This dissertation reports the results of a research which has aimed to analyze the senses attributed to the curriculum by the students of the Technical Course of Computation Maintenance and Support, organized through the Programme of Integration of the the Professional Education with the Basic Education in the Youngster and Adult Education Modality (PROEJA), at Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN), Campus Santa Cruz. It has been sought to know who the students are and to investigate their curriculum conceptions, on which the this investigation has been based on. Thus, those senses attributed by the students on their narratives have been compared to the official proposed curriculum for the Programme and to the curriculum implemented by IFRN. The current research follows the qualitative approach being led by a study case and life stories methods. In order to effective that approach, two data collecting instruments have been developed: questionnaires and semi structured interviews. The collected data has been complemented by the legal and institutional documents analysis. This study is derived from the presupposition that PROEJA s students, although are able to access school after the educational system restructuration, are still facing difficulties during their courses because of the excluding and traditional curriculum, decontextualized with their personal and work life, that is, without curriculum integration. This study has accomplished PROEJA s students characterization presenting important data for the integrated curriculum construction at IFRN and revealing that the students consider the Programme as inclusive. Nevertheless, the practices concerned to the democratic construction of the curriculum and its dialogical action indicate partial inclusion, considering that, in order to include those students indeed, it would be necessary to include them to the institutional and academic context. Contradictory situations have been detected on the course pedagogical project, considered traditional and decontextualized, especially regarding to methodological aspects. The research also allowed to increase PROEJA s investigation field as well as to contribute with a better implementation of the Programme as curricular proposal bonded to Basic and Professional Education in the Youngster and Adult Modality Education Modality
This study aims to map the working process in the health area starting from the meeting between the family and health teams and mental trouble carriers./MTC. The area of research was the Family Health Unit of Ozeas Sampaio, which is located in the county of Teresina-PI. As regard to the methodology procedure, we used a semi-structured interview timetable, aimed to detail the care practices, admittance and diagnostics that those teams realize with their users. Three teams of eleven workers each were interviewed. There was a doctor, a nurse and two health community agents in each team. The other tools we used were a camp logbook, in which we wrote down some informal dialogs, daily observations and feelings of the unit, and also the accompaniment of the staffs in house calls as well as the weekly meetings in the unit. Those meetings allowed us the construction of two analytic axes: 1) description of the establishment (Family Health Unit) of the organization, (municipal foundation of health and the service network), and the institutions and practice of health. 2) Analysis of the meetings between the worker and the user of Mental Trouble Carriers. In the first axis, we verified the repetition of the working logic focused on jobs in the hospital with the maintenance of the hierarchical relations between worker and the work processes which dissociate management and watchfulness in health care. We identified the lack of physical structure, the lack of self-confidence of the worker in the attention of the mental health care. At the second axis, we assess that the meetings, at the Family Health Unit (FHU) or at the dwelling of the users cause nuisance, discomfort and anxiety to the workers because they deal with issues that go beyond what is named as being the health order such as life stories, family conflicts, unemployment, hunger, sexual and psychological violence. As a matter of fact, they involve difficulties for having new relationships, reception and responsibility for this request
The Kangaroo Program was implemented in Brazil in 2000 through the Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde SUS) sustained with a humanized rethoric of health care assistance. This program adopts the skin-to-skin contact contributing to the mother-infant bond, breastfeeding and promoting security in mother s care. The users of SUS are encouraged to live in the maternity ward to follow the baby health improvement. However, it was verified in previous observations that mothers participation in the Kangaroo Program has been done through an imposed practice. Therefore, this study intended to understand the texts that permeate the kangaroo practice. This research was developed through two studies: 1) an historic exploration of motherhood concept and an analysis of how the motherhood is presented in the official document that orients the program; 2) an analysis of institutional dynamic of Kangaroo Program, emphasizing the study about the health workers everyday practice, the mothers view about their life in the maternity wards, and the attendance practice. It is highlighted that the relation between this two studies allowed the comprehension abouthow the official discourses can influence the health workers behaviors and how their viewpoint and position can shape the everyday work in a public health program. This research, supported by Institutional Ethnography, considers that people s practices and experiences are socially organized and shaped by broad social forces. The discourse method was used in the documental analysis and in the analysis of qualitative data from empiric research. The research showed that the kangaroo program has been an excellent way to save resources and to improve some baby s biologic and psychological aspects. However, this program has