969 resultados para Ca2 Atpase


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ferrao FM, Lara LS, Axelband F, Dias J, Carmona AK, Reis RI, Costa-Neto CM, Vieyra A, Lowe J. Exposure of luminal membranes of LLC-PK1 cells to ANG II induces dimerization of AT(1)/AT(2) receptors to activate SERCA and to promote Ca2+ mobilization. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 302: F875-F883, 2012. First published January 4, 2012; doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00381.2011.-ANG II is secreted into the lumens of proximal tubules where it is also synthesized, thus increasing the local concentration of the peptide to levels of potential physiological relevance. In the present work, we studied the effect of ANG II via the luminal membranes of LLC-PK1 cells on Ca2+-ATPase of the sarco(endo) plasmic reticulum (SERCA) and plasma membrane (PMCA). ANG II (at concentrations found in the lumen) stimulated rapid (30 s) and persistent (30 min) SERCA activity by more than 100% and increased Ca2+ mobilization. Pretreatment with ANG II for 30 min enhanced the ANG II-induced Ca2+ spark, demonstrating a positively self-sustained stimulus of Ca2+ mobilization by ANG II. ANG II in the medium facing the luminal side of the cells decreased with time with no formation of metabolites, indicating peptide internalization. ANG II increased heterodimerization of AT(1) and AT(2) receptors by 140%, and either losartan or PD123319 completely blocked the stimulation of SERCA by ANG II. Using the PLC inhibitor U73122, PMA, and calphostin C, it was possible to demonstrate the involvement of a PLC -> DAG(PMA)-> PKC pathway in the stimulation of SERCA by ANG II with no effect on PMCA. We conclude that ANG II triggers SERCA activation via the luminal membrane, increasing the Ca2+ stock in the reticulum to ensure a more efficient subsequent mobilization of Ca2+. This first report on the regulation of SERCA activity by ANG II shows a new mechanism for Ca2+ homeostasis in renal cells and also for regulation of Ca2+-modulated fluid reabsorption in proximal tubules.


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Calcium (Ca2+) ist ein ubiquitär vorkommendes Signalmolekül, das an der Regulation zahlreicher zellulärer Prozesse, von der Proliferation bis zum programmierten Zelltod, beteiligt ist. Daher müssen die intrazellulären Ca2+-Spiegel streng kontrolliert werden. Veränderungen der Ca2+-HomÃostase während der altersassoziierten Neurodegeneration kÃnnen dazu beitragen, dass Neuronen vulnerabler sind. So wurden erhÃhte Ca2+-Konzentrationen in gealterten Neuronen, begleitet von einer erhÃhten Vulnerabilität, beobachtet (Hajieva et al., 2009a). Weiterhin wird angenommen, dass der selektive Untergang von dopaminergen Neuronen bei der Parkinson Erkrankung auf eine erhÃhte Ca2+-Last zurückzuführen sein kÃnnte, da diese Neuronen einem ständigen Ca2+-Influx,rnaufgrund einer besonderen Isoform (CaV 1.3) spannungsgesteuerter Ca2+-Kanäle des L-Typs, ausgesetzt sind (Chan et al., 2007). Bislang wurden die molekularen Mechanismen, die einem Ca2+-Anstieg zu Grunde liegen und dessen Auswirkung jedoch nicht vollständig aufgeklärt und daher in der vorliegenden Arbeit untersucht. Um Veränderungen der Ca2+-HomÃostase während der altersassoziiertenrnNeurodegeneration zu analysieren wurden primäre Mittelhirnzellen aus Rattenembryonen und SH-SY5Y-Neuroblastomazellen mit dem Neurotoxin 1-Methyl-4-Phenyl-Pyridin (MPP+), das bei der Etablierung von Modellen der Parkinson-Erkrankung breite Anwendung findet, behandelt. Veränderungen der intrazellulären Ca2+-Konzentration wurden mit einem auf dem grün fluoreszierenden Protein (GFP)-basierten Ca2+-Indikator,rnâžCameleon cpYC 3.6✠(Nagai et al., 2004), ermittelt. Dabei wurde in dieser Arbeit gezeigt, dass MPP+ die Abregulation der neuronenspezifischen ATP-abhängigen Ca2+-Pumpe der Plasmamembran (PMCA2) induziert, die mit der Ca2+-ATPase des endoplasmatischen Retikulums (SERCA) und dem Na+/Ca2+-Austauscher (NCX) das zelluläre Ca2+-Effluxsystem bildet, was zu einer erhÃhten zytosolischen Ca2+-Konzentration führt. Die PMCA2-Abnahme wurde sowohl auf Transkriptionsebene als auch auf Proteinebene demonstriert, während keine signifikanten Veränderungen der SERCA- und NCX-Proteinmengen festgestellt wurden. Als Ursache der Reduktion der PMCA2-Expression wurde eine Abnahme des Transkriptionsfaktors Phospho-CREB ermittelt, dessen Phosphorylierungsstatus abhängig von der Proteinkinase A (PKA) war. Dieser Mechanismus wurde einerseits unter MPP+-Einfluss und andererseits vermittelt durch endogene molekulare Modulatoren gezeigt. Interessanterweise konnten die durch MPP+ induzierte PMCA2-Abregulation und der zytosolische Ca2+-Anstieg durch die Aktivierung der PKA verhindert werden. Parallel dazu wurde eine MPP+-abhängige verringerte mitochondriale Ca2+-Konzentration nachgewiesen, welche mit einer Abnahme des mitochondrialen Membranpotentials korrelierte. Darüber hinaus kam es als Folge der PMCA2-Abnahme zu einem verminderten neuronalen Ãœberleben.rnVeränderungen der Ca2+-HomÃostase wurden auch während der normalen Alterung inrnprimären Fibroblasten und bei Mäusen nachgewiesen. Dabei wurden verringerte PMCA und SERCA-Proteinmengen in gealterten Fibroblasten, einhergehend mit einem Anstieg der zytosolischen Ca2+-Konzentration demonstriert. Weiterhin wurden verringerte PMCA2-Proteinmengen im Mittelhirn von gealterten Mäusen (C57B/6) detektiert.rnDer zelluläre Ca2+-Efflux ist somit sowohl im Zuge der physiologischen Alterung als auch in einem altersbezogenen Krankheitsmodell beeinträchtigt, was das neuronale Ãœberleben beeinflussen kann. In zukünftige Studien soll aufgeklärt werden, welche Auswirkungen einer PMCA2-Reduktion genau zu dem Verlust von Neuronen führen bzw. ob durch eine PMCA2-Ãœberexpression neurodegenerative Prozesse verhindert werden kÃnnen.


