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Introdution: Tooth extraction results in alveolar ridge resorption due to the progressive reabsorption, which frequently is a limitating factor of dental implants treatment, in function of the insufficient bone height for execution, could be indicated the use of grafts for increase of the alveolar edge. However, the success of the bone graft requests the meticulous attendance of the clinical stages. Proposition: The objective of this research was to evaluate the postoperative complications associated to the autogenous bone grafts. Materials and Methods: Through a random retrospective analysis, 90 file records of patients submitted to the surgical procedure of autogenous bone graft in the period of January from 2000 to the March of 2008. A clinical record was elaborated with base in the necessary data for this evaluation. Results: About the file data analysis, 59 female with average of 49,42 years and 31 male with average of 47,90 years. The previous diseases most related were arterial hypertension, stomachache and diabetis. The smokers was noticed in 13,3% of patients. The donor site most used was a mandibular ramus. The postoperative complications in receiving area represented 17,8% of file datas analysed and in the donor site only one patient showed parestesis. Conclusion: Among the total analyzed files it was observed that the postoperative complications associated with the autogenous bone grafts represented 18,9% of the patients submitted to the procedure, more frequently affecting the receiving area, obtaining partial exposure of the bone graft and absence of inserted gingiva on vestibular cortical bone.


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Objective: To evaluate, by means of a microbiologic study, two kinds of soaps suggested by surgeons for presurgical handwashing, comparing a well-known antibacterial soap with a new soap formulated from vegetable oils. Materials and methods: Ten volunteers performed handwashing according to previously established protocols for routine antisepsis in operating rooms using 3 different soaps: a common, commercially marketed soap, serving as the control group (Group 1), with no antibacterial characteristics; a soap with 2% chlorhexidine (Group II); and a new soap formulated from vegetable oils at a concentration of 20%, known as surfactant, which was designed by the Chemistry Institute (Unesp/Araraquara – Grupo de Materiais Fotônicos) (Group III). The microbiological samples were collected immediately before and after handwashing and one hour later with the volunteer wearing surgical gloves. Results: ANOVA revealed that the following significant differences are found in the number of bacterial colonies: between soap types (a smaller number of colonies in the Group II soap), between periods (reduction in the number of colonies in the Group II soap), and the significant effect of the soap versus time interaction. Conclusion: The 2% chlorhexidine soap performed better in reducing the number of bacterial colonies on the hands immediately after handwashing and after one hour with the use of surgical gloves, when compared to the 20% surfactant soap.


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Purpose: Trying to provide more anatomical data to the oral and maxillofacial surgeons regarding to orthognathic surgery, specifically about sagittal split osteotomy, the authors accomplished an anatomical study in dry human jaws, measuring the thickness in four previously established points of the body and mandibular ramus, at the usual spots used for the internal fixation by screws. Material and Methods: The authors also use the data collected to evaluate if there are significant differences between the group I (human dry mandibles with teeth) and group II (edentulous human dry mandibles). Results: For the group I the authors found the following results: x1 = 14,48, x2 = 14,94, x3=12,82 and x4 = 9,41, being the x2 the thickest point, and the least thick the x4. However in the group II, the found medium values were: x1 = 13,38, x2 = 13,08, x3 = 11,63 and x4 = 12,18, being the thickest point in that group the x1 and the least thick x3. The coefficient of simple correlation between the variables (group I and II) revealed a value of 0,6194, being this difference no significant at the meaning level of 95%.


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Purpose: The authors tried to verify the anatomic location of the mandibular foramen and língula in dry jaws regarding the anterior and posterior border of the mandible and the incisure, alveolar border and mandibular base, in order to correlate the data with the sagittal split ramus osteotomy. Methods: There were evaluated 44 mandibles (88 sides) from the Morphology Department of the Araraquara Dental School of the São Paulo University (UNESP). The distances measured were previously deter - mined according to the figures presented in this article and were done by the use of a sliding caliper (Brow & Sharpe Digit-Cal Plus), with the mandibles positioned over a Erickson table, and the distan - ces were always measured in millimeters. Results: The pre-determined points and distances founded were X=17,67; Y=14,35; W=20,96 and Z=21,89 for the mandibular foramen, and the relationship between this anatomical structure and the língula shows that the mandibular foramen is in average 5,82 mm below the língula. Conclusions: The authors conclude that the mandibular foramen is lightly posterior in comparison with the ramus mandibular center and that the língula is a very important anatomic landmark for the ramus surgeries as well the knowledge of the distance between it and the mandibular foramen entrance.


