964 resultados para CD8 T cells
Introduction: Epstein-Barr Virus(EBV) has been repeatedly associatedwith multiple sclerosis (MS). Wehave previously shown that there is ahigh peripheral as well as intrathecalactivation of EBV-, but not cytomegalovirus(CMV)-specific CD8+ Tcells, early in the course of MS,strengthening the link between EBVand MS. However, the trigger of thisincreased EBV-specific CD8+ T cellresponse remains obscure. It could resultfrom a higher EBV viral load. Alternatively,it could be due to an intrinsicallydeficient EBV-specificCTL response, cytotoxic granulesmediated.Thus, we performed anin-depth study of the phenotype of exvivo EBV- and CMV-specific CD8+T cells in MS patients and control patients,assessing their cytotoxic activity.Methods:We analyzed the profileof cytotoxic granules in EBV- andCMV-specific CD8+ T cells in a cohortof 13 early MS patients, 20 lateMS, 30 other neurological diseases(OND) patients and 7 healthy controlsubjects. Ex vivo analysis of EBV- orCMV-specific CD8+ T cells was performedusing HLA class I/tetramercomplexes coupled to CCR7 andCD57 markers in conjunction withperforin, granzymes A, BandKstaining.In a sub-cohort of MS patientsand controls, cytotoxic activity ofEBV- and CMV-specific CD8+ Tcells was investigated using a functionalCFSE CTL assay. Results: UsingHLA Class I tetramers for EBVand CMV, we found that the frequencyof EBV- or CMV-specificCD8+ T cells were similar in all studysubjects. Most of EBV- and CMVspecificCD8+Tcells were highly differentiated(CCR7-) and a variousproportion expressed the exhaustionmarker CD57. MS and OND patientshad increased perforin expression inEBV-specific CD8+ T cells. Most importantly,we found that MS patientswith longer disease duration tended tohave lower CTL cytotoxicity as comparedto earlyMSpatients or controls.Conclusions: Effector EBV-specificCD8+ T cells are increased in earlyMS, however their cytotoxic granuleprofile does not seem to be fully alteredand the cytotoxic activity ofthese cells is normal. However, thecytotoxic activity of CTL decreasedin late MS patients suggesting an exhaustionof EBV-specific CD8+ Tcells possibly due to EBV reactivation.This work was supported by theSwiss National Foundation PP00B3-124893, the Swiss Society for MS,and the Biaggi Foundation to RADP.
Protection against reinfection is mediated by Ag-specific memory CD8 T cells, which display stem cell-like function. Because canonical Wnt (Wingless/Int1) signals critically regulate renewal versus differentiation of adult stem cells, we evaluated Wnt signal transduction in CD8 T cells during an immune response to acute infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. Whereas naive CD8 T cells efficiently transduced Wnt signals, at the peak of the primary response to infection only a fraction of effector T cells retained signal transduction and the majority displayed strongly reduced Wnt activity. Reduced Wnt signaling was in part due to the downregulation of Tcf-1, one of the nuclear effectors of the pathway, and coincided with progress toward terminal differentiation. However, the correlation between low and high Wnt levels with short-lived and memory precursor effector cells, respectively, was incomplete. Adoptive transfer studies showed that low and high Wnt signaling did not influence cell survival but that Wnt high effectors yielded memory cells with enhanced proliferative potential and stronger protective capacity. Likewise, following adoptive transfer and rechallenge, memory cells with high Wnt levels displayed increased recall expansion, compared with memory cells with low Wnt signaling, which were preferentially effector-like memory cells, including tissue-resident memory cells. Thus, canonical Wnt signaling identifies CD8 T cells with enhanced proliferative potential in part independent of commonly used cell surface markers to discriminate effector and memory T cell subpopulations. Interventions that maintain Wnt signaling may thus improve the formation of functional CD8 T cell memory during vaccination.
