999 resultados para CORROSÃO DOS MATERIAIS


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As construções de concreto no estado do Pará têm se deteriorado de maneira prematura, sendo a corrosão das armaduras o problema de maior incidência, apesar da região não se constituir em um ambiente de extrema agressividade, mesmo nas principais cidades. Uma das principais causas é a utilização de concretos com alta permeabilidade. Em Belém, capital do estado, os agregados empregados nas construções são areias extremamente finas e seixos friáveis, materiais que dificultam a produção de misturas de concreto com relações água/cimento reduzidas, em razão da elevada demanda de água que requerem. Apesar da escassez de agregados de boa qualidade, há grande disponibilidade no estado de materiais pozolânicos altamente reativos como a sílica ativa e o metacaulim, que podem viabilizar técnica e economicamente a produção de concretos de alto desempenho. Nessa pesquisa investiga-se a possibilidade do uso de concretos de alto desempenho com os materiais disponíveis no estado (cimentos e agregados), empregando adições de sílica ativa e metacaulim. A sílica ativa utilizada no trabalho é subproduto de uma indústria de produção de silício metálico e o metacaulim proveniente da calcinação do rejeito do processo de beneficiamento de uma industria de mineração de caulim. Os desempenhos das misturas com e sem pozolanas foram avaliados pela resistência à compressão, pela taxa de absorção de água por sucção capilar e pela penetração acelerada de íons cloretos (ASTM C 1202). O teores de adição estudados foram 5%, 10%, 15% e 20% de sílica ativa e 10% de metacaulim Os concretos com adições minerais apresentaram resultados de resistência à compressão significativamente superiores aos dos concretos sem adição para as misturas com baixo a moderado consumo de cimento (relações água/aglomerante elevadas). Com relação a taxa de absorção capilar e a carga elétrica passante, a incorporação das pozolanas reduziu significativamente a permeabilidade das misturas para todas as relações água/aglomerante estudadas. A resistência à compressão dos concretos com 10% de metacaulim foram similares a dos concreto com sílica ativa e as taxas de absorção capilar foram ligeiramente superiores, dando indícios da potencialidade do rejeito do beneficiamento do caulim como adição mineral altamente reativa A máxima resistência obtida foi de apenas 42MPa, apesar disso, os resultados desse estudo demonstraram que mesmo com resistências convencionais (fck entre 15 MPa e 20 MPa), é possível produzir misturas de concreto no Pará com durabilidade bastante superior às empregadas atualmente, através do uso de pozolanas altamente reativas como a sílica ativa e o metacaulim.


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A reciclagem dos resíduos provenientes de atividades da indústria da construção civil está sendo uma prática de fundamental importância, tanto para o meio ambiente, quanto para a sociedade em geral. O entulho de construção civil que sai dos canteiros de obras, de demolição ou de restos de construção é constituído de uma mistura heterogênea de materiais com grande potencial de reciclagem. A composição dos resíduos de construção e demolição constitui-se numa alternativa para eliminar a nociva deposição de entulho às margens de vias públicas, terrenos baldios, rios, e ao mesmo tempo obter materiais de construção mais econômicos e de qualidade assegurada. Muitos estudos já foram desenvolvidos com estes materiais, sendo avaliados, na sua grande maioria, em propriedades mecânicas e viabilidade técnica da utilização desses resíduos incorporados ao concreto. Pouco se têm estudado sobre aspectos de durabilidade de concretos produzidos com agregados reciclados. Dessa forma, este trabalho teve como objetivo fazer um estudo relacionado à durabilidade de concretos confeccionados a partir de agregados reciclados, analisando o comportamento do concreto quando submetido a um ataque de agentes agressivos, neste caso, os íons cloreto. O estudo apresenta resultados dos ensaios mecânicos de resistência à compressão axial, como parâmetro de controle dos concretos produzidos. Para os ensaios de durabilidade, são apresentados resultados do potencial de corrosão e taxa de corrosão nas armaduras dos concretos obtidos com estes agregados, submetidos a um ataque de íons cloreto. Na produção dos concretos foram consideradas três relações água/cimento (0,40; 0,60; 0,80) e três percentuais de substituição do agregado natural pelo reciclado, que foram de 0%, 50% e 100% de substituição, tanto do agregado miúdo reciclado (AMR) quanto do agregado graúdo reciclado (AGR). Os resultados comprovaram que há uma grande resistência por parte do concreto obtido com estes agregados, em permitir que a armadura sofra a ação dos íons cloreto, principalmente com aqueles obtidos com um maior percentual de substituição do agregado miúdo reciclado se comparado aos concretos produzidos sem substituição de material reciclado.


