208 resultados para COC


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Aquest document conté "conversa 06", un "sopar i cafè al menjador" que formen part del Corpus Oral de Conversa Col·loquial (COC). El COC és un component del Corpus de Català Contemporani de la Universitat de Barcelona (CCCUB), un arxiu de corpus de llengua catalana oral contemporània que ha estat confegit pel grup de recerca Grup d¿Estudi de la Variació (GEV) amb la finalitat de contribuir a l'estudi de la variació dialectal, social i funcional en la llengua catalana. Aquest i altres materials del CCCUB són accessibles directament al Dipòsit Digital de la UB (http://diposit.ub.edu) o a través del web del CCCUB (http://www.ub.edu/cccub).


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Aquest document conté "conversa 07", una conversa "abans de dinar al menjador" que forma part del Corpus Oral de Conversa Col·loquial (COC). El COC és un component del Corpus de Català Contemporani de la Universitat de Barcelona (CCCUB), un arxiu de corpus de llengua catalana oral contemporània que ha estat confegit pel grup de recerca Grup d'Estudi de la Variació (GEV) amb la finalitat de contribuir a l'estudi de la variació dialectal, social i funcional en la llengua catalana. Aquest i altres materials del CCCUB són accessibles directament al Dipòsit Digital de la UB (http://diposit.ub.edu) o a través del web del CCCUB (http://www.ub.edu/cccu


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Extraction and clean-up are essential points in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) analysis in a solid matrix. This work compares extraction techniques and clean-up procedures for PAH analysis. PAH levels, their toxicological significance and source were also evaluated in the waters of the Cocó and Ceará rivers. The efficiency of PAH recovery was higher for the soxhlet and ultrasonic techniques. PAH recovery varied from 69.3 to 99.3%. Total PAH concentration (ΣHPA) varied from 720.73 to 2234.76 µg kg-1 (Cocó river) and 96.4 to 1859.21 µg kg-1 (Ceará river). The main PAH sources are pyrolytic processes and the levels were classified as medium so that adverse effects are possible.


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Objective To evaluate the influence of oral contraceptives (OCs) containing 20 mu mu g ethinylestradiol (EE) and 150 mu mu g gestodene (GEST) on the autonomic modulation of heart rate (HR) in women. Methods One-hundred and fifty-five women aged 24 +/-+/- 2 years were divided into four groups according to their physical activity and the use or not of an OC: active-OC, active-non-OC (NOC), sedentary-OC, and sedentary-NOC. The heart rate was registered in real time based on the electrocardiogram signal for 15 minutes, in the supine-position. The heart rate variability (HRV) was analysed using Shannon`s entropy (SE), conditional entropy (complexity index [CInd] and normalised CInd [NCI]), and symbolic analysis (0V%, 1V%, 2LV%, and 2ULV%). For statistical analysis the Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunn post hoc and the Wilcoxon test (p < 0.05 was considered significant) were applied. Results Treatment with this COC caused no significant changes in SE, CInd, NCI, or symbolic analysis in either active or sedentary groups. Active groups presented higher values for SE and 2ULV%, and lower values for 0V% when compared to sedentary groups (p < 0.05). Conclusion HRV patterns differed depending on life style; the non-linear method applied was highly reliable for identifying these changes. The use of OCs containing 20 mu mu g EE and 150 mu mu g GEST does not influence HR autonomic modulation.


