887 resultados para Carbon fiber reinforced polymers
As an alternative to transverse spiral or hoop steel reinforcement, fiber reinforced polymers (FRPs) were introduced to the construction industry in the 1980's. The concept of concrete-filled FRP tube (CFFT) has raised great interest amongst researchers in the last decade. FRP tube can act as a pour form, protective jacket, and shear and flexural reinforcement for concrete. However, seismic performance of CFFT bridge substructure has not yet been fully investigated. Experimental work in this study included four two-column bent tests, several component tests and coupon tests. Four 1/6-scale bridge pier frames, consisting of a control reinforced concrete frame (RCF), glass FRP-concrete frame (GFF), carbon FRP-concrete frame (CFF), and hybrid glass/carbon FRP-concrete frame (HFF) were tested under reverse cyclic lateral loading with constant axial loads. Specimen GFF did not show any sign of cracking at a drift ratio as high as 15% with considerable loading capacity, whereas Specimen CFF showed that lowest ductility with similar load capacity as in Specimen GFF. FRP-concrete columns and pier cap beams were then cut from the pier frame specimens, and were tested again in three point flexure under monotonic loading with no axial load. The tests indicated that bonding between FRP and concrete and yielding of steel both affect the flexural strength and ductility of the components. The coupon tests were carried out to establish the tensile strength and elastic modulus of each FRP tube and the FRP mold for the pier cap beam in the two principle directions of loading. A nonlinear analytical model was developed to predict the load-deflection responses of the pier frames. The model was validated against test results. Subsequently, a parametric study was conducted with variables such as frame height to span ratio, steel reinforcement ratio, FRP tube thickness, axial force, and compressive strength of concrete. A typical bridge was also simulated under three different ground acceleration records and damping ratios. Based on the analytical damage index, the RCF bridge was most severely damaged, whereas the GFF bridge only suffered minor repairable damages. Damping ratio was shown to have a pronounced effect on FRP-concrete bridges, just the same as in conventional bridges. This research was part of a multi-university project, which is founded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation Research (NEESR) program.
Carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites have been used in wide variety of applications including, aerospace, marine, sporting equipment as well as in the defense sector due to their outstanding properties at low density. In many of their applications, moisture absorption takes place which may result in a reduction in mechanical properties even at lower temperature service. In this work, the viscoelastic properties, such as storage modulus (E′) and loss modulus (E″), were obtained through vibration damping tests for three carbon fiber/epoxy composite families up to the saturation point (6 weeks). Three carbon fiber/epoxy composites having [0/0] s, [0/90] s, and [±45] s orientations were studied. During vibration tests the storage modulus (E′) and loss modulus (E″) were monitored as a function of moisture uptake, and it was observed that the natural frequencies and E′ values decreased with the increase during hygrothermal conditioning due to the matrix plasticization. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fatigue crack growth rate in mode I of a carbon fiber 5HS weave composite laminate processed via RTM
Delamination or crack propagation between plies is a critical issue for structural composites. In viewing this issue and the large application of woven fabrics in structural applications, especially the ones that requires high drapeability to be preformed in a RTM mold cavity such as the asymmetric ones, e.g HS series, this research aimed in dynamically testing the carbon fiber 5HS/RTM6 epoxy composites under opening mode using DCB set up in order to investigate the crack growth rate behavior in an irregular surface produced by the fabric waviness. The evaluation of the energy involved in each crack increment was based on the Irwin-Kies equation using compliance beam theory. The tests were conducted at constant stress ratio of R=0.1 with displacement control, frequency of 10 Hz, in accordance to ASTM E647-00 for measurement of crack growth rate. The results showed large scatter when compared to unidirectional carbon fiber composites due to damage accumulation at the fill tows.
