977 resultados para CTL epitopes for multiple diseases
This study investigates the hierarchy of cytotoxic T cell (CTL) responses to twelve HLA A2-restricted epitopes from the latent, lytic and structural proteins of Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) in acute infectious mononucleosis and in healthy seropositive donors and the relative immunogenecity of these epitopes in transgenic mice. Responses to the lytic epitope were uniformly strong in all healthy seropositive individuals and acute infectious mononucleosis donors while moderate or low responses were observed to the latent and structural epitopes, respectively in both groups studied. In contrast, when HLA A2/Kb transgenic mice were immunised with these peptide epitopes, CTL responses were observed to all epitopes with a maximal response to the epitopes within the structural proteins and low to moderate responses to the latent epitopes. This hierarchy of CTL responses in mice was also reflected in an MHC stabilisation analysis. These contrasting CTL responses in humans following natural infection compared to the immunogenicity of these epitopes and their ability to stabilise MHC may need to be considered when designing an EBV vaccine.
Background: To enhance the induction of insert specific immune responses, a new generation of replication competent poxvirus vectors was designed and evaluated against non-replicating poxvirus vectors in a HIV vaccine study in non human primates.Methods: Rhesus macaques were immunized with either the non-replicating variant NYVAC-GagPolNef HIV-1 clade C or the replicating NYVAC-GagPolNef-C-KC, boosted with HIVGag- PolEnv-SLP and immune responses were monitored.Results: Gag-specific T-cell responses were only detected in animals immunized with the replicating NYVAC-GagPolNef-C-KC variant. Further enhancement and broadening of the immune response was studied by boosting the animals with novel T-cell immunogens HIVconsv synthetic long peptides (SLP), which direct vaccine-induced responses to the most conserved regions of HIV and contain both CD4 T-helper and CD8 CTL epitopes. The adjuvanted (Montanide ISA-720) SLP divided into subpools and delivered into anatomically separate sites enhanced the Gag-specific T-cell responses in 4 out of 6 animals, to more than 1000 SFC/106 PBMC in some animals. Furthermore, the SLP immunization broadened the immune response in 4 out of 6 animals to multiple Pol epitopes. Even Env-specific responses, to which the animals had not been primed, were induced by SLP in 2 out of 6 animals.Conclusion: This new immunization strategy of priming with replicating competent poxvirus NYVAC-HIVGagPolNef and boosting with HIVGagPolEnv-SLP, induced strong and broad Tcell responses and provides a promising new HIV vaccine approach. This study was performed within the Poxvirus T-cell Vaccine Discovery Consortium (PTVDC) which is part of the CAVD program.
Les cellules CD8? T cytolytiques (CTL) sont les principaux effecteurs du système immunitaire adaptatif contre les infections et les tumeurs. La récente identification d?antigènes tumoraux humains reconnus par des cellules T cytolytiques est la base pour le, développement des vaccins antigène spécifiques contre le cancer. Le nombre d?antigènes tumoraux reconnus par des CTL que puisse être utilisé comme cible pour la vaccination des patients atteints du cancer est encore limité. Une nouvelle technique, simple et rapide, vient d?être proposée pour l?identification d?antigènes reconnus par des CTL. Elle se base sur l?utilisation de librairies combinatoriales de peptides arrangées en un format de "scanning" ou balayage par position (PS-SCL). La première partie de cette étude a consisté à valider cette nouvelle technique par une analyse détaillée de la reconnaissance des PS-SCL par différents clones de CTL spécifiques pour des antigènes associés à la tumeur (TAA) connus ainsi que par des clones de spécificité inconnue. Les résultats de ces analyses révèlent que pour tous les clones, la plupart des acides aminés qui composent la séquence du peptide antigénique naturel ont été identifiés par l?utilisation des PS-SCL. Les résultats obtenus ont permis d?identifier des peptides analogues ayant une antigènicité augmentée par rapport au peptide naturel, ainsi que des peptides comportant de multiples modifications de séquence, mais présentant la même réactivité que le peptide naturel. La deuxième partie de cette étude a consisté à effectuer des analyses biométriques des résultats complexes générés par la PS-SCL. Cette approche a permis l?identification des séquences correspondant aux épitopes naturels à partir de bases de données de peptides publiques. Parmi des milliers de peptides, les séquences naturelles se trouvent comprises dans les 30 séquences ayant les scores potentiels de stimulation les plus élevés pour chaque TAA étudié. Mais plus important encore, l?utilisation des PS-SCL avec un clone réactif contre des cellules tumorales mais de spécificité inconnue nous a permis d?identifier I?epitope reconnu par ce clone. Les données présentées ici encouragent l?utilisation des PS-SCL pour l?identification et l?optimisation d?