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Background: The study was conducted to determine whether the use of a combined oral contraceptive (COC) or depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) interferes with endothelial function. Study Design: The study was conducted on 100 women between the ages of 18 and 30 years. Fifty women had not used hormonal contraception (control group) for at least 12 months, 25 were current users of a COC (ethinylestradiol 30 mcg+levonorgestrel 150 mcg) and 25 were current users of DMPA (150 mg) for at least a 6-month period. All women were evaluated for brachial flow-mediated dilation (FMD), intima-media thickness, carotid distensibility and stiffness index, arterial pressure, body mass index, waist circumference, heart rate and lipid profile. Results: A significant difference in FMD was observed between the COC and control groups (6.4 +/- 2.2% vs. 8,7 +/- 3.4%, p<.01) and between the DMPA and control groups (6.2 +/- 2.1% vs. 8.7 +/- 3.4%, p<.01). The DMPA group had lower values of total cholesterol (TC) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL-C) than COC users and the control group (TC: DMPA=139.9 +/- 21.5 mg/dL vs. controls=167.1 +/- 29.2 mg/dL vs. COC=168.2 +/- 37.5. p=.001; LDL-C: DMPA-85.3 +/- 20.1 mg/dL vs. controls=102 +/- 24.5 mg/dL vs. COC=106.7 +/- 33.3 mg/dL, p=.01). The control group had higher levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL-C) than the DMPA and COC groups (controls=52.4 +/- 14.1 mg/dL vs. DMPA=42.2 +/- 7.2 mg/dL vs. COC=45.4 +/- 9.1 mg/dL, p=.001). No significant differences were observed regarding the other variables. Conclusions: FMD was lower among COC and DMPA users, Suggesting that these hormonal contraceptives may promote endothelial dysfunction. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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O Patrimônio Cultural da Saúde consiste nos bens materiais e imateriais que expressam o processo da saúde individual e coletiva nas suas dimensões científica, histórica e cultural. Com a inserção do Brasil, através da COC-Fiocruz e do Ministério da Saúde, na Rede Latino-americana de Patrimônio Cultural da Saúde, iniciou-se o incentivo ao estudo da história da medicina e da arquitetura hospitalar, buscando também a proteção e a salvaguarda da memória das edificações hospitalares históricas. O século XIX foi marcado pela construção de várias edificações voltadas para o controle e reclusão dos pobres, essas instituições eram: a Casa de Correção, a Santa Casa da Misericórdia, o Hospício de Pedro II, o Asilo da Mendicidade e as Instituições de acolhimento de Menores. Dessas edificações destacam-se a Santa Casa da Misericórdia, o Hospício de Pedro II e o Asilo da Mendicidade que formam o Patrimônio Arquitetônico da Saúde tombado em nível federal. O Hospital da Santa Casa da Misericórdia foi construído em 1840-1852 sob os modernos preceitos da medicina do século XIX. A edificação até hoje mantém o uso hospitalar e apresenta um estado de conservação bom em seu exterior. Porém as condições internas foram consideradas ruins devido à falta de salubridade e higiene nos ambientes. O Hospital da Santa Casa é um Hospital de Referência, realiza atendimentos ambulatoriais, cirúrgicos e de internação. O Hospício de Pedro II foi criado para atender exclusivamente os alienados do Império. O estilo neoclássico e a monumentalidade da edificação o fizeram ser reconhecido como Palácio dos Loucos. O hospício funcionou até 1944 e quatro anos depois a edificação foi cedida à Universidade do Brasil, que adaptou sua arquitetura ao uso educacional. A edificação apresenta estado de conservação regular, com exceção da área central composta pela Capela que está ruim, devido ao incêndio de 2011. O Palácio dos Loucos tornou-se Palácio Universitário, modificando sua identidade através das mudanças que foram feitas em sua arquitetura. O Asilo da Mendicidade foi criado em 1876 para fechar o pentágono asilar. A edificação panóptica buscava a efetiva observação e controle dos internos. A edificação funcionou como Asilo para mendigos até 1920, quando transformou-se em Hospital de São Francisco de Assis. Posteriormente o hospital seria transferido para a Universidade do Brasil, que funcionou como hospital escola até 1978. O Hospital foi desativado e ficou sem uso por dez anos, quando enfim voltou a funcionar como um estabelecimento destinado aos mais pobres. O conjunto da edificação é o que apresenta o pior estado de conservação, considerado de ruim a péssimo. Comprovou-se com essa pesquisa que o mais importante para a preservação das características arquitetônicas e artísticas do bem é a manutenção do uso, seja ele qual for. Os novos usos devem ser adequados também às características e à capacidade da arquitetura em questão. Através de reformas e planos adequados, os hospitais oitocentistas, que hoje se apresentam como Patrimônio Arquitetônico da Saúde, podem manter um uso similar para o qual foi construído, como uma edificação voltada à promoção da saúde da população.