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Aços de alta resistência mecânica, aspergidos termicamente, são os materiais mais adequados para garantir o bom desempenho de certos componentes de plataformas offshore, expostos a situações severas de carregamento em água do mar. A literatura apresenta vários estudos relativos ao efeito combinado entre esforços mecânicos e o meio agressivo, em aços de alta resistência, entretanto, poucos avaliam o desempenho desses aços aspergidos metalicamente. A susceptibilidade à corrosão sob tensão e à corrosão-fadiga, de um aço de alta resistência mecânica aspergido termicamente, empregado em componentes de plataformas offshore, foi avaliada mediante as técnicas de ensaio de tração com baixa taxa de deformação, ensaio de fadiga por flexão em três pontos e metalografia da fratura. Os ensaios foram realizados em água do mar sintética ao potencial de corrosão e à um potencial catódico, utilizando-se amostras de aço revestidas termicamente com zinco e alumínio pelo processo de aspersão com plasma spray. O comportamento de amostras ensaiadas ao ar foi usado como parâmetro para avaliação do desempenho do aço em água do mar. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o aço revestido é susceptível à corrosão sob tensão e à corrosão fadiga em água do mar, sendo que o mecanismo de fragilização envolve a ruptura prematura dos revestimentos e a participação do hidrogênio.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo desenvolver um equipamento de ensaios para avaliar a vida de juntas soldadas, provenientes de tubulações para extração de petróleo, submetidas à corrosão-fadiga. Para atingir este objetivo foi estudado em que condições de corrosãofadiga uma tubulação esta exposta em alto mar sendo então definidos os parâmetros mais relevantes para serem reproduzidos em laboratório em corpos de prova menores. Nesta etapa foram definidos quais seriam os parâmetros de ensaio que o equipamento deveria atender. O equipamento foi construído para ensaiar uma junta soldada circunferencial por flexão a quatro pontos através de um sistema hidráulico com controle de carga com uma freqüência de 0,2 Hz e razão de carregamento, R=0,1. Para validar o equipamento foi usado um corpo de prova instrumentado com extensômetros resistivos para comparar o a carga calculada com a experimental e determinar se o nível de carregamento se mantêm constante ao longo dos ensaios. Foi levantada uma curva de fadiga com o equipamento desenvolvido e comparada com uma curva de fadiga feita ao ar do mesmo material em uma máquina servo hidráulica MTS.


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The corrosive phenomenon on reinforced concrete structures is one of the most founded pathologies on the coastal area. With the objective to prevent the process development, or even, retard its beginning, it was studied the application of inorganic covering over concrete surfaces, after its cure, as well as, evaluate the efficiency of the covering applied on the concrete in reducing its porosity of concrete preventing the entrance of aggressive agents to preserve the integrity of the existing armor inside it, comparing the result obtained with the body-of-proof reference, that didn´t receive covering protection. On the concrete production it was used Portland Cement CP II 32, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and water from the local distributive. Two types of covering were used, one resin based of silicon and solvent and other white cement based, selected sands and acrylic resin. The concrete mixture adopted was 1:1,5:2,5 (cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate) and 0.50 water/cement ratio. With the concrete on fresh state was made the experiment test to determinate the workability. On the hardened state was made the concrete resistance experiment, absorption of water and electrochemical experiments, through polarization curves. Also was held optical microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy experiments to analyze the layer of the covering applied to the concrete surface and the interface between the concrete and the layer. The obtained results shows that the covering applied to the concrete surface didn´t affect the resistance towards compression. On the absorption of water occurred a diminution of the percentage absorbed, improving the concrete development by making it more impermeable towards the entrance of aggressive agents. The electrochemical experiment results confirmed the water absorption results; the body-of-proof covered presented larger protection towards the development of corrosives process and retarded the evolution of the corrosive phenomenon