This study examined the role and source of endogenous interleukin-10 (IL) secretion in visceral leishmaniasis (VL). The amounts of endogenous and Leishmania specific IL-10 and interferon-gamma (IFN) secreted by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from VL patients were compared. The correlation coefficient between endogenous IL-10 secretion and Leishmania specific IFN-gamma was -0.77, suggesting a major role for endogenous IL-10 secretion in VL. The effects of CD4+ and CD8+ T cell clones, isolated from a treated VL patient, on IL-10 secretion were assayed by mixing the clones with autologous, inactivated PBMC. The CD8+ clones mediated increased levels of IL-10 secretion in the presence of PBMC alone suggesting that CD8+ T cells may mediate endogenous IL-10 secretion.
The study of natural T cell responses against pathogens or tumors, as well as the assessment of new immunotherapy strategies aimed at boosting these responses, requires increasingly precise ex vivo analysis of blood samples. For practical reasons, studies are often performed using purified PBMC samples, usually cryopreserved. Here, we report on FACS analyses of peripheral blood T cells, performed by direct antibody staining of non-purified total blood. For comparison, fresh PBMC, purified by Ficoll, were analysed. Our results show that the latter method can induce a bias in subpopulation distribution, in particular of CD8+ T cells, and sometimes lead to inaccurate measurement of antigen specific CD8+ T cell responses. Direct analysis of total blood can be applied to longitudinal immuno-monitoring of T cell-based therapy. While the need to purify and cryopreserve PBMC for subsequent studies is obvious, the use of whole blood has the advantage of providing unbiased results and only small amounts of blood are used.
Cytotoxicity and proliferation capacity are key functions of antiviral CD8 T cells. In the present study, we investigated a series of markers to define these functions in virus-specific CD8 T cells. We provide evidence that there is a lack of coexpression of perforin and CD127 in human CD8 T cells. CD127 expression on virus-specific CD8 T cells correlated positively with proliferation capacity and negatively with perforin expression and cytotoxicity. Influenza virus-, cytomegalovirus-, and Epstein-Barr virus/human immunodeficiency virus type 1-specific CD8 T cells were predominantly composed of CD127(+) perforin(-)/CD127(-) perforin(+), and CD127(-)/perforin(-) CD8 T cells, respectively. CD127(-)/perforin(-) and CD127(-)/perforin(+) cells expressed significantly more PD-1 and CD57, respectively. Consistently, intracellular cytokine (gamma interferon, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and interleukin-2 [IL-2]) responses combined to perforin detection confirmed that virus-specific CD8 T cells were mostly composed of either perforin(+)/IL-2(-) or perforin(-)/IL-2(+) cells. In addition, perforin expression and IL-2 secretion were negatively correlated in virus-specific CD8 T cells (P < 0.01). As previously shown for perforin, changes in antigen exposure modulated also CD127 expression. Based on the above results, proliferating (CD127(+)/IL-2-secreting) and cytotoxic (perforin(+)) CD8 T cells were contained within phenotypically distinct T-cell populations at different stages of activation or differentiation and showed different levels of exhaustion and senescence. Furthermore, the composition of proliferating and cytotoxic CD8 T cells for a given antiviral CD8 T-cell population appeared to be influenced by antigen exposure. These results advance our understanding of the relationship between cytotoxicity, proliferation capacity, the levels of senescence and exhaustion, and antigen exposure of antiviral memory CD8 T cells.
Cytotoxic CD8 T cells exert their antiviral and antitumor activity primarily through the secretion of cytotoxic granules. Degranulation activity and cytotoxic granules (perforin plus granzymes) generally define CD8 T cells with cytotoxic function. In this study, we have investigated the expression of granzyme K (GrmK) in comparison to that of GrmA, GrmB, and perforin. The expression of the cytotoxic granules was assessed in virus-specific CD8 T cells specific to influenza virus, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), or human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). We observed a dichotomy between GrmK and perforin expression in virus-specific CD8 T cells. The profile in influenza virus-specific CD8 T cells was perforin(-) GrmB(-) GrmA(+/-) GrmK(+); in CMV-specific cells, it was perforin(+) GrmB(+) GrmA(+) GrmK(-/+); and in EBV- and HIV-1-specific cells, it was perforin(-/+) GrmB(+) GrmA(+) GrmK(+). On the basis of the delineation of memory and effector CD8 T cells with CD45RA and CD127, the GrmK(+) profile was associated with early-stage memory CD8 T-cell differentiation, the perforin(+) GrmB(+) GrmA(+) profile with advanced-stage differentiation, and the GrmB(+) GrmA(+) Grmk(+) profile with intermediate-stage differentiation. Furthermore, perforin and GrmB but not GrmA and GrmK correlated with cytotoxic activity. Finally, changes in antigen exposure in vitro and in vivo during primary HIV-1 infection and vaccination modulated cytotoxic granule profiles. These results advance our understanding of the relationship between distinct profiles of cytotoxic granules in memory CD8 T cells and function, differentiation stage, and antigen exposure.
