166 resultados para Cacao.


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Es suplemento de la revista Padres y Maestros número 275. Registro con código de documento duplicado y modificado posteriormente


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Título del congreso: 2006, año del español en Noruega : un reto posible


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El artículo forma parte de un monográfico de la revista dedicado a educación para la no violencia


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El propósito central del presente estudio es determinar si existen posibilidades de lograr una protección jurídica, primero, nacional y, luego, internacional para el cacao fino y de aroma de Ecuador, utilizando un subrégimen del régimen internacional de propiedad intelectual como son las «denominaciones de origen». Como propósitos secundarios, el autor analiza la situación actual de los regímenes internacionales de comercio y propiedad intelectual y, en especial, el subrégimen de indicaciones geográficas que se encuentra en negociaciones multilaterales dentro del marco de la Organización Mundial de Comercio (OMC). Igualmente revisa la situación comercial y productiva del cacao ecuatoriano en el mercado interno y externo, especialmente la del cacao «Nacional» o «Arriba», como se lo conoce al cacao fino y de aroma. También describe las probables implicaciones de un TLC países andinos - Estados Unidos, y los problemas que pueden surgir para la propuesta; así como los posibles inconvenientes y limitaciones para su ejecución. En suma, el autor plantea la construcción de una ventaja competitiva, partiendo del escogitamiento de un producto diferenciado y reconocido a nivel internacional, utilizando la protección de la figura jurídica de «denominación de origen» para consolidar dicha ventaja competitiva, para beneficio, principalmente, de los pequeños productores.


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El propósito central del presente trabajo tiene por objeto determinar si existen posibilidades de lograr una protección de tipo jurídica nacional, luego internacional, para el cacao fino y de aroma de Ecuador, utilizando un sub régimen del Régimen Internacional de Propiedad Intelectual como son las Denominaciones de Origen. Al mismo tiempo como propósitos secundarios: se analiza la situación actual de los Regímenes Internacionales de Comercio y Propiedad Intelectual y en especial el sub Régimen de las Indicaciones Geográficas que se encuentra en plena negociaciones multilaterales dentro del marco de la OMC; la situación comercial y productiva del cacao ecuatoriano en el mercado interno y externo, especialmente la del cacao “nacional” o “arriba” como se lo conoce al cacao fino y de aroma; así como los posibles inconvenientes y limitaciones para la ejecución de la propuesta. El trabajo está estructurado en tres capítulos. En el primer capítulo se analiza a los Regímenes Internacionales en general, luego a los Regímenes de Comercio y Propiedad Intelectual. El segundo capítulo trata básicamente sobre como funcionan las Denominaciones de Origen y los requisitos para reconocer y proteger a un determinado producto. En el tercer capítulo, durante el desarrollo del contenido, se van estableciendo las posibilidades y limitaciones que se pueden dar para lograr el reconocimiento de la Denominación de Origen.


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La siguiente investigación es realizada para la obtención del título de Magíster en Estudios Latinoamericanos, mención en Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, sede Ecuador. El estudio consiste en determinar cuáles son las fortalezas y debilidades que tienen los modelos alternativos de comercialización del cacao en Ecuador con un enfoque en la viabilidad de la certificación del comercio justo. Para ello, en un primer momento se presenta una mirada de la producción del cacao en el mundo, y también en el Ecuador, con una breve explicación de la historia del cacao en Ecuador para explicar cómo la producción cacaotera llegó a estar dominada por pequeños productores. En el segundo momento, se explican los esquemas de certificación, con un análisis enfocado en la certificación del comercio justo. El comercio directo es introducido como una alternativa a la certificación, y se analizan sus alcances y limitaciones. Por último, se presentan casos de cacaoteros ecuatorianos entrando en modelos alternativos de comercialización y se examinan los beneficios y desventajas que cada uno ofrece. La investigación finaliza con breves conclusiones.


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Este artículo ofrece una reinterpretación del proceso de incorporación del cacao ecuatoriano al mercado mundial, entre 1840 y 1925. Esta revisión se realiza a partir de los conceptos desarrollados por el economista italiano Giovanni Arrighi: incorporación nominal, incorporación periférica e incorporación no-periférica. Por medio de estos, el ensayo analiza la variedad de enlaces que se desarrollaron entre el centro y la periferia, y dentro la periferia misma. Se estudian especialmente dos momentos de este proceso: 1840-1890 y 1890-1910. El análisis de las articulaciones externas e internas que se dieron en cada una de estas fases y los factores de producción que los sustentaron permiten caracterizar al primer momento como ‘incorporación nominal’ y al segundo como ‘periférica’. Esta distinción permite una mejor comprensión del auge cacaotero ecuatoriano en el largo siglo XIX. El trabajo se basa en los informes consulares extranjeros, un tipo de documentación que no ha sido suficientemente estudiada todavía.