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To identify and characterize individual Ca2+ pumps, we have expressed an Arabidopsis ECA1 gene encoding an endoplasmic reticulum-type Ca2+-ATPase homolog in the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) mutant K616. The mutant (pmc1pmr1cnb1) lacks a Golgi and a vacuolar membrane Ca2+ pump and grows very poorly on Ca2+-depleted medium. Membranes isolated from the mutant showed high H+/Ca2+-antiport but no Ca2+-pump activity. Expression of ECA1 in endomembranes increased mutant growth by 10- to 20-fold in Ca2+-depleted medium. 45Ca2+ pumping into vesicles from ECA1 transformants was detected after the H+/Ca2+-antiport activity was eliminated with bafilomycin A1 and gramicidin D. The pump had a high affinity for Ca2+ (Km = 30 nm) and displayed two affinities for ATP (Km of 20 and 235 μm). Cyclopiazonic acid, a specific blocker of animal sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase, inhibited Ca2+ transport (50% inhibition dose = 3 nmol/mg protein), but thapsigargin (3 μm) did not. Transport was insensitive to calmodulin. These results suggest that this endoplasmic reticulum-type Ca2+-ATPase could support cell growth in plants as in yeast by maintaining submicromolar levels of cytosolic Ca2+ and replenishing Ca2+ in endomembrane compartments. This study demonstrates that the yeast K616 mutant provides a powerful expression system to study the structure/function relationships of Ca2+ pumps from eukaryotes.


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There is evidence to suggest that plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase (PMCA) isoforms are important mediators of mammary gland physiology. PMCA2 in particular is upregulated extensively during lactation. Expression of other isoforms such as PMCA4 may influence mammary gland epithelial cell proliferation and aberrant regulation of PMCA isoform expression may lead or contribute to mammary gland pathophysiology in the form of breast cancers. To explore whether PMCA2 and PMCA4 expression may be deregulated in breast cancer, we compared mRNA expression of these PMCA isoforms in tumorigenic and non-tumorigenic human breast epithelial cell lines using real time RT-PCR. PMCA2 mRNA has a higher level of expression in some breast cancer cell lines and is overexpressed more than 100-fold in ZR-75-1 cells, compared to non-tumorigenic 184135 cells. Although differences in PMCA4 mRNA levels were observed between breast cell lines, they were not of the magnitude observed for PMCA2. We conclude that PMCA2 mRNA can be highly overexpressed in some breast cancer cells. The significance of PMCA2 overexpression on tumorigenicity and its possible correlation with other properties such as invasiveness requires further study. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Alterations in Ca2+ signaling may contribute to tumorigenesis and the mechanism of action of some anticancer drugs. The plasma membrane calcium-ATPase (PMCA) is a crucial controller of intracellular Ca2+ signaling. Altered PMCA expression occurs in the mammary gland during lactation and in breast cancer cell lines. Despite this, the consequences of PMCA inhibition in breast cancer cell lines have not been investigated. In this work, we used Tet-off PMCA antisense-expressing MCF-7 cells to assess the effects of PMCA inhibition in a human breast cancer cell line. At a level of PMCA inhibition that did not completely prevent PMCA-mediated Ca2+ efflux and did not induce cell death, a dramatic inhibition of cellular proliferation was observed. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis indicated that PMCA antisense involves changes in cell cycle kinetics but not cell cycle arrest. We concluded that modulation of PMCA has important effects in regulating the proliferation of human breast cancer MCF-7 cells.


