974 resultados para CATALYTIC AMOUNTS
A highly concentrated aqueous saline-containing solution of phenol, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 2,4-dichlorophenol (2.4-DCP) was treated by the photo-Fenton process in a system composed of an annular reactor with a quartz immersion well and a medium-pressure mercury lamp (450 W). The study was conducted under special conditions to minimize the costs of acidification and neutralization, which are usual steps in this type of process. Photochemical reactions were carried out to investigate the influence of some process variables such as the initial concentration of Fe2+ ([Fe2+](0)) from 1.0 up to 2.5 mM, the rate in mmol of H2O2 fed into the system (F-H2O2,F-in) from 3.67 up to 7.33 mmol of H2O2/min during 120 min of reaction time, and the initial pH (pH(0)) from 3.0 up to 9.0 in the presence and absence of NaCl (60.0 g/L). Although the optimum pH for the photo-Fenton process is about 3.0, this particular system performed well in experimental conditions starting at alkaline and neutral pH. The results obtained here are promising for industrial applications, particularly in view of the high concentration of chloride, a known hydroxyl radical scavenger and the main oxidant present in photo-Fenton processes. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A study of the interference of Zn2+ ions on phenol degradation by Fenton reaction (Fe2+/Fe3(+) + H2O2) is reported. One of the first intermediates formed in the reaction, catechol, can reduce Fe3+ to Fe2+ and, in the presence of H2O2 initiates an efficient catalytic redox cycle. In the initial stages of the reaction, this catechol-mediated cycle becomes the principal route of thermal degradation of phenol and its oxidation products. The Zn2+ ion addition enhances the persistence time of catechol, probably by stabilization of the corresponding semiquinone radical via complexation.
Ziel der Arbeit war die enzymatische Aktivierung von Cheliceraten-Hämocyanin zur Erforschung ihrer Phenoloxidase-Aktivität. Hierzu wurden zwei Hämocyanine in vergleichenden Untersuchungen herangezogen: Das bekannte 24-mer aus der Spinne Eurypelma californicum und das ebenfalls 24-mere Hämocyanin des Skorpions Pandinus imperator, dessen Struktur hier aufgeklärt wurde. Elektronenmikroskopisch und in der dynamischer Lichtstreuung sind sich beide Hämocyanine sehr ähnlich und sedimentieren bei analytischer Ultrazentrifugation ebenfalls in gleicher Weise (Sedimentationskoeffizient von 37 S (S20, W)). Durch Dissoziation im alkalischen Milieu gewinnt man bis zu zwölf Untereinheiten, von denen sich neun immunologisch unterscheiden lassen. Das absorptionsspektroskopische Verhalten von P. imperator- und E. californicum-Hämocyanin sowie Sekundärstrukturanalyse mittels CD-Spektroskopie ist nahezu identisch. Die Stabilität des Hämocyanins gegenüber Temperatur und Denaturierungsmitteln wurde mit Circulardichroismus- und Fluoreszenzspektroskopie sowie durch die enzymatische Aktivität untersucht. Erstmals konnten die Hämocyanine von P. imperator und E. californicum nicht nur zu einer stabilen Diphenoloxidase umgewandelt werden, sondern auch eine Monophenolhydroxylase-Aktivität induziert und reguliert werden. Für letztere Aktivität ist dabei die Präsenz von Tris- oder Hepes-Puffer wesentlich. Während sich die Monophenolhydroxylase-Aktivität nur auf Ebene der oligomeren Zustände beobachten lässt, erkennt man bei den isolierten Untereinheiten-Typen lediglich eine Diphenoloxidase-Aktivität. Bei dem Spinnen-Hämocyanin zeigen die Untereinheiten bc die stärkste katalytische Aktivität auf, bei P. imperator-Hämocyanin findet man drei bis vier Untereinheiten, die enzymatisch aktiv sind. Die Aktivierung mit SDS liefert den Hinweis, dass die Quartärstruktur in eine andere Konformation gebracht und nicht durch SDS denaturiert wird. Zugabe von Mg2+ reguliert die Phenoloxidase-Aktivität und verschiebt bei P. imperator-Hämocyanin die enzymatische Aktivität zugunsten der Diphenoloxidase. Mit keiner der zur Verfügung stehenden Methoden konnte jedoch ein Konformationsübergang eindeutig nachgewiesen werden. Die Stabilität scheint durch die niedrigen SDS-Konzentrationen nicht beeinträchtigt zu werden. Die sehr lange “Verzögerungsphase“ bei der Monophenolhydroxylase-Aktivität konnte durch Zugabe von katalytischem Diphenol drastisch verkürzt werden, was ein Hinweis auf die echte Tyrosinase-Aktivität des aktivierten Hämocyanins ist. Ein in vivo-Aktivator konnte bis jetzt noch nicht gefunden werden. Trotzdem scheinen die Hämocyanine in der Immunologie von Cheliceraten eine bedeutende Rolle zu spielen, indem sie die Rolle der Tyrosinasen / Phenoloxidasen beziehungsweise Catecholoxidasen übernehmen, die bei Cheliceraten nicht vorkommen. Weitere Möglichkeiten des Cheliceraten-Immunsystems, eindringende Fremdorganismen abzuwehren, wurden untersucht. Das Fehlen einer ´echten` Phenoloxidase-Aktivität bei den Cheliceraten, mit der Fähigkeit, sowohl mono- als auch diphenolische Substrate umzusetzen, stützt die Hypothese, dass aktiviertes Hämocyanin in vivo an die Stelle der Phenoloxidase tritt.
