982 resultados para CLAVULANIC ACID


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以克拉维酸产生菌棒状链霉菌Streptomyces clavuligerus CCRC11518(ATCC 27064)III50为出发菌株, 首先比较各种物理和化学诱变剂处理对其克拉维酸生物合成的影响, 确定了亚硝基胍为棒状链霉菌诱变育种的诱变剂及其处理剂量: 2mg/ml、40min. 经浓度为2mg/ml的亚硝基胍处理40min后, 采用新颖理性化筛选方法, 通过逐步筛选自身代谢产物抗性突变株、克拉维酸抗性突变株和链霉素抗性突变株, 最终得到一株克拉维酸高产菌VI118(效价633μg/ml), 其克拉维酸效价是出发菌株(效价377μg/ml)的167.9%. 该高产突变株在琼脂斜面培养基上连续传接10代, 克拉维酸效价保持稳定. 通过单因子和多因子摇瓶正交试验, 对高产菌株VI118的发酵条件进行了研究, 确定最佳发酵条件: 甘油60g, 水解植物蛋白 60g, KH2PO4 0.5 g, 玉米浆 7.5g, MnSO4•H2O 0.34g, MgSO4•7H2O 0.99g, FeSO4•7H2O 0.56g, 蒸馏1000ml, pH 7.0, 发酵培养基装量20ml/250ml三角瓶, 接种量10%, 培养温度28ºC, 220r/min摇床培养72h后测定效价. 在最佳发酵条件下克拉维酸效价达到651μg/ml, 同时把初始发酵培养基的昂贵成分替换为廉价的工业原料. 通过摇瓶分批补料试验, 得到最佳补料物质和补料方式:在上述最佳发酵条件下, 分别在发酵培养48h、56h、64h、72h时补加4ml无菌水, 80h发酵结束, 克拉维酸效价达到905μg/ml. 在不增加原料成本的情况下通过摇瓶补料方式克拉维酸效价为未补料的139.0%, 总产量为未补料的264%. By a novel rational screening method, mutant Streptomyces clavuligerus CCRC11518(ATCC 27064)III50(titres 377μg/ml), as the clavulanic acid-producing parent strain, was treated by NTG (2mg/ml) for 40min, and the self-generated metabolites resistant mark, the clavulanic acid resistant mark and the streptomycin resistant mark were added step by step. Finally, the mutant VI118(titres 633μg/ml)with the three marks was obtained. The clavulanic acid productivity of this mutant was increased by 167.9% compared with the parent strain. After reproducing 10 generations on the agar medium slant, the productivity of this mutant was stable. The optimum fermentation conditions were established as followings: glycerol 60g, acid hydrolyzed vegetable protein 60g, KH2PO4 0.5g, corn steep liquor 7.5g, MnSO4•H2O 0.34g, MgSO4•7H2O 0.99g, FeSO4•7H2O 0.56g, distilled water 1 liter, pH 7.0, 20ml in 250ml shake-flask, inoculation 10%(v/v), fermentation temperature 28ºC, rotation speed 220 r/min, time 72h. The clavulanic acid productivity was 651μg/ml, while used the low-priced industrial raw materials. After studying on fed-batch in the shake-flask, the optimum fed-batch manner was obtained: under optimum fermentation conditions, at 48h, 56h, 64h and 72h, adding 4ml distilled water into each flask, fermentation ending at 80h. The clavulanic acid productivity was increased by 139% compared with no fed-batch, meanwhile the total yield was increased by 264%.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Objectives: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a major nosocomial pathogen worldwide. A wide range of factors have been suggested to influence the spread of MRSA. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of antimicrobial drug use and infection control practices on nosocomial MRSA incidence in a 426-bed general teaching hospital in Northern Ireland.

Methods: The present research involved the retrospective collection of monthly data on the usage of antibiotics and on infection control practices within the hospital over a 5 year period (January 2000–December 2004). A multivariate ARIMA (time-series analysis) model was built to relate MRSA incidence with antibiotic use and infection control practices.

