970 resultados para Carbon Footprint Calculators


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.--I. Introduction.--II. Methodology for estimating greenhouse gas emissions.--III. The carbon footprint of ECLAC- Port-of-Spain.--IV. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions: next steps


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If burning a gallon of ethanol emits less greenhouse gas or GHGs (CO2, primarily), than the gasoline it replaces then it has a smaller carbon footprint than gasoline. Actually, it is the amount of fossil CO2 emitted that matters, because CO2 from fossil fuels represents "new" carbon in the atmosphere, whereas the CO2 released by corn ethanol is recycled atmospheric carbon.


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Lo strumento in esame è il carbon footprint che ha lo scopo primario di calcolare l’impronta rilasciata in atmosfera dalle emissioni di gas ad effetto serra. Il carbon footprint è stato descritto ed esaminato in ogni suo aspetto pratico, strutturale e funzionale evidenziandone sia pregi da tenere in considerazione sia limiti da colmare anche attraverso il ventaglio di strumenti di misurazione ambientale che si hanno a disposizione. Il carbon footprint non verrà descritto unicamente come strumento di contabilità ambientale ma anche come mezzo di sensibilizzazione del pubblico o dei cittadini ai temi ambientali. Questo lavoro comprende un’indagine online degli strumenti di misura e rendicontazione delle emissioni di CO2 che sono sotto il nome di carbon footprint o carbon calculator. Nell’ultima parte della tesi si è applicato ad un caso reale tutto quello che è stato appreso dalla letteratura. Il lavoro è consistito nell’applicare lo strumento del carbon footprint ad un’azienda italiana di servizi seguendo la metodologia di calcolo prevista dalla norma ISO 14064. Di essa sono state contabilizzate le emissioni di CO2 generate dalle attività quotidiane e straordinarie sulle quali l’azienda ha un controllo diretto o comunque una responsabilità indiretta.


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Il presente elaborato propone una metodologia di valutazione della carbon footprint di un aeroporto e ne presenta un’applicazione per l’aeroporto “Guglielmo Marconi” di Bologna. Attraverso l'individuazione di macrocategorie di fonti di emissione, viene inoltre discussa l'efficacia di alcuni interventi di riduzione delle emissioni di anidride carbonica.


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Negli ultimi cinquant’anni, il trasporto aereo ha sperimentato una rapida espansione, parallelamente alla crescita dell’economia globale. Gli aeroporti, oggi, rappresentano strutture complesse, sulle quali si concentrano interessi economici, sociali e strategici di notevole importanza. Il traffico passeggeri, espresso in RPK (Revenue Passenger Kilometers – ricavo per passeggero-chilometro trasportato), dal 1960, è cresciuto di quasi il 9% l’anno, più del doppio del Prodotto Interno Lordo (PIL), e con un tasso di crescita superiore rispetto alle altre modalità di trasporto. Si prevede che il traffico aereo, sia passeggeri che merci, continuerà ad aumentare nel prossimo futuro: le stime di crescita del traffico aereo riportate nell’ultimo rapporto di valutazione ambientale prodotto dall’ICAO (ICAO Environmental Report 2013) prevedono, per il periodo 2010-2030, un aumento del tasso di crescita annuo dei passeggeri, espresso in RPK, pari al +4,9%. Il valore stimato di RPK per il 2030 è pari a 13 bilioni, quasi tre volte maggiore di quello registrato nel 2010. Come conseguenza, anche le emissioni nocive per l’ambiente e per il clima direttamente legate al trasporto aereo sono aumentate, perché l’aumento della domanda di trasporto aereo ha superato la riduzione delle emissioni dovute ai continui miglioramenti apportati dalla tecnologia e dall’ottimizzazione delle procedure operative.


