97 resultados para CONCOLOR


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The genome of the European hedgehog, Erinaceus concolor and E. europaeus, shows a strong signal of cycles of restriction to glacial refugia and postglacial expansion. Patterns of expansion, however, differ for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and preliminary analysis of nuclear markers. In this study, we determine phylogeographic patterns in the hedgehog using two loci of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), isolated for the first time in hedgehogs. These genes show long persistence times and high polymorphism in many species because of the actions of balancing selection. Among 84 individuals screened for variation, only two DQA alleles were identified in each species, but 10 DQB alleles were found in E. concolor and six in E. europaeus. A strong effect of demography on patterns of DQB variability is observed, with only weak evidence of balancing selection. While data from mtDNA clearly subdivide both species into monophyletic subgroups, the MHC data delineate only E. concolor into distinct subgroups, supporting the preliminary findings of other nuclear markers. Together with differences in variability, this suggests that the refugia history and/or expansion patterns of E. concolor and E. europaeus differ.


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Conservation of large felids is not only about collecting ecological information; it is also about understanding people’s values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviour. The overarching goal of this thesis is to assess the relationship between people and jaguars and pumas. Specifically by contributing to the understanding of public acceptance of big cats, as well as the forces (cognitive and social) that influence people’s acceptability. Self-administered questionnaires (n=326) were applied to rural residents outside two protected areas in the State of Sao Paulo: Intervales and PETAR state parks. Findings showed that the acceptability of killing big cats varied accordingly to attitudinal type (positive and negative). Additionally, acceptability of jaguars and pumas was influenced by existence values, attitudes and park credibility. Human dimensions research helped in understanding the relationship between people and the big cats, highlighting the need, for example, to improve the credibility of the parks in the communities and to decrease the fear of jaguars and pumas.


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Olive fruit fly Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) (Diptera: Tephritidae) is a major olive pest in the Mediterranean basin where increasing insecticide resistance has enhanced damage and necessitates more reliance on other control strategies, such as biological control. Provision of floral resources has been reported to improve the effectiveness of natural enemies. Here, we tested the effect of six plant nectars and two honeydew sources on the survival of Psyttalia concolor (Szépligeti) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a parasitoid wasp used in the biological control of olive fruit fly. Our results showed a positive effect on survival associated with nectars of Anchusa azurea Mill., Rosmarinus officinalis L., Lavatera cretica L. and Calamintha nepeta (L.) Savi, while honeydew proved to be a valuable alternative food source. When offering flowers directly to insects, Anchusa azurea, Lavatera cretica, and Foeniculum vulgare L. were found to be the most beneficial species, indicating also that P. concolor feeds predominantly on shallow corollas.


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We studied the feeding behavior of bats and their role in the seed dispersal of Vismia cayennensis in Manaus region, Amazonas State, northern Brazil. The characteristics of the plant and its fruits fit the chiropterocory syndrome. Five species of phyllostomid bats fed on Vismia fruits: Sturnira lilium, Sturnira tildae, Artibeus concolor, Carollia perspicillata and Rhinophylla pumilio. Apparently there is a relationship between flock foraging behavior and fruit availability in early night. The feeding behavior was similar for all bat species, varying with the presentation mode of the fruits. Seed germination tests and the distributional patterns of the plants indicate that bats are the dispersers of V. cayennensis.


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Longiperna Roewer, 1929 is revised and new records of distribution are presented for the Brazilian Costal Atlantic Rain Forest (from Rio de Janeiro to Santa Catarina states). The following new synonymies are established: Longiperna concolor (Mello-Leitão, 1923) = L. zonata Mello-Leitão, 1935 and L. heliaca B. Soares, 1942; Longiperna coxalis (Roewer, 1943) = L. areolata B. Soares, 1944; Longiperna insperata (Soares & Soares, 1947) = L. paranensis Soares & Soares, 1947 and L. curitibana Kury, 2003. Two new species are described: Longiperna kuryi sp. nov. (type-locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Parati); Longiperna trembao sp. nov. (type-locality: Brazil, Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte).