Results: Analysis of the 5 year data set showed that temporal variations in MRSA incidence followed temporal variations in the use of fluoroquinolones, third-generation cephalosporins, macrolides and amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (coefficients = 0.005, 0.03, 0.002 and 0.003, respectively, with various time lags). Temporal relationships were also observed between MRSA incidence and infection control practices, i.e. the number of patients actively screened for MRSA (coefficient = -0.007), the use of alcohol-impregnated wipes (coefficient = -0.0003) and the bulk orders of alcohol-based handrub (coefficients = -0.04 and -0.08), with increased infection control activity being associated with decreased MRSA incidence, and between MRSA incidence and the number of new patients admitted with MRSA (coefficient = 0.22). The model explained 78.4% of the variance in the monthly incidence of MRSA.

Conclusions: The results of this study confirm the value of infection control policies as well as suggest the usefulness of restricting the use of certain antimicrobial classes to control MRSA.


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Aims: The objective of the present study was to study the relationship between hospital antibiotic use, community antibiotic use and the incidence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing bacteria in hospitals, while assessing the impact of a fluoroquinolone restriction policy on ESBL-producing bacteria incidence rates. METHODS: The study was retrospective and ecological in design. A multivariate autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model was built to relate antibiotic use to ESB-producing bacteria incidence rates and resistance patterns over a 5 year period (January 2005-December 2009). Results: Analysis showed that the hospital incidence of ESBLs had a positive relationship with the use of fluoroquinolones in the hospital (coefficient = 0.174, P= 0.02), amoxicillin-clavulanic acid in the community (coefficient = 1.03, P= 0.03) and mean co-morbidity scores for hospitalized patients (coefficient = 2.15, P= 0.03) with various time lags. The fluoroquinolone restriction policy was implemented successfully with the mean use of fluoroquinolones (mainly ciprofloxacin) being reduced from 133 to 17 defined daily doses (DDDs)/1000 bed days (P <0.001) and from 0.65 to 0.54 DDDs/1000 inhabitants/day (P= 0.0007), in both the hospital and its surrounding community, respectively. This was associated with an improved ciprofloxacin susceptibility in both settings [ciprofloxacin susceptibility being improved from 16% to 28% in the community (P <0.001)] and with a statistically significant reduction in ESBL-producing bacteria incidence rates. Discussion: This study supports the value of restricting the use of certain antimicrobial classes to control ESBL, and demonstrates the feasibility of reversing resistance patterns post successful antibiotic restriction. The study also highlights the potential value of the time-series analysis in designing efficient antibiotic stewardship. © 2011 The Authors. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology © 2011 The British Pharmacological Society.


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The production of Alentejano breed pig started a recovery two decades ago due to increasing demand for gourmet products. These pigs are raised in rotational semi-extensive or extensive outdoor production systems in the “Montado” (green and cork oak forest), grazing and feeding acorns and other associated food resources. Bacteria of the genus Aeromonas are considered as emerging pathogens of importance for man and animals, but its involvement in swine is not well documented. In the context of a study made at the University of Évora to assess the specific diseases of Alentejano swine, diseased piglets from two farms were submitted for pathological and bacteriological examinations. Pathological examinations revealed changes characteristic of septicemia, and Aeromonas hydrophila was isolated in pure culture from multiple organs of piglets from both farms. Antibiotic sensitivity tests showed that the isolates from one of the farms were susceptible to gentamicin, oxitetracycline, neomycin, enrofloxacin, colistin sulfate, trimethoprim, ceftiofur, and amoxicillin plus clavulanic acid. In contrast, the A. hydrophila isolated in the other farm was resistant to all drugs tested but enrofloxacin. This is the first report in the world showing the relationship between septicemia and A. hydrophila infection in piglets. The importance of this finding is further reinforced by the fact that these bacteria can be highly resistant to antimicrobial agents.


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This work aims to contribute to determine the resistance profile to different antibiotics (ampicillin, gentamicin, penicillin G, oxytetracycline, lincomycin, neomycin, streptomycin, enrofloxacin, colistin sulfate, trimethoprim, sulfamide, tulathromycin, ceftiofur, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid), to assess genetic determinants associated to aminoglycoside antibiotics resistance, namely the presence of genes encoding acetyltransferases (AAC), phosphotransferases (APH) and nucletildiltranferases (ANT), determined by PCR studies, and to search for potentially pathogenic features as the production of extracellular lipases and proteases and the presence of genes encoding for putative virulence factors as aerolysin and related toxins, lipase proteins and type III secretion system component.


