982 resultados para COMPACT RADIO-SOURCES


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We present a new technique for obtaining model fittings to very long baseline interferometric images of astrophysical jets. The method minimizes a performance function proportional to the sum of the squared difference between the model and observed images. The model image is constructed by summing N(s) elliptical Gaussian sources characterized by six parameters: two-dimensional peak position, peak intensity, eccentricity, amplitude, and orientation angle of the major axis. We present results for the fitting of two main benchmark jets: the first constructed from three individual Gaussian sources, the second formed by five Gaussian sources. Both jets were analyzed by our cross-entropy technique in finite and infinite signal-to-noise regimes, the background noise chosen to mimic that found in interferometric radio maps. Those images were constructed to simulate most of the conditions encountered in interferometric images of active galactic nuclei. We show that the cross-entropy technique is capable of recovering the parameters of the sources with a similar accuracy to that obtained from the very traditional Astronomical Image Processing System Package task IMFIT when the image is relatively simple (e. g., few components). For more complex interferometric maps, our method displays superior performance in recovering the parameters of the jet components. Our methodology is also able to show quantitatively the number of individual components present in an image. An additional application of the cross-entropy technique to a real image of a BL Lac object is shown and discussed. Our results indicate that our cross-entropy model-fitting technique must be used in situations involving the analysis of complex emission regions having more than three sources, even though it is substantially slower than current model-fitting tasks (at least 10,000 times slower for a single processor, depending on the number of sources to be optimized). As in the case of any model fitting performed in the image plane, caution is required in analyzing images constructed from a poorly sampled (u, v) plane.


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The recent observational advances of Astronomy and a more consistent theoretical framework turned Cosmology in one of the most exciting frontiers of contemporary science. In this thesis, homogeneous and inhomogeneous Universe models containing dark matter and different kinds of dark energy are confronted with recent observational data. Initially, we analyze constraints from the existence of old high redshift objects, Supernovas type Ia and the gas mass fraction of galaxy clusters for 2 distinct classes of homogeneous and isotropic models: decaying vacuum and X(z)CDM cosmologies. By considering the quasar APM 08279+5255 at z = 3.91 with age between 2-3 Gyr, we obtain 0,2 < OM < 0,4 while for the j3 parameter which quantifies the contribution of A( t) is restricted to the intervalO, 07 < j3 < 0,32 thereby implying that the minimal age of the Universe amounts to 13.4 Gyr. A lower limit to the quasar formation redshift (zJ > 5,11) was also obtained. Our analyzes including flat, closed and hyperbolic models show that there is no an age crisis for this kind of decaying A( t) scenario. Tests from SN e Ia and gas mass fraction data were realized for flat X(z)CDM models. For an equation of state, úJ(z) = úJo + úJIZ, the best fit is úJo = -1,25, úJl = 1,3 and OM = 0,26, whereas for models with úJ(z) = úJo+úJlz/(l+z), we obtainúJo = -1,4, úJl = 2,57 and OM = 0,26. In another line of development, we have discussed the influence of the observed inhomogeneities by considering the Zeldovich-Kantowski-DyerRoeder (ZKDR) angular diameter distance. By applying the statistical X2 method to a sample of angular diameter for compact radio sources, the best fit to the cosmological parameters for XCDM models are OM = O, 26,úJ = -1,03 and a = 0,9, where úJ and a are the equation of state and the smoothness parameters, respectively. Such results are compatible with a phantom energy component (úJ < -1). The possible bidimensional spaces associated to the plane (a , OM) were restricted by using data from SNe Ia and gas mass fraction of galaxy clusters. For Supernovas the parameters are restricted to the interval 0,32 < OM < 0,5(20") and 0,32 < a < 1,0(20"), while to the gas mass fraction we find 0,18 < OM < 0,32(20") with alI alIowed values of a. For a joint analysis involving Supernovas and gas mass fraction data we obtained 0,18 < OM < 0,38(20"). In general grounds, the present study suggests that the influence of the cosmological inhomogeneities in the matter distribution need to be considered with more detail in the analyses of the observational tests. Further, the analytical treatment based on the ZKDR distance may give non-negligible corrections to the so-calIed background tests of FRW type cosmologies


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A study of radio intensity variations at seven frequencies in the range 0.3 to 90 GHz for compact extragalactic radio sources classified as BL Lacs and high- and low-optical polarization quasars (HPQs and LPQs) is presented. This include the results of flux-density monitoring of 33 compact sources for three years at 327 MHz with the Ooty Synthesis Radio Telescope. The degrees of 'short-term' (tau less than about 1 yr) variability for the three optical types are found to be indistinguishable at low frequencies (less than 1 GHz), pointing to an extrinsic origin for the low-frequency variability. At high frequencies, a distinct dependence on optical type is present, the variability increasing from LPQs, through HPQs to BL Lacs. This trend persists even when only sources with ultra-flat radio spectra (alpha greater than -0.2) are considered. Implications of this for the phenomenon of high-frequency variability and the proposed unification schemes for different optical types of active galactic nuclei are discussed.


