963 resultados para Capacity utilization rate
"April 1979"--Cover.
Several indices of plant capacity utilization based on the concept of best practice frontier have been proposed in the literature (Fare et al. 1992; De Borger and Kerstens, 1998). This paper suggests an alternative measure of capacity utilization change based on Generalized Malmquist index, proposed by Grifell-Tatje' and Lovell in 1998. The advantage of this specification is that it allows the measurement of productivity growth ignoring the nature of scale economies. Afterwards, this index is used to measure capacity change of a panel of Italian firms over the period 1989-94 using Data Envelopment Analysis and then its abilities of explaining the short-run movements of output are assessed.
We estimate the determinants of capital intensity in Japan and the US, characterized by striking different paths. We augment an otherwise standard Constant Elasticity of Substitution (CES) model with demand-side considerations, which we find especially relevant in the US. In this augmented setting, the elasticity of substitution between capital and labor is placed around 0.85 in Japan, and 0.30 in the US. We also find evidence of biased technical change, which is capital-saving in Japan but labor-saving in the US. These differences help us explain the diverse experience in the capital deepening process of these economies, and lead us to conclude that demand-side drivers may also be relevant to account for different growth experiences. A close look at the nature of technological change is also needed before designing one-size-fits-all industrial, economic growth, and/or labor market policies.
The study aims to provide information on efficiency opportunities on SCA's northbound cassettes. It has been made by examining the capacity utilization rate on the northbound cassettes on SCA's vessels for a period of two weeks. The cargo loaded in the ports of Rotterdam and Sheerness consists of external cargo of varying shape. The cargo is shipped northbound to Holmsund and Sundsvall. Measurements have been made on the cargo to the final destinations Sundsvall, Holmsund and Finland. The measurements have been used in a mathematical optimization model created to optimize the loading of the cassettes. The model is based on placing boxes in a grid where the boxes that are placed representing the cargo and the grids representing the cassettes. The aim of the model is to reduce the number of cassettes and thereby increase the capacity utilization rate. The study resulted in an increase in capacity utilization rate for both area and volume to all destinations. The overall improvement for all cassettes examined resulted in an increase in the area capacity utilization rate by 9.02 percentage points and 5.72 percentage points for the volume capacity utilization rate. It also resulted in a decrease of 22 cassettes in total on the four voyages that were examined which indicate that there are opportunities to improve the capacity utilization rate. The study also shows that the model can be used as a basis for similar problems.
In the decade of the 1990s, China’s feed sector became increasingly privatized, more feed mills opened, and the scale of operation expanded. Capacity utilization remained low and multi-ministerial supervision was still prevalent, but the feed mill sector showed a positive performance overall, posting a growth rate of 11 percent per year. Profit margin over sales was within allowable rates set by the government of China at 3 to 5 percent. Financial efficiency improved, with a 20 percent quicker turnover of working capital. Average technical efficiency was 0.805, as more efficient feed mills increasingly gained production shares. This study finds evidence that the increasing privatization explains the improved performance of the commercial feed mill sector. The drivers that shaped the feed mill sector in the 1990s have changed with China’s accession to the World Trade Organization. With the new policy regime in place, the study foresees that, assuming an adequate supply of soy meal and an excess capacity in the feed mill sector, it is likely that China will allow corn imports up to the tariff rate quota (TRQ) of 7.2 mmt since the in-quota rate is very low at 1 percent. However, when the TRQ is exceeded, the import duty jumps to a prohibitive out-quota rate of 65 percent. With an import duty for meat of only 10 to 12 percent, China would have a strong incentive to import meat products directly rather than bringing in expensive corn to produce meat domestically. This would be further reinforced if structural transformation in the swine sector would narrow the cost differential between domestic and imported pork.
