23 resultados para CNTF
Background Chronic alcohol ingestion may cause severe biochemical and pathophysiological derangements to skeletal muscle. Unfortunately, these alcohol-induced events may also prime skeletal muscle for worsened, delayed, or possibly incomplete repair following acute injury. As alcoholics may be at increased risk for skeletal muscle injury, our goals were to identify the effects of chronic alcohol ingestion on components of skeletal muscle regeneration. To accomplish this, age- and gender-matched C57Bl/6 mice were provided normal drinking water or water that contained 20% alcohol (v/v) for 18-20 wk. Subgroups of mice were injected with a 1.2% barium chloride (BaCl2) solution into the tibialis anterior (TA) muscle to initiate degeneration and regeneration processes. Body weights and voluntary wheel running distances were recorded during the course of recovery. Muscles were harvested at 2, 7 or 14 days post-injection and assessed for markers of inflammation and oxidant stress, fiber cross-sectional areas, levels of growth and fibrotic factors, and fibrosis. Results Body weights of injured, alcohol-fed mice were reduced during the first week of recovery. These mice also ran significantly shorter distances over the two weeks following injury compared to uninjured, alcoholics. Injured TA muscles from alcohol-fed mice had increased TNFα and IL6 gene levels compared to controls 2 days after injury. Total protein oxidant stress and alterations to glutathione homeostasis were also evident at 7 and 14 days after injury. Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) induction was delayed in injured muscles from alcohol-fed mice which may explain, in part, why fiber cross-sectional area failed to normalize 14 days following injury. Gene levels of TGFβ1 were induced early following injury before normalizing in muscle from alcohol-fed mice compared to controls. However, TGFβ1 protein content was consistently elevated in injured muscle regardless of diet. Fibrosis was increased in injured, muscle from alcohol-fed mice at 7 and 14 days of recovery compared to injured controls. Conclusions Chronic alcohol ingestion appears to delay the normal regenerative response following significant skeletal muscle injury. This is evidenced by reduced cross-sectional areas of regenerated fibers, increased fibrosis, and altered temporal expression of well-described growth and fibrotic factors.
Intermediate filament (IF) proteins constitute an extremely large multigene family of developmentally and tissue-regulated cytoskeleton proteins abundant in most vertebrate cell types. Astrocyte precursors of the CNS usually express vimentin as the major IF. Astrocyte maturation is followed by a switch between vimentin and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) expression, with the latter being recognized as an astrocyte maturation marker. Levels of GFAP are regulated under developmental and pathological conditions. Upregulation of GFAP expression is one of the main characteristics of the astrocytic reaction commonly observed after CNS lesion. In this way, studies on GFAP regulation have been shown to be useful to understand not only brain physiology but also neurological disease. Modulators of GFAP expression include several hormones such as thyroid hormone, glucocorticoids and several growth factors such as FGF, CNTF and TGFß, among others. Studies of the GFAP gene have already identified several putative growth factor binding domains in its promoter region. Data obtained from transgenic and knockout mice have provided new insights into IF protein functions. This review highlights the most recent studies on the regulation of IF function by growth factors and hormones.
Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) is a cytokine that plays a neuroprotective role in relation to axotomized motoneurons. We determined the effect of daily subcutaneous doses of CNTF (1.2 µg/g for 5 days; N = 13) or PBS (N = 13) on the levels of mRNA for Bcl-2 and Bax, as well as the expression and inter-association of Bcl-2 and Bax proteins, and the survival of motoneurons in the spinal cord lumbar enlargement of 2-day-old Wistar rats after sciatic nerve transection. Five days after transection, the effects were evaluated on histological and molecular levels using Nissl staining, immunoprecipitation, Western blot analysis, and reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. The motoneuron survival ratio, defined as the ratio between the number of motoneurons counted on the lesioned side vs those on the unlesioned side, was calculated. This ratio was 0.77 ± 0.02 for CNTF-treated rats vs 0.53 ± 0.02 for the PBS-treated controls (P < 0.001). Treatment with CNTF modified the level of mRNA, with the expression of Bax RNA decreasing 18% (with a consequent decrease in the level of Bax protein), while the expression of Bcl-2 RNA was increased 87%, although the level of Bcl-2 protein was unchanged. The amount of Bcl-2/Bax heterodimer increased 91% over that found in the PBS-treated controls. These data show, for the first time, that the neuroprotective effect of CNTF on neonatal rat axotomized motoneurons is associated with a reduction in free Bax, due to the inhibition of Bax expression, as well as increased Bcl-2/Bax heterodimerization. Thus, the neuroprotective action of the CNTF on axotomized motoneurons can be related to the inhibition of this apoptotic pathway.
