219 resultados para CAMPYLOBACTER-JEJUNI
Transposon mutagenesis has been applied to a hyper-invasive clinical isolate of Campylobacter jejuni, 01/51. A random transposon mutant library was screened in an in vitro assay of invasion and 26 mutants with a significant reduction in invasion were identified. Given that the invasion potential of C. jejuni is relatively poor compared to other enteric pathogens, the use of a hyper-invasive strain was advantageous as it greatly facilitated the identification of mutants with reduced invasion. The location of the transposon insertion in 23 of these mutants has been determined; all but three of the insertions are in genes also present in the genome-sequenced strain NCTC 11168. Eight of the mutants contain transposon insertions in one region of the genome (approximately 14 kb), which when compared with the genome of NCTC 11168 overlaps with one of the previously reported plasticity regions and is likely to be involved in genomic variation between strains. Further characterization of one of the mutants within this region has identified a gene that might be involved in adhesion to host cells.
Campylobacter jejuni is one of the most common causes of acute enteritis in the developed world. The consumption of contaminated poultry, where C. jejuni is believed to be a commensal organism, is a major risk factor. However, the dynamics of this colonization process in commercially reared chickens is still poorly understood. Quantification of these dynamics of infection at an individual level is vital to understand transmission within populations and formulate new control strategies. There are multiple potential routes of introduction of C. jejuni into a commercial flock. Introduction is followed by a rapid increase in environmental levels of C. jejuni and the level of colonization of individual broilers. Recent experimental and epidemiological evidence suggest that the celerity of this process could be masking a complex pattern of colonization and extinction of bacterial strains within individual hosts. Despite the rapidity of colonization, experimental transmission studies exhibit a highly variable and unexplained delay time in the initial stages of the process. We review past models of transmission of C. jejuni in broilers and consider simple modifications, motivated by the plausible biological mechanisms of clearance and latency, which could account for this delay. We show how simple mathematical models can be used to guide the focus of experimental studies by providing testable predictions based on our hypotheses. We conclude by suggesting that competition experiments could be used to further understand the dynamics and mechanisms underlying the colonization process. The population models for such competition processes have been extensively studied in other ecological and evolutionary contexts. However, C. jejuni can potentially adapt phenotypically through phase variation in gene expression, leading to unification of ecological and evolutionary time-scales. For a theoretician, the colonization dynamics of C. jejuni offer an experimental system to explore these 'phylodynamics', the synthesis of population dynamics and evolutionary biology.
Campylobacter jejuni is the most common bacterial cause of foodborne disease in the developed world. Its general physiology and biochemistry, as well as the mechanisms enabling it to colonize and cause disease in various hosts, are not well understood, and new approaches are required to understand its basic biology. High-throughput sequencing technologies provide unprecedented opportunities for functional genomic research. Recent studies have shown that direct Illumina sequencing of cDNA (RNA-seq) is a useful technique for the quantitative and qualitative examination of transcriptomes. In this study we report RNA-seq analyses of the transcriptomes of C. jejuni (NCTC11168) and its rpoN mutant. This has allowed the identification of hitherto unknown transcriptional units, and further defines the regulon that is dependent on rpoN for expression. The analysis of the NCTC11168 transcriptome was supplemented by additional proteomic analysis using liquid chromatography-MS. The transcriptomic and proteomic datasets represent an important resource for the Campylobacter research community. © 2011 SGM.
El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la contaminación de carne de pollo con Campylobacter jejuni en una planta procesadora avícola y dos expendios comerciales abastecidos por dicha planta. Diferentes puntos criticas de control fueron identificados y muestreados. Se utilizó el método de cultivo convencional (MCC) con el cual se determinaron 25 (6.5%) muestras positivas y 360 (93.5%) muestras negativas. La determinación de la contaminación de la carne de pollo con C. jejuni se realizo en puntos críticos de control, estos fueron: 1 O muestras en la fase antes de sacrificio, 8 muestras en la fase de post-eviscerado, 1 muestra en el tanque de refrigeración, 3 muestras en la fase de empaque en la planta procesadora y 3 muestras en la fase de empaque de dos expendios comerciales. En las fases antes de sacrificio y post-eviscerado se determinó, mediante rayado común en cultivo bacteriológico, una concentración bacterial de muy alta a alta en 13 de un total de 18 muestras. En la fase de empaque de matadero, expendio comercial 1 y expendio comercial 2 se determinaron 6 muestras con concentración bacteria! muy alta a alta. Las muestras contaminadas se diagnosticaron durante las cuatro semanas que duró el estudio, y solamente en una semana la contaminación fue mayor con 11 muestras contaminadas. Aunque el grado de contaminación en el punto de compra para el consumidor es bajo, no se descarta la probabilidad de que pueda producir algún problema de salud pública.