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A radio study of a carefully selected sample of 20 Seyfert galaxies that are matched in orientation-independent parameters, which are measures of intrinsic active galactic nucleus power and host galaxy properties, is presented to test the predictions of the unified scheme hypothesis. Our sample sources have core flux densities greater than 8 mJy at 5 GHz on arcsec scales due to the feasibility requirements. These simultaneous parsec-scale and kiloparsec-scale radio observations reveal (1) that Seyfert 1 and Seyfert 2 galaxies have an equal tendency to show compact radio structures on milliarcsecond scales, (2) the distributions of parsec-scale and kiloparsec-scale radio luminosities are similar for both Seyfert 1 and Seyfert 2 galaxies, (3) there is no evidence for relativistic beaming in Seyfert galaxies, (4) similar distributions of source spectral indices in spite of the fact that Seyferts show nuclear radio flux density variations, and (5) the distributions of the projected linear size for Seyfert 1 and Seyfert 2 galaxies are not significantly different as would be expected in the unified scheme. The latter could be mainly due to a relatively large spread in the intrinsic sizes. We also find that a starburst alone cannot power these radio sources. Finally, an analysis of the kiloparsec-scale radio properties of the CfA Seyfert galaxy sample shows results consistent with the predictions of the unified scheme.


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In this thesis the results of the multifrequency VLBA observations of the GPS 1944+5448 and the HFP J0111+3906 are presented. They are compact objects smaller than about 100 pc, completely embedded in the host galaxy. The availability of multi-epoch VLBI observations spanning more than 10 years, allowed us to compute the hot spot advance speed in order to obtain the kinematic age of both sources. Both radio sources are young, in agreement with the idea that they are in an early evolutionary stage. The spectral analysis of each source component, such as the lobes, the hot spots, the core and the jets, making a comparison with the theoretical ones is described. In addition the physical parameters derived from VLBA images as the magnetic field, the luminosity, the energy and the ambient medium density of both sources are discussed.


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Caption title.


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"March 2, 1949."


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We present the results of Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) H i line and 20-cm radio continuum observations of the galaxy quartet NGC 6845. The H i emission extends over all four galaxies but can only be associated clearly with the two spiral galaxies, NGC 6845A and B, which show signs of strong tidal interaction. We derive a total H i mass of at least 1.8 x 10(10) M-., most of which is associated with NGC 6845A, the largest galaxy of the group. We investigate the tidal interaction between NGC 6845A and B by studying the kinematics of distinct H i components and their relation to the known H ii regions. No H i emission is detected from the two lenticular galaxies, NGC 6845C and D. A previously uncatalogued dwarf galaxy, ATCA J2001-4659, was detected 4.4 arcmin NE from NGC 6845B and has an H i mass of similar to5 x 10(8) M-.. No H i bridge is visible between the group and its newly detected companion. Extended 20-cm radio continuum emission is detected in NGC 6845A and B as well as in the tidal bridge between the two galaxies. We derive star formation rates of 15-40 M-. yr(-1).


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Recent X-ray observations have revealed that early-type galaxies (which usually produce extended double radio sources) generally have hot gaseous haloes extending up to approx102kpc1,2. Moreover, much of the cosmic X-ray background radiation is probably due to a hotter, but extremely tenuous, intergalactic medium (IGM)3. We have presented4–7 an analytical model for the propagation of relativistic beams from galactic nuclei, in which the beams' crossing of the pressure-matched interface between the IGM and the gaseous halo, plays an important role. The hotspots at the ends of the beams fade quickly when their advance becomes subsonic with respect to the IGM. This model has successfully predicted (for typical double radio sources) the observed8 current mean linear-size (approx2Dsime350 kpc)4,5, the observed8–11 decrease in linear-size with cosmological redshift4–6 and the slope of the linear-size versus radio luminosity10,12–14 relation6. We have also been able to predict the redshift-dependence of observed numbers and radio luminosities of giant radio galaxies7,15. Here, we extend this model to include the propagation of somewhat weaker beams. We show that the observed flattening of the local radio luminosity function (LRLF)16–20 for radio luminosity Papproximately 1024 W Hz-1 at 1 GHz can be explained without invoking ad hoc a corresponding break in the beam power function Phi(Lb), because the heads of the beams with Lb < 1025 W Hz-1 are decelerated to sonic velocity within the halo itself, which leads to a rapid decay of radio luminosity and a reduced contribution of these intrinsically weaker sources to the observed LRLF.


