838 resultados para Campo Grande (MS) - História política


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Different parasites that commonly occur concomitantly can influence one another, sometimes with unpredictable effects. We evaluated pathological aspects of dogs naturally co-infected with Leishmania infantum and Ehrlichia canis. The health status of the dogs was investigated based on histopathological, hematological and biochemical analyses of 21 animals infected solely with L. infantum and 22 dogs co-infected with L. infantum and E. canis. The skin of both groups showed chronic, predominantly lymphohistioplasmacytic inflammatory reaction. The plasmacytosis in the lymphoid tissues was likely related with the hypergammaglobulinemia detected in all the dogs. The disorganization of extracellular matrix found in the reticular dermis of the inguinal region and ear, characterized by the substitution of thick collagen fibers for thin fibers, was attributed to the degree of inflammatory reaction, irrespective of the presence of parasites. In addition, the histopathological analysis revealed that twice as many dogs in the co-infected group presented Leishmania amastigotes in the ear skin than those infected solely with Leishmania, increasing the possibility of becoming infected through sand fly vectors. Our findings highlight the fact that the health of dogs infected concomitantly with L. infantum and E. canis is severely compromised due to their high levels of total plasma protein, globulins, alkaline phosphatase and creatine kinase, and severe anemia.


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Equipe multidisciplinar: Ademir Hugo Zimmer, CNPGC; Armindo Neivo Kichel, CNPGC; Bela Grof; Carlos Maurício Soares de Andrade; Celso Dornelas Fernandes, CNPGC; Francisco Assis Rolim Pereira; Haroldo Pires Queiroz, CNPGC; Hortência Maria Abranches Purcino; Jaqueline Rosemeire Verzignassi, CNPGC; José Alexandre Agiova da Costa, CNPGC; José Marcelino Sobrinho (in memorian); José Marques da Silva, CNPGC; José Raul Valério, CNPGC; Leônidas da Costa Schalcher Valle; Manuel Cláudio Motta Macedo, CNPGC; Maria José D´Ávila Charchar; Maria do Socorro Bona Nascimento; Marta Pereira da Silva; Rosângela Maria Simeão Resende; Roza Maria Shunke. Histórico e descrição da cultivar. Principais atributos do estilosantes-campo-grande. Fixação biológica de nitrogênio e valor nutritivo. Desempenho animal. Ssutentabilidade de sistemas. Adaptação ao clima. Exigência de solo e adubação. Estabelecimento do estilosantes-campo-grande. Preparo da área para semeadura. Preparo mínimo ou plantio direto. Semeadura. Manejo de plantas daninhas nas pastagens consorciadas com o estilosantes-campo-grande. Manejo do pastejo para o estabelecimento do consórcio. Manejo da pastagem visando à persistência do consórcio. Pragas. Doenças. Outros usos do estilosantes-campo-grande. Uso correto do estilosantes-campo-grande.


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The framework of this study was to comprehend the specific conditions surrounding the incorporation and political-economical consolidation of the state of Mato Grosso Sul to the national scenario, during the cyclic evolution of the capitalistic system as well as the role of Campo Grande in this process. The origin and evolution of Campo Grande were analyzed in the context of possible relations between urbanization, regional development and the integration of the state in the national scope. In this approach, several theoretical compatible formulations were considered as to systemic view of reality, from the complex and dynamic point of view. This implies a multi scale reasoning, associating spatial dimension to the historical one, in a theoretical- methodological effort of comprehend the logic between the general and the specific. It was possible to verity peculiarities attributed to Mato Grosso do Sul in the general laws of the capitalistic system, and instances capable of explaning the local effects of the intervention of industrial economy in the dynamic of the process analysed since colonial times, as well as the role of Campo Grande in this process, especially in relation to the economical integration of the state territory to the rest of the nation.


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O trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar espaço-temporal do novo território ocupado pela Feira Central de Campo Grande/MS – Brasil, entre os anos 2002 a 2009. A atenção à presença da feira, bem como, ao que foi submetida, se torna importante, pois a mesma, após negociações, foi realocada para outro endereço. Isso levou à alteração de paisagens e modificação de espaços geográficos em sua nova área de ocupação. Como efeitos dessa nova organização observam-se os processos de desterritorialização e reterritorialização, os quais têm promovido uma outra forma de usufruir do espaço da Feira . Metodologicamente, por meio de mapas e imagens, propõe-se verificar as mudanças ocorridas no espaço territorial ocupado pelo empreendimento, antes, durante e após a sua instalação. Posteriormente, averiguar como tais mudanças incidem diretamente na organização territorial do espaço, uma vez que nesse novo espaço percebeu-se uma revitalização de uma área, até então, inutilizada.


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The seasonal distribution of Lutzomyia longipalpis was studied in two forested and five domiciliary areas of the urban area of Campo Grande; MS, from December 2003 to November 2005. Weekly captures were carried out with CDC light traps positioned on ground and in the canopy inside a residual forest and on the edge (ground) of a woodland and in at least one of the following ecotopes in peridomiciles-a cultivated area, a chicken coop, a pigsty, a kennel, a goat and sheep shelter and an intradomicile. A total of 9519 sand flies were collected, 2666 during the first year and 6853 during the second. L. longipalpis was found throughout the 2-year period, presenting smaller peaks at intervals of 2-3 months and two greater peaks, the first in February and the second in April 2005, soon after periods of heavy rain. Only In one of the woodlands was a significant negative correlation (p < 0.05) between the number of insects and temperature during the first year and the climatic factors (temperature, RHA and rain) was observed. In the domiciliary areas in four domiciles some positive correlations (p < 0.05) occurred in relation to one or more climatic factors; however, the species shows a clear tendency to greater frequency (72%) in the rainy season than in the dry (28%). Thus, we recommend an intensification of the VL control measures applied in Campo Grande, MS, during the rainy season with a view to reducing the risk of the transmission of the disease. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All fights reserved.


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De fevereiro a outubro de 1998, avaliou-se a contaminação de praças públicas de Campo Grande, MS, Brasil, por ovos de Toxocara e Ancylostoma, em amostras de fezes de cães. Das 74 praças examinadas, 42 (56,8%) estavam contaminadas por ovos de Ancylostoma, 8 (10,8%) com ovos de Toxocara e 7 (9,5%) com ambos.