680 resultados para Casting Alloy


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L’attività svolta durante il dottorato è stata incentrata su due tematiche riguardanti: (i) la modifica della composizione chimica delle classiche leghe di alluminio da fonderia per incrementarne la resistenza e stabilità termica; (ii) lo studio del comportamento a fatica di acciai innovativi alto-resistenziali, allo scopo di valutarne il loro utilizzo per la produzione di alberi motore e distribuzione in sostituzione dei tradizionali acciai utilizzati dopo bonifica e trattamento superficiale di nitrurazione. La messa a punto di una lega di alluminio da fonderia con elevata resistenza in temperatura ha richiesto, oltre all’individuazione della composizione chimica, l’ottimizzazione del trattamento termico e una completa caratterizzazione meccanica statica a fatica sia a temperatura ambiente sia a 200°C. L’attività ha permesso di sviluppare una lega, ottenuta aggiungendo 1,3% in peso di rame alla classica lega A357 (Al-Si-Mg), cha ha mostrato avere proprietà meccaniche superiori a quelle delle tradizionali leghe Al-Si-Mg-Cu quali la A354 e C355 sia a temperatura ambiente che a 200 °C dopo lunga esposizione in temperatura. Per quanto riguarda gli acciai innovativi, dopo una preliminare analisi di mercato per individuare quali acciai potessero essere oggetto di studio, è stato valutato come migliorarne le prestazioni a fatica, anche in presenza d’intaglio, attraverso la scelta del trattamento termico più opportuno e del processo di pallinatura. I risultati delle caratterizzazioni microstrutturale e meccanica svolte hanno permesso di individuare due acciai (nomi commerciali K890 e ASP2017) ottenuti per metallurgia delle polveri, ad oggi utilizzati solo per la produzione di stampi e/o utensili, in grado di sostituire gli acciai con cui vengono oggi realizzati i componenti, senza la necessità di eseguire il trattamento di nitrurazione


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Aluminum sheets are currently produced by the direct-chill process (DC). The need for low-cost aluminum sheets is a challenge for the development of new materials produced by the twin roll caster (TRC) process. It is expected that sheets produced from these different casting procedures will differ in their microstructure. These differences in microstructure and in the crystallographic texture have great impact on sheet mechanical properties and formability. The present study investigated microstructure and evaluated texture of two strips of Al-Mn-Fe-Si (3003) aluminum alloy produced by TRC and by hot-rolling processes. It was possible to notice that the microstructure, morphology, and grain size of the TRC sample were more homogenous than those found in hot-rolled samples. Both strips, obtained by the two processes, showed strong texture gradient across the thickness.


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AlSi7Mg0.35 alloy was cast into permanent moulds using different pouring temperatures (725 to 625degreesC). As the pouring temperature decreased, the as-cast microstructure changed from a coarse dendritic structure, through fine equiaxed grains to fine rosette-like grains. The as-cast materials were then partially remelted and isothermally held at 580degreesC prior to semisolid casting into a stepped die. The feedstock material cast from a high temperature filled only half the die, with severe segregation and other defects. The low-temperature-poured material completely filled the die with negligible porosity. The quality of semisolid castings is significantly affected by the microstructure of the semisolid feedstock material that arises from a combination of as-cast and subsequent thermal treatment conditions. The paper describes (a) the influence of pouring temperature on the microstructure of feedstock; (b) microstructure evolution through remelting and (c) the quality of semisolid castings produced with this material. For A17Si0.35Mg alloy, low temperature pouring in the range of 625-650degreesC followed by suitable isothermal holding treatment can result in good quality semisolid casting.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Maschinenbau, Diss., 2010


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A 7.4 mm thick strip of 3003 aluminum alloy produced by the industrial twin-roll casting (TRC) process was homogenized at 500 °C for 12 hours, after which it was cold rolled in two conditions: 1) to reduce the strip's thickness by 67%, and 2) to reduce it by 91%. The alloy was annealed at 400 °C for 1 hour in both conditions. The results revealed that a rotated cube texture, the {001}<110> component, predominated in the as-cast condition and was transformed into brass, copper and S type textures during the cold rolling process. There was practically no difference between the deformation textures at the two thickness reductions.


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The interest in using titanium to fabricate removable partial denture (RPD) frameworks has increased, but there are few studies evaluating the effects of casting methods on clasp behavior. OBJECTIVE: This study compared the occurrence of porosities and the retentive force of commercially pure titanium (CP Ti) and cobalt-chromium (Co-Cr) removable partial denture circumferential clasps cast by induction/centrifugation and plasma/vacuum-pressure. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 72 frameworks were cast from CP Ti (n=36) and Co-Cr alloy (n=36; control group). For each material, 18 frameworks were casted by electromagnetic induction and injected by centrifugation, whereas the other 18 were casted by plasma and injected by vacuum-pressure. For each casting method, three subgroups (n=6) were formed: 0.25 mm, 0.50 mm, and 0.75 mm undercuts. The specimens were radiographed and subjected to an insertion/removal test simulating 5 years of framework use. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's to compare materials and cast methods (α=0.05). RESULTS: Three of 18 specimens of the induction/centrifugation group and 9 of 18 specimens of plasma/vacuum-pressure cast presented porosities, but only 1 and 7 specimens, respectively, were rejected for simulation test. For Co-Cr alloy, no defects were found. Comparing the casting methods, statistically significant differences (p<0.05) were observed only for the Co-Cr alloy with 0.25 mm and 0.50 mm undercuts. Significant differences were found for the 0.25 mm and 0.75 mm undercuts dependent on the material used. For the 0.50 mm undercut, significant differences were found when the materials were induction casted. CONCLUSION: Although both casting methods produced satisfactory CP Ti RPD frameworks, the occurrence of porosities was greater in the plasma/vacuum-pressure than in the induction/centrifugation method, the latter resulting in higher clasp rigidity, generating higher retention force values.