Since the introduction of fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) for the repair and retrofit of concrete structures in the 1980’s, considerable research has been devoted to the feasibility of their application and predictive modeling of their performance. However, the effects of flaws present in the constitutive components and the practices in substrate preparation and treatment have not yet been thoroughly studied. This research aims at investigating the effect of surface preparation and treatment for the pre-cured FRP systems and the groove size tolerance for near surface mounted (NSM) FRP systems; and to set thresholds for guaranteed system performance. This study was conducted as part of the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Project 10-59B to develop construction specifications and process control manual for repair and retrofit of concrete structures using bonded FRP systems. The research included both analytical and experimental components. The experimental program for the pre-cured FRP systems consisted of a total of twenty-four (24) reinforced concrete (RC) T-beams with various surface preparation parameters and surface flaws, including roughness, flatness, voids and cracks (cuts). For the NSM FRP systems, a total of twelve (12) additional RC T-beams were tested with different grooves sizes for FRP bars and strips. The analytical program included developing an elaborate nonlinear finite element model using the general purpose software ANSYS. The bond interface between FRP and concrete was modeled by a series of nonlinear springs. The model was validated against test data from the present study as well as those available from the literature. The model was subsequently used to extend the experimental range of parameters for surface flatness in pre-cured FRP systems and for groove size study in the NSM FRP systems. Test results, confirmed by further analyses, indicated that contrary to the general belief in the industry, the impact of surface roughness on the global performance of pre-cured FRP systems was negligible. The study also verified that threshold limits set for wet lay-up FRP systems can be extended to pre-cured systems. The study showed that larger surface voids and cracks (cuts) can adversely impact both the strength and ductility of pre-cured FRP systems. On the other hand, frequency (or spacing) of surface cracks (cuts) may only affect system ductility rather than its strength. Finally, within the range studied, groove size tolerance of ±1/8 in. does not appear to have an adverse effect on the performance of NSM FRP systems.
Since the introduction of fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) for the repair and retrofit of concrete structures in the 1980’s, considerable research has been devoted to the feasibility of their application and predictive modeling of their performance. However, the effects of flaws present in the constitutive components and the practices in substrate preparation and treatment have not yet been thoroughly studied. This research aims at investigating the effect of surface preparation and treatment for the pre-cured FRP systems and the groove size tolerance for near surface mounted (NSM) FRP systems; and to set thresholds for guaranteed system performance. The research included both analytical and experimental components. The experimental program for the pre-cured FRP systems consisted of a total of twenty-four (24) reinforced concrete (RC) T-beams with various surface preparation parameters and surface flaws, including roughness, flatness, voids and cracks (cuts). For the NSM FRP systems, a total of twelve (12) additional RC T-beams were tested with different grooves sizes for FRP bars and strips. The analytical program included developing an elaborate nonlinear finite element model using the general purpose software ANSYS. The model was subsequently used to extend the experimental range of parameters for surface flatness in pre-cured FRP systems, and for groove size study in the NSM FRP systems. Test results, confirmed by further analyses, indicated that contrary to the general belief in the industry, the impact of surface roughness on the global performance of pre-cured FRP systems was negligible. The study also verified that threshold limits set for wet lay-up FRP systems can be extended to pre-cured systems. The study showed that larger surface voids and cracks (cuts) can adversely impact both the strength and ductility of pre-cured FRP systems. On the other hand, frequency (or spacing) of surface cracks (cuts) may only affect system ductility rather than its strength. Finally, within the range studied, groove size tolerance of +1/8 in. does not appear to have an adverse effect on the performance of NSM FRP systems.
Damages during extreme wind events highlight the weaknesses of mechanical fasteners at the roof-to-wall connections in residential timber frame buildings. The allowable capacity of the metal fasteners is based on results of unidirectional component testing that do not simulate realistic tri-axial aerodynamic loading effects. The first objective of this research was to simulate hurricane effects and study hurricane-structure interaction at full-scale, facilitating better understanding of the combined impacts of wind, rain, and debris on inter-component connections at spatial and temporal scales. The second objective was to evaluate the performance of a non-intrusive roof-to-wall connection system using fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) materials and compare its load capacity to the capacity of an existing metal fastener under simulated aerodynamic loads. The Wall of Wind (WoW) testing performed using FRP connections on a one-story gable-roof timber structure instrumented with a variety of sensors, was used to create a database on aerodynamic and aero-hydrodynamic loading on roof-to-wall connections tested under several parameters: angles of attack, wind-turbulence content, internal pressure conditions, with and without effects of rain. Based on the aerodynamic loading results obtained from WoW tests, sets of three force components (tri-axial mean loads) were combined into a series of resultant mean forces, which were used to test the FRP and metal connections in the structures laboratory up to failure. A new component testing system and test protocol were developed for testing fasteners under simulated tri-axial loading as opposed to uni-axial loading. The tri-axial and uni-axial test results were compared for hurricane clips. Also, comparison was made between tri-axial load capacity of FRP and metal connections. The research findings demonstrate that the FRP connection is a viable option for use in timber roof-to-wall connection system. Findings also confirm that current testing methods of mechanical fasteners tend to overestimate the actual load capacities of a connector. Additionally, the research also contributes to the development a new testing protocol for fasteners using tri-axial simultaneous loads based on the aerodynamic database obtained from the WoW testing.
