988 resultados para COMPLEX-III


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The effect of unbound palmitic acid (PA) at plasma physiological concentration range on reactive oxygen species (ROS) production by cultured rat skeletal muscle cells was investigated. The participation of the main sites of ROS production was also examined. Production of ROS was evaluated by cytochrome c reduction and dihydroethidium oxidation assays. PA increased ROS production after 1 h incubation. A xanthine oxidase inhibitor did not change PA-induced ROS production. However, the treatment with a mitochondrial uncoupler and mitochondrial complex III inhibitor decreased superoxide production induced by PA. The importance of mitochondria was also evaluated in 1 h incubated rat soleus and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles. Soleus muscle, which has a greater number of mitochondria than EDL, showed a higher superoxide production induced by PA. These results indicate that mitochondrial electron transport chain is an important contributor for superoxide formation induced by PA in skeletal muscle. Results obtained with etomoxir and bromopalmitate treatment indicate that PA has to be oxidized to raise ROS production. A partial inhibition of superoxide formation induced by PA was observed by treatment with diphenylene iodonium, an inhibitor of NADPH oxidase. The participation of this enzyme complex was confirmed through an increase of p47(phox) phosphorylation after treatment with PA.


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Reactive oxygen species are a by-product of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, derived from a small quantity of superoxide radicals generated during electron transport. We conducted a comprehensive and quantitative study of oxygen consumption, inner membrane potentials, and H(2)O(2) release in mitochondria isolated from rat brain, heart, kidney, liver, and skeletal muscle, using various respiratory substrates (alpha-ketoglutarate, glutamate, succinate, glycerol phosphate, and palmitoyl carnitine). The locations and properties of reactive oxygen species formation were determined using oxidative phosphorylation and the respiratory chain modulators oligomycin, rotenone, myxothiazol, and antimycin A and the Uncoupler CCCP. We found that in mitochondria isolated from most tissues incubated under physiologically relevant conditions, reactive oxygen release accounts for 0.1-0.2% of O(2) consumed. Our findings support an important participation of flavoenzymes and complex III and a substantial role for reverse electron transport to complex I as reactive oxygen species sources. Our results also indicate that succinate is an important substrate for isolated mitochondrial reactive oxygen production in brain, heart, kidney, and skeletal muscle, whereas fatty acids generate significant quantities of oxidants in kidney and liver. Finally, we found that increasing respiratory rates is an effective way to prevent mitochondrial oxidant release under many, but not all, conditions. Altogether, our data uncover and quantify many tissue-, substrate-, and site-specific characteristics of mitochondrial ROS release. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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High fat diets are extensively associated with health complications within the spectrum of the metabolic syndrome. Some of the most prevalent of these pathologies, often observed early in the development of high-fat dietary complications, are non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases. Mitochondrial bioenergetics and redox state changes are also widely associated with alterations within the metabolic syndrome. We investigated the mitochondrial effects of a high fat diet leading to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in mice. We found that the diet does not substantially alter respiratory rates, ADP/O ratios or membrane potentials of isolated liver mitochondria. However, H(2)O(2) release using different substrates and ATP-sensitive K(+) transport activities are increased in mitochondria from animals on high fat diets. The increase in H(2)O(2) release rates was observed with different respiratory substrates and was not altered by modulators of mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K(+) channels, indicating it was not related to an observed increase in K(+) transport. Altogether, we demonstrate that mitochondria from animals with diet-induced steatosis do not present significant bioenergetic changes, but display altered ion transport and increased oxidant generation. This is the first evidence, to our knowledge, that ATP-sensitive K(+) transport in mitochondria can be modulated by diet.