Combining cell surface phenotyping with functional analysis, human CD8+ T cells have been divided into several subsets which are being studied extensively in diverse physiological situations, such as viral infection, cancer and ageing. In particular, so-called terminally differentiated effector cells possess a CD45RA+ CCR7- CD27- CD28- phenotype, contain perforin and, in different models, have been shown to exert direct ex vivo killing and to release interleukins upon both antigen-nonspecific and -specific stimulation. Using HLA class I multimers, we have identified a high frequency of peripheral CD8+ T cells that recognize a peptide derived from the self protein cytokeratin 18 presented by the HLA-A*0201 molecule. These cells can be detected in approximately 15% of the HLA-A2-positive healthy donors tested. A detailed analysis revealed that they must have divided extensively in vivo, have an effector cell phenotype and express various natural killer cell-associated receptors. Interestingly, however, they remained unresponsive to antigen-specific stimulation in vitro in terms of cytotoxicity and cytokine secretion. Thus, cytokeratin 18-specific cells constitute a frequently encountered, new CD8+ T lymphocyte subpopulation without classical effector status and with so far unknown function.
Human cancer vaccines are often prepared with altered "analog" or "heteroclitic" antigens that have been optimized for HLA class I binding, resulting in enhanced immunogenicity. Here, we take advantage of CpG oligodeoxynucleotides as powerful vaccine adjuvants and demonstrate the induction of high T cell frequencies in melanoma patients, despite the use of natural (unmodified) tumor antigenic peptide. Compared with vaccination with analog peptide, natural peptide induced T cell frequencies that were approximately twofold lower. However, T cells showed superior tumor reactivity because of (i) increased functional avidity for natural antigen and (ii) enhancement of T cell activation and effector function. Thus, novel vaccine formulations comprising potent immune stimulators may allow to circumvent the need for modified antigens and can induce highly functional T cells with precise antigen specificity
Summary: Detailed knowledge on tumor antigen expression and specific immune cells is required for a rational design of immunotherapy for patients with tumor invaded liver. In this study, we confirmed that Cancer/Testis (CT) tumor-associated antigens are frequently expressed in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and searched for the presence of CD8+ T cells specific for these antigens. In 2/10 HLA-A2+ patients with HCC, we found that MAGE-A10 and/or SSX-2 specific CD8+ T cells naturally responded to the disease, since they were enriched in tumor lesions but not in non-tumoral liver. Isolated T cells specifically and strongly killed tumor cells in vitro, suggesting that these CTL were selected in vivo for high avidity antigen recognition, providing the rational for specific immunotherapy of HCC, based on immunization with CT antigens such as MAGE-Al 0 and SSX-2. Type 1 NKT cells express an invariant TCR α chain (Vα24.1α18, paired with Vβ11 in human) and share a specific reactivity to αGalactosylceramide (αGC) presented by CD1d. These cells can display paradoxical immuno-regulatory properties including strong anti-tumor effects upon αGC administration in murine models. To understand why NKT cells were not sufficiently protective against tumor development in patients with tumor invaded liver, we characterized the diversity of Vα24/Vβ11 NKT cells in healthy donors (HD) and cancer patients: NKT cells from HD and patients were generally diverse in terms of TCR β chain (Vβ11) variability and NKT cells from HD showed a variable recognition of αGC loaded CD 1 d multimers. Vα24/ Vβ11 NKT