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In general, among the corrosion inhibitors surfactants are the most commonly used compounds, because they are significantly effective by forming protective films on anodic and cathodic areas. In this study, microemulsions containing he biodegradable saponified coconut oil as surfactant (SME-OCS) was used as green corrosion inhibitors. With this purpose, methanolic extracts of Ixora coccinea Linn (IC) and a polar fraction rich in alkaloids (FA) obtained from Croton cajucara Benth solubilized in the SME-OCS system were examined in the presence of AISI 1020 carbon steel, in saline solution (NaCl 3,5 %). The efficiency of corrosion inhibition of IC and FA were evaluated in the following microemulsions: SME-OCS-IC and SME-OCS-FA. The microemulsion system SME-OCS in the presence and absence of IC and FA was assessed by measurements of weight loss and the electrochemical method of polarization resistance, with variation in the concentration of IC and FA (50 - 400 ppm), showing significant results of corrosion inhibition (83,6 % SME-OCS; 92,2 % SME-OCS-FA; and 95,3 % SME-OCS-IC)


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In the search for products that act as corrosion inhibitors and do not cause environmental, impact the use of plant extracts as corrosion inhibitors is becoming a promising alternative. In this work the efficiency of polar extracts (ethanol extracts) obtained from the plants Anacardium occidentale Linn (AO) and Phyllantus amarus Schum. & Thonn (PA) as corrosion inhibitors were evaluated in different concentrations. For that AO and PA extracts were solubilized in the microemulsion systems (SME) containing saponified coconut oil as surfactant (SME -OCS and SME-OCS-1) in saline (NaCl 3,5 %) solution, which was also used as electrolyte. Both SME-OCS and SME-OCS-1 were characterized by surface tension and viscosity methods showing a Newtonian fluid behavior. The SME-OCS and SME-OCS-1 systems satisfactorily solubilized the polar extracts AO and PA with measurements carried out by ultraviolet spectroscopy. The measurements of corrosion inhibition efficiencies were performed by the electrochemical linear polarization resistance (LPR) technique as well as weight loss, on the surface of AISI 1020 carbon steel. The maximum corrosion inhibition efficiencies were determined by extrapolation of Tafel plots, showing the following values: 95,6 % for the system SME-OCS-AO, 98,9 % for the system SME-OCS-AO-1 and 93,4 % for the system SME-OCS-PA


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The main problem on the exploration activity on petroleum industry is the formation water resulted on the fields producing. The aggravating of this problem is correlated with the advancing technologies used on the petroleum extractions and on its secondary approach objecting the reobtainment of this oil. Among the main contaminants of the water formation are corrosives gases such as: O2, CO2 and H2S, some solids in suspension and dissolved salts. Concerning to those gases the CO2 is the one that produce significant damage for carbon steel on corrosion process of the petroleum and gas industries. Corrosion inhibitors for carbon steel in formation water is one of the most used agents in control of those damages. In this context, the poor investigations of carbon steel corrosion proceeding from solids in suspension is an opened field for studies. On this work the inhibitor effect of the commercial CORRTREAT 703 was evaluated on some specific solids in suspension at saline medium containing 10.000 ppm of de-aerated chloride using CO2 until non oxygen atmosphere been present. For that, quartz, calcium carbonate, magnetite and iron sulphide were subjected to this investigation as the selected solids. The effect of this inhibitor on corrosion process correlated with those specific solids, was measured using electrochemical (resistance of linear polarization and galvanic pair) and gravimetrical techniques. During all the experimental work important parameters were monitored such as: pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature, instantaneous corrosion rate and galvanic current. According to the obtained results it was proved that the suspension solids calcium carbonate and iron sulphide decrease the corrosion process in higher pH medium. Meanwhile the quartz and magnetite been hardness increase corrosion by broking of the passive layer for erosion. In the other hand, the tested inhibitor in concentration of 50 ppm, showed to be effective (91%) in this corrosion process


