955 resultados para Campus planning.
Photographic print of architectural drawing. Albert Kahn Inc. Architects (Detroit, Mich.)
Photographic print of Eliel Saarinen drawing
[Conceptual Sketches], untitled. Digital image only of black ink sketches on vellum and tracing paper
[Conceptual Sketches], untitled. Digital image only of black ink sketches on shirt cardboard
[Conceptual Sketches], untitled. Digital image only of blue ink sketches on vellum
Co-ed housing. Baits I and II occupied in 1966 and 1967. On verso: N. campus. Planning & construction.
Also contains brochures, directories, manuals, and programs from various College of Engineering student organizations such as the Society of Women Engineers and Tau Beta Pi.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Le campus de l’Université de Montréal est composé de bâtiments et d’aménagements paysagers hautement significatifs, dont la présence contribue à faire comprendre son évolution spatiale. Parmi eux, les espaces libres des années 1960 méritent une attention particulière pour plusieurs raisons historiques : ils font l’objet d’une réflexion pour la toute première fois dans l’histoire du campus ; l’Université de Montréal vit une phase d’expansion sans précédent ; les disciplines de l’aménagement et la pratique de planification émergent au Québec. Cet article présente de manière contextuelle les principes de planification qui ont mené à leur réalisation par La Haye et associés, firme d’urbanisme de premier plan au Québec. Il expose les qualités et les défauts des espaces libres de cette période moderne, soit l’innovation sur le plan de la vision planificatrice et du design, d’un côté, et la trop grande importance accordée aux automobiles au détriment de la sécurité et de la convivialité, de l’autre côté.
La disponibilitat de caracteritzacions àmplies dels sistemes d'informació dels campus per a estudiants pot ser tan útil per als responsables de la gestió estratègica dels centres d'educació superior com per a l'orientació d'estudiants universitaris potencials. Primer descrivim i contextualitzem un model de caracterització per als sistemes d'informació dels campus en línia per a estudiants. Això serveix com a marc de referència conceptual per al treball en l'àmbit de les universitats espanyoles. La informació es va reunir amb visites estructurades als llocs web institucionals i en entrevistes estructurades amb estudiants de llicenciatura. Analitzar la informació obtinguda ens permet situar les institucions individualment i comparar-les, a més d'obtenir una visió descriptiva de tot el conjunt de les universitats espanyoles amb una perspectiva informacional. Les universitats també es van classificar en grups amb característiques homogènies, en el sentit dels aspectes organitzatius i informacionals. Finalment, tractem investigacions futures en la matèria.
In 1961, Voorhees Technical Institute considered moving its campus to Tarrytown, New York. This sparked a controversy in the town, which is documented by the article included here. The move was never effected.
In 1961, Voorhees Technical Institute considered moving its campus to Tarrytown, New York. This sparked a controversy in the town, which is documented by the article included here. The move was never effected.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
The Planning Meeting of Partners was organized jointly by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean, the Observatory for the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean (OSILAC - an ECLAC project supported by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the University of West Indies (UWI), St. Augustine Campus and the Telecommunications Policy and Management Programme, Mona School of Business at UWI, Jamaica. The Caribbean Information Societies Measurement Initiative (CISMI) is a component of the research proposal entitled “Networks for Development: The Caribbean ICT Research Programme”, recently submitted to IDRC for funding approval. The main objective of this programme is to “promote multi-stakeholder knowledge exchange and dialogue about the potential contribution of Information and Communications Technology for economic development and poverty alleviation in the Caribbean” The proposed budget for the CISMI component within the aforementioned proposal is US$ 150,000. The main objectives of the CISMI component are twofold: (a) to conduct a comprehensive Information and Communications Technology (ICT) survey in the Caribbean subregion to cover baseline information needs for studies and analysis from different partners involved in the construction of the Caribbean Information Societies; and (b) to analyze the household-level data, including the status of broadband and mobile usage in selected Caribbean countries in order to promote evidence-based policy planning and implementation with respect to ICT development and its impact on social and economic development in the subregion. The Planning Meeting of Partners was convened to: (a) discuss the CISMI component partnership arrangements, (b) discuss the design and implementation mechanisms of the survey instrument (questionnaire); (c) inform and engage potential key stakeholders; and (d) obtain information from potential service providers (survey companies). The Planning Meeting of Partners took place on 28 and 29 September 2009 in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.
Currently, in Brazil, the quantity and quality of new types of wastes, discarded without criteria in urban areas, has been responsible for considerable impacts on public health and the environment. According to a report prepared by the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA), the country loses about U.S. $ 8 billion annually, due lack of waste recycling, which go directly into landfills or dumps. Among these solid wastes are waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), whose characteristics are complex, by having in its composition substances of high value-added and other health hazards which require different treatment of household waste. Aiming to fill the gap in Brazilian environmental legislation, on 02/08/2010, was sanctioned the National Policy Solid Waste (Law No. 12,305), already regulated on 23/12/2010 (Decree No 7404), whose based on the following principles:reduction of waste generation and toxicity of shared responsibility, proper planning management, social inclusion of waste pickers and sustainable production and consumption. Given the above, this work presented here, aims generally present a diagnosis of the current situation of electronic waste generated in the Faculty of Engineering, Campus Guaratinguetá, FEG / UNESP, to provide data for management and management of these waste, based on sustainability, the economic losses and minimizing environmental impacts and public health related to the flow and the improper disposal of these wastes