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New species are described: Tessaropa elongata sp. nov. from Brazil (Rondônia) has long elytra, a character that distinguishes it from the remaining species with short elytra; Hexoplon immaculatum sp. nov. from Ecuador (Pichincha) is characterized by the red-orange general color and black legs. Eburodacrys inaequalis sp. nov. from Bolivia (Santa Cruz) has elytral apices and same-color femora that cause it to be similar to E. ayri Martins & Galileo, 2006 and E. silviamariae Martins & Galileo, 2006, yet it differs from either species in the black lateral spines and dorsal tubercles of pronotum and the elongate eburneuos maculae of the elytra. Coleomethia bezarki sp. nov. (Costa Rica, Guanacaste) differs from C. australis Hovore, 1987 by male pronotum without rugosities, peduculate metafemora and metatibiae entirely pubescent. Bisaltes (B.) petilus sp. nov. (Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Alajuela) is separated from B. (B.)buquetii Thomson, 1868 and B. (B.) fuchsi Breuning, 1971 by the more slender body appearance, the absence of dark belts on pronotum, and the absence of circular macula in the anterior third of elytra. Notes and new records are provided for: Tetraibion concolor Martins, 2006 (Bolivia: La Paz); Gnomidolon ornaticolle Martins, 1960 (Panama: Colón); Mephritus apicatus (Linsley, 1935) (Brazil: Rondônia).


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Hemotropic mycoplasmas, epicellular erythrocytic bacterial parasites lacking a cell wall, are the causative agents of infectious anemia in numerous mammalian species. The presence of hemotropic mycoplasmas in blood samples of neotropical and exotic wild canids and felids from Brazilian zoos were recorded using molecular techniques. Blood samples were collected from 146 Brazilian wild felids, 19 exotic felids, 3 European wolves (Canis lupus), and from 97 Brazilian wild canids from zoos in the Brazilian states of Sao Paulo and Mato Grosso and the Federal District. Using conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR), this work found 22 (13%) wild felids positive to Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum [4 jaguars (Panthera onca); 3 pumas (Puma concolor); 10 ocelots (Leopardus pardalis); 2 jaguarondis (Puma yagouaroundi); and 3 little spotted cats (Leopardus tigrinus)]. Only one little spotted cat (Leopardus tigrinus) was positive to Mycoplasma haemofelis, and none was positive to Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis. Two bush dogs (Speothos venaticus) were positive for a Mycoplasma sp. closely related to Candidatus Mycoplasma haematoparvum, and two European wolves were positive for a Mycoplasma sp. closely related to candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum. This is the first study regarding the molecular detection of hemotropic mycoplasmas in wild canids.


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Evidence suggesting polyphyly of the traditionally recognised tick genus Aponomma Neumann, 1899 is summarized. Continued recognition of this genus in its current concept leaves a polyphyletic genus Aponomma and a paraphyletic genus Amblyomma Koch, 1844. To improve the correlation between our understanding of phylogenetic relationships in metastriate ticks and their classification, a few changes in classification are proposed. The members of the 'indigenous Australian Aponomma' group (sensu Kaufman, 1972), A. auruginans Schulze, 1936, A. concolor Neumann, 1899, A. glebopalma Keirans, King & Sharrad, 1994, A. hydrosauri (Denny, 1843) and A. undatum (Fabricius, 1775), are transferred to Bothriocroton Keirans, King & Sharrad, 1994, which is raised to full generic rank. The remaining members of Aponomma are transferred to Amblyomma. Uncertainty remains on relationships of Bothriocroton to other metastriate lineages and on the systematic position of the two species formerly included in the 'primitive Aponomma' group, A. elaphense Price, 1959 and A. sphenodonti Dumbleton, 1943.


