48 resultados para CNG


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This document is specific to the state of Iowa and outlines the requirements and procedures necessary to use, distribute, and service compressed natural gas (CNG) and the equipment associated with it. Four state agencies’ requirements for CNG are covered in this document: The Iowa Utilities Board (IUB), Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS)/ Weights and Measures Bureau, Iowa Department of Revenue (IDR) and Iowa Department of Public Safety (IDPS) / Division of the State Fire Marshal.


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Kaasunkäyttö liikennepolttoaineena on Suomessa vielä melko vähäistä. Maa- ja biokaasun käyttöä pyritään kuitenkin lisäämään, sillä EU:n jäsenvaltioiden tulee korvatavuoteen 2010 mennessä 5,75 % nykyisistä liikenteen polttoaineista biopolttoaineilla ja vuoteen 2020 mennessä jopa 20 %:a. Tässä työssä tutkittiin kaasukäyttöisen (CNG) jäteauton vahvuuksia ja heikkouksia dieseljäteautoon verrattuna. Ensimmäinen CNG-jäteauto aloitti liikennöinnin Pääkaupunkiseudun yhteistyövaltuuskunnan alueella joulukuussa 2005. Kaasujäteautolle suoritettujen melu- ja pakokaasupäästömittausten perusteella selvisi, että CNG-jäteauto on ympäristön kannalta dieseljäteautoa puhtaampi vaihtoehto. Kaasujäteautolla on myös yrityksen imagoon positiivinen vaikutus. Jäteautojen kustannuslaskelmat osoittivat, että kaasujäteauto tulee kokonaiskustannuksiltaan kalliimmaksi kuin dieseljäteauto. Ainoastaan CNG-jäteauton polttoainekustannukset ovat toistaiseksi edullisemmat kuin dieseljäteauton. Kaasujäteautokannan lisääntyminen edellyttää kaasun liikennepolttoainekäytön tukemista esimerkiksi antamalla lisäpisteitä urakkatarjouskilpailuissa. Tällöin eri polttoainevaihtoehtojen välillesyntyy kilpailua, millä voi tulevaisuudessa olla vaikutusta CNG-jäteauton kokonaiskustannusten alenemiseen ja kaasun käytön lisäämiseen taloudellisesti kannattavasti. Myös edistämällä biokaasun hyötykäyttöä liikennepolttoaineena saavutetaan maakaasua paremmat ympäristöhyödyt ja saadaan kaatopaikoilla muodostuva metaani talteen. Biokaasu on hiilidioksidineutraali polttoaine, joten sen poltosta ei synny kasvihuonekaasupäästöjä.


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The present study aims at assessing the influence of pollution from mobile sources on air quality in the Metropolitan Area of Porto Alegre by means of an inventory based on methods applied specifically to vehicular emissions. The study uses the method described by CETESB, based on inventories on vehicular emissions, according to USEPA methodology. Following fuel types were taken into account: gasoline (24% ethanol), alcohol, diesel oil, and CNG (compressed natural gas). Results have shown that gasoline-powered vehicles are still responsible for emitting the highest CO and HC concentrations, while diesel-powered vehicles are the source of highest NOx, MP and SOx concentrations.


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Avhandlingen berör de turkiska operationerna på Cypern, som inleddes den 20 juli 1974 till följd av att den cypriotiska presidenten Makarios avsatts i en statskupp. Avhandlingen behandlar de turkiska förbandens stridsverksamhet under tiden 20.- 31.7.1974 med tyngdpunkt vid de tre första dagarna. Operation Attila genomfördes med trupper från alla försvarsgrenar, men huvudansvaret låg hos armén. Den turkiska fredsstyrkan, som utgjordes av den 6. armékåren hade en total styrka på ungefär 16000 man under operationens första skede. Den huvudsakliga forskningsfrågan lyder, hur genomförde Turkiet Operation Attilas första skede? Övriga forskningsfrågor som stöder huvudfrågan är: Av vilka förband var den turkiska fredsstyrkan sammansatt och hur såg dessa förband ut? Vilken roll spelade den turkiska marinen och det turkiska flygvapnet i operationen? Vilka var de turkiska truppernas största taktiska och stridstekniska problem under operationen? Vilka faktorer bidrog till att Turkiet lyckades med Operation Attila? Forskningen baserar sig på skriven litteratur i form av böcker, skriftliga utkast och artiklar. Som forskningsmetod används en kvalitativ litteraturanalys där ovan nämnda forskningsfrågor besvaras. De turkiska förbanden lyckades genomföra Operation Attilas första skede, men de nådde inte sina uppsatta militära mål förrän flera dagar senare än planerat. Turkarnas försening berodde mera på egen inkompetens än kraftigt motstånd från den grekcypriotiska krigsmakten, CNG.