Se estandarizó una prueba de reacción en cadena de polimerasa (PCR) para la detección de Campylobacter jejuni en carne de pollo. El método de cultivo convencional (MCC) se utilizó como método de referencia para la detección de la bacteria. De un total de 385 muestras analizadas, el PCR detectó 45 ( 11.7 %) muestras positivas, mientras que el MCC detectó 25 (6.5%) muestras positivas. Comparado con el MCC, el PCR mostró una sensibilidad de 100 %, una especificidad de 94.4 %, valor predictivo positivo de 55.5 % y valor predictivo negativo de 100 %. El PCR mostró una concordancia diagnóstica de 0.68 comparado con el MCC. Con la técnica de PCR se obtuvieron resultados con mayor rapidez, se redujo el costo y el tiempo de procesamiento de una muestra, finalmente la especificidad de la prueba evita el riesgo de dar falsos positivos.
Campylobacter jejuni is a leading cause of human diarrheal illness in the world, and research on it has benefitted greatly by the completion of several genome sequences and the development of molecular biology tools. However, many hurdles remain for a full understanding of this unique bacterial pathogen. One of the most commonly used strains for genetic work with C. jejuni is NCTC11168. While this strain is readily transformable with DNA for genomic recombination, transformation with plasmids is problematic. In this study, we have identified a determinant of this to be cj1051c, predicted to encode a restriction-modification type IIG enzyme. Knockout mutagenesis of this gene resulted in a strain with a 1,000-fold-enhanced transformation efficiency with a plasmid purified from a C. jejuni host. Additionally, this mutation conferred the ability to be transformed by plasmids isolated from an Escherichia coli host. Sequence analysis suggested a high level of variability of the specificity domain between strains and that this gene may be subject to phase variation. We provide evidence that cj1051c is active in NCTC11168 and behaves as expected for a type IIG enzyme. The identification of this determinant provides a greater understanding of the molecular biology of C. jejuni as well as a tool for plasmid work with strain NCTC11168. © 2012, American Society for Microbiology.
The intensity and kinetics of the serum polymeric and monomeric immunoglobulin A1 (IgA1) and IgA2 antibody responses to Campylobacter jejuni were analyzed. A rapid and marked serum IgA antibody response involving both the monomeric and polymeric components of IgA was observed after C. jejuni infections. IgA antibodies reached a peak of activity in serum during week 2 after the first symptoms of enteritis, about 10 days before the peak of IgG activity. Polymeric IgA accounted for most of the anti-C. jejuni activity at the peak of the IgA response (median, 90%; range, 44 to 98%) but rapidly disappeared from serum over a few weeks. In contrast, the serum monomeric IgA antibody response was low and was maintained over a prolonged period of time. Anti-C. jejuni IgA detected in the serum of healthy blood donors was mainly monomeric (median, 83%; range, 17 to 94%). In both the patients and the positive controls, IgA1 was the predominant (greater than 85%) subclass involved, even when the IgA antibody response was mainly polymeric. Our results suggest that polymeric IgA antibody responses are linked to a strong or persisting antigenic stimulation or both. Polymeric IgA antibodies appear to be a potential marker of acute C. jejuni infections, and their determination could provide a useful tool for the serological diagnosis of recent C. jejuni infections.
We describe in this report the characterization of the recently discovered N-linked glycosylation locus of the human bacterial pathogen Campylobacter jejuni, the first such system found in a species from the domain Bacteria. We exploited the ability of this locus to function in Escherichia coli to demonstrate through mutational and structural analyses that variant glycan structures can be transferred onto protein indicating the relaxed specificity of the putative oligosaccharyltransferase PglB. Structural data derived from these variant glycans allowed us to infer the role of five individual glycosyltransferases in the biosynthesis of the N-linked heptasaccharide. Furthermore, we show that C. jejuni- and E. coli-derived pathways can interact in the biosynthesis of N-linked glycoproteins. In particular, the E. coli encoded WecA protein, a UDP-GlcNAc: undecaprenylphosphate GlcNAc-1-phosphate transferase involved in glycolipid biosynthesis, provides for an alternative N-linked heptasaccharide biosynthetic pathway bypassing the requirement for the C. jejuni-derived glycosyltransferase PglC. This is the first experimental evidence that biosynthesis of the N-linked glycan occurs on a lipid-linked precursor prior to transfer onto protein. These findings provide a framework for understanding the process of N-linked protein glycosylation in Bacteria and for devising strategies to exploit this system for glycoengineering.
