993 resultados para CLEAVAGE SITES


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Biophysical and biochemical properties of the microenvironment regulate cellular responses such as growth, differentiation, morphogenesis and migration in normal and cancer cells. Since two-dimensional (2D) cultures lack the essential characteristics of the native cellular microenvironment, three-dimensional (3D) cultures have been developed to better mimic the natural extracellular matrix. To date, 3D culture systems have relied mostly on collagen and Matrigel™ hydrogels, allowing only limited control over matrix stiffness, proteolytic degradability, and ligand density. In contrast, bioengineered hydrogels allow us to independently tune and systematically investigate the influence of these parameters on cell growth and differentiation. In this study, polyethylene glycol (PEG) hydrogels, functionalized with the Arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD) motifs, common cell-binding motifs in extracellular matrix proteins, and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) cleavage sites, were characterized regarding their stiffness, diffusive properties, and ability to support growth of androgen-dependent LNCaP prostate cancer cells. We found that the mechanical properties modulated the growth kinetics of LNCaP cells in the PEG hydrogel. At culture periods of 28 days, LNCaP cells underwent morphogenic changes, forming tumor-like structures in 3D culture, with hypoxic and apoptotic cores. We further compared protein and gene expression levels between 3D and 2D cultures upon stimulation with the synthetic androgen R1881. Interestingly, the kinetics of R1881 stimulated androgen receptor (AR) nuclear translocation differed between 2D and 3D cultures when observed by immunofluorescent staining. Furthermore, microarray studies revealed that changes in expression levels of androgen responsive genes upon R1881 treatment differed greatly between 2D and 3D cultures. Taken together, culturing LNCaP cells in the tunable PEG hydrogels reveals differences in the cellular responses to androgen stimulation between the 2D and 3D environments. Therefore, we suggest that the presented 3D culture system represents a powerful tool for high throughput prostate cancer drug testing that recapitulates tumor microenvironment. © 2012 Sieh et al.


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Kallikrein-related peptidases, in particular KLK4, 5, 6 and 7 (4-7), often have elevated expression levels in ovarian cancer. In OV-MZ-6 ovarian cancer cells, combined expression of KLK4-7 reduces cell adhesion and increases cell invasion and resistance to paclitaxel. The present work investigates how KLK4-7 shape the secreted proteome ("secretome") and proteolytic profile ("degradome") of ovarian cancer cells. The secretome comparison consistently identified >900 proteins in three replicate analyses. Expression of KLK4-7 predominantly affected the abundance of proteins involved in cell-cell communication. Among others, this includes increased levels of transforming growth factor β-1 (TGFβ-1). KLK4-7 co-transfected OV-MZ-6 cells share prominent features of elevated TGFβ-1 signaling, including increased abundance of neural cell adhesion molecule L1 (L1CAM). Augmented levels of TGFβ-1 and L1CAM upon expression of KLK4-7 were corroborated in vivo by an ovarian cancer xenograft model. The degradomic analysis showed that KLK4-7 expression mostly affected cleavage sites C-terminal to arginine, corresponding to the preference of kallikreins 4, 5 and 6. Putative kallikrein substrates include chemokines, such as growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF 15) and macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF). Proteolytic maturation of TGFβ-1 was also elevated. KLK4-7 have a pronounced, yet non-degrading impact on the secreted proteome, with a strong association between these proteases and TGFβ-1 signaling in tumor biology. © 2013 Federation of European Biochemical Societies.