Diplomityössä perehdytään rakennustuotteita valmistavan teollisuusyrityksen toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän laajentamiseen tuotannonohjaukseen. Järjestelmä on tällä hetkel-lä valjastettu vain hallinnolliseen käyttöön, eli tarjouspyyntöjen ja myyntitilauksien kirjaamiseen, laskutukseen ja reskontraan. Järjestelmän laajentamista tuotantoon puoltaa hankalasti ennustettavat toimitusajat ja kapasiteetin käyttöasteen hahmotettavuus. Laajentaminen on määrä toteuttaa vaiheittain, ensimmäisenä yrityksen suurimman liikevaihdon tekevällä osastolla. Diplomityön ensimmäinen tavoite oli selvittää teoriaosuuden avulla toiminnanohjausjärjestelmään liittyvät keskeiset asiat, joiden pohjalta laajentamista alettiin suunnitella. Lisäksi selvitettiin toiminnanohjausjärjestelmien käyttöönottojen epäonnistumisiin johtaneita syitä. Suurimmiksi syiksi on havaittu epärealistiset odotukset, projektin jättäminen vain atk-osaston huoleksi sekä johdon tuen puuttu-minen. Toisessa vaiheessa tavoitteena oli laatia suunnitelma, jonka perusteella laajentaminen on tarkoitus tehdä yrityksen ensimmäisellä käyttöönotto-osastolla. Tärkeimmät huomioitavat seikat ovat kuormitusryhmien suunnittelu, kuormitusryhmien sisäiset kuormituspisteet ja tuotteiden valmistusrakenteen järkevä määrittäminen toiminnanohjausjärjestelmään. Case-yrityksessä huomioitavaa oli myös työajanseurantalaitteiston hankinta, joka palvelee samalla toiminnanohjausjärjestelmää työmääräinten kuittaamisessa integroinnin jälkeen. Kolmas vaihe oli tehdä työn perusteella suositukset jatkotoimenpiteille. Järjestelmän toimiessa suunnitellusti ensimmäisellä osastolla, aletaan projektia viedä muille osastoille. Lisäksi suositellaan toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän laajentamista varastoihin sekä ostoihin, jotta materiaalinkulutuksesta saadaan mahdollisimman paljon tietoa.
Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli tutustua ohutlevyjen nykyaikaisiin koneellisiin leikkausmenetelmiin ja tutkia niiden soveltuvuutta yrityksen tarpeisiin. Kohdeyrityksessä investoinnin tarve jakautui tuottavuusinvestoinnin, korvausinvestoinnin ja strategisen investoinnin kesken. Tavoitteena oli luoda investointipolku, jonka avulla poissuljettiin menetelmät, jotka eivät soveltuneet yrityksen tuotantoon. Työn kirjallisuusosuudessa tarkastellaan teoriatietoja, jotka liittyvät yleisesti nykyaikaisiin ohutlevyjen leikkausmenetelmiin sekä investointiprojektin suunnitteluun ja toteutuksen teoriaan. Lisäksi käsitellään investointeihin liittyviä kannattavuus- ja kustannuslaskennan perusperiaatteita. Työn empiirisessä osassa selvitettiin yrityksen ohutlevyosien valmistuksen periaatteita nykytila-analyysin avulla. Tämän perusteella määritettiin nykyaikaisista markkinoilla olevista menetelmistä yritykselle soveltuvin. Tutkimuksen perusteella laserleikkaus oli menetelmistä soveltuvin. Perusinvestoinniltaan laser oli vaihtoehtoisista menetelmistä kallein, mutta se soveltui käytettävyyden, tehokkuuden, joustavuuden ja muiden ominaisuuksiensa perusteella parhaiten tuotannon tarpeisiin. Työn merkittävimmät tulokset osoittivat, että investoinnin kannattavuus riippui koneelle saatavasta käyttösuhteesta. Uusien koneiden tehokkuus lyhentäisi tuotannon läpimenoaikoja, mutta ilman riittävää kapasiteetin käyttöastetta kappaleiden omakustannusarvo nousisi. Lopputulokset ja suositukset on esitetty työn lopussa.
Among the numerous approaches to food waste treatment, the food waste disposers method (FWDs), as a newcomer, has become slowly accepted by the general public owing to the worries about its impact on the existing sewage system. This paper aims to justify the role of FWDs in the process of urbanization in order to better prepare a city to take good care of the construction of its infrastructure and the solid waste treatment. Both the literatures and the case study help to confirm that FWDs has no negative effects on the wastewater treatment plant and it is also environmental friendly by reducing the greenhouse gas emissions. In the case study, the Lappeenranta waste water treatment plant has been selected in order to figure out the possible changes to a WWTP following the integration of FWDs: the observation shows only minor changes take place in a WWTP, in case of 25% application, like BOD up 7%, TSS up 6% and wastewater flowrate up 6%, an additional sludge production of 200 tons per year and the extra yield of methane up to 10000m3 per year; however, when the utilization rate of FWD is over 75%, BOD, TSS, and wastewater flowrate will experience more significant changes, thus exerting much pressure on the existing WWTP. FWDs can only be used in residential areas or cities equipped with consummate drainage network within the service sphere of WWTP, therefore, the relevant authority or government department should regulate the installation frequency of FWDs, while promoting the accessory application of FWDs. In the meanwhile, WWTP should improve their treatment process in order to expand their capacity for sludge treatment so as to stay in line with the future development of urban waste management.
