314 resultados para CMT-hitsaus


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Kuparin ja kupariseosten hitsaus eroaa merkittävästi esimerkiksi terästen hitsauksesta. Suuri lämmönjohtavuus, lämpölaajeneminen, pehmeneminen ja kuparin taipumus liuottaa kaasuja sulaan asettavat hitsaukselle haasteita. Kuparia on perinteisesti hitsattu kaasuhitsaamalla ja kaasukaarihitsausprosesseilla, mutta uudemmat menetelmät kuten laserhitsaus, elektronisuihkuhitsaus ja FSW-hitsaus tarjoavat uudenlaisia käyttökohteita korkealla laadulla. ISO 3834-2 asettaa noudatettavat vaatimukset hitsaustoiminnalle laatuvaatimusten ollessa kattavia. Ydinvoimalaitoksella hitsauksessa tulee lisäksi noudattaa Säteilyturvakeskuksen YVL-ohjeita, joissa on määritetty lisävaatimuksia liitosten materiaalivalinnoille, pätevöittämiselle ja tarkastamiselle. Tässä työssä tutkittiin kuparimetallien hitsauksen mahdollisuutta Loviisan ydinvoimalaitoksella juottamisen sijasta siten, että kattavat laatuvaatimukset täyttyisivät. Hitsauskokeissa ja laboratoriotutkimuksissa testattiin hitsausta erilaisilla hitsausaineilla ja hitsausprosesseilla. Koetulosten pohjalta toteutettiin hitsausmenetelmä deoksidoidun kupariputken ja tinapronssilaipan TIG-hitsaukselle.


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Tässä kandidaatintyössä esitellään ensin vedenalainen hitsaus yleisesti. Työssä käydään läpi vedenalaisen hitsauksen eri pääalueet ja niissä käytetyt hitsaustekniikat, sekä tarkastellaan veden vaikutusta hitsiin. Työ sisältää myös materiaali esimerkkejä, joita vedenalaisessa hitsauksessa käytetään. Vedenalainen hitsaus toimii asennus- ja korjaushitsauksena. Hitsausprosessit, joita työssä käsitellään, ovat puikko-, täytelanka- ja kitkahitsaus. Näitä hitsaustekniikoita käytetään märkähitsauksessa, mikä poikkeaa selvästi kuivassa ympäristössä tapahtuvaan hitsaamiseen, jossa hitsi ei pääse välittömästi kosketukseen veden kanssa. Työn tarkoituksena on antaa informaatiota vedenalaisesta hitsauksesta ja sen hyödyntämisestä hitsaustekniikassa.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O objetivo neste trabalho foi estimar as correlações entre o California Mastitis Test (CMT), a contagem células somáticas (CCS) e a produção de leite. Foram colhidas 544 amostras de leite de 38 búfalas em lactação nos anos de 2002 e 2003. O manejo de ordenha consistiu em uma ordenha diária, em que os tetos das búfalas eram desinfectados com solução de iodo, secos individualmente com papel toalha e submetidas à ordenha mecânica. O CMT foi realizado imediatamente após higienização dos tetos e as amostras de leite foram enviadas ao laboratório do DHVSP da Unesp/Botucatu, para realização da Contagem de Células Somáticas, em aparelho eletrônico Somacount 300. Foram efetuadas correlações entre Contagem de Células Somáticas, CMT, produção de leite, proteína, gordura e sólidos totais, que foram analisadas pelo SAEG (1997). A média de células somáticas foi de 63.380 células/mL, a produção diária de leite, de 4,07 ± 1,3 kg e a produção ajustada para os 270 dias, de 1214,25 ± 293,54 kg. Não foram encontradas correlações entre produção de leite, contagem de células somáticas e CMT. Para CCS e CMT, a correlação foi positiva e significativa (r = 0,53).