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Background Ephrin-B2 is the sole physiologically-relevant ligand of the receptor tyrosine kinase EphB4, which is over-expressed in many epithelial cancers, including 66% of prostate cancers, and contributes to cancer cell survival, invasion and migration. Crucially, however, the cancer-promoting EphB4 signalling pathways are independent of interaction with its ligand ephrin-B2, as activation of ligand-dependent signalling causes tumour suppression. Ephrin-B2, however, is often found on the surface of endothelial cells of the tumour vasculature, where it can regulate angiogenesis to support tumour growth. Proteolytic cleavage of endothelial cell ephrin-B2 has previously been suggested as one mechanism whereby the interaction between tumour cell-expressed EphB4 and endothelial cell ephrin-B2 is regulated to support both cancer promotion and angiogenesis. Methods An in silico approach was used to search accessible surfaces of 3D protein models for cleavage sites for the key prostate cancer serine protease, KLK4, and this identified murine ephrin-B2 as a potential KLK4 substrate. Mouse ephrin-B2 was then confirmed as a KLK4 substrate by in vitro incubation of recombinant mouse ephrin-B2 with active recombinant human KLK4. Cleavage products were visualised by SDS-PAGE, silver staining and Western blot and confirmed by N-terminal sequencing. Results At low molar ratios, KLK4 cleaved murine ephrin-B2 but other prostate-specific KLK family members (KLK2 and KLK3/PSA) were less efficient, suggesting cleavage was KLK4-selective. The primary KLK4 cleavage site in murine ephrin-B2 was verified and shown to correspond to one of the in silico predicted sites between extracellular domain residues arginine 178 and asparagine 179. Surprisingly, the highly homologous human ephrin-B2 was poorly cleaved by KLK4 at these low molar ratios, likely due to the 3 amino acid differences at this primary cleavage site. Conclusion These data suggest that in in vivo mouse xenograft models, endogenous mouse ephrin-B2, but not human tumour ephrin-B2, may be a downstream target of cancer cell secreted human KLK4. This is a critical consideration when interpreting data from murine explants of human EphB4+/KLK4+ cancer cells, such as prostate cancer cells, where differential effects may be seen in mouse models as opposed to human clinical situations.


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A comparison of the DNase I digestion products of the 32P-5’-end-labeled pachytene nucleosome core particles (containing histones H2A, TH2A, X2, H2B, THPB, H3a, nd H4) and liver nucleosome core particles (containing somatic histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4) revealed that the cleavage sites that are 30, 40, and 110 nucleotidesa way from the 5’-enda re significantly more accessiblei n the pachytene core particles than in the liver core particles. These cleavage sites correspond to the region wherein H2B interacts with the nucleosome core DNA. These results, therefore, suggest that the histone-DNA interactiona t these sites in the pachytene core particles is weaker, possibly because of the presence of the histone variant THBB interacting at similar topological positions in the nucleosome core as that of its somatic counterpart H2B. Such a loosened structumrea y also be maintainede ven in the native pachytene chromatin since micrococcal nuclease digestion of pachytene nuclei resulted in a higher ratio of subnucleosomes (SN4 + SN?) to mononucleosomes than that observed liinv er chromatin


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Viruksien käyttö tuotekehityksen ja tutkimuksen vaatimien proteiinien tuottamiseen, syötävien rokotteiden kehittämiseen ja geeniterapiaan edustavat kasvavia biotekniikan sovellusalueita. Perunan A-virus (PVA) kuuluu potyviruksiin, joiden proteiinit tuotetaan aluksi yhtenä suurena molekyylinä, joka pilkotaan yksittäisiksi proteiineiksi viruksen itsensä tuottamilla entsyymeillä. Siten virusgenomiin lisätty vieras geeni käännetään proteiiniksi virusproteiinien mukana. Lopputuloksena kaikkia proteiineja tuotetaan kasvisoluissa samansuuruinen määrä. Lisäksi, viruksen proteiinikuoren koontimekanismi sallii perintöaineksen merkittävän lisäyksen ilman että viruksen tartutuskyky merkittävästi heikkenee. Koska virus monistuu ja leviää koko kasviin, jo melko pieni määrä kasveja riittää huomattavan proteiinimäärän tuottamiseen esimerkiksi säännösten mukaisessa kasvihuoneessa. Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli muuntaa PVA:n genomia siten, että virus soveltuisi yhden vieraan proteiinin tai useiden erilaisten proteiinien samanaikaiseen tuottamiseen kasveissa. Aluksi kokeiltiin viruksen replikaasia ja kuoriproteiinia koodaavien genomialueiden välistä kohtaa ja ihmisestä peräisi olevaa geeniä, joka tuotti S-COMT-entsyymiä (katekoli-O-metyylitransferaasi). Sen aktiivisuuden rajoittaminen auttaa Parkinsonintaudin hoidossa. Kasvissa tuotettua S-COMT:ia voitaisiin käyttää lääkekehityksessä estolääkkeiden testaukseen. Kahden viikon kuluttua tartutuksesta tupakan lehdissä oli entsymaattisesti aktiivista S-COMT:ia n. 1 % lehden liukoisista proteiineista. PVA:n P1-proteiinia koodaavalta alueelta oli paikannettu kohta, johon ehkä voitaisiin siirtää vieras geeni. Asia varmistettiin siirtämällä tähän kohtaan meduusan geeni, joka tuottaa UV-valossa vihreänä fluoresoivaa proteiinia (GFP). GFP-geeniä kantava PVA levisi kasvissa ja lisääntyi n. 30-50 %:iin viruksen normaalista pitoisuudesta. Koko kasvi fluoresoi vihreänä UV-valossa. Vieras geeni voidaan sijoittaa myös potyviruksen P1- ja HCpro-proteiineja koodaavien alueiden väliin. Samaan PVA-genomiin siirrettiin kolme geeniä, yksi kuhunkin kolmesta kloonauskohdasta: GFP-geeni P1:n sisälle, merivuokon lusiferaasigeeni P1/HCpro-kohtaan ja bakteerin beta-glukuronidaasigeeni (GUS) replikaasi/kuoriproteiini-kohtaan. Virusgenomin ja itse viruksen pituudet kasvoivat 38 %, mutta virus säilytti tartutuskykynsä. Se levisi kasveissa saavuttaen n. 15 % viruksen normaalista pitoisuudesta. Kaikki kolme vierasta proteiinia esiintyivät lehdissä aktiivisina.