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Astrocytes in the rat thalamus display spontaneous [Ca2+]i oscillations that are due to intracellular release, but are not dependent on neuronal activity. In this study we have investigated the mechanisms involved in these spontaneous [Ca2+]i oscillations using slices loaded with Fluo-4 AM (5 μM) and confocal microscopy. Bafilomycin A1 incubation had no effect on the number of spontaneous [Ca2+]i oscillations indicating that they were not dependent on vesicular neurotransmitter release. Oscillations were also unaffected by ryanodine. Phospholipase C (PLC) inhibition decreased the number of astrocytes responding to metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR) activation but did not reduce the number of spontaneously active astrocytes, indicating that [Ca2+]i increases are not due to membrane-coupled PLC activation. Spontaneous [Ca2+]i increases were abolished by an IP3 receptor antagonist, whilst the protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor chelerythrine chloride prolonged their duration, indicating a role for PKC and inositol 1,4,5,-triphosphate receptor activation. BayK8644 increased the number of astrocytes exhibiting [Ca2+]i oscillations, and prolonged the responses to mGluR activation, indicating a possible effect on store-operated Ca2+ entry. Increasing [Ca2+]o increased the number of spontaneously active astrocytes and the number of transients exhibited by each astrocyte. Inhibition of the endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase by cyclopiazonic acid also induced [Ca2+]i transients in astrocytes indicating a role for cytoplasmic Ca2+ in the induction of spontaneous oscillations. Incubation with 20 μM Fluo-4 reduced the number of astrocytes exhibiting spontaneous increases. This study indicates that Ca2+ has a role in triggering Ca2+ release from an inositol 1,4,5,-triphosphate sensitive store in astrocytes during the generation of spontaneous [Ca2+]i oscillations


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PURPOSE. Phospholipids are a major component of lens fiber cells and influence the activity of membrane proteins. Previous investigations of fatty acid uptake by the lens are limited. The purpose of the present study was thus to determine whether exogenous fatty acids could be taken up by the rat lens and incorporated into molecular phospholipids. METHODS. Lenses were incubated with fluorescently labeled palmitic acid and then analyzed by confocal microscopy. Concurrently, lenses incubated with either fluorescently labeled palmitic acid or the more physiologically relevant (13)C(18)-oleic acid were sectioned into nuclear and cortical regions and analyzed by highly sensitive and structurally selective electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry techniques. RESULTS. The detection of fluorescently labeled palmitic acid, even after 16 hours of incubation, was limited to approximately the outer 25% to 30% of the rat lens. Mass spectrometry also revealed the presence of free (13)C(18)-oleic acid in the cortex but not the nucleus. No evidence could be found for incorporation of fluorescently labeled palmitic acid into phospholipids; however, a low level of (13)C(18)-oleic acid incorporation into phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), specifically PE (PE 16:0/(13)C(18) 18:1) was detected in the lens cortex after 16 hours. CONCLUSIONS. These data demonstrate that uptake of exogenous (e.g., dietary fatty acids) by the lens and their incorporation into phospholipids is minimal, most likely occurring only during de novo synthesis in the outermost region of the lens. This finding adds support to the hypothesis that once synthesized there is no active remodeling or turnover of fiber cell phospholipids.


