973 resultados para CD4 T-lymphocytes
Leprosy is caused by Mycobacterium leprae, which induces chronic granulomatous infection of the skin and peripheral nerves. The disease ranges from the tuberculoid to the lepromatous forms, depending on the cellular immune response of the host. Chemokines are thought to be involved in the immunopathogenesis of leprosy, but few studies have investigated the expression of chemokine receptors on leukocytes of leprosy patients. In the present study, we evaluated 21 leprosy patients (M/F: 16/5) with a new diagnosis from the Dermatology Outpatient Clinic of the University Hospital, Federal University of Minas Gerais. The control group was composed of 20 healthy members (M/F: 15/5) of the community recruited by means of announcements. The expression of CCR2, CCR3, CCR5, and CXCR4 was investigated by flow cytometry on the surface of peripheral blood lymphocytes. There was a decrease in percentage of CD3+CXCR4+ and CD4+CXCR4+ lymphocytes in the peripheral blood of leprosy patients (median [range], 17.6 [2.7-41.9] and 65.3 [3.9-91.9], respectively) compared to the control group (median [range], 43.0 [3.7-61.3] and 77.2 [43.6-93.5], respectively). The percentage of CD4+CXCR4+ was significantly lower in patients with the tuberculoid form (median [range], 45.7 [0.0-83.1]) of the disease, but not in lepromatous patients (median [range], 81.5 [44.9-91.9]). The CXCR4 chemokine receptor may play a role in leprosy immunopathogenesis, probably directing cell migration to tissue lesions in tuberculoid leprosy patients.
Although they are considered as antigen presenting cells (APC), the role of antigen-unspecific B-lymphocytes in antigen presentation and T lymphocyte stimulation remains controversial. In this paper, we tested the capacity of normal human peripheral activated B cells to stimulate T cells using melanoma antigens or melanoma cell lysates. B lymphocytes activated through CD40 ligation and then pulsed with tumor antigens efficiently processed and presented MHC class II restricted peptides to specific CD4+ T cell clones. This suggests that CD40-activated B cells have the functional and molecular competence to present MHC class II epitopes when pulsed with exogenous antigens, thereby making them a relevant source of APC to generate T cells. To test this hypothesis, CD40-activated B cells were pulsed with a lysate prepared from melanoma cells and used to stimulate peripheral autologous T cells. Interestingly, T cells specific to melanoma antigens were generated. Further analysis of these T cell clones revealed that they recognized MHC class II restricted epitopes from tyrosinase, a known melanoma tumor antigen. The efficient antigen presentation by antigen-unspecific activated B cells was correlated with a down-regulation in the expression of HLA-DO, a B cell specific protein known to interfere with HLA-DM function. Because HLA-DM is important in MHC class II peptide loading, the observed decrease in HLA-DO may partially explain the enhanced antigen presentation following B-cell activation. Results globally suggest that when they are properly activated, antigen-unspecific B-lymphocytes can present exogenous antigens by MHC class II molecules and stimulate peripheral antigen-specific T cells. Antigen presentation by activated B cells could be exploited for immunotherapy by allowing the in vitro generation of T cells specific against antigens expressed by tumors or viruses.
Les cytokines jouent un rle fondamental dans la rgulation des processus biologiques via la cascade de signalisation JAK-STAT. Les Suppressors of Cytokine Signalling (SOCS), protines intracellulaires, inhibent la voie JAK-STAT. Plusieurs tudes supportent leur implication dans des maladies immunitaires, mais peu dinformations sont disponibles sur leur expression par les lymphocytes T humains. Nous postulons que les cytokines Interfron-(IFN-) et Interleukine-27 (IL-27), dotes dun potentiel immuno-rgulateur, ont des rles bnfiques via linduction des SOCS. Limpact de lIFN- et lIL-27 sur lexpression des SOCS-1 et SOCS-3 par des cellules T CD8 et CD4 humaines a t tudi en utilisant des cellules sanguines de donneurs sains. Lexpression de ces rgulateurs a t value aux niveaux de lARNm par qRT-PCR et protique par immunocytochimie. Les SOCS-1 et SOCS-3 ont t rapidement induits en ARNm dans les deux types cellulaires en rponse lIFN- ou lIL-27 et une augmentation de lexpression a t confirme au niveau protique. Afin de mimer les thrapies base dIFN-, les cellules T ont t exposes chroniquement lIFN-. Aprs chaque ajout de cytokine les cellules T ont augment lexpression du SOCS-1, sans moduler le SOCS-3. LIL-27 a induit les SOCS-1 et SOCS-3 prfrentiellement dans les cellules T CD8 ; ceci corrle avec des rsultats du laboratoire dmontrant une plus petite expression des rcepteurs lIL-27 par les lymphocytes T CD4 que les CD8. Notre projet a permis dlucider lexpression des SOCS dans deux populations de cellules T et de clarifier les mcanismes dactions de lIFN- et lIL-27.
