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The knockdown and toxic effects of insecticides of different chemical groups and modes of action registered for citrus in Brazil were investigated for effective control of Bucephalogonia xanthophis, a sharpshooter vector of Xylella fastidiosa in citrus. The active ingredients dimethoate (1.2 mL/1.2L), imidacloprid (0.24 mL/1.2L) and lambda-cyhalothrin (0.24 mL/1.2L), as well as a control (water), were sprayed onto branches of potted-citrus nursery trees to evaluate the effect of residual contact. The insects were confined on sprayed branches by using sleeve cages, in groups of 10 per branch (5 branches/treatment). Lambdacyhalothrin showed a knockdown effect on B. xanthophis (>70% mortality within 2 h of exposure), and the residues were effective for approximately one wk. Imidacloprid, lambdacyhalothrin and dimethoate suppressed the vector populations for up to 3 wk after application, when the insects were exposed to sprayed plants for at least 24 h. In another experiment, 2 neonicotinoid insecticides (thiamethoxam and imidacloprid) were applied by soil drench to potted nursery trees, in order to study their systemic effect, i.e., mortality by ingestion on sharpshooter adults. Thiamethoxam and imidacloprid effectively controlled the vectors at all concentrations tested, when the insects were exposed to treated plants for 24 h (>80% mortality) or 48 h (near 100% mortality). The knockdown effect of thiamethoxam and lambda-cyhalothrin might be particularly important to prevent vector transmission of X. fastidiosa in citrus groves.


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Xylella fastidiosa is an important pathogen bacterium transmitted by xylem-feedings leafhoppers that colonizes the xylem of plants and causes diseases on several important crops including citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC) in orange and lime trees. Glutathione-S-transferases (GST) form a group of multifunctional isoenzymes that catalyzes both glutathione (GSH)-dependent conjugation and reduction reactions involved in the cellular detoxification of xenobiotic and endobiotic compounds. GSTs are the major detoxification enzymes found in the intracellular space and mainly in the cytosol from prokaryotes to mammals, and may be involved in the regulation of stress-activated signals by suppressing apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1. In this study, we describe the cloning of the glutathione-S-transferase from X. fastidiosa into pET-28a(+) vector, its expression in Escherichia coli, purification and initial structural characterization. The purification of recombinant xfGST (rxfGST) to near homogeneity was achieved using affinity chromatography and size-exclusion chromatography (SEC). SEC demonstrated that rxfGST is a homodimer in solution. The secondary and tertiary structures of recombinant protein were analyzed by circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy, respectively. The enzyme was assayed for activity and the results taken together indicated that rxfGST is a stable molecule, correctly folded, and highly active. Several members of the GST family have been extensively studied. However, xfGST is part of a less-studied subfamily which yet has not been structurally and biochemically characterized. In addition, these studies should provide a useful basis for future studies and biotechnological approaches of rxfGST. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Xylella fastidiosa is the etiologic agent of a wide range of plant diseases, including citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC), a major threat to citrus industry. The genomes of several strains of this phytopathogen were completely sequenced, enabling large-scale functional studies. DNA microarrays representing 2,608 (91.6%) coding sequences (CDS) of X. fastidiosa CVC strain 9a5c were used to investigate transcript levels during growth with different iron availabilities. When treated with the iron chelator 2,2`-dipyridyl, 193 CDS were considered up-regulated and 216 were considered down-regulated. Upon incubation with 100 mu M ferric pyrophosphate, 218 and 256 CDS were considered up- and down-regulated, respectively. Differential expression for a subset of 44 CDS was further evaluated by reverse transcription-quantitative PCR. Several CDS involved with regulatory functions, pathogenicity, and cell structure were modulated under both conditions assayed, suggesting that major changes in cell architecture and metabolism occur when X. fastidiosa cells are exposed to extreme variations in iron concentration. Interestingly, the modulated CDS include those related to colicin V-like bacteriocin synthesis and secretion and to functions of pili/fimbriae. We also investigated the contribution of the ferric uptake regulator Fur to the iron stimulon of X. fastidiosa. The promoter regions of the strain 9a5c genome were screened for putative Fur boxes, and candidates were analyzed by electrophoretic mobility shift assays. Taken together, our data support the hypothesis that Fur is not solely responsible for the modulation of the iron stimulon of X fastidiosa, and they present novel evidence for iron regulation of pathogenicity determinants.