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En la actualidad el Pacífico es visto como un espacio de oportunidades para aprovechar, bien sea de manera individual o a través de la creación de iniciativas comunes que conduzcan a mayores acercamientos a esta región. Si se apela a las iniciativas, es preciso estudiar el Acuerdo del Pacífico – AP, un espacio conformado por México, Colombia, Perú y Chile, que se plantea como principal objetivo el acercamiento a la región de Asia – Pacífico. Así, el presente documento intenta hacer un aporte a la disciplina de las Relaciones Internacionales por medio de un análisis de estas dos iniciativas, haciendo énfasis sobre el Acuerdo del Pacífico, también llamado Alianza del Pacífico, espacio que en la actualidad se perfila como uno de los de mayor dinamismo y relevancia en Latinoamérica.


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Introducción: El presente estudio pretende determinar la mortalidad y caracterizar morbilidad de este grupo de recién nacidos, para establecer planes de mejoramiento. Materiales y método: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de corte transversal. Se revisaron 158 historias clínicas de los recién nacidos prematuros menores de 1500 gramos hospitalizados en la unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatales del Hospital Universitario Departamental de Nariño durante el periodo 2011 al 2013. La información fue analizada estadísticamente. Resultados: Se encontró que de 5447 nacidos vivos el 2,9 % fueron menores de 1500 gramos. 52,5 % eran de género masculino, 63,9% nacieron por cesárea. El 23,4 % no recibió esteroides antenatales. La tasa de mortalidad para el periodo de estudio en este grupo de pacientes fue de 7.3 por mil nacidos vivos. El 100% de los recién nacidos de menos de 750 gr fallecieron. Mientras que no se registro ninguna sobrevida de menos de 24 semanas. Conclusiones: Podría establecerse este como límite de viabilidad el peso al nacer < 750 gr y menos de 24 semanas de gestación, en donde la muerte es prácticamente la regla, siempre teniendo en cuenta evaluar cuidadosamente cada caso particular. La morbilidad de los prematuros de muy bajo peso al nacer esta en los rangos reportados en la literatura.


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O tema do presente estudo consiste na análise da demanda do mercado de taxistas de Curitiba frente à possibilidade de utilização de um combustível alternativo menos oneroso e poluente: o Gás Natural Veicular – GNV. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi de analisar o mercado atual do GNV entre os taxistas de Curitiba, verificando a possibilidade de ampliar do uso do GNV por esta frota através de uma pesquisa de mercado. Os dados da pesquisa servirão de subsídios para campanhas de marketing orientadas à ampliação acelerada do uso desta tecnologia. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa de satisfação para levantar os fatores determinantes para a tomada de decisão dos taxistas de Curitiba de utilizarem ou não um combustível alternativo menos oneroso e poluente como o Gás Natural Veicular – GNV. O estudo visou obter a percepção dos taxistas de Curitiba. Com base nos resultados da pesquisa foi possível estabelecer subsídios para campanhas de marketing orientadas à ampliação acelerada do uso desta tecnologia. Para realização da pesquisa, utilizou-se uma pesquisa exploratória, com entrevistas individuais da cúpula das organizações que trabalham com o Gás Natural, prospectando novos projetos para o futuro e as perspectivas de evolução do mercado de GNV em Curitiba, a qual forneceu subsídios para a pesquisa quantitativa junto aos taxistas da cidade de Curitiba. Constatou-se que somente 36% do público estudado é usuário de gás natural veicular, mas entre os não usuários, 82% já pensou em instalar o kit gás. As principais razões pelas quais os taxistas pesquisados não utilizam o GNV são a perda de espaço no porta-malas e a perda de potência do veículo. Entre os taxistas que utilizam o GNV, no que tange aos atributos relacionados à rede de distribuição, a maior insatisfação refere-se à localização dos postos e a maior satisfação às eventuais filas para abastecimento. Nesses mesmos atributos o que obteve maior índice de importância foi justamente a localização dos postos. Entre os atributos relacionados ao produto, o maior índice de satisfação foi o nível de poluição ambiental e a maior insatisfação espaço para armazenamento, sendo o desempenho do veículo considerado o mais importante. Quanto aos atributos relacionados aos equipamentos, verificou-se a segurança com o maior índice de satisfação e de importância.


