36 resultados para CD73


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Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have regenerative properties in acute kidney injury, but their role in chronic kidney diseases is still unknown. More specifically, it is not known whether MSCs halt fibrosis. The purpose of this work was to investigate the role of MSCs in fibrogenesis using a model of chronic renal failure. MSCs were obtained from the tibias and femurs of male Wistar-EPM rats. Female Wistar rats were subjected to the remnant model, and 2 vertical bar x vertical bar 10(5) MSCs were intravenously administrated to each rat every other week for 8 weeks or only once and followed for 12 weeks. SRY gene expression was observed in female rats treated with male MSCs, and immune localization of CD73(+)CD90(+) cells at 8 weeks was also assessed. Serum and urine analyses showed an amelioration of functional parameters in MSC-treated animals at 8 weeks, but not at 12 weeks. Masson`s trichrome and Sirius red staining demonstrated reduced levels of fibrosis in MSC-treated animals. These results were corroborated by reduced vimentin, type I collagen, transforming growth factor beta, fibroblast specific protein 1 (FSP-1), monocyte chemoattractant protein 1, and Smad3 mRNA expression and alpha smooth muscle actin and FSP-1 protein expression. Renal interleukin (IL)-6 and tumor necrosis factor alpha mRNA expression levels were significantly decreased after MSC treatment, whereas IL-4 and IL-10 expression levels were increased. All serum cytokine expression levels were decreased in MSC-treated animals. Taken together, these results suggested that MSC therapy can indeed modulate the inflammatory response that follows the initial phase of a chronic renal injury. The immunosuppressive and remodeling properties of MSCs may be involved in the decreased fibrosis in the kidney. STEM CELLS 2009;27:3063-3073


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Therapy with stem cells has showed to be promising for acute kidney injury (AKI), although how it works is still controversial. Modulation of the inflammatory response is one possible mechanism. Most of published data relies on early time and whether the protection is still maintained after that is not known. Here, we analyzed whether immune modulation continues after 24 h of reperfusion. MSC were obtained from male Wistar rats. After 3-5 passages, cells were screened for CD73, CD90, CD44, CD45, CD29 and CD 31. In addition, MSC were submitted to differentiation in adipocyte and in osteocyte. AKI was induced by bilaterally clamping of renal pedicles for 60 min. Six hours after injury, MSC (2 x 105 cells) were administered intravenously. MSC-treated animals presented the lowest serum creatinine compared to non-treated animals (24 h: 1.3 +/- 0.21 vs. 3.23 +/- 0.89 mg/dl, p<0.05). The improvement in renal function was followed by a lower expression of IL-1b, IL-6 and TNF-alpha and higher expression of IL-4 and IL-10. However, 48 h after reperfusion, this cytokine profile has changed. The decrease in Th1 cytokines was less evident and IL-6 was markedly up regulated. PCNA analysis showed that regeneration occurs faster in kidney tissues of MSC-treated animals than in controls at 24 h. And also ratio of Bcl-2/Bad was higher at treated animals after 24 and 48 h. Our data demonstrated that the immunomodulatory effects of MSC occur at very early time point, changing the inflammation profile toward a Th2 profile. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A adenosina tem sido descrita como tendo importante efeito neuromodulatório em SNC, inibindo a liberação de neurotransmissores excitatórios através da ativação dos receptores A1. Agonistas de receptores A1, bem como adenosina e seus análogos, tem sido descritos como supressores de crises epilépticas. Uma das vias de produção de adenosina é a hidrólise extra-celular completa do ATP envolvendo as enzimas ATP difosfoidrolase (CD39) e 5’-nucleotidase (CD73). Embora esta associação enzimática já esteja bem descrita, o envolvimento da enzima fosfodiesterase não pode ser descartado, uma vez que esta hidrolisa nucleotídeos como ATP e ADP, além de outros substratos. Recentemente, foi demonstrado em nosso laboratório um aumento das atividades ATP difosfoidrolase e 5’-nucleotidase em sinaptossomas de ratos após a indução de 2 diferentes modelos de epilepsia de lobo temporal. Neste trabalho, nós investigamos o efeito de crises agudas e crônicas induzidas pelo agente pró-convulsivante pentilenotetrazol (PTZ) sobre a hidrólise dos nucleotídeos ATP, ADP e AMP em soro de ratos, uma vez que formas solúveis de nucleotidases já estão descritas. No modelo agudo os animais receberam apenas 1 injeção de PTZ ou salina, sendo mortos por decapitação em diferentes tempos após a injeção da droga. A hidrólise dos nucleotídeos ATP, ADP e AMP apresentaram aumento significativo de 40 –50% nos ratos tratados em relação aos ratos controle até 24 após a última injeção. Em 48 horas, este efeito foi abolido. Já, a hidrólise do substrato artificial p-Nph-5’-TMP usado como marcador para a fosfodiesterase, não apresentou nenhum aumento significativo em ratos tratados quando comparado aos animais controle. No modelo crônico (kindling), os animais recebiam doses inicialmente subconvulsivantes que resultam em crises progressivamente mais intensas ao longo das subseqüentes estimulações. Para descartar o efeito da injeção aguda, os ratos foram mortos 48 horas após a última estimulação. Com exceção do substrato artificial para a fosfodiesterase, a hidrólise dos nucleotídeos testados aumentou de maneira significativa (cerca de 40% - 45%) em soro de ratos submetidos ao modelo de kindling. Estes resultados demonstram o envolvimento de nucleotidases solúveis no controle dos níveis do neurotransmissor ATP e do neuromodulador adenosina, sendo estas respostas presentes tanto em situações patológicas agudas, como em situações patológicas crônicas que envolvem o fenômeno de plasticidade sináptica.


