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Although titanium and Ti-6Al-4V alloy have been widely used as dental materials, possible undesirable effects such as cytotoxic reactions and neurological disorder due to metal release led to the development of more corrosion resistant and V and Al free titanium alloys, containing Nb, Zr, Mo and Ta atoxic elements. Fluoride containing products used in the prevention of plaque formation and dental caries can affect the stability of the passive oxide films formed on the Ti alloys. In this work, the corrosion behaviour of the new Ti-23Ta alloy has been evaluated in artificial saliva of different pH and fluoride concentration using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy study showed that the oxide film formed on the alloy in artificial saliva consists of an inner compact film and an outer porous layer. The corrosion resistance of Ti-23Ta alloy which is reduced by increasing F concentration or decreasing pH is related to the resistance of the inner compact layer. The presence of fluoride and low pH of the saliva enhance the porosity of the oxide film and its dissolution.


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This work studied the electrochemical behavior of a solution treated or 550 degrees C aged Cu10Ni-3Al-1.3Fe alloy, in 0.01 M NaCl aqueous solution, through potentiodynamic polarization in both stagnant condition or under erosion process. Results showed the occurrence of a passivity break potential (E(pb)), related to the beginning of the denickelification process, which occurred as a localized attack under stagnant electrolyte. Under erosion conditions localized denickelification was not observed, despite of the presence of E(pb). This could indicate that selective corrosion of Ni, which caused the observed E(pb), occurred as a dissolution-redeposition process, with removal of the Cu deposits during erosion process. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Diplomityössä tutkitaan kulutus- ja korrosionkestävien materiaalien laserpinnoitusta. Laserpinnoituksessa sulatetaan uutta materiaalia työkappaleen pintaan lasersäteen avulla. Tarkoituksena on yleensä parantaa pinnan korroosion, kulumisen tai pintapaineen kestävyyttä. Laserpinnoitukseen liittyy useita etuja verrattuna konventionaalisiin päällehitsausprosesseihin. Työssä tutkittavat pinnoitemateriaalit ovat kobolttipohjaiset Stellite 1 ja Stellite 6, työkaluteräkset WR 4 ja WR 6 sekä metallimatriisikomposiitti Anval50/50+30 % Cr3C2. Pinnoitettavat perusaineet ovat hiiliteräs Fe 52, ruostumaton teräs AISI 316 ja valurauta GRP 500. Työn tavoitteena on löytää kunkin pinnoite/perusaine-yhdistelmän pinnoitusparametrit. Pinnoituskokeissa käytettiin LTKK:n 6 kW:n CO2-laseria. Pinnoitetuille koekappeleille tehtiin kovuusmittaukset ja kulutuskokeet. Pinnoitteiden mikrorakenteet analysoitiin ja sekoittumisasteet laskettiin. Virheitä tutkittiin silmämääräisesti sekä radiografisella kuvauksella. Optimiparametreja pinnoitemateriaaleille ei löydetty. Pinnoitteiden sekoittumisasteet muodostuivat suuriksi liiallisen lasertehon ja/tai huonon lisäaineen kohdistuksen vuoksi. Suuri sekoittuminen alensi pinnoitteiden kovuutta ja kulumiskestävyyttä. Pinnoitusparametreja arvioidaan koetulosten perusteella ja niille annetaan korjausehdotuksia. Lopuksi esitetään suosituksia tutkimusprojektin jatkotoimille.