cells can be divided in 3 populations, the CD4, DN (CD4-/CD8-) and CD8 NKT cell subsets that show distinct ability of cytokine production. In addition, our functional analysis revealed that DN and CD8 subsets displayed a higher cytolytic potential and a weaker IFNγ release than the CD4 NKT cell subset. NKT cell subsets were variably represented in the blood of HD and cancer patients. However, HD with high NKT cell frequencies displayed an enrichment of the DN and CD8 subsets, and few of them were suggestive of an oligoclonal expansion in vivo. Comparable NKT cell frequencies were found between blood, non-tumoral liver and tumor of patients. In contrast, we identified a gradual enrichment of CD4 NKT cells from blood to the liver and to the tumor, together with a decrease of DN and CD8 NKT cell subsets. Most patient derived NKT cells were unresponsive upon αGalactosylceramide stimulation ex vivo; NKT cells from few patients displayed a weak responsiveness with different cytokine polarization. The NKT cell repertoire was thus different in tumor tissue, suggesting that CD4 NKT cells infiltrating tumors may be detrimental for protection against tumors and instead may favour the tumor growth/recurrence as recently reported in mice. Résumé en français scientifique : Afin de développer le traitement des patients porteurs d'une tumeur dans le foie par immunothérapie, de nouvelles connaissances sont requises concernant l'expression d'antigènes par les tumeurs et les cellules immunitaires spécifiques de ces antigènes. Nous avons vérifié que des antigènes associés aux tumeurs, tels que les antigènes « Cancer-Testis » (CT), sont fréquemment exprimés par le carcinome hepatocéllulaire (CHC). La recherche de lymphocytes T CD8+ spécifiques (CTL) de ces antigènes a révélé que des CTL spécifiques de MAGE-A10 et/ou SSX-2 ont répondu naturellement à la tumeur chez 2/10 patients étudiés. Ces cellules étaient présentes dans les lésions tumorales mais pas dans le foie adjacent. De plus, ces CTL ont démontré une activité cytolytique forte et spécifique contre les cellules tumorales in vitro, ce qui suggère que ces CTL ont été sélectionnés pour une haute avidité de reconnaissance de l'antigène in vivo. Ces données fournissent une base pour l'immunothérapie spécifique du CHC, en proposant de cibler les antigènes CT tels que MAGE-A10 ou SSX-2. Les cellules NKT de type 1 ont une chaîne α de TCR qui est invariante (chez l'homme, Vα24Jα18, apparié avec Vβ11) et reconnaissent spécifiquement l'αGalactosylceramide (αGC) présenté par CD1d. Ces cellules ont des propriétés immuno¬régulatrices qui peuvent être parfois contradictoires et leur activation par l'αGC induit une forte protection anti-tumorale chez la souris: Afin de comprendre pourquoi ces cellules ne sont pas assez protectrices contre le développement des tumeurs dans le foie chez l'homme, nous avons étudié la diversité des cellules NKT Vα24/Vβ11 d'individus sains (IS) et de patients cancéreux. Les cellules NKT peuvent être sous-divisées en 3 populations : Les CD4, DN (CD4- /CD8-) ou CDS, qui ont la capacité de produire des cytokines différentes. Nos analyses fonctionnelles ont aussi révélé que les sous-populations DN et CD8 ont un potentiel cytolytique plus élevé et une production d'IFNγ plus faible que la sous-population CD4. Ces sous-populations sont représentées de manière variable dans le sang des IS ou des patients. Cependant, les IS avec un taux élevé de cellules NKT ont un enrichissement des sous- populations DN ou CDS, et certains suggèrent qu'il s'agit d'une expansion oligo-clonale in vivo. Les patients avaient des fréquences comparables de cellules NKT entre le sang, le foie et la tumeur. Par contre, la sous-population CD4 était progressivement enrichie du sang vers le foie et la tumeur, tandis que les sous-populations DN ou CD8 était