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We present the radio-optical imaging of ATLBS, a sensitive radio survey (Subrahmanyan et al. 2010). The primary aim of the ATLBS survey is to image low-power radio sources which form the bulk of the radio source population to moderately high red-shifts (z similar to 1.0). The accompanying multiband optical and near infra-red observations provide information about the hosts and environments of the radio sources. We give here details of the imaging of the radio data and optical data for the ATLBS survey.


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In this paper studies were carried out on two compact electric discharge plasma sources for controlling nitrogen oxides (NOX) emission in diesel engine exhaust. The plasma sources consist of an old television flyback transformer to generate high frequency high voltage ac (HVAC) and an automobile ignition coil to generate the high voltage pulses (HV Pulse). The compact plasma sources are aimed at retrofitting the existing catalytic converters with electric discharge assisted cleaning technique. To enhance NOX removal efficiency cascaded plasma-adsorbent technique has been used. Studies were reported at different flow rates and load conditions of the diesel engine.


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The great majority of analytical models for extragalactic radio sources suppose self-similarity and can be classified into three types: I, II and III. We have developed a model that represents a generalization of most models found in the literature and showed that these three types are particular cases. The model assumes that the area of the head of the jet varies with the jet size according to a power law and the jet luminosity is a function of time. As it is usually done, the basic hypothesis is that there is an equilibrium between the pressure exerted both by the head of the jet and the cocoon walls and the ram pressure of the ambient medium. The equilibrium equations and energy conservation equation allow us to express the size and width of the source and the pressure in the cocoon as a power law and find the respective exponents. All these assumptions can be used to calculate the evolution of the source size, width and radio luminosity. This can then be compared with the observed width-size relation for radio lobes and the power-size (P-D) diagram of both compact (GPS and CSS) and extended sources from the 3CR catalogue. In this work we introduce two important improvement as compared with a previous work: (1)We have put together a larger sample of both compact and extended radio sources


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Double radio sources have been studied since the discovery of extragalactic radio sources in the decade of 1930. Since then, several numerical studies and analytical models have been proposed seeking a better understanding of the physical phenomena that determines the origin and evolution of such objects. In this thesis, we intended to study the evolution problem of the double radio sources in two fronts: in the ¯rst we have developed an analytical self-similar model that represents a generalization of most models found in the literature and solve some existent problems related to the jet head evolution. We deal with this problem using samples of hot spot sizes to ¯nd a power law relation between the jet head dimension and the source length. Using our model, we were able to draw the evolution curves of the double sources in a PD diagram for both compact sources (GPS and CSS) and extended sources of the 3CR catalogue. We have alson developed a computation tool that allows us to generate synthetic radio maps of the double sources. The objective is to determine the principal physical parameters of those objects by comparing synthetic and observed radio maps. In the second front, we used numeric simulations to study the interaction of the extra- galactic jets with the environment. We simulated situations where the jet propagates in a medium with high density contrast gas clouds capable to block the jet forward motion, forming the distorted structures observed in the morphology of real sources. We have also analyzed the situation in which the jet changes its propagation direction due to a change of the source main axis, creating the X-shaped sources. The comparison between our simulations and the real double radio sources, enable us to determine the values of the main physical parameters responsible for the distortions observed in those objects