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The complete amino acid sequence of two non identical subunits of the glucose/mannose-specific lectin from Dolichos lab lab (field bean) has been determined by sequential Edman analyses of the intact subunits and peptides derived by enzymatic and chemical cleavage. Peptides were purified by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography and ion pair chromatography. The D. lab lab lectin is a glycoprotein having two polypeptide chains of 132 and 105 amino acid residues. The amino acid sequence of the D. Lab lab lectin is compared with the various lectins of the family Leguminosae. The D. lab lab lectin is the only species of the tribe Phaseoleae that contains two nonidentical subunits of almost equal size and that shows a specificity to glucose/ mannose. The lectin shows a greater homology to the glucose/mannose specific lectins, especially concanavalin A. The unique subunit architecture of the D. lab lab lectin indicates the presence of new post translational cleavage sites.


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Sesbania mosaic virus (SeMV) is a positive stranded RNA virus belonging to the genus Sobemovirus. Construction of an infectious clone is an essential step for deciphering the virus gene functions in vivo. Using Agrobacterium based transient expression system we show that SeMV icDNA is infectious on Sesbania grandiflora and Cyamopsis tetragonoloba plants. The efficiency of icDNA infection was found to be significantly high on Cyamopsis plants when compared to that on Sesbania grandiflora. The coat protein could be detected within 6 days post infiltration in the infiltrated leaves. Different species of viral RNA (double stranded and single stranded genomic and subgenomic RNA) could be detected upon northern analysis, suggesting that complete replication had taken place. Based on the analysis of the sequences at the genomic termini of progeny RNA from SeMV icDNA infiltrated leaves and those of its 3' and 5' terminal deletion mutants, we propose a possible mechanism for 3' and 5' end repair in vivo. Mutation of the cleavage sites in the polyproteins encoded by ORF 2 resulted in complete loss of infection by the icDNA, suggesting the importance of correct polyprotein processing at all the four cleavage sites for viral replication. Complementation analysis suggested that ORF 2 gene products can act in trans. However, the trans acting ability of ORF 2 gene products was abolished upon deletion of the N-terminal hydrophobic domain of polyprotein 2a and 2ab, suggesting that these products necessarily function at the replication site, where they are anchored to membranes.