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For some time, oral surgeons have tried several surgical procedures to improve the alveolar ridge for prosthetic appliance construction. The techniques used for this purpose are divided into four groups: submucosal vestibuloplasty; secondary epithelization; soft tissue grafting and transpositional flaps. Twenty patients who had problems to wear dentures due to unsatisfactory retention and stability were selected at the Oral and MaxilloFacial Surgery and Traumatology Clinic of Dental School of São José dos Campos. They were divided in two groups and operated by submucosal vestibuloplasty using stents and secondary epithelization vestibuloplasty by Clark's technique and were evaluated twelve months after operations in relationship of the sulcus depth. The results were obtained by clinical and radiological examination before and after surgery, and they are similar to those found in the literature reaching satisfactory functional judgement


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O problema da violência doméstica, infelizmente, se naturalizou em nossa sociedade, o que significa que culturalmente sofrer violência em casa é de certa forma, considerado comum. Todavia, a violência doméstica não deve ser encarada desta maneira, já que constitui uma violação das Normas Internacionais e da Legislação Brasileira que a protege. Esta idéia torna-se premissa básica para que sejam desenvolvidas estratégias de planejamentos de ações e serviços, pois a violência contra a mulher é um problema social e de saúde pública, consistindo num fenômeno mundial que não respeita fronteiras de classe social, raça/etnia, religião, idade e grau de escolaridade. Diante desta realidade, o Serviço de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-Maxilo-Facial da Faculdade de Odontologia do Campus de Araçatuba se preocupa em diagnosticar as lesões faciais de mulheres vítimas da violência doméstica, levar ao seu conhecimento seus direitos e proporcionar um atendimento integral e humanizado.


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Dermoid cyst of the floor of the mouth is an uncommon lesion that presents as a solitary mass, painless, with no history of fever or drainage, usually in the midline, and commonly in the upper level space mylohyoid. In this paper, the authors describe two patients with the same clinical presentation: a large mass in the floor of the mouth that does not regressed, resulting in dysphagia and dyspnea. The treatment was carried out in both complete surgical removal through an incision in the ventral surface of the tongue.


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The short dental implants represent an option of previsible treatment, its main indication lives in the possibility of avoiding techniques surgical invasive. The literature in the display that the geometry of the implants is of vital importance, combined with wide diameters and surface treatment, mainly when the bone quality is unfavorable. The mechanical resistance can be enlarged, increasing the number of implants and being used the spliting among them. A rigorous protocol prosthodontist should be following with intention of to avoid oblique loads and to control habits parafuncionais. We aimed at to discuss, through a wide bibliographical revision the short dental implants, their characteristics and indications, giving emphasis to the aspects biomechanic of the same ones. Material and Method: The bases given: Pubmed, ISI and Dentistry Oral Science from 1990 to 2009, were consulted to identify researches related to the length of the dental implants, with emphasis to the considered short and the biomechanics related to the same ones. They were located 568 articles, being selected 69 that gathered the inclusion criteria. Result: Among these 69 selected, 26 articles agreed the evidence level. Conclusion: Inside of the limits of appraised data, it can be concluded that the short implants represent a good treatment alternative, especially for cases with reduced bone bed. However a rigorous indication protocol and use should be followed for warranty of the success of the treatment.


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The implant has high success rates and predictability in this decade. However, bone availability is a factor that may limit the installation technique of dental implants in subsequent rehabilitation of the maxillary arch has been proposed technique’s maxillary sinus lifting when it presents itself pneumatized, for installation of dental implants The aim of this paper is to present two clinical cases using the surgical technique and rehabilitation to the patient with surgery maxillary sinus lifting with the use of a biomaterial alone or in combination with autogenous bone and the prosthetic resolution radiographic and clinical follow-up of three years.