failed to consider the social, economic and cultural complexity of mothers and the structural limitation of the health care system. The official document uses the economic and medical approach, following the hegemonic biomedical model and the life style of the people that don t use the public health system. Consequently, the program has not been successful because it is planned without people participation. On the other hand, it was verified that although some professionals are committed with their work, the mainly does not consider mothers participation as an active process, using the institutional power as a social control to keep mothers uninformed about the possibility to leave the maternity wards. As a result, the research also showed that mothers perceive the program as mandatory and not as option that can improve pleasure moments. It is, therefore, necessary to consider the complex social determinants of health that can increase mothers participation in the Kangaroo Program. Bringing these issues into debate can be a reflective exercise on citizenship and governance, allowing spaces for the improvement of public health programs
The practice of medicine related to the gestational processes tend to be organized according to the context and the place of work, being thus dependent of the conditions both social and economical, and of the physical structure and the functionality of the services. The high mortality rate in this process has diminished, since 1986, the study made by the World Health Organization (WHO) as to the technical aspects and the social inequalities that influence this situation in different geographical contexts. This culminated recommendations that proposed the reorientation of the dynamical practice of medicine, with a focus on the safety of maternities. Brazil adopted, in the year 2000, the suggestions of the OMS, emphasizing the humanization as the main reason for these actions. However, this discussion tends to not consider the problems caused by the social inequalities and the epidemiological and social conditionings that define the actions of the Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde SUS). In this area, this research seeks to analyze the practices, cares taken, and the universal symbol that promotes and rewards the assistance to the birth of children by the SUS. Besides the analysis of the public documents that deal with this subject, an ethnographic study was developed in a maternity in Natal/RN, considered a model of humanization after receiving the Galba de Araújo prize in 2002. In this stage, the methodological strategies were observed, and the focus of the individual interviews with workers and users of this service. In the analysis of the data, it became evident that the different professional workers and women who gave birth, tend to show concern of the standards the delimit production and reproduction of the practice of medicine, as they favor the absence of a critical posture of the actions destined to the population. Besides this, if became evident that the institutional difficulties associated to the economical, cultural, and political problems also difficult the involvement and the reflection of the workers in favor of assisting changes of the process. There is also a utilization of a perspective prescriptive of humanization in the everyday life of the social workers, without reflection of its meaning. Some workers present, in their statements, a preoccupation with the social and economical aspects that affect the practice of medicine, and with the limitations of the humanization discourse that disarticulates the necessities of those involved in the process of formation, and soon tend to return to the discussion of humanization while a kind practice characterized by the minimization of the interventionist actions. Now the users of the system show themselves before the dynamic of the services, submitting themselves to what is offered while assistance, without questioning and/or reflecting about their usual shortages. Therefore, to think of changes in the know and do of the practice of medicine destined to the birth of children implies reflection on the quotidian production of these practices and of the social contexts that influence the process of assistance in the practice of medicine. Herein it would be possible to predict the appropriation, by different workers concerning their exasperations and necessities, making them active in the pursuit of their rights as citizens
Este trabalho teve como propósito a análise da gestão democrática de uma escola do Sistema S, especificamente o Centro Educacional SESI Nº 406, localizado na cidade de Mauá, uma das 211 escolas que compõem a Rede Escolar SESI do Estado de São Paulo, no período de 2001 a 2007, tendo como referência a análise do contexto histórico das lutas travadas pela democratização da sociedade no período que sucede a ditadura militar. O ensino como direito de todos, os mecanismos de participação, a inserção da comunidade escolar nos processos decisórios e a construção da gestão democrática da escola, foram movimentos que acompanharam o processo de redemocratização da sociedade no início da década de 1980. O estudo discute os caminhos trilhados para a conquista da gestão democrática, identificando mudanças e as transformações ocorridas no período em questão. Utilizamos como recurso para a coleta de dados a análise de documentos da instituição, a observação participante, a coleta de depoimentos escritos e gravados de alunos, professores e demais integrantes da comunidade escolar. Os dados desta pesquisa revelam que a mudança de postura do gestor, no sentido de possibilitar a diluição do poder, é imprescindível para a ruptura dos modelos de administração verticalizada e centralizadora, tendo este o gestor o papel fundamental de articulador das ações que priorizem o coletivo. Os resultados evidenciam o reconhecimento positivo do conjunto de atores sociais entrevistados quanto aos avanços da gestão democrática, considerada é um processo em construção. Concluímos com Coutinho (2004), que a democracia deve ser entendida não como um estado, mas sempre como um processo.