Corrosion of steel tendons is a major problem for post-tensioned concrete, especially because corrosion of the steel strands is often hard to detect inside grouted ducts. Non-metallic tendons can serve as an alternative material to steel for post-tensioning applications. Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP), given its higher strength and elastic modulus, as well as excellent durability and fatigue strength, is the most practical option for post-tensioning applications. The primary objective of this research project was to assess the feasibility of the use of innovative carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) tendons and to develop guidelines for CFRP in post-tensioned bridge applications, including segmental bridges and pier caps. An experimental investigation and a numerical simulation were conducted to compare the performance of a scaled segmental bridge model, post-tensioned with two types of carbon fiber strands and steel strands. The model was tested at different prestress levels and at different loading configurations. While the study confirms feasibility of both types of carbon fiber strands for segmental bridge applications, and their similar serviceability behavior, strands with higher elastic modulus could improve structural performance and minimize displacements beyond service loads. As the second component of the project, a side-by-side comparison of two types of carbon fiber strands against steel strands was conducted in a scaled pier cap model. Two different strand arrangements were used for post-tensioning, with eight and six strands, respectively representing an over-design and a slight under-design relative to the factored demand. The model was tested under service and factored loads. The investigation confirmed the feasibility of using carbon fiber strands in unbonded post-tensioning of pier caps. Considering both serviceability and overload conditions, the general performance of the pier cap model was deemed acceptable using either type of carbon fiber strands and quite comparable to that of steel strands. In another component of this research, creep stress tests were conducted with carbon fiber composite cable (CFCC). The anchorages for all the specimens were prepared using a commercially available expansive grout. Specimens withstood 95% of the guaranteed capacity provided by the manufacturer for a period of five months, without any sign of rupture.
The increased exploitation of carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) is inevitably bringing about an increase in production scraps and end-of-life components, resulting in a sharp increase in CFRP waste. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to find efficient ways to reintroduce waste into the manufacturing cycle. At present, several recycling methods for treating CFRPs are available, even if all of them still have to be optimized. The step after CFRP recycling, and also the key to build a solid and sustainable CFRP recycling market, is represented by the utilization of Re-CFs. The smartest way to utilize recovered carbon fibers is through the manufacturing of recycled CFRPs, that can be done by re-impregnating the recovered fibers with a new polymeric matrix. Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) is one of the most widely used additive manufacturing (3D printing) techniques that fabricates parts with a polymeric filament deposition process that allows to produce parts adding material layer-by-layer, only where it is needed, saving energy, raw material cost, and waste. The filament can also contain fillers or reinforcements such as recycled short carbon fibers and this makes it perfectly compliant with the re-application of the shortened recycled CF. Therefore, in this thesis work recycled and virgin carbon fiber reinforced PLA filaments have been initially produced using 5% and 10% of CFs load. Properties and characteristics of the filaments have been determined conducting different analysis (TGA, DMA, DSC). Subsequently the 5%wt. Re-CFs filament has been used to 3D print specimens for mechanical characterization (DMA, tensile test and CTE), in order to evaluate properties of printed PLA composites containing Re-CFs and evaluate the feasibility of Re-CFs in 3D printing application.
This paper focuses on the flexural behavior of RC beams externally strengthened with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRP) fabric. A non-linear finite element (FE) analysis strategy is proposed to support the beam flexural behavior experimental analysis. A development system (QUEBRA2D/FEMOOP programs) has been used to accomplish the numerical simulation. Appropriate constitutive models for concrete, rebars, CFRP and bond-slip interfaces have been implemented and adjusted to represent the composite system behavior. Interface and truss finite elements have been implemented (discrete and embedded approaches) for the numerical representation of rebars, interfaces and composites.