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Mai világunkban egyre több olyan erőforrást élünk fel, amelyek hatását az otthonunknak számító Föld egyszerűen már nem képes helyreállítani. Ebben számos jelenség mellett a gazdaság globalizációja, az élesedő versenyhelyzet, a fogyasztói társadalom további térnyerése, ebből adódóan pedig a logisztikai folyamatok intenzitásának növekedése kulcsszerepet játszik. A logisztikát érő kritikáknak ösztönözniük kell a vállalatok szakembereit arra, hogy változtassanak ezen. Ehhez elengedhetetlen a jelenlegi működés szénlábnyomának mérése. Csak a jelenállapot felmérése szolgálhat alapjául a fejlesztéseknek. A szerzők tanulmányának célja a szénlábnyomszámítás egy gyakorlati alkalmazásának ismertetése. Esettanulmány jelleggel bemutatják egy nagy nemzetközi vállalat hazai leányvállalatának a szénlábnyom-számítása során alkalmazott módszertanát. A számítások során a vállalat disztribúciós logisztikai folyamataira fókuszálnak, kiemelten vizsgálták a közúti szállítás és a raktározás széndioxid-kibocsátását. Számításaikban igyekeztek pontosak lenni, a hazai energiamixre számolt legfrissebb konverziós faktorokkal számoltak. Meggyőződésük, hogy az ilyen esettanulmányok hasznosak, hiszen a bemutatott módszertan mintául, útmutatásul szolgálhat további vállalatok számára. Reményeik szerint ezzel segíthetik, hogy minél több hazai vállalat kezdje el széndioxid-kibocsátásának szisztematikus és tudományos alapokon nyugvó mérését. ____ Due to globalization, intense competition and the consumer society logistics processes have been intensified during the last decades. This led to increased environmental strain generating intense criticism towards logistics profession. In order to decrease the environmental burden of logistics several professionals and companies have tried to make progress in this field and introduced techniques that are capable to measure the Carbon Footprint of logistics. Still public case studies are very limited. The paper presents the case of the Hungarian subsidiary of a big multinational FMCG firm. Calculations are built on the actual conversion factor developed for the Hungarian energy mix. A complex set of key performance indi actors usable to capture key characteristics of the present situation is presented. Not only the constructs of these KPIs are described in the paper but a detailed description of methodology used to calculate them is also given. The authors hope such detailed case study description will help other companies as well to initiate sustainable logistics programs.


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Global demand for mobility is increasing and the environmental impact of transport has become an important issue in transportation network planning and decision-making, as well as in the operational management phase. Suitable methods are required to assess emissions and fuel consumption reduction strategies that seek to improve energy efficiency and furthering decarbonization. This study describes the development and application of an improved modeling framework – the HERA (Highway EneRgy Assessment) methodology – that enables to assess the energy and carbon footprint of different highways and traffic flow scenarios and their comparison. HERA incorporates an average speed consumption model adjusted with a correction factor which takes into account the road gradient. It provides a more comprehensive method for estimating the footprint of particular highway segments under specific traffic conditions. It includes the application of the methodology to the Spanish highway network to validate it. Finally, a case study shows the benefits from using this methodology and how to integrate the objective of carbon footprint reductions into highway design, operation and scenario comparison.


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Global climate change is one of the most significant environmental issues that can harm human development. One central issue for the building and construction industry to address global climate change is the development of a credible and meaningful way to measure greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. While Publicly Available Specification (PAS) 2050, the first international GHG standard, has been proven to be successful in standardizing the quantification process, its contribution to the management of carbon labels for construction materials is limited. With the recent publication of ISO 14067: Greenhouse gases – carbon footprint of products – requirements and guidelines for quantification and communication in May 2013, it is necessary for the building and construction industry to understand the past, present and future of the carbon labelling practices for construction materials. A systematic review shows that international GHG standards have been evolving in terms of providing additional guidance on communication and comparison, as well as less flexibility on the use of carbon labels. At the same time, carbon labelling schemes have been evolving on standardization and benchmarking. In addition, future actions are needed in the aspect of raising consumer awareness, providing benchmarking, ensuring standardization and developing simulation technologies in order for carbon labelling schemes for construction materials to provide credible, accurate and transparent information on GHG emissions.


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The construction industry is one of the largest sources of carbon emissions. Manufacturing of raw materials, such as cement, steel and aluminium, is energy intensive and has considerable impact on carbon emissions level. Due to the rising recognition of global climate change, the industry is under pressure to reduce carbon emissions. Carbon labelling schemes are therefore developed as meaningful yardsticks to measure and compare carbon emissions. Carbon labelling schemes can help switch consumer-purchasing habits to low-carbon alternatives. However, such switch is dependent on a transparent scheme. The principle of transparency is highlighted in all international greenhouse gas (GHG) standards, including the newly published ISO 14067: Carbon footprint of products – requirements and guidelines for quantification and communication. However, there are few studies which systematically investigate the transparency requirements in carbon labelling schemes. A comparison of five established carbon labelling schemes, namely the Singapore Green Labelling Scheme, the CarbonFree (the U.S.), the CO2 Measured Label and the Reducing CO2 Label (UK), the CarbonCounted (Canada), and the Hong Kong Carbon Labelling Scheme is therefore conducted to identify and investigate the transparency requirements. The results suggest that the design of current carbon labels have transparency issues relating but not limited to the use of a single sign to represent the comprehensiveness of the carbon footprint. These transparency issues are partially caused by the flexibility given to select system boundary in the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology to measure GHG emissions. The primary contribution of this study to the construction industry is to reveal the transparency requirements from international GHG standards and carbon labels for construction products. The findings also offer five key strategies as practical implications for the global community to improve the performance of current carbon labelling schemes on transparency.


