999 resultados para C-glycoside


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Fractionation of the methanol extract of the leaves of Oricia renieri and Oricia suaveolens (Rutaceae) led to the isolation of 13 compounds including the hitherto unknown furoquinoline alkaloid named 6,7-methylenedioxy-5-hydroxy-8-methoxydictamnine (1) and a flavanone glycoside named 5-hydroxy-40-methoxy-7-O-[a-Lrhamnopyranosyl(1000→500)-b-D-apiofuranosyl]-flavanoside (2), together with 11 known compounds (3–13). The structures of the compounds were determined by comprehensive analyses of their 1D and 2D NMR, mass spectral data and comparison. All compounds isolated were examined for their activity against human carcinoma cell lines. The alkaloids 1, 5, 12, 13 and the phenolic 2, 8, 11 tested compounds exhibited non-selective moderate cytotoxic activity with IC50 8.7–15.9mM whereas compounds 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 and 10 showed low activity.


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Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characterized by airway inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR). One strategy to treat allergic diseases is the development of new drugs. Flavonoids are compounds derived from plants and are known to have antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. To investigate whether the flavonoid kaempferol glycoside 3-O-[beta-D-glycopiranosil-(1 -> 6)-alpha-L-ramnopiranosil]-7-O-alpha-L-ramnopiranosil-kaempferol (GRRK) would be capable of modulating allergic airway disease (AAD) either as a preventive (GRRK P) or curative (GRRK C) treatment in an experimental model of asthma. At weekly intervals, BALB/c mice were subcutaneously (sc) sensitized twice with ovalbumin (OVA)/alum and challenged twice with OVA administered intranasally. To evaluate any preventive effects GRRK was administered 1 h (hour) before each OVA-sensitization and challenge, while to analyze the curative effects mice were first sensitized with OVA, followed by GRRK given at day 18 through 21. The onset: of AAD was evaluated 24 h after the last OVA challenge. Both treatments resulted in a dose-dependent reduction in total leukocyte and eosinophil counts in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL). GRRK also decreased CD4(+), B220(+), MHC class II and CD40 molecule expressions in BAL cells. Histology and lung mechanic showed that GRRK suppressed mucus production and ameliorated the AHR induced by OVA challenge. Furthermore, GRRK impaired Th2 cytokine production (IL-5 and IL-13) and did not induce a Th1 pattern of inflammation. These findings demonstrate that GRRK treatment before or after established allergic lung disease down-regulates key asthmatic features. Therefore. GRRK has a potential clinical use for the treatment of allergic asthma. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Two C,O-diglycosylated compounds, the anthrone picramnioside F, and the oxanthrone mayoside C, were isolated from the stem bark of Picramnia teapensis, along with the previously reported anthraquinones, 1-O-beta -D- and 8-O-beta -D-glucopyranosyl emodin. The compounds were separated by recycling-HPLC, and their structures were determined on the basis of spectroscopic analysis. CD measurements were used to establish the absolute configuration of the anthrone and oxanthrone. The antifungal activity of 1-O-beta -D- and 8-O--D-glucopyranosyl emodin against Leucoagaricus gongilophorus was shown to be similar to that of the lignan sesamin. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The first isocoumarin isolated from the methylene chloride extract of Paepalanthus bromelioides, named paepalantine (isocoumarin 1), was found to have antimicrobial activity; but, it is mutagenic clastogenic and cytotoxic. Two other isocoumarins, paepalantine-9-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside (isocoumarin 2) and paepalantine-9-O-beta-D-allopyranosyl(1-->6) glucopyranoside (isocoumarin 3) were isolated from the ethanolic extract. A fourth new isocoumarin, also isolated from the methylene chloride extract of the capitula of P. bromelioides, was characterized as an 8-8' dimer of paepalantine and denominated isocoumarin 4. The abilities of isocoumarins 2, 3 and 4 to induce mutations in Salmonella typhimurium strains TA97a, TA98, TA100 and TA102 were investigated. Mutagenic activity was observed in strain TA97a treated with isocoumarin 2 in the presence of S9 mixture. The substitution of H at position 9 by glucose or glucose-allose caused reductions in the mutagenic activities of paepalantine, indicating this to be an important site for these properties. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A new antifungal phenolic glycoside, 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl-1-O-β-D- (5-O-syringoyl)-apiofuranosyl-(1→6)-β-D-glucopyranoside (1), together with four known iridoids, geniposidic acid (2), geniposide (3), 6α-hydroxygeniposide (4) and 6β-hydroxygeniposide (5); two lignans, (+)-lyoniresinol-3α-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (6), (-)-lyoniresinol- 3α-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (7); and two phenolic acids, chlorogenic (8) and salicylic acids (9) and D-manitol (10), were isolated from the ethanolic extract of the stems of Alibertia sessilis. Structures of 1 and of the known compounds were determined by spectroscopic analysis. All compounds isolated were evaluated for their antifungal activities against two phytopathogenic fungi strains Cladosporium cladosporioides and C. sphaerospermum by direct bioautography. ©2007 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.