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A particularidade da secreção láctea caprina, do tipo apócrina, diferente da secreção merócrina da vaca, leva a erros de interpretação durante a realização de técnicas de avaliação da celularidade do leite de fêmeas desta espécie. Portanto, o presente trabalho teve o objetivo de determinar a contagem de células somáticas pelo método indireto California Mastitis Test (CMT), e por métodos diretos, incluindo a contagem por citometria de fluxo e a contagem microscópica direta, através da coloração de verde de metil e pironina-Y, além de comparar os métodos de contagem celular. Foram analisadas 102 amostras de 51 fêmeas caprinas, das raças Saanen, Parda Alpina e Toggenburg, criadas no Estado de São Paulo. Os animais foram categorizados segundo a fase da lactação, exame físico da glândula mamária e exame do leite. As amostras foram colhidas, após a realização do exame Califórnia Mastitis Test, em duas alíquotas, uma destinada à contagem celular automática e a outra, a contagem microscópica direta, utilizando-se o corante verde de metil e pironina- Y. De acordo com os diferentes escores do CMT, observou- se 74,5% de amostras negativas, 8,8% de amostras com escore traços, 8,8% de amostras ligeiramente positivas (+), 6,8% de amostras fracamente positivas (++) e 0,9% de amostras fortemente positivas (+++). Os valores medianos das contagens de células somáticas presentes no leite de cabras, avaliadas através de contador automático e microscopia direta, e analisadas de acordo com os diferentes escores do CMT, foram, respectivamente, 181.000, 578.000, 628.000, 1.421.500 e 5.542.000 células/mL de leite e 74.991, 271.396, 71.420, 640.995 e 5.049.394 células/ mL de leite, nos escores negativo, traços, +, ++ e +++. Os valores medianos obtidos através da contagem de células somáticas pelo método automático e microscópico direto, de acordo com as fases de lactação foram de 159.500, 508.000 e 277.500 células/mL de leite, e 62.493, 89.275 e 146.411. A correlação obtida entre a contagem celular automática e microscópica direta foi de 88%. A partir dos resultados observados pode-se concluir que existe diferença na contagem celular determinada através do método automático e microscópico sendo este último o mais adequado para a determinação da celularidade no leite de cabras.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate laser combined with intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide (IVTA) for the management of patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) and clinically significant macular edema (CSME). DESIGN: Randomized clinical trial. METHODS: SETTINGS: Single center. STUDY POPULATION: Twenty-two patients with bilateral treatment,naive moderate PDR and CSME. INTERVENTION: Laser (panretinal and macular) photocoagulation was performed in each eye, followed by IVTA in one randomly assigned eye. Best,corrected visual acuity (BCVA), fundus photography, and optical coherence tomography were performed at baseline and at months 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:. Changes in BCVA, central macular thickness (CMT), and total macular volume (TMV). RESULTS: The mean logarithm of the minimal angle of resolution (logMAR) BCVA improved significantly, and mean CMT and TMV were significantly reduced in the IVTA group compared with the laser,only group (controls) at all study follow-up visits (P < .001). The mean logMAR BCVA (Snellen equivalent) was 0.44 (20/50(-2)) for the IVTA group and 0.38 (20/50(+1)) for the controls at baseline, and 0.12 (20/25(-1)) for the IVTA group and 0.32 (20/40(-1)) for the controls at 12 months (P < .001.). The mean CMT and TMV were, respectively, 360 mu m and 8.59 mm(3) for the IVTA group and 331 mu m and 8.44 mm(3) for the controls at baseline, and 236 mu m and 7.32 mm(3) for the IVTA group and 266 mu m and 7.78 mm(3) for the controls at 12 months (P < .001). CONCLUSIONS: The combination of laser photocoagulation with IVTA was associated with improved BCVA and decreased CMT and TMV when compared with laser photocoagulation alone for the treatment of moderate PDR with CSME. (Am J Ophthalmol 2009;147:291-297. (C) 2009 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)