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This thesis has as objective presents a methodology to evaluate the behavior of the corrosion inhibitors sodium nitrite, sodium dichromate and sodium molybdate, as well as your mixture, the corrosion process for the built-in steel in the reinforced concrete, through different techniques electrochemical, as well as the mechanical properties of that concrete non conventional. The addition of the inhibitors was studied in the concrete in the proportions from 0.5 to 3.5 % regarding the cement mass, isolated or in the mixture, with concrete mixture proportions of 1.0:1.5:2.5 (cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate), superplasticizers 2.0 % and 0.40 water/cement ratio. In the modified concrete resistance rehearsals they were accomplished to the compression, consistence and the absorption of water, while to analyze the built-in steel in the concrete the rehearsals of polarization curves they were made. They were also execute, rehearsals of corrosion potential and polarization resistance with intention of diagnose the beginning of the corrosion of the armors inserted in body-of-proof submitted to an accelerated exhibition in immersion cycle and drying to the air. It was concluded, that among the studied inhibitors sodium nitrite , in the proportion of 2.0 % in relation to the mass of the cement, presented the best capacity of protection of the steel through all the studied techniques and that the methodology and the monitoring techniques used in this work, they were shown appropriate to evaluate the behavior and the efficiency of the inhibitors


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Nowadays, the use of chemicals that satisfactorily meet the needs of different sectors of the chemical industry is linked to the consumption of biodegradable materials. In this context, this work contemplated biotechnological aspects with the objective of developing a more environmentally-friendly corrosion inhibitor. In order to achieve this goal, nanoemulsion-type systems (NE) were obtained by varying the amount of Tween 80 (9 to 85 ppm) a sortitan surfactant named polyoxyethylene (20) monooleate. This NE-system was analyzed using phase diagrams in which the percentage of the oil phase (commercial soybean oil, codenamed as OS) was kept constant. By changing the amount of Tween 80, several polar NE-OS derived systems (O/W-type nanoemulsion) were obtained and characterized through light scattering, conductivity and pH, and further subjected to electrochemical studies. The interfacial behavior of these NE-OS derived systems (codenamed NE-OS1, S2, S3, S4 and S5) as corrosion inhibitors on carbon steel AISI 1020 in saline media (NaCl 3.5%) were evaluated by measurement of Open Circuit Potential (OCP), Polarization Curves (Tafel extrapolation method) and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). The analyzed NE-OS1 and NE-OS2 systems were found to be mixed inhibitors with quantitative efficacy (98.6% - 99.7%) for concentrations of Tween 80 ranging between 9 and 85 ppm. According to the EIS technique, maximum corrosion efficiency was observed for some tested NE-OS samples. Additionaly to the electrochemical studies, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) were used, characterization of the nanoemulsion tested systems and adsorption studies, respectively, which confirmed the results observed in the experimental analyses using diluted NE-OS samples in lower concentrations of Tween 80 (0.5 1.75 ppm)


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Corrosion is a natural process that causes progressive deterioration of materials, so, reducing the corrosive effects is a major objective of development of scientific studies. In this work, the efficiency of corrosion inhibition on a AISI 1018 carbon steel of the nanoemulsion system containing the oil of the seeds of Azadirachta indica A. Juss (SNEOAI) was evaluated by the techniques of linear polarization resistance (LPR) and weight loss (CPM), a instrumented cell. For that, hydroalcoholic extract of leaves of A. indica (EAI) was solubilized in a nanoemulsion system (SNEOAI) of which O/W system (rich in aqueous phase). This nanoemulsion system (tested in different concentrations) was obtained with oil from the seeds of this plant species (OAI) (oil phase), dodecylammonium chloride (DDAC) (surfactant), butanol (cosurfactant) and water, using 30 % of C/T (cosurfactant/surfactant), 0.5 % of oil phase and 69.5 % of aqueous phase, and characterized by surface tension, rheology and droplet sizes. This systems SNEOAI and SNEOAI-EAI (nanoemulsion containing hydroalcoholic extract - EAI) showed inhibition efficiencies in corrosive environment in saline (1 %), for the method of LPR with significant value of 70.58 % (300 ppm) to SNEOAI, 74.17 % (100 ppm) and 72.51 % (150 ppm) to SNEOAI-EAI. The best efficiencies inhibitions were observed for the method of CPM with 85.41 % for the SNEOAI (300 ppm) and 83.19 % SNEOAI-EAI (500 ppm). The results show that this formulation could be used commercially for use as a corrosion inhibitor, this research contributed to the biotechnological applicability of Azadirachta indica, considering the large use of this plant species rich in limonoids (tetranortriterpenoids), especially azadirachtin