perdues. La plupart des cellules NKT des patients ne réagissaient pas lors de stimulation avec l'αGC ex vivo et les cellules NKT de quelques patients répondaient faiblement et avec des polarisations de cytokines différentes. Ces données suggèrent que les cellules NKT CD4, prédominantes dans les tumeurs, sont inefficaces pour la lutte anti-tumorale et pourraient même favoriser la croissance ou la récurrence tumorale. Donc, une mobilisation spécifique des cellules NKT CD4 négatives par immunothérapie pourrait favoriser l'immunité contre des tumeurs chez l'homme. Résumé en français pour un large public Au sein des globules blancs, les lymphocytes T expriment un récepteur (le TCR), qui est propre à chacun d'entre eux et leur permet d'accrocher de manière très spécifique une molécule appelée antigène. Ce TCR est employé par les lymphocytes pour inspecter les antigènes associés avec des molécules présentatrices à la surface des autres cellules. Les lymphocytes T CD8 reconnaissent un fragment de protéine (ou peptide), qui est présenté par une des molécules du Complexe Majeur d'Histocompatibilité de classe I et tuent la cellule qui présente ce peptide. Ils sont ainsi bien adaptés pour éliminer les cellules qui présentent un peptide issu d'un virus quand la cellule est infectée. D'autres cellules T CD8 reconnaissent des peptides comme les antigènes CT, qui sont produits anormalement par les cellules cancéreuses. Nous avons confirmé que les antigènes CT sont fréquemment exprimés par le cancer du foie. Nous avons également identifié des cellules T CD8 spécifiques d'antigènes CT dans la tumeur, mais pas dans le foie normal de 2 patients sur 10. Cela signifie que ces lymphocytes peuvent être naturellement activés contre la tumeur et sont capables de la trouver. De plus les lymphocytes issus d'un patient ont démontré une forte sensibilité pour reconnaître l'antigène et tuent spécifiquement les cellules tumorales. Les antigènes CT représentent donc des cibles intéressantes qui pourront être intégrés dans des vaccins thérapeutiques du cancer du foie. De cette manière, les cellules T CD8 du patient lui-même pourront être induites à détruire de manière spécifique les cellules cancéreuses. Un nouveau type de lymphocytes T a été récemment découvert: les lymphocytes NKT. Quand ils reconnaissent un glycolipide présenté par la molécule CD1d, ils sont capables, de manière encore incomprise, d'initier, d'augmenter, ou à l'inverse d'inhiber la défense immunitaire. Ces cellules NKT ont démontré qu'elles jouent un rôle important dans la défense contre les tumeurs et particulièrement dans le foie des souris. Nous avons étudié les cellules NKT de patients atteints d'une tumeur dans le foie, afin de comprendre pourquoi elles ne sont pas assez protectrice chez l'homme. Les lymphocytes NKT peuvent être sous-divisés en 3 populations: Les CD4, les DN (CD4-/CD8-) et les CD8. Ces 3 classes de NKT peuvent produire différents signaux chimiques appelés cytokines. Contrairement aux cellules NKT DN ou CDS, seules les cellules NKT CD4 sont capables de produire des cytokines qui sont défavorables pour la défense anti-tumorale. Par ailleurs nous avons trouvé que les cellules NKT CD4 tuent moins bien les cellules cancéreuses que les cellules NKT DN ou CD8. L'analyse des cellules NKT, fraîchement extraites du sang, du foie et de la tumeur de patients a révélé que les cellules NKT CD4 sont progressivement enrichies du sang vers le foie et la tumeur. La large prédominance des NKT CD4 à l'intérieur des tumeurs suggère que, chez l'homme, ces cellules sont inappropriées pour la lutte anti-tumorale. Par ailleurs, la plupart des cellules NKT de patients n'étaient pas capables de produire des cytokines après stimulation avec un antigène. Cela explique également pourquoi ces cellules ne protègent pas contre les tumeurs dans le foie.