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This dissertation deals with the characterization, distribution and provenience of heavy minerals along the Piranhas-Açu River, from the City of Parelhas (Seridó River) to your mouth at the City of Macau-RN. Many heavy minerals species were recorded in this study: clinoamphibole, epidote (including zoisite), garnet, sillimanite, tourmaline, staurolite, andalusite, zircon, rutile, augite, ilmenite, hematite and magnetite. Major transparent minerals, those forming more than 5% of some assemblages, are hornblende, epidote, tourmaline, staurolite and zircon. Predominant opaque mineral is ilmenite. Six assemblages were identified along the river: (i) Garnet-hornblende-tourmaline with sillimanite, when cutting rocks of the Seridó Formation; (ii) Hornblende-garnet-zircon, when crossing rocks of the Caicó gnaisse-migmatitic Complex; (iii) Hornblende-zircon-epidote-staurolite, when draining rocks of the Jucurutu Formation; (iv) Hornblende-zircon-epidote, when cutting rocks of the Açu Formation; (v) Hornblende-zircon-staurolite, on the lowermost Açu River, when crossing limestones of the Jandaíra Formation and (vi) Zircon-tourmaline-staurolite in the Açu River mouth (Cenozoic rocks) where coastal process dominate. Mineral ratios that reflect differences in grain shape, density, and selective chemical decomposition were used in an attempt to isolate the effects of source and process as controls of mineral variability. Reworking of the sediments was regionally effective in selective sorting; the more equant minerals (e.g. epidote) and heavier minerals (e.g. opaques) had a higher probability of being selected for permanent deposition during reworking. The processes of selective decomposition stand out at the river mouth. A priori knowledge of provenance, associated with the assemblage distribution and effects of process were utilized to the interpretations, that points to the follow provenances: hornblende comes from micashists of the Seridó Formation, orthognaisses and amphibolites of the Caico Complex, paragnaisses and paranphibolites of the Jucurutu Formation and granites intrusions; epidote comes from paragnaisses and calciosilicatics of the Jucurutu Formation, granites intrusions (-Npy3al/ca and -Npy3mz, gravels deposits and Açu Formation; Andalusite and staurolite come from the Seridó Formation; Sillimanite, tourmaline and garnet come from micashists of the Seridó Formation, as well as from quartzites of the Equador Formation; Zircon comes from Precambrian rocks (pink and prismatic zircon) and from sediments of several cycles (round zircon); Opaques come from all rocks cutted for the Piranhas-Açu River; Rutile comes from metamorphic rocks, in general; Augite comes from the Ceará-Mirim, Serra do Cuó and Macau volcanisms. The texture of gravels deposits reveals a sediment transport mechanisms by traction-current processes, together with a diagenetic clay matrix suggests a hot-humid environments for deposition. The presence of unstable heavy minerals assemblages, as well as pebbles of different composition and degrees of rounding and esfericity, indicate more than one source. The occurrence of calcio/alkaline granites suites, in areas closed to the gravel deposits, suggests that these intrusions are the main source of sediments. This could explain for instance, the significant amounts of epidote and presence of unstable heavy minerals (e.g. hornblende). The analyses of heavy minerals also show significante variability between the modern (Piranhas-Açu) and ancestral (Açu Formation) river sediments. In general, these variations reflect relatively higher unstable and lower stable heavy minerals contents of the modern Piranhas-Açu sediments. The absence of significant compositional differences probably reflects uniform weathering conditions


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The role of mitochondrial dysfunction in cancer has long been a subject of great interest. In this study, such dysfunction has been examined with regards to thyroid oncocytoma, a rare form of cancer, accounting for less than 5% of all thyroid cancers. A peculiar characteristic of thyroid oncocytic cells is the presence of an abnormally large number of mitochondria in the cytoplasm. Such mitochondrial hyperplasia has also been observed in cells derived from patients suffering from mitochondrial encephalomyopathies, where mutations in the mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA) encoding the respiratory complexes result in oxidative phosphorylation dysfunction. An increase in the number of mitochondria occurs in the latter in order to compensate for the respiratory deficiency. This fact spurred the investigation into the presence of analogous mutations in thyroid oncocytic cells. In this study, the only available cell model of thyroid oncocytoma was utilised, the XTC-1 cell line, established from an oncocytic thyroid metastasis to the breast. In order to assess the energetic efficiency of these cells, they were incubated in a medium lacking glucose and supplemented instead with galactose. When subjected to such conditions, glycolysis is effectively inhibited and the cells are forced to use the mitochondria for energy production. Cell viability experiments