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Exercise training has an important role in the prevention and treatment of hypertension, but its effects on the early metabolic and hemodynamic abnormalities observed in normotensive offspring of hypertensive parents (FH+) have not been studied. We compared high-intensity interval (aerobic interval training, AIT) and moderate-intensity continuous exercise training (CMT) with regard to hemodynamic, metabolic and hormonal variables in FH+ subjects. Forty-four healthy FH+ women (25.0+/-4.4 years) randomized to control (ConFH+) or to a three times per week equal-volume AIT (80-90% of VO(2MAX)) or CMT (50-60% of VO(2MAX)) regimen, and 15 healthy women with normotensive parents (ConFH-; 25.3+/-3.1 years) had their hemodynamic, metabolic and hormonal variables analyzed at baseline and after 16 weeks of follow-up. Ambulatorial blood pressure (ABP), glucose and cholesterol levels were similar among all groups, but the FH+ groups showed higher insulin, insulin sensitivity, carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV), norepinephrine and endothelin-1 (ET-1) levels and lower nitrite/ nitrate (NOx) levels than ConFH- subjects. AIT and CMT were equally effective in improving ABP (P<0.05), insulin and insulin sensitivity (P<0.001); however, AIT was superior in improving cardiorespiratory fitness (15 vs. 8%; P<0.05), PWV (P<0.01), and BP, norepinephrine, ET-1 and NOx response to exercise (P<0.05). Exercise intensity was an important factor in improving cardiorespiratory fitness and reversing hemodynamic, metabolic and hormonal alterations involved in the pathophysiology of hypertension. These findings may have important implications for the exercise training programs used for the prevention of inherited hypertensive disorder. Hypertension Research (2010) 33, 836-843; doi:10.1038/hr.2010.72; published online 7 May 2010


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Galectin-3 is a glycan-binding protein that mediates cell-cell and/or cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions. Although galectin-3 is implicated in the progression of various types of cancers, the mechanisms by which galectin-3 enhances metastasis remain unclear. In order to elucidate the role of galectin-3 in the complex multistage process of cancer metastasis, we examined galectin-3 and galectin-3-binding site expression in a series of 82 spontaneous canine mammary tumors (CMT) and two CMT cell lines. Benign CMT tumors exhibited strong nuclear/cytoplasmic galectin-3 immunostaining, whereas malignant CMT tumors and metastases exhibited dramatically decreased galectin-3 expression with the majority of the immunostaining confined to the cytoplasm. Interestingly, intravascular tumor cells overexpressed galectin-3 regardless of their location. CMT-U27 xenografts displayed the same pattern of galectin-3 expression found in spontaneous malignant CMT. In parallel with the downregulation of galectin-3, malignant CMT displayed an overall loss of galectin-3-binding sites in the ECM and focal expression of galectin-3-binding sites mainly detected in intravascular tumor cells and endothelium. Furthermore, loss of galectin-3-binding sites was correlated with the downregulation of GLT25D1, a beta (1-O) galactosyltransferase that modifies collagen, and upregulation of stromal galectin-1. Finally, GLT25D1 mRNA expression was strikingly downregulated in malignant CMT-U27 compared with the benign cell line, and its expression was further de-creased in a galectin-3 knockdown CMT-U27 cell line. We therefore hypothesized that the loss of galectin-3-binding sites in the ECM in conjunction with the overexpression of galectin-3 in specific tumor cell subpopulations are crucial events for the development of mammary tumor metastases.


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Compound forms of Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease have been recently associated with unusually severe neuropathies, an observation that prompted the proposition that the additive effects of two mutations should be searched in patients whose clinical severity falls outside the common CMT phenotypes. In this report, we present a father and a daughter with a very mild and unusual disease that segregates with two mutations in PMP22 gene, the 17p11.2-p12 duplication and a Ser72Leu point mutation. We propose that the deleterious effects of each mutation are partially compensated by the functional effect of the other.