Although the T-cell receptor αδ (TCRαδ) locus harbours large libraries of variable (TRAV) and junctional (TRAJ) gene segments, according to previous studies the TCRα chain repertoire is of limited diversity due to restrictions imposed by sequential coordinate TRAV-TRAJ recombinations. By sequencing tens of millions of TCRα chain transcripts from naive mouse CD8(+) T cells, we observed a hugely diverse repertoire, comprising nearly all possible TRAV-TRAJ combinations. Our findings are not compatible with sequential coordinate gene recombination, but rather with a model in which contraction and DNA looping in the TCRαδ locus provide equal access to TRAV and TRAJ gene segments, similarly to that demonstrated for IgH gene recombination. Generation of the observed highly diverse TCRα chain repertoire necessitates deletion of failed attempts by thymic-positive selection and is essential for the formation of highly diverse TCRαβ repertoires, capable of providing good protective immunity.
Although tumor-specific CD8 T-cell responses often develop in cancer patients, they rarely result in tumor eradication. We aimed at studying directly the functional efficacy of tumor-specific CD8 T cells at the site of immune attack. Tumor lesions in lymphoid and nonlymphoid tissues (metastatic lymph nodes and soft tissue/visceral metastases, respectively) were collected from stage III/IV melanoma patients and investigated for the presence and function of CD8 T cells specific for the tumor differentiation antigen Melan-A/MART-1. Comparative analysis was conducted with peripheral blood T cells. We provide evidence that in vivo-priming selects, within the available naive Melan-A/MART-1-specific CD8 T-cell repertoire, cells with high T-cell receptor avidity that can efficiently kill melanoma cells in vitro. In vivo, primed Melan-A/MART-1-specific CD8 T cells accumulate at high frequency in both lymphoid and nonlymphoid tumor lesions. Unexpectedly, however, whereas primed Melan-A/MART-1-specific CD8 T cells that circulate in the blood display robust inflammatory and cytotoxic functions, those that reside in tumor lesions (particularly in metastatic lymph nodes) are functionally tolerant. We show that both the lymph node and the tumor environments blunt T-cell effector functions and offer a rationale for the failure of tumor-specific responses to effectively counter tumor progression.
Functionally naive CD8 T cells in peripheral blood from adult humans can be fully described by their CD45RA(bright)CCR7(+)CD62L(+) cell surface phenotype. Cord blood lymphocytes, from healthy newborns, are homogenously functionally naive. Accordingly, the majority of cord blood CD8 T cells express the same pattern of cell surface molecules. Unexpectedly, however, a significant fraction of cord blood CD8 T cells express neither CCR7 nor CD62L. Yet these cells remain functionally naive as they contain high levels of TCR excision circles, have long telomeres, display highly polyclonal TCRs, and do not exhibit immediate effector functions. In addition, these CD8 T cells already represent a significant fraction of the mature naive CD8 single-positive thymocyte repertoire and may selectively express the cutaneous lymphocyte Ag. We suggest that CD8 single-positive thymocytes comprise two pools of naive precursors that exhibit distinct homing properties. Once seeded in the periphery, naive CCR7(+)CD62L(+) CD8 T cells patrol secondary lymphoid organs, whereas naive CCR7(-)CD62L(-) CD8 T cells selectively migrate to peripheral tissues such as skin.
Multimeric MHC I-peptide complexes containing phycoerythrin-streptavidin are widely used to detect and investigate antigen-specific CD8+ (and CD4+) T cells. Because such reagents are heterogeneous, we compared their binding characteristics with those of monodisperse dimeric, tetrameric and octameric complexes containing linkers of variable length and flexibility on Melan-A-specific CD8+ T cell clones and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from HLA-A*0201(+) melanoma patients. Striking binding differences were observed for different defined A2/Melan-A(26-35) complexes on T cells depending on their differentiation stage. In particular, short dimeric but not octameric A2/Melan-A(26-35) complexes selectively and avidly stained incompletely differentiated effector-memory T cells clones and populations expressing CD27 and CD28 and low levels of cytolytic mediators (granzymes and perforin). This subpopulation was found in PBMC from all six melanoma patients analyzed and proliferated on peptide stimulation with only modest phenotypic changes. By contrast influenza matrix(58-66) -specific CD8+ PBMC from nine HLA-A*0201(+) healthy donors were efficiently stained by A2/Flu matrix(58-61) multimers, but not dimer and upon peptide stimulation proliferated and differentiated from memory into effector T cells. Thus PBMC from melanoma patients contain a differentiation defective sub-population of Melan-A-specific CD8+ T cells that can be selectively and efficiently stained by short dimeric A2/Melan- A(26-35) complexes, which makes them directly accessible for longitudinal monitoring and further investigation.