Campylobacter jejuni (C. jejuni) is one of the leading causes of bacterial food-borne disease worldwide. The presence of Campylobacter in chicken feces poses a high risk for contamination of chicken meat and for Campylobacter infections in human. Detection of this bacterium in chicken fecal specimens before slaughter is therefore vital to prevent disease transmission. By combining two techniques – immunomagnetic separation (IMS) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR), this study developed a reliable and specific method for rapid detection of C. jejuni in chicken fecal samples. The specificity of the assay was assured by two selection steps: 1) Dynabeads®M-270 Amine microbeads (2.8 µm in diameter) coated with C. jejuni monoclonal antibodies were used as the primary selection to isolate bacteria from fecal samples. 2) A PCR assay amplifying the Hippuricase gene was performed as the specific selection to accurately confirm the presence of C. jejuni. Without pre-enrichment, this method was able to detect approximately 10 CFU of C. jejuni in 1 µl of spiked feces within 3 h.
The Campylobacter jejuni capsular polysaccharide is important for virulence and often contains a modified heptose. In strain ATCC 700819 (a.k.a. NCTC 11168), the modified heptose branches off from the capsular backbone and is directly exposed to the environment. We reported previously that the enzymes encoded by wcaG, mlghB and mlghC are involved in heptose modification. Here, we show that inactivation of any of these genes leads to production of capsule lacking modified heptose and alters the transcription of other capsule modification genes differentially. Inactivation of mlghB or mlghC, but not of wcaG, decreased susceptibility to bile salts and abrogated invasion of intestinal cells. All mutants showed increased sensitivity to serum killing, especially wcaG::cat, and had defects in colonization and persistence in chicken intestine, but did not show significant differences in adhesion, phagocytosis and intracellular survival in murine macrophages. Together, our findings suggest that the capsular heptose modification pathway contributes to bacterial resistance against gastrointestinal host defenses and supports bacterial persistence via its role in serum resistance and invasion of intestinal cells. Our data further suggest a dynamic regulation of expression of this pathway in the gastrointestinal tract.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Acentuación en Microbiología) UANL, 2010.
Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias con Acentuación en Microbiología) UANL, 2011.
Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias con especialidad en Microbiología) UANL, 2014.
Chez les bactéries à chromosome circulaire, la réplication peut engendrer des dimères que le système de recombinaison site-spécifique dif/Xer résout en monomères afin que la ségrégation des chromosomes fils et la division cellulaire se fassent normalement. Ses composants sont une ou deux tyrosines recombinases de type Xer qui agissent à un site de recombinaison spécifique, dif, avec l’aide de la translocase FtsK qui mobilise l’ADN au septum avant la recombinaison. Ce système a été d’abord identifié et largement caractérisé chez Escherichia coli mais il a également été caractérisé chez de nombreuses bactéries à Gram négatif et positif avec des variantes telles que les systèmes à une seule recombinase comme difSL/XerS chez Streptococcus sp et Lactococcus sp. Des études bio-informatiques ont suggéré l’existence d’autres systèmes à une seule recombinase chez un sous-groupe d’ε-protéobactéries pathogènes, dont Campylobacter jejuni et Helicobacter pylori. Les acteurs de ce nouveau système sont XerH et difH. Dans ce mémoire, les premières recherches in vitro sur ce système sont présentées. La caractérisation de la recombinase XerH de C. jejuni a été entamée à l’aide du séquençage de son gène et de tests de liaison et de clivage de l’ADN. Ces études ont montré que XerH pouvait se lier au site difSL de S. suis de manière non-coopérative : que XerH peut se lier à des demi-sites de difSL mais qu’elle ne pouvait, dans les conditions de l’étude effectuer de clivage sur difSL. Des recherches in silico ont aussi permis de faire des prédictions sur FtsK de C. jejuni.