revealed that XTC-1 cells were unable to survive in galactose medium. This was in marked contrast to the TPC-1 control cell line, a thyroid tumour cell line which does not display the oncocytic phenotype. In agreement with these findings, subsequent experiments assessing the levels of cellular ATP over incubation time in galactose medium, showed a drastic and continual decrease in ATP levels only in the XTC-1 cell line. Furthermore, experiments on digitonin-permeabilised cells revealed that the respiratory dysfunction in the latter was due to a defect in complex I of the respiratory chain. Subsequent experiments using cybrids demonstrated that this defect could be attributed to the mitochondrially-encoded subunits of complex I as opposed to the nuclearencoded subunits. Confirmation came with mtDNA sequencing, which detected the presence of a novel mutation in the ND1 subunit of complex I. In addition, a mutation in the cytochrome b subunit of complex III of the respiratory chain was detected. The fact that XTC-1 cells are unable to survive when incubated in galactose medium is consistent with the fact that many cancers are largely dependent on glycolysis for energy production. Indeed, numerous studies have shown that glycolytic inhibitors are able to induce apoptosis in various cancer cell lines. Subsequent experiments were therefore performed in order to identify the mode of XTC-1 cell death when subjected to the metabolic stress imposed by the forced use of the mitochondria for energy production. Cell shrinkage and mitochondrial fragmentation were observed in the dying cells, which would indicate an apoptotic type of cell death. Analysis of additional parameters however revealed a lack of both DNA fragmentation and caspase activation, thus excluding a classical apoptotic type of cell death. Interestingly, cleavage of the actin component of the cytoskeleton was observed, implicating the action of proteases in this mode of cell demise. However, experiments employing protease inhibitors failed to identify the specific protease involved. It has been reported in the literature that overexpression of Bcl-2 is able to rescue cells presenting a respiratory deficiency. As the XTC-1 cell line is not only respiration-deficient but also exhibits a marked decrease in Bcl-2 expression, it is a perfect model with which to study the relationship between Bcl-2 and oxidative phosphorylation in respiratory-deficient cells. Contrary to the reported literature studies on various cell lines harbouring defects in the respiratory chain, Bcl-2 overexpression was not shown to increase cell survival or rescue the energetic dysfunction in XTC-1 cells. Interestingly however, it had a noticeable impact on cell adhesion and morphology. Whereas XTC-1 cells shrank and detached from the growth surface under conditions of metabolic stress, Bcl-2-overexpressing XTC-1 cells appeared much healthier and were up to 45% more adherent. The target of Bcl-2 in this setting appeared to be the actin cytoskeleton, as the cleavage observed in XTC-1 cells expressing only endogenous levels of Bcl-2, was inhibited in Bcl-2-overexpressing cells. Thus, although unable to rescue XTC-1 cells in terms of cell viability, Bcl-2 is somehow able to stabilise the cytoskeleton, resulting in modifications in cell morphology and adhesion. The mitochondrial respiratory deficiency observed in cancer cells is thought not only to cause an increased dependency on glycolysis but it is also thought to blunt cellular responses to anticancer agents. The effects of several therapeutic agents were thus assessed for their death-inducing ability in XTC-1 cells. Cell viability experiments clearly showed that the cells were more resistant to stimuli which generate reactive oxygen species (tert-butylhydroperoxide) and to mitochondrial calcium-mediated apoptotic stimuli (C6-ceramide), as opposed to stimuli inflicting DNA damage (cisplatin) and damage to protein kinases(staurosporine). Various studies in the literature have reported that the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-coactivator 1(PGC-1α), which plays a fundamental role in mitochondrial biogenesis, is also involved in protecting cells against apoptosis caused by the former two types of stimuli. In accordance with these observations, real-time PCR experiments showed that XTC-1 cells express higher mRNA levels of this coactivator than do the control cells, implicating its importance in drug resistance. In conclusion, this study has revealed that XTC-1 cells, like many cancer cell lines, are characterised by a reduced energetic efficiency due to mitochondrial dysfunction. Said dysfunction has been attributed to mutations in respiratory genes encoded by the mitochondrial genome. Although the mechanism of cell demise in conditions of metabolic stress is unclear, the potential of targeting thyroid oncocytic cancers using glycolytic inhibitors has been illustrated. In addition, the discovery of mtDNA mutations in XTC-1 cells has enabled the use of this cell line as a model with which to study the relationship between Bcl-2 overexpression and oxidative phosphorylation in cells harbouring mtDNA mutations and also to investigate the significance of such mutations in establishing resistance to apoptotic stimuli.