Les tumeurs solides sont infiltres par des cellules immunes (TIIC) dont la nature, la fonction et la composition varient dun patient l'autre. Ces cellules inflammatoires influencent l'invasion tumorale en contrlant la croissance et le potentiel mtastatique dune tumeur. Ainsi, il est propos dutiliser cette infiltration comme outil diagnostic et pronostic de routine. Certaines cellules sont bien connues pour jouer un rle important dans le contrle de la progression tumorale, comme cest le cas des lymphocytes T cytotoxiques CD8+ alors que dautres possdent un rle contradictoire. tant donn la dpendance des tumeurs sur lquilibre entre ces diffrentes cellules, il est important didentifier les fonctions prcises des cellules immunes au sein de la tumeur. De nombreuses tudes sont ralises afin didentifier des marqueurs descriptifs du phnotype et la fonction des cellules immunes dans la tumeur. Ce projet de doctorat se divise en deux parties : 1- Identifier la mthode de dsagrgation des tissus tumoraux altrant le moins la biologie des TIIC pour leur caractrisation. 2- Caractriser lexpression de la molcule dadhrence CD146 dans les TIIC et en identifier lorigine. Lidentification de marqueurs pour la caractrisation phnotypique et fonctionnelle des TIIC a t ralise, entre autres, par la dtection de protines exprimes par la cellule. Dans la premire partie de ce projet, nous avons dmontr que les mthodes utilises pour dsagrger les tissus tumoraux dans le but disoler les TIIC induisent des changements dans la biologie de ces cellules ce qui peut fausser les conclusions qui en drivent. Nous avons donc compar l'impact de trois mthodes de dsagrgation : une dissociation mcanique utilisant la MdimachineTM et deux digestions enzymatiques utilisant une collagnase de type I seule ou combine de la collagnase de type IV et de la DNase I de type II. Nous nous sommes intresss l'effet de ces mthodes sur des paramtres tels que la viabilit cellulaire, laltration des protines de surface et la capacit des cellules prolifrer. Nous avons dmontr que ces mthodes affectent la viabilit des cellules de manire comparable, alors que la dtection de certaines protines de surface et la capacit de prolifrer est rduite/inhibe par les traitements enzymatiques. Nous concluons quune mthode mcanique utilisant la MdimachineTM est mieux adapte la caractrisation des TIIC afin de conserver leurs proprits. Dans la deuxime partie de notre projet, nous avons adapt cette mthode la caractrisation des TIIC. Nous avons port une attention particulire la molcule dadhrence CD146 dont limplication dans la migration des cellules immunes travers lendothlium vers les sites dinflammation est de plus en plus tudie dans les maladies autoimmunes. Nous avons mis en vidence une augmentation des proportions de cellules immunes exprimant CD146 dans les tumeurs comparativement au sang de patients de cancers. Cette expression est induite par les cellules tumorales tout en tant accrue par la ncrose de celles-ci. Nous dmontrons que ces cellules sont majoritairement des lymphocytes T CD4+ prsentant un profil immunosuppressif. En conclusion, nos rsultats suggrent que CD146 participe la mise en place du contexte immunitaire dans la tumeur et augmente la capacit de migration des lymphocytes T CD4+. Linduction par les cellules tumorales de cette molcule dadhrence dans les cellules suppressives pourrait contribuer aux mcanismes immunorgulateurs mis en place par la tumeur. CD146 pourrait tre un marqueur dintrt pour lidentification des cellules immunosuppressives et pour le dveloppement de nouvelles thrapies.
Gastrointestinal complications in AIDS patients with diarrhoea are common clinical manifestations, frequently diagnosed by colonoscopy as non-specific colitis. We retrospectively study colon biopsies diagnosed as chronic colitis associated with HIV (CCH). Biopsies were sorted as patients with AIDS (serum CD4 < 200 cell/mm(3)) but without any clear infectious process (n = 12) and patients without HIV infection (n = 24). There are low numbers of CD4+ T lymphocytes in lamina propria of AIDS patients, but CD8+ T populations in this area appear to be similar in all studied groups, regardless of HIV infection or laboratory evidence of a specific agent. We found the clear evidence of CD8+ T cells infiltration in colonic mucosa in HIV patients with microscopic colitis. An imbalance of lymphocyte subpopulations in the colon, both in the lamina propria and epithelium, could result in an intraepithelial CD8 infiltration, involved in the pathogenesis of CCH in AIDS patients.