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ITS2 sequences are used extensively in molecular taxonomy and population genetics of arthropods and other animals yet little is known about the molecular evolution of ITS2. We studied the secondary structure of ITS2 in species from each of the six main lineages of hard ticks (family Ixodidae). The ITS2 of these ticks varied in length from 679 bp in Ixodes scapularis to 1547 bp in Aponomma concolor. Nucleotide content varied also: the ITS2 of ticks from the Prostriata lineage (Ixodes spp.) had 46-49% GC whereas ITS2 sequences of ticks from the Metastriata lineage (all other hard ticks) had 61-62% GC. Despite variation in nucleotide sequence, the secondary structure of the ITS2 of all of these ticks apparently has five domains. Stems 1, 3, 4 and 5 of this secondary structure were obvious in all of the species studied. However, stem 2 was not always obvious despite the fact that it is flanked by highly conserved sequence motifs in the adjacent stems, stems 1 and 3. The ITS2 of hard ticks has apparently evolved mostly by increases and decreases in length of the nucleotide sequences, which caused increases, and decreases in the length of stems of the secondary structure. This is most obvious when stems of the secondary structures of the Prostriata (Ixodes spp.) are compared to those of the Metastriata (all other hard ticks). Increases in the size of the ITS2 may have been caused by replication slippage which generated large repeats, like those seen in Haemaphysalis humerosa and species from the Rhipicepalinae lineage, and the small repeats found in species from the other lineages of ticks.


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Podocnemis expansa e P. unifilis são animais de vida longa, com uma demorada maturação sexual, o que influencia uma baixa taxa de substituição de indivíduos. Suas populações são caracterizadas por uma pequena mortalidade dos animais adultos, mas alta taxa de mortalidade de filhotes e embriões. Sendo a predação natural de ninhos e filhotes um dos fatores mais importantes do baixo sucesso de eclosão dessas espécies. No rio Javaés, os ovos e recém-eclodidos podem ser predados por uma grande diversidade de animais: dentre as aves, urubus (Coragyps atratus e Cathartes aura), carcará (Polyborus plancus), jaburu (Jabiru mycteria); lagartos (Tupinambis teguixin) e mamíferos de pequeno porte, coati (Nasua nasua) e cachorro-do-mato (Cerdocyon thous). Do total anual de desovas de P. unifilis em média 65,98% são predadas, sendo 41,68% de forma total e 24,30% parcialmente. Enquanto que apenas 5,31% das ninhadas de P. expansa são sempre parcialmente predadas. Dentre os predadores aquáticos existem diversos peixes, principalmente piranhas (Serrasalmus nattereri) e jacarés (Melanosuchus niger e Caimam crocodilus). Os predadores das fêmeas de P. unifilis são: jacaré-açu (Melanosuchus niger), onça-pintada (Panthera onca) e onça-parda (Puma concolor). Enquanto que as fêmeas de P. expansa em postura, somente são predadas por P. onca. As fêmeas de P. unifilis em postura são predadas num total médio de 3,93% anualmente, enquanto que para P. expansa a média anual é 5,66% das fêmeas.


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ABSTRACT The northern Brazilian state of Mato Grosso is considered an important biogeographical region, but has many sampling gaps. Apart from the well-documented non volant mammal community in the region, the bat fauna still poorly recorded. The aim of this study was to record the bat species of Juruena National Park, northern Mato Grosso, Brazil. Nineteen sites were sampled using mist-nets placed at ground level and near potential bat roosts. We collected 115 individuals belonging to 35 species and five families, which increased the number of species known for Mato Grosso´s Amazon from 86 to 91. The five new records were: Peropteryx kappleri, Peropteryx leucoptera, Lonchorhina inusitata, Tonatia saurophila, and Artibeus concolor. Our results pointed out the necessity of more studies in order to better estimate the bat diversity in northern Mato Grosso.


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A survey of carnivore mammals was accomplished in Aparados da Serra National Park from February 1998 to March 2000. The park has 10,250 ha and is considered a biodiversity core area of the Atlantic Forest Biosphere Reserve in the Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. The landscape is characterized by relatively well preserved relicts of Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze forest, grasslands and Atlantic Forest, which have contributed for the survival of endangered carnivore mammals. The National Park was divided in a grid of 16 km² cells using a 1:50,000 scale map. The animals were recorded using indirect methods, by identifying signs (scats, tracks) and direct observation in 2.5 km long and 5 m wide transects, with 10 replicates in each grid cell. Interviews with local people were also used to confirm the animal presence. A total of 13 species was recorded: Procyon cancrivorus (Cuvier, 1798), Pseudalopex gymnocercus (G. Fischer, 1814), Leopardus pardalis (Linnaeus, 1758) and Cerdocyon thous (Linnaeus, 1766) were the most frequent species registered. Nasua nasua (Linnaeus 1766), Herpailurus yaguarondi (Lacépède, 1809), Chrysocyon brachyurus (Illiger, 1815), Eira barbara (Linnaeus, 1758), Leopardus sp., Puma concolor (Linnaeus, 1771), Galictis cuja (Molina, 1782), Conepatus chinga (Molina, 1892) and Lontra longicaudis (Olfers, 1818) showed lower frequencies. The Park presented areas with significant differences (Mantel Test, P< 0.05) in species richness and composition related to habitat classes. Areas with high habitat richness presented high species richness. The Araucaria forest was the habitat that presented the higher carnivore richness. The border areas of the Park are influenced by several environmental degradation factors that could be affecting the distribution of carnivores.