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Das humane Enzym PON2 ist in eine Vielzahl pathophysiologischer Prozesse involviert und ist durch zwei Funktionen gekennzeichnet - eine enzymatische Laktonase-Aktivität und eine anti-oxidative Aktivität. Durch die Laktonase-Aktivität hydrolysiert PON2 vorwiegend das bakterielle Signalmolekül 3oxoC12. PON2 ist als Bestandteil des angeborenen Immunsystems anzusehen und trägt wahrscheinlich zur Immunabwehr gegen Infektionen mit den human-pathogenen Pseudomonas aeruginosa Bakterien bei. Durch die anti-oxidative Aktivität vermindert PON2 oxidative Schäden und verringert redox-abhängige pro-apoptotische Stimulation. Diese einzigartige Funktion von PON2 ist jedoch ambivalent zu betrachten, da hohe PON2-Spiegel zwar Arteriosklerose reduzieren können, aber im Verdacht stehen Tumorzellen zu stabilisieren.rnIn dieser Arbeit wurden die noch unbekannten Mechanismen und der Zusammenhang der enzymatischen und der anti-oxidativen Aktivität analysiert. In diesem Rahmen wurde gezeigt, dass PON2 spezifisch die Superoxidfreisetzung an Komplex I und III der Atmungskette in der inneren Mitochondrienmembran reduzieren kann. PON2 veränderte dabei weder die Aktivitäten der Superoxiddismutasen noch die Cytochrom C-Expression. Weiterhin konnte in dieser Arbeit erstmals gezeigt werden, dass PON2 O2- nicht direkt abbaut, sondern vielmehr dessen Bildung verhindert. Diese Erkenntnisse implizieren, dass PON2 die anti-oxidative Aktivität über eine Beeinflussung des Quinon-Pools vermittelt. Anhand von verschiedenen Punktmutationen konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Histidinreste-114 und -133 für die Laktonase-Aktivität essentiell sind. Weiterhin wurden die Glykosylierungsstellen von PON2 identifiziert und gezeigt, dass die Glykosylierung, nicht aber der natürliche Polymorphismus Ser/Cys311 für die Laktonase-Aktivität von Bedeutung ist. Von besonderer Bedeutung ist, dass keine dieser Mutationen die anti-oxidative Aktivität beeinflusste, wodurch erstmals die Unabhängigkeit der beiden Funktionen von PON2 gezeigt werden konnte. rnEs war bekannt, dass PON2 gegen intrinsische und ER-Stress-induzierte Apoptose schützt. Die Spezifität der anti-oxidativen / anti-apoptotischen Wirkung wurde hier an einem weiteren pathophysiologischen Modell untersucht. 7-Ketocholesterol (7-KC) ist der Hauptbestandteil des pro-arteriosklerotischen oxLDL und verursacht in Zellen des Gefäßsystems ER-Stress, oxidativen Stress und Apoptose. Unerwarteterweise konnte PON2 Endothelzellen nicht gegen den 7-KC-induzierten Zelltod schützen. Mehrere unabhängige experimentelle Ansätze belegen, dass 7-KC in Endothelzellen im Gegensatz zu Gefäßmuskelzellen den Zelltod über Autophagie und nicht über ER-Stress oder intrinsische Apoptose bewirkt. Weiterhin führt 7-KC, wie auch 3oxoC12 und Thapsigargin zu einem Abbau der PON2-mRNA, die über die 5’UTR der PON2-mRNA vermittelt wird. Diese Arbeit vermittelt detaillierte mechanistische Einsichten in die Funktionen von PON2, die für ihre Rolle bei Arteriosklerose, in der körpereigenen Immunabwehr und bei Krebs entscheidend sind.rn


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We report a novel homozygous missense mutation in the ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase synthesis-like (BCS1L) gene in two consanguineous Turkish families associated with deafness, Fanconi syndrome (tubulopathy), microcephaly, mental and growth retardation. All three patients presented with transitory metabolic acidosis in the neonatal period and development of persistent renal de Toni-Debré-Fanconi-type tubulopathy, with subsequent rachitis, short stature, microcephaly, sensorineural hearing impairment, mild mental retardation and liver dysfunction. The novel missense mutation c.142A>G (p.M48V) in BCS1L is located at a highly conserved region associated with sorting to the mitochondria. Biochemical analysis revealed an isolated complex III deficiency in skeletal muscle not detected in fibroblasts. Native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) revealed normal super complex formation, but a shift in mobility of complex III most likely caused by the absence of the BCS1L-mediated insertion of Rieske Fe/S