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Gliomas são os mais comuns e devastadores tumores primários do sistema nervoso central. Os nucleotídeos da adenina são moléculas sinalizadoras no meio extracelular, envolvidas em importantes condições fisiológicas e patológicas. O ATP, neurotransmissor excitatório, e a adenosina, neuromoduladora, entre outros efeitos, podem induzir proliferação celular em linhagens de gliomas. Os eventos induzidos pelos nucleotídeos extracelulares são controlados pela ação das E-NTPDases, que hidrolisam o ATP até adenosina extracelularmente. Recentes estudos epidemiológicos têm sugerido que os flavonóides derivados da dieta, em particular a quercetina, apresentam um papel benéfico em prevenir ou inibir a tumorigênese. Assim, primeiramente nós avaliamos o efeito antiproliferativo da quercetina em linhagem de glioma humano U138MG. O estudo demonstrou que este flavonóide induziu em cultura de gliomas: (1) diminuição da proliferação e da viabilidade celular; (2) morte celular via necrose e apoptose; (3) parada no ciclo celular na fase G2 e (4) diminuição do índice mitótico. Além disso, nós demonstramos que a quercetina, enquanto promoveu regressão tumoral, protegeu culturas organotípicas hipocampais do dano isquêmico. Em conjunto, esses dados sugerem que a quercetina exibe efeitos antiproliferativos direcionados para as células tumorais e reduzida citotoxicidade para células normais, características altamente desejáveis na quimioterapia. Dados do nosso laboratório demonstram que o metabolismo extracelular das purinas encontra-se alterado em linhagens de gliomas com relação a culturas de astrócitos, sugerindo que mudanças no sistema purinérgico podem ser uma característica dos gliomas que potencialmente podem contribuir para o seu fenótipo de malignidade. Assim, o passo seguinte desse trabalho foi investigar o perfil de secreção dos derivados da adenina, o metabolismo extracelular do AMP e a ação da quercetina sobre o sistema purinérgico. As culturas de glioma apresentaram secreção de ATP, o qual foi detectado em maiores níveis com relação as outras moléculas avaliadas, ADP, AMP, adenosina e inosina. O AMP extracelular foi eficientemente metabolizado pelos gliomas, demonstrando uma ecto-5’-NT/CD73 muito ativa. Adicionalmente, quercetina interagiu com o sistema purinérgico, inibindo não-competitivamente a atividade da ecto-5’-NT/CD73 e modulando negativamente a sua expressão. Nós sugerimos que a inibição da atividade da ecto-5’-NT/CD73 pode resultar em um decréscimo na disponibilidade de adenosina extracelular, uma promotora tumoral. Tal efeito pode estar correlacionado com a inibição da proliferação promovida pela quercetina nessa linhagem de glioma. Nossos dados sugerem que a quercetina pode ter uma função importante na inibição da proliferação dos gliomas, atuando em diferentes vias de sinalização, incluindo o sistema purinérgico. Assim, esse estudo abre novas perspectivas para as potenciais aplicações dos flavonóides na prevenção e tratamento de tumores cerebrais.