Este trabalho teve como propósito a análise da gestão democrática de uma escola do Sistema S, especificamente o Centro Educacional SESI Nº 406, localizado na cidade de Mauá, uma das 211 escolas que compõem a Rede Escolar SESI do Estado de São Paulo, no período de 2001 a 2007, tendo como referência a análise do contexto histórico das lutas travadas pela democratização da sociedade no período que sucede a ditadura militar. O ensino como direito de todos, os mecanismos de participação, a inserção da comunidade escolar nos processos decisórios e a construção da gestão democrática da escola, foram movimentos que acompanharam o processo de redemocratização da sociedade no início da década de 1980. O estudo discute os caminhos trilhados para a conquista da gestão democrática, identificando mudanças e as transformações ocorridas no período em questão. Utilizamos como recurso para a coleta de dados a análise de documentos da instituição, a observação participante, a coleta de depoimentos escritos e gravados de alunos, professores e demais integrantes da comunidade escolar. Os dados desta pesquisa revelam que a mudança de postura do gestor, no sentido de possibilitar a diluição do poder, é imprescindível para a ruptura dos modelos de administração verticalizada e centralizadora, tendo este o gestor o papel fundamental de articulador das ações que priorizem o coletivo. Os resultados evidenciam o reconhecimento positivo do conjunto de atores sociais entrevistados quanto aos avanços da gestão democrática, considerada é um processo em construção. Concluímos com Coutinho (2004), que a democracia deve ser entendida não como um estado, mas sempre como um processo.
A ação reduzida do Estado brasileiro com relação ao atendimento das necessidades das crianças e adolescentes em situação de rua dá espaço para a atuação de novos atores sociais. Alguns destes têm como objetivo promover a cidadania do país, como os participantes do terceiro setor: ONGs que enfrentam diversos obstáculos para realizar suas missões. Dentre estes desafios encontra-se a gestão de pessoas. O presente trabalho propõe a análise da gestão de pessoas e a construção participativa de um modelo de competências em uma Organização Não Governamental Projeto Meninos e Meninas de Rua, a partir da combinação das metodologias qualitativas de estudo de caso único e pesquisa-ação, tendo como embasamento a Gestão Social. A pesquisa de campo foi desenvolvida por meio de diferentes fontes de evidências: entrevistas, questionários, observação, análise de documentos e registros e artefatos físicos, que permitiu a construção participativa de um modelo com cinco (5) competências essenciais/institucionais: Diagnóstico e Planejamento, Alinhamento Institucional, Comunicação, Resiliência e Defesa, Garantia e Promoção de Direitos, tendo como foco deste trabalho o olhar para os Educadores Sociais que atuam na instituição.
As Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES), a exemplo das grandes organizações, têm enfrentado os desafios da globalização: as mudanças do ambiente, as acirradas competições, a busca por maior qualidade, a escassez de recursos, as novas tecnologias educacionais e a necessidade de prestar contas de avaliações acadêmicas e institucionais. Mourão, Kilemnik e Fernandes (2005) afirmam que diante destas grandes mudanças as organizações precisam contar com profissionais competentes e criativos, a fim de que eles sejam capazes de superar, junto com a organização as dificuldades do ambiente e tirar proveito das oportunidades do momento. Para que a evolução das organizações aconteça, a área de Gestão de Recursos Humanos torna-se hoje vital no contexto organizacional, cada vez mais competitivo e globalizado, uma vez que ela pode contribuir de forma decisiva para o sucesso das organizações. Dentro deste contexto estão as IES confessionais sem fins lucrativos, que também como as demais buscam novos modelos de gestão. O Objetivo deste trabalho é analisar como uma Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES) Comunitárias Confessionais, sem Fins Lucrativos, está trabalhando com a Gestão de Pessoas sobre os docentes, frente ao mercado competitivo. Para atender à proposta deste trabalho, será desenvolvida uma abordagem qualitativa exploratória e descritiva, através do desenvolvimento do estudo de caso de uma IES confessional sem fins lucrativo, situada na região do Vale do Paraíba, estado de São Paulo. Trata-se, portanto de uma experiência que pode trazer contribuições, tanto para a IES estudada, como para as demais instituições confessionais que estão buscando modelos de gestão para Recursos Humanos. Como resultado da pesquisa foi observado que a IES estudada ainda não apresenta estratégia definidas para gerir seu corpo docente, mas se utiliza de práticas de incentivos e reconhecimento, buscando alcançar o comprometimento do seu corpo docente. Destaca-se que a IES está passando por um momento de transição, pois esta elaborando suas novas políticas de gestão de Pessoas.
Este trabalho teve como propósito a análise da gestão democrática de uma escola do Sistema S, especificamente o Centro Educacional SESI Nº 406, localizado na cidade de Mauá, uma das 211 escolas que compõem a Rede Escolar SESI do Estado de São Paulo, no período de 2001 a 2007, tendo como referência a análise do contexto histórico das lutas travadas pela democratização da sociedade no período que sucede a ditadura militar. O ensino como direito de todos, os mecanismos de participação, a inserção da comunidade escolar nos processos decisórios e a construção da gestão democrática da escola, foram movimentos que acompanharam o processo de redemocratização da sociedade no início da década de 1980. O estudo discute os caminhos trilhados para a conquista da gestão democrática, identificando mudanças e as transformações ocorridas no período em questão. Utilizamos como recurso para a coleta de dados a análise de documentos da instituição, a observação participante, a coleta de depoimentos escritos e gravados de alunos, professores e demais integrantes da comunidade escolar. Os dados desta pesquisa revelam que a mudança de postura do gestor, no sentido de possibilitar a diluição do poder, é imprescindível para a ruptura dos modelos de administração verticalizada e centralizadora, tendo este o gestor o papel fundamental de articulador das ações que priorizem o coletivo. Os resultados evidenciam o reconhecimento positivo do conjunto de atores sociais entrevistados quanto aos avanços da gestão democrática, considerada é um processo em construção. Concluímos com Coutinho (2004), que a democracia deve ser entendida não como um estado, mas sempre como um processo.
This dissertation addresses issues considered essential for sustainable development of urban waterfronts and beaches. Many of these spaces, even though they are of public authorities, economic market and general population interests - due to its landscape, its importance for recreation purposes and as a basis of " Sun and beach Tourism " (Turismo de Sol e Praia), among other factors - have shown aesthetic, health and cultural degradation, entailing environmental, economic and social losses and conflicts. Based on this perception, the research aims to understand the main reasons for these negative results for beach spaces. To this end, it was chosen the case study of a typical urban beach, Ponta Negra Beach, located in Natal, RN. Ponta Negra is associated with the "postcard" of the city and it has been deserving of municipal urban planning legislation that legally recognizes the importance of its landscape. Also it has received constant investments by the Government through urban projects, arguing to leave the site attractive to its users. Nevertheless, in the last fifteen years, the beach has lived with the expansion of its problems, such as those related to bathing water, to coastal erosion, and to the mangling of its natural surroundings. Social conflicts have also been frequent in this time frame: conflicts between residents of the waterfront and traders who work on the beach, between the traders themselves, between the managers of space and fishermen, between managers and formal and informal traders. Many of these social and environmental conflicts have taken such grand proportions that became legal matters. Assuming that the problems identified are related to the issue of rationality - understood as a system of values, norms and actions that relate means and ends - and upholding the need for focused research on "environmental rationality" to understand and interpret the dynamics of social and environmental problems encountered on site, the research that guides the study relies on the Mexican economist Enrique Leff's theory on "environmental rationality" which, briefly, can be defined as a system of values, norms, actions and means and ends relations based on the principles of environmental management and sustainable development. Among other aspects, rationality encompasses cross-sectional planning of public administration, the participation of society in the management of environmental resources, interdisciplinary reorganization of knowledge, the clash of opposing interests and the conciliation of common goals of different social actors. The study evaluates the relationship between "environmental rationality", as proposed by Enrique Leff, with the management, urban interventions and uses observed in Ponta Negra Beach. For that, some benchmarks were established and considered in the research as related to sustainable development of the "beachy" atmosphere. Analytical instruments chosen were the urban transformations and the environmental and social problems that have been the target of lawsuits. Also part of the study, the problems that were the subject of civil investigations, which are investigation procedures carried out by the Prosecutor's Office.
