547 resultados para CONTAINERS


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ABSTRACT The present study aimed to evaluate the growth and the levels of N, P, K, Ca and Mg in Australian cedar seedlings which had been inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in different types of containers. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse and the experimental design was that of randomized complete blocks (RCB), with a 4 x 4 factorial design consisting of four inoculation treatments with AMF (Rhizophagus clarum, Gigaspora margarita, a mixed inoculation (R. clarum + G. margarita) and the control (with no AMF inoculation); four types of containers (plastic bags measuring 250 cm3, tubes of 55 and 130 cm3 and pressed blocks 440 cm3. plant-1), with four repetitions. The height, the diameter of the stem base, the aerial part dry weight (APDW), the dry weight of the root (DWR) and the total plant dry weight (DW) were measured, along with the Dickson quality index, the percentage of mycorrhizal colonization and the levels of N, P, K, Ca and Mg in the aerial part dry weight. One hundred and thirty eight days (138) days after sowing, the greatest growth and/or the highest levels of P, K and Ca could be observed in the aerial part dry weight of the Australian cedar seedlings which had been planted in the pressed block container and inoculated with a mixture of the two AMF species (G. margarita + R. clarum) or with just R. clarum. Thus it can be seen that AMF can make a significant contribution to the production of Australian cedar seedlings.


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Farmers have difficult of determining the evenness of transverse distribution and the working width, due the tests with this aim require equipments and complex methodologies. So, this study evaluates some alternative containers with the aim to allow a more accessible adjustment of the full width of the solid fertilizer spreaders. Four different containers were tested: i) standard container constructed in accordance with ISO 5690/1; ii) container of polyethylene (plastic trays) with screen shading to prevent the ricochet of material; iii) containers composed by boxes of long-life milk, and iv) containers composed by flowerpots (number 3.5). Also, three different spreaders were used for the tests. Alternative containers showed greater retention of particles than the standardized containers. The full width of work obtained for the coefficients of variation of 12.5; 15; 17.5 and 20%, ranged due the containers in the different pathways. The flowerpots of polyethylene showed similar results to the standardized containers. The heights of the containers were more important for its efficiency than its area of collection.


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This study with beetroot seedlings, cultivar Top Tall Early Wonder, was carried out at the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS/Aquidauana), from October to November 2008. Three environments of cultivation were used: greenhouse; nursery with monofilament screen of 50 % of shading; and nursery with aluminized thermal reflective screen of 50% of shading. In these environments, three polystyrene trays of 72, 128 and 200 cells, filled with four substrates, were tested: soil; Plantmax®; coconut fiber and vermiculite. There were no replication environments and then each one was considered an experiment alone. For each environment, it was adopted a completely randomized design in factorial scheme 3x4 (three trays x four substrates), with four replications, performing individual analysis of variance and joint analysis of experiments for environment comparisons. The monofilament screen is the best environment for seedlings produced in tray of 72 cells, and the greenhouse was the best environment for seedlings produced in trays of 128 cells. The best seedlings were formed in the tray of 72 cells. Vermiculite was the best substrate.


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Dans cette étude, la stabilité de préparations intraveineuses de cyclosporine (0.2 et 2.5 mg/mL dans NaCl 0.9% ou dextrose 5%) entreposées dans des seringues de polypropylène, des sacs de polypropylène-polyoléfine et des sacs de vinyle acétate d’éthylène a été évaluée. Une méthode HPLC indicatrice de la stabilité à base de méthanol a été développée et validée suite a des études de dégradation forcée. Les solutions évaluées ont été préparées de façon aseptique, puis entreposées à 25°C. La stabilité chimique a été évaluée par HPLC et la stabilité physique a été évaluée par inspection visuelle et aussi par diffusion dynamique de la lumière (DLS). Tous les échantillons sont demeurés stables chimiquement et physiquement dans des sacs de polypropylène-polyoléfine (>98% de cyclosporine récupérée après 14 jours). Lorsqu’entreposés dans des seringues de polypropylène, des contaminants ont été extraits des composantes de la seringue. Toutefois, aucune contamination n’a été observée après 10 min de contact entre la préparation de cyclosporine non-diluée et ces mêmes seringues. Les préparations de 2.5 mg/mL entreposées dans des sacs de vinyle acétate d’éthylène sont demeurés stables chimiquement et physiquement (>98% de cyclosporine récupérée après 14 jours). Toutefois, une adsorption significative a été observée avec les échantillons 0.2 mg/mL entreposés dans des sacs de vinyle acétate d’éthylène (<90% de cyclosporine récupéré après 14 jours). Une étude cinétique a démontré une bonne corrélation linéaire entre la quantité adsorbée et la racine carrée du temps de contact (r2 > 0.97). Un nouveou modèle de diffusion a été établi. En conclusion, les sacs de polypropylène-polyoléfine sont le meilleur choix; les seringues de polypropylène présentent un risque de contamination, mais sont acceptables pour un transfert rapide. Les sacs de vinyle acétate d’éthylène ne peuvent être recommandés à cause d’un problème d’adsorption.


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Fish and fishery products are having a unique place in global food market due to its unique taste and flavour; moreover, the presence of easily digestible proteins, lipids, vitamins and minerals make it a highly demanded food commodity.Fishery products constitute a major portion of international trade, which is a valuable source of foreign exchange to many developing countries.Several new technologies are emerging to produce various value added products from food; “extrusion technology” is one among them. Food extruder is a better choice for producing a wide variety of high value products at low volume because of its versatility. Extruded products are shelf-stable at ambient temperature. Extrusion cooking is used in the manufacture of food products such as ready-to-eat breakfast cereals, expanded snacks, pasta, fat-bread, soup and drink bases. The raw materialin the form of powder at ambient temperature is fed into extruder at a known feeding rate. The material first gets compacted and then softens and gelatinizes and/or melts to form a plasticized material, which flows downstream into extruder channel and the final quality of the end products depends on the characteristics of starch in the cereals and protein ingredient as affected by extrusion process. The advantages of extrusion process are the process is thermodynamically most efficient, high temperature short time enables destruction of bacteria and anti-nutritional factors, one step cooking process thereby minimizing wastage and destruction of fat hydrolyzing enzymes during extrusion process and enzymes associated with rancidity.