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The vehicles are the main mobile sources of carbon monoxide (CO) and unburned hydrocarbons (HC) released into the atmosphere. In the last years the increment of the fleet of vehicles in the municipal district of Natal-RN it is contributing to the increase of the emissions of those pollutants. The study consisted of a statistical analysis of the emissions of CO and HC of a composed sample for 384 vehicles with mechanization Gasoline/CNG or Alcohol/Gasoline/CNG of the municipal district of Natal-RN. The tests were accomplished in vehicles submitted to Vehicular Safety's Inspection, in the facilities of INSPETRANS, Organism of Vehicular Inspection. An partial gases analyzer allowed to measure, for each vehicle, the levels of CO and HC in two conditions of rotation of the motor (900 and 2500 rpm). The statistical analysis accomplished through the STATISTICA software revealed a sensitive reduction in the efficiency of the converters catalytic after 6 years of use with emission average it is of 0,78% of CO and 156 (ppm) of HC, Which represents approximately 4 (four) times the amount of CO and the double of HC in comparison with the newest vehicles. The result of a Student s t-test, suggests strongly that the average of the emissions of HC (152 ppm), at 900 rpm, is 40% larger than at 2500 rpm, for the motor without load. This result reveals that the efficiency of the catalytic conversion is limited kinetically in low engine speeds. The Study also ends that when comparing the emissions of CO and HC considering the influence of the fuels, it was verified that although the emissions of CO starting from CNG are 62% smaller than arising from the gasoline, there are not significant differences among the emissions of HC originating from of CNG and of the gasoline. In synthesis, the results place the current criteria of vehicular inspection, for exhaust gases, in doubt, leading the creation of emission limits of pollutant more rigorous, because the efficiency of the converters catalytic is sensibly reduced starting from 6 years of use. It is also raised the possibility of modifications in the test conditions adopted by the current norms, specifically in the speed engine, have seen that in the condition without load the largest emission indexes were registered in slow march. That fact that allows to suggest the dismissal of the tests in high speed engine, reducing the time of inspection in half and generating economy of fuel


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1. Adriamycin, a commonly used antineoplastic antibiotic, induces glomerular lesions in rats, resulting in persistent proteinuria and glomerulosclerosis.2. The effect of urine volume on the progression of adriamycin-induced nephropathy was studied in 70 male Wistar rats (180-200 g) observed for 30 weeks and separated into 4 groups: healthy control group (HCG, N = 10) inoculated iv with 1 ml of saline, and nephrotic groups inoculated iv with a single dose of adriamycin of 3 mg/kg body weight. The nephrotic rats were separated into 3 groups (N = 20): nephrotic control group (NCG) receiving only adriamycin; dehydrated nephrotic group (DNG) water deprived for 36 h within each 48-h period, and furosemide nephrotic group (FNG) treated with 12 mg/dl furosemide, and 0.9 g/dl NaCl in the drinking water.3. The 30-week survival rates of the DNG (100%) and HCG (100%) were significantly higher than those of the NCG (85%) and FNG (55%).4. The proteinuria observed in the HCG (range, 7.38 +/- 0.7 to 13.6 +/- 1.27 mg/24 h) was significantly lower than that observed for all the nephrotic groups throughout the experiment. The DNG presented significantly less proteinuria (range, 42.71 +/- 6.83 to 140.10 +/- 19.22 mg/24 h) than the NCG (range, 35.32 +/- 7.64 to 250.00 +/- 25.91 mg/24 h) from week 10 on. There was no significant difference between the mean 24-h proteinuria of the NCG (range, 35.32 +/- 7.64 to 250.00 +/- 25.91 mg/24 h) and the FNG (range, 35.82 +/- 7.91 to 221.54 +/- 26.74).5. The mean frequency of damaged glomeruli was 0.3% +/- 0.3 for HCG, 42% +/- 6% for CNG, 40.8% +/- 8% for DNG, and 47% +/- 14% for FNG. The median value of the tubulointerstitial lesion, evaluated by a semiquantitative method, was 0 in HCG, 10 in CNG, 8.5 in DNG and 9.5 in FNG(P<0.05 for all groups compared to HCG).6. The data indicate that reduction of urine volume has a protective effect on adriamycin-induced nephropathy.