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Mutations of the mitofusin 2 (MFN2) gene have been reported to be the most common cause of the axonal form of Charcot Marie Tooth disease (CMT). The aim of this study was to describe a de novo MFN2 p.R104W mutation and characterize the associated phenotype. We screened the entire coding region of MFN2 gene and characterized its clinical phenotype, nerve conduction studies and sural nerve biopsy. Neuropsychological tests and brain MRI were also performed. A de nova mutation was found in exon 4 (c.310C > T; p.R104W). In addition to a severe and early onset axonal neuropathy, the patient presented learning problems, obesity, glucose intolerance, leukoencephalopathy, brain atrophy and evidence of myelin involvement and mitochondrial structural changes on sural nerve biopsy. These results suggest that MFN2 p.R104W mutation is as a hot-spot for MFN2 gene associated to a large and complex range of phenotypes. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of intravitreal bevacizumab in patients with diabetic macular edema (DME) associated with severe capillary loss. DESIGN: Multicenter, open-label, nonrandomized study. METHODS: SETTING: Two tertiary ophthalmic referral centers in Brazil. STUDY POPULATION: Ten consecutive patients with DME and ""severe"" capillary loss. OBSERVATION PROCEDURES: Intravitreal injection(s) of bevacizumab (1.5 mg). Standardized ophthalmic evaluation was performed at baseline and at weeks 8, 16, 24, and 54. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Changes in best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and in optical coherence tomography variables (central macular thickness [CMT] and total macular volume [TMV]). RESULTS: Significant changes in BCVA and in CMT/TMV were noted throughout the study (P<.001, P=.009, and P<.001, respectively). The mean logarithm of the minimal angle of resolution Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study BCVA was 0.786 (similar to 20/125(+1)) at baseline, 0.646 (similar to 20/80(-2)) at week 8, 0.580 (20/80(+1)) at week 16, 0.574 (similar to 20/80(+1)) at week 24, and 0.558 (similar to 20/80(+2)) at week 54. Compared with baseline, a significant change in BCVA was noted at all follow-up visits (P <=.008). The mean CMT/TMV values were, respectively, 472.6/10.9 at baseline, 371.4/9.9 at week 8, 359.5/9.8 at week 16, 323.9/9-4 at week 24, and 274.6/8.7 at week 54. Compared with baseline, a significant change in both CMT and TMV was noted only at 24 and 54 weeks (P <=.007). At 54 weeks, fluorescein angiography demonstrated no change in the extent of macular capillary loss and reduced dye leakage as compared with baseline in all patients. CONCLUSIONS: Favorable changes in BCVA and in CMT/TMV observed throughout 1 year suggest that intra-vitreal bevacizumab may be a viable alternative treatment for the management of patients with DME and severe capillary loss. (Am J Ophthalmol 2009;147:1022-1030. (C) 2009 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)


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Milk is the normal secretion of the mammary gland, practically free of colostrum and obtained by the complete milking of oil(? or more healthy animals. Mastitis is all inflammatory process of the mammary gland and it may cause alterations in the milk. The present work aimed to verify whether it is possible, by means of the counts of microorganism in the bulk raw milk ill four selective culture media, to establish a correlation with the occurrence of mastitis and therefore, to monitor this disease in bovine dairy herds. The following selective culture media were Used: KF Streptococcus Agar, Edwards Agar, Baird-Parker Agar, Blood Agar plus potassium tellurite. Spearman`s correlation coefficient was calculated in order to compare the Occurrence of mastitis (percentage) in each herd with respective selective culture media counts of microorganisms in bulk raw milk. Thirty-six possibilities were analysed (Tamis and CMT-positive rates were compared with the log-transformed count in four selective Culture media) and there was a negative correlation between Tamis 3 and the Baird-Parker Agar plate count. The total results of microbiological tests showed that there were three correlations of the counts in selective culture media. Fifty-two possibilities were analysed and there was a negative correlation between no-bacteria I-growth mastitis rates and log(10) of KF Streptoccocus Agar plate Count and there were two positive correlations between coagulase-positive staphylococci and log(10) of Baird-Parker Agar plate count and Blood Agar plus potassium tellurite plate count.