Mekaanisen metsäteollisuuden tuotteiden kiristyvä globaali kilpailu ja jatkuva kustannusten kasvaminen kiristyvillä markkinoilla aiheuttavat jatkuvaa tuotannon tehostamisen tarvetta. Käyntiaikojen maksimoinnilla ja tuotantokoneiden käyttöasteen nostamisella haetaan hintaetua sekä toimituskapasiteetin maksimointia kilpailussa asiakkaista myös tulevaisuutta silmälläpitäen. Vanerin tuotantoprosessiin osaprosessina kuuluva viilun kuivaus on tehtaan tuotannon pullonkaula. Kuivauskoneen tuotannollisten häiriöiden syiden selvittämisillä ja käyntiajan lisäämisellä on suora tuotannollinen vaikutus. Tutkimuksessa löydettiin mahdollisia parannuskohteita tuotantolaitteisiin. Käsiteltävän aiheen ollessa aiemmin kirjallisuudessa käsittelemätön, jouduttiin kehitys- ja parannustoimenpiteissä tekemään suoraviivaisia syy- ja seuraussuhteisiin perustuvia ratkaisuja. Vaihtoehdoista etsittiin toiminnaltaan mahdollisimman yksinkertaisia sekä hankinta- ja käyttökustannuksiltaan kustannustehokkaita ratkaisuja.
The steel industry produces, besides steel, also solid mineral by-products or slags, while it emits large quantities of carbon dioxide (CO2). Slags consist of various silicates and oxides which are formed in chemical reactions between the iron ore and the fluxing agents during the high temperature processing at the steel plant. Currently, these materials are recycled in the ironmaking processes, used as aggregates in construction, or landfilled as waste. The utilization rate of the steel slags can be increased by selectively extracting components from the mineral matrix. As an example, aqueous solutions of ammonium salts such as ammonium acetate, chloride and nitrate extract calcium quite selectively already at ambient temperature and pressure conditions. After the residual solids have been separated from the solution, calcium carbonate can be precipitated by feeding a CO2 flow through the solution. Precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) is used in different applications as a filler material. Its largest consumer is the papermaking industry, which utilizes PCC because it enhances the optical properties of paper at a relatively low cost. Traditionally, PCC is manufactured from limestone, which is first calcined to calcium oxide, then slaked with water to calcium hydroxide and finally carbonated to PCC. This process emits large amounts of CO2, mainly because of the energy-intensive calcination step. This thesis presents research work on the scale-up of the above-mentioned ammonium salt based calcium extraction and carbonation method, named Slag2PCC. Extending the scope of the earlier studies, it is now shown that the parameters which mainly affect the calcium utilization efficiency are the solid-to-liquid ratio of steel slag and the ammonium salt solvent solution during extraction, the mean diameter of the slag particles, and the slag composition, especially the fractions of total calcium, silicon, vanadium and iron as well as the fraction of free calcium oxide. Regarding extraction kinetics, slag particle size, solid-to-liquid ratio and molar concentration of the solvent solution have the largest effect on the reaction rate. Solvent solution concentrations above 1 mol/L NH4Cl cause leaching of other elements besides calcium. Some of these such as iron and manganese result in solution coloring, which can be disadvantageous for the quality of the PCC product. Based on chemical composition analysis of the produced PCC samples, however, the product quality is mainly similar as in commercial products. Increasing the novelty of the work, other important parameters related to assessment of the PCC quality, such as particle size distribution and crystal morphology are studied as well. As in traditional PCC precipitation process, the ratio of calcium and carbonate ions controls the particle shape; a higher value for [Ca2+]/[CO32-] prefers precipitation of calcite polymorph, while vaterite forms when carbon species are present in excess. The third main polymorph, aragonite, is only formed at elevated temperatures, above 40-50 °C. In general, longer precipitation times cause transformation of vaterite to calcite or aragonite, but also result in particle agglomeration. The chemical equilibrium of ammonium and calcium ions and dissolved ammonia controlling the solution pH affects the particle sizes, too. Initial pH of 12-13 during the carbonation favors nonagglomerated particles with a diameter of 1 μm and smaller, while pH values of 9-10 generate more agglomerates of 10-20 μm. As a part of the research work, these findings are implemented in demonstrationscale experimental process setups. For the first time, the Slag2PCC technology