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The genomes of many positive stranded RNA viruses and of all retroviruses are translated as large polyproteins which are proteolytically processed by cellular and viral proteases. Viral proteases are structurally related to two families of cellular proteases, the pepsin-like and trypsin-like proteases. This thesis describes the proteolytic processing of several nonstructural proteins of dengue 2 virus, a representative member of the Flaviviridae, and describes methods for transcribing full-length genomic RNA of dengue 2 virus. Chapter 1 describes the in vitro processing of the nonstructural proteins NS2A, NS2B and NS3. Chapter 2 describes a system that allows identification of residues within the protease that are directly or indirectly involved with substrate recognition. Chapter 3 describes methods to produce genome length dengue 2 RNA from cDNA templates.

The nonstructural protein NS3 is structurally related to viral trypsinlike proteases from the alpha-, picorna-, poty-, and pestiviruses. The hypothesis that the flavivirus nonstructural protein NS3 is a viral proteinase that generates the termini of several nonstructural proteins was tested using an efficient in vitro expression system and antisera specific for the nonstructural proteins NS2B and NS3. A series of cDNA constructs was transcribed using T7 RNA polymerase and the RNA translated in reticulocyte lysates. Proteolytic processing occurred in vitro to generate NS2B and NS3. The amino termini of NS2B and NS3 produced in vitro were found to be the same as the termini of NS2B and NS3 isolated from infected cells. Deletion analysis of cDNA constructs localized the protease domain necessary and sufficient for correct cleavage to the first 184 amino acids of NS3. Kinetic analysis of processing events in vitro and experiments to examine the sensitivity of processing to dilution suggested that an intramolecular cleavage between NS2A and NS2B preceded an intramolecular cleavage between NS2B and NS3. The data from these expression experiments confirm that NS3 is the viral proteinase responsible for cleavage events generating the amino termini of NS2B and NS3 and presumably for cleavages generating the termini of NS4A and NS5 as well.

Biochemical and genetic experiments using viral proteinases have defined the sequence requirements for cleavage site recognition, but have not identified residues within proteinases that interact with substrates. A biochemical assay was developed that could identify residues which were important for substrate recognition. Chimeric proteases between yellow fever and dengue 2 were constructed that allowed mapping of regions involved in substrate recognition, and site directed mutagenesis was used to modulate processing efficiency.

Expression in vitro revealed that the dengue protease domain efficiently processes the yellow fever polyprotein between NS2A and NS2B and between NS2B and NS3, but that the reciprocal construct is inactive. The dengue protease processes yellow fever cleavage sites more efficiently than dengue cleavage sites, suggesting that suboptimal cleavage efficiency may be used to increase levels of processing intermediates in vivo. By mutagenizing the putative substrate binding pocket it was possible to change the substrate specificity of the yellow fever protease; changing a minimum of three amino acids in the yellow fever protease enabled it to recognize dengue cleavage sites. This system allows identification of residues which are directly or indirectly involved with enzyme-substrate interaction, does not require a crystal structure, and can define the substrate preferences of individual members of a viral proteinase family.

Full-length cDNA clones, from which infectious RNA can be transcribed, have been developed for a number of positive strand RNA viruses, including the flavivirus type virus, yellow fever. The technology necessary to transcribe genomic RNA of dengue 2 virus was developed in order to better understand the molecular biology of the dengue subgroup. A 5' structural region clone was engineered to transcribe authentic dengue RNA that contains an additional 1 or 2 residues at the 5' end. A 3' nonstructural region clone was engineered to allow production of run off transcripts, and to allow directional ligation with the 5' structural region clone. In vitro ligation and transcription produces full-length genomic RNA which is noninfectious when transfected into mammalian tissue culture cells. Alternative methods for constructing cDNA clones and recovering live dengue virus are discussed.


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A birnavirus strain, Paralichthys olivaceus birnavirus (POBV), was isolated and characterized from cultured flounder in China, and its complete genomic sequence was subsequently determined. The virus could induce cytopathic effects (CPE) in four of seven fish cell lines and was resistant to chloroform, 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine, acid and alkaline pH, and heat treatment. Purified virus particles had a typical icosahedral shape, with a diameter of approximately 55-60 nm. The genomic segments A and B of POBV were 3,091 and 2,780 bp in length and shared many of the features of the members of the family Birnaviridae. Segment A contained two partially overlapping ORFs encoding a polyprotein, pVP2-VP4-VP3, and a nonstructural protein, VP5, while segment B had only one ORF encoding for the VP1, a viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp). This is the first report about a birnavirus strain from a new non-salmonid host in China and its complete genome sequence.