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The laser Welding process was introduced into dentistry by the end of the 1980s, resulting on a great impulse to that area with the development of cheaper and smaller equipment, using simpler technique. This allowed greater use of that process on the confection of prostheses compared to the brazing process since the heat source for that process is a concentrated light beam of high power, which minimizes distortion problems on the prosthetic pieces. Ag-Pd-Au-Cu alloy used on the confection of dental implant prostheses was observed before and after subjection to the laser welding process. The microstructure was analyzed with the. use of optic microscopy and the corrosion resistance was studied by the traditional electrochemical techniques and by electrochemical impedance, under environmental conditions simulating the aggressiveness found in the mouth cavity. A structural change was detected on the weld area, which presented a refined microstructure deriving from the high-speed cooling. The base metal out of the weld area presented a fusion coarse microstructure. The electrochemical essays showed differences on the potentiodynamic polarization behavior in both weld and metal base areas, indicating superior corrosion resistance in the weld area. The impedance spectra were characterized by capacitive distorted components, presenting linear impedance in the low frequencies area. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pack chromising treatment is an environmentally friendly alternative to hard chromium to form wear and corrosion resistant surface layers. In this work, samples of AISI 1060 steel were pack chromised for 6 and 9 h at 1000 and 1050 degrees C using different activator concentrations. Wear tests were performed in dry conditions and corrosion tests in natural sea water for the pack chromised samples and hard chromium. Pack chromising yielded the formation of layers with high chromium concentrations, high hardness and wear resistance. Increasing activator concentration causes no significant change on the morphology and thickness of the layers. The layers produced at 1050 degrees C yielded only a (Cr,Fe)(2)N1-x phase, and those obtained at 1000 degrees C are composed of a carbide mixture with (Cr,Fe)(2)N1-x. The sample treated at 1050 degrees C for 9 h resulted in an optimum condition by means of better wear resistance and corrosion properties, which were close to that exhibited by the hard chrome, indicating that pack chromising is a promising alternative.


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"January 1959."


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"September 1998."


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This bibliography contains 111 annotated references to unclassified reports on the corrosion of alloys, commercial alloys, ceramics and plastics. References are included to reports written prior to Dec. 15, 1953. Author, subject, and report number indexes are provided.


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"Materials Central, Contract No. AF 33(616)-6125, Project No. 7351."


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"PB 161761."


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High pressure die casting is the most important production method for casting magnesium alloy components, and uniformity of appearance is an important criterion for acceptance of a component by customers. This paper investigates the influence of uniformity in surface appearance of diecast AZ91D plates on their corrosion behaviour. Through immersion, hydrogen collection and weight loss measurements it was found that corrosion is more likely to occur on the areas of the plate that appear to be darker, leading to a non-uniformly corroded surface. Microstructural analysis showed that the non-uniformity in appearance is related to a difference in the morphology and distribution of porosity across the surface of a diecast AZ91D plate. The darker areas of the surface are high in porosity which breaks the continuity of the beta-phase network and provides shortcut paths for corrosion from the surface to the interior of the casting. The brighter shiny areas of the surface are much less porous, with isolated pores being confined by corrosion resistant beta-precipitates thus reducing the corrosion rate.


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An aluminum-alloyed coating was applied onto the surface of magnesium alloy AZ91D. The coating formed in aluminium powder at 420 degrees C is rich in the beta (Mg17Al12) phase. Polarisation curve, AC impedance, salt immersion and salt spray were carried out to investigate the corrosion behaviour and assess the corrosion performance of the coated magnesium alloy. It was found that a coated AZ91D specimen was much more corrosion resistant and harder than an uncoated one. The improved corrosion resistance was mainly ascribed to the high volume fraction of beta phase in the coating. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The recent search for new sources of hydrocarbons has led to production from very severe environments which can contain considerable amounts of carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, and chloride ions, combined with temperatures which can exceed 100°C. Oil and gas production from such wells requires highly corrosion-resistant materials. The traditional solution of using carbon steel with additional protection is generally inadequate in these very-aggressive environments. Duplex stainless steels (DSS) are attractive candidates because of their high strength, good general corrosion resistance, excellent resistance to chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking, and good weldability. Although duplex stainless steels have a very good reputation in both subsea and topsides pipework, it is recognized that the tolerance of these materials to variations in microstructure and chemical composition are still not fully understood. The object of this paper is to review the corrosion behaviour of duplex stainless steels in the petrochemical industry, with particular emphasis on microstructures and the effect of changes in chemical composition.