Von aromatischen Aldehyden abgeleitete α-Aminonitrile können ohne die Anwendung von Schutzgruppen in α-Position deprotoniert werden, wenn keine lithiumhaltigen Basen verwendet werden. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die Reaktionen deprotonierter α-Aminonitrile mit Elektrophilen zu untersuchen. Die Addition von α-Aminocarbanionen an Imine führt unter intramolekularer Eliminierung von HCN zu Endiaminen, die sich in einer Eintopfsynthese abhängig von der Aufarbeitung in 1,2-Diamine oder 1,2-Diimine umwandeln lassen. Die nach Oxidation durch Luftsauerstoff erhaltenen Diimine können mit dem Reduktionsmittel BH3·THF diastereoselektiv reduziert werden. Es hat sich hier gezeigt, dass durch Zugabe einer katalytischen Menge an NaBH4 hauptsächlich die syn-Diamine erhalten werden, der Zusatz von Phthalsäure wiederum liefert bevorzugt die anti-Produkte. In beiden Fällen wird das Produkt in quantitativer Ausbeute erhalten. So konnte also eine effektive diastereoselektive Reduktionsmethode entwickelt werden, die eine freie Wahl der syn- oder anti-Konfiguration ermöglicht. Um enantiomerenreine 1,2-Diamine zu erhalten, wurden verschiedene Methoden getestet. Sowohl auxiliargesteuerte Synthesen mit einem N-Glycosyl-Aminonitril oder mit chiralen Sulfinyliminen als auch die Reduktion durch chirale Borverbindungen (CBS-Katalysatoren, Triacyloxyborhydrid oder Diisopinocamphenylboran), Transferhydrierungen mit chiralen Difluortitanocen-, Noyori- oder Organophosphat-Katalysatoren sowie enantioselektive Hydrierungen mit chiralen Übergangsmetall-katalysatoren waren jedoch nicht erfolgreich. Die Umsetzung der 1,2-Diimine mit Chlormethylethern oder -estern liefert die entsprechenden unsymmetrischen Imidazoliumsalze. Diese konnten zu N-heterocyclischen Carbenen deprotoniert und erfolgreich als Liganden in Suzuki- und Heck-Reaktionen eingesetzt werden. Durch die 1,2-Addition α-deprotonierter Streckerprodukte und anschließende Reduktion im Eintopfverfahren konnten 1,2-Aminoalkohole in mäßigen bis guten Ausbeuten dargestellt werden. Die Umsetzung von α-Aminocarbanionen mit N-Acyliminen erlaubt zudem die Synthese tetrasubstituierter Imidazole und trisubstituierter Oxazole in drei beziehungsweise vier Stufen: Die zunächst gebildeten α-Amino-α-acylaminopropionitrile können isoliert und in Gegenwart von Base einer Retro-Strecker-Reaktion unterworfen werden. Abhängig vom Substitutionsmuster schließt sich in manchen Fällen nach der Eliminierung von HCN direkt die Cyclisierung zum Imidazol an. Nicht cyclisierte Intermediate lassen sich durch Dehydratisierung mit PCl5 zu Imidazolen umsetzen, aber auch unter sauren Bedingungen zu α-Acylaminoketonen hydrolysieren, welche wiederum durch Einwirkung von PCl5 in Oxazole überführt werden können. Auf diese Weise wurden Imidazole und Oxazole in moderaten bis hohen Gesamtausbeuten hergestellt.