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Este estudo foi realizado em duas propriedades particulares, situadas no município de Piraí do Sul, sul do Brasil. Foram realizadas 16 fases de campo mensais, com três dias de duração, no período compreendido entre fevereiro de 2001 e maio de 2002, com o objetivo de obter informações sobre a biologia do veado-campeiro (Ozotoceros bezoarticus Linnaeus, 1758) e identificar os principais fatores de impacto sobre o mesmo. Foram computadas 1.065 observações, estimando-se 71,45 indivíduos na população, sendo o tamanho médio dos grupos de 2,29 (DV ± 0,55), e a razão sexual de 0,83. Indivíduos isolados corresponderam a 40% das observações, sendo o maior grupo composto por 10 indivíduos. Registrou-se um pico de nascimentos entre setembro e novembro, embora esses tenham acontecido ao longo de todo o estudo. Foram registrados 34 óbitos, correspondendo a uma mortalidade de 47,6%, sendo as principais causas a predação por Puma concolor (Linnaeus, 1771), a caça e os atropelamentos. A população estudada encontra-se severamente ameaçada, e não sobreviverá por muito tempo a menos que políticas que garantam a sua conservação sejam adotadas. Estas políticas devem incluir o manejo adequado das áreas e o controle dos vetores de pressão.


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A região da cuesta de Botucatu caracteriza-se por um gradiente topográfico contendo um mosaico de ambientes com diferentes formações de vegetação natural (floresta estacional semidecidual, cerrado e matas ciliares), além de áreas antropizadas com a predominância de pastagens, plantações de cana-de-açúcar, laranja, e reflorestamentos de eucalipto, com paisagem fragmentada. Inserida nesta região, a Fazenda Experimental Edgardia, pertencente à Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus de Botucatu, representa uma amostra desta heterogeneidade ambiental, tendo grande importância para a conservação da biodiversidade, tanto de flora como fauna. Entretanto, poucos são os estudos sobre a sua fauna, principalmente de mamíferos. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo conhecer a fauna de mamíferos de médio e grande porte nesta área, e sua relação com o mosaico de habitats. Foram obtidos registros indiretos da presença de mamíferos através de vestígios (pegadas e fezes) em transectos (trilhas pré-existentes), ao longo de um ano. De março de 2004 a março de 2005 foram registradas 18 espécies de mamíferos silvestres de médio e grande porte. Quanto à ocorrência destacou-se Mazama sp., presente em todos os ambientes, com maior abundância relativa no ambiente de transição de floresta/Cerradão. Puma concolor (Linnaeus, 1771), Leopardus pardalis (Linnaeus, 1758), Cerdocyon thous (Linnaeus, 1766), Procyon cancrivorus (Cuvier, 1798) e Dasypus novemcinctus (Linnaeus, 1758) também foram encontradas em praticamente todos os ambientes, e espécies como Chironectes minimus (Zimmermann, 1780), Cuniculus paca Linnaeus, 1766, Eira barbara (Linnaeus, 1758) e uma espécie do gênero Conepatus Gray, 1837 estiveram restritas a ambientes específicos. A análise de correspondência mostrou oito espécies com ocorrência em todos os ambientes: sete mais associadas aos ambientes de várzea, floresta e pastagem e três aos ambientes de cultura de arroz, transição entre floresta/Cerradão e vegetação natural em estádio sucessional secundário. Os resultados sugerem que a fauna de mamíferos de médio e grande porte na Fazenda Experimental Edgardia está sujeita às modificações ambientais que a região vem sofrendo. Embora existam preferências de algumas espécies por determinados hábitats, parece ocorrer certa plasticidade em relação às modificações de seus hábitats originais.