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Dendrimers and hyperbranched polymers are a relatively new class of materials with unique molecular architectures and dimensions in comparison to traditional linear polymers. This review details recent notable advances in the application of these new polymers in terms of the development of new polymeric delivery systems. Although comparatively young, the developing field of hyperbranched drug delivery devices is a rapidly maturing area and the key discoveries in drug-conjugate systems amongst others are highlighted. As a consequence of their ideal hyperbranched architectures, the utilisation of host-guest chemistries in dendrimers has been included within the scope of this review. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new class of water-soluble, amphiphilic star block copolymers with a large number of arms was prepared by sequential atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) of n-butyl methacrylate (BMA) and poly( ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate (PEGMA). As the macroinitiator for the ATRP, a 2-bromoisobutyric acid functionalized fourth-generation hyperbranched polyester (Boltorn H40) was used, which allowed the preparation of star polymers that contained on average 20 diblock copolymer arms. The synthetic concept was validated by AFM experiments, which allowed direct visualization of single molecules of the multiarm star block copolymers. DSC and SAXS experiments on bulk samples suggested a microphase-separated structure, in agreement with the core-shell architecture of the polymers. SAXS experiments on aqueous solutions indicated that the star block copolymers can be regarded as unimolecular micelles composed of a PBMA core and a diffuse PPEGMA corona. The ability of the polymers to encapsulate and release hydrophobic guests was evaluated using H-1 NMR spectroscopy. In dilute aqueous solution, these polymers act as unimolecular containers that can be loaded with up to 27 wt % hydrophobic guest molecules.


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Detta examensarbete innefattar en teoretisk och en praktisk del om marknadsundersökningar. Inom teoridelen har litteratur inom ämnet studerats för att sedan genomföra en marknadsundersökning. Utöver detta ha resultatet som erhållts ur marknadsundersökningen tillämpats för att ta fram ett designkoncept för en serie ansiktscremer.Marknadsundersökningen utfördes i form av en observationsresearch där ansiktscremer av olika priser och märken jämfördes, samt en webbenkät där målgruppen fick svara på frågor om ansiktscremers behållare och behållarens färg. Målgruppen är satt till män och kvinnor över 15 år som använder ansiktscreme. För att marknadsundersökningen ska vara möjlig att genomföra inom satta tidsramar skickades webbenkäten endast ut till studenter vid Högskolan Dalarna i Borlänge samt till läsare av modebloggen ”Hopplösa Modenördar”.Totalt inkom 469 svar.Resultatet visade att vitt, silver och svart är de färger som tilltalar män mest i fråga om ansiktscremebehållare. För kvinnor var det vitt, guld och rosa som kändes mest tilltalande. Ur resultatet kunde även utläsas att burken var den behållare som tilltalar både män och kvinnor mest.


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Os ensaios de largura de trabalho e uniformidade de distribuição são de difícil execução para o agricultor por exigirem equipamentos, recursos e métodos complexos. Portanto, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar coletores alternativos para tornar mais acessível a regulagem e a avaliação de distribuidores de fertilizantes sólidos a lanço. Foram utilizados quatro diferentes conjuntos de coletores: i) coletores construídos segundo a norma ISO 5690/1; ii) coletores de polietileno (bandejas plásticas) com tela de sombreamento para evitar o ricochete de material; iii) coletores formados por caixas de leite longa vida, e iv) coletores formados por vasos de polietileno (número 3,5). Também foram utilizados três diferentes distribuidores para as avaliações. Os coletores alternativos apresentaram maior retenção de partículas que os coletores normatizados. A largura efetiva de trabalho obtida para os coeficientes de variação de 12,5; 15; 17,5 e 20% variou entre os coletores nos diferentes percursos. O coletor que mais se assemelhou à norma foram os vasos de polietileno. Constatou-se que a altura dos coletores foi mais importante para sua eficiência do que a sua área de coleta.


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The use of post-consumer materials is directly related to reducing the cost of production and extraction of natural resources. Non-recyclable materials are randomly disposed in the environment. Brazil is one of the largest consumers of PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles. The purpose of this paper is to describe the opportunities and challenges of the logistics model for post-consumer PET bottle recycling in Brazil, while providing knowledge of its practices along the recycling chain. The results describe the need to educate those directly and indirectly involved in the process: to reduce consumption in order to reduce the amount of waste generated: to structure the post-consumer reverse chain and engage industrial sectors and government, through public policies, to support cleaner technologies along the PET bottle production chain. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cachaça is a distiled beverage obtained from the fermentation of sugar cane syrup that, depending on the production procedures, may be susceptible to contamination by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). These compounds present carcinogenic and/or mutagenic properties and offer a risk to human health. Sixteen PAHs were determined in cachaças that had been stored in glass bottles and in polyethylene tank by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. The quantification of the PAHs utilised an internal standard. The limits of detection and quantification varied from 0.05 to 0.10 μg L−1 and 0.20 to 0.30 μg L−1, respectively. A total PAH concentration of 51.57 μg L−1 was found in the beverages that were stored in the tank, while the concentration in the cachaça stored in glass jugs was 6.07 μg L−1. These results indicate that the polyethylene tank is a source for PAHs in cachaça.