Since 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid (3HAA), an oxidation product of tryptophan metabolism, is a powerful radical scavenger [Christen, S., Peterhans, E., ; Stocker, R. (1990) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 87, 2506], its reaction with peroxyl radicals was investigated further. Exposure to aqueous peroxyl radicals generated at constant rate under air from the thermolabile radical initiator 2,2'-azobis[2-amid-inopropane] hydrochloride (AAPH) resulted in rapid consumption of 3HAA with initial accumulation of its cyclic dimer, cinnabarinic acid (CA). The initial rate of formation of the phenoxazinone CA accounted for approximately 75% of the initial rate of oxidation of 3HAA, taking into account that 2 mol of 3HAA are required to form 1 mol of CA. Consumption of 3HAA under anaerobic conditions (where alkyl radicals are produced from AAPH) was considerably slower and did not result in detectable formation of CA. Addition of superoxide dismutase enhanced autoxidation of 3HAA as well as the initial rates of peroxyl radical-induced oxidation of 3HAA and formation of CA by approximately 40-50%, whereas inclusion of xanthine/xanthine oxidase decreased the rate of oxidation of 3HAA by approximately 50% and inhibited formation of CA almost completely, suggesting that superoxide anion radical (O2.-) was formed and reacted with reaction intermediate(s) to curtail formation of CA. Formation of CA was also observed when 3HAA was added to performed compound I of horseradish peroxidase (HRPO) or catalytic amounts of either HRPO, myeloperoxidase, or bovine liver catalase together with glucose/glucose oxidase.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
A series of 5-benzylidenethiazolidine-2,4-diones was synthesised by the Knoevenagel condensation of aromatic aldehydes with thiazolidine-2,4-dione in the presence of catalytic amounts of piperidine and acetic acid under microwave irradiation without solvent in good yields.
Areneselenyl or alkaneselenyl magnesium bromide reacts rapidly with diaryliodonium salt to give the corresponding diaryl or alkyl aryl selenide in the presence of catalytic amounts of Pd-(PPh3)4 in good yield.
Copper immobilized on a functionalized silica support is a good catalyst for the homocoupling of terminal alkynes. The so-called Glaser-Hay coupling reaction can be run in air with catalytic amounts of base. The copper catalyst is active for multiple substituted alkynes, in both polar and non-polar solvents, with good to excellent yields (75-95%). Depending on the alkyne, full conversion can be achieved within 3-24 h. The catalyst was characterized by TGA, inductively coupled plasma and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Leaching tests confirm that the catalyst is and remains heterogeneous. Importantly, the overall reaction requires only alkyne and oxygen (in this case, air) as reagents, making this a clean catalytic oxidative coupling reaction. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
20 and 26 S proteasomes were isolated from rat liver. The procedure developed for the 26 S proteasome resulted in greatly improved yields compared with previously published methods. A comparison of the kinetic properties of 20 and 26 S proteasomes showed significant differences in the kinetic characteristics with certain substrates and differences in the effects of a protein substrate on peptidase activity. Observed differences in the kinetics of peptidylglutamyl peptide hydrolase activity suggest that the 26 S complex cannot undergo the conformational changes of 20 S proteasomes at high concentrations of the substrate benzyloxycarbonyl (Z) -Leu-Leu-Glu-b-naphthylamide. Various inhibitors that differentially affect the trypsin-like and chymotrypsin-like activities have been identified. Ala-Ala-Phe-chloromethyl (CH2Cl) inhibits chymotrypsin-like activity assayed with succinyl (Suc) -Leu-Leu-Val-Tyr-AMC, but surprisingly not hydrolysis of Ala-Ala-Phe-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin (AMC). Tyr-Gly-Arg-CH2Cl inhibits Suc-Leu-Leu-Val-Tyr-AMC hydrolysis as well as trypsinlike activity measured with t-butoxycarbonyl (Boc) -Leu-Ser-Thr-Arg-AMC, while Z-Phe-Gly-Tyr-diazomethyl (CHN2) was found to inhibit only the two chymotrypsin- like activities. Radiolabeled forms of peptidyl chloromethane and peptidyl diazomethane inhibitors, [3H]acetyl-Ala-Ala-Phe-CH2Cl, [3H]acetyland radioiodinated Tyr-Gly-Arg-CH2Cl, and Z-Phe-Gly- Tyr-(125I-CHN2), have been used to identify catalytic components associated with each of the three peptidase activities. In each case, incorporation of the label could be blocked by prior treatment of the proteasomes with known active site-directed inhibitors, calpain inhibitor 1 or 3,4-dichloroisocoumarin. Subunits of labeled proteasomes were separated either by reverse phase-HPLC and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis or by twodimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by autoradiography/fluorography and immunoblotting with subunit-specific antibodies. In each case, label was found to be incorporated into subunits C7, MB1, and LMP7 but in different relative amounts depending on the inhibitor used, consistent with the observed effects on the different peptidase activities. The results strongly suggest a relationship between trypsin-like activity and chymotrypsin-like activity. They also help to relate the different subunits of the complex to the assayed multicatalytic endopeptidase activities
Rates of oxidation of p-xylene were measured in the temperature range 320 to 420 °C using tin vanadate as catalyst in an isothermal differential flow reactor. The amounts of p-xylene converted were determined by analyzing the main products (p-tolualdehyde, maleic anhydride, p-toluic acid and traces of terephthalic acid). Negligible amounts of products of complete combustion were formed. The reaction rates obtained for p-xylene followed the relation, Image based on the redox model. The mechanism of the reaction was determined by conducting different sets of experiments and it was found that the reaction followed the parallel-consecutive mechanism, in which p-tolualdehyde and maleic anhydride were formed from the parallel route whereas p-toluic acid was formed from the consecutive route.