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Corrosion usually occurs in pipelines, so that it is necessary to develop new surface treatments to control it. Surfactants have played an outstanding role in this field due to its capacity of adsorbing on metal surfaces, resulting in interfaces with structures that protect the metal at low surfactant concentrations. The appearance of new surfactants is a contribution to the area, as they increase the possibility of corrosion control at specific conditions that a particular oil field presents. The aim of this work is to synthesize the surfactants sodium 12 hydroxyocadecenoate (SAR), sodium 9,10-epoxy-12 hydroxyocadecanoate (SEAR), and sodium 9,10:12,13-diepoxy-octadecanoate (SEAL) and apply them as corrosion inhibitors, studying their action in environments with different salinities and at different temperatures. The conditions used in this work were chosen in order to reproduce oil field reality. The study of the micellization of these surfactants in the liquid-gas interface was carried out using surface tensiometry. It was observed that cmc increased as salt concentration was increased, and temperature and pH were decreased, while cmc decreased with the addition of two epoxy groups in the molecule. Using the values of cmc and the Gibbs equation, the values of Gibbs free energy of adsorption, area per adsorbed molecule, and surface excess were calculated. The surface excess increases as salt concentration and temperature decreases, increasing as pH is increased. The area per adsorbed molecule and the free energy of adsorption decrease with salt concentration, temperature, and pH increase. SAXS results showed that the addition of epoxy group in surfactant structure results in a decrease in the repulsion between the micelles, favoring the formation of more oblong micellar structures, ensuring a better efficiency of metal coverage. The increase in salt and surfactant concentrations provides an increase in micellar diameter. It was shown that the increase in temperature does not influence micellar structure, indicating thermal stability that is advantageous for use as corrosion inhibitor. The results of inhibition efficiency for the surfactants SEAR and SEAL were considered the best ones. Above cmc, adsorption occurred by the migration of micelles from the bulk of the solution to the metal surface, while at concentrations below cmc film formation must be due to the adsorption of semi-micellar and monomeric structures, certainly due to the presence of the epoxy group, which allows side interactions of the molecule with the metal surface. The metal resistance to corrosion presented values of 90% of efficiency. The application of Langmuir and Frumkin isotherms showed that the later gives a better description of adsorption because the model takes into account side interactions from the adsorbing molecules. Wettability results showed that micelle formation on the solid surface occurs at concentrations in the magnitude of 10-3 M, which isthe value found in the cmc study. This value also justifies the maximum efficiencies obtained for the measurements of corrosion resistance at this concentration. The values of contact angle as a function of time suggest that adsorption increases with time, due to the formation of micellar structures on metal surface


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O artigo teve como objetivo estudar a evolução do crescimento, distribuição e classificação dos pites em aços inoxidáveis austeníticos AISI 310S no estado como recebida e tratado termicamente, submetidos a diferentes tempos de exposição em meio salino. A aplicabilidade deste trabalho baseou-se no desenvolvimento de uma técnica para caracterização morfológica da corrosão localizada, associado com os aspectos de descrição de formas, tamanho, parâmetros específicos e populacionais. A metodologia consistiu nas seguintes etapas: preparação dos corpos de prova, testes de corrosão via névoa salina em diferentes condições, análise microestrutural, análise dos perfis dos pites, processamento digital e análise de imagens, visando caracterizar a distribuição, morfologia e o tamanho dos pites. Os resultados obtidos no processamento digital e análise de imagens dos perfis foram submetidos á análise estatística, utilizando à mediana como parâmetro de avaliação na liga como recebido e tratada. A liga como recebido, exibe a seguinte morfologia: pites hemisféricos> região de transição A> região de transição B> irregulares> cônicos. A quantidade de pites na liga tratada a cada tempo de exposição é: região de transição B> hemisféricos> região de transição A> cônicos> irregulares.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A very new method application for digital image processing and analysis to classify shape and evaluate size and morphology parameters of pit corrosion is used in this paper. This method seems to be very effective to analysis surfaces with low or high degree of pitting formation. Pits formed on 2024 alloy surface by chloride and by chloride + molibdate anions have similar mean area, are found to be widther than deeper and exhibit predominantly conical or near-conical and irregular geometries.