épitopes pour des CTL réactifs anti-tumoraux, ainsi que pour l?étude de la reconnaissance dégénérée d?antigènes par les CTL.<br/><br/>CD8+ cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) are the main effector cells of the adaptive immune system against infection and tumors. The recent identification of moleculariy defined human tumor Ags recognized by autologous CTL has opened new opportunities for the development of Ag-specific cancer vaccines. Despite extensive work, however, the number of CTL-defined tumor Ags that are suitable targets for the vaccination of cancer patients is still limited, especially because of the laborious and time consuming nature of the procedures currentiy used for their identification. The use of combinatorial peptide libraries in positionai scanning format (Positional Scanning Synthetic Combinatorial Libraries, PS-SCL)' has recently been proposed as an alternative approach for the identification of these epitopes. To validate this approach, we analyzed in detail the recognition of PS-SCL by tumor-reactive CTL clones specific for multiple well-defined tumor-associated Ags (TAA) as well as by tumor-reactive CTL clones of unknown specificity. The results of these analyses revealed that for all the TAA-specific clones studied most of the amino acids composing the native antigenic peptide sequences could be identified through the use of PS-SCL. Based on the data obtained from the screening of PS-SCL, we could design peptide analogs of increased antigenicity as well as cross-reactive analog peptides containing multiple amino acid substitutions. In addition, the resuits of PS-SCL-screening combined with a recently developed biometric data analysis (PS-SCL-based biometric database analysis) allowed the identification of the native peptides in public protein databases among the 30 most active sequences, and this was the case for all the TAA studied. More importantiy, the screening of PS- SCL with a tumor-reactive CTL clone of unknown specificity resulted in the identification of the actual epitope. Overall, these data encourage the use of PS-SCL not oniy for the identification and optimization of tumor-associated CTL epitopes, but also for the analysis of degeneracy in T lymphocyte receptor (TCR) recognition of tumor Ags.<br/><br/>Les cellules T CD8? cytolytiques font partie des globules blancs du sang et sont les principales responsables de la lutte contre les infections et les tumeurs. Les immunologistes cherchent depuis des années à identifier des molécules exprimées et présentées à la surface des tumeurs qui puissent être reconnues par des cellules T CD8? cytolytiques capables ensuite de tuer ces tumeurs de façon spécifique. Ce type de molécules représente la base pour le développement de vaccins contre le cancer puisqu?elles pourraient être injectées aux patients afin d?induire une réponse anti- tumorale. A présent, il y a très peu de molécules capables de stimuler le système immunitaire contre les tumeurs qui sont connues parce que les techniques développées à ce jour pour leur identification sont complexes et longues. Une nouvelle technique vient d?être proposée pour l?identification de ce type de molécules qui se base sur l?utilisation de librairies de peptides. Ces librairies représentent toutes les combinaisons possibles des composants de base des molécules recherchées. La première partie de cette étude a consisté à valider cette nouvelle technique en utilisant des cellules T CD8? cytolytiques capables de tuer des cellules tumorales en reconnaissant une molécule connue présente à leur surface. On a démontré que l?utilisation des librairies permet d?identifier la plupart des composants de base de la molécule reconnue par les cellules T CD8? cytolytiques utilisées. La deuxième partie de cette étude a consisté à effectuer une recherche des molécules potentiellement actives dans des protéines présentes dans des bases des données en utilisant un programme informatique qui permet de classer les molécules sur la base de leur activité biologique. Parmi des milliers de molécules de la base de données, celles reconnues par nos cellules T CD8? cytolytiques ont été trouvées parmi les plus actives. Plus intéressant encore, la combinaison de ces deux techniques nous a permis d?identifier la molécule reconnue par une population de cellules T CD8? cytolytiques ayant une activité anti-tumorale, mais pour laquelle on ne connaissait pas la spécificité. Nos résultats encouragent l?utilisation des librairies pour trouver et optimiser des molécules reconnues spécifiquement par des cellules T CD8? cytolytiques capables de tuer des tumeurs.