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Gliomas são os mais comuns e devastadores tumores primários do sistema nervoso central. Nucleotídeos extracelulares estão envolvidos em diversos processos patofisiológicos no sistema nervoso central. Os níveis dos nucleotídeos da adenina podem ser controlados por hidrólise através da ação de vários membros da família das ectonucleotidases. O AMP formado pelas NTPDases é hidrolizado até adenosina por ação da ecto-5’-nucleotidase (ecto-5’-NT). A enzima ciclooxigenase (COX) está surgindo como um novo alvo na prevenção e no tratamento do câncer, sendo que substanciais evidências epidemiológicas, experimentais e clínicas sugerem que os antiinflamatórios não-esteróides (AINEs) possuem propriedades anticâncer. Vários estudos têm demonstrado que certos AINEs causam efeitos antiproliferativos independentes da atividade da COX. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito dos AINEs em linhagens celulares de gliomas e os possíveis mecanismos envolvidos neste efeito e avaliar a influência da indometacina na cascata de enzimas que catalisam a interconversão dos nucleotídeos. Indometacina, acetaminofeno, sulfeto de sulindaco e NS-398 induziram uma inibição da proliferação celular de modo tempo e dose dependente. Indometacina causou uma redução significativa na viabilidade celular. Nenhum dos AINEs testados induziu ativação de caspase 3/7. O tratamento com indometacina diminuiu a percentagem de células na fase S, com um aumento relativo nas fases G0/G1 e/ou G2/M, indicando uma parada na progressão do ciclo celular. A exposição de células de glioma à indometacina causou um aumento nas hidrólises de AMP e ATP. Um aumento significativo nos níveis de mRNA da ecto-5’-NT/CD73 foi observado após tratamento com indometacina Estes resultados suportam a hipótese que o aumento na atividade da ecto-5’-NT está relacionado com a superexpressão do mRNA com possíveis alterações no catabolismo das purinas extracelulares. Os dados sugerem ainda que o receptor A3 e a enzima ecto-5’-NT estão envolvidos no efeito antiproliferativo da indometacina nas linhagens celulares de gliomas. Considerando que a via das ectonucleotidases pode representar um importante mecanismo associado com a transformação maligna dos gliomas, os AINEs podem ser clinicamente importantes na intervenção farmacológica deste tipo de tumor.


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Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are known as a population of multi-potential cells able to proliferate and differentiate into multiple mesodermal tissues including bone, cartilage, muscle, ligament, tendon, fat and stroma. Several applications of the study of EC can be emphasized the therapeutic techniques such as guided bone regeneration by implantation of EC in the affected site, without the need for bone grafts, using titanium as a vehicle. The process of cryopreservation is essential for the maintenance of cell cultures, since the cell line is frozen, it can be maintained in liquid nitrogen for an indefinite period and then thawed for therapeutic or experimental purposes. The aim of this study was to isolate a population of MSCs derived from the subendothelium of the umbilical vein human (MSCs-SUVH) to assess cytogenetic analysis by the possibility of appearance of chromosomal changes in two different situations: MSCs-SUVH regarding the process of cryopreservation and MSCs-SUVH grown on the surface of titanium. Flow cytometry analysis revealed that, this cell population was positive for the markers CD29, CD73 and CD90, but there was no expression of hematopoietic lineage markers, such as CD14, CD34 and CD45 and demonstrated capacity for osteogenic differentiation. The chromosomes obtained from the primary culture of MSCs-SUVH were analyzed by GTW banding technique, and results are described as guidelines to ISCN 2005. There was not the emergence of clonal chromosomal changes in the MSCs-SUVH in different situations analyzed. However one of the strings presented a balanced paracentric inversion, probably a cytogenetic constitutional alterations, which was present before and after the experimental situations that the MSCs-SUVH was submitted


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Isolation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from umbilical cord blood (UCB) from full-term deliveries is a laborious, time-consuming process that results in a low yield of cells. In this study we identified parameters that can be helpful for a successful isolation of UCB-MSCs. According to our findings, chances for a well succeeded isolation of these cells are higher when MSCs were isolated from UCB collected from normal full-term pregnancies that did not last over 37 weeks. Besides the duration of pregnancy, blood volume and storage period of the UCB should also be considered for a successful isolation of these cells. Here, we found that the ideal blood volume collected should be above 80 mL and the period of storage should not exceed 6 h. We characterized UCB-MSCs by morphologic, immunophenotypic, protein/gene expression and by adipogenic differentiation potential. Isolated UCB-MSCs showed fibroblast-like morphology and the capacity of differentiating into adipocyte-like cells. Looking for markers of the undifferentiated status of UCB-MSCs, we analyzed the UCB-MSCs' protein expression profile along different time periods of the differentiation process into adipocyte-like cells. Our results showed that there is a decrease in the expression of the markers CD73, CD90, and CD105 that correlates to the degree of differentiation of UCB-MSCs We suggest that CD90 can be used as a mark to follow the differentiation commitment degree of MSCs. Microarray results showed an up-regulation of genes related to the adipogenesis process and to redox metabolism in the adipocyte-like differentiated MSCs. Our study provides information on a group of parameters that may help with successful isolation and consequently with characterization of the differentiated/undifferentiated status of UCB-MSCs, which will be useful to monitor the differentiation commitment of UCB-MSC and further facilitate the application of those cells in stem-cell therapy.


