349 resultados para Carmina Burana.


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Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae regiae. Pars tertia. Tomus tertius (-quartus), Parisiis : ex typographia regia, 1744 : "1.° Anonymi grammatica, in qua de verborum conjugatione. — 2.° Bedae, Presbyteri, de arte metrica liber ad Gutbertum. — 3.° Ejusdem de schematibus et tropis liber ad eundem. — 4.° Claudii Marii Victoris Massiliensis, de Genesi libri tres : carmine heroïco ; porro hi libri iidem prorsus cum illis qui commentariorum in Genesim in editis titulum prae se ferunt : praemittitur Victoris precatio ad Deum, oratione soluta. — 5.° Sancti Paulini carmina ad Ausonium. — 6.° Ausonii, qui in hoc codice sanctus appellatur, carmina ad Paulinum. — 7.° Anonymi carmen in laudem sancti Joannis Baptistae. — 8.° Anonymi carmen cujus is est titulus : laudes Domini cum miraculo quod accidit in Aedrico. — 9.° Anonymi carmen in laudem Christi Domini ; incipit : Jam mihi polliceor. — 10.° Bebiani carmen de uxore sua morti proxima, è variis versuum generibus contextum ; incipit : ô vir beatus cui remissa iniquitas. — 11.° Drepanii Flori Diaconi Lugdunensis, carmen de cereo paschali. — 12.° Hymnus in solemnitate S. Michaëlis, Archangeli. — 13.° Drepanii Flori, Diaconi Lugdunensis, epistola ad Modoinum, Episcopum Augustodunensem. — 14.° Servii Honorati de ultimarum syllabarum natura liber ad Aquilinum. — 15.° Anonymi grammatica. — 16.° Epigrammata quorumdam psalmorum, sive potiùs, psalmi XXII. XXVI. XXVII. versibus haeroïcis expositi ; authore Drepanio Floro. — 17.° Canticum trium puerorum, versibus heroïcis : eodem authore. — 18.° Anonymi cohortatio ad Wlfinum, Aurelianensem Grammaticum. — 19.° Sedulii carmen elegiacum de incarnatione Christi. Saeculo nono videtur exaratus."


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The purpose of this study is to examine how a launch of a pharmaceutical over-the-counter sold (OTC) brand can be done by using creative solutions and thus affecting the product life cycle. The study is inspired by a phenomenon called Burana. The Burana brand has been a market leader of OTC painkillers in Finland for the past 27 years. The aim of this study is to “solve the mystery” behind Burana brand’s success by focusing on the launch phase of Burana as an OTC medicine. Farmos Group Ltd (the owner of the brand in 1980´s) had not originally invented the product in question – ibuprofen – and the product had already reached it´s maturity phase, if not even decline from the product life cycle aspect when this phenomenon takes place. This has made the marketing choices, the product launch phase as well as the product management even more interesting from the company point of view as well as from a learning point of view. The methodology in this study is qualitative with a descriptive research strategy, while the study is conducted as a longitudinal single-case study. The methods used in this study have been collecting, analyzing and interpreting the data, which is based on the interviewees’ comments and observed behavior. According to the study, the successful launch phase helped in setting the product one step ahead of the competitors and thus aided the brand leadership and prolonged the product life cycle. Another notable aspect that became clear from the interviews and the documentary of Buranas launch phase was the innovative idea of involving the people of the distribution chain into the product launch through education. As this study has pointed out, it is not enough to for a company to build an innovative team of employees, but also to offer them an involved and encouraging management. According to the interviews, the support from the company management gave the marketing team the encouragement to be innovative. It can be thus stated that the management of a company has an essential role in fostering the creativity within the company.


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DD. de Bethune


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Philiberti de la Mare