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Termites can degrade up to 90% of the lignocellulose they ingest using a repertoire of endogenous and symbiotic degrading enzymes. Termites have been shown to secrete two main glycoside hydrolases, which are GH1 (EC and GH9 (EC members. However, the molecular mechanism for lignocellulose degradation by these enzymes remains poorly understood. The present study was conducted to understand the synergistic relationship between GH9 (CgEG1) and GH1 (CgBG1) from Coptotermes gestroi, which is considered the major urban pest of São Paulo State in Brazil. The goal of this work was to decipher the mode of operation of CgEG1 and CgBG1 through a comprehensive biochemical analysis and molecular docking studies. There was outstanding degree of synergy in degrading glucose polymers for the production of glucose as a result of the endo-β-1,4-glucosidase and exo-β-1,4-glucosidase degradation capability of CgEG1 in concert with the high catalytic performance of CgBG1, which rapidly converts the oligomers into glucose. Our data not only provide an increased comprehension regarding the synergistic mechanism of these two enzymes for cellulose saccharification but also give insight about the role of these two enzymes in termite biology, which can provide the foundation for the development of a number of important applied research topics, such as the control of termites as pests as well as the development of technologies for lignocellulose-to-bioproduct applications. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Die chemische Synthese definierter Glycopeptidstrukturen bildet die Basis einiger vielversprechender Ansätze zur Therapie verschiedener Krankheiten. Die Entwicklung hochaffiner Selektininhibitoren könnte der Behandlung chronischer Entzündungen und zur Unterdrückung der Metastasierung von Tumoren dienen. Vollsynthetische Vakzine auf Basis glycosylierter MUC1-Partialstrukturen sollen das Immunsystem zur Bekämpfung von krankem Gewebe anregen und so perspektivisch eine Impfung gegen Krebs ermöglichen. Da die natürlich vorkommenden O-Glycoside in vivo eine begrenzte Stabilität besitzen, wurde eine Methode entwickelt, welche die modulare Herstellung von stabilen rnC-Glycosylaminosäuren als Mimetika der natürlichen Serin-, Threonin- und Tyrosin-Glycoside ermöglicht. Dazu wurden passend geschützte Kohlenhydrat-Lactone synthetisiert, die in einer mikrowellengestützten Petasis-Olefinierung unter Durchflussbedingungen in die entsprechenden exo-Glycale überführt wurden. Die Reaktionszeit konnte durch diese spezielle Reaktionsführung auf weniger als drei Minuten verringert werden, während konventionell mehrere Stunden benötigt werden. Die C-glycosidische Verknüpfung mit den entsprechenden Aminosäurebausteinen gelang durch eine Hydroborierungs-Suzuki-Kupplungs-Kaskade. Nach umfangreicher Optimierung der Reaktionsparameter ließ sich neben mehreren Monosacchariden auch ein exo-Glycal der Lactose erfolgreich in der Kupplung einsetzen. Nach verschiedenen Schutzgruppenmanipulationen wurden einige der synthetisierten Bausteine zur Synthese C-glycosylierter Partialstrukturen des Mucins MUC1 an der festen Phase herangezogen. In ELISA-Experimenten wurden die C-Glycosylpeptide von an Brustkrebsgewebe bindenden Antikörpern erkannt, die durch Vakzinierung mit ähnlichen Strukturen erhalten worden waren. Zur Synthese zweier Bausteine potenzieller Selektin-Inhibitoren wurde ein Mimetikum des in natürlichen Liganden vorkommenden Tetrasaccharides Sialyl-Lewisx synthetisiert. Bei diesem wurde die terminale Sialinsäure durch (S)-Cyclohexylmilchsäure ersetzt. Die bei der gewählten Syntheseroute notwendige regioselektive Öffnung eines Benzylidenacetals wurde in einem Mikroreaktor durchgeführt, wodurch eine einfache Reaktionsoptimierung mit geringen Substanzmengen möglich war. Die Reaktionszeit liegt mit unter 4 Minuten deutlich unter den üblichen Werten von einer bis mehreren Stunden. In einer Block-Glycosylierung konnte das Pseudotetrasaccharid sowohl an einen C-Lactosyl-Tyrosin-, als auch an einen C-Lactosyl-Serin-Akzeptor angefügt und somit die Synthese der Zielverbindungen abgeschlossen werden. Diese Bausteine können in Zukunft als Bestandteile synthetischer Glycopeptide zum Einsatz kommen, welche Mimetika der natürlichen Selektin-Liganden darstellen sollen.rn