Protection from reactivation of persistent herpes virus infection is mediated by Ag-specific CD8 T cell responses, which are highly regulated by still poorly understood mechanisms. In this study, we analyzed differentiation and clonotypic dynamics of EBV- and CMV-specific T cells from healthy adults. Although these T lymphocytes included all subsets, from early-differentiated (EM/CD28(pos)) to late-differentiated (EMRA/CD28(neg)) stages, they varied in the sizes/proportions of these subsets. In-depth clonal composition analyses revealed TCR repertoires, which were highly restricted for CMV- and relatively diverse for EBV-specific cells. Virtually all virus-specific clonotypes identified in the EMRA/CD28(neg) subset were also found within the pool of less differentiated "memory" cells. However, striking differences in the patterns of dominance were observed among these subsets, because some clonotypes were selected with differentiation while others were not. Late-differentiated CMV-specific clonotypes were mostly characterized by TCR with lower dependency on CD8 coreceptor interaction. Yet all clonotypes displayed similar functional avidities, suggesting a compensatory role of CD8 in the clonotypes of lower TCR avidity. Importantly, clonotype selection and composition of each virus-specific subset upon differentiation was highly preserved over time, with the presence of the same dominant clonotypes at specific differentiation stages within a period of 4 years. Remarkably, clonotypic distribution was stable not only in late-differentiated but also in less-differentiated T cell subsets. Thus, T cell clonotypes segregate with differentiation, but the clonal composition once established is kept constant for at least several years. These findings reveal novel features of the highly sophisticated control of steady state protective T cell activity in healthy adults.
ABSTRACT¦Naturally acquired tumor-specific T-cells can be detected in most advanced cancer patients.¦Yet, they often fail to control or eliminate the disease, in contrast to many virus-specific CD8¦T lymphocytes. Therapeutic vaccines aim at inducing and boosting specific T-cells mediated¦immunity to reduce tumor burden. The properties of CD8 T-cells required for protection from¦infectious disease and cancer are only partially characterized.¦The objectives of this study were to assess effector functions, stage of differentiation and¦clonotype selection of tumor-reactive T lymphocytes following peptide vaccination in¦melanoma patients over time. Results were compared to protective viral-specific T-cell¦responses found in healthy individuals. We also characterized dominant versus low/non¦dominant T-cell clonotypes with the aim to further understand the in vivo function of each set¦of frequency-based specific T-cells.¦Here we developed and applied a novel approach for molecular and functional analysis of¦single T lymphocytes ex vivo. T-cell receptor (TCR) clonotype mapping revealed rapid¦selection and expansion of co-dominant T-cell clonotypes, which made up the majority of the¦highly differentiated "effector" T-cells, but only 25% of the less differentiated "effectormemory"¦cells, mostly composed of non-dominant clonotypes. Moreover, we show that¦advanced effector cell differentiation was indeed clonotype-dependent. Surprisingly, however,¦the acquisition of effector functions (cytokine production, killing) was clonotype-independent.¦Vaccination of melanoma patients with native peptide induced competent effector function in¦both dominant and non-dominant clonotypes, suggesting that most if not all clonotypes¦participating in a T-cell response have the potential to develop equal functional competence.¦In contrast, many T-cells remained poorly functional after vaccination with analog peptide,¦despite similar clonotype-dependent differentiation. Our findings show that the type of¦peptide vaccine has a critical influence on the selection and functional activation of the¦clonotypic T-cell repertoire. They also show that systematic assessment of individual T-cells¦identifies the cellular basis of immune responses, contributing to the rational development of¦vaccines.