This dissertation addresses issues considered essential for sustainable development of urban waterfronts and beaches. Many of these spaces, even though they are of public authorities, economic market and general population interests - due to its landscape, its importance for recreation purposes and as a basis of " Sun and beach Tourism " (Turismo de Sol e Praia), among other factors - have shown aesthetic, health and cultural degradation, entailing environmental, economic and social losses and conflicts. Based on this perception, the research aims to understand the main reasons for these negative results for beach spaces. To this end, it was chosen the case study of a typical urban beach, Ponta Negra Beach, located in Natal, RN. Ponta Negra is associated with the "postcard" of the city and it has been deserving of municipal urban planning legislation that legally recognizes the importance of its landscape. Also it has received constant investments by the Government through urban projects, arguing to leave the site attractive to its users. Nevertheless, in the last fifteen years, the beach has lived with the expansion of its problems, such as those related to bathing water, to coastal erosion, and to the mangling of its natural surroundings. Social conflicts have also been frequent in this time frame: conflicts between residents of the waterfront and traders who work on the beach, between the traders themselves, between the managers of space and fishermen, between managers and formal and informal traders. Many of these social and environmental conflicts have taken such grand proportions that became legal matters. Assuming that the problems identified are related to the issue of rationality - understood as a system of values, norms and actions that relate means and ends - and upholding the need for focused research on "environmental rationality" to understand and interpret the dynamics of social and environmental problems encountered on site, the research that guides the study relies on the Mexican economist Enrique Leff's theory on "environmental rationality" which, briefly, can be defined as a system of values, norms, actions and means and ends relations based on the principles of environmental management and sustainable development. Among other aspects, rationality encompasses cross-sectional planning of public administration, the participation of society in the management of environmental resources, interdisciplinary reorganization of knowledge, the clash of opposing interests and the conciliation of common goals of different social actors. The study evaluates the relationship between "environmental rationality", as proposed by Enrique Leff, with the management, urban interventions and uses observed in Ponta Negra Beach. For that, some benchmarks were established and considered in the research as related to sustainable development of the "beachy" atmosphere. Analytical instruments chosen were the urban transformations and the environmental and social problems that have been the target of lawsuits. Also part of the study, the problems that were the subject of civil investigations, which are investigation procedures carried out by the Prosecutor's Office.