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In the xylem vessels of susceptible hosts, such as citrus trees, Xylella fastidiosa forms biofilm-like colonies that can block water transport, which appears to correlate to disease symptoms. Besides aiding host colonization, bacterial biofilms play an important role in resistance against antimicrobial agents, for instance antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). Here, we show that gomesin, a potent AMP from a tarantula spider, modulates X. fastidiosa gene expression profile upon 60 min of treatment with a sublethal concentration. DNA microarray hybridizations revealed that among the upregulated coding sequences, some are related to biofilm production. In addition, we show that the biofilm formed by gomesin-treated bacteria is thicker than that formed by nontreated cells or cells exposed to streptomycin. We have also observed that the treatment of X. fastidiosa with a sublethal concentration of gomesin before inoculation in tobacco plants correlates with a reduction in foliar symptoms, an effect possibly due to the trapping of bacterial cells to fewer xylem vessels, given the enhancement in biofilm production. These results warrant further investigation of how X. fastidiosa would respond to the AMPs produced by citrus endophytes and by the insect vector, leading to a better understanding of the mechanism of action of these molecules on bacterial virulence.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Avaliou-se a influência de 16 porta-enxertos na produtividade, nas características físicas e químicas (sólidos solúveis totais-°Brix; acidez; ratio; porcentagem de suco; índice tecnológico e tamanho dos frutos) dos frutos da laranjeira 'Pêra' [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck] e na incidência e severidade da clorose variegada dos citros (CVC). O plantio do experimento foi realizado em julho de 1993, com espaçamento de 6,0 m entre linhas e 3,5 m entre plantas (476 plantas/ha). O experimento foi conduzido sem irrigação. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, duas plantas por parcela, três repetições e 16 tratamentos, constituídos pelas seguintes cultivares porta-enxertos: tangerineira 'Sun Chu Sha Kat' (Citrus reticulata Blanco), tangerineira 'Pectinífera' (C. reticulata), 'Shekwasha' (C. depressa Hayata), tangerineira 'Pectinífera/Shekwasha' (C. depressa Hayata), tangerineira 'Batangas' (C. reticulata), tangerineira 'Oneco' (C. reticulata), citrangor [citrange (Poncirus trifoliata Raf. x C. sinensis) x C. sinensis], citrandarin [C.sunki hort. Ex Tanaka) x Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. cv. English, tangerineira 'Sunki' (C. sunki), tangerineira 'Suen-Kat' (C. sunki), tangerineira 'Nasnaran' (C. amblycarpa Ochse), tangerineira 'Venezuela' (C. reticulata), tangerineira Heen Naran (C. lycopersicaeformis hort. ex Tan. ), limoeiro 'Cravo' (C. limonia Osbeck) x tangerineira 'Cleópatra' (C. reshni hort ex Tanaka), limoeiro 'Cravo' (C. limonia), tangerineira 'Cleópatra' (C. reshni). A intensidade da clorose variegada dos citros variou em função dos porta-enxertos e não se relacionou com a produção de frutos até a quarta safra. Os porta-enxertos estudados, com exceção da tangerineira Nasnaran, proporcionaram qualidade e produções iniciais de frutos similares aos do limoeiro 'Cravo'.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Estudou-se a relação entre a presença de sintomas da clorose variegada dos citros, doença causada pela bactéria Xilella fastidiosa (Wells), e a ação do inseticida aldicarbe e do fungicida fosetyl-AL sobre a cochonilha pardinha, Selenaspidus articulatus (Morgan) em plantas de citros. O ensaio foi realizado em pomar de laranja variedade Valência com cinco anos de idade, As pulverizações de fosetyl-AL foram realizadas quatro vezes com intervalo de três meses, e o aldicarbe foi aplicado no solo uma única vez. A ocorrência de S. articulatus foi avaliada quinzenalmente. Observou-se que: a) A clorose variegada dos citros (CVC) não interferiu na ação de aldicarbe, aplicado no solo, na dose utilizada sobre S. articulatus; b) A dose de aldicarbe empregada para o controle da referida praga em plantas com CVC pode ser a mesma indicada em plantas sem a doença; c) O poder residual de aldicarbe mostrou-se o mesmo em plantas com e sem sintomas de CVC; d) A associação de aldicarbe e fosetyl-AL não interferiu na ação do primeiro sobre a praga.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A Clorose Variegada dos Citros (CVC), causada pela bactéria Xylella fastidiosa, é atualmente uma das doenças que mais afeta a citricultura brasileira, sendo as variedades de laranja-doce as mais afetadas. Ensaio instalado na Estação Experimental de Bebedouro (EECB), em condições de estufa, teve como objetivo avaliar o comportamento em relação à CVC de germoplasma de citros introduzidos pela EECB, Fundecitrus e Cenargen. Os materiais foram multiplicados sobre diversos porta-enxertos e, quando atingiram o tamanho adequado, inoculados por garfagem lateral de ramo doente. Cada variedade constou de quatro plantas, três das quais foram inoculadas, e a outra sem inocular deixada como padrão. As avaliações consistiram na observação de sintomas, teste de ELISA e PCR. Os primeiros sintomas nos materiais contaminados começaram a surgir 7 meses após a inoculação. Encontraram-se 18 variedades positivas no teste de PCR, o que indica sua suscetibilidade à bactéria Xylella fastidiosa. Entretanto, as variedades que foram detectadas pelo teste ELISA e não pelo PCR não foram contadas como suscetíveis e, sim, como falsos positivos.