Tumor-assoziierte Antigene (TAA) repräsentieren wichtige Zielstrukturen in zytotoxischen T-Zell (ZTL)-basierten Immuntherapien zur Behandlung maligner Erkrankungen. Die Tatsache, dass TAA nicht spezifisch nur in Tumoren sondern auch in nicht-transformierten Zellen vorhanden sind, kann infolge verschiedener Toleranz-Mechanismen zur Eliminierung von ZTL führen, deren T-Zell-Rezeptoren eine hohe Affinität für TAA besitzen. Entsprechend erfordert die Entwicklung effektiver Immuntherapeutika die genaue Analyse des verfügbaren T-Zell-Repertoires mit Spezifität für ein gegebenes TAA.Die Arbeit fokusierte das Tyrosinase (369-377) ZTL-Epitop, das im Komplex mit HLA-A*0201 (A2.1) auf der Zell-Oberfläche von malignen Melanomen und verschiedenen nicht-transformierten Zellen präsentiert wird. Es wurde gefunden, dass sowohl das humane als auch das murine Tyrosinase (369-377)-spezifische ZTL-Repertoire durch Selbst-Toleranz kompromittiert ist und dass diese Toleranz weder durch Verwendung einer bestimmten Peptid-Variante noch durch Interferenz mit CD4+CD25+ regulatorischen T-Zellen oder CTLA-4 umgangen werden kann. Diese Ergebnisse wurden anschließend auf ein anderes Krankheitsmodell, das Multiple Myelom (MM), adaptiert. Unter Umgehung von Selbst-Toleranz in A2.1-transgenen Mäusen wurde gezeigt, dass Transkriptionsfaktoren, die die terminale Differenzierung von B-Zellen in maligne und nicht-maligne Plasmazellen diktieren, als MM-assoziierte ZTL-Epitope dienen können.Diese Arbeit bietet einen bedeutenden und innovativen Beitrag zur Gestaltung von Tyrosinase-basierten Melanom- und MM-reaktiven Immuntherapien.