We have previously demonstrated that PAS-1, a 200 kDa protein from Ascaris suum, has a potent immunomodulatory effect on humoral and cell-mediated responses induced by APAS-3 (an allergenic protein from A. suum) or unrelated antigens. In this study, we investigated the mechanisms by which PAS-1 is able to induce this effect on an allergic airway inflammation induced by OVA in mice. C57BL/6 mice were adoptively transferred on day 0 with seven different PAS-1-primed cell populations: PAS-1-primed CD19(+) or B220(+) or CD3(+) or CD4(+) or CD8(+) or CD4(+) CD25) or CD4(+) CD25(+) lymphocytes. These mice were immunized twice with OVA and alum by intraperitoneal route (days 0 and 7) and challenged twice by intranasal route (days 14 and 21). Two days after the last challenge, the airway inflammation was evaluated by antibody levels, cellular migration, eosinophil peroxidase levels, cytokine and eotaxin production, and pulmonary mechanical parameters. Among the adoptively transferred primed lymphocytes, only CD4(+) CD25(+), CD8(+) or the combination of both T cells impaired the production of total IgE and OVA-specific IgE and IgG1 antibodies, eosinophilic airway inflammation, Th2-type cytokines (IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13), eotaxin release and airway hyperreactivity. Moreover, airway recruited cells from CD4(+) CD25(+) and CD8(+) T-cell recipient secreted more IL-10/TGF-beta and IFN-gamma, respectively. Moreover, we found that PAS-1 expands significantly the number of CD4(+) CD25(+) FoxP3(+) and CD8(+) gamma delta TCR(+) cells. In conclusion, these findings demonstrate that the immunomodulatory effect of PAS-1 is mediated by these T-cell subsets.
While human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 chemokine co-receptors 5 tropism and the GWGR motif in the envelope third variable region (V3 loop) have been associated with a slower disease progression, their influence on antiretroviral response remains unclear. The impact of baseline V3 characteristics on treatment response was evaluated in a randomised, double blind, prospective cohort study with patients initiating highly active antiretroviral therapy with lopinavir or efavirenz plus azithothymidine/3TC (1:1) over 48 weeks. Similar virological and immunological responses were observed for both treatment regimens. The 43 individuals had a mean baseline CD4 T cell count of 119 cells/mm(3) [standard deviation (SD) = 99] and a mean viral load of 5.09 log(10) copies/mL (SD = 0.49). The GWGR motif was not associated with a CD4 T cell response, but predicted R5 tropism by the geno2pheno([clinical20%]) algorithm correlated with higher CD4 T cell levels at all monitoring points (p < 0.05). Moreover, higher false-positive rates (FPR) values from this analysis revealed a strong correlation with CD4 T cell recovery (p < 0.0001). Transmitted drug resistance mutations, documented in 3/41 (7.3%) cases, were unrelated to the assigned antiretroviral regimen and had no impact on patient outcomes. In conclusion, naive HIV-1 R5 infected patients exhibited higher CD4 T cell counts at baseline; this difference was sustained throughout therapy. The geno2pheno[clinical] option FPR positively correlated with CD4 T cell gain and may be useful in predicting CD4 T cell recovery.
While human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 chemokine co-receptors 5 tropism and the GWGR motif in the envelope third variable region (V3 loop) have been associated with a slower disease progression, their influence on antiretroviral response remains unclear. The impact of baseline V3 characteristics on treatment response was evaluated in a randomised, double blind, prospective cohort study with patients initiating highly active antiretroviral therapy with lopinavir or efavirenz plus azithothymidine/3TC (1:1) over 48 weeks. Similar virological and immunological responses were observed for both treatment regimens. The 43 individuals had a mean baseline CD4 T cell count of 119 cells/mm [standard deviation (SD) = 99] and a mean viral load of 5.09 log10 copies/mL (SD = 0.49). The GWGR motif was not associated with a CD4 T cell response, but predicted R5 tropism by the geno2pheno[clinical20%] algorithm correlated with higher CD4 T cell levels at all monitoring points (p < 0.05). Moreover, higher false-positive rates (FPR) values from this analysis revealed a strong correlation with CD4 T cell recovery (p < 0.0001). Transmitted drug resistance mutations, documented in 3/41 (7.3%) cases, were unrelated to the assigned antiretroviral regimen and had no impact on patient outcomes. In conclusion, nave HIV-1 R5 infected patients exhibited higher CD4 T cell counts at baseline; this difference was sustained throughout therapy. The geno2pheno[clinical] option FPR positively correlated with CD4 T cell gain and may be useful in predicting CD4 T cell recovery.