protein into complex III. These findings expand the phenotypic spectrum of BCS1L mutations, highlight the importance of biochemical analysis of different primary affected tissue and underline that neonatal lactic acidosis with multi-organ involvement may resolve after the newborn period with a relatively spared neurological outcome and survival into adulthood. CONCLUSION Mutation screening for BCS1L should be considered in the differential diagnosis of severe (proximal) tubulopathy in the newborn period. What is Known: • Mutations in BCS1L cause mitochondrial complex III deficiencies. • Phenotypic presentations of defective BCS1L range from Bjornstad to neonatal GRACILE syndrome. What is New: • Description of a novel homozygous mutation in BCS1L with transient neonatal acidosis and persistent de Toni-Debré-Fanconi-type tubulopathy. • The long survival of patients with phenotypic presentation of severe complex III deficiency is uncommon.


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Cardiolipin and its precursor phosphatidylglycerol, phospholipids found uniquely in membranes engaged in oxidative phosphorylation, play important roles in multimeric complexes of the energy transducing system (ETS) associated with the inner mitochondrial membrane. A combined molecular genetic and biochemical approach was used to more precisely define the role of cardiolipin in cell processes. ^ Strains of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae unable to synthesize cardiolipin because of the crd1Δ allele (encodes cardiolipin synthase) with different phenotypes were analyzed to determine which phenotypes are due to lack of cardiolipin. We concluded that many of the severe phenotypes ascribed to cells lacking cardiolipin, particularly when grown at 37°C, are because of the synergistic interaction of the crd1Δ mutation with the reduced expression of the PET56 gene which encodes a component essential for the formation of functional mitochondrial ribosomes. We also demonstrate that much of the reduced mitochondrial function in crd1Δ is because of reduced expression of ETS components at elevated temperature. ^ A crd1Δ mutant of S. cerevisiae has less severe physiological changes than strains lacking both phosphatidylglycerol and cardiolipin due to an increased level of phosphatidylglycerol, which might partially substitute for the cardiolipin-requiring functions. By varying the level of cardiolipin, we were able to correlate phenotypes in a dose-dependent manner with the level of cardiolipin to support more strongly an involvement of cardiolipin in a particular cellular process. There is almost complete lack of a supercomplex composed of cytochrome bc1 complex (complex III) and cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV) in extracts of cardiolipin-lacking mitochondria when compared to wild type cells and the level of supercomplex varies in proportion to the cardiolipin levels. Reduced cardiolipin levels also compromise the growth properties of yeast in a dose-dependent manner suggesting that the loss in growth efficiency is related to a role of cardiolipin that cannot be replaced by phosphatidylglycerol. An independent kinetic approach was performed to compare organization of the respiratory chain in wild-type and cardiolipin-lacking mitochondria. Cardiolipin-lacking mitochondria display kinetic properties for electron transfer between complexes III and IV via cytochrome c consistent with cytochrome c being a freely diffusible carrier, confirming complexes III and IV exist as individual complexes and not associated into a supercomplex in cardiolipin-lacking mitochondria. ^