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Thioester-containing proteins are a family of proteins characterized by the unique intrachain beta-cysteinyl-gamma-glutamyl thioester, which play important roles in innate immune responses. The cDNA of Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri thioester-containing protein (designated as CfTEP) was cloned by expressed sequence tag (EST) and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) approaches. The full-length cDNA of CfTEP was of 4616 bp, consisting of a 5 '-terminal untranslated region (UTR) of 30 bp and a 3 ' UTR of 140 bp with a polyadenylation signal sequence AATAAA and a poly(A) tail. The CfTEP cDNA encoded a polypeptide of 1481 amino acids with the theoretical isoelectric point of 5.98 and the predicted molecular weight of 161.4 kDa. The deduced amino acid sequence of CfTEP contained the canonical thioester motif GCGEQ, nine potential N-glycosylation sites and a C-terminal distinctive cysteine signature. It also contained a presumed catalytic histidine and proteolytic cleavage sites that were similar to C3 molecules. The high similarity of CfTEP with the thioester-containing proteins in other organisms, such as the TEPs from insects, the complement component C3, C4, C5 and the protease inhibitor alpha(2)-macroglobulin indicated that CfTEP should be a member of TEP family. The phylogenetic analysis revealed that CfTEP was closely related to TEPs from mollusc, nematodes and insects, and they formed a separate branch apart from the branches of complements factors and alpha(2)-macroglobulins. The spatial expression of CfTEP transcripts in healthy and bacterial challenged scallops was examined by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. The CfTEP transcripts were mainly detected in the tissues of hepatopancreas and gonad, and remarkably up-regulated by Microbial challenge, which suggested that CfTEP was a constitutive and inducible acute-phase protein involved in immune defense. These results provided new insights into the role of CfTEP in scallop immune responses, as well as the evolutionary origin of this important, widespread and functionally diversified family of proteins. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Studies were undertaken to investigate proteolysis of the caseins during the initial stages of maturation of Cheddar cheese. Isolated caseins were hydrolyzed by enzymes thought to be of importance during cheese ripening and the resulting peptides isolated and identified. Large peptides were also isolated from Cheddar cheese and identified, thus enabling the extent to which casein degradation studies could be extrapolated to cheese to be established. The proteolytic specificity of chymosin on bovine αs1- and αs2-caseins and of plasmin on bovine αs1-casein were determined. The action of cathepsin D, the principal indigenous acid milk proteinase, on caseins was studied and its pH optimum and sensitivity to NaCI determined. The action of cathepsin D on αs1-, αs2-, β- and κ-caseins was compared with that of chymosin and was found to be generally similar for the hydrolysis of αs1- and κ-caseins but to differ for αs2-and β- caseins. β-Casein in solution was hydrolyzed by cell wall-associated proteinases from three strains of Lactococcus lactis; comparison of electrophoretograms of the hydrolyzates with those of Cheddar cheese indicated that no peptides produced by cell wall-associated proteinases were detectable in the cheeses. All the major peptides in the water-insoluble fraction of Cheddar cheese were isolated and identified. It was found that β-casein was degraded primarily by plasmin and αs1 -casein by chymosin. Initial chymosin and plasmin cleavage sites in αs1-, and β-casein, respectively, identified in these and other studies corresponded to the peptides isolated from cheese. The importance of non-starter lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB) to the maturation of Cheddar was studied in cheeses manufactured from raw, pasteurized or microfiltered milks. NSLAB were found to strongly influence the quality and patterns of proteolysis. Results presented in this thesis are consistent with the hypothesis that primary proteolysis in Cheddar is catalysed primarily by the action of chymosin and plasmin on intact αs1- and β-caseins, respectively. The resulting large peptides so produced are subsequently degraded by these enzymes and by proteinases and peptidases from the starter and NSLAB.