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The role of superoxide in adriamycin-induced nephropathy (single dose; i.v. 3 mg/kg) has been studied by blocking superoxide synthesis through the administration of allopurinol (500 mg/L in drinking water). In Experiment I (EI), allopurinol administration was started 3 days prior to nephropathy induction and continued until day 14. In Experiment II (EII) allopurinol administration was started 2 weeks after nephropathy induction and was maintained until the end of the experiment (26 weeks). Affected glomeruli frequency and tubulointerstitial lesion index (TILI) were determined at Weeks 2 and 4 (EI) and Week 26 (EII). In EI, and 24 h mean proteinuria in the nephrotic control group (NCG-I) differed from that of the treated nephrotic group (TNG-I) at Week 1 (TNG = 33.3 ± 6.39 mg/24 h; NCG = 59.8 ± 6.3 mg/24 h; p < 0.05) and 2 (NCG-I = 80.0 ± 17.5 mg/24h; TNG-I = 49.1 ± 8.4 mg/24 h; p < 0.05). No glomerular alterations were observed and TILI medians were not different in both nephrotic groups at week 2 (NCG-I = 1+: TNG = 1+) and 4 (NCG = 4+; TNG = 4+). In EII, NCG-II and TNG-II presented different 24 h proteinuria values only at Week 6, (136.91 ± 22.23 mg/24 h ad 72.66 ± 10.72 mg/24 h, respectively; p < 0.05). Between nephrotic groups, there was no statistical difference in the median of affected glomeruli (CNG-II = 56%; TNG-II = 48% and TILI (NCG-II = 8+; TNG-II = 9+). Thus, allopurinol was associated with a transient reduction in proteinuria and it did not alter the progression of the nephropathy.


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This report analyses the agriculture, energy, and health sectors in Trinidad and Tobago to assess the potential economic impacts of climate change on the sectors. The fundamental aim of this report is to assist with the development of strategies to deal with the potential impact of climate change on Trinidad and Tobago. It also has the potential to provide essential input for identifying and preparing policies and strategies to help advance the Caribbean subregion closer to solving problems associated with climate change and attaining individual and regional sustainable development goals. Some of the key anticipated impacts of climate change for the Caribbean include elevated air and sea-surface temperatures, sea-level rise, possible changes in extreme events and a reduction in freshwater resources. The economic impact of climate change on the three sectors was estimated for the A2 and B2 IPCC scenarios until 2050. An exploration of various adaptation strategies was also undertaken for each sector using standard evaluation techniques. The study of the impact of climate change on the agriculture sector focused on root crops, green vegetables and fisheries. For these sectors combined, the cumulative loss under the A2 scenario is calculated as approximately B$2.24 and approximately B$1.72 under the B2 scenario by 2050. This is equivalent to 1.37% and 1.05% of the 2008 GDP under the A2 and B2 scenarios, respectively. Given the potential for significant damage to the agriculture sector a large number of potential adaptation measures were considered. Out of these a short-list of 10 potential options were selected by applying 10 evaluation criteria. All of the adaptation strategies showed positive benefits. The analysis indicate that the options with the highest net benefits are: (1) Building on-farm water storage, (2) Mainstreaming climate change issues into agricultural management and (3) Using drip irrigation. Other attractive options include water harvesting. The policy decisions by governments should include these assessments, the omitted intangible benefits, as well as the provision of other social goals such as employment. The analysis of the energy sector has shown that the economic impact of climate change during 2011-2050 is similar under the A2 (US$142.88 million) and B2 (US$134.83 million) scenarios with A2 scenario having a slightly higher cost (0.737% of 2009 GDP) than the B2 scenario (0.695% of 2009 GDP) for the period. On the supply side, analyses indicate that Trinidad and Tobago’s energy sector will be susceptible to the climate change policies of major energy-importing countries (the United States of America and China), and especially to their renewable energy strategies. Implementation of foreign oil substitution policy by the United States of America will result in a decline in Trinidad and Tobago’s Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) export (equivalent to 2.2% reduction in 2009 GDP) unless an alternative market is secured for the lost United States of America market. China, with its rapid economic growth and the highest population in the world, offers a potential replacement market for Trinidad and Tobago’s LNG export. In this context the A2 scenario will offer the best option for Trinidad and Tobago’s energy sector. The cost-benefit analysis undertaken on selected adaptation strategies reveal that the benefit-cost ratio of replacing electric water heaters with solar water heaters is the most cost-effective. It was also found that the introduction of Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) and Variable Refrigerant Volume (VRV) air conditioners surpasses the projected cost of increased electricity consumption due to climate change, and provides an economic rationale for the adoption of these adaptation options even in a situation of increased electricity consumption occasioned by climate change. Finally, the conversion of motor fleets to Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is a cost-effective adaptation option for the transport sector, although it has a high initial cost of implementation and the highest per capita among the four adaptation options evaluated. To investigate the effect of climate change on the health sector dengue fever, leptospirosis, food borne illnesses, and gastroenteritis were examined. The total number of new dengue cases for the period 2008 to 2050 was 204,786 for BAU, 153,725 for A2 and 131,890 for the B2 scenario. With regard to the results for leptospirosis, A2 and B2 seem to be following a similar path with total number of new cases in the A2 scenario being 9,727 and 9,218 cases under the B2 scenario. Although incidence levels in the BAU scenario coincided with those of A2 and B2 prior to 2020, they are somewhat lower post 2020. A similar picture emerges for the scenarios as they relate to food-borne illnesses and to gastroenteritis. Specifically for food-borne illnesses, the BAU scenario recorded 27,537 cases, the A2 recorded 28,568 cases and the B2 recorded 28,679 cases. The focus on the selected sources of morbidity in the health sector has highlighted the fact that the vulnerability of the country’s health sector to climate change does not depend solely on exogenously derived impacts, but also on the behaviour and practices among the population. It is clear that the vulnerability which became evident in the analysis of the impacts on dengue fever, leptospirosis and food-borne illnesses is not restricted solely to climate or other external factors. The most important adaptation strategy being recommended targets lifestyle, behaviour and attitude changes. The population needs to be encouraged to alter their behaviours and practices so as to minimise their exposure to harmful outcomes as it relates to the incidence of these diseases.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEB