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An emerging and important site of action for nitric oxide (NO) within cells is the mitochondrial inner membrane, where NO binds to and inhibits members of the electron transport chain, complex III and cytochrome c oxidase. Although it is known that inhibition of cytochrome c oxidase by NO is competitive with O2, the mechanisms that underlie this phenomenon remain unclear, and the impact of both NO and O2 partitioning into biological membranes has not been considered. These properties are particularly interesting because physiological O2 tensions can vary widely, with NO having a greater inhibitory effect at low O2 tensions (<20 μM). In this study, we present evidence for a consumption of NO in mitochondrial membranes in the absence of substrate, in a nonsaturable process that is O2 dependent. This consumption modulates inhibition of cytochrome c oxidase by NO and is enhanced by the addition of exogenous membranes. From these data, it is evident that the partition of NO into mitochondrial membranes has a major impact on the ability of NO to control mitochondrial respiration. The implications of this conclusion are discussed in the context of mitochondrial lipid:protein ratios and the importance of NO as a regulator of respiration in pathophysiology.


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The mitochondrial matrix flavoproteins electron transfer flavoprotein (ETF) and electron transfer flavoprotein-ubiquinone oxidoreductase (ETF-QO) are responsible for linking fatty acid β-oxidation with the main mitochondrial respiratory chain. Electrons derived from flavoprotein dehydrogenases are transferred sequentially through ETF and ETF-QO to ubiquinone and then into the respiratory chain via complex III. In this study, the effects of changes in ETF-QO redox potentials on its activity and the conformational flexibility of ETF were investigated. ETF-QO contains one [4Fe-4S]2+,1+ and one flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). In the porcine protein, threonine 367 is hydrogen bonded to N1 and O2 of the flavin ring of the FAD. The analogous site in Rhodobacter sphaeroides ETF-QO is asparagine 338. Mutations N338T and N338A were introduced into the R. sphaeroides protein by site-directed mutagenesis to determine the impact of hydrogen bonding at this site on redox potentials and activity. FAD redox potentials were measured by potentiometric titration probed by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. The N338T and N338A mutations lowered the midpoint potentials, which resulted in a decrease in the quinone reductase activity and negligible impact on disproportionation of ETF1e- catalyzed by ETF-QO. These observations indicate that the FAD is involved in electron transfer to ubiquinone, but not in electron transfer from ETF to ETF-QO. Therefore it is proposed that the iron-sulfur cluster is the immediate acceptor from ETF. It has been proposed that the αII domain of ETF is mobile, allowing promiscuous interactions with structurally different partners. Double electron-electron resonance (DEER) was used to measure the distance between spin labels at various sites and an enzymatically reduced FAD cofactor in Paracoccus denitrificans ETF. Two or three interspin distance distributions were observed for spin-labels in the αI (A43C) and βIII (A111C) domains, but only one is observed for a label in the βII (A210C) domain. This suggests that the αII domain adopts several stable conformations which may correspond to a closed/inactive conformation and an open/active conformation. An additional mutation, E162A, was introduced to increase the mobility of the αII domain. The E162A mutation doubled the activity compared to wild-type and caused the distance distributions to become wider. The DEER method has the potential to characterize conformational changes in ETF that occur when it interacts with various redox partners.


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In this work we report the preparation of a new blue-emitting material based on the templated synthesis of mesoporous silica (MCM-41) using micellar solutions of the newly synthesized monocationic metallosurfactant complex bis[1-benzyl-4-(2,4-difluorophenyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazole](4,4'-diheptadecyl-2,2'- bipyridine)-iridium(III) chloride in hexadecyl-trimethyl-ammonium bromide (CTAB). Under ambient conditions, significant increases in excited state lifetime and quantum yield values (up to 45%), were obtained for the solid materials in comparison to the corresponding micellar solutions. Solid state (1)H and (19)F NMR spectroscopies were successfully employed for quantifying the luminophore content in terms of Ir-surfactant to CTAB and Ir-surfactant to silica ratios.