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The key enzyme in coronavirus replicase polyprotein processing is the coronavirus main protease, 3CL(pro). The substrate specificities of five coronavirus main proteases, including the prototypic enzymes from the coronavirus groups I, II and III, were characterized. Recombinant main proteases of human coronavirus (HCoV), transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV), feline infectious peritonitis virus, avian infectious bronchitis virus and mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) were tested in peptide-based trans-cleavage assays. The determination of relative rate constants for a set of corresponding HCoV, TGEV and MHV 3CL(pro) cleavage sites revealed a conserved ranking of these sites. Furthermore, a synthetic peptide representing the N-terminal HCoV 3CL(pro) cleavage site was shown to be effectively hydrolysed by noncognate main proteases. The data show that the differential cleavage kinetics of sites within pp1a/pp1ab are a conserved feature of coronavirus main proteases and lead us to predict similar processing kinetics for the replicase polyproteins of all coronaviruses.


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Elafin is a neutrophil serine protease inhibitor expressed in lung and displaying anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Previous studies demonstrated that some innate host defense molecules of the cystic fibrosis (CF) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease airways are impaired due to increased proteolytic degradation observed during lung inflammation. In light of these findings, we thus focused on the status of elafin in CF lung. We showed in the present study that elafin is cleaved in sputum from individuals with CF. Pseudomonas aeruginosa-positive CF sputum, which was found to contain lower elafin levels and higher neutrophil elastase (NE) activity compared with P. aeruginosa-negative samples, was particularly effective in cleaving recombinant elafin. NE plays a pivotal role in the process as only NE inhibitors are able to inhibit elafin degradation. Further in vitro studies demonstrated that incubation of recombinant elafin with excess of NE leads to the rapid cleavage of the inhibitor. Two cleavage sites were identified at the N-terminal extremity of elafin (Val-5—Lys-6 and Val-9—Ser-10). Interestingly, purified fragments of the inhibitor (Lys-6—Gln-57 and Ser-10—Gln-57) were shown to still be active for inhibiting NE. However, NE in excess was shown to strongly diminish the ability of elafin to bind lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and its capacity to be immobilized by transglutamination. In conclusion, this study provides evidence that elafin is cleaved by its cognate enzyme NE present at excessive concentration in CF sputum and that P. aeruginosa infection promotes this effect. Such cleavage may have repercussions on the innate immune function of elafin.


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The pleiotropic effects of host defence peptides (HDPs), including the ability to kill microorganisms, enhance re-epithelialisation and increase angiogenesis, indicates a role for these important peptides as potential therapeutic agents in the treatment of chronic, non-healing wounds. However, the maintenance of peptide integrity, through resistance to degradation by the array of proteinases present at the wound site, is a prerequisite for clinical success. In this study we explored the degradation of exogenous LL-37, one such HDP, by wound fluid from diabetic foot ulcers to determine its susceptibility to proteolytic degradation. Our results suggest that LL-37 is unstable in the diabetic foot ulcer microenvironment. Following overnight treatment with wound fluid, LL-37 was completely degraded. Analysis of cleavage sites suggested potential involvement of both host- and bacterial-derived proteinases. The degradation products were shown to retain some antibacterial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa but were inactive against Staphylococcus aureus. In conclusion, our data suggest that stabilising selected peptide bonds within the sequence of LL-37 would represent an avenue for future research prior to clinical studies to address its potential as an exogenously-applied therapeutic in diabetic wounds. 


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Promoter hypermethylation is recognized as a hallmark of human cancer, in addition to conventional mechanisms of gene inactivation. As such, many new technologies have been developed over the past two decades to uncover novel targets of methylation and decipher complex epigenetic patterns. However, many of these are either labor intensive or provide limited data, confined to oligonucleotide hybridization sequences or enzyme cleavage sites and cannot be easily applied to screening large sets of sequences or samples. We present an application of denaturing high performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC), which relies on bisulfite modification of genomic DNA, for methylation screening. We validated DHPLC as a methylation screening tool using GSTP1, a well known target of methylation in prostate cancer. We developed an in silico approach to identify potential targets of promoter hypermethylation in prostate cancer. Using DHPLC, we screened two of these targets LGALS3 and SMAD4 for methylation. We show that DHPLC has an application as a fast, sensitive, quantitative and cost effective method for screening novel targets or DNA samples for DNA methylation.