Sex hormones influence immune responses and the development of autoimmune diseases including MS and its animal model, EAE. Although it has been previously reported that ovariectomy could worsen EAE, the mechanisms implicated in the protective action of endogenous ovarian hormones have not been addressed. In this report, we now show that endogenous estrogens limit EAE development and CNS inflammation in adult female mice through estrogen receptor expression in the host non-hematopoietic tissues. We provide evidence that the enhancing effect of gonadectomy on EAE development was due to quantitative rather than qualitative changes in effector Th1 or Th17 cell recruitment into the CNS. Consistent with this observation, adoptive transfer of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-specific encephalitogenic CD4(+) T lymphocytes induced more severe EAE in ovariectomized mice as compared to normal female mice. Finally, we show that gonadectomy accelerated the early recruitment of inflammatory cells into the CNS upon adoptive transfer of encephalitogenic CD4(+) T cells. Altogether, these data show that endogenous estrogens, through estrogen receptor , exert a protective effect on EAE by limiting the recruitment of blood-derived inflammatory cells into the CNS.
A major goal of antiretroviral therapy (ART) for HIV-1-infected persons is the recovery of CD4 T lymphocytes, resulting in thorough protection against opportunistic complications. Interruptions of ART are still frequent. The long-term effect on CD4 T-cell recovery and clinical events remains unknown.
BACKGROUND: The CD4 T cell count recovery in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-infected individuals receiving potent antiretroviral therapy (ART) shows high variability. We studied the determinants and the clinical relevance of incomplete CD4 T cell restoration. METHODS: Longitudinal CD4 T cell count was analyzed in 293 participants of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study who had had a plasma HIV-1 RNA load <1000 copies/mL for > or =5 years. CD4 T cell recovery was stratified by CD4 T cell count 5 years after initiation of ART (> or =500 cells/microL was defined as a complete response, and <500 cells/microL was defined as an incomplete response). Determinants of incomplete responses and clinical events were evaluated using logistic regression and survival analyses. RESULTS: The median CD4 T cell count increased from 180 cells/microL at baseline to 576 cells/microL 5 years after ART initiation. A total of 35.8% of patients were incomplete responders, of whom 47.6% reached a CD4 T cell plateau <500 cells/microL. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention HIV-1 disease category B and/or C events occurred in 21% of incomplete responders and in 14.4% of complete responders (P>.05). Older age (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 1.71 per 10-year increase; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.21-2.43), lower baseline CD4 T cell count (aOR, 0.37 per 100-cell increase; 95% CI, 0.28-0.49), and longer duration of HIV infection (aOR, 2.39 per 10-year increase; 95% CI, 1.19-4.81) were significantly associated with a CD4 T cell count <500 cells/microL at 5 years. The median increases in CD4 T cell count after 3-6 months of ART were smaller in incomplete responders (P<.001) and predicted, in conjunction with baseline CD4 T cell count and age, incomplete response with 80% sensitivity and 72% specificity. CONCLUSION: Individuals with incomplete CD4 T cell recovery to <500 cells/microL had more advanced HIV-1 infection at baseline. CD4 T cell changes during the first 3-6 months of ART already reflect the capacity of the immune system to replenish depleted CD4 T lymphocytes.
CD4-expressing T cells in lymphoid organs are infected by the primary strains of HIV and represent one of the main sources of virus replication. Gene therapy strategies are being developed that allow the transfer of exogenous genes into CD4+ T lymphocytes whose expression might prevent viral infection or replication. Insights into the mechanisms that govern virus entry into the target cells can be exploited for this purpose. Major determinants of the tropism of infection are the CD4 molecules on the surface of the target cells and the viral envelope glycoproteins at the viral surface. The best characterized and most widely used gene transfer vectors are derived from Moloney murine leukemia virus (MuLV). To generate MuLV-based retroviral gene transfer vector particles with specificity of infection for CD4-expressing cells, we attempted to produce viral pseudotypes, consisting of MuLV capsid particles and the surface (SU) and transmembrane (TM) envelope glycoproteins gp120-SU and gp41-TM of HIV type 1 (HIV-1). Full-length HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins were expressed in the MuLV env-negative packaging cell line TELCeB6. Formation of infectious pseudotype particles was not observed. However, using a truncated variant of the transmembrane protein, lacking sequences of the carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic domain, pseudotyped retroviruses were generated. Removal of the carboxyl-terminal domain of the transmembrane envelope protein of HIV-1 was therefore absolutely required for the generation of the viral pseudotypes. The virus was shown to infect CD4-expressing cell lines, and infection was prevented by antisera specific for gp120-SU. This retroviral vector should prove useful for the study of HIV infection events mediated by HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins, and for the targeting of CD4+ cells during gene therapy of AIDS.