is tested in scale of ~70 liters instead of laboratory scale only. Additionally, design of a setup of several hundreds of liters is discussed. For these purposes various process units such as inclined settlers and filters for solids separation, pumps and stirrers for material transfer and mixing as well as gas feeding equipment are dimensioned and developed. Overall emissions reduction of the current industrial processes and good product quality as the main targets, based on the performed partial life cycle assessment (LCA), it is most beneficial to utilize low concentration ammonium salt solutions for the Slag2PCC process. In this manner the post-treatment of the products does not require extensive use of washing and drying equipment, otherwise increasing the CO2 emissions of the process. The low solvent concentration Slag2PCC process causes negative CO2 emissions; thus, it can be seen as a carbon capture and utilization (CCU) method, which actually reduces the anthropogenic CO2 emissions compared to the alternative of not using the technology. Even if the amount of steel slag is too small for any substantial mitigation of global warming, the process can have both financial and environmental significance for individual steel manufacturers as a means to reduce the amounts of emitted CO2 and landfilled steel slag. Alternatively, it is possible to introduce the carbon dioxide directly into the mixture of steel slag and ammonium salt solution. The process would generate a 60-75% pure calcium carbonate mixture, the remaining 25-40% consisting of the residual steel slag. This calcium-rich material could be re-used in ironmaking as a fluxing agent instead of natural limestone. Even though this process option would require less process equipment compared to the Slag2PCC process, it still needs further studies regarding the practical usefulness of the products. Nevertheless, compared to several other CO2 emission reduction methods studied around the world, the within this thesis developed and studied processes have the advantage of existing markets for the produced materials, thus giving also a financial incentive for applying the technology in practice.
The use of recovered paper as raw material in the paper and board industry has increased heavily during recent decades. At the same time, growing environmental awareness has raised the interest in recycling and a more sustainable way of living, at least in high-income countries. This paper combines these topics and explores how economic, demographic and environmental factors have affected the recovery and utilization of recycled paper between 1992 and 2010 in a sample of 70 countries. This study updates and extends the previous research on the topic using panel data and panel data estimation methods. The results confirm the roles of economic determinants but also indicate that concern for the environment impacts the recovery of recycled paper particularly in high-income countries. Moreover, the motives for recycling appear to depend on the income level of a country, which is something that future policies should consider.
CONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: O teste de capacidade vital forçada (CVF) é rotineiramente realizado na avaliação da função pulmonar de pacientes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC). Entretanto, permanece pouco compreendida a influência do teste de CVF sobre o sistema cardiovascular de pacientes com DPOC. OBJETIVOS: Analisar o comportamento da frequência cardíaca (FC), pressão arterial (PA) e variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC) no teste de CVF na DPOC. MÉTODOS: Dezenove homens com DPOC (72 ± 7 anos, no estágio de gravidade GOLD I=3, II=5, III=7 e IV=4 pacientes) realizaram a manobra de CVF e tiveram sua FC monitorada durante todo o exame, e a VFC analisada nos domínios do tempo (rMSSD) e da frequência (BF, AF e BF/AF) durante o repouso, antes e após a melhor manobra de CVF. A PA foi analisada no repouso, imediatamente ao final da manobra de CVF e 10 minutos após o término de todos os testes. RESULTADOS: Ao início da manobra de CVF, a FC reduziu (p<0,001) e, em seguida, aumentou progressivamente até o final do teste (p<0,001). Após término da manobra, a FC continuou a aumentar até atingir um pico (p<0,001) e depois caiu rapidamente a valores inferiores aos de repouso (p<0,001) e retornou ao seu valor basal. A PA e os índices da VFC não sofreram alterações nos períodos analisados. CONCLUSÃO: O teste de CVF influencia o comportamento da FC, sem alterar o seu controle autonômico, bem como a PA em pacientes com DPOC nos períodos analisados.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA