21 resultados para CTDI
In questo lavoro, svolto presso l'Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori (I.R.S.T.) (I.R.C.C.S) di Meldola, si sono studiate le caratteristiche di un tomografo Philips Brilliance iCT 256 strati, con l'obiettivo di individuare le variazioni di qualità delle immagini e di dose in funzione dei parametri di acquisizione dello strumento, al fine di una successiva ottimizzazione dei protocolli degli esami tomografici. Le valutazioni sono state fatte sul tomografo multistrato Philips mediante uso di diversi fantocci e dosimetri, seguendo le linee guida della pubblicazione per il controllo di qualità in tomografia computerizzata dell'International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Si è utilizzato il fantoccio Catphan per la caratterizzazione della qualità dell'immagine, acquisendo immagini sia in modalità assiale che spirale e variando parametri di acquisizione quali spessore di strato, kV, mAs e pitch. Per le varie combinazioni di questi parametri sono state misurate, mediante l'utilizzo dei software ImageJ ed ImageOwl, grandezze oggettive quali risoluzione spaziale, risoluzione a basso contrasto e rumore dell'immagine acquisita. Due fantocci di polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA) head e body sono serviti, insieme ad una camera a ionizzazione di tipo pencil, per la misura di indici di dose per la tomografia computerizzata (CTDI). L'irraggiamento di questi strumenti è stato effettuato a diversi valori di tensione del tubo radiogeno e ha permesso di confrontare i valori CTDI misurati con quelli forniti dal tomografo. Si sono quindi calcolate le dosi efficaci di alcuni protocolli della macchina per poi confrontarle con livelli di riferimento diagnostici (DRL), strumenti utilizzati con l'obiettivo di raggiungere valori di dose adeguati per lo scopo clinico dell'esame. Come ulteriore valutazione dosimetrica, si è utilizzato il fantoccio antropomorfo Rando, in cui sono stati inseriti dei dosimetri a termoluminescenza (TLD) per la misura della dose organo. Dai risultati si osserva un andamento inversamente proporzionale tra tensione del tubo radiogeno e contrasto dell'immagine. Impostando valori alti di kV si ottiene però un'immagine meno rumorosa. Oltre alla tensione del tubo, si è valutato come anche lo spessore di strato e la corrente influiscano sul rumore dell'immagine. I risultati ottenuti dimostrano che i valori dei parametri oggettivi di qualità delle immagini rientrano nei limiti di attendibilità, così come i valori di CTDI visualizzati dal tomografo. Lo studio della dipendenza di questi parametri oggettivi dalle impostazione di scansione permette di ottimizzare l'acquisizione TC, ottenendo un buon compromesso fra dose impartita e qualità dell'immagine.
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this phantom study was to evaluate the contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) in pulmonary computed tomography (CT)-angiography for 300 and 400 mg iodine/mL contrast media using variable x-ray tube parameters and patient sizes. We also analyzed the possible strategies of dose reduction in patients with different sizes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The segmental pulmonary arteries were simulated by plastic tubes filled with 1:30 diluted solutions of 300 and 400 mg iodine/mL contrast media in a chest phantom mimicking thick, intermediate, and thin patients. Volume scanning was done with a CT scanner at 80, 100, 120, and 140 kVp. Tube current-time products (mAs) varied between 50 and 120% of the optimal value given by the built-in automatic dose optimization protocol. Attenuation values and CNR for both contrast media were evaluated and compared with the volume CT dose index (CTDI(vol)). Figure of merit, calculated as CNR/CTDIvol, was used to quantify image quality improvement per exposure risk to the patient. RESULTS: Attenuation of iodinated contrast media increased both with decreasing tube voltage and patient size. A CTDIvol reduction by 44% was achieved in the thin phantom with the use of 80 instead of 140 kVp without deterioration of CNR. Figure of merit correlated with kVp in the thin phantom (r = -0.897 to -0.999; P < 0.05) but not in the intermediate and thick phantoms (P = 0.09-0.71), reflecting a decreasing benefit of tube voltage reduction on image quality as the thickness of the phantom increased. Compared with the 300 mg iodine/mL concentration, the same CNR for 400 mg iodine/mL contrast medium was achieved at a lower CTDIvol by 18 to 40%, depending on phantom size and applied tube voltage. CONCLUSIONS: Low kVp protocols for pulmonary embolism are potentially advantageous especially in thin and, to a lesser extent, in intermediate patients. Thin patients profit from low voltage protocols preserving a good CNR at a lower exposure. The use of 80 kVp in obese patients may be problematic because of the limitation of the tube current available, reduced CNR, and high skin dose. The high CNR of the 400 mg iodine/mL contrast medium together with lower tube energy and/or current can be used for exposure reduction.
RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to measure the radiation dose of dual-energy and single-energy multidetector computed tomographic (CT) imaging using adult liver, renal, and aortic imaging protocols. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Dual-energy CT (DECT) imaging was performed on a conventional 64-detector CT scanner using a software upgrade (Volume Dual Energy) at tube voltages of 140 and 80 kVp (with tube currents of 385 and 675 mA, respectively), with a 0.8-second gantry revolution time in axial mode. Parameters for single-energy CT (SECT) imaging were a tube voltage of 140 kVp, a tube current of 385 mA, a 0.5-second gantry revolution time, helical mode, and pitch of 1.375:1. The volume CT dose index (CTDI(vol)) value displayed on the console for each scan was recorded. Organ doses were measured using metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor technology. Effective dose was calculated as the sum of 20 organ doses multiplied by a weighting factor found in International Commission on Radiological Protection Publication 60. Radiation dose saving with virtual noncontrast imaging reconstruction was also determined. RESULTS: The CTDI(vol) values were 49.4 mGy for DECT imaging and 16.2 mGy for SECT imaging. Effective dose ranged from 22.5 to 36.4 mSv for DECT imaging and from 9.4 to 13.8 mSv for SECT imaging. Virtual noncontrast imaging reconstruction reduced the total effective dose of multiphase DECT imaging by 19% to 28%. CONCLUSION: Using the current Volume Dual Energy software, radiation doses with DECT imaging were higher than those with SECT imaging. Substantial radiation dose savings are possible with DECT imaging if virtual noncontrast imaging reconstruction replaces precontrast imaging.
Virtual colonoscopy (VC) is a minimally invasive means for identifying colorectal polyps and colorectal lesions by insufflating a patient’s bowel, applying contrast agent via rectal catheter, and performing multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) scans. The technique is recommended for colonic health screening by the American Cancer Society but not funded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) partially because of potential risks from radiation exposure. To date, no in‐vivo organ dose measurements have been performed for MDCT scans; thus, the accuracy of any current dose estimates is currently unknown. In this study, two TLDs were affixed to the inner lumen of standard rectal catheters used in VC, and in-vivo rectal dose measurements were obtained within 6 VC patients. In order to calculate rectal dose, TLD-100 powder response was characterized at diagnostic doses such that appropriate correction factors could be determined for VC. A third-order polynomial regression with a goodness of fit factor of R2=0.992 was constructed from this data. Rectal dose measurements were acquired with TLDs during simulated VC within a modified anthropomorphic phantom configured to represent three sizes of patients undergoing VC. The measured rectal doses decreased in an exponential manner with increasing phantom effective diameter, with R2=0.993 for the exponential regression model and a maximum percent coefficient of variation (%CoV) of 4.33%. In-vivo measurements yielded rectal doses ranged from that decreased exponentially with increasing patient effective diameter, in a manner that was also favorably predicted by the size specific dose estimate (SSDE) model for all VC patients that were of similar age, body composition, and TLD placement. The measured rectal dose within a younger patient was favorably predicted by the anthropomorphic phantom dose regression model due to similarities in the percentages of highly attenuating material at the respective measurement locations and in the placement of the TLDs. The in-vivo TLD response did not increase in %CoV with decreasing dose, and the largest %CoV was 10.0%.