Oropharyngeal candidiasis is associated with defects in cell-mediated immunity, and is commonly seen in immunocompromised patients. We have previously shown that T-cell-deficient BALB/c nude (nu/nu) mice are extremely susceptible to oropharyngeal candidiasis, and that recovery from a chronic infection is dependent on CD4 T lymphocytes. In this study we describe the local tissue cytokine profile in lymphocyte-reconstituted immunodeficient mice and their euthymic counterparts. Mice were infected orally with 10(8) cells of the yeast Candida albicans , and oral tissues sampled on days 0, 4, 8, and 14. Nude mice were reconstituted with 3 x 10(7) naive lymphocytes following oral inoculation. Interleukin (IL)-6, interferon (IFN)-gamma and tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha were identified in the oral tissues of infected euthymic mice recovering from oral infection, as well as naive controls. TNF-alpha was identified in nude oral tissue on days 4 and 8, but only after lymphocyte reconstitution. No IL-2, IL-4 or IL-10 was detected in either euthymic or athymic mice at any time-point throughout the experiment. This study confirms the functional activity of T lymphocytes in reconstituted nude mice, and suggests that TNF-alpha may be an important mediator in the recovery from oropharyngeal candidiasis.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the inflammatory cell subset proportions in the upper gingival connective tissue, including mature dendritic cells (DC) in elderly and younger patients with generalized chronic periodontitis in order to further understand the effect of aging on gingival inflammatory phenomenon. Methods: Gingival tissue specimens presenting chronic periodontitis from 8 elderly patients aged >75 (test group, group T) and from 8 younger patients aged 50-60 (considered as controls, group C) were analysed by immunohistochemistry using monoclonal antibodies against CD45RB, CD4, CD8, CD19, CD68, DC-SIGN, DC-LAMP molecules. The number of each immunolabelled cells subset was counted using image analysis. Results: The difference in the number of CD45RB + leucocytes in the upper gingival connective tissue between groups was not significant permitting to use it as reference. As compared. to group C, the lymphocyte subsets/CD45RB + leucocytes ratios tended to decrease in group T but the decrease was significant only for CD4 + T lymphocytes/ CD45RB + cells ratio (p < 0.03). On the opposite, the ratios of antigen-presenting cells DC-SIGN + cells/CD45RB + cells and DC-LAMP + cells/CD45RB + cells were significantly increased;(p < 0.03 and <0.0001, respectively) in group T. Moreover, in group T the DC-LAMP + cells/DC-SIGN + cells ratio was significantly increased (p < 0.05) showing an increased number of matured dendritic cells. Conclusion: During chronic periodontitis in elderly patients, our results show a decrease in the ratio of gingival CD4 + lymphocyte subset associated with an increase in the ratios of antigen-presenting cells subsets and more particularly maturated DC-LAMP + dendritic cells. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
OBJECTIVE To analyze the clinical and laboratory characteristics of HIV-infected individuals upon admission to a reference health care center.METHODS This cross-sectional study was conducted between 1999 and 2010 on 527 individuals with confirmed serological diagnosis of HIV infection who were enrolled in an outpatient health care service in Santarm, PA, Northern Brazil. Data were collected from medical records and included the reason for HIV testing, clinical status, and count of peripheral CD4+ T lymphocytes upon enrollment. The data were divided into three groups, according to the patient’s year of admission – P1 (1999-2002), P2 (2003-2006), and P3 (2007-2010) – for comparative analysis of the variables of interest.RESULTS In the study group, 62.0% of the patients were assigned to the P3 group. The reason for undergoing HIV testing differed between genders. In the male population, most tests were conducted because of the presence of symptoms suggesting infection. Among women, tests were the result of knowledge of the partner’s seropositive status in groups P1 and P2. Higher proportion of women undergoing testing because of symptoms of HIV/AIDS infection abolished the difference between genders in the most recent period. A higher percentage of patients enrolling at a more advanced stage of the disease was observed in P3.CONCLUSIONS Despite the increased awareness of the number of HIV/AIDS cases, these patients have identified their serological status late and were admitted to health care units with active disease. The HIV/AIDS epidemic in Par presents specificities in its progression that indicate the complex characteristics of the epidemic in the Northern region of Brazil and across the country.