The reactivity of Grignard reagents towards imines in the presence of catalytic and stoichiometric amounts of titanium alkoxides is reported.Alkylation, reduction, and coupling of imines take place. Whereas reductive coupling is the major reaction in stoichiometric reactions, alkylation is favored in catalytic reactions. Mechanistic studies clearly indicate that intermediates involved in the two reactions are different. Catalytic reactions involve a metal alkyl complex. This has been confirmed by reactions of deuterium-labeled substrates and different alkylating agents. Under the stoichiometric conditions, however, titanium olefin complexes are formed through reductive elimination, probably through a multinuclear intermediate.
Catalytic combustion of H-2 was carried out over combustion synthesized noble metal (Pd or Pt) ion-substituted CeO2 based catalysts using a feed stream that simulated exhaust gases from a fuel cell processor The catalysts showed a high activity for H-2-combustion and complete conversion was achieved below 200 C over all the catalysts when O-2 was used in a stoichiometric amount With higher amounts of O-2 the reaction rates Increased and complete conversions were possible below 100 C The reaction was also carried out over Pd-impregnated CeO2 The conversions of H-2 with stoichiometric amount of O-2 were found to be higher over Pd-substituted compound The mechanism of the reaction over noble metal-substituted compounds was proposed on the basis of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies The redox couples between Ce and metal ions were established and a dual site redox mechanism was pi posed for the reaction (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved
Peptidase N (PepN), the sole M1 family member in Escherichia coli, displays broad substrate specificity and modulates stress responses: it lowers resistance to sodium salicylate (NaSal)-induced stress but is required during nutritional downshift and high temperature (NDHT) stress. The expression of PepN does not significantly change during different growth phases in LB or NaSal-induced stress; however, PepN amounts are lower during NDHT stress. To gain mechanistic insights on the roles of catalytic activity of PepN in modulating these two stress responses, alanine mutants of PepN replacing E264 (GAMEN motif) and E298 (HEXXH motif) were generated. There are no major structural changes between purified wild type (WT) and mutant proteins, which are catalytically inactive. Importantly, growth profiles of Delta pepN upon expression of WT or mutant proteins demonstrated the importance of catalytic activity during NDHT but not NaSal-induced stress. Further fluorescamine reactivity studies demonstrated that the catalytic activity of PepN is required to generate higher intracellular amounts of free N-terminal amino acids; consequently, the lower growth of Delta pepN during NDHT stress increases with high amounts of casamino acids. Together, this study sheds insights on the expression and functional roles of the catalytic activity of PepN during adaptation to NDHT stress. (C) 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Large-scale production of hydrogen gas by water electrolysis is hindered by the sluggish kinetics of oxygen evolution reaction (OER) at the anode. The development of a highly active and stable catalyst for OER is a challenging task. Electrochemically prepared amorphous metal-based catalysts have gained wide attention after the recent discovery of a cnbalt-phosphate (Co-Pi) catalyst: Herein, an amorphous iridium-phosphate (Ir-Pi) is investigated as an oxygen evolution catalyst. The catalyst is prepared by the anodic polarization of carbon paper electrodes in neutral phosphate buffer solutions containing IrCl3. The Ir-Pi film deposited on the substrate has significant amounts of phosphate and It centers in an oxidation state higher than +4. Phosphate plays a significant role in the deposition of the catalyst and also in its activity toward OER. The onset potential of OER on the Ir-Pi is about 150 mV lower in comparison with the Co-Pi under identical experimental conditions. Thus, Ir-Pi is a promising catalyst for electrochemical oxidation of water.
Comunicación (Poster) en panel del congreso: Designing New Heterogeneous Catalysts, Faraday Discussion, 4–6 April 2016. London, United Kingdom.