22 resultados para CTNNB1


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Background To better characterize the pathophysiology of juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (JNA), endothelial and stromal cells were evaluated by genomic imbalances in association with transcript expression levels of genes mapped on these altered regions. Methods. High-resolution comparative genomic hybridization (HR-CGH) was used in laser-captured endothelial and stromal cells from 9 JNAs. Ten genes were evaluated by quantitative real-timereverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) in 15 cases. Results. Although gains were more frequently detected in endothelial cells, 57% of chromosomal alterations were common by both components. Gene expression analyses revealed a positive correlation between endothelial and stromal components for ASPM, CDH1, CTNNB1, FGF18, and SUPT16H. A significant difference was found for FGF18 and AURKB overexpression in stromal cells and AR down-expression in endothelial cells. Conclusions. A similar pattern of gene expression and chromosomal imbalances in both exponents would suggest a common mechanism of functional regulation. AURKB, FGF18, and SUPT16H were identified as potential molecular markers in JNA. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Head Neck 34: 485-492, 2012


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Der Wilms-Tumor ist eine embryonale Tumorerkrankung der Niere, als deren Ursprung Nierenvorläuferzellen des metanephrischen Mesenchyms gelten, deren Differenzierung während der frühen Nephrogenese ausbleibt und aus denen nachfolgend durch eine maligne Transformation Wilms-Tumore entstehen. Zwei Gene, die an der Wilms-Tumorgenese beteiligt zu sein scheinen, sind WT1 (Wilms-Tumorgen 1) und CTNNB1 (Catenin, cadherin-associated protein, beta 1). Während WT1 u.a. die Differenzierung des metanephrischen Mesenchyms steuert, begünstigen aktivierende Mutationen von CTNNB1 und eine dadurch bedingte Akkumulation seines Proteins β-Catenin die Tumorgenese vieler Organe. So verwundert es nicht, dass eine alleinige heterozygote Keimbahnmutation von WT1, die einen dominant-negativen Effekt auf funktionsfähiges WT1 ausübt, häufig zur Entstehung von Wilms-Tumoren in Patienten mit Denys-Drash-Syndrom (DDS) führt, sowie in etwa 15 % aller sporadischen Wilms-Tumore WT1 und CTNNB1 mutiert sind.rnDer Mechanismus der Entstehung von Wilms-Tumoren ist weitgehend unbekannt, was u.a. daran liegt, dass homozygote Wt1-Mutationen in der Maus embryonal (~ Tag 13,5 d.p.c.) letal sind. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollten daher mit Hilfe einer Wt1 k.o.-Effektormaus (WE2) vier murine konditional reversible Wilms-Tumor-Modelle auf Basis des Tet off-Systems hergestellt werden. Dadurch lag in den zu generierenden Tieren Wt1 durch die Integration des WE2-Transgens zwar nur heterozygot mutiert vor, doch durch den endogenen Wt1-Promotor des Transgens sollte es zur zeitlichen und räumlichen Wt1-analogen Expression eines tetrazyklinabhängigen Transaktivators (tTA) kommen, der ohne die Gabe von Doxycyclin Tet-regulierbare Transgene in Wt1-exprimierenden Zellen aktivieren kann, die einen positiven Einfluss auf die Wilms-Tumorgenese haben könnten. So sollte durch das WE2 DDS-Modell ein DDS simuliert werden und es in Tieren der Modelle WE2 TC bCat∆Ex3, WE2 LC bCat∆Ex3 und WE2 Wnt1 zur Akkumulation von β-Catenin in Wt1-exprimierenden Nierenvorläuferzellen kommen, so dass deren Differenzierung ausbleibt und es durch eine maligne Transformation zur Entstehung eines Wilms-Tumors kommt.rnrnMit Hilfe von histologischen Analysen an entsprechenden Responder-Linien konnte zunächst gezeigt werden, dass die embryonale und adulte Expressionsdomäne des WE2-Effektors mit der von endogenen Wt1 übereinstimmt. Gleichzeitig wurden aber auch neue Expressionsorte von Wt1 nachgewiesen. So konnte die Expression des WE2-Effektors z.B. im Endothel der dorsalen Aorta detektiert werden, der als Entstehungsort von hämatopoetischen Stammzellen gilt. Anschließende hier vorgestellte Experimente zeigten, dass Wt1 direkt an diesem Prozess beteiligt ist und belegten eine noch nicht beschriebene Funktion von Wt1 in der frühen Hämatopoese.rnEs war jedoch mit keinem System möglich, eine Wilms-Tumorerkrankung zu simulieren. Während Tiere des WE2 DDS-Modells trotz nachweisbarer Induktion keinen Phänotyp aufwiesen, war wohl in den anderen Modellen eine konstitutive β-Catenin-Aktivierung in der Frühschwangerschaft nicht mit dem embryonalen Überleben vereinbar. Dabei schienen alle tripeltransgenen bzw. doppeltransgenen Embryonen, in denen durch einen frühen Doxycyclinentzug die Entstehung von Wilms-Tumoren möglich gewesen wäre, intrauterin zu sterben. Wurde dagegen Doxycyclin erst in der dritten Lebenswoche entzogen, so entwickelten die Tiere durch eine Wt1-vermittelte β-Catenin-Aktivierung Granulosazelltumore, polyzystische Nieren und Veränderungen der Hoden. Da alle diese organischen Veränderungen während der prä- bis frühen postnatalen Phase induziert wurden, schien die Doxycyclinmenge nicht auszureichen, um eine β-Catenin-Aktivierung zu verhindern. Es hätte also auch zur Entstehung von Wilms-Tumoren kommen können, so dass diese Ergebnisse darauf hinweisen, dass eine β-Catenin-Aktivierung wahrscheinlich nicht der physiologisch entscheidende Schritt bei der Entstehung eines Wilms-Tumors ist.rnrnDie Charakterisierung der WE2-Effektormaus und die Herstellung und Analysen der Systeme geben damit Einblick in die WT1- bzw. WT1/CTNNB1-assoziierte Wilms-Tumorgenese und ermöglichen die weitere Erforschung von Granulosazelltumoren, polyzystsischen Nieren, Veränderungen von Hoden und der Rolle von WT1 in der frühen Hämatopoese.rn