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Polyaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) sorption to soil is a key process deciding the transport and fate of PAH, and potential toxic impacts in the soil and groundwater ecosystems, for example in connection with atmospheric PAH deposition on soils. There are numerous studies on PAH sorption in relatively low organic porous media such as urban soils and groundwater sediments, but less attention has been given to cultivated soils. In this study, the phenanthrene partition coefficient, KD (liter per kilogram), was measured on 143 cultivated Danish soils (115 topsoils, 0–0.25-m soil depth and 28 subsoils, 0.25–1-m depth) by the single-point adsorption method. The organic carbon partition coefficient, KOC (liter per kilogram) for topsoils was found generally to fall between the KOC values estimated by the two most frequently used models for PAH partitioning, the Abdul et al. (Hazardous Waste & Hazardous Materials 4(3):211– 222, 1987) model and Karickhoff et al. (Water Research 13:241–248, 1979) model. A less-recognized model by Karickhoff (Chemosphere 10:833–846, 1981), yielding a KOC of 14,918 Lkg−1, closely corresponded to the average measured KOC value for the topsoils, and this model is therefore recommended for prediction of phenanthrene mobility in cultivated topsoils. For lower subsoils (0.25–1-m depth), the KOC values were closer to and mostly below the estimate by the Abdul et al. (Hazardous Waste & Hazardous Materials 4(3):211–222, 1987) model. This implies a different organic matter composition and higher PAH sorption strength in cultivated topsoils, likely due to management effects including more rapid carbon turnover. Finally, we applied the recent Dexter et al. (Geoderma 144:620–627, 2008) theorem, and calculated the complexed organic carbon and non-complexed organic carbon fractions (COC and NCOC, grams per gram). Multiple regression analyses showed that the NCOC-based phenanthrene partition coefficient (KNCOC) could be markedly higher than the COCbased partition coefficient (KCOC) for soils with a clay/OC ratio <10. This possibly higher PAH sorption affinity to the NCOC fraction needs further investigations to develop more realistic and accurate models for PAH mobility and effects in the environment, also with regard to colloid-facilitated PAH transport.


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Between April and October 2002, thirty fortnightly collections of oysters (Crassostrea rhizophorea) from a natural oyster bed at the Cocó River estuary in the Sabiaguaba region (Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil) were carried out, aiming to isolate Aeromonas spp. strains. Oyster samples were submitted to the direct plating (DP) and the presence/absence (P/A) methods. Aeromonas were identified in 15 (50%) samples analyzed by the DP method and in 13 (43%) analyzed by the P/A method. A. caviae, A. eucrenophila, A. media, A. sobria, A. trota, A. veronii bv. sobria, A. veronii bv. veronii and Aeromonas sp. were isolated. The predominant species was A. veronii (both biovars), which was identified in 13 (43%) samples, followed by A. media in 11 (37%) and A. caviae in seven (23%). From the 59 strains identified, 28 (48%) presented resistance to at least one of the eight antibiotics tested.


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Sorption is commonly agreed to be the major process underlying the transport and fate of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soils. However, there is still a scarcity of studies focusing on spatial variability at the field scale in particular. In order to investigate the variation in the field of phenanthrene sorption, bulk topsoil samples were taken in a 15 × 15-m grid from the plough layer in two sandy loam fields with different texture and organic carbon (OC) contents (140 samples in total). Batch experiments were performed using the adsorption method. Values for the partition coefficient K d (L kg−1) and the organic carbon partition coefficient K OC (L kg−1) agreed with the most frequently used models for PAH partitioning, as OC revealed a higher affinity for sorption. More complex models using different OC compartments, such as non-complexed organic carbon (NCOC) and complexed organic carbon (COC) separately, performed better than single K OC models, particularly for a subset including samples with Dexter n < 10 and OC <0.04 kg kg−1. The selected threshold revealed that K OC-based models proved to be applicable for more organic fields, while two-component models proved to be more accurate for the prediction of K d and retardation factor (R) for less organic soils. Moreover, OC did not fully reflect the changes in phenanthrene retardation in the field with lower OC content (Faardrup). Bulk density and available water content influenced the phenanthrene transport mechanism phenomenon.


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The occurrence of audible squeaking in some patients with ceramic-on-ceramic (CoC) hip prostheses is a cause for concern. Considering multifactor contributing to this phenomenon, many studies have been conducted over the last decade. Great efforts have been put on understanding the mechanics of the hip squeaking to gain a deep insight into factors resulting in sound emission from hip articulation. Disruption of fluid-film lubrication and friction were reported as main potential causes of hip squeaking, while patient and surgical factors as well as design and material of hip implants were identified as affecting factors. This review article therefore summarised the recent available literature on this subject to provide a platform for future developments. Moreover, high wear rates and ceramic liner fracture as viable consequences of hip squeaking were discussed.