The objective of our study was to test a new approach to approximating organ dose by using the effective energy of the combined 80kV/140kV beam used in fast kV switch dual-energy (DE) computed tomography (CT). The two primary focuses of the study were to first validate experimentally the dose equivalency between MOSFET and ion chamber (as a gold standard) in a fast kV switch DE environment, and secondly to estimate effective dose (ED) of DECT scans using MOSFET detectors and an anthropomorphic phantom.
Materials and Methods
A GE Discovery 750 CT scanner was employed using a fast-kV switch abdomen/pelvis protocol alternating between 80 kV and 140 kV. The specific aims of our study were to (1) Characterize the effective energy of the dual energy environment; (2) Estimate the f-factor for soft tissue; (3) Calibrate the MOSFET detectors using a beam with effective energy equal to the combined DE environment; (4) Validate our calibration by using MOSFET detectors and ion chamber to measure dose at the center of a CTDI body phantom; (5) Measure ED for an abdomen/pelvis scan using an anthropomorphic phantom and applying ICRP 103 tissue weighting factors; and (6) Estimate ED using AAPM Dose Length Product (DLP) method. The effective energy of the combined beam was calculated by measuring dose with an ion chamber under varying thicknesses of aluminum to determine half-value layer (HVL).
The effective energy of the combined dual-energy beams was found to be 42.8 kV. After calibration, tissue dose in the center of the CTDI body phantom was measured at 1.71 ± 0.01 cGy using an ion chamber, and 1.73±0.04 and 1.69±0.09 using two separate MOSFET detectors. This result showed a -0.93% and 1.40 % difference, respectively, between ion chamber and MOSFET. ED from the dual-energy scan was calculated as 16.49 ± 0.04 mSv by the MOSFET method and 14.62 mSv by the DLP method.
Computed tomography (CT) is a valuable technology to the healthcare enterprise as evidenced by the more than 70 million CT exams performed every year. As a result, CT has become the largest contributor to population doses amongst all medical imaging modalities that utilize man-made ionizing radiation. Acknowledging the fact that ionizing radiation poses a health risk, there exists the need to strike a balance between diagnostic benefit and radiation dose. Thus, to ensure that CT scanners are optimally used in the clinic, an understanding and characterization of image quality and radiation dose are essential.
The state-of-the-art in both image quality characterization and radiation dose estimation in CT are dependent on phantom based measurements reflective of systems and protocols. For image quality characterization, measurements are performed on inserts imbedded in static phantoms and the results are ascribed to clinical CT images. However, the key objective for image quality assessment should be its quantification in clinical images; that is the only characterization of image quality that clinically matters as it is most directly related to the actual quality of clinical images. Moreover, for dose estimation, phantom based dose metrics, such as CT dose index (CTDI) and size specific dose estimates (SSDE), are measured by the scanner and referenced as an indicator for radiation exposure. However, CTDI and SSDE are surrogates for dose, rather than dose per-se.
Currently there are several software packages that track the CTDI and SSDE associated with individual CT examinations. This is primarily the result of two causes. The first is due to bureaucracies and governments pressuring clinics and hospitals to monitor the radiation exposure to individuals in our society. The second is due to the personal concerns of patients who are curious about the health risks associated with the ionizing radiation exposure they receive as a result of their diagnostic procedures.
An idea that resonates with clinical imaging physicists is that patients come to the clinic to acquire quality images so they can receive a proper diagnosis, not to be exposed to ionizing radiation. Thus, while it is important to monitor the dose to patients undergoing CT examinations, it is equally, if not more important to monitor the image quality of the clinical images generated by the CT scanners throughout the hospital.
The purposes of the work presented in this thesis are threefold: (1) to develop and validate a fully automated technique to measure spatial resolution in clinical CT images, (2) to develop and validate a fully automated technique to measure image contrast in clinical CT images, and (3) to develop a fully automated technique to estimate radiation dose (not surrogates for dose) from a variety of clinical CT protocols.