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The purpose of this study was to analyze the biomechanical interactions in bone tissue between short implants and implant-supported crowns with different heights. Two models were made using the programs InVesalius 3.0, Rhinoceros 4.0 and Solidworks 2010. The models were established from a bone block with the short implant (3.75 x 8.5 mm) with geometry Morse taper connection (MT). The height of the crown (cemented) was set at 10.0 mm and 15.00 mm. The models were processed by programs and 10 NEiNastran Femap 10.0. The force applied was 200N (vertical) and 100N (oblique). The results were plotted on maps Voltage Maximum Principal. Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA. The results showed that the increase in crown height, increased stress concentration in the crown of 15 mm under oblique loading (p <0.001), the oblique loading has significantly expanded the area of stress concentration (p <0.001). Conclusion:the increase of the crown increased the stress concentration, being statistically significant for short implants Morse taper. The mesial and distal region had the highest concentration of stresses under oblique loading. The oblique loading was more harmful when compared with axial loading, being statistically significant.


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The use of implants of greater length may be more favorable for the predictability of dental implants. This statement is relevant, since the cause of failures in dental implants are more related to biomechanical complications. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of increase of the length around the entire body of the implant. Six models were created with the presence of only one hexagonal implant (Master Screw connection, Implant Systems, São Paulo, Brazil) of 3.75 mm x 7.0 mm (Model A), 3.75 mm x 8.5 mm (Model B ), 3.75 mm x 10.0 mm (Model C) 3.75 mm x 11.5 mm (Model D) 3.75 mm x 13.0 mm (Model E) 3.75 mm x 15.0 mm (Model F) using the method of photoelasticity. The results were visualized through a qualitative analysis of stresses (number and intensity photoelastic fringes). The model A showed a pattern of less favorable stress distribution, the oblique loading was the most detrimental to the related structures. Conclusion: The increased length allowed for a better distribution of stresses. The oblique loading was more detrimental when compared to axial loading.


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The residual alveolar ridges may be unfavorable for implant placement. The edentulous maxilla is often challenging for the oral surgeon because of the lack of bone as a consequence of alveolar ridge resorption and/or maxillary sinus pneumatization. Accidents or complications may occur when some of these issues are not being known. This article reports one case of implant displaced into the maxillary sinus, 27 days after sinus bone augmentation with simultaneous dental implant installation, causing moderated sinusitis symptoms. The implant was removed through oral cavity access to maxillary sinus.


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The peripheral giant cell granuloma (GPCG) is defined as a benign disorder of uncertain etiopathogenesis and proliferative reaction of the fibrous connective tissue or periosteum, which is characterized histologically by the presence of multinucleated giant cells. The purpose of this study is to report a case of GPCG in a 56-year-old white woman presenting a bleeding nodule on palpation, a red color with small whitish ulcerated areas, defined limits, resilient consistency, a pedicled base 2.0 cm in diameter, asymptomatic, involving the permanent lower left third molar, which presented mobility. Radiographically there was significant bone loss in this tooth region, whose initial diagnosis was pyogenic granuloma. The definitive diagnosis was obtained after excisional biopsy the microscopic examination of which identified the presence of multinucleated giant cells. The clinical postoperative follow-up revealed a favorable cicatricial repair of the operated area with no recurrence after 9 months of monitoring.


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The Peripheral ossifying fibroma is a reactive proliferative lesion, non neoplastic, slow growth, which can produce recurrence after removal. It´s etiology is uncertain, but is associated with local irritants, and is found mostly in the anterior maxilla. Clinically it is characterized by an asymptomatic increase in volume, which may, over time, facial asymmetry. The aim of this paper is to describe a case of peripheral ossifying fibroma in a patient 40, female, exophytic lesion in the jaw, unusual for its large dimensions and with a history of three recurrences, leading to facial asymmetry. She underwent surgery to remove the lesion along with the likely irritants, and the pathological diagnosis of peripheral ossifying fibroma. We conclude that it is fundamentally important for complete removal of the lesion to reduce the tendency to relapse, including the periosteum and the periodontal ligament, in addition to possible causes.


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Acute infections maxillo-facial are of great importance, both for its high population, as the risk of complications. The aim of this study was to present a clinical case of extensive odontogenic abscess in a patient of 31 years of age attended the Service of Surgery and Maxillo-Facial, Faculty of Dentistry of Araçatuba - UNESP in Araçatuba, SP. Complications of infections odontogências although infrequent can lead the patient to death.