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The inability to conserve cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) germplasm via sced storage and the vulnerability of field collections make the establishment of cryopreserved genebanks for the crop a priority. An effective encapsulation-dehydration based cryopreservation system has been developed for cocoa but because the somatic embryos used for freezing arise after a protracted period of callus culture there is concern about maintenance of genetic fidelity during the process. Microsatellite markers for seven of the 10 cocoa linkage groups were used to screen a population of 189 primary somatic embryo-derived emblings and the 43 secondary somatic embryos they gave rise to. Of the primary somatic embryos, 38.1% exhibited polymorphic microsatellite profiles while for secondary somatic embryos the frequency was 23.3%. The same microsatellite markers used to screen another population of 44 secondary somatic embryos cryopreserved through encapsulation-dehydration revealed no polymorphisms. Scanning electron microscopy showed the secondary somatic embryos were derived from cotyledonary epidermal cells rather than callus. The influence of embryo ontogeny on somaclonal variation is discussed.


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Encapsulated cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) somatic embryos subjected to 0.08-1.25 M sucrose treatments were analyzed for embryo soluble sugar content, non-freezable water content, moisture level after desiccation and viability after desiccation and freezing. Results indicated that the higher the sucrose concentration in the treatment medium, the greater was the extent of sucrose accumulation in the embryos. Sucrose treatment greatly assisted embryo post-desiccation recovery since only 40% of the control embryos survived desiccation, whereas a survival rate of 60-95% was recorded for embryos exposed to 0.5-1.25 M sucrose. The non-freezable water content of the embryos was estimated at between 0.26 and 0.61 g H2O g(-1)dw depending on the sucrose treatment, and no obvious relationship could be found between the endogenous sucrose level and the amount of non-freezable water in the embryos. Cocoa somatic embryos could withstand the loss of a fraction of their non-freezable water without losing viability following desiccation. Nevertheless, the complete removal of potentially freezable water was not sufficient for most embryos to survive freezing.


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The effects of temperature and light integral on fruit growth and development of five cacao genotypes (Amelonado, AMAZ 15/15, SCA 6, SPEC 54/1 and UF 676) were studied in semi-controlled environment glasshouses in which the thermal regimes of cacao-growing regions of Brazil, Ghana and Malaysia were simulated. Fruit losses because of physiological will (cherelle will) were greater at higher temperatures and also differed significantly between genotypes, reflecting genetic differences in competition for assimilates between vegetative and reproductive components. Short-term measurements of fruit growth indicated faster growth rates at higher temperatures. In addition, a significant negative linear relationship between temperature and development time was observed. There was an effect of genotype on this relationship, such that time to fruit maturation at a given temperature was greatest for the clone UF 676 and least for AMAZ 15/15. Analysis of base temperatures, derived from these relationships indicated genetic variability in sensitivity of cacao fruit growth to temperature (base temperatures ranged from 7.5 degrees C for Amelonado and AMAZ 15/15 to 12.9 for SPEC 54/1). Final fruit size was a positive function of beam number for all genotypes and a positive function of light integral for Amelonado in the Malaysia simulated environment (where the temperature was almost constant). In simulated environments where temperature was the main variable (Brazil and Ghana) increases in temperature resulted in a significant decrease in final pod size for one genotype (Amelonado) in Brazil and for two genotypes (SPEC 54/1 and UF 676) in Ghana. It was hypothesised that pod growth duration (mediated by temperature), assimilation and beam number are all determinants of final pod size but that under specific conditions one of these factors may override the others. There was variability between genotypes in the response of beam size and beam lipid content to temperature. Negative relationships between temperature and bean size were found for Amelonado and UF 676. Lipid concentration was a curvilinear function of temperature for Amelonado and UF 676, with optimal temperatures of 23 degrees C and 24 degrees C, respectively. The variability observed here of different cacao genotypes to temperature highlights the need and opportunities for appropriate matching of planting material with local environments.