The research deals with the constitution of the pedagogical praxis of a teacher trainer, understood as objectification of theoretical and practical unity in the teaching field. It was achieved by means of a didactic-training intervention. The research problem: as a teacher trainer in a continuous training process is a pedagogical praxis, outlined to the overall objective: investigate the establishment of the pedagogical praxis of teacher trainer in a continuous formation process. The specific objectives were: 1) outline principles and foundations theoretical-methodological course of intervention research on appropriate teaching assumptions of historical-cultural theory; 2) systematic principles of constitution of the pedagogical praxis of a teacher trainer and 3) synthesize foundations of continued training of teacher trainers in view of the historical-cultural theory, to collaborate with design of institutional policies for continuing training of university teachers. The research was developed at the Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro University - UFTM, with teachers who work in their degree courses. It was developed in three stages: diagnosis, didactic-formative intervention and analysis of data. In the diagnostic step attended five teacher educators of degrees in: history, geography, physics, chemistry and letters. At this stage were used identification questionnaires, interviews, classroom observation and document analysis. In the next stage, with participation of a trainer, it was held educational-training intervention understood as the collective research-training process that is involved intervening in teaching with the development of interdependent and simultaneous actions trainings, planning and implementation of educational activities and study, classroom observation and evaluation from the perspective of dialectical unity in order to contribute to the integral development of teachers and students. The intervention were also held interviews and document analysis. The last stage of the research was the analysis of the data. In the diagnosis of education, among other analyzes, three references were found of the trainer's training-action: memorized references, empirical and praxis. It was the analysis of the references of the trainer's training-action that guided referrals ways of teaching-training intervention. As a result, it was concluded that the teacher educator is their pedagogical praxis in the dialectical units theoretical and practical appropriation of concepts and imitation-creation. Were the two principles analyzed in the research. It was also systematized some essential elements of the formation of the teacher educator: the needs of trainers are decisive in the choice of concepts that will be appropriate; the organization of the training process should take place hand in hand with planning and development classes; the theory need to be experienced in training so that appropriation/objectification of education come true, and also, participants must be strengthened as a collective studies, since we have not learned by linearity but connections. It is hoped that the research will create opportunities to deepen the debate on the continuing education of teacher educators and contribute to scientific production in the area.
This paper proposes to analyse a situation of social drama involving the Krahô Indians (classified in ethnology as belonging to Jê-Timbira group) and the Museu Paulista of the Universidade de São Paulo, which we can classify as two distinct social fields. The understanding of the drama is conveyed through an examination of each of these fields and the coming together of both on the basis of the positions taken up, within the network of relationships established during the social process, by actors representing both the Krahô field and what we may call here the academic-administrative field. A multi-sited ethnographic approach is adopted, seeking the complexity of the drama and the positions in the aforementioned network, taking into consideration institutional political projects, personal projects and personal trajectories within a historical perspective. The aim is to encourage discussion of the relationship between the formation of the historical-scientific and ethnographic museums and the practices of the anthropological discipline, as well as the social role of these institutions and the processes of signification of objects belonging to the indigenous material culture
The breast cancer is the most incident neoplasia in Brazilian women, configure as important cause of female death in Brazil. Its magnitude is go to be consider as a disease that go out the biological and numerical, extending of the subjective dimension and interrelationships of society and socials experiences, to into in knowledge and practices. Linking of the growing older process, the breast cancer extend as social, economical and cultural dimensions, madding in plot of socials relationships, through that acquire mean. In the context of the high expectative of live and the high number of older age persons, consider that that the high number of years had lived correspond the exposition of this individuals to corporate of the ambientals aggressions and own processes of human constitution of natural wear, like as chronicle-degenerate disease, the example is cancer. In the perspective, we collected narratives of mastectomies women with 60 age or so, about the breast cancer, the body and the growing older process, had has as objectives to reflexes about relatives questions, the comprehension about cancer, like experience, had lived and mean in the context of action and interaction of mastectomies older women, and to comprehend like women interrelationships and respond the changes that grow up of the disease and the growing older process in the everyday of their lives. Through of the narratives. We know that the disease is an initial information that take a form through successives approximation between women with their reality, since the family from hospital institution. The breast cancer to be continue a disease who cause a lot of apprehension and fear, getting and changing the ill s live as marked form. Have dad the body and the growing older process genteels and redimensions by disease, women need to define news and multiples functions due to the contingency that the disease impose
The study analyzed regarding cultural policies developed in the city of North-EC Limoeiro by the Municipal Culture and Tourism (Semuc) in the period between the years 2005 and 2010. Period that marks the resumption of the figure of the State Ministry of Culture (MinC) as a major factor in formulating and implementing public policies in the area of culture in the country, especially with the creation of the National Culture System (CNS) and the preparation of National Culture Plan (NCP). The work was through research documents (laws) about what had legislated on culture in the city, the reports of consultation activities undertaken by Semuc and interviews with former managers, a former - employee and the Secretary of that folder. Thus, given the contemporary context where the culture is replaced by increasing visibility, the analysis undertaken on policies developed by cultural Semuc revealed the most diverse forms of action: investment in events (capture and promotion), the institution permanent cultural policies, cultural background, the appreciation of local culture, and specific actions