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Hyaluronidases (HYALs) comprise a group of enzymes that degrade hyaluronic acid (HA). In this report, we reveal that a single intranasal inoculation of HYAL induces an increase in mononuclear cells within the bronchoalveolar space demonstrating a mesenchymal-like phenotype, expressing stem cell antigen-1 (SCA-1), CD44 and CD73 but not CD34, CD45, CD3, CD4, CD8 or CD19. This influx of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)-like cells was dependent on leukotriene production within the lung parenchyma. These findings prompted experiments demonstrating that HYAL treatment potently blocked bleomycin-induced lung injury and fibrosis while decreasing transforming growth factor (TGF)-β production and collagen deposition. These data suggest that HYAL is a novel and promising tool to use autologous MSC-like cells in the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis.


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Over the past few years, in veterinary medicine there has been an increased interest in understanding the biology of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). This interest comes from their potential clinical use especially in wound repair, tissue engineering and application in therapeutics fields, including regenerative surgery. MSCs can be isolated directly from bone marrow aspirates, adipose tissue, umbilical cord and various foetal tissues. In this study, mesenchymal stem cells were isolated from equine bone marrow, adipose tissue, cord blood, Wharton’s Jelly and, for the first time, amniotic fluid. All these cell lines underwent in vitro differentiation in chondrocytes, osteocytes and adipocytes. After molecular characterization, cells resulted positive for mesenchymal markers such as CD90, CD105, CD44 and negative for CD45, CD14, CD34 and CD73. Adipose tissue and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells were successfully applied in the treatment of tendinitis in race horses. Furthermore, for the first time in the horse, skin wounds of septicemic foal, were treated applying amniotic stem cells. Finally, results never reported have been obtained in the present study, isolating mesenchymal stem cells from domestic cat foetal fluid and membranes. All cell lines underwent in vitro differentiation and expressed mesenchymal molecular markers.


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The arterial wall contains MSCs with mesengenic and angiogenic abilities. These multipotent precursors have been isolated from variously-sized human adult segments, belying the notion that vessel wall is a relatively quiescent tissue. Recently, our group identified in normal human arteries a vasculogenic niche and subsequently isolated and characterized resident MSCs (VW-MSCs) with angiogenic ability and multilineage potential. To prove that VW-MSCs are involved in normal and pathological vascular remodeling, we used a long-term organ culture system; this method was of critical importance to follow spontaneous 3-D vascular remodeling without any influence of blood cells. Next we tried to identify and localize in situ the VW-MSCs and to understand their role in the vascular remodeling in failed arterial homografts. Subsequently, we isolated this cell population and tested in vitro their multilineage differentiation potential through immunohistochemical, immunofluorescence, RT-PCR and ultrastructural analysis. From 25-30cm2 of each vascular wall homograft sample, we isolated a cell population with MSCs properties; these cells expressed MSC lineage molecules (CD90, CD44, CD105, CD29, CD73), stemness (Notch-1, Oct-4, Sca-1, Stro-1) and pericyte markers (NG2) whilst were negative for hematopoietic and endothelial markers (CD34, CD133, CD45, KDR, CD146, CD31 and vWF). MSCs derived from failed homografts (H-MSCs) exhibited adipogenic, osteogenic and chondrogenic potential but scarce propensity to angiogenic and leiomyogenic differentiation. The present study demonstrates that failed homografts contain MSCs with morphological, phenotypic and functional MSCs properties; H-MSCs are long-lived in culture, highly proliferating and endowed with prompt ability to differentiate into adipocytes, osteocytes and chondrocytes; compared with VW-MSCs from normal arteries, H-MSCs show a failure in angiogenic and leiomyogenic differentiation. A switch in MSCs plasticity could be the basis of pathological remodeling and contribute to aneurysmal failure of arterial homografts. The study of VW-MSCs in a pathological setting indicate that additional mechanisms are involved in vascular diseases; their knowledge will be useful for opening new therapeutic options in cardiovascular diseases.


