Nevertheless, early diagnosis may provide the patient a better quality of life for much longer time, so the effort is worth, and much, grief. Sufferers of Parkinson's and essential tremor represent a significant percentage of clinical casuistry in movement disorders that prevent a normal life, leading to physical disability and not least social exclusion. There are various treatment methods, which makes it necessary the immediate diagnosis. Up to date, professionals and medical experts, use a qualitative scale to differentiate the disease and degree of involvement. Therefore, those scales are used in clinical follow-up. In this thesis, several methods of analysis and identification / classification of types of tremor associated with Parkinson's disease and essential tremor are proposed. Using artificial intelligence techniques based on intelligent classification: neural networks (MLP and LVQ) and support vector machines (SVM), starting from the development and implementation of a system for measuring and objective analysis of the tremor: DIMETER. This system besides being an effective tool to aid diagnosis, it also has the necessary capabilities to provide a rigorous and reliable monitoring of the evolution of each patient.


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Published also under title: Religious cases of conscience answered in an evangelical manner.


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v. 1. On Christianity as an organ of political movement. Protestantism. On the supposed scriptural expression for eternity. Judas Iscariot. On Hume's argument against miracles. Casuistry. Greece under the Romans.--v. 2. Secession from the church of Scotland. Toilette of the Hebrew lady. Milton. Charlemagne. Modern Greece. Lord Carlisle on Pope.


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Nature of jurisprudence.--Laws of nature and of man.--Law of partnership.--Employers liability.--Theory of persecution.--Oath of allegiance.--English law as a branch of politics.--Science of case-law.--Casuistry of common sense.--Ethics and morals.-Marcus Aurelius and the stoic philosophy.--Spencer's Data of ethics.--Index.


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This paper deals with legal unorthodoxy. The main idea is to study the so-called unorthodox taxes Hungary has adopted in recent years. The study of unorthodox taxes will be preceded by a more general discussion of how law is made under unorthodoxy, and what are the special features of unorthodox legal policy. Unorthodoxy challenges equality before the law and is critical towards mass democracies. It also raises doubts on the operability of the rule of law, relying on personal skills, or loyalty, rather than on impersonal mechanisms arising from checks and balances as developed by the division of political power. Besides, for lack of legal suppositions, legislation suffers from casuistry and regulatory capture.