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A Clorose Variegada dos Citros (CVC), causada pela bactéria Xylella fastidiosa, é uma séria ameaça à citricultura brasileira, constituindo-se, atualmente, numa das principais doenças dos citros no Brasil. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar cultivares de citros introduzidas quanto à suscetibilidade ou resistência à CVC, em condições de campo. O trabalho foi conduzido em Bebedouro-SP. Os materiais genéticos estudados foram cultivares de tangerinas e híbridos (tangores e tangelos) introduzidas de bancos de germoplasma da Itália, Portugal, Espanha e Córsega. O trabalho foi constituído por 56 parcelas, com três plantas das quais uma foi inoculada, empregando-se o método de encostia, utilizando-se de mudas previamente infectadas como fontes da bactéria. Foram avaliados os sintomas da doença mediante observação visual através de notas e teste de PCR, específico para Xylella fastidiosa. Os materiais genéticos que se apresentaram positivos ao PCR, mas não apresentaram sintomas, e os que foram negativos ao PCR, possuem um potencial de utilização em programas de melhoramento genético visando à resistência e/ou à tolerância à doença.


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Xylella fastidiosa is the causal agent of citrus variegated chlorosis and Pierce's disease which are the major threat to the citrus and wine industries. The most accepted hypothesis for Xf diseases affirms that it is a vascular occlusion caused by bacterial biofilm, embedded in an extracellular translucent matrix that was deduced to be the exopolysaccharide fastidian. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis demonstrated that virulent cells which form biofilm on glass have low fastidian content similar to the weak virulent ones. This indicates that high amounts of fastidian are not necessary for adhesion. In this paper we propose a kinetic model for X fastidiosa adhesion, biofilm formation, and virulence based on electrostatic attraction between bacterial surface proteins and xylem walls. Fastidian is involved in final biofilm formation and cation sequestration in dilute sap. (C) 2004 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Xylella fastidiosa is the etiologic agent of diseases in a wide range of economically important crops including citrus variegated chlorosis, a major threat to the Brazilian citrus industry. The genomes of several strains of this phytopathogen have been completely sequenced enabling large-scale functional studies. In this work we used whole-genome DNA microarrays to investigate the transcription profile of X. fastidiosa grown in defined media with different glucose concentrations. Our analysis revealed that while transcripts related to fastidian gum production were unaffected, colicin-V-like and fimbria precursors were induced in high glucose medium. Based on these results, we suggest a model for colicin-defense mechanism in X. fastidiosa.


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Genomic DNAs isolated from strains of Xylella fastidiosa that caused citrus variegated chlorosis, coffee leaf scorch, Pierce's Disease of grapevine, and plum leaf scorch were analyzed by arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction. Purified DNA was amplified under nonstringent conditions with single primers 21 nucleotides (nt) long. Thirty-nine amplification products were observed that were useful to distinguish among the strains and to derive a similarity matrix and construct a phenogram showing possible relationships among the strains. Strains isolated from diseased coffee and citrus in Brazil were closely related to each other (coefficient of similarity of 0.872), but only distantly related to a strain isolated from diseased grapevine in the USA (coefficient of similarity of 0.650). Strains of Xylella fastidiosa isolated from diseased plums in the USA and Brazil clustered with strains from different hosts isolated from their respective countries of origin. Thus, there may be two quite dissimilar clusters of strains of Xylella fastidiosa, one in North America and the other in South America. Each cluster contains strains that can cause disease in plum. The methods described provide a convenient and rapid method to distinguish between strains of Xylella fastidiosa that cause diseases of coffee and citrus in the same region of Brazil. This has not been possible previously. This will potentially enable the two strains to be distinguished in alternate hosts or in insect vectors.