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Activation of beta-catenin is a hallmark of hepatoblastoma (HB) and appears to play a crucial role in its pathogenesis. While aberrant accumulation of the beta-catenin is a common event in HB, mutations or deletions in CTNNB1 (beta-catenin gene) do not always account for the high frequency of protein expression. In this study we have investigated alternative activation of beta-catenin by HGF/c-Met signaling in a large cohort of 98 HB patients enrolled in the SIOPEL-3 clinical trial.


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Cancer stem cell (CSC) based gene expression signatures are associated with prognosis in various tumour types and CSCs are suggested to be particularly drug resistant. The aim of our study was first, to determine the prognostic significance of CSC-related gene expression in residual tumour cells of neoadjuvant-treated gastric cancer (GC) patients. Second, we wished to examine, whether expression alterations between pre- and post-therapeutic tumour samples exist, consistent with an enrichment of drug resistant tumour cells. The expression of 44 genes was analysed in 63 formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tumour specimens with partial tumour regression (10-50% residual tumour) after neoadjuvant chemotherapy by quantitative real time PCR low-density arrays. A signature of combined GSK3B(high), β-catenin (CTNNB1)(high) and NOTCH2(low) expression was strongly correlated with better patient survival (p<0.001). A prognostic relevance of these genes was also found analysing publically available gene expression data. The expression of 9 genes was compared between pre-therapeutic biopsies and post-therapeutic resected specimens. A significant post-therapeutic increase in NOTCH2, LGR5 and POU5F1 expression was found in tumours with different tumour regression grades. No significant alterations were observed for GSK3B and CTNNB1. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated a chemotherapy-associated increase in the intensity of NOTCH2 staining, but not in the percentage of NOTCH2. Taken together, the GSK3B, CTNNB1 and NOTCH2 expression signature is a novel, promising prognostic parameter for GC. The results of the differential expression analysis indicate a prominent role for NOTCH2 and chemotherapy resistance in GC, which seems to be related to an effect of the drugs on NOTCH2 expression rather than to an enrichment of NOTCH2 expressing tumour cells.