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The retaking of the ethanol program in the year 2003 as a fuel for light road transportation in Brazil through the introduction of flex fuel vehicles fleet was a good strategy to overcome the difficulties of the ethanol production sector and did work to increase its market share relative to gasoline. This process, however, may cause a future disequilibrium on the food production and on the refining oil derivates structure. In order to analyze the substitution process resultant of the competition between two opponents fighting for the same market, in this case the gasoline/ethanol substitution process, a method derived from the biomathematics based on the non-linear differential equations (NLDE) system is utilized. A brief description of the method is presented. Numerical adherence of the method to explain several substitution phenomena that occurred in the past is presented in the previous author`s paper, in which the urban gas pipeline system substitution of bottled LPG in the dwelling sector and the substitution of the urban diesel transportation fleet by compressed natural gas (CNG) buses is presented. The proposed method is particularly suitable for prospective analysis and scenarios assessment. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels are a family of ion channels activated by the binding of cyclic nucleotides. Endogenous channels have been used to measure cyclic nucleotide signals in photoreceptor outer segments and olfactory cilia for decades. Here we have investigated the subcellular localization of cGMP signals by monitoring CNG channel activity in response to agonists that activate either particulate or soluble guanylyl cyclase. CNG channels were heterologously expressed in either human embryonic kidney (HEK)-293 cells that stably overexpress a particulate guanylyl cyclase (HEK-NPRA cells), or cultured vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) was used to activate the particulate guanylyl cyclase and the nitric oxide donor S-nitroso-n-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP) was used to activate the soluble guanylyl cyclase. CNG channel activity was monitored by measuring Ca2+ or Mn2+ influx through the channels using the fluorescent dye, fura-2. We found that in HEK-NPRA cells, ANP-induced increases in cGMP levels activated CNG channels in a dose-dependent manner (0.05-10 nM), whereas SNAP (0.01-100 microM) induced increases in cGMP levels triggered little or no activation of CNG channels (P < 0.01). After pretreatment with 100 microM 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX), a nonspecific phosphodiesterase inhibitor, ANP-induced Mn2+ influx through CNG channels was significantly enhanced, while SNAP-induced Mn2+ influx remained small. In contrast, we found that in the presence of IBMX, both 1 nM ANP and 100 microM SNAP triggered similar increases in total cGMP levels. We next sought to determine if cGMP signals are compartmentalized in VSMCs, which endogenously express particulate and soluble guanylyl cyclase. We found that 10 nM ANP induced activation of CNG channels more readily than 100 muM SNAP; whereas 100 microM SNAP triggered higher levels of total cellular cGMP accumulation. These results suggest that cGMP signals are spatially segregated within cells, and that the functional compartmentalization of cGMP signals may underlie the unique actions of ANP and nitric oxide.