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O tributilestanho (TBT) é considerado um dos xenobióticos mais tóxicos, produzidos e deliberadamente introduzidos no meio ambiente pelo Homem. Tem sido usado numa variedade de processos industriais e subsequentemente descarregado no meio ambiente. O tempo de meia-vida do TBT em águas marinhas é de várias semanas, mas em condições de anóxia nos sedimentos, pode ser de vários anos, devido à sua degradação mais lenta. Embora o TBT tenha sido descrito como sendo tóxico para eucariotas e procariotas, muitas bactérias podem ser resistentes a este composto. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal elucidar o mecanismo de resistência ao TBT em bactérias. Para além disso, pretendeu-se desenvolver um biorepórter para detectar TBT no ambiente. Para atingir estes objetivos foram delineadas várias tarefas cujos principais resultados obtidos se apresentam a seguir. Várias bactérias resistentes ao TBT foram isoladas de sedimento e água do Porto de Pesca Longínqua (PPL) na Ria de Aveiro, Portugal. Entre estas, Aeromonas molluscorum Av27 foi selecionada devido à sua elevada resistência a este composto (concentrações até 3 mM), à sua capacidade de degradar o TBT em compostos menos tóxicos (dibutilestanho, DBT e monobutilestanho, MBT) e também por usar o TBT como fonte de carbono. A. molluscorum Av27 foi caracterizada genotipica e fenotipicamente. Os fatores de virulência estudados mostraram que esta estirpe i) possui atividade lipolítica; ii) não é citotóxica para células de mamíferos, nomeadamente para células Vero; iii) não possui integrões de classe I e II e iv) possui cinco plasmídeos com aproximadamente 4 kb, 7 kb, 10 kb, 100 kb e mais de 100 kb. Estes resultados mostraram que a estirpe Av27 não é tóxica, aumentando assim o interesse nesta bactéria para futuras aplicações, nomeadamente na bioremediação. Os testes de toxicidade ao TBT mostraram que este composto tem um impacto negativo no crescimento desta estirpe, bem como, na densidade, no tamanho e na atividade metabólica das células e é responsável pela formação de agregados celulares. Assim, o TBT mostrou ser bastante tóxico para as bactérias interferindo com a atividade celular geral. O gene Av27-sugE, que codifica a proteína SugE pertencente à família das “small multidrug resistance proteins” (SMR), foi identificado como estando envolvido na resistência ao TBT nesta estirpe. Este gene mostrou ser sobreexpresso quando as células crescem na presença de TBT. O promotor do gene Av27-sugE foi utilizado para construir um bioreporter para detetar TBT, contendo o gene da luciferase do pirilampo como gene repórter. O biorepórter obtido reúne as características mais importantes de um bom biorepórter: sensibilidade (intervalo de limite de detecção de 1-1000 nM), rapidez (3 h são suficientes para a deteção de sinal) e, possivelmente, não é invasivo (pois foi construído numa bactéria ambiental). Usando sedimento recolhido no Porto de Pesca Longínqua da Ria de Aveiro, foi preparada uma experiência de microcosmos com o intuito de avaliar a capacidade de Av27 para bioremediar o TBT, isoladamente ou em associação com a comunidade bacteriana indígena. A análise das amostras de microcosmos por PCR-DGGE e de bibliotecas de 16S rDNA revelaram que a comunidade bacteriana é relativamente estável ao longo do tempo, mesmo quando Av27 é inoculada no sedimento. Para além disso, o sedimento estuarino demonstrou ser dominado por bactérias pertencentes ao filo Proteobacteria (sendo mais abundante as Delta e Gammaproteobacteria) e Bacteroidetes. Ainda, cerca de 13% dos clones bacterianos não revelaram nenhuma semelhança com qualquer dos filos já definidos e quase 100% afiliou com bactérias não cultiváveis do sedimento. No momento da conclusão desta tese, os resultados da análise química de compostos organoestânicos não estavam disponíveis, e por essa razão não foi possível tirar quaisquer conclusões sobre a capacidade desta bactéria remediar o TBT em sedimentos. Esses resultados irão ajudar a esclarecer o papel de A. molluscorum Av27 na remediação de TBT. Recentemente, a capacidade da estirpe Av27 remediar solo contaminado com TBT foi confirmada em bioensaios realizados com plantas, Brassica rapa e Triticum aestivum (Silva 2011a), e também com invertebrados Porcellionides pruinosus (Silva 2011B). Assim, poder-se-á esperar que a bioremediação do sedimento na experiência de microcosmos também tenha ocorrido. No entanto, só a análise química dos compostos organostânicos deverá ser conclusiva. Devido à dificuldade em realizar a análise analítica de organoestânicos, um método de bioensaio fácil, rápido e barato foi adaptado para avaliar a toxicidade do TBT em laboratório, antes de se proceder à análise química das amostras. O método provou a sua utilidade, embora tenha mostrado pouca sensibilidade quando se usam concentrações de TBT baixas. Em geral, os resultados obtidos contribuíram para um melhor entendimento do mecanismo de resistência ao TBT em bactérias e mostraram o potencial biotecnológico de A. molluscorum Av27, nomeadamente, no que refere à sua possível aplicação na descontaminação de TBT no ambiente e também no desenvolvimento de biorepórteres.