Affiliation: Jean-François Gauchat : Département de Pharmacologie, Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal
Die Familie der IL-6-Typ-Zytokine (IL-6, IL-11, CT-1, CNTF, LIF, OSM, BSF-3) ist durch eine vierhelikale Faltung gekennzeichnet. Alle Zytokine dieser Familie agieren über einen Rezeptorkomplex, der als gemeinsame Komponente mindestens ein Molekül gp130 enthält. IL-6 und IL-11 signalisieren über ein gp130-Homodimer, während CT-1, CNTF, LIF und OSM ein Heterodimer aus gp130 und dem strukturell verwandten LIFR oder, im Falle des OSM, auch OSMR verwenden. Die Rezeptoren der vierhelikalen Zytokine sind in ihrem extrazellulären Bereich modulartig aus Ig- und Fibronektin-Typ-III-ähnlichen Domänen aufgebaut. Sie besitzen als gemeinsame Struktureinheit ein zytokinbindendes Modul (CBM) aus zwei Fibronektin-Typ-III-ähnlichen Domänen, die durch vier konservierte Cysteine in der N-terminalen und ein konserviertes WSXWS-Motiv in der C-terminalen Domäne charakterisiert sind. Auf Zielzellen bindet IL-6 an den spezifischen IL-6 Rezeptor, worauf der Komplex aus IL-6/IL-6R mit dem Signaltransduktor gp130 assoziiert. Der IL-6R besteht in seinem extrazellulären Bereich aus drei Domänen. Die N-terminale Ig-ähnliche Domäne ist für die biologische Aktivität nicht notwendig. Die Domänen 2 und 3 bilden das CBM, welches auch in löslicher Form agonistisch wirkt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die strukturellen und funktionellen Eigenschaften der dritten extrazellulären Domäne des IL-6R untersucht. Das Protein läßt sich effizient in Bakterien exprimieren und in vitro renaturieren. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß Domäne 3 für die Bindung an IL-6 ausreichend ist, der Komplex aus D3 und IL-6 jedoch nicht mehr mit dem gp130-Molekül assoziieren kann. Da der lösliche IL-6R (bestehend aus D2 und D3) in der Lage ist, an gp130 zu binden und ein biologisches Signal auszulösen, weisen diese Daten der C-terminalen CBM-Domäne (D3) eine ligandenbindende Funktion und der N-terminalen CBM-Domäne eine wichtige Rolle bei der Komplexbildung mit gp130 und Signalinduktion zu. Die gezeigte Expressions- und Renaturierungsstrategie für D3 wurde zur Markierung des Proteins mit 15N und 13C für die mehrdimensionale, heteronukleare NMR-Spektroskopie angewandt. Die hierdurch ermöglichte Strukturaufklärung von D3 als einer eindeutig in die Ligandenbindung involvierten Teilstruktur wird umfassendere strukturelle Informationen über den IL-6R-Komplex liefern, als es die bisherigen Mutations- bzw. Modellbaustudien konnten.
Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor (CNTF) was first characterized as a trophic factor for motor neurons in the ciliary ganglion and spinal cord, leading to its evaluation in humans suffering from motor neuron disease. In these trials, CNTF caused unexpected and substantial weight loss, raising concerns that it might produce cachectic-like effects. Countering this possibility was the suggestion that CNTF was working via a leptin-like mechanism to cause weight loss, based on the findings that CNTF acts via receptors that are not only related to leptin receptors, but also similarly distributed within hypothalamic nuclei involved in feeding. However, although CNTF mimics the ability of leptin to cause fat loss in mice that are obese because of genetic deficiency of leptin (ob/ob mice), CNTF is also effective in diet-induced obesity models that are more representative of human obesity, and which are resistant to leptin. This discordance again raised the possibility that CNTF might be acting via nonleptin pathways, perhaps more analogous to those activated by cachectic cytokines. Arguing strongly against this possibility, we now show that CNTF can activate hypothalamic leptin-like pathways in diet-induced obesity models unresponsive to leptin, that CNTF improves prediabetic parameters in these models, and that CNTF acts very differently than the prototypical cachectic cytokine, IL-1. Further analyses of hypothalamic signaling reveals that CNTF can suppress food intake without triggering hunger signals or associated stress responses that are otherwise associated with food deprivation; thus, unlike forced dieting, cessation of CNTF treatment does not result in binge overeating and immediate rebound weight gain.
Within the central nervous system (CNS) ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) is expressed by astrocytes where it remains stored as an intracellular protein; its release and function as an extracellular ligand are thought to occur in the event of cellular injury. We find that overexpression of CNTF in transgenic mice recapitulates the glial response to CNS lesion, as does its injection into the uninjured brain. These results demonstrate that CNTF functions as an inducer of reactive gliosis, a condition associated with a number of neurological diseases of the CNS.
The ciliary neurotrophic factor alpha-receptor(CNTFRalpha) is required for motoneuron survival during development, but the relevant ligand(s) has not been determined. One candidate is the heterodimer formed by cardiotrophin-like cytokine (CLC) and cytokine-like factor 1 (CLF). CLC/CLF binds to CNTFRalpha and enhances the survival of developing motoneurons in vitro; whether this novel trophic factor plays a role in neural development in vivo has not been tested. We examined motor and sensory neurons in embryonic chicks treated with CLC and in mice with a targeted deletion of the clf gene. Treatment with CLC increased the number of lumbar spinal cord motoneurons that survived the cell death period in chicks. However, this effect was regionally specific, because brachial and thoracic motoneurons were unaffected. Similarly, newborn clf -/- mice exhibited a significant reduction in lumbar motoneurons, with no change in the brachial or thoracic cord. Clf deletion also affected brainstem motor nuclei in a regionally specific manner; the number of motoneurons in the facial but not hypoglossal nucleus was significantly reduced. Sensory neurons of the dorsal root ganglia were not affected by either CLC treatment or clf gene deletion. Finally, mRNA for both clc and clf was found in skeletal muscle fibers of embryonic mice during the motoneuron cell death period. These findings support the view that CLC/CLF is a target-derived factor required for the survival of specific pools of motoneurons. The in vivo actions of CLC and CLF can account for many of the effects of CNTFRalpha on developing motoneurons.