Die effiziente Generierung von Peptid-Epitopen aus zelleigenen oder viralen Proteinen für die Präsentation auf „Major Histocompatibility Complex I“ (MHC I) Molekülen ist essentiell für die Aktivierung des adaptiven Immunsystems und die Effektorfunktion der CD8+ zytotoxischen T-Zellen (CTLs). CTLs erkennen diese Peptide in Kontext mit MHC I Molekülen über ihren spezifischen T-Zellrezeptor (TCR). Die Generierung dieser Epitope ist das Resultat eines komplexen proteolytischen Prozesses, der im Zytosol und im endoplasmatischen Retikulum (ER) stattfindet. Im Zytosol generiert das Proteasom N-terminal verlängerte Epitop-Vorläufer. Diese werden durch weitere zytosolische Proteasen abgebaut, es sei denn, sie werden durch den „transporter associated with antigen processing“ (TAP) in das ER transportiert. Dort werden sie durch Aminopeptidasen getrimmt, um den Bindungsvoraussetzungen der MHC I Moleküle zu genügen. Im murinen System ist die „ER aminopeptidase associated with antigen processing“ (ERAAP) die bislang einzige beschriebene Aminopeptidase, die dieses N-terminale Trimming von CTL Epitopen vermitteln kann. Das Profil der proteolytischen Aktivität in angereichertem murinen ER kann jedoch nicht allein durch die Aktivität von ERAAP erklärt werden, was auf die Anwesenheit weiterer Aminopeptidasen mit einer potentiellen Funktion in der Antigenprozessierung hinweist. In dieser Arbeit konnte die immunologisch bislang noch nicht beschriebene Aminopeptidase ERMP1 (endoplasmic reticulum metallopeptidase 1) im murinen ER identifiziert werden. Nach Aufreinigung muriner Mikrosomen und anschließender Anionenaustausch-Chromatographie wurden die gesammelten Fraktionen mit fluorogenen Substraten auf Aminopeptidase-Aktivität getestet. Durch massenspektrometrische Analyse konnten in den beobachteten Peaks die schon beschriebenen Aminopeptidasen ERAAP, die „insulin regulated aminopeptidase“ IRAP und die immunologisch bislang nicht beschriebene Aminopeptidase ERMP1 identifiziert werden. Durch Fluoreszenzmikroskopie konnte die intrazelluläre Lokalisation von ERMP1 im ER durch Kolokalisation mit TAP verifiziert werden. Wie viele Komponenten des MHC I Prozessierungsweges wird auch die Expression von ERMP1 durch IFN-γ stimuliert. Dies macht ERMP1 zu einer potentiellen zweiten trimmenden Aminopeptidase im murinen ER. Überexpression von ERMP1 hat einen allelspezifischen Einfluss auf die globale MHC I Präsentation auf der Zelloberfläche und durch Überexpression und shRNA vermitteltes gene silencing konnte außerdem ein epitopspezifischer Effekt nachgewiesen werden. Da N-terminales Trimming durch ERAAP mit der Evasion von Tumoren und veränderter Immundominanz assoziiert wird, ist die detaillierte Charakterisierung der Aminopeptidase ERMP1 ein wichtiger Schritt zum Verständnis der MHC I Antigen-Prozessierung und der Generierung von CTL Epitopen im ER.
Rubella virus (RV) typically causes a mild childhood illness, but complications can result from both viral and immune-mediated pathogenesis. RV can persist in the presence of neutralizing antibodies, suggesting that cell-mediated immune responses may be necessary for viral clearance. However, the molecular determinants recognized by RV-specific T-cells have not been identified. Using recombinant proteins which express the entire RV structural open reading frame in proliferation assays with lymphocytes of RV-immune individuals, domains which elicit major histocompatibility complex class II-restricted helper T-cells were identified. Synthetic peptides representing these domains were used to define specific epitopes. Two immunodominant domains were mapped to the capsid protein sequence C$\sb1$-C$\sb{29}$ and the E1 glycoprotein sequence E1$\sb{202}$-E1$\sb{283}.$ RV-specific MHC class I-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) were identified using a chromium-release assay with infected fibroblasts as target cells. An infectious Sindbis virus vector expressing each of the RV structural proteins identified the capsid, E2 and E1 proteins as targets of CTLs. Specific CTL epitopes were mapped within the previously identified immunodominant domains. This study identified domains of the RV structural proteins that may be beneficial for development of a synthetic vaccine, and provides normative data on RV-specific T-cell responses that should enhance our ability to understand RV persistence and associated complications. ^
The HIV-1 regulatory proteins Rev and Tat are expressed early in the virus life cycle and thus may be important targets for the immune control of HIV-1-infection and for effective vaccines. However, the extent to which these proteins are targeted in natural HIV-1 infection as well as precise epitopes targeted by human cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) remain to be defined. In the present study, 57 HIV-1-infected individuals were screened for responses against Tat and Rev by using overlapping peptides spanning the entire Tat and Rev proteins. CD8+ T cell responses against Tat and Rev were found in up to 19 and 37% of HIV-1-infected individuals, respectively, indicating that these regulatory proteins are important targets for HIV-1-specific CTL. Despite the small size of these proteins, multiple CTL epitopes were identified in each. These data indicate that Tat and Rev are frequently targeted by CTL in natural HIV-1 infection and may be important targets for HIV vaccines.