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Objective. To compare clinical response to initial empiric treatment with oxacillin plus ceftriaxone and amoxicillin plus clavulanic acid in hospitalized children diagnosed with very severe community-acquired pneumonia (CAP).Methods. A prospective randomized clinical study was conducted among children 2 months to 5 years old with a diagnosis of very severe CAP in the pediatric ward of São Paulo State University Hospital in Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil, from April 2007 to May 2008. Patients were randomly divided into two groups by type of treatment: an oxacillin/ceftriaxone group (OCG, n = 48) and an amoxicillin/clavulanic acid group (ACG, n = 56). Analyzed outcomes were: time to clinical improvement (fever and tachypnea), time on oxygen therapy, length of stay in hospital, need to widen antimicrobial spectrum, and complications (including pleural effusion).Results. The two groups did not differ statistically for age, sex, symptom duration before admission, or previous antibiotic treatment. Time to improve tachypnea was less among ACG patients than OCG patients (4.8 +/- 2.2 versus 5.8 +/- 2.4 days respectively; P = 0.028), as was length of hospital stay (11.0 +/- 6.2 versus 14.4 +/- 4.5 days respectively; P = 0.002). There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups for fever improvement time, time on oxygen therapy, need to widen antimicrobial spectrum, or frequency of pleural effusion.Conclusions. Both treatment plans are effective in treating very severe CAP in 2-monthto 5-year-old hospitalized children. The only analyzed outcome that favored amoxicillin/clavulanic acid treatment was time required to improve tachypnea.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Based on the knowledge of the anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial actions of local anesthetics (LA), the objective of this study was to determine the effects of peritoneal lavage with bupivacaine on survival of mice with fecal peritonitis. METHODS: Forty-eight Wistar mice, weighing between 300 and 330 g (311.45 ± 9.67 g), undergoing laparotomy 6 hours after induction of peritonitis were randomly divided in 4 groups: 1 - Control, without treatment (n = 12); 2 - Drying of the abdominal cavity (n = 12); 3 - Lavage with 3 mL NS and posterior drying of the abdominal cavity (n = 12); and 4 - Lavage with 8 mg.kg -1 (± 0.5 mL) of 0.5% bupivacaine added to 2.5 mL of NS followed by drying out of the abdominal cavity (n = 12). Animals that died underwent necropsy and the time of death was recorded. Surviving animals were killed on the 11 th postoperative day and underwent necropsy. RESULTS: Group 1 presented a 100% mortality rate in 52 hours, 100% mortality rate in Group 2 in 126 hours, and Group 3 presented a 50% mortality rate in 50 hours. Animals in Group 4 survived. Survival on the 11 th day was greater in groups 3 and 4 than in Groups 1 and 2 (p < 0.001) and greater in Group 4 than in Group 3 (p < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Peritoneal lavage with a solution of bupivacaine diluted in NS was effective in preventing death for 11 days in 100% of animals with fecal peritonitis. © Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia, 2008.