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In the present thesis a thourough multiwavelength analysis of a number of galaxy clusters known to be experiencing a merger event is presented. The bulk of the thesis consists in the analysis of deep radio observations of six merging clusters, which host extended radio emission on the cluster scale. A composite optical and X–ray analysis is performed in order to obtain a detailed and comprehensive picture of the cluster dynamics and possibly derive hints about the properties of the ongoing merger, such as the involved mass ratio, geometry and time scale. The combination of the high quality radio, optical and X–ray data allows us to investigate the implications of the ongoing merger for the cluster radio properties, focusing on the phenomenon of cluster scale diffuse radio sources, known as radio halos and relics. A total number of six merging clusters was selected for the present study: A3562, A697, A209, A521, RXCJ 1314.4–2515 and RXCJ 2003.5–2323. All of them were known, or suspected, to possess extended radio emission on the cluster scale, in the form of a radio halo and/or a relic. High sensitivity radio observations were carried out for all clusters using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) at low frequency (i.e. ≤ 610 MHz), in order to test the presence of a diffuse radio source and/or analyse in detail the properties of the hosted extended radio emission. For three clusters, the GMRT information was combined with higher frequency data from Very Large Array (VLA) observations. A re–analysis of the optical and X–ray data available in the public archives was carried out for all sources. Propriety deep XMM–Newton and Chandra observations were used to investigate the merger dynamics in A3562. Thanks to our multiwavelength analysis, we were able to confirm the existence of a radio halo and/or a relic in all clusters, and to connect their properties and origin to the reconstructed merging scenario for most of the investigated cases. • The existence of a small size and low power radio halo in A3562 was successfully explained in the theoretical framework of the particle re–acceleration model for the origin of radio halos, which invokes the re–acceleration of pre–existing relativistic electrons in the intracluster medium by merger–driven turbulence. • A giant radio halo was found in the massive galaxy cluster A209, which has likely undergone a past major merger and is currently experiencing a new merging process in a direction roughly orthogonal to the old merger axis. A giant radio halo was also detected in A697, whose optical and X–ray properties may be suggestive of a strong merger event along the line of sight. Given the cluster mass and the kind of merger, the existence of a giant radio halo in both clusters is expected in the framework of the re–acceleration scenario. • A radio relic was detected at the outskirts of A521, a highly dynamically disturbed cluster which is accreting a number of small mass concentrations. A possible explanation for its origin requires the presence of a merger–driven shock front at the location of the source. The spectral properties of the relic may support such interpretation and require a Mach number M < ∼ 3 for the shock. • The galaxy cluster RXCJ 1314.4–2515 is exceptional and unique in hosting two peripheral relic sources, extending on the Mpc scale, and a central small size radio halo. The existence of these sources requires the presence of an ongoing energetic merger. Our combined optical and X–ray investigation suggests that a strong merging process between two or more massive subclumps may be ongoing in this cluster. Thanks to forthcoming optical and X–ray observations, we will reconstruct in detail the merger dynamics and derive its energetics, to be related to the energy necessary for the particle re–acceleration in this cluster. • Finally, RXCJ 2003.5–2323 was found to possess a giant radio halo. This source is among the largest, most powerful and most distant (z=0.317) halos imaged so far. Unlike other radio halos, it shows a very peculiar morphology with bright clumps and filaments of emission, whose origin might be related to the relatively high redshift of the hosting cluster. Although very little optical and X–ray information is available about the cluster dynamical stage, the results of our optical analysis suggest the presence of two massive substructures which may be interacting with the cluster. Forthcoming observations in the optical and X–ray bands will allow us to confirm the expected high merging activity in this cluster. Throughout the present thesis a cosmology with H0 = 70 km s−1 Mpc−1, m=0.3 and =0.7 is assumed.


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Large-scale structures can be considered an interesting and useful "laboratory" to better investigate the Universe; in particular the filaments connecting clusters and superclusters of galaxies can be a powerful tool for this intent, since they are not virialised systems yet. The large structures in the Universe have been studied in different bands, in particular the present work takes into consideration the emission in the radio band. In the last years both compact and diffuse radio emission have been detected, revealing to be associated to single objects and clusters of galaxies respectively. The detection of these sources is important, because the radiation process is the synchrotron emission, which in turn is linked to the presence of a magnetic field: therefore studying these radio sources can help in investigating the magnetic field which permeates different portions of space. Furthermore, radio emission in optical filaments have been detected recently, opening new chances to further improve the understanding of structure formation. Filaments can be seen as the net which links clusters and superclusters. This work was made with the aim of investigating non-thermal properties in low-density regions, looking for possible filaments associated to the diffuse emission. The analysed sources are 0917+75, which is located at a redshift z = 0.125, and the double cluster system A399-A401, positioned at z = 0.071806 and z = 0.073664 respectively. Data were taken from VLA/JVLA observations, and reduced and calibrated with the package AIPS, following the standard procedure. Isocountour and polarisation maps were yielded, allowing to derive the main physical properties. Unfortunately, because of a low quality data for A399-A401, it was not possible to see any radio halo or bridge.