Vaccination with synthetic peptides representing cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes can lead to a protective CTL-mediated immunity against tumors or viruses. We now report that vaccination with a CTL epitope derived from the human adenovirus type 5 E1A-region (Ad5E1A234-243), which can serve as a target for tumor-eradicating CTL, enhances rather than inhibits the growth of Ad5E1A-expressing tumors. This adverse effect of peptide vaccination was rapidly evoked, required low doses of peptide (10 micrograms), and was achieved by a mode of peptide delivery that induces protective T-cell-mediated immunity in other models. Ad5E1A-specific CTL activity could no longer be isolated from mice after injection of Ad5E1A-peptide, indicating that tolerization of Ad5E1A-specific CTL activity causes the enhanced tumor outgrowth. In contrast to peptide vaccination, immunization with adenovirus, expressing Ad5E1A, induced Ad5E1A-specific immunity and prevented the outgrowth of Ad5E1A-expressing tumors. These results show that immunization with synthetic peptides can lead to the elimination of anti-tumor CTL responses. These findings are important for the design of safe peptide-based vaccines against tumors, allogeneic organ transplants, and T-cell-mediated autoimmune diseases.
The epitopes recognized by CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) are generated from cytosolic proteins by proteolytic processing. The nature of the influences exerted by the sequences flanking CTL epitopes on these processing events remains controversial. Here we show that each epitope within an artificial polyepitope protein containing nine minimal CD8+ CTL epitopes in sequence was processed and presented to appropriate CTL clones. Natural flanking sequences were thus not required to direct class I proteolytic processing. In addition, unnatural flanking sequences containing other CTL epitopes did not interfere with processing. The ability of every CTL epitope to be effectively processed from a protein containing only CTL epitopes is likely to find application in the construction of recombinant polyepitope CTL vaccines.
Vol. for 2000 accompanied by separate appendix: Alignments of CTL epitopes.
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-encoded nuclear antigen (EBNA)1 is thought to escape cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) recognition through either self-inhibition of synthesis or by blockade of proteasomal degradation by the glycine-alanine repeat (GAr) domain. Here we show that EBNA1 has a remarkably varied cell type-dependent stability. However, these different degradation rates do not correspond to the level of major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted presentation of EBNA1 epitopes. In spite of the highly stable expression of EBNA1 in B cells, CTL epitopes derived from this protein are efficiently processed and presented to CD8(+) T cells. Furthermore, we show that EBV-infected B cells can readily activate EBNA1-specific memory T cell responses from healthy virus carriers. Functional assays revealed that processing of these EBNA1 epitopes is proteasome and transporter associated with antigen processing dependent. We also show that the endogenous presentation of these epitopes is dependent on the newly synthesized protein rather than the long-lived stable EBNA1. Based on these observations, we propose that defective ribosomal products, not the full-length antigen, are the primary source of endogenously processed CD8(+) T cell epitopes front EBNA1.