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Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the commonest causes of death from cancer. A plethora of metabolomic investigations of HCC have yielded molecules in biofluids that are both up- and down-regulated but no real consensus has emerged regarding exploitable biomarkers for early detection of HCC. We report here a different approach, a combined transcriptomics and metabolomics study of energy metabolism in HCC. A panel of 31 pairs of HCC tumors and corresponding nontumor liver tissues from the same patients was investigated by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS)-based metabolomics. HCC was characterized by ∼2-fold depletion of glucose, glycerol 3- and 2-phosphate, malate, alanine, myo-inositol, and linoleic acid. Data are consistent with a metabolic remodeling involving a 4-fold increase in glycolysis over mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. A second panel of 59 HCC that had been typed by transcriptomics and classified in G1 to G6 subgroups was also subjected to GCMS tissue metabolomics. No differences in glucose, lactate, alanine, glycerol 3-phosphate, malate, myo-inositol, or stearic acid tissue concentrations were found, suggesting that the Wnt/β-catenin pathway activated by CTNNB1 mutation in subgroups G5 and G6 did not exhibit specific metabolic remodeling. However, subgroup G1 had markedly reduced tissue concentrations of 1-stearoylglycerol, 1-palmitoylglycerol, and palmitic acid, suggesting that the high serum α-fetoprotein phenotype of G1, associated with the known overexpression of lipid catabolic enzymes, could be detected through metabolomics as increased lipid catabolism. Conclusion: Tissue metabolomics yielded precise biochemical information regarding HCC tumor metabolic remodeling from mitochondrial oxidation to aerobic glycolysis and the impact of molecular subtypes on this process.


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β-catenin has functions as both an adhesion and a signaling molecule. Disruption of these functions through mutations of the β-catenin gene (CTNNB1) may be important in the development of colorectal tumors. We examined the entire coding sequence of β-catenin by reverse transcriptase–PCR (RT-PCR) and direct sequencing of 23 human colorectal cancer cell lines from 21 patients. In two cell lines, there was apparent instability of the β-catenin mRNA. Five different mutations (26%) were found in the remaining 21cell lines (from 19 patients). A three-base deletion (codon 45) was identified in the cell line HCT 116, whereas cell lines SW 48, HCA 46, CACO 2, and Colo 201 each contained single-base missense mutations (codons 33, 183, 245, and 287, respectively). All 23 cell lines had full-length β-catenin protein that was detectable by Western blotting and that coprecipitated with E-cadherin. In three of the cell lines with CTNNB1 mutations, complexes of β-catenin with α-catenin and APC were detectable. In SW48 and HCA 46, however, we did not detect complexes of β-catenin protein with α-catenin and APC, respectively. These results show that selection of CTNNB1 mutations occurs in up to 26% of colorectal cancers from which cell lines are derived. In these cases, mutation selection is probably for altered β-catenin function, which may significantly alter intracellular signaling and intercellular adhesion and may serve as a complement to APC mutations in the early stages of tumorigenesis.


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Borderline ovarian tumors represent an understudied subset of ovarian tumors. Most studies investigating aberrations in borderline tumors have focused on KRAS/BRAF mutations. In this study, we conducted an extensive analysis of mutations and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in borderline ovarian tumors. Using the Sequenom MassArray platform, we investigated 160 mutations/polymorphisms in 33 genes involved in cell signaling, apoptosis, angiogenesis, cell cycle regulation and cellular senescence. Of 52 tumors analyzed, 33 were serous, 18 mucinous and 1 endometrioid. KRAS c.35G>A p.Gly12Asp mutations were detected in eight tumors (six serous and two mucinous), BRAF V600E mutations in two serous tumors, and PIK3CA H1047Y and PIK3CA E542K mutations in a serous and an endometrioid BOT, respectively. CTNNB1 mutation was detected in a serous tumor. Potentially functional polymorphisms were found in vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), ABCB1, FGFR2 and PHLPP2. VEGF polymorphisms were the most common and detected at four loci. PHLPP2 polymorphisms were more frequent in mucinous as compared with serous tumors (P=0.04), with allelic imbalance in one case. This study represents the largest and most comprehensive analysis of mutations and functional SNPs in borderline ovarian tumors to date. At least 25% of borderline ovarian tumors harbor somatic mutations associated with potential response to targeted therapeutics.