A aplicação do material compósito é neste momento bastante vasta, graças à combinação das suas características específicas, tais como, maior resistência específica e módulos específicos e melhor resistência à fadiga, quando comparados com os metais convencionais. Tais características, quando requeridas, tornam este material ideal para aplicações estruturais. Esta caminhada de sucesso iniciou desde muito cedo, quando o material compósito já era utilizado para fabrico de armas pelos mongóis e na construção civil pelos hebreus e egípcios, contudo, só a partir dos meados do século XX é que despertou interesses para aplicações mais modernas. Atualmente os materiais compósitos são utilizados em equipamentos domésticos, componentes elétricos e eletrónicos, passando por materiais desportivos, pela indústria automóvel e construção civil, até indústrias de grande exigência e visibilidade tecnológica como a aeronáutica, espacial e de defesa. Apesar das boas características apresentadas pelos materiais compósitos, no entanto, estes materiais têm tendência a perderem as suas propriedades quando submetidas a algumas operações de acabamento como a furação. A furação surge da necessidade de ligação de peças de um mesmo mecanismo. Os furos obtidos por este processo devem ser precisos e sem danos para garantir ligações de alta resistência e também precisas. A furação nos materiais compósitos é bastante complexa devido à sua heterogeneidade, anisotropia, sensibilidade ao calor e pelo facto de os reforços serem extremamente abrasivos. A operação de furação pode causar grandes danos na peça, como a delaminação a entrada, defeitos de circularidade do furo, danos de origem térmica e a delaminação à saída que se apresenta como o mais frequente e indesejável. Com base nesses pressupostos é que este trabalho foi desenvolvido de forma a tentar obter processos simples para determinação e previsão de danos em polímeros reforçados com fibras (de carbono neste caso) de forma a precavê-los. De forma a conseguir estes objetivos, foram realizados ensaios de início de delaminação segundo a proposta de Lachaud et al. e ensaios de pin-bearing segundo a proposta de Khashaba et al. Foram também examinadas extensões de danos de acordo com o modelo de Fator de delaminação ajustado apresentado por Davim et al. A partir dos ensaios, de pin-bearing, realizados foram analisadas influências do material e geometria da broca, do avanço utilizado na furação e de diferentes orientações de empilhamentos de placas na delaminação de laminados compósitos e ainda a influências dessas variáveis na força de rutura por pin-bearing. As principais conclusões tiradas daqui são que a delaminação aumenta com o aumento do avanço, o que já era esperado, as brocas em carboneto de tungsténio são as mais recomendas para a furação do material em causa e que a delaminação é superior para a placa cross-ply quando comparada com placas unidirecionais. Para a situação de ensaios de início de delaminação foram analisadas as influências da variação da espessura não cortada por baixo da broca/punção, de diferentes geometrias de brocas, da alteração de velocidade de ensaio e diferentes orientações de empilhamentos de placas na força de início de delaminação. Deste ensaio as principais conclusões são que a força de início de delaminação aumenta com o aumenta da espessura não cortada e a influência da velocidade de ensaio altera com a variação das orientações de empilhamento.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil (área de especialização em Estruturas e Geotecnia)
Structural concrete is one of the most commonly used construction materials in the United States. However, due to changes in design specifications, aging, vehicle impact, etc. – there is a need for new procedures for repairing concrete (reinforced or pretressed) superstructures and substructures. Thus, the overall objective of this investigation was to develop innovative cost effective repair methods for various concrete elements. In consultation with the project advisory committee, it was decided to evaluate the following three repair methods: • Carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRPs) for use in repairing damaged prestressed concrete bridges • Fiber reinforced polymers (FRPs) for preventing chloride penetration of bridge columns • Various patch materials The initial results of these evaluations are presented in this three volume final report. Each evaluation is briefly described in the following paragraphs. A more detailed abstract of each evaluation accompanies the volume on that particular investigation.
Structural concrete is one of the most commonly used construction materials in the United States. However, due to changes in design specifications, aging, vehicle impact, etc. – there is a need for new procedures for repairing concrete (reinforced or pretressed) superstructures and substructures. Thus, the overall objective of this investigation was to develop innovative cost effective repair methods for various concrete elements. In consultation with the project advisory committee, it was decided to evaluate the following three repair methods: • Carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRPs) for use in repairing damaged prestressed concrete bridges • Fiber reinforced polymers (FRPs) for preventing chloride penetration of bridge columns • Various patch materials The initial results of these evaluations are presented in this three volume final report. Each evaluation is briefly described in the following paragraphs. A more detailed abstract of each evaluation accompanies the volume on that particular investigation.
Structural concrete is one of the most commonly used construction materials in the United States. However, due to changes in design specifications, aging, vehicle impact, etc. – there is a need for new procedures for repairing concrete (reinforced or pretressed) superstructures and substructures. Thus, the overall objective of this investigation was to develop innovative cost effective repair methods for various concrete elements. In consultation with the project advisory committee, it was decided to evaluate the following three repair methods: • Carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRPs) for use in repairing damaged prestressed concrete bridges • Fiber reinforced polymers (FRPs) for preventing chloride penetration of bridge columns • Various patch materials The initial results of these evaluations are presented in this three volume final report. Each evaluation is briefly described in the following paragraphs. A more detailed abstract of each evaluation accompanies the volume on that particular investigation.