The persistence of the E7 oncoprotein in transformed cells in human papillomavirus (HPV)-associated cervical cancer provides a tumour-specific antigen to which immunotherapeutic strategies may be directed. Self-replicating RNA (replicon) vaccine vectors derived from the flavivirus Kunjin (KUN) have recently been reported to induce T-cell immunity. Here, we report that inclusion of a CTL epitope of HPV16 E7 protein into a polyepitope encoded by a KUN vector induced E7-directed T-cell responses and protected mice against challenge with an E7-expressing epithelial tumour. We found replicon RNA packaged into virus-like particles to be more effective than naked replicon RNA or plasmid DNA constructed to allow replicon RNA transcription in vivo. Protective immunity was induced although the E7 CTL epitope was subdominant in the context of other CTL epitopes in the polyepitope. The results demonstrate the efficacy of the KUN replicon vector system for inducing protective immunity directed towards a virally encoded human tumour-specific antigen, and for inducing multi-epitopic CTL responses. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Human metapneumovirus (hMPV) has emerged as an important human respiratory pathogen causing upper and lower respiratory tract infections in young children and older adults. In addition, hMPV infection is associated with asthma exacerbation in young children. Recent epidemiological evidence indicates that hMPV may cocircullate with human respiratory syncytial virus (hRSV) and mediate clinical disease similar to that seen with hRSV. Therefore, a vaccine for hMPV is highly desirable. In the present study, we used predictive bioinformatics, peptide immunization, and functional T-cell assays to define hMPV cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes recognized by mouse T cells restricted through several major histocompatibility complex class I alleles, including HILA-A*0201. We demonstrate that peptide immunization with hMPV CTL epitopes reduces viral load and immunopathollogy in the lungs of hMPV-challenged mice and enhances the expression of Th1-type cytokines (gamma interferon and interleukin-12 [IL-12]) in lungs and regional lymph nodes. In addition, we show that levels of Th2-type cytolkines (IL-10 and IL-4) are significantly lower in hMPV CTL epitope-vaccinated mice challenged with hMPV. These results demonstrate for the first time the efficacy of an hMPV CTL epitope vaccine in the control of hMPV infection in a murine model.
The hepatitis C virus (HCV) is able to persist as a chronic infection, which can lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer. There is evidence that clearance of HCV is linked to strong responses by CD8 cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs), suggesting that eliciting CTL responses against HCV through an epitope-based vaccine could prove an effective means of immunization. However, HCV genomic plasticity as well as the polymorphisms of HLA I molecules restricting CD8 T-cell responses challenges the selection of epitopes for a widely protective vaccine. Here, we devised an approach to overcome these limitations. From available databases, we first collected a set of 245 HCV-specific CD8 T-cell epitopes, all known to be targeted in the course of a natural infection in humans. After a sequence variability analysis, we next identified 17 highly invariant epitopes. Subsequently, we predicted the epitope HLA I binding profiles that determine their potential presentation and recognition. Finally, using the relevant HLA I-genetic frequencies, we identified various epitope subsets encompassing 6 conserved HCV-specific CTL epitopes each predicted to elicit an effective T-cell response in any individual regardless of their HLA I background. We implemented this epitope selection approach for free public use at the EPISOPT web server. © 2013 Magdalena Molero-Abraham et al.
Many patients develop tumor antigen-specific T cell responses detectable in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) following cancer vaccine. However, measurable tumor regression is observed in a limited number of patients receiving cancer vaccines. There is a need to re-evaluate systemically the immune responses induced by cancer vaccines. Here, we established animal models targeting two human cancer/testis antigens, NY-ESO-1 and MAGE-A4. Cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes of these antigens were investigated by immunizing BALB/c mice with plasmids encoding the entire sequences of NY-ESO-1 or MAGE-A4. CD8(+) T cells specific for NY-ESO-1 or MAGE-A4 were able to be detected by ELISPOT assays using antigen presenting cells pulsed with overlapping peptides covering the whole protein, indicating the high immunogenicity of these antigens in mice. Truncation of these peptides revealed that NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells recognized D(d)-restricted 8mer peptides, NY-ESO-181-88. MAGE-A4-specific CD8(+) T cells recognized D(d)-restricted 9mer peptides, MAGE-A4265-273. MHC/peptide tetramers allowed us to analyze the kinetics and distribution of the antigen-specific immune responses, and we found that stronger antigen-specific CD8(+) T cell responses were required for more effective anti-tumor activity. Taken together, these animal models are valuable for evaluation of immune responses and optimization of the efficacy of cancer vaccines.