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A novel multispecific organic anion transporting polypeptide (oatp2) has been isolated from rat brain. The cloned cDNA contains 3,640 bp. The coding region extends over 1,983 nucleotides, thus encoding a polypeptide of 661 amino acids. Oatp2 is homologous to other members of the oatp gene family of membrane transporters with 12 predicted transmembrane domains, five potential glycosylation, and six potential protein kinase C phosphorylation sites. In functional expression studies in Xenopus laevis oocytes, oatp2 mediated uptake of the bile acids taurocholate (Km ≈ 35 μM) and cholate (Km ≈ 46 μM), the estrogen conjugates 17β-estradiol-glucuronide (Km ≈ 3 μM) and estrone-3-sulfate (Km ≈ 11 μM), and the cardiac gylcosides ouabain (Km ≈ 470 μM) and digoxin (Km ≈ 0.24 μM). Although most of the tested compounds are common substrates of several oatp-related transporters, high-affinity uptake of digoxin is a unique feature of the newly cloned oatp2. On the basis of Northern blot analysis under high-stringency conditions, oatp2 is highly expressed in brain, liver, and kidney but not in heart, spleen, lung, skeletal muscle, and testes. These results provide further support for the overall significance of oatps as a new family of multispecific organic anion transporters. They indicate that oatp2 may play an especially important role in the brain accumulation and toxicity of digoxin and in the hepatobiliary and renal excretion of cardiac glycosides from the body.


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A cyanogenic glycoside -6'-O-galloylsambunigrin - has been isolated from the foliage of the Australian tropical rainforest tree species Elaeocarpus sericopetalus F. Muell. (Elaeocarpaceae). This is the first formal characterisation of a cyanogenic constituent in the Elaeocarpaceae family, and only the second in the order Malvales. 6'-O-galloylsambunigrin was identified as the principal glycoside, accounting for 91% of total cyanogen in a leaf methanol extract. Preliminary analyses indicated that the remaining cyanogen content may comprise small quantities of sambunigrin, as well as di- and tri-gallates of sambunigrin. E. sericopetalus was found to have foliar concentrations of cyanogenic glycosides among the highest reported for tree leaves, up to 5.2 mg CN g(-1) dry wt. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.