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The formation of the Mn(III)/EDTA complex in a flow system with solenoid micro-pumps was exploited for fast manganese determination in freshwater. Manganese(II) was oxidized in a solid-phase reactor containing lead dioxide immobilized on polyester. Long pathlength spectrophotometry was exploited to increase sensitivity, aiming to reach the threshold limit established by environmental legislation. A linear response was observed from 25 to 1500 mu g L(-1), with a detection limit of 6 mu g L(-1) (99.7% confidence level). Sample throughput and coefficient of variation were 36 samples/h and 2.6% (n = 10), respectively. EDTA consumption and waste generation were estimated as 500 mu g and 3 mL per determination, respectively. The amount of Pb in the residue corresponds to 250 mu g per determination and a solid-phase reactor could be used for up to 1600 determinations. Adsorption in active charcoal avoided interferences caused by organic matter and the developed procedure was successfully applied for determination of manganese in freshwater samples. Results were in agreement with those attained by GFAAS at the 95% confidence level. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of present study was to verify the in vitro antitumor activity of a ruthenium complex, cis-(dichloro)tetraammineruthenium(III) chloride (cis-[RuCl(2)(NH(3))(4)]Cl) toward different tumor cell lines. The antitumor studies showed that ruthenium(III) complex presents a relevant cytotoxic activity against murine B cell lymphoma (A-20), murine ascitic sarcoma 180 (S-180), human breast adenocarcinoma (SK-BR-3), and human T cell leukemia (Jurkat) cell lines and a very low cytotoxicity toward human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The ruthenium(III) complex decreased the fraction of tumor cells in G0/G1 and/or G2-M phases, indicating that this compound may act on resting/early entering G0/G1 cells and/or precycling G2-M cells. The cytotoxic activity of a high concentration (2 mg mL(-1)) of cis-[RuCl(2)(NH(3))(4)]Cl toward Jurkat cells correlated with an increased number of annexin V-positive cells and also the presence of DNA fragmentation, suggesting that this compound induces apoptosis in tumor cells. The development of new antineoplastic medications demands adequate knowledge in order to avoid inefficient or toxic treatments. Thus, a mechanistic understanding of how metal complexes achieve their activities is crucial to their clinical success and to the rational design of new compounds with improved potency.


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Ruthenium compounds in general are well suited for medicinal applications. They have been investigated as immunosuppressants, nitric oxide scavengers, antimicrobial agents, and antimalarials. The aim of this study is to evaluate the immunomodulatory activity of cis-(dichloro) tetraammineruthenium(III) chloride (cis-[RuCl(2)(NH(3))(4)]Cl) on human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). The cytotoxic studies performed here revealed that the ruthenium( III) complex presents a cytotoxic activity towards normal human PBMC, only at very high concentration. Results also showed that cis-[ RuCl(2)(NH(3))(4)] Cl presents a dual role on PBMC stimulating proliferation and interleukin-2 (IL-2) production at low concentration and inducing cytotoxicity, inability to proliferate, and inhibiting IL-2 production at high concentration. The noncytotoxic activity of cis-[RuCl(2)(NH(3))(4)] Cl at low concentration towards PBMC, which correlates with the small number of annexin V positive cells and also the absence of DNA fragmentation, suggest that this compound does not induce apoptosis on PBMC. For the first time, we show that, at low concentration (10-100 mu g L(-1)), the cis-[ RuCl(2)(NH(3))(4)] Cl compound induces peripheral blood lymphocytes proliferation and also stimulates them to IL-2 production. These results open a new potential applicability of ruthenium(III) complexes as a possible immune regulatory compound acting as immune suppressor at high concentration and as immune stimulator at low concentration.