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Dietary fatty acids are known to influence the phospholipid composition of many tissues in the body, with lipid turnover occurring rapidly. The aim of this study was to investigate whether changes in the fatty acid composition of the diet can affect the phospholipid composition of the lens. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed three diets with distinct profiles in both essential and non-essential fatty acids. After 8 weeks, lenses and skeletal muscle were removed, and the lenses sectioned into nuclear and cortical regions. In these experiments, the lens cortex was synthesised during the course of the variable lipid diet. Phospholipids were then identified by electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry, and quantified via the use of internal standards. The phospholipid compositions of the nuclear and cortical regions of the lens differed slightly between the two regions, but comparison of the equivalent regions across the diet groups showed remarkable similarity. In contrast, the phospholipid composition of skeletal muscle (medial gastrocnemius) in these rats varied significantly. This study provides the first direct evidence to show that the phospholipid composition of the lens is tightly regulated and thus appears to be independent of diet. As phospholipids determine membrane fluidity and influence the activity and function of integral membrane proteins, regulation of their composition may be important for the function of the lens. Crown Copyright (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Bull sperm plasma and outer acrosomal membranes have been isolated by discontinuous sucrose density gradient centrifugation and Ca2+-ATPase activity has been determined for both the membranes. Pyrene excimer fluorescence and diphenylhexatriene fluorescence polarization studies show that the lipid phase of the sperm plasma membranes is more fluid than the lipids of the outer acrosomal membranes. Approximately, a three fold increase in the cholesterol content has been found in the outer acrosomal membranes as compared to that in the plasma membranes.


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previous termBull spermnext term heads and tails have been separated by proteolytic digestion (trypsin) and previous termplasma membranesnext term have been isolated, using discontinuous sucrose density gradient centrifugation. previous termPlasma membranenext term bound Ca2+-ATPase is shown to be associated mostly with the tail previous termmembranes.next term Pyrene excimer fluorescence and diphenylhexatriene fluorescence polarization experiments indicate a more fluid lipid phase in the tail region. Differences in surface charge distribution have been found, using 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonate and Tb3+ as fluorescent probes.


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Bull sperm heads and tails have been separated by proteolytic digestion (trypsin) and plasma membranes have been isolated, using discontinuous sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Plasma membrane bound Ca2+-ATPase is shown to be associated mostly with the tail membranes. Pyrene excimer fluorescence and diphenylhexatriene fluorescence polarization experiments indicate a more fluid lipid phase in the tail region. Differences in surface charge distribution have been found, using 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonate and Tb3+ as fluorescent probes.


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As the atmospheric levels of CO2 rise from human activity, the carbonic acid levels of the ocean increase, causing ocean acidification. This increase in acidity breaks down the calcified bodies that many marine organisms depend upon. Upwelling regions such as Monterey Bay in California have pH levels that are not expected to reach the open ocean for a few decades. This study reviews one of the common intertidal animals of the California coast, the Owl Limpet Lottia gigantea, and its genetic variation of the plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase (PMCA) in relation to the acidity of its environment. The PMCA protein functions in the calcification process of many organisms. Specifically in limpets, this gene functions to form its protective shell. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were found among five sections of the gene to determine variation between the acidic environment population in Monterey, California and the non-acidic environment population in Santa Barbara, California. While some variation was determined, the Monterey Bay and Santa Barbara Lottia gigantea populations are not significantly distinct at the PMCA gene. Sections B, C, and D were found to be linked. Only one location in Section B was found to have an amino acid change within an exon. Section A has the strongest connection to the sampling location. Monterey individuals were seen to be more genetically recognizable, while Santa Barbara individuals showed slightly more variation. Understanding the trends of ocean acidification, upwelling region activities, and population genetics will assist in determining how the ocean environment will behave in the future.


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Protein physicochemical properties in cultured and wild prawns (Penaeus (F.) orientalis Kishinouye, 1918) were studied and compared. Protein fractions were separated into water-soluble, salt-soluble, alkali-soluble, and stroma. The results showed that salt- and alkali-soluble proteins were slightly higher in wild prawns and water-soluble proteins were higher in cultured prawns. There were only slight differences in Ca2+-ATPase, MG2+-ATPase, and ATP sensitivities. The textural values of wild prawns were significantly higher than the cultured ones.


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The effect of sodium lactate is compared with sucrose + sorbitol + sodium tri-poly phosphate as cryoprotectant on gel forming ability & protein denaturation of croaker surimi during frozen storage at -20±2°C for 90 days was evaluated. The quality of Croaker surimi with 6% (w/v) sodium lactate was examined in terms of biochemical parameters of muscle protein, thaw drip, gel strength and calcium ATPase activity :.omparing with those of surimi added with sucrose/sorbitol & without additive as control. Both the cryoprotectants minimized the negative effects of frozen storage on physico-chemical traits of myofibrillar proteins which was evident from the biochemical and sensory parameters. The residual Ca2+ ATPase activity and gel strength of surimi with sodium lactate were higher than those of control throughout 90 days of storage. Ca2+ A TPase activity and gel strength found a high positive correlation. From the results, it was found that sodium lactate was equally effective in preservation of croaker muscle protein native structure during frozen storage as the sucrose/ sorbitol and also less sweet without any risk of maillard browning.