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The mechanical properties (yield stress, ultimate tensile stress and elongation) of alloy 20Cr32Ni + Nb subject to isochronal aging at temperatures between 670 and 820 degrees C for 200 h were investigated using samples extracted from a centrifugally cast tube. The results confirm the occurrence of embrittlement in the aged samples, with maximum embrittlement observed around 770 degrees C without significant gain in strength. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new conceptual framework has been developed which explains the formation of shear-related casting defects such as porosity, segregation and tears. The theory relates defect formation to the mechanical behaviour of the partially solidified microstructure when shear stresses are developed during the filling of a casting and by the subsequent feeding processes during solidification. Two transition points, the dendrite coherency point and the maximum packing solid fraction, divide the mushy zone into three regions of different mechanical and feeding behaviours. The response of the mush to shear is related to the presence of these zones during solidification of a casting. The resulting defects are rationalized by considering the governing local shear stress and shear rate, local strength and time available for fluid flow. The design of the casting, the casting process used and the alloy composition all influence the relative importance of shearing on defect formation. (C) 1998 Acta Metallurgica Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Hypoeutectic AI-Si alloys represent the most widely used alloy system for cast aluminium applications. This system has a unique behaviour with respect to grain formation where an increase in silicon content results in a transition to larger grain sizes after a minimum at an intermediate concentration. As a result of the already large solute content, grain refinement by solute additions is inefficient and nucleant particles from the common aluminium grain refiners are not as effective as in wrought alloys. However, casting conditions, such as a low pouring temperature, that promote the formation of wall crystals tie. crystals nucleated in the thermally undercooled layer at or next to mould walls) are very effective in yielding a small grain size. This paper presents results of an investigation of the effect of low superheat and mould preheat temperature on grain size. It was found that pouring temperature controls the effectiveness of the wall mechanism while mould preheat has little effect until high preheat temperatures at which a large increase in grain size occurs. The observed changes in grain size are explained in terms of the balance between nucleation rate and survival rate of crystal nuclei resulting from changes in superheat and mould temperature.


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The solution treatment stage of the T6 heat-treatment of Al-7%Si-Mg foundry alloys influences microstructural features such as Mg2Si dissolution, and eutectic silicon spheroidisation and coarsening. Microstructural and microanalytical studies have been conducted across a range of Sr-modified Al-7%Si alloys, with an Fe content of 0.12% and Mg contents ranging from 0.3-0.7wt%. Qualitative and quantitative metallography have shown that, in addition to the above changes, solution treatment also results in changes to the relative proportions of iron-containing intermetallic particles and that these changes are composition-dependent. While solution treatment causes a substantial transformation of pi phase to beta phase in low Mg alloys (0.3-0.4%), this change is not readily apparent at higher Mg levels (0.6-0.7%). The pi to beta transformation is accompanied by a release of Mg into the aluminum matrix over and above that which arises from the rapid dissolution of Mg2Si. Since the level of matrix Mg retained after quenching controls an alloy's subsequent precipitation hardening response, a proper understanding of this phase transformation is crucial if tensile properties are to be maximised.


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Vertical direct chill (VDC) casting of aluminium alloys is a mature process that has evolved over many decades through gradual change to both equipment design and casting practice. Today, air-pressurised, continuous lubrication, hot top mould systems with advanced station automation are selected as the process of choice for producing extrusion billet. Specific sets of operating parameters are employed on these stations for each alloy and size combination to produce optimal billet quality. The designs and parameters are largely derived from past experience and accumulated know-how. Recent experimental work at the University of Queensland has concentrated on understanding the way in which the surface properties of liquid aluminium alloys, e.g., surface tension, wetting angle and oxide skin strength, influence the size and shape of the naturally-stab le meniscus for a given alloy, temperature and atmosphere. The wide range of alloy-and condition-dependent values measured has led to the consideration of how these properties impact the stability of the enforced molten metal meniscus within the hot top mould cavity. The actual shape and position of the enforced meniscus is controlled by parameters such as the upstream conduction distance (UCD) from sub-mould cooling and the molten metal head. The degree of deviation of this actual meniscus from the predicted stable meniscus is considered to be a key driver in surface defect formation. This paper reports on liquid alloy property results and proposes how this knowledge might be used to better design VDC mould systems and casting practices.


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The influence of sodium (Na) on nucleation and growth of the Al-Si eutectic in a commercial hypoeutectic Al-Si-Cu-Mg foundry alloy has been investigated. The microstructural evolution during eutectic solidification was studied by a quenching technique. By comparing the orientation of the aluminium in the eutectic to that of the surrounding primary aluminium dendrites by EBSD, the eutectic solidification mode could be determined. The results show that the eutectic solidification starts near the mould wall and evolves with front growth opposite the thermal gradient on a macro-scale, and on a micro-scale with independent heterogeneous nucleation of eutectic grains in interdendritic spaces. Na-modified alloys therefore behave significantly differently from those modified by other elemental additions.