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OBJECTIVE: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have a broad differentiation potential. We aimed to determine if MSCs are present in fetal membranes and placental tissue and to assess their potential to differentiate into neurogenic and mesodermal lineages. STUDY DESIGN: MSCs isolated from first and third trimester chorion and amnion and first trimester chorionic villi and characterized morphologically and by flourescence-activated cell sorting analysis. Their ability to mature under different culture conditions into various cells of mesodermal and neuroectodermal cell lines was assessed by immuno- and cytochemical staining. RESULTS: Independent of gestational age, cells isolated from fetal membranes and placenta showed typical MSC phenotype (positive for CD166, CD105, CD90, CD73, CD49e, CD44, CD29, CD13, MHC I; negative for CD14, CD34, CD45, MHC II) and were able to differentiate into mesodermal cells expressing cell markers/cytologic staining consistent with mature chondroblasts, osteoblasts, adipocytes, or myocytes and into neuronal cells presenting markers of various stages of maturation. The differentiation pattern was mainly dependent on cell type. CONCLUSION: Mesenchymal cells from chorion, amnion, and villous stroma can be differentiated into neurogenic, chondrogenic, osteogenic, adipogenic, and myogenic lineage. Placental tissue obtained during prenatal chorionic villous sampling or at delivery might be an ideal source for autologous stem cell graft for peripartum neuroregeneration and other clinical issues.


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Concanavalin A (Con A)-induced injury is an established natural killer T (NKT) cell-mediated model of inflammation that has been used in studies of immune liver disease. Extracellular nucleotides, such as adenosine triphosphate, are released by Con A-stimulated cells and bind to specific purinergic type 2 receptors to modulate immune activation responses. Levels of extracellular nucleotides are in turn closely regulated by ectonucleotidases, such as CD39/NTPDase1. Effects of extracellular nucleotides and CD39 on NKT cell activation and upon hepatic inflammation have been largely unexplored to date. Here, we show that NKT cells express both CD39 and CD73/ecto-5'-nucleotidase and can therefore generate adenosine from extracellular nucleotides, whereas natural killer cells do not express CD73. In vivo, mice null for CD39 are protected from Con A-induced liver injury and show substantively lower serum levels of interleukin-4 and interferon-gamma when compared with matched wild-type mice. Numbers of hepatic NKT cells are significantly decreased in CD39 null mice after Con A administration. Hepatic NKT cells express most P2X and P2Y receptors; exceptions include P2X3 and P2Y11. Heightened levels of apoptosis of CD39 null NKT cells in vivo and in vitro appear to be driven by unimpeded activation of the P2X7 receptor. CONCLUSION: CD39 and CD73 are novel phenotypic markers of NKT cells. Deletion of CD39 modulates nucleotide-mediated cytokine production by, and limits apoptosis of, hepatic NKT cells providing protection against Con A-induced hepatitis. This study illustrates a further role for purinergic signaling in NKT-mediated mechanisms that result in liver immune injury.


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The lack of effective therapies for end-stage lung disease validates the need for stem cell-based therapeutic approaches as alternative treatment options. In contrast with exogenous stem cell sources, the use of resident progenitor cells is advantageous considering the fact that the lung milieu is an ideal and familiar environment, thereby promoting the engraftment and differentiation of transplanted cells. Recent studies have shown the presence of multipotent 'mesenchymal stem cells' in the adult lung. The majority of these reports are, however, limited to animal models, and to date, there has been no report of a similar cell population in adult human lung parenchyma. Here, we show the identification of a population of primary human lung parenchyma (pHLP) mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) derived from intraoperative normal lung parenchyma biopsies. Surface and intracellular immunophenotyping by flow cytometry revealed that cultures do not contain alveolar type I epithelial cells or Clara cells, and are devoid of the following hematopoietic markers: CD34, CD45 and CXCR4. Cells show an expression pattern of surface antigens characteristic of MSCs, including CD73, CD166, CD105, CD90 and STRO-1. As per bone marrow MSCs, our pHLP cells have the ability to differentiate along the adipogenic, osteogenic and chondrogenic mesodermal lineages when cultured in the appropriate conditions. In addition, when placed in small airway growth media, pHLP cell cultures depict the expression of aquaporin 5 and Clara cell secretory protein, which is identified with that of alveolar type I epithelial cells and Clara cells, respectively, thereby exhibiting the capacity to potentially differentiate into airway epithelial cells. Further investigation of these resident cells may elucidate a therapeutic cell population capable of lung repair and/or regeneration.