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In ovarian follicles, cumulus cells provide the oocyte with small molecules that permit growth and control maturation. These nutrients reach the germinal cell through gap junction channels, which are present between the cumulus cells and the oocyte, and between the cumulus cells. In this study the involvement of intercellular communication mediated by gap junction channels on oocyte maturation of in vitro cultured bovine cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) was investigated. The stages of oocyte maturation were determined by Hoechst 33342 staining, which showed that 90% of COCs placed in the maturation medium for 24 h progress to the metaphase II stage. Bovine COC gap junction communication was disrupted initially using n-alkanols, which inhibit any passage through gap junctions. In the presence of 1-heptanol (3 mmol l(-1)) or octanol (3.0 mmol l(-1) and 0.3 mmol l(-1)), only 29% of the COCs reached metaphase II. Removal of the uncoupling agent was associated with restoration of oocyte maturation, indicating that treatment with n-alkanols was neither cytotoxic nor irreversible. Concentrations of connexin 43 (Cx43), the major gap junction protein expressed in the COCs, were decreased specifically using a recombinant adenovirus expressing the antisense Cx43 cDNA (Ad-asCx43). The efficacy of adenoviral infection was > 95% in cumulus cells evaluated after infection with recombinant adenoviruses expressing the green fluorescence protein. RT-PCR performed on total RNA isolated from Ad-asCx43-infected COCs showed that the rat Cx43 cDNA was transcribed. Western blot analysis revealed a three-fold decrease in Cx43 expression in COCs expressing the antisense RNA for Cx43. Injection of cumulus cells with Lucifer yellow demonstrated further that the resulting lower amount of Cx43 in infected COCs is associated with a two-fold decrease in the extent of coupling between cumulus cells. In addition, oocyte maturation was decreased by 50% in the infected COC cultures. These results indicate that Cx43-mediated communication between cumulus cells plays a crucial role in maturation of bovine oocytes.


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PURPOSE: Our purpose was to develop a well-defined medium for the in vitro maturation (IVM) of immature bovine cumulus-oocyte complexes (COC). METHODS: The COC were cultured in the presence of three protein supplementations: fetal bovine serum (FBS), bovine serum albumin, and Synthetic Serum Substitute. The embryos obtained after in vitro fertilization of IVM oocytes were cocultured with Vero cells and their development to the morula and blastocyst stages was studied. RESULTS: When FBS was absent from the IVM medium, a significantly lower fertilization rate was observed, followed by a decrease in the percentage of embryos reaching the blastocyst stage. When FBS was replaced by a defined protein supplementation, the best results were obtained with Synthetic Serum Substitute. CONCLUSIONS: Adequate protein supplementation of the IVM medium optimizes the fertilization rate and the development of bovine IVM oocytes. The implication of these results in the human field is discussed.


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O sistema Activity Based Costing (ABC) surgiu em meados da década de 80 pela iniciativa dos autores Robin Kaplan, Robin Cooper e Thomas Johnson, com o intuito de suprir as deficiências apresentadas pelos sistemas de custeio tradicionais na imputação arbitrária dos custos indirectos. Alvo de vários elogios e críticas, o sistema ABC é, actualmente, percebido por muitos como a forma mais apropriada de calcular o custo dos produtos. No entanto, numa altura em que é dada cada vez mais importância à criação de valor, especialmente à criação de valor aos accionistas, o sistema ABC se demonstrou insuficiente, pois não considera o Custo de Oportunidade do Capital (COC) investido pelos accionistas. Neste sentido, autores como Narcyz Roztocki e Kim LaScola Needy vieram chamar a atenção desse facto e proporam a integração do sistema ABC ao indicador do desempenho Economic Value Added (EVA) como forma de responder a essa limitação visto que este indicador considera o custo do capital investido pelos accionistas. O estudo de caso ora apresentado visou compreender os fundamentos do sistema integrado ABC-EVA e, compreender os impactos desse sistema no processo decisório, através da sua implementação numa empresa do país. Para a implementação do sistema seguimos os passos enumerados por Roztocki et al. (2004) e Roztocki e Needy (1999c), para a implementação do sistema ABC e para a implementação do sistema integrado ABC-EVA, respectivamente. Dos resultados do estudo pudemos concluir que o sistema integrado ABC-EVA dota os gestores de uma informação mais completa sobre os custos e, por isso, é mais apropriada à tomada de decisões a nível de preços, custos, política de marketing, entre outros. Não obstante, o estudo de caso apresentou algumas limitações que, ainda que tenham condicionado as conclusões do estudo, acabaram por comprovar os resultados de alguns estudos referidos na revisão da literatura. Espera-se que a empresa objecto de estudo possa beneficiar, de alguma forma, do estudo realizado e que, se interesse em adoptar o sistema proposto ou outro, já que não possui nenhum.