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The aim of this study was to identify the resistance profile of Staphylococcus aureus strains, in relation to induced clindamycin resistance, and to detect oxacillin resistance by the routine phenotypic methods. The strains were isolated from nasal or lingual swabs taken from healthy adult carriers with no medical history of hospitalization or antibiotic treatment. Eighteen strains were distinguished by the different patterns generated by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Four (22.2%) of these showed sensitivity to clindamycin by the conventional antibacterial susceptibility test, but demonstrated inducible resistance to it by the D-test. One strain (5.6%) was characterized as borderline oxacillin-resistant S. aureus (BORSA), and another (5.6%) as CA MRSA (community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus). Both of these strains were shown to be cefoxitin susceptible by the disk diffusion test. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) failed to detect the mecA gene in this last strain and it was thus classified as BORSA. These results show the importance of incorporating the D-test into the routine lab tests for S. aureus inducible clindamycin resistance and also of including the cefoxitin resistance test among the phenotypic methods for MRSA characterization.


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Pneumonia is an infectious disease with great morbidity and mortality worldwide. According to the current guidelines recommendations the authors reviewed the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP). In this paper will be presented data about etiology, clinics and diagnostic tools. © Copyright Moreira Jr. Editora.


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Background: Necrotizing soft tissue infection (NSTI) is characterized by progressive infectious gangrene of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Its treatment involves intensive care, broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy, and full debridement. Methods: We present two cases of NSTI of the breast, adding these cases to the 14 described in the literature, reviewing the characteristics and evolution of all cases. Case Report: On the fourth day after mastectomy, a 59-year-old woman with ulcerated breast cancer developed Type I NSTI caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which had a favorable evolution after debridement and broad-spectrum antibiotics. The second patient was a 57-year-old woman submitted to a mastectomy and axillary dissection, who had recurrent seromas. On the 32nd post-operative day, after a seroma puncture, she developed Type II NSTI caused by β-hemolytic streptococci. She developed sepsis and died on the tenth day after debridement, intensive care, and broad-spectrum antibiotics. The cases are the first description of breast NSTI after mammary seroma aspiration and the first report of this condition caused by P. aeruginosa. Conclusion: Necrotizing soft tissue infection is rare in breast tissue. It frequently is of Type II, occurring mainly after procedures in patients with breast cancer. The surgeon's participation in controlling the focus of the infection is of fundamental importance, and just as important are broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy and support measures, such as maintenance of volume, correction of electrolytic disorders, and treatment of sepsis and septic shock. Once the infection has been brought under control, skin grafting or soft tissue flaps can be considered. The mortality rate in breast NSTI is 18.7%, all deaths being in patients with the fulminant Type II form. Surgical oncologists need to be alert to the possibility of this rare condition. © 2012, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.


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Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) poses a threat for patients in burn units. Studies that mix epidemiological designs with molecular typing may contribute to the development of strategies for MRSA control. We conducted a study including: molecular characterization of Staphylococcal Chromosome Cassette mecA (SCCmec), strain typing with pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and detection of virulence genes, altogether with a case-case-control study that assessed risk factors for MRSA and for methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA), using S. aureus negative patients as controls. Strains were collected from clinical and surveillance cultures from October 2006 through March 2009. MRSA was isolated from 96 patients. Most isolates (94.8%) harbored SCCmec type III. SCCmec type IV was identified in isolates from four patients. In only one case it could be epidemiologically characterized as community-associated. PFGE typing identified 36 coexisting MRSA clones. When compared to MSSA (38 isolates), MRSA isolates were more likely to harbor two virulence genes: tst and lukPV. Previous stay in other hospital and admission to Intensive Care Unit were independent risk factors for both MRSA and MSSA, while the number of burn wound excisions was significantly related with the former (OR = 6.80, 95%CI = 3.54-13.07). In conclusion, our study found polyclonal endemicity of MRSA in a burn unit, possibly related to importing of strains from other hospitals. Also, it pointed out to a role of surgical procedures in the dissemination of MRSA strains. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.