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The mechanisms that reduce the viability of plant somatic embryos following cryopreservation are not known. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the sensitivity of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) somatic embryos at different stages of an encapsulation-dehydration protocol using stress-related volatile hydrocarbons as markers of injury and recovery. The plant stress hormone ethylene and volatile hydrocarbons derived from hydroxyl radicals (methane) and lipid peroxidation (ethane) were determined using gas chromatography headspace analysis. Ethylene and methane were the only volatiles detected, with both being produced after each step of the cryogenic protocol. Ethylene production was significantly reduced following exposure to liquid nitrogen, but then increased in parallel with embryo recovery. In contrast, the production of methane was cyclic during recovery, with the first cycle occurring earlier for embryos recovered from liquid nitrogen and desiccation than those recovered from earlier steps in the protocol. These results suggest that loss of somatic embryo viability during cryopreservation may be related to the oxidative status of the tissue, and its capacity to produce ethylene. This study has demonstrated that headspace volatile analysis provides a robust non-destructive analytical approach for assessing the survival and recovery of plant somatic embryos following cryopreservation.


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The aim of this study was to test whether resistance of clones of Theobroma cacao ( cocoa) varied between isolates of Moniliophthora (formerly Crinipellis) perniciosa, the cause of witches' broom disease. Developing buds of vegetatively propagated T. cacao grown in greenhouses in the UK were inoculated with 16 000 spores of M. perniciosa per meristem in water, under conditions where water condensed on the inoculated shoot for at least 12 h after inoculation. The proportion of successful inoculations varied between clones and was inversely correlated with time to symptom production or broom formation. A specific interaction was demonstrated among three single-spore isolates of M. perniciosa and the clone Scavina 6 (SCA 6) and a variety of susceptible clones. Isolates Castenhal-I and APC3 were equally likely to infect SCA 6 and the other clones, but isolate Gran Couva A9 never infected SCA 6, although it was as virulent on the other clones. The interaction was maintained when the wetness period was extended to 70 h. Offspring of SCA 6 x Amelonado matings were all susceptible to both Castenhal-I and GC-A5, with no evidence of greater variability in susceptibility to GC-A5 than Castanhal-I. This suggests recessive inheritance of a single homozygous factor conferring resistance to GC-A5, from SCA 6. The progenies were slightly more susceptible to Castanhal-I than GC-A5. The implications for managing the disease are discussed.


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Standardisation of microsatellite allele profiles between laboratories is of fundamental importance to the transferability of genetic fingerprint data and the identification of clonal individuals held at multiple sites. Here we describe two methods of standardisation applied to the microsatellite fingerprinting of 429 Theobroma cacao L. trees representing 345 accessions held in the worlds largest Cocoa Intermediate Quarantine facility: the use of a partial allelic ladder through the production of 46 cloned and sequenced allelic standards (AJ748464 to AJ48509), and the use of standard genotypes selected to display a diverse allelic range. Until now a lack of accurate and transferable identification information has impeded efforts to genetically improve the cocoa crop. To address this need, a global initiative to fingerprint all international cocoa germplasm collections using a common set of 15 microsatellite markers is in progress. Data reported here have been deposited with the International Cocoa Germplasm Database and form the basis of a searchable resource for clonal identification. To our knowledge, this is the first quarantine facility to be completely genotyped using microsatellite markers for the purpose of quality control and clonal identification. Implications of the results for retrospective tracking of labelling errors are briefly explored.


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Artificial pod inoculation was used to compare the relative aggressiveness of seven Colombian isolates of Moniliophthora roreri (the causal agent of moniliasis or frosty pod disease), representing four major genetic groupings of the pathogen in cacao (cocoa), when applied to five diverse cacao genotypes (ICS-1, ICS-95, TSH-565, SCC-61 and CAP-34) at La Suiza Experimental Farm, Santander Department, Colombia. The following variables were evaluated 9 weeks after inoculation of 2- to 3-month-old pods with spore suspensions (1.2 x 10(5) spores mL(-1)): (i) disease incidence (DI); (ii) external severity (ES); and (iii) internal severity (IS). IS was found to be of greatest value in classifying the reaction of the host genotype against M. roreri. Genetic variation reported between isolates and cacao genotypes was not matched by similar diversity in their aggressiveness. All isolates were generally highly aggressive against most cacao genotypes, with only two isolates showing reduced IS and ES reactions. There was considerable variation between clones in the IS and ES scores, but one cultivated clone (ICS-95) displayed a significant level of resistance against all seven isolates. This clone may be useful in cacao breeding initiatives for resistance to moniliasis of cacao.