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The increasing pressure on material availability, energy prices, as well as emerging environmental legislation is leading manufacturers to adopt solutions to reduce their material and energy consumption as well as their carbon footprint, thereby becoming more sustainable. Ultimately manufacturers could potentially become zero carbon by having zero net energy demand and zero waste across the supply chain. The literature on zero carbon manufacturing and the technologies that underpin it are growing, but there is little available on how a manufacturer undertakes the transition. Additionally, the work in this area is fragmented and clustered around technologies rather than around processes that link the technologies together. There is a need to better understand material, energy, and waste process flows in a manufacturing facility from a holistic viewpoint. With knowledge of the potential flows, design methodologies can be developed to enable zero carbon manufacturing facility creation. This paper explores the challenges faced when attempting to design a zero carbon manufacturing facility. A broad scope is adopted from legislation to technology and from low waste to consuming waste. A generic material, energy, and waste flow model is developed and presented to show the material, energy, and waste inputs and outputs for the manufacturing system and the supporting facility and, importantly, how they can potentially interact. Finally the application of the flow model in industrial applications is demonstrated to select appropriate technologies and configure them in an integrated way. © 2009 IMechE.


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The water and sewerage sectors' combined emissions account for just over 1% of total UK emissions, while household water heating accounts for a further 5%. Energy use, particularly electricity, is the largest source of emissions in the sector. Water efficiency measures should therefore result in reduced emissions from a lower demand for water and wastewater treatment and pumping, as well as from decreased domestic water heating. Northern Ireland Water (NI Water) is actively pursuing measures to reduce its carbon footprint. This paper investigated the carbon impacts of implementing a household water efficiency programme in Northern Ireland. Assuming water savings of 59.6 L/prop/day and 15% uptake among households, carbon savings of 0.6% of NI Water's current net operational emissions are achievable from reduced treatment and pumping. Adding the carbon savings from reduced household water heating gives savings equivalent to 6.2% of current net operational emissions. Cost savings to NI Water are estimated as 300,000 per year. The cost of the water efficiency devices is approximately 1.6 million, but may be higher depending on the number of devices distributed relative to the number installed. This paper has shown clear carbon benefits to water efficiency, but further research is needed to examine social and cost impacts. © IWA Publishing 2013.


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Concern for the environmental impact of organizations’ activities has led to the recognition and demand for organizations to manage and report on their carbon footprint. However, there is no limit as to the areas of carbon footprints required in such annual environmental reports. To deliver improvements in the quality of carbon footprint management and reporting, there is a need to identify the main elements of carbon footprint strategy that can be endorsed, supported and encouraged by facility managers. The study investigates carbon footprint elements managed and reported upon by facility manager in the UK. Drawing on a questionnaire survey of 256 facility managers in the UK, the key elements of carbon footprints identified in carbon footprint reports are examined. The findings indicate that the main elements are building energy consumption, waste disposal and water consumption. Business travel in terms of using public transport, air travel and company cars are also recognized as important targets and objectives for the carbon footprint strategy of several FM (facilities management) organizations.


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Countless cities are rapidly developing across the globe, pressing the need for clear urban planning and design recommendations geared towards sustainability. This article examines the intersections of Jane Jacobs’ four conditions for diversity with low-carbon and low-energy use urban systems in four cities around the world: Lyon (France), Chicago (United-States), Kolkata (India), and Singapore (Singapore). After reviewing Jacobs’ four conditions for diversity, we introduce the four cities and describe their historical development context. We then present a framework to study the cities along three dimensions: population and density, infrastructure development/use, and climate and landscape. These cities differ in many respects and their analysis is instructive for many other cities around the globe. Jacobs’ conditions are present in all of them, manifested in different ways and to varying degrees. Overall we find that the adoption of Jacobs' conditions seems to align well with concepts of low-carbon urban systems, with their focus on walkability, transit-oriented design, and more efficient land use (i.e., smaller unit sizes). Transportation sector emissions seems to demonstrate a stronger influence from the presence of Jacobs' conditions, while the link was less pronounced in the building sector. Kolkata, a low-income, developing world city, seems to possess many of Jacobs' conditions, while exhibiting low per capita emissions - maintaining both of these during its economic expansion will take careful consideration. Greenhouse gas mitigation, however, is inherently an in situ problem and